Forensic agency. Ano bureau of forensic examinations on tverskaya. Cost of forensic examination

The Moscow Regional Forensic Examination Center conducts various types of special studies. We will present a ready-made conclusion in as soon as possible... The provided service may be required for the correct and comprehensive consideration of the case materials in the framework of a criminal, civil or arbitration process.

In what cases is a forensic examination ordered?

The specified function in the criminal process is assigned to the inquiry officer and the investigator. In addition, regardless of the branch of law to which the case belongs, the court may issue a ruling on the conduct of a forensic examination in Moscow.

In some cases, this procedure is mandatory if it is necessary to determine:

  • causes of death;
  • the physical or mental state of the suspect, the accused, the victim;
  • the nature and degree of harm to health;
  • age of the victim.

In other cases, authorized persons appoint a forensic examination at their own discretion, if they deem it necessary to involve a specialist to establish the facts that are important for the correct consideration of the case. In addition, research can be carried out on the basis of a reasoned request from the parties to the process.

Cost of forensic examination

Name of the type of examination

The cost of the examination in up to judicial procedure, rub.

The cost of conducting an examination in the framework of a trial, rubles


Examination of the authenticity of the seal

From 12000/1 object

From 10000 / each subsequent

From 14000/1 object

From 10000 / each subsequent

Determining the priority of applying text

From 30,000 / 1 object

From 20,000 / each subsequent

From 35000/1 object

From 40,000 / each subsequent

Establishment of the limitation period for the manufacture of signatures, records

From 45000/1 object

From 40,000 / each subsequent

From 50,000 / 1 object

From 45000 / each subsequent


Establishing the Circumstances of a Road Traffic Accident

Establishment technical condition vehicle (manufacturing defect)

Definition market value refurbishment of a vehicle:

  • low damage (up to three parts);
  • medium degree of damage (3–10 parts);
  • severe damage (over 10 parts).

Transport and traceological research Vehicle and traces formed during an accident


Identification of violations when documenting information about the financial transactions of the organization

Establishing signs of data distortion in accounting and in calculating the tax base

The cost is determined based on the results of familiarization with the documents under study

Investigating the causes of inaccuracies and ways of data corruption accounting

The cost is determined based on the results of familiarization with the documents under study

Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise and determination of reliability economic indicators its activities

The cost is determined based on the results of familiarization with the documents under study

Determination of the degree of security of an economic entity working capital

The cost is determined based on the results of familiarization with the documents under study

Establishing the dynamics of changes in financial condition companies and the reasons for negative trends

The cost is determined based on the results of familiarization with the documents under study

Analysis of calculations of the shares of shareholders or founders in the property or distributed profit of the enterprise

The cost is determined based on the results of familiarization with the documents under study


Identification of one person

Drawing up a transcript:

  • up to 5 minutes
  • up to 10 minutes
  • from 10 to 30 minutes.

Portrait identification


DNA analysis for paternity

DNA tests for ethnicity

DNA identification

From 5000 (in addition to the cost of item 1)

DNA analysis for close relationship


Revealing plagiarism and other offenses in the field of copyright and related rights

Establishing the similarity and / or identity of intellectual property objects (works, sound and video recordings, etc.)

Revealing the facts of insult, slander, humiliation of dignity, honor, business reputation

Linguistic examination of texts, video and sound recordings for the content of extremist statements

Revealing veiled information in the content of the investigated materials


Expertise of the severity of the harm to health

Medical expertise to determine the nature and mechanism of damage as a result different types trauma

Establishing the presence of medical errors in treatment

70,000 to 115,000

Other questions

Discussed by agreement


Establishing ownership of a signature

12,000 for the first signature, for each subsequent 6,000

Establishing ownership of a record

12,000 for the first entry, for each subsequent 6,000

Establishing the Fact of Execution of a Signature Imitating a Certain Person

12,000 for the first entry, for each subsequent 6,000

12,000 for the first entry, for each subsequent 6,000

Determination of the psychopathological state of the performer of the signature, text (state of intoxication, stress)


Type of work


Issues to be resolved and performed work

Expertise objects

Cost, rub.

Fire-technical expertise

Establishing the source and cause of the fire

Road transport

Marine and air Transport

Establishment of the organizational and technical cause of the fire (the causal relationship of the occurrence of a fire in violation of specific rules and regulations fire safety for the customer)

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. up to 1000 m 2)

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. over 1000 m 2)

Residential facilities (baths, cottages, etc.)

Overground motor transport

Sea and air transport

Electrical expertise of real estate objects

Verification of compliance with PUE and PTE of electrical networks.

