Professions are not for men. Exclusively female professions. Rare male professions

There is a rating of the rarest professions in the whole world, and there are the rarest professions in Russia. Among them, the rare male and the rarest female professions should be singled out separately. Let's take a look at all the options.

Rare professions in Russia

A rare profession in Russia is the profession of a sign language interpreter. To work in this specialty, you need to know professional sign language, with the help of which communication with deaf people takes place.

Postiger is an uncommon profession. Postigers custom-make braids, mustaches, sideburns, eyelashes, beards and wigs.

The machine operator in the match factory who applies sulfur to the matches is called the oserver. In the field of perfumery, the scent is a rare specialty. For this profession, it is necessary to have an excellent memory for aromas, since a sniffer is responsible for evaluating new smells, creating perfume compositions.

The profession of a cavist is also rare. The specialist is versed in alcoholic beverages, thanks to an individual approach to each client, he offers a specific wine that is most suitable for a specific dish.

Quite a rare profession - a tester. This is what a professional tea taster is called. He is able to determine the place of growth, quality and variety of tea. These specialists are engaged in making tea blends.

You rarely meet a person whose specialty is a greenkeeper. Such a specialist is responsible for maintaining the proper condition of green lawns for golf, rugby, baseball, football and so on.

A rare profession is an oenologist who chooses grape varieties for planting, selects fertilizers and improves the equipment with which wine is produced.

The speechwriter is responsible for drafting texts for public speeches of large entrepreneurs and politicians.

List of rare male occupations

Among the male professions, there are especially rare ones. In Russia, such is the dergal. This specialist collects seaweed for only three months a year. There is a rare specialist in Europe - an organ builder. We rarely hear about those who test climbing equipment. At Frankfurt airport there is an airplane washer, and in Volker Loos there is a climber who looks for cracks on the blades of wind turbines.

At the University of Cologne, there is a man whose profession is a monster. The cow shear specialist is unique in its kind. Its services are needed by those who prepare cows for fairs and exhibitions. I must say that this person never sits without work, he is in great demand.

One of the most unusual male professions in America is considered to be an observer of the work of strippers. When one of the research institutes announced the recruitment of such employees, it turned out that there were a lot of applicants for this vacancy. The lucky ones who got this job watched the girls' sexual dances for two months, made some notes in special notebooks and received ten thousand dollars a month for this work.

5 rare female professions

Despite the fact that the line between female and male professions has been increasingly blurred in recent years, there are still professions where it is very rare to meet a woman.

There is only one female gondolier in the world. She works in Venice. To master this profession, which is considered only male, the Venetian underwent six months of training and passed exams.

A woman truck driver is not often seen, but this is no longer an isolated case. These women know how to handle huge trucks, while managing to arrange their personal lives and raise children.

Men work as glassblowers, which is associated with the need for significant physical effort. There are ladies who do this job at their level, and sometimes better than men. They manage to create unusual masterpieces thanks to the feminine taste.

A female bodyguard is one of the rarest female professions. Despite the fact that these bodyguards have neither great body weight nor physical strength, a small percentage of the need for women in this profession exists.

Rounding out the top five rarest female professions is the profession of a balloon pilot.

The rarest profession in the world

Among the many rare professions, the most rare can be distinguished. This is the caretaker of the paradise island. The need for such a profession arose when it was necessary to find a person who would promote recreation on the paradise islands.

One of the travel companies was looking for someone who would live on an island in a villa for six months, swim in a pool, dive, take pictures, play golf and write a blog. Such a caretaker was needed for one of the Australian islands. Its name is Hamilton.

After a worldwide competition, a worthy candidate was determined. The salary for six months was one hundred and ten thousand dollars. The owner of this profession is only one person in the world, which is why she won a victory among applicants for the role of the rarest.

And the most frequent professions, as a rule, are also well paid .. You can read more about the most popular professions.
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    yes in las vegas or monaco ...

    Yes, really sit at home? Boredom ..))

    in one of our kindergartens there is a teacher, a negro, his name is the same as my surname. Cool, kids are crazy about him :-)

    If a wife thinks that she needs work, and even more so if work gives her pleasure, then let her work. In such a situation, it is not "should", but "wants". And if he wants, then to his health.
    She should (that is, if she does not want to) only if the income received is not enough for the acceptable existence of the family. What is an acceptable existence in every family is defined in its own way. I do not consider pathological families (husband is a drunkard, gambler, etc.). this is a completely different question that requires completely different solutions.


    I would go if I was impatient ... work - it's work everywhere, the main thing is to get paid ...

    Most likely the torque converter is living out its own, because this is a classic when everything is okay on a cold one, because the oil is not warmed up in the automatic transmission, and then it starts to switch in jerks. Try to change the oil in the automatic transmission for a start - suddenly you are happy and you are lucky)

    Now such work, any, only nerves to wind to go to earn a piece. If from such work, and plunge into household chores, WHERE can you take the mood and strength to cook good cutlets and even a simple conversation. When to start putting yourself in order. Therefore, men and prefer-NOT torn zhenu.A women sometimes this alignment suits, and sometimes not, cook porridge every day and the same thing, terribly annoying. Besides, dependence on someone's money is annoying.

What is better - to have an ordinary earthly profession or a rare one that has no analogues? Such a question is probably asked to themselves by those who are faced with the choice - to be a school teacher or a color sorter of cigars? The first is clear, reliable and stable. The second is a big question. Nevertheless, at a certain stage in their lives, very many dream of changing the position of a prosperous clerk for something less tie and more fun. Tell me, would you like to move from the office swamp on the coast of the azure ocean? Then there is a reason to talk about rare professions!

What specialties fall into the category of rare


A person is professionally in demand when there is a demand for what he does. No requests - no questions. Therefore, the first reason for the "rarity" of the profession is the absence of the need for it.

In the staffing table of many enterprises today, you rarely meet the profession of a packer, because the goods are now packed into packaging by automatic lines. Conductors on public transport remained only in small settlements. Fewer postmen bring good news to our homes, because letters have become electronic, and fresh press is easy and quick to "get" on the Internet.

Even in the countryside, which is always more conservative in comparison with the city, some of yesterday's professions are losing their relevance today. In few villages you will meet shepherds and mowers. Handymen in the fields and fruit pickers were replaced by hand machines. And blacksmiths and potters for some time turned from professions into an entourage to attract tourists. And only thanks to the revival of crafts, their labor began to be used again for its intended purpose.

Highly specialized

Torsedor - a person who knows how to properly roll a cigar. To obtain a qualification in this specialty, you need to spend at least 10 years on training and practice.

Burgerologist - a specialist who knows the rules of making burgers and comes up with new recipes for them. We give a tip: burgerologists are produced by the Burger Institute, which operates under the McDonald’s corporation in the United States.

Fumelier - a professional in the selection of cigars and spirits. This person should not only be well versed in elite alcohol and cigars, but also be able to combine them with each other.

Epdemiologist-cartographer - doctor, geographer, meteorologist and IT specialist in one profession. He assesses the epidemiological situation in the country and makes a forecast of the occurrence and spread of possible epidemics. The annual income of such a specialist can be up to $ 150,000.

Pearl Diver ... It is in demand in the regions where this natural jewelry material is mined - off the coast of the Red Sea, India, Iran, in the Persian Gulf, in Ceylon and Tahiti.

Poisonous snake milker ... This man is engaged in the extraction of venom from snakes for medical purposes. Hard and life-threatening work pays well and requires special skill in order to extract the poison not to harm your own health and prevent a snake bite.

Rating of TOP-7 best online schools

Online school for preparing for the exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you to become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school that provides an opportunity to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English on Skype. Strong Russian speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum speaking practice.

New generation online school of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, translation of words, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.


There are professions that are one of a kind. They arise, as a rule, out of necessity and do not require a diploma of education. Such specialties are attracted not so much by working conditions or income, but by their exoticism. Several examples of interesting professions.

Tropical Island Caretaker ... A person applying for this vacancy must be able to swim, dive under water, operate boats and, most importantly, be interesting to talk about the island on Internet blogs and on travel sites. It is not so easy, but profitable job. For example, the caretaker of Hamilton Island in Australia was assigned a salary of $ 154,000 for six months. 35 thousand people from 200 countries of the world applied for the vacancy.

Pimp specialist ... This position is available in some hotels. Cupid concierges, romantic concierges, and those responsible for the marriage proposal are all involved in arranging romantic dates for people and "leading" them to a marriage proposal.

Dog surfing instructor ... These people teach our younger brothers to master the board for moving along the waves. There are no statistics yet on how much this specialty is in demand.

Wrinkle remover ... The specialist works in expensive stores and returns the original appearance to the goods that customers have tried or touched.

Seller of Tears ... This is a special mourner in Asian countries who works at funerals. His salary depends on the intensity of the cry and the drama of the action. Most of all is received by a person who sobs loudly, tears his clothes and falls “out of grief” to the ground.

Hugger ... This profession can be found in states where stress is high and people need psychological support. In Japan, for example, it is common practice to call home not a plumber, but a hugger.

Parmesan listener ... A rare specialist who has perfect pitch and is able to determine the maturity of Parmesan with his ears. Cheese factories resort to the services of such professionals.


The professions that disappeared as unnecessary were replaced by new specialties. Perhaps soon they will become as common as a dentist, cook or designer, but so far they are among the rare. Basically, these professions are associated with new technologies and scientific fields. Let's pay attention to some of them.

Radiosurgeon ... A physician who uses one of the types of radiation therapy to treat, remove, or reduce the function of malignant, benign tumors and other pathologies without surgery. Radiosurgery is a new method in the treatment of many diseases, so there are still few such specialists.

Palliatrist ... Provides medical care to patients suffering from chronic diseases in the terminal stage, and improves the quality of life of hopelessly ill people. In the civilized world, the profession is quite widespread, but in Russia there are still few such specialists.

Brader ... A hairdresser who specializes in braiding. It is very much in demand, because hairstyles with braids have been very popular with women in recent years.

Valveologist ... Knows how to be healthy, professionally deals with the issues of maintaining health. Works in the areas of labor protection, mental hygiene and ergonomics.

This list can be continued, because the 21st century has become a real breakthrough in the field of the emergence of new professions.

Rare professions in Russia

Flavorist- a specialist in odors. Distinguishes the nuances of aromas, knows how to choose the combined components and determine their proportions, participates in the preparation of a blend of perfumes. Works in the perfume industry. In the food industry, it is involved in the creation of flavors.

Shopper- a style consultant, helps to choose wardrobe items, knows how to combine colors and styles. He understands fashionable news, knows what, where and when to buy, so as not to spend extra money. Stylist, psychologist and professional "shopaholic" all rolled into one.

Rammer- helps people get into a crowded subway car. How he does it is hard to say. In order to understand, you can go to Japan, where, they say, there are a lot of rammers.

Arborist- knows everything about tree diseases, knows how to treat them, owns the secrets of preserving green spaces. Despite the fact that there are a lot of forests in Russia, the profession is for some reason not widespread.

Gerontologist- a doctor engaged in the treatment, health prevention and life extension of elderly and senile people.

IT Evangelist- a specialist who is engaged in propaganda (preaching) in the field of information technology.

Conflictologist- a person who professionally knows how to predict, prevent and resolve a conflict.

Environmental consultant- is engaged in consulting enterprises and organizations in matters of environmental support of activities, resource conservation and prevention of environmental pollution.

It is curious that back in 2013, the professions of a farmer, mobile game programmer and mobile application manager were considered rare. Today these specialties are already quite widespread in the service market.

Rare professions in the world

In the list of rare professions, IT specialties are in the lead. Among them:

  • programmers developing IT products using the lisp, haskell and erlang languages;
  • gui designers are specialists in creating ergonomic solutions for users;
  • information system architects who design databases, control the quality, logic of storing and retrieving information, developing algorithms for actions with information storages;
  • robot programmers are professionals in the field of artificial intelligence.

All over the world, professionals are appreciated who possess rare specialties in the field of medicine, such as:

  • audiologist - treats the organs of the hearing aid;
  • geneticist-therapist - predicts diseases in children based on genetic analysis;
  • hepatologist - deals with the diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases;
  • emetologist - establishes the causes of nausea, vomiting and treats these troubles;
  • podiatrist - heals the foot, helps to choose the right shoes.

Other rare professions include, as a rule, unusual specialties:

  • Detective dogs. Looks for pets that the owners hide to avoid paying tax. The specialist knows how to bark like a dog, and recognizes by voice what breed and age a pet has.
  • Cow pedicure. Supports healthy cattle hooves.
  • Ant catcher. Collects insects to create ant farms, which are sold at pet stores.
  • Panda hugger. Embraces rare black and white bears, improves their mood and prolongs their life.
  • Water attractions tester. Testing the convenience and safety of water entertainment facilities.
  • Professional interlocutor. He listens to people who have no one to talk to, maintains a conversation with them.


If you do not take into account some of the nuances that are in most rare professions, we can say with confidence that it is great to have a rare specialty. There is a certainty that you will not be replaced, fired, and your salary will not be reduced. If the specialty is rare, but in demand, interest in your person will be high, and the salary will allow you to look to the future with confidence and feel comfortable in the present. And, of course, a rare profession - this is a chance to move, finally, from the waters of an office swamp on the coast of a real azure ocean. At least as a caretaker of an island paradise!

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Exclusively female or male professions do not exist today. Established equality allows both sexes to choose any field of activity they like. But there are many specialties where it is very rare to meet a man. What are these professions and why are there so few men in them?

Historical background

It would seem that everything is simple: since the time of primitive society, women have been engaged in raising children, making clothes, and preparing food. But history is changeable and gender relations change from era to era. In the 18-19th century, there were few ladies among teachers. Among the names of outstanding teachers who created and glorified the science of human upbringing, you will not find women! A nurse or a governess is another matter.

For a long time, women were also given a secondary role in the culinary arts. Gourmet dishes were created by men. The women became cooks or helped the chef. It was difficult to meet the fair sex among artists and decorators. Ladies in art were not favored. The men held the positions of hairdressers and tailors. What was left for women? Noble ladies did not bother themselves with work, less noble ones immersed themselves in the economy and raising children, the rest of the ladies had a small choice: cleaning, washing, household chores - service personnel.

Today male and female roles are mixed. or a male janitor - a familiar phenomenon in the modern world. But professions in which the number of women strongly prevails over individual representatives of the stronger sex, remained. According to ancient tradition, the weaker sex finds itself in the service sector. Only the conditions and service have changed a lot over the last century. Ladies choose specialties according to their souls and abilities. The main one that helps adults too. This quality gives an advantage in pedagogy and psychology, nursing.

Women's professions of the 21st century

Educator, nanny

A man in such a job looks inappropriate. Small children need female attention: feed, dress, look after,. And to do this not mechanically and soullessly, but so that the child feels comfortable and cozy. Babysitters listen to children's secrets, help, teach and develop young talent. And if there is a whole group of children? Keeping track of everyone is hard work that will drive any man crazy.

Beauty industry

- this is a women's temple, and there are cosmetologists, manicure and pedicure masters, hairdressers, make-up artists. Imagine a man wielding a nail file over a woman's fingers. Funny picture. Men in ordinary beauty salons are rare, but among clients.

Seamstress, dressmaker

Coming to the atelier, we find ourselves in caring ladies' hands. Over the last century, the work of a dressmaker has become a purely female one. It requires care, caution, perseverance and accuracy. The duties of a tailor include creating new models of clothes, and improving old ones. A professional seamstress understands styles, knows the features of the human figure, finds a common language with clients. She owns drawing skills, cutter skills. a tailor requires taste and out-of-the-box thinking to solve complex problems.

Stewardess, conductor

High above the ground, a passenger surrounded by pretty stewardesses. Their voices are soothing, distracting, hypnotizing, etc. The selection criteria for flight attendants are quite strict: beauty, weight, height, health. You need to keep a smile throughout the flight, be gentle and courteous, and pay attention to each passenger. The safety of the crew rests on the shoulders of the flight attendant. She checks the serviceability of the emergency rescue devices, examines the aircraft board to find suspicious objects. Among flight attendants, men are rare. Even harder work for train conductors. To keep order in the carriage, you need to apply all the housekeeping skills. Travel time is sometimes measured in weeks!

Maid, housekeeper

Putting things in order is a feminine element. Girls are taught from childhood to maintain cleanliness. By copying the behavior of her mother, the little lady already knows where and what to put, how to clean the floor, dust. As a woman grows up, she continues to improve her skills. Among the ladies, tricks and experience are transferred, which allows you to spend less effort on putting things in order. Daily household chores are becoming a profession for some women. The owner of the house often wants to see the fair sex as a maid or housekeeper. At a subconscious level, the idea is transmitted among people that no one will bring cleanliness in the house better than a woman.


Men love to see a representative of the fair sex as an assistant. It pleases the eye and solves delicate communication problems. The secretary communicates between the boss and subordinates, conducts telephone conversations and records, deals with documentation, parses mail and promptly reminds the boss of upcoming plans. Such work requires a developed ability to switch. The secretary has a lot of cases that need to be solved simultaneously and urgently. A woman, from primitive times, has become accustomed to holding various tasks in her head and solving them at the same time: lulling a child, and washing, and cooking dinner. The innate ability to do several things at once helps the weaker sex to efficiently cope with the work of a secretary, and even leave time for your beloved: leaf through the catalog with fashionable novelties, paint your nails, talk with colleagues.

Junior, nursing staff

The role of nursing staff cannot be overemphasized. In hospitals, nurses solve organizational issues, monitor households and property. They also help patients, fulfill the doctor's prescription, and provide first aid. This profession originated in the 11th century. Nursing of patients in hospitals was entrusted only to women. Currently, little has changed. The nurse must inspire confidence in the patient. It is easier to relax in the gentle female hands and escape from the unpleasant procedure than in the male ones: the sister will both calm, and support, and give advice.

Fitness instructor, yoga

A flexible, flexible, fit girl instructor serves as an inspiring example for the fair sex who comes to class. Fashion for a beautiful body pushes ladies to sign up for fitness clubs, and is gaining popularity. But a fitness trainer is not just a physically attractive person. A professional instructor knows physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, and is familiar with the basics of medicine. He evaluates the client's health in order to select an effective and safe training program. Knowledge of psychology will not be superfluous either. The fitness instructor should help the trainee in difficult situations, motivate, direct him towards improvement.

There are no fewer yoga fans. This oriental practice attracts mainly female representatives: to calm down, relax and put the body in order - what could be better? No wonder women become yoga instructors. ... Physical training for the instructor is not enough. Possession of psychology, knowledge of philosophy and techniques of spiritual development will help to lead classes at a higher level.


A consultant is a person who will help you make a decision, direct you in the right direction, tell you about the intricacies of the issue. A pleasant voice, a benevolent smile, a neat appearance and extensive knowledge in the field of professional activity are essential attributes of the profession. Consultants are found in various fields of activity: business, psychology, sales, fashion, beauty. Intuitiveness helps a woman to find a common language with clients, and good looks inspire confidence. The woman consultant is the face of the company.


Mostly women go to work in the book kingdom. The job is sedentary, uncomplicated, but low-paid. The librarian not only hands over and accepts books, he monitors the storage conditions of the library fund, classifies the available literature, compiles reference books.

Call center operator

The operator's main tool is his voice. And the female soft timbre evokes trust and positive emotions in the client. The operator's tasks are to receive and make calls, enter information into the database, and provide advice on a product or service provided by the company. The operators take people with a competent speech, polite, patient.

In every female profession, there is an exception in the form of a man. In beauty salons, there are hairdressers, stylists, make-up artists - representatives of the stronger sex. Some of them are famous for their "unusualness". Who, if not a man, understands female beauty? In the West, in salons, representatives of the stronger sex meet in the field of nail service. Clients are happy to trust delicate fingers to caring hands.

Men study in medical colleges and work among nursing staff. Sometimes representatives of the stronger sex go to caregivers, discovering their vocation in helping sick people. Quiet book lovers while away the hours at their workplace in the library, while dynamic and sociable men go to consultants and operators.

March 31, 2014 5:17 pm

Greenkeeper, oenologist, cavist - not just a set of letters, these words mean truly interesting and rare professions. And these are not all amazing destinations. Recently, a large number of professions have appeared that were not previously known. Now people are surprised to hear unusual names. Sometimes they are so incomprehensible that one cannot immediately say for sure what a person is doing. However, despite all the exoticism of these activities, it cannot be said that they do not benefit society. Many of them help not only some specific areas of activity, but also all of humanity as a whole. Even the rarest professions can be very useful for the life and development of the whole world. It is interesting that some classes appear only in one or several countries, most often this is due to the specifics of the climate, nature and social characteristics in a particular place.

The rarest food-related professions in the world

It can be said unequivocally that more and more of them appear every year. Many people are interested in this issue, so the media periodically cover various rare professions. We will consider a list of such activities. A special group is represented by specialties related to food preparation.

  • Tea Taster (or Ttester)

This is a rather rare activity that aims to understand the flavor properties of tea and process it in the right way. Tea itself does not always taste good. To achieve the perfect drink, a specialist such as a tester is involved.

  • Burgerologist

Almost every person sometimes allows himself to feast on junk food in fast food establishments. Most often, you can see burgers in these cafes. If you pay attention to the sandwich, you will notice that this dish is not always prepared with high quality and tasty. The burger specialist must know not only the recipe for the perfect burger, but also know how to prepare it. He also needs to have restaurant management skills.

Research always remains relevant for humanity, as it allows you to discover new facts and develop science. However, sometimes quite unusual areas are explored that no one has seriously thought about before. That is why rare professions can now often be found in the scientific field. One example of such work is the panda explorer. Pandas are very cute and cuddly animals. Unfortunately, they are now on the verge of extinction. In connection with this situation, a whole range of measures is being taken to prevent this. Specialists are attracted who can stop extinction and increase the population of pandas.

The rarest testers

The profession of a tester can often be heard from various sources. Many things are tested quite often, this phenomenon is not considered to be something unusual. But there are rare professions of testers that cause surprise and sometimes even bewilderment.

  • Sleep accessory tester

The profession is interesting because only one person in the world works in this position. His responsibilities include periodically testing new bedding samples that are being developed for a chain of luxury hotels. Then the tester is obliged to make his suggestions and corrections to improve the product.

  • Water Slide Tester

Such a tester must have special knowledge, because the functioning and safety of the water slides depends on his work. He must be able to adjust the speed of water, its quantity, the height of the slides themselves, and also provide for all the nuances of their use.

Wine-making professions

Of course, not all rare professions are listed above. The list of such specialties is replenished from year to year. Interestingly, many people dream of changing their regular jobs and trying their hand at unfamiliar areas. For example, many are interested in the production and sale of wines and other beverages.

  • Oenologist

The oenologist is responsible for the cultivation of grapes for wine production. His responsibilities include the selection of grape varieties for planting, the selection of fertilizers, and the search for new technologies. The oenologist is responsible for the quality of the product.

  • Cavist

Rare professions are often found in the production and sale of wine. Cavist also belongs to this area. This is a specialist who, focusing on the dishes, helps to choose the most suitable drink for them.

  • Blender

This specialist is engaged in mixing various cognac spirits in order to obtain cognac. This is one of the key processes in the manufacture of this product. The profession of a blender is considered elite and requires a lot of training and experience.

  • Pearl Diver

Not every inhabitant of the planet will be able to get such a job, because this requires special weather and climatic conditions. This type of activity pays very well, as the industrial pearl mining cannot meet the needs of jewelry manufacturers. Finding pearls is not only difficult, but also quite dangerous.

  • Greenkeeper

This is the specialist who is responsible for the maintenance of the sports turf. Greenkeepers are especially in demand in golf clubs, since the most stringent requirements are imposed on golf courses. This area of ​​activity appeared many years ago, so its basic principles have long been developed.

What is the rarest profession?

It would seem that the rarest professions in the world have already been described. However, this is not the case, if you choose the rarest one, it turns out to be the caretaker of the island. There is only one such specialist in the world. It was required when one of the travel companies developed a program to promote recreation on one of the paradise islands.

His responsibilities included six months of living on the island, photography, blogging and social media pages. The payment for the work of the caretaker was more than one hundred thousand dollars for 6 months of work. Rare professions in the world are very diverse, but it is interesting to talk about our country as well.

Rare specialties in our country

It is worth noting the rare professions in Russia, in fact, there are no less of them than in other countries.

  • Sign language interpreter

A sign language interpreter is a specialist who speaks sign language and is able to translate from any national language into sign language, or vice versa. In the world, a huge number of people communicate in sign language, thanks to which the profession of a sign language interpreter is in great demand in the labor market. However, there is a large shortage of specialists in this area, firstly, it is quite difficult, and secondly, there are not so many institutions where sign language translation is taught.

On the shoulders of such a specialist lies a responsible task - to help the full participation of hearing impaired people in the life of society.

  • Postiger

Postiger is another rare profession that is mostly widespread in the theater industry. A specialist compiler is engaged in the manufacture of wigs, as well as such interesting products as mustaches, beards, braids, sideburns. This is a rather time-consuming task that requires special skills, because it is worth attaching one hair incorrectly, and the product can immediately lose its appearance.

Rare male professions

Rare professions of people can be divided into 2 groups: male and female. There is a whole list of male specialties that are extremely rare. Such pursuits are more likely not a job, but a vocation or a work of life.

Dergal is considered such a male profession in Russia. Many people have never even heard the name of this profession. Dergal collects seaweed. This is a very difficult job, besides, it is strictly seasonal, which is not always convenient, but the salaries of specialists in this field are quite good. Basically, representatives of this profession collect seaweed.

Another example of a rare profession among men is a cow shearing specialist. You might think that no one needs it, but this is a very popular footage. Their services are used by cow owners who prepare animals for participation in various exhibitions and fairs.

Rare female professions

Now it's worth talking about women's specialties. There are many answers to the question of which professions are rare among women. Of course, in recent years, the border between male and female professions has been noticeably blurred. However, there are still spheres in which it is very rare to meet a woman.

  • Gondolier

There is only one woman in the world who does this hard work. She works in Venice, where this activity is traditionally considered masculine. However, despite this, the Venetian was able to take special courses and successfully passed the exams.

  • Glass blower

This profession has also always been considered more suitable for men. But there are female specialists who cope with this task no worse, and sometimes even surpass their male colleagues in skill.

So, there are a huge number of rare professions in the world, many of them are very interesting and can not only bring good income, but also become the work of a person's entire life.


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