Description of the business processes of the personnel department. Formation of requirements for system design. General HRM scheme

Is the process of identifying the organization's need for personnel to achieve its strategic goals and objectives and developing an action plan to meet this need.

Personnel planning should be an integral part of the overall business planning system of the organization, that is, interpret the strategic plans of the organization in terms of the requirements for its personnel. Planning will only be effective when it follows from the HR strategy and HR policy of the organization.

The planning of the organization's personnel has the task of determining the methods and total costs of filling jobs at the right time and in the required number and answers the question: "How many employees, what qualifications, when and where will be needed to achieve the strategic goals and objectives of the organization?"

Human resource planning also addresses the broader issues of how people are recruited and developed to improve the performance of an organization. Hence, it can play an important role in strategic human resource management. Human resource planning should form an integral part of business planning. Strategic planning should decide what changes are anticipated in the scale and types of activities carried out by the organization. It should also identify the core competencies that the company needs to achieve its goals, and hence the specific skill requirements. But planning is always approximate, and this can limit the ability to develop integrated HR plans that are linked to business plans. Human Resource Planning interprets strategic business plans in terms of people requirements. But it can also influence business strategy by drawing attention to how to develop and deploy workers more effectively to achieve the goals of the business as a whole, and it can also indicate problems that may need to be addressed in order to ensure the availability of the necessary employees and their utility.

Human resource planning is “a decision-making process that combines three important activities: (1) identifying and attracting the right number of people with the right skills, (2) stimulating their development to achieve high performance and (3) creating mutual connections between business strategy and personnel policy "(Queen Mills).

Quantitative need for human resources involves determining the number of employees (including in accordance with their age and gender), which are necessary to complete the assigned tasks.

Qualitative need for human resources takes into account the need for categories, specialties, professions and the level of qualifications of workers and involves the definition of requirements for specific jobs.

Can distinguish"Hard" and "soft" planning of human resources ... The first relies on quantitative analysis to provide the right number of the right people when you need it. The second emphasizes the creation and design of such an ideology of the organization, which would lead to a clear integration between corporate goals and values, beliefs and actions of employees. But the soft option becomes, in essence, identical to the subject of human resource management as a whole.

Staff requirements data will be incomplete if the time and duration of staff requirements are not determined. The need for personnel is always set at a specific time or by a specific date. The time range of planning depends, first of all, on the specifics of the goal, task, type of activity and the level of qualifications of employees, the need for which should be planned. For example, planning should take into account the time required for hiring workers, their professional adaptation (including vocational training) until the full development of the workplace (position, profession).

Depending on the time range, the following types of planning are distinguished:

    short-term (for a period of up to one year);

    medium-term (for a period from one to five years);

    long-term (for a period of more than five years).

As the practice of modern Russian commercial organizations shows, the usual personnel planning horizon is a calendar year or working season (for types of work with high seasonality, for example, tourist resort services).

In addition, one should take into account the fact that with an increase in the time range, the uncertainty in planning also increases, as a result of which its accuracy may decrease. So, long-term planning of personnel will contain rather approximate data, and with a decrease in the time range, it is possible to draw up more detailed plans. Thus, mid-term and long-term planning poses the problem of adjusting plans. The plan doesn't have to be static. From time to time (for example, every six months, a year), it must be adjusted in accordance with the changing situation.

The determination of the time ranges for personnel planning is carried out taking into account the specifics of the activity and the conditions of a particular organization. If planning affects different time ranges at different levels of planning in the organization, then the problem of temporal coordination of plans arises, which means orientation of short-term planning towards the goals of medium- and long-term planning, or, conversely, the transfer of long-term planning goals to short-term.

This coordination of plans is necessary due to the high degree of integration of personnel planning into the planning system of the entire organization.

The human resource planning process includes the following steps:

    Development of requirements for workplaces.

    Labor market research (external and internal).

    Analysis of staff turnover.

    Determination (calculation) of personnel requirements.

    Determination of costs associated with meeting the need for staff.

    Determination of ways to cover the need for personnel.

    Development of action plans to meet the need for personnel.

Stage 1. Development of requirements for workplaces (determining the qualitative need for personnel) involves the formation of a system of requirements (quality parameters) that the organization imposes on employees holding certain job positions (jobs).

Job requirements are determined by the nature of work in a particular position. In turn, the nature of work determines the requirements that apply to the workplace. Workplace requirements development should reflect the state of both the present and future requirements forecast. When developing requirements for a workplace, one should take into account the specifics of the work process at a particular workplace and its relationship with other job positions and elements of the organization's structure.

In addition, when developing requirements for a workplace, it is important to determine, using a qualitative analysis of personnel, the necessary qualifications of an employee, expressed through the qualitative parameters of requirements for personnel. So, based on the analysis of the system of requirements for workplaces and the actual qualifications of personnel, an action plan for its development is being developed.

Traditionally, the requirements for personnel (workplace) include the following basic parameters:

    knowledge (level of education, specialty, qualifications, additional professional training);

    professional experience (practical skills in a specific area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity, work experience in specific positions);

    ability (intellectual abilities, learning ability, special abilities necessary for a certain area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity, for example, the ability to withstand stress, communication skills, etc.);

    motivational attitudes (striving for career growth, self-development, advanced training, stable work, sphere of professional interests, etc.);

    special requirements related to the specifics of work (irregular working hours, night work, business trips, frequent trips, etc.).

Additionally, the requirements for personnel may indicate:

    physical characteristics (health status, stamina, appearance, etc.);

    personal characteristics (temperament, character traits, etc.).

Requirements for specific jobs (job positions) can be formulated in the form of the following documents:

job description - main sections: general provisions (basic qualification requirements, the procedure for appointment and dismissal from the post, the procedure for replacement during absence, subordination), functions, duties, rights, responsibility, relationships and connections by position, job evaluation;

job descriptions (positions ) - includes a description of the activities of an employee performing functions within a specific position; the position of the position in the organizational structure and specific requirements for the work performed. The main sections are: subordination relations (definition of subordination and the procedure for interaction with other officials and structural divisions of the organization), task structure (description of tasks and powers to give instructions and make decisions), structure of work performed (in addition to the list of work performed, it includes requirements for productivity and standards of works);

workplace models - developed in 1989 by A.P. Egorshin. Includes 15 elements that represent the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the workplace: personnel data, employee experience, professional knowledge, professional skills, personality traits, personality psychology, health and performance, qualifications, career, hobbies (hobbies), bad habits and shortcomings , labor organization, wages, social benefits, social guarantees;

job requirements profile - is developed on the basis of the description of the workplace (position), contains indicators of the severity of all types of requirements for a specific workplace (position). As a rule, they are performed in graphical or tabular form. It involves comparing the profile of requirements for the position (the profile of the “ideal” employee) with the profile of the abilities of a particular employee to determine whether it matches his workplace (position);

professiograms - reflects the personal characteristics necessary to work in a certain position (workplace);

competency maps - includes a list of professional (what the employee must be able to do to achieve the required work results) and behavioral (personal characteristics and behavioral patterns necessary for the successful manifestation of interpersonal skills, leadership, communication skills, teamwork, analytical skills, etc. ) the competencies necessary to work in a certain position (workplace).

It should be noted that there is no consensus regarding the forms of describing the requirements for a workplace (position). In each specific case, the form should take into account the specific conditions and specific requirements of the organization or its structural units.

The development of requirements for jobs (positions) is associated with significant costs, so the question arises: "Under what conditions can we expect that this work will allow you to get an economic effect in the future?" According to experts, the use of job descriptions begins to justify itself when the number of employees in an organization exceeds 100-150 people.

A well-written description of workplace requirements is used:

to inform an employee holding a certain position about his production tasks, functions, job duties; available rights to make decisions, receive information and account; responsibility for poor performance of duties;

in the process of personnel selection (when drafting the text of a vacancy announcement, conducting an assessment interview, choosing a method for assessing professional suitability);

as a basis for determining the size of wages (salary);

when developing assessment criteria in the process of assessing and attesting personnel;

when determining the need for training and developing programs for personnel development.

Regulatory documents:

    All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades (OKPDTR)

    All-Russian Classifier of Occupations (OKZ)

    Unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers (ETKS)

    Tariff and qualification characteristics for general industry positions of employees

    Tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide occupations of workers

Stage 2. Research of labor markets is a key step in the process of determining the organization's staffing needs. It involves the study of the entire spectrum of labor resources intended for attracting, which is represented by external (local, regional, federal) and internal (collective of employees of the organization) labor markets.

As part of the study of the internal labor market, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the labor resources available in the organization is carried out. Analyzes the actual data on the existing staff of the organization, recorded in its staffing table; personnel credentials stored in the personal files of employees and the databases of the personnel management service; information on the results of personnel training; the results of the last certification, etc. To obtain more detailed and operational information, it is possible to use specially designed questionnaires and conduct employee surveys.

Collected and analyzed, first of all, information about:

- permanent staff (full name, place of residence, age, date of employment, appointment to a position, etc.);

- the structure of personnel (gender and age, educational, qualification, length of service in the organization; by categories of personnel, etc.);

- staff turnover;

- loss of working time as a result of downtime, absenteeism, illness;

- the length of the working day (full or partly employed, working in one, several or night shifts, the duration of vacations);

- wages (its structure, salary, allowances and additional payments, additional payments);

- social benefits and guarantees (social expenses allocated in accordance with the legislation and from the profit of the organization).

The information obtained about the available staff is analyzed taking into account the prospects for the development of the organization and its areas of activity to determine how the organization can meet its future staffing needs at the expense of its own employees and whether it is necessary to attract additional staff from outside.

Analyzing the internal labor market, the organization thereby decides for itself the key issue of personnel policy: “buy” or “grow” personnel. The “grow” policy assumes that the organization recruits staff to the lower level of positions and then implements activities to develop and promote workers to meet their future needs. The buy policy assumes that the organization prefers to meet the need for staff by attracting workers from the external labor market. Modern organizations use both of these policies, but in different percentages depending on the situation (specifics of the activity, the stage of development of the organization, strategy of behavior in the market, the complexity of a specific task, the level of qualifications of employees involved, etc.).

In the process of planning human resources, it is also of great importancehas foreign market research labor, especially in a situation where the organization is faced with the need to attract additional personnel.

The main areas of study of the external labor market are:

labor market structure, including sectoral, age, qualification, professional;

labor mobility;

sources of personnel attraction;

ways to cover the need for staff;

the behavior of competing organizations in the labor market;

labor cost (wages survey).

The information obtained will make it possible to assess the situation on the labor market in terms of changes in the indicators of demand and supply of personnel. There are the following types of situations in the labor market:

    favorable (the supply of personnel exceeds the demand for it);

    balanced (demand for personnel and supply of personnel are equal);

    tense (demand for staff is higher than supply of staff).

The situation on the labor market may differ depending on the profession, the level of the position, the specifics of the employee's activity. Thus, the situation on the labor market for workers in mass professions (for example, a cashier, an accountant, a secretary-assistant) is usually favorable, and the situation on the labor market for highly qualified specialists is in most cases quite tense.

Depending on the situation in the labor market, the organization will use different ways and sources to cover the need for staff.

In modern conditions, most stable enterprises structure their business processes, including in the field of HR management: it is much easier to work according to a clearly described scheme.

After the reorganization of our company was completed and it reached the "break-even point", we decided to streamline the work of each specialist, including the activities of a recruiter.

Staff recruitment is a key area of \u200b\u200bactivity for the personnel management service (HR department), because team building begins with finding and selecting the right people for the company. We will tell you in more detail how the recruiting process is streamlined at our company.

In order to improve the quality of human resource management and the efficiency of the internal recruiter, the Regulation "On the search, selection and recruitment of personnel" was developed. This document describes the business process of recruiting: it regulates the entire chain of recruiter's actions, establishes the rules for interaction on hiring issues between the HR department and other departments.

The business process of searching, recruiting and hiring personnel in our company consists of nine stages ( schema):

Business process diagram "Search, selection and recruitment of personnel"

Click image for a larger view

Stage 1. Submission by the customer to the HR department of an application for the selection of a candidate. The recruiting process begins with the filling in by the customer (head of the structural unit) of the application form for the selection of a candidate. We consider the following as the main requirements: 1) work experience; 2) possession of the necessary skills; 3) knowledge of a foreign language (in some positions). In the application, the preferences for gender and age of the candidate are also noted. The completed application is approved by the director of the enterprise.

Stage 2. Search / selection of personnel.In order for all employees involved in recruiting to clearly understand the selection criteria, the recruiter analyzes the application and clarifies:

  • the name of the vacancy, in which structural unit it is open;
  • the reason for the vacancy;
  • to whom the specialist in this position is subordinate / number of subordinates;
  • functional responsibilities;
  • basic requirements for candidates.

The customer is obliged to clearly justify the requirements for the applicant specified in the application:

  • age restrictions;
  • compulsory level of education (specialization, qualifications, availability of special education, etc.);
  • necessary work experience (areas of activity, job title, department within which the specialist could previously work);
  • highly specialized professional skills (level of PC knowledge, knowledge of foreign languages, experience in driving, etc.).

Eichar is obliged to know what professional ZUN in this position are necessary, what are desirable, what business and personal qualities the employee should have. This is important in order to properly analyze the job (position).

Having a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe manager's requirements for the future employee, the nuances of work, the peculiarities of the microclimate in the team of the structural unit and the corporate culture of the enterprise as a whole, the recruiter forms job profile, which includes the following information:

  • age restrictions (reasonable);
  • preferences for marital status and the presence of children, their age (for example, family people do not always agree to frequent business trips);
  • educational requirements;
  • the presence of bad habits (the corporate culture of the company does not accept them);
  • health status;
  • work experience requirements;
  • the required level of knowledge, abilities, skills;
  • personal characteristics.

An example of a job profile is given in table 1.

Tab. 1. Job profile "customer service specialist"


from 18 to 40 years old

Family status


Having children

over three years old acceptable


preferably higher

Bad habits

smoking is undesirable

Health status

common diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (II-III group of disability), diabetes (initial stage) are acceptable

work experience

from three months

Knowledge, abilities, skills

Communication skills


A culture of speech

Ability to color speech intonationally


Computer work

at the user level

Print speed

over 120 characters per minute


above average






basic level (reading, business correspondence)

Ability to adhere to regulations, follow instructions


Personal characteristics




Motivation to achieve



Process orientation


Stress resistance


After forming the profile of the position, the recruiter develops and approves with his immediate supervisor complex of measures on the search / selection of candidates (for an example, see table 2), which includes:

  • formation of the profile of the position;
  • selection of sources of attraction;
  • writing an advertisement for the opening of a vacancy (for posting in the media, the Internet, etc.);
  • preparation of questions for a structured interview (when closing highly specialized vacancies, for example, when selecting a computer network administrator).

Tab. 2. A set of measures for the selection of an accountant (no category)





Position profile formation



Preparing questions for structured interviews


Selection of test methods


Posting a vacancy announcement in print media

"Evening Makeevka", "Hello", "Wanted to work", "Proletarka", "Kirovka", "Kalinovka"


Search for candidates by mini-resume in print media

"Don and Bass Salon", "Work plus Career", "Theme", "Assorted"


Posting job ads:
near large manufacturing enterprises;
in crowded places;
on the territory of the enterprise

Announcements on the street


Search for a candidate in the talent pool (internal and external)

Personnel reserve


Contacting recruiting agencies

"Formata", "Sirius", "Dialogue-service", "Phoenix"


Using personal acquaintances


Direct search (proactive appeals directly to potential candidates)

Personal contacts (established base)

During the vacancy closing period


Depending on the requirements for the vacancy, recruitment sources are selected:

  • already working employees (including personnel reserve);
  • young specialists who have successfully completed an internship (practice) at our enterprises;
  • external search;
  • a database of former employees of the enterprise who quit voluntarily or were dismissed for reasons that do not question the professional and personal qualities of the employee (for example, for staff redundancy);
  • resume base accumulated by the recruiter;
  • cooperation with employment centers (Donetsk, Makeevka, Lugansk and Lugansk region);
  • cooperation with personnel and recruiting agencies;
  • cooperation with universities, secondary specialized educational institutions, vocational schools;
  • personnel leasing (for temporary jobs);
  • direct search.

To select candidates for vacant positions of heads of departments and for some other positions (auditor, assistant manager, etc.), psychological testing is carried out, with the help of which the presence of the most important professional and personal qualities for this position is confirmed (a set of tests for each vacancy) ... To test candidates, the psychologist of the HR department uses:

  • the method of multifactorial study of the personality of Cattell ( Raymond B. Cattell);
  • keirsey questionnaire ( Joh№ Keirsey);
  • g. Eysenck's test ( Hans Eysenck, adaptation by A. Shmelev);
  • diagnostics of the achievement motivation of A. Mehrabyan ( Albert mehrabian),
  • t. Leary's interpersonal diagnosis ( Timothy Leary) and etc.

Stage 3. Initial selection of personnel for the declared vacancy. Thanks to the well-established work in accordance with the recruitment plan, we receive a daily stream of candidates' resumes. All of them are analyzed, information about applicants is entered into the database. If the candidate meets the basic requirements of the position, the recruiter conducts a preliminary interview with him by phone.

Based on the results of the telephone interview, the applicant for the position is invited to a meeting. First, he fills out the "Candidate Questionnaire" ( appendix 1), then the recruiter conducts an interview, based on the results of which he concludes that the candidate meets the requirements of the position. In case of a positive assessment, the applicant is allowed to the next stage of the selection procedure.

The recruiter coordinates the dates and times of all interviews (tests) with the customer and the psychologist (if necessary, with the head of the security service, the head or his first deputy).

Stage 4. Psychological testing (if provided). Based on the test results, the psychologist of the personnel management department gives a conclusion, which reflects the correspondence of the psychological characteristics of the candidate to the requirements of the vacant position, his strengths and weaknesses, and possible difficulties in adapting to a new workplace.

An example of a psychologist's conclusion based on testing results is given in appendix 2.

Appendix 2

Candidate evaluation results

FULL NAME.: Ivanova E. I.
Position: legal counsel

Personality block

The type of the nervous system is medium-strong, the nervous processes are highly mobile. A person is capable of performing both intense and monotonous work equally successfully.

General intelligence level: above average. The speed of thinking is high, sufficient for effective work in the position of a legal adviser.

The type of temperament is normosthenic: the examined candidate is equally inherent in the features of all basic temperaments.

Personal traits are noticeably expressed: sociability, independence, independence, friendliness, emotionality, anxiety, inconstancy, optimism, activity.

Avoids conflict situations.

Organizational skills are expressed, there are the inclinations of a leader: he is able not only to clearly fulfill the assigned tasks, but also to make independent decisions, set goals and find ways to achieve them. He has an active life position, is quite responsible and self-critical of the results of his work.

She is inclined to carry out assignments with a significant amount of creativity. Independent, inventive, ambitious.

Motivational block

Key motives in the individual structure of motivation: "Creativity", "Profession". Specialists with the key motive "Creativity" strive for work that allows them to show initiative, intelligence, imagination, inventiveness and to realize their creativity through work. They are very sensitive to praise, approval, and support from management. For them, the opportunity to put their ideas and projects into practice is very important. It is better not to apply penalties to this category of workers; it is advisable not to punish initiative and creativity. The intensity and quality of work can be significantly influenced by the motivation system. Such employees usually show high loyalty to the company if it provides them with the opportunity to realize their creative abilities (the degree of loyalty depends on the interest that they have in the job).

EI Ivanova is focused on professional activity (motive "Profession"), strives for career growth through constant improvement of her knowledge and skills, wants to satisfy her professional ambitions through work. Specialists with the “Profession” motivation, as a rule, estimate the cost of their labor realistically, but sometimes they overestimate. The size of wages can, up to certain limits, stimulate the intensity and quality of work.

Has experience of motivated, intensive work (“workaholism”). The results on the scale of truthfulness are within the normal range.

Criteria for evaluation

Test result (%)

Optimal result (%)

Received deviation (%)

Compliance level

Motive "Work"

Motive "Profession"

Motive "Creativity"

Motive "Power"

Motive "Team"

Motive "Money"

Overall level of motivation (OUM)

Signs of a "workaholic" (OSID)

Overestimation of self-esteem (SSO)

no more than 30

Material dependence on work (MoH)


Compliance level of motivation with the proposed position



  1. EI Ivanova, a candidate for the position of legal counsel, can be assessed as a promising specialist with high intelligence and developed business qualities.
  2. The applicant has expressed leadership qualities, has “healthy” ambitions.
  3. Psychological characteristics (first of all, the motivational sphere, value orientations) correspond to the profile of the position of “legal adviser”.
  1. Applicant for the position of legal adviser Ivanova E.I. is recommended for hiring as a specialist whose psychological characteristics correspond to the requirements of the position.
  2. Human Resources Department it is recommended to actively support EI Ivanova during the adaptation period (introductory conversation; recommendations for inclusion in the team; answers to questions that arise in the course of work; assistance in the event of controversial work situations).
  3. To the attention of the head: the applicant has a rather pronounced motive “Creativity”; it is advisable not to punish the initiative and creativity of such specialists; the method of "collection" is not recommended for this category of workers.

Stage 5. Interview with the line manager. The recruiter transmits the following information about the candidate to the customer:

  • summary;
  • completed form "Application Form";
  • the results of psychological testing (if any).

The head of the structural unit is obliged to appoint the date and time of the interview, which should take place within seven working days, within three working days from the date of providing him with information about the candidate. After the interview, the customer must, within two working days, submit to the recruiter conclusions about the professional level of the candidate, its compliance with the stated requirements. In case of a positive assessment, the person proceeds to the next stage of the selection procedure.

When the customer conducts an interview with a potential employee, the recruiter clarifies the requirements for the vacancy (notes what is more important for the customer: the ability to calculate the cost, attentiveness, perseverance, etc.). If the candidate does not have the necessary professional knowledge and skills, the recruiter analyzes the reasons for the discrepancy, adjusts the job profile and selection methods.

Stage 6. Verification of information about the candidate by the security service (SS) of the company. If the line manager makes a positive decision based on the interview results, the recruiter sends information about the applicant (a copy of the “Candidate Questionnaire” form) to the company's security service. Within three working days, the Security Council specialist is obliged to check these data and provide an opinion to the personnel management department. With a positive review, the candidate is admitted to the next stage of the selection procedure.

Stage 7. Review of recommendations. The specialist of the personnel management department collects (clarifies) recommendations from the previous places of work of the applicant: the position held by him, functional duties, professional level, characteristics from the side of former colleagues, reasons for dismissal, etc.

Stage 8. Making a decision on the admission of the candidate. At this stage, the recruiter submits a package of documents for consideration to the director of the enterprise:

  • "Candidate Questionnaire" form;
  • resume of the candidate;
  • the results of psychological testing (if any);
  • recommendations from previous jobs of the candidate;
  • the conclusion of the Security Council.

The director appoints the date and time of the interview with the candidate (or decides on his hiring without an interview). If the decision is positive, the recruiter sends the candidate to the HR department for paperwork.

If a candidate does not meet the requirements of the position at any stage of the selection, the recruiter thanks the person for responding to the vacancy announcement and politely refuses him. The personal data of the rejected candidate is entered into the database with notes that can later be useful when closing another vacancy.

Stage 9. Registration for work. If the applicant meets all the requirements of the position, the head of the structural unit agrees with him the date of actual entry to work. In cases stipulated by law, the future employee of the company undergoes a medical examination.

In modern conditions, most stable enterprises structure their business processes, including in the field of HR management: it is much easier to work according to a clearly described scheme.

After the reorganization of our company was completed and it reached the "break-even point", we decided to streamline the work of each specialist, including the activities of a recruiter.

Staff recruitment is a key area of \u200b\u200bactivity for the personnel management service (HR department), because team building begins with finding and selecting the right people for the company. We will tell you in more detail how the recruiting process is streamlined at our company.

In order to improve the quality of human resource management and the efficiency of the internal recruiter, the Regulation "On the search, selection and recruitment of personnel" was developed. This document describes the business process of recruiting: it regulates the entire chain of recruiter's actions, establishes the rules for interaction on hiring issues between the HR department and other departments.

The business process of searching, recruiting and hiring personnel in our company consists of nine stages ( schema):

Business process diagram "Search, selection and recruitment of personnel"

Click image for a larger view

Stage 1. Submission by the customer to the HR department of an application for the selection of a candidate. The recruiting process begins with the filling in by the customer (head of the structural unit) of the application form for the selection of a candidate. We consider the following as the main requirements: 1) work experience; 2) possession of the necessary skills; 3) knowledge of a foreign language (in some positions). In the application, the preferences for gender and age of the candidate are also noted. The completed application is approved by the director of the enterprise.

Stage 2. Search / selection of personnel.In order for all employees involved in recruiting to clearly understand the selection criteria, the recruiter analyzes the application and clarifies:

  • the name of the vacancy, in which structural unit it is open;
  • the reason for the vacancy;
  • to whom the specialist in this position is subordinate / number of subordinates;
  • functional responsibilities;
  • basic requirements for candidates.

The customer is obliged to clearly justify the requirements for the applicant specified in the application:

  • age restrictions;
  • compulsory level of education (specialization, qualifications, availability of special education, etc.);
  • necessary work experience (areas of activity, job title, department within which the specialist could previously work);
  • highly specialized professional skills (level of PC knowledge, knowledge of foreign languages, experience in driving, etc.).

Eichar is obliged to know what professional ZUN in this position are necessary, what are desirable, what business and personal qualities the employee should have. This is important in order to properly analyze the job (position).

Having a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe manager's requirements for the future employee, the nuances of work, the peculiarities of the microclimate in the team of the structural unit and the corporate culture of the enterprise as a whole, the recruiter forms job profile, which includes the following information:

  • age restrictions (reasonable);
  • preferences for marital status and the presence of children, their age (for example, family people do not always agree to frequent business trips);
  • educational requirements;
  • the presence of bad habits (the corporate culture of the company does not accept them);
  • health status;
  • work experience requirements;
  • the required level of knowledge, abilities, skills;
  • personal characteristics.

An example of a job profile is given in table 1.

Tab. 1. Job profile "customer service specialist"


from 18 to 40 years old

Family status


Having children

over three years old acceptable


preferably higher

Bad habits

smoking is undesirable

Health status

common diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (II-III group of disability), diabetes (initial stage) are acceptable

work experience

from three months

Knowledge, abilities, skills

Communication skills


A culture of speech

Ability to color speech intonationally


Computer work

at the user level

Print speed

over 120 characters per minute


above average






basic level (reading, business correspondence)

Ability to adhere to regulations, follow instructions


Personal characteristics




Motivation to achieve



Process orientation


Stress resistance


After forming the profile of the position, the recruiter develops and approves with his immediate supervisor complex of measures on the search / selection of candidates (for an example, see table 2), which includes:

  • formation of the profile of the position;
  • selection of sources of attraction;
  • writing an advertisement for the opening of a vacancy (for posting in the media, the Internet, etc.);
  • preparation of questions for a structured interview (when closing highly specialized vacancies, for example, when selecting a computer network administrator).

Tab. 2. A set of measures for the selection of an accountant (no category)





Position profile formation



Preparing questions for structured interviews


Selection of test methods


Posting a vacancy announcement in print media

"Evening Makeevka", "Hello", "Wanted to work", "Proletarka", "Kirovka", "Kalinovka"


Search for candidates by mini-resume in print media

"Don and Bass Salon", "Work plus Career", "Theme", "Assorted"


Posting job ads:
near large manufacturing enterprises;
in crowded places;
on the territory of the enterprise

Announcements on the street


Search for a candidate in the talent pool (internal and external)

Personnel reserve


Contacting recruiting agencies

"Formata", "Sirius", "Dialogue-service", "Phoenix"


Using personal acquaintances


Direct search (proactive appeals directly to potential candidates)

Personal contacts (established base)

During the vacancy closing period


Depending on the requirements for the vacancy, recruitment sources are selected:

  • already working employees (including personnel reserve);
  • young specialists who have successfully completed an internship (practice) at our enterprises;
  • external search;
  • a database of former employees of the enterprise who quit voluntarily or were dismissed for reasons that do not question the professional and personal qualities of the employee (for example, for staff redundancy);
  • resume base accumulated by the recruiter;
  • cooperation with employment centers (Donetsk, Makeevka, Lugansk and Lugansk region);
  • cooperation with personnel and recruiting agencies;
  • cooperation with universities, secondary specialized educational institutions, vocational schools;
  • personnel leasing (for temporary jobs);
  • direct search.

To select candidates for vacant positions of heads of departments and for some other positions (auditor, assistant manager, etc.), psychological testing is carried out, with the help of which the presence of the most important professional and personal qualities for this position is confirmed (a set of tests for each vacancy) ... To test candidates, the psychologist of the HR department uses:

  • the method of multifactorial study of the personality of Cattell ( Raymond B. Cattell);
  • keirsey questionnaire ( Joh№ Keirsey);
  • g. Eysenck's test ( Hans Eysenck, adaptation by A. Shmelev);
  • diagnostics of the achievement motivation of A. Mehrabyan ( Albert mehrabian),
  • t. Leary's interpersonal diagnosis ( Timothy Leary) and etc.

Stage 3. Initial selection of personnel for the declared vacancy. Thanks to the well-established work in accordance with the recruitment plan, we receive a daily stream of candidates' resumes. All of them are analyzed, information about applicants is entered into the database. If the candidate meets the basic requirements of the position, the recruiter conducts a preliminary interview with him by phone.

Based on the results of the telephone interview, the applicant for the position is invited to a meeting. First, he fills out the "Candidate Questionnaire" ( appendix 1), then the recruiter conducts an interview, based on the results of which he concludes that the candidate meets the requirements of the position. In case of a positive assessment, the applicant is allowed to the next stage of the selection procedure.

The recruiter coordinates the dates and times of all interviews (tests) with the customer and the psychologist (if necessary, with the head of the security service, the head or his first deputy).

Stage 4. Psychological testing (if provided). Based on the test results, the psychologist of the personnel management department gives a conclusion, which reflects the correspondence of the psychological characteristics of the candidate to the requirements of the vacant position, his strengths and weaknesses, and possible difficulties in adapting to a new workplace.

An example of a psychologist's conclusion based on testing results is given in appendix 2.

Appendix 2

Candidate evaluation results

FULL NAME.: Ivanova E. I.
Position: legal counsel

Personality block

The type of the nervous system is medium-strong, the nervous processes are highly mobile. A person is capable of performing both intense and monotonous work equally successfully.

General intelligence level: above average. The speed of thinking is high, sufficient for effective work in the position of a legal adviser.

The type of temperament is normosthenic: the examined candidate is equally inherent in the features of all basic temperaments.

Personal traits are noticeably expressed: sociability, independence, independence, friendliness, emotionality, anxiety, inconstancy, optimism, activity.

Avoids conflict situations.

Organizational skills are expressed, there are the inclinations of a leader: he is able not only to clearly fulfill the assigned tasks, but also to make independent decisions, set goals and find ways to achieve them. He has an active life position, is quite responsible and self-critical of the results of his work.

She is inclined to carry out assignments with a significant amount of creativity. Independent, inventive, ambitious.

Motivational block

Key motives in the individual structure of motivation: "Creativity", "Profession". Specialists with the key motive "Creativity" strive for work that allows them to show initiative, intelligence, imagination, inventiveness and to realize their creativity through work. They are very sensitive to praise, approval, and support from management. For them, the opportunity to put their ideas and projects into practice is very important. It is better not to apply penalties to this category of workers; it is advisable not to punish initiative and creativity. The intensity and quality of work can be significantly influenced by the motivation system. Such employees usually show high loyalty to the company if it provides them with the opportunity to realize their creative abilities (the degree of loyalty depends on the interest that they have in the job).

EI Ivanova is focused on professional activity (motive "Profession"), strives for career growth through constant improvement of her knowledge and skills, wants to satisfy her professional ambitions through work. Specialists with the “Profession” motivation, as a rule, estimate the cost of their labor realistically, but sometimes they overestimate. The size of wages can, up to certain limits, stimulate the intensity and quality of work.

Has experience of motivated, intensive work (“workaholism”). The results on the scale of truthfulness are within the normal range.

Criteria for evaluation

Test result (%)

Optimal result (%)

Received deviation (%)

Compliance level

Motive "Work"

Motive "Profession"

Motive "Creativity"

Motive "Power"

Motive "Team"

Motive "Money"

Overall level of motivation (OUM)

Signs of a "workaholic" (OSID)

Overestimation of self-esteem (SSO)

no more than 30

Material dependence on work (MoH)


Compliance level of motivation with the proposed position



  1. EI Ivanova, a candidate for the position of legal counsel, can be assessed as a promising specialist with high intelligence and developed business qualities.
  2. The applicant has expressed leadership qualities, has “healthy” ambitions.
  3. Psychological characteristics (first of all, the motivational sphere, value orientations) correspond to the profile of the position of “legal adviser”.
  1. Applicant for the position of legal adviser Ivanova E.I. is recommended for hiring as a specialist whose psychological characteristics correspond to the requirements of the position.
  2. Human Resources Department it is recommended to actively support EI Ivanova during the adaptation period (introductory conversation; recommendations for inclusion in the team; answers to questions that arise in the course of work; assistance in the event of controversial work situations).
  3. To the attention of the head: the applicant has a rather pronounced motive “Creativity”; it is advisable not to punish the initiative and creativity of such specialists; the method of "collection" is not recommended for this category of workers.

Stage 5. Interview with the line manager. The recruiter transmits the following information about the candidate to the customer:

  • summary;
  • completed form "Application Form";
  • the results of psychological testing (if any).

The head of the structural unit is obliged to appoint the date and time of the interview, which should take place within seven working days, within three working days from the date of providing him with information about the candidate. After the interview, the customer must, within two working days, submit to the recruiter conclusions about the professional level of the candidate, its compliance with the stated requirements. In case of a positive assessment, the person proceeds to the next stage of the selection procedure.

When the customer conducts an interview with a potential employee, the recruiter clarifies the requirements for the vacancy (notes what is more important for the customer: the ability to calculate the cost, attentiveness, perseverance, etc.). If the candidate does not have the necessary professional knowledge and skills, the recruiter analyzes the reasons for the discrepancy, adjusts the job profile and selection methods.

Stage 6. Verification of information about the candidate by the security service (SS) of the company. If the line manager makes a positive decision based on the interview results, the recruiter sends information about the applicant (a copy of the “Candidate Questionnaire” form) to the company's security service. Within three working days, the Security Council specialist is obliged to check these data and provide an opinion to the personnel management department. With a positive review, the candidate is admitted to the next stage of the selection procedure.

Stage 7. Review of recommendations. The specialist of the personnel management department collects (clarifies) recommendations from the previous places of work of the applicant: the position held by him, functional duties, professional level, characteristics from the side of former colleagues, reasons for dismissal, etc.

Stage 8. Making a decision on the admission of the candidate. At this stage, the recruiter submits a package of documents for consideration to the director of the enterprise:

  • "Candidate Questionnaire" form;
  • resume of the candidate;
  • the results of psychological testing (if any);
  • recommendations from previous jobs of the candidate;
  • the conclusion of the Security Council.

The director appoints the date and time of the interview with the candidate (or decides on his hiring without an interview). If the decision is positive, the recruiter sends the candidate to the HR department for paperwork.

If a candidate does not meet the requirements of the position at any stage of the selection, the recruiter thanks the person for responding to the vacancy announcement and politely refuses him. The personal data of the rejected candidate is entered into the database with notes that can later be useful when closing another vacancy.

Stage 9. Registration for work. If the applicant meets all the requirements of the position, the head of the structural unit agrees with him the date of actual entry to work. In cases stipulated by law, the future employee of the company undergoes a medical examination.

An employer striving to ensure the long-term growth of his business understands that “investing in people” is no less important than updating the material base of production, since the professionalism of employees and their ability to develop are the competitive advantages of the company. A high turnover rate affects the success of an organization as sharply as financial losses ...

Dismissal of people of working specialties from an industrial enterprise entails an increase in costs: these are direct losses of profit from non-produced products, and indirect ones, including the costs of finding, selecting and hiring new people, their adaptation, training ...

The experience of colleagues and our own observations show that mistakes in all levels of personnel management, from hiring to firing, lead to high turnover of personnel. So, for example, in a survey of 500 leaving workers of an industrial company, the following reasons for their departure were identified:

  • not satisfied with wages - 54.2% (the problem of staff incentives);
  • the professional and qualification characteristics of those quitting do not meet the requirements of the workplace (which means that the problem arose at the selection stage) - 14.5%;
  • dissatisfied with the relationship with colleagues and the administration (problem area - adaptation of newcomers, formation of corporate culture) - 8.2%;
  • do not see opportunities for professional development, professional advancement (problems associated with training and career management of personnel) - 7.7%.

    If, in an effort to reduce the percentage of staff layoffs of their own free will, the management will work only in one of the directions, this will not bring tangible effect. The company needs to build an integrated human resource management (HRM) system, a kind of model that will help balance the needs of production and people. With this approach, staff turnover becomes the most regulated process.

    A similar HRM model was built in the Volgograd Open Joint Stock Company "Caustic". Having adapted to the needs of our production similar models described in the literature, we have introduced a system of integrated continuous work with personnel. It describes in detail such business processes as planning the number of employees, selection and placement of personnel, personnel assessment and development, motivation and the formation of corporate culture (fig. 1). Human resource management activities are carried out by top managers (general director, direction directors), middle and lower level managers (heads of structural divisions), managers of the personnel assessment and development center (further - TsOiRP).

    Fig. 1. HRM model

    Top managers set the direction of this work: they formulate and communicate the company's strategy to subordinates, set goals and show ways to achieve them in the medium term. Managers of middle and lower level directly manage people in accordance with the developed strategy. The main subjects in HRM activities are HR managers of the Center for Management and Development, focused on achieving HRM goals by improving business processes, creating and implementing new organizational processes aimed at streamlining work with personnel.

    One of the main elements of our HRM model iscontrolling (this term refers to the examination of the human resource management system to improve efficiency). The examination is carried out annually at the end of the year to assess the compliance of human potential with the goals and development strategy of the company, develop general principles of HRM policy, and assess the effectiveness of business processes in the field of HRM. The data obtained in the course of controlling is taken into account in personnel planning.

    The first business process that stands out in the HRM model isplanning... Its main task is to provide the company with the necessary human resources. The personnel planning business process includes the following five stages (fig. 2):

    1. A quantitative and qualitative calculation of the strategic and tactical needs of the company in workers. It is based on the company's strategic development program and business plan for the year. The calculation result isplan for the number and dynamics of the qualification staff, the planned need for additional personnel and layoff plan .

    2. Analysis of opportunities to meet the needs of the company in employees. The result is givenforecast for meeting the company's staffing needs at the expense of internal sources and the external labor market.

    3. Definition the need to attract, train and release workers as well as in personnel reserve ... It is carried out by comparing the need for staff in future periods with the forecast for meeting the need for people.

    4. Development of organizational measures to achieve (maintain) quantitative and qualitative correspondence between the need for staff in future periods and its availability. These organizational measures are included as an integral part of the Strategic HRM Program and the Comprehensive HRM Plan for the planned year (this is a normative document in which organizational measures are grouped into five sections by business processes; it indicates the deadlines, responsible persons, costs).

    5. Consideration and approval of organizational measures at a meeting of the company's board.

    Fig. 2. Diagram of the business process "personnel planning"

    Thus, the result of the personnel planning business process is a newly developed (or adjusted)HRM Strategic Program and Comprehensive HRM plan for the current year , which are guided by top managers, middle and lower level managers, as well as personnel managers of the Central Organizations and Development Centers.

    The next business process in the HRM model isselection and placement of personnel ; it ensures the rational selection and distribution of employees by structural divisions and individual workplaces. This business process is carried out in two directions:planned and the current staffing needs (fig. 3).

    Fig. 3. Diagram of the business process "selection and placement of personnel"

    In order to timely satisfyplanned demand in personnel, the business process includes the following stages:

    1. Build profiles of planned / additionally introduced positions (they contain requirements for the professional and personal qualities of candidates).

    2. Form a database of candidates (depending on the adopted personnel policy, it can be focused on internal or external sources).

    3. Evaluate applicants in terms of their compliance with the formal requirements of additionally planned positions (gender, age, education, qualifications, work experience). If there are not enough applicants, it is necessary to consider ways to attract personnel and continue building the base.

    4. Draw up the staffing table for the planned positions. For each vacancy, applicants are selected from a database that meet the formal requirements of the positions.

    5. Evaluate the degree to which the personal qualities of potential employees, selected according to formal data, correspond to the requirements of a vacant position. The assessment is carried out using tests (according to the list of psychodiagnostic techniques used in the selection of personnel). As a result, a list of candidates is formed that meet the formal and personal requirements of vacant positions.

    6. Conduct interviews with selected candidates to confirm their qualifications. During the interview, the heads of structural divisions and chief specialists determine the level of professional knowledge and skills of the candidates, which is reflected in the appropriate form (verifiable knowledge and skills, assessments, as well as the justification of assessments are recorded).

    7. Create profiles of selected candidates for vacancies. Matching this data with job vacancy profiles helps managers make HR decisions.

    8. Decide on the recruitment or relocation of selected candidates; this is the competence of the HR director and heads of structural divisions. Labor relations are formalized with employees whose candidacies are approved for positions. The rest are stored in the database.

    Current demand in employees is determined on the basis of applications for selection from the heads of structural divisions. Then the requirements for the declared vacant position are clarified, and candidates are recruited. Further work with candidates continues in accordance with the above steps 5-8.

    To determine the effectiveness of the work of employees and the consistent accumulation of information necessary for making management decisions, a business process is highlighted in the HRM modelpersonel assessment ... Assessment activities are formed for the year - in accordance with the HRM policy, while taking into account the data obtained as a result of the analysis of assessment procedures for the previous year (fig. 4). The developed personnel assessment activities are an integral part of a comprehensive HRM plan for the planned year.

    Fig. 4. Diagram of the business process "personnel assessment"

    The next HRM business process isstaff development , it is carried out in three directions:

    1. Help a newbie to adapt and accept the norms of corporate culture.

    2. Career management of employees with managerial potential.

    3. Professional development (training) of personnel.

    1. Step-by-step help for a beginner in adaptation is presented onfigure 5.

    Fig. 5. Diagram of the business process "personnel adaptation"

    Adaptability forecast the newly hired employee is done at the stage of selection in order to identify in advance possible difficulties in adapting a person to the working environment and the team. When compiling it, a diagnostic technique developed by the employees of the Center for Education and Research is used. With its help, we determine what type a person belongs to:
  • actively adapting to changes in the environment and himself striving to change it in accordance with his vision, capable of transformation;
  • passively adapting to changes in the environment.

    The information received is confidential, it is used only for the development and implementation of the assistance program for the newly hired employee.

    Beginner orientation procedure in the principles of functioning of the company and the structural unit, acquaintance with his job responsibilities is carried out in accordance with the approved programs (Introduction to the company, Introduction to the structural unit, Introduction to the position). These programs include a number of activities aimed at fostering a positive attitude towards the company among new employees, a sense of belonging to the team, the assimilation of our accepted norms and rules, and the mastery of job responsibilities.

    Control of the adaptation process a new employee involves periodic visits by the newcomer's HR manager at the workplace. This allows you to track the degree of adaptation of a person to working conditions, identify unfavorable factors interfering with adaptation, and provide timely assistance. Control is carried out until the stage of complete adaptation of the beginner. Its final term is established in accordance with the following indicators:

  • understanding of the goals and development strategy of the company, knowledge of the organizational structure, working conditions and wages, safety measures, internal labor regulations, a set of additional social benefits;
  • knowledge of the fundamentals of the company's corporate culture (history, values, symbols, etc.);
  • knowledge of production technology;
  • possession of professional skills and abilities;
  • high indicators of labor productivity and quality of work;
  • knowledge of the basic rules of behavior in production;
  • high level of production and labor discipline;
  • equal and friendly relations with colleagues, bosses and subordinates;
  • satisfaction with work, conditions and wages, level of inclusion in the working group.

    At the moment, we are working on the issue of providing assistance not only to new employees, but also to those transferred to another structural unit.

    2. Career management of employees (planning the advancement of employees) with managerial potential is presented onfigure 6... To identify promising managers, reservists are assessed annually at the end of the year (this is the target group of employees who are able to take leadership positions in the future). Based on the results of the assessment, a “gold reserve” is formed - a small group of employees purposefully selected and prepared to perform functional duties in several management positions. For them, "careerograms" are developed, which include a list of professional and job positions in the organization, advancement in which will allow the reservist to develop optimally. When managing the careers of reservists, the staff of the Center for Education and Research monitor their progress (so that there are no “career dead ends”).

    Fig. 6. Scheme of the business process "career management of employees with managerial potential"

    3. Professional development (training) of personnel takes place in accordance with a comprehensive HRM plan for a year. Activities are formed taking into account the training needs identified at the planning stage (fig. 7). Monitoring of implementation is carried out throughout the year, according to the results of training, adjustments can be made to the plans for the professional development of employees.

    Fig. 7. Diagram of the business process "professional development (training) of personnel"

    We must not forget that in order to achieve and maintain the proper level of competitiveness, a company needs people who are not onlymay fulfill the tasks assigned to them, but alsowant do it. Therefore, in our HRM model, a business process such asstaff motivation ... In order to form in people the desire to improve the results of their activities, to increase professionalism, we have provided (fig. 8):

    1. Diagnostics motivational factors and highlighting motivational core ... Diagnostics is carried out annually (at the end of the year), while using methods that allow:

  • to identify sets of actual needs (motives) for various categories of employees;
  • characterize work situations in terms of their impact on employee satisfaction;
  • determine the motivational core (the impact on it causes both individual employees and groups to strive to improve efficiency, to achieve the necessary results of group work and the company as a whole).

    2. Organization of working sessions with the heads of structural divisions, during which the results of diagnostics are considered, as well as proposals for the comprehensive motivation of personnel are developed.

    3. Development of tools for motivation. At this stage (taking into account the results of diagnostics and proposals of managers), the structure of the necessary components of motivation is developed, methods and tools are determined, and the cost of their implementation is calculated.

    4. Consideration and approval of a comprehensive staff motivation program (it is an integral part of a comprehensive HRM plan for the year) at a board meeting.

    5. Implementation of the personnel motivation program.

    Fig. 8. Diagram of the business process "staff motivation"

    Overall business processformation of corporate culture includes similar steps (fig. nine). The difference is that at the first stage, a study of corporate culture is carried out, which includes:

    1. Revealing the core values \u200b\u200bof the company's employees.

    2. Definition:

  • positive values that are now and will be needed in the future;
  • negative values - existing at the present time, but hindering the development of the company;
  • necessary values - absent, but necessary in the future;

    3. Rating:

  • the level of social tension in labor collectives;
  • the degree of efficiency of intracorporate communication channels;
  • efficiency of management teams and production teams.

    Fig. 9. Diagram of the business process "formation of corporate culture"

    HRM model providestime frame (fig. ten), according to which controlling, diagnostics of the motivational system, corporate culture, determination of the company's need for personnel and analysis of the possibility of their satisfaction should be carried out before November 10 of the current year. Taking into account these data, the Strategic Program in the field of HRM and the Comprehensive HRM Plan for the current year should be formed (or adjusted) by November 20. These documents are considered and approved at a meeting of the board before November 30. In December, the costs of organizing activities are included in the general budget of the company. The planned activities are being implemented from January 1 of the next calendar year.

    Fig. 10. Time frame in HRM model

    This model of HRM has been working at JSC "Kaustik" for three years. We have already felt positive results: the return on employees of the enterprise has increased, the percentage of voluntary layoffs has decreased by almost half compared to the initial period of the model implementation - 6.5% versus 10.3%. The percentage of staff leaving the organization in the first year of work has also decreased - 15% versus 36% at the beginning of 2005 (this is a very important indicator, because it is at this time that the probability that a newcomer will leave the organization is highest).

    A unified human resource management system helps us to assess and predict the situation, as well as to develop the necessary measures, which allows us to regulate the labor mobility of personnel in accordance with the company's development strategy.

    The material is posted on the website HRM.RU

  • Qualified personnel are the key to an efficient enterprise. It is valuable personnel that are the main and irreplaceable resource of any organization. But it is important not only to select and attract people, but also to help them adapt to work in the enterprise. The HR business process refers to a series of related activities aimed at streamlining the work with employees.

    There is a well-known scheme that helps to manage personnel, it is based on the principle of consistency, which allows you to influence employees using internal and external factors.

    Such a system can also be based on a process principle, which consists in the distribution of powers from top to bottom, observing a hierarchy. The use of a system based on the process principle allows you to effectively organize the work of an enterprise, managing the relationship between participants in the business process.

    The company is independently determined with the main business processes, this authority belongs to the personnel management service. There are six central business processes that span the entire enterprise. Each of the central processes is divided into additional ones.

    HR business processes:

    Most often, the description of the business process of personnel management occurs in the main blocks - "Personnel planning" and "Personnel development", thus forming a model for personnel management.

    The main factors required for personnel planning are:

    • strategic plan for the entire enterprise;
    • free vacancies;
    • future dismissal or transfer of employees.

    The following economic indicators characterize the business process of management:

    • necessary specialists of a certain profile;
    • the number of candidates for one free seat;
    • the time that was spent searching for personnel;
    • financial expenses.

    When conducting the selection process, it is important to check and analyze the business abilities and qualities of the candidate, the ability to cope with the job. Such a check is carried out for its further distribution and the assignment of a qualified level.

    The selection also involves checking the required documents (work book, passport and document confirming education) and questionnaires. The facts specified in the questionnaire and the requirements for a vacancy are compared.

    After that, computer testing and direct interview are carried out. If the candidate for the vacant seat is suitable, he is included in the staff. All described processes constitute one business process - "Personnel planning".

    Another key business process of personnel management is “Personnel development”. It consists of subprocesses such aspersonnel training, retraining and advanced training, which is very important for production.

    This business process allows not only to raise the professional level of the employee, but also to adapt to the work process. This issue is handled by the personnel management service, which develops an individual employee career plan.

    When we talk about small businesses, it is worth knowing that the scale of the problems there is as big as in large companies. And sometimes discussion issues in small and medium-sized businesses surpass the scale of large business. For example, personnel management in a small business is more problematic than in a large one. This is due to the fact that in a business of a small-scale level, universal people must work who can combine several positions. This situation is due to the small talent pool. Therefore, personnel management for small businesses is one of the most difficult processes.

    A small business always speaks of a closer relationship between a subordinate and a boss. But such a position will not always be appropriate, since warm relations will not be able to correct various social situations. Therefore, it is still worth not crossing the line. And if you want to reward the employee, then only in the form of a bonus.

    Another nuance of small business is a small team that lives as one big “family” and will not tolerate a person with bad habits or other thinking inside.

    Small business HR management has its negative characteristics. For example, very often entrepreneurs save on human resources and are invited to a position with low qualifications, low wages and no social package. Nevertheless, a sufficient number of people who are afraid of being unemployed may want to get to such a place.

    There are support courses that teach small and medium business management, management. Such a program will be able to teach the listener to analyze activities, organize events, create a business plan, and use various technologies for business development. Moreover, you can learn how to reasonably evaluate investments, get acquainted with accounting, conduct analytical activities in its various forms.


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