Calculations of electrical loads.

Destruction of electrical equipment after the gulf.

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. up to 1000 m 2)

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. over 1000 m 2)

Residential objects (apartments, baths, cottages, etc.)

Explosion-technological and explosive-technical expertise

Establishing the epicenter and the cause of the explosion.

Establishment of the organizational and technical cause of the explosion (the causal relationship of the occurrence of a fire in violation of specific norms and rules of fire safety, technological processes, technical regulations, etc.).

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. up to 1000 m 2)

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. over 1000 m 2)

Residential facilities (baths, cottages, etc.)

Road transport

Sea and air transport

Examination of fire safety of buildings and structures. Carried out during the construction, reconstruction and operation of the facility

Checking for compliance of objects with fire safety rules and regulations, SNiP and technical regulations ФЗ-123.

Development of measures to ensure fire safety in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87.

Calculation of the evacuation of people and fire risks.

Audit of the instructions of the State Fire Supervision of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. up to 1000 m 2)

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. over 1000 m 2)

Residential facilities (baths, cottages, etc.)

Construction and technical expertise

Analysis and assessment of the quality of the carried out (ongoing) general construction and finishing works in accordance with SNiP and the project.

Compliance of engineering networks and construction works design solutions and regulatory documents.

Checking the compliance of design solutions with regulatory documents.

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. up to 1000 m 2)

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. over 1000 m 2)

Residential facilities (baths, cottages, etc.)

Engineering and technological expertise of fire safety

Establishing the causes of malfunction and the quality of work performed on engineering systems of automatic fire extinguishing, internal and external fire-fighting water supply, smoke removal, fire alarm and warning and evacuation systems in case of fire

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. up to 1000 m 2)

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. over 1000 m 2)

Residential facilities (baths, cottages, etc.)

Fire-tactical expertise

Assessment of the actions of the participants in extinguishing the fire of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. up to 1000 m 2)

Enterprises (warehouses, shops, factories, etc. over 1000 m 2)

Residential facilities (baths, cottages, etc.)

Road transport

Sea and air transport

Review of conclusions

fire-technical expertise

Verification of the conclusion in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Verification of the conclusion for the correctness of the use of generally accepted methods with the use of special knowledge in full and in accordance with the questions put for permission of the examination, indicating specific shortcomings.

For experts of RFSCE under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

For other expert opinions


Establishing the compliance of a residential building (an extension to a residential building) with the requirements of building codes and regulations, and whether the construction threatens the life and health of citizens

From 15,000, depending on the distance, the cost can reach 20,000

Establishing the compliance of the completed redevelopment in an apartment (residential building) with the requirements of building codes and regulations

Establishing the quality of the repair performed in an apartment up to 70 m 2

Establishing the quality of the repair performed in an apartment up to 150 m 2

Establishing the quality of the repair performed in a residential building up to 150 m 2

Establishing the quality of the repair performed in a residential building up to 300 m 2

Establishment of the cost of work performed to repair an apartment (the cost of eliminating identified defects) up to 70 m 2

Establishing the cost of the work performed to repair the apartment (the cost of eliminating the identified defects) up to 150 m 2

Establishing the cost of work performed to repair a residential building (the cost of eliminating identified defects) up to 150 m 2

Establishing the cost of the performed work on the repair of a residential building (the cost of eliminating the identified defects) up to 300 m 2

Establishing the reason for the bay of an apartment, residential building, non-residential premises

Establishing the possibility of dividing a one-story residential building (compensation is calculated for the area and for refurbishment)

Establishing the possibility of dividing a two-story residential building (compensation is calculated for area and for refurbishment)

Establishing the quality of manufacture and installation of PVC window blocks per unit

From 10,000, for each subsequent 6,000

Determination of the cost of losses caused to the apartment as a result of the gulf

1 room - from 10,000;

2 rooms - from 12,000;

3 rooms - from 14000.

From 25,000 rubles

Determination of the cost of losses caused to a residential building as a result of the bay

Up to 100 m 2 - From 10,000;

Up to 150 m 2 - From 15,000;

Up to 250 m 2 - From 20,000.

Up to 100 m 2 - From 15,000;

Up to 150 m 2 - From 20,000;

Up to 250 m 2 - From 25000.

Checking construction estimates for compliance with the applied coefficients, standards

Establishing a causal relationship between accidents at a construction site

Review of expert opinions

Participation of an expert in the commission for accepting the delivery of an object after construction, reconstruction, repair

Apartment - From 20,000;

Residential building up to 150 m 2 - From 30,000;

Residential building from 150 to 300 m 2 - From 40,000.

In court, this service is not provided

Determination of the degree of physical wear and tear of a residential building

Recognition of premises suitable for living or recognition of premises as unfit for living

Determination of the scope of actually performed work

Apartment up to 100 m 2 - From 12,000;

Residential building up to 150 m 2 - From 15,000;

Residential building up to 300 m 2 - From 20,000.

Apartment up to 100 m 2 - From 15,000;

Residential building up to 150 m 2 - From 18000;

Residential building up to 300 m 2 - from 25,000.

Technical Supervision

From 20,000 rubles


Trasological examination of traces from burglary weapons, tools, shoes, vehicles, on finished products and other subjects submitted for examination

Fingerprint examination


Identification of one person

Identification of each subsequent person

Establishing signs of editing a record

Establishing signs of plagiarism in a post

Drawing up a transcript:

  • up to 5 minutes
  • up to 10 minutes
  • from 10 to 30 minutes

Establishing the number of persons participating in the conversation

Establishing signs of video and photographic materials editing

Portrait identification

Identification by anthropometric characteristics and functional-dynamic complexes of motor skills

Functional-dynamic analysis of the motor activity of persons involved and objects of the video sequence

Other questions

Discussed by agreement


Development of section options land plot, share allocation

What is the exact location of the actual boundaries of the surveyed land plot

Does the actual area and location of the site comply with title documents

Justification of the area of ​​the land plot for building maintenance

From Is there an overlap of the boundaries of the area under study on the boundaries of neighboring land plots

Within the Moscow Ring Road - not paid

Up to 10 km from MKAD - From 2000 rubles.

Up to 20 km from MKAD - From 3000 rubles.

Up to 30 km from MKAD - From 4000 rubles.

* The price is indicative and is not a public offer for concluding a contract, the final cost should be checked with specialists.

How to initiate a forensic examination?

For this purpose, you need to turn to the inquiry officer, investigator or court with the appropriate petition. It is preliminarily recommended to get advice from the "Moscow Regional Center for Forensic Examination".

Our experts will provide clarifications on a number of key issues:

  • What circumstances can be established in your case through research and what is the likelihood of obtaining a reliable result?
  • What is required for a forensic examination?
  • How to correctly formulate questions for a specialist?

The information provided will help to properly prepare an appeal to the court, an inquiry officer or an investigator and to get the maximum result from the examination.

How to prepare a research application?

You can make a request for the appointment of a forensic examination in Moscow orally during court session... However, it is recommended that you complete your application in writing. The document, in addition to the name of the body to which it is addressed, the name of the applicant and the details of the case, must contain the following information:

  • significant circumstances for the establishment of which research is required;
  • the area of ​​knowledge in which the specialist must understand;
  • a list of issues to be resolved within the framework of a forensic examination;
  • who should pay for the study;
  • which organization or specific specialist it is proposed to involve for forensic examination.

Based on the results of consideration of the petition, if the court, the inquiry officer or the investigator found it justified, a ruling is made on the purpose of the study. In it, along with the expert institution, the goals and questions for the specialist, the terms in which the forensic examination should be performed are indicated. The document is sent to the appropriate organization. If the ruling is made in the course of the consideration of the case in court, the proceedings are postponed. A date for a new meeting is set, taking into account the time it will take to complete the study.

Why should we entrust the forensic examination to us?

Our center conducts all the most demanded types of research, including an independent property appraisal. The activities of the organization and each forensic examination are carried out in full accordance with the requirements current legislation... In addition, we guarantee:

  • High quality of research execution. Our employees have been working for over 10 years and are recognized experts in their field.
  • Prompt execution of the task. We will need no more than 10 days to conduct a forensic examination or appraisal of an apartment for Sberbank.
  • Great service. We will coordinate all stages of the research with the client and give detailed recommendations. The application can be made on the company's website, and our courier will bring you the finished conclusion.

I applied for a pre-trial handwriting examination. The examination was ordered to examine the handwriting and signatures containing signs of unusual performance. The examination was carried out in one day and did not take much time. The results of the examination were ready within a week. The review issued by an expert described in detail whether the handwriting was actually written by whoever claimed it. The expert gave an assessment of the handwriting taking into account external factors impact (it was necessary to additionally attach the results of the lie detector examination).


To answer

7 800 500-31-28

The Bureau of Forensic Examination on Tverskaya helped me in examining the prescription of documents. It was pleasant to cooperate on non-forensic examination and, subsequently, forensic examination of the prescription of documents creation. Unfortