Cook soap on wood ash recipe. Lye soap. Production of lye from wood ash

Lye-based ash soap is the safest and most well-known detergent for a long time. Natural ingredients added to such a soap soften its properties and make it suitable for both domestic use and personal hygiene. Let's find out how to make ash soap at home.

The base of ash soap is an aqueous infusion of ash called lye. This infusion is strongly alkaline and contains sodium and potassium carbonates. In ancient times, this infusion was used instead of the usual soap for washing and washing.

How to make lye

There are 2 ways: hot and cold.

Hot way: put 12 tablespoons in a 5 liter container. (about 4 handfuls) of ash and pour 2.5 liters of water. Boil over low heat, stirring. The water will gradually evaporate. Let it brew for 8-10 hours. The ash will settle to the bottom, and the fat-free liquid lye will remain at the top. Drain it carefully. The result should be about 1.5 liters of lye.

Cold way: put ash in a glass jar 3/4 of its volume and add 1/4 of water. Stir regularly during the first day. On the second and third days, do not touch. Then carefully pour into a clean jar through the filter.

How to use lye

  • for washing hair and personal hygiene you can use lye prepared in a simpler way. To do this, pass the water through one portion of ash. This lye has a low concentration and does not dry the skin.
  • for dish washing you can use the recipe given above, but with increased concentration. To do this, pass one part of the water through several new portions of ash. You will get a strong and thick lye.
  • for washing and cleaning cold lye will do.

Concentrated lye is used for washing and cleaning, so it can dry out the skin. If desired, gloves or other skin protection can be used.

Interesting: the concentration of the lye also depends on the ash of which plant it was prepared from. For example, sunflower ash contains the most potassium carbonates - 30-35%, birch ash - 12%, and buckwheat straw - 35%.

How to store prepared lye?

It is best to store lye in a glass container. It eats away at plastic cans, which will leak over time.

Ash soap is a natural detergent

A more convenient way to use lye is with lye soap. The technology for making ash soap has survived to this day. To make soap from ash, you need a container like a pan. An important condition: it must not be aluminum!

Ash soap ingredients:

  • 2 parts concentrated lye (cooked hot, see above);
  • 1 part melted pork fat;
  • table salt (the exact amount depends on many factors, including the concentration of lye).

Ash soap preparation

1. Add pork fat to lye and heat slowly over a fire. When the saponification process begins, at first the liquid will acquire a milky color, then the solution will brighten. Gradually, the fat from the surface will turn into an emulsion and the mass will thicken.

2. To continue the saponification process, add lye in portions of 100 g. Gradually, the mass will become transparent. The mass must be mixed regularly. It is better to remove the foam that forms.

3. When the mass begins to thicken, the so-called. soap glue, similar in consistency to thick jelly. From the scapula, such a mass will flow not in drops, like an emulsion, but in a trickle.

4. When the soap glue is ready, you need to make a salting. Reduce heat slightly and scatter the first portion of salt over the surface and stir without touching the bottom. Continue adding salt a little at a time until the mass looks like curd and floats.

5. Remove from heat, leave container overnight to peel off brine.

6. Carefully separate the soap and brine, then add a new batch of lye in a 1: 1 ratio. And repeat the process. The second brew will be faster.

7. This time, continue salting off until the soap floats. In this case, there will be no curd mass, instead of it you will just get a thick mass. To settle it, 1.5-2 hours is enough. Using a colander covered with a cloth, filter the mass. The soap and brine will separate.

8. Leave the mass for 1.5-2 hours, and then put it into molds for a day, then take it out and dry it.

The more processes of cooking-salting the soap has passed, the better it is. To improve the properties of the soap, you can melt it and add your favorite base or essential oils, such as olive and lavender.

Look for laundry, cleaning and hygiene

A lesson in making soap on ash

I have long wanted to make natural soap from scratch. But, unfortunately, in our shop for soap making, alkali is not sold. So I thought, before, after all, they somehow cooked soap on lye obtained by leaching ash.

It was not only our great-great-grandmothers who washed with lye. she told me, during the war, and even after, it was simply impossible to buy soap, let alone toilet soap, but even household soap. And they drowned them with wood. Unfortunately, I didn't ask her how to make the right lye. The Internet describes how to get lye for making soap, but not all of them are acceptable for a city apartment. And I love to experiment. I will describe how I made the lye.

1 way cold. I made lye in a glass jar exactly as described on the Internet. She poured 2/3 of the ash can and poured 1/3 of the water. In the first day, I interfered several times. Then I didn't touch it for two days. Gently poured into plastic bottles while filtering. For the filter I used cotton wool, which I put in a funnel. The solution is clear and light.

2 way hot. She took ash in the same proportions as with the cold method. She boiled over low heat for 3 hours. The solution is light, slightly brown. When boiling, part of the water evaporates, so it is not easy to drain the finished lye. A rubber bulb is advised, but the ash from the ash still gets into the solution. I poured it off with a ladle. Of course I immediately filtered it.

But this lye is not good for making soap. Too little concentration is obtained. In addition, when boiling, part of the water evaporates, it is difficult to drain off and not so much solution is obtained.

So I did it differently. I poured 4 handfuls of ash into a saucepan (I have a 5-liter one), poured 2.5 liters of water. About 5 centimeters remain from the edge of the pan; it does not spill out when boiling. She boiled over low heat, interfered several times. The finished solution is about one and a half liters. Having thus made two portions of lye, the third was poured with the previously prepared lye and again boiled for 3 hours. I boil in the evening, the solution will settle well overnight and can be drained. The liquor concentration is stronger. I could have repeated it again with a new portion of ash, but I ran out of it.

I told you about another way to make lyemum my girlfriend. It consists in the following: the same amount of water is passed each time through a new portion of ash until a strong liquor is obtained. It gets thick. To wash your hair, it is enough to pass water through the ash once and do not need to be diluted.

What conclusions have I made. I will lay out everything point by point.

Soap needs strong lye. At home, it can be obtained by boiling the ash or passing it several times through a new batch of ash.

The concentration of lye depends on which plant ash is burned. Most of all, the content of CO2 in the ash of sunflower stalks: 30-35% and buckwheat straw: 25-35%. Birch ash contains 10-12%.

Cold liquor is quite suitable for washing dishes and washing.

With regard to security issues, any method can be used. There is no strong smell when boiling.

When washing and washing dishes, it is better to use gloves - the skin is a little dry. Maybe I just thinned it a little.

It is necessary to store ready-made lye in a glass jar. I left it in a plastic bottle, after three days it began to leak. Conclusion: lye corrodes plastic.

But for those who do not have ash, and wait a long time until summer, I will tell you about one more way how you can make lye. The shops now sell barbecue coals. In principle, this is also ash, only not completely burnt out. I have a few of these coals left from the summer and I decided to find out what happens. Prepared hot and cold. The alkaline solution is very weak. But you can use it for washing dishes.

I do not recommend using a hot method: the solution turns out to be gray, dirty. You can filter, but is it worth the time?
Read more:

There are many master classes on how to make natural soap with lye, but I did not find how to cook natural soap with lye. If you also had a question about how to cook soap at home with ash lye, you may find something useful for yourself.

Since I did not find a clear step-by-step plan for making soap, I experimented myself. I took the 1: 2 ratio as a basis, i.e. 1 part fat and 2 parts lye. I cooked my first soap in lye, which I cooked by boiling once. The second soap was boiled with a stronger liquor.

I took 300 grams of pork fat and 600 ml of lye. She took the fat already ready, overheated. After about an hour, the saponification process begins.

First, a liquid is formed that looks like milk. With further boiling, the solution brightens. The fat that first floats above the lye gradually turns into an emulsion and the mass begins to thicken.

When cooking, be sure to stir the soap periodically. At this time, you need to start adding a new portion of lye. I added 100 grams each. The main thing is to make sure that all the liquid does not boil away, otherwise the soap may burn. Each new portion of lye continues the initiated saponification and the mass gradually turns into a transparent mass.

With further boiling, this mass begins to thicken. The consistency is similar to liquid semolina or thick jelly.

This is soap... You can also check by taking a little mass on the spatula. Soap glue flows down in a thin stream, and the emulsion in drops.

After receiving the soap glue, I proceeded to salting with table salt. The salting should be done very carefully, adding salt in small portions, scattering the salt over the entire surface and stirring without touching the bottom of the pan. Add a new portion of salt after the previous one has reacted.

As soon as the soap looks like a curd mass and floats up, the salting is stopped.

During salting, the soap cannot be removed from the fire, you can simply reduce the heat.

I cannot name the exact amount of salt. It took me about about a tablespoon. It probably depends on the composition of the starting materials, the strength of the liquor. It took me a little more to salvage the olive. The main thing is that it is better in small portions, mix well and do not rush with a new portion of salt until the previous one has completely entered. When the first portion of salt is added, the soap glue becomes liquid at first, but with the addition of new portions, the soap flakes off.

After salting, leave the pot with soap for a few hours so that the saline solution peels off. I left it overnight.

Then the soap must be carefully separated from the brine, and filled with a new portion of the lye. I took this time in a 1: 1 ratio. You can add 50 grams more lye for every 100 grams of soap. I read from 100 grams of fat 150 grams of soap is obtained. It really is. But you can weigh.

the beginning of saponification during the second brewing

The second cooking takes less time, about 2.5 hours. It all depends on how well the saponification went the first time.

Then we repeat the procedure: salting, settling and sound soap is ready. Salting this time should be carried out until the soap floats. Curd mass should not work out, just a thick mass. I left to settle for one and a half to two hours. Then the soap must be separated from the brine. To better separate the resulting sound soap, I put it in a colander, previously covered with a napkin.

Leave for one and a half to two hours. Then it can be laid out in forms. I left in the forms for a day. Then take out and leave to dry.

Boiling soap on fat creates foam. If you want to get a better quality sound soap, it is better to remove it. For best results, you can also cook and cure the soap several times.

I cannot say whether the soap should be left to mature or used immediately. I did not find the exact information. But I haven't used it yet. You can make a better quality toilet soap from the obtained sound soap. It is from such soap that high-quality varieties of toilet soaps are made.

If my lesson on soap making helps to answer your question on how to make soap at home, I will be very happy.

And here's what I got:

100% pork fat soap

Olive oil soap. Very gentle, good to wash.

This is my first creation. Here I collected, like an old woman on a bun: on the refrigerator. Fat and creamy margarine. Then I melted it already ready and added 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of camelina oil and scented with lavender. I gave a piece to friends for "tasting".

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Wood ash has long been used by our ancestors.
She was washed, washed, washed dishes, fertilized.
Lye is the consistency of wood ash infused with water.
It is mainly composed of potassium and sodium carbonates.
Unlike store-bought detergents, this is a completely natural substance.
How to prepare lye?

Pour in a third of the enamelled bucket of wood ash (namely wood ash, not waste combustion products). You need to take the ashes of deciduous trees: birch, alder.
Pour ash with water to the top of the bucket, remove large particles that have floated up. There are options further.
- Let the ash stand in water for 3 days (cold preparation of lye).
- Boil the resulting mixture until it becomes soapy to the touch and almost transparent (to check readiness, you can pour a little water from a bucket and evaluate its properties). The lye boiling time can be about an hour, maybe more.
Allow the resulting mixture to settle, then carefully drain the "water" so that no ash gets in - this is the lye.
The lye must be diluted with water 1 in 10 or more.
Ash can be used to bleach laundry: boil it by adding a bag of wood ash. At the same time, the lye will be prepared. It is believed that with this method of whitening, the laundry not only does not deteriorate (as far as is possible in principle when boiling), but even becomes even stronger! (from the book by G. Ya. Fedotov "Russian stove").
If washed with a highly concentrated lye, then the clothes will wear out quickly.
With a well-diluted lye, you can wash your head and your body.

We take wood ash or ash obtained from the burnout of plants (herbs) and sift it through a sieve, then sprinkle, moisten and stir until a uniformly moistened mass of ash is obtained. After that, it is collected in a heap, in which a depression is formed on top ... Lime is put in it, which is extinguished from the presence of moisture. Lime should be taken in half the weight of the ash taken. When the lime disintegrates into a fine powder, it is covered with ash. Then it is poured over with water and left for 24 hours, after which the lye is drained. This is the first and most concentrated liquor. It is placed in a special vessel, and then the ash is again poured with water, drained and a weaker lye is obtained. When this lye is ready, the stronger one is poured into the boiler and heated to a boil. Then add to the lye the corresponding amount of various fatty waste (oils, lard, etc.), today you can use high-quality oils and get the most fragrant and very useful soap) and boil, adding a weaker lye, until the sample taken on a glass plate solidifies into a transparent sticky mass ... In this way, liquid potash soap, also called soap glue, is obtained. To turn the soft mass into a hard, dense soap, add table salt to the soap glue. At the same time, the so-called soap core is released, which is a solid, soda soap. After adding table salt, the resulting sound soap is scooped out, as well as the lye, after which the soap is put back into the kettle, boiled again with a thicker lye, salted again, scooped out and put in boxes lined with linen; when the excess lye adhering to the soap collects drop by drop on the bottom of the box, the latter is turned over, the soap is taken out, cut into pieces and dried in the air.

It is one of the extremely important aspects not only of survival, but also of ordinary daily life. However, some may disagree with this, citing both personal experience and the experience of numerous pioneers and conquerors of the north who washed themselves well if once a month and felt very much even nothing. Well, what can I say - Hindus are still swimming in the Ganges River, the composition of which plunges any European epidemiologist into a slight shock. But it does not prevent cholera outbreaks from happening. As well as numerous skin diseases.

Archaic device for making soap.

Therefore, for a modern person, hygiene issues are always relevant, and during long-term survival or autonomous existence, they are vital. And in the latter case, the ability to make a full-fledged soap from ash with your own hands using improvised means will come in handy here.

What is needed to make soap?

  • ASH... It is obtained in the process of burning wood. If the wood is resinous, such as spruce or pine, then ash is needed, pre-mixed with some kind of fat to neutralize the resin. Instead of ash, caustic soda, which is also called soapstone, will go perfectly.
  • WATER... The most common, but preferably soft. Since the hard one can enter into chemical reactions with alkali and partially neutralize them.
  • FAT... Fatty waste, lard, subcutaneous fat and a variety of animal waste.
  • SALT... Cookery.

How to make soap from ash with your own hands

To make soap from ash, first we collect a little water in a large and not too necessary container.

An important point - in no case use aluminum dishes for making soap!

Add ash to the water and boil for half an hour. During this time, a precipitate will fall out - we do not need it. But the resulting liquid can be considered a light lye.

Add an equal amount of fat to the resulting lye and boil, gradually adding more lye. We must get a substance that can solidify when tested - liquid potash soap, or soap glue... It can already be used for its intended purpose, but it is too early to stop.

We take this soap glue, free of greasy residues and sediment, and add table salt there. As a result of the reaction, a denser soapy core is formed - " soda soapยป.

Continue stirring and adding salt. The core will gradually expand until the free soapy glue runs out. However, it will not yet be solid - rather, plastic.

More modern soap making process

Then we take out the resulting soap from the ash, and transfer it to another boiler, where we first add a more concentrated lye, previously boiled in some other container, and the same table salt. In the process, the soap thickens even more - now it can be used for hygiene. But only after excess lye, which is quite harmful to the skin, drains off.

To do this, put the resulting substance for shaping in a wooden box on a layer of linen or some other cloth. We give time to the soap to harden, and the lye to drain to the very bottom. We cut the soap into pieces and then use it for pleasure. It is better to store soap from ash, having previously greased it.

The resulting bars of homemade soap

All stages of the process, except, perhaps, the first, are recommended to be carried out in the fresh air, because the stink will be terrible. But on the other hand, soap obtained in this way from fat, salt and ash can effectively cleanse the skin in almost any situation. And it is certainly much better than just ash, which, by the way, is also used to maintain personal hygiene.

A lesson in making soap on ash I have long wanted to make natural soap from scratch. But, unfortunately, in our shop for soap making, alkali is not sold. So I thought, before, after all, they somehow cooked soap on lye obtained by leaching ash. It was not only our great-great-grandmothers who washed with lye. she told me, during the war, and even after, it was simply impossible to buy soap, let alone toilet soap, but even household soap. And they drowned them with wood. Unfortunately, I didn't ask her how to make the right lye. The Internet describes how to get lye for making soap, but not all of them are acceptable for a city apartment. And I love to experiment. I will describe how I made the lye. 1 way cold. I made lye in a glass jar exactly as described on the Internet. She poured 2/3 of the ash can and poured 1/3 of the water. In the first day, I interfered several times. Then I didn't touch it for two days. Gently poured into plastic bottles while filtering. For the filter I used cotton wool, which I put in a funnel. The solution is clear and light. 2 way hot. She took ash in the same proportions as with the cold method. She boiled over low heat for 3 hours. The solution is light, slightly brown. When boiling, part of the water evaporates, so it is not easy to drain the finished lye. A rubber bulb is advised, but the ash from the ash still gets into the solution. I poured it off with a ladle. Of course I immediately filtered it. But this lye is not good for making soap. Too little concentration is obtained. In addition, when boiling, part of the water evaporates, it is difficult to drain off and not so much solution is obtained. So I did it differently. I poured 4 handfuls of ash into a saucepan (I have a 5-liter one), poured 2.5 liters of water. About 5 centimeters remain from the edge of the pan; it does not spill out when boiling. She boiled over low heat, interfered several times. The finished solution is about one and a half liters. Having thus made two portions of lye, the third was poured with the previously prepared lye and again boiled for 3 hours. I boil in the evening, the solution will settle well overnight and can be drained. The liquor concentration is stronger. I could have repeated it again with a new portion of ash, but I ran out of it. My friend's mother told about another way to make lye. It consists in the following: the same amount of water is passed each time through a new portion of ash until a strong liquor is obtained. It gets thick. To wash your hair, it is enough to pass water through the ash once and do not need to be diluted. What conclusions have I made. I will lay out everything point by point. Soap needs strong lye. At home, it can be obtained by boiling the ash or passing it several times through a new batch of ash. The concentration of lye depends on which plant ash is burned. Most of all, the content of CO2 in the ash of sunflower stalks: 30-35% and buckwheat straw: 25-35%. Birch ash contains 10-12%. Cold liquor is quite suitable for washing dishes and washing. As far as security issues are concerned, any method can be used. There is no strong smell when boiling. When washing and washing dishes, it is better to use gloves - the skin is a little dry. Maybe I just thinned it a little. It is necessary to store ready-made lye in a glass jar. I left it in a plastic bottle, after three days it began to leak. Conclusion: lye corrodes plastic. But for those who do not have ash, and wait a long time until summer, I will tell you about one more way how you can make lye. The shops now sell barbecue coals. In principle, this is also ash, only not completely burnt out. I have a few of these coals left from the summer and I decided to find out what happens. Prepared hot and cold. The alkaline solution is very weak. But you can use it for washing dishes. I do not recommend using a hot method: the solution turns out to be gray, dirty. You can filter, but is it worth the time? Read more: There are a lot of master classes on how to make natural soap with lye, but I did not find how to cook natural soap with lye. If you also had a question about how to cook soap at home with ash lye, you may find something useful for yourself. Since I did not find a clear step-by-step plan for making soap, I experimented myself. I took the ratio 1: 2 as a basis, i.e. 1 part fat and 2 parts lye. I cooked my first soap in lye, which I cooked by boiling once. The second soap was boiled with a stronger liquor. I took 300 grams of pork fat and 600 ml of lye. She took the fat already ready, overheated. After about an hour, the saponification process begins. How to cook soap on ash at home First, a liquid is formed that looks like milk. With further boiling, the solution brightens. The fat that first floats above the lye gradually turns into an emulsion and the mass begins to thicken. When cooking, be sure to stir the soap periodically. At this time, you need to start adding a new portion of lye. I added 100 grams. The main thing is to make sure that all the liquid does not boil away, otherwise the soap may burn. Each new portion of lye continues the initiated saponification and the mass gradually turns into a transparent mass. How to cook soap on ash at home With further boiling, this mass begins to thicken. The consistency is similar to liquid semolina porridge or thick jelly. How to cook soap on ashes at home This is soap. You can also check by taking a little mass on the spatula. Soap glue flows down in a thin stream, and the emulsion in drops. How to boil soap on ash at home How to boil soap on ash at home After receiving soap glue, I began to salt it with salt. Salt should be done very carefully, adding salt in small portions, and the salt should be scattered over the entire surface and stirred without touching the bottom of the pan. Add a new portion of salt after the previous one has reacted. How to cook soap on ash at home As soon as the soap becomes like a curd mass and floats up, the salting is stopped. How to cook soap on ashes at home You cannot remove soap from the fire during salting, you can simply reduce the heat. I cannot name the exact amount of salt. It took me about about a tablespoon. It probably depends on the composition of the starting materials, the strength of the liquor. It took me a little more to salvage the olive. The main thing is that it is better in small portions, mix well and do not rush with a new portion of salt until the previous one has completely entered. When the first portion of salt is added, the soap glue becomes liquid at first, but with the addition of new portions, the soap flakes off. After salting, leave the pot with soap for a few hours so that the saline solution peels off. I left it overnight. Then the soap must be carefully separated from the brine, and filled with a new portion of the lye. I took this time in a 1: 1 ratio. You can add 50 grams more lye for every 100 grams of soap. I read from 100 grams of fat 150 grams of soap is obtained. It really is. But you can weigh. How to cook soap on the ash at home. The beginning of saponification during the second cooking. The second cooking takes less time, about 2.5 hours. It all depends on how well the saponification went the first time. How to cook soap on ash at home Then we repeat the procedure: salting, settling and sound soap is ready. Salting this time should be carried out until the soap floats. The curd mass should not work out, just a thick mass. I left to settle for one and a half to two hours. Then the soap must be separated from the brine. To better separate the resulting sound soap, I put it in a colander, previously covered with a napkin. Leave for one and a half to two hours. Then it can be laid out in forms. I left in the forms for a day. Then take out and leave to dry. Boiling soap on fat creates foam. If you want to get a better quality sound soap, it is better to remove it. For best results, you can also cook and cure the soap several times. I cannot say whether the soap should be left to mature or used immediately. I did not find the exact information. But I haven't used it yet. You can make a better quality toilet soap from the obtained sound soap. It is from such soap that high-quality varieties of toilet soaps are made. If my lesson on soap making helps to answer your question on how to make soap at home, I will be very happy. And here's what I got: How to cook soap on ash at home Soap from 100% pork fat How to cook soap on ash at home Olive oil soap. Very gentle, good to wash. How to cook soap on ash at home This is my first creation. Here I collected, like an old woman on a bun: on the refrigerator. Fat and creamy margarine. Then I melted it already ready and added 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of camelina oil and scented with lavender. I gave a piece to friends for "tasting".


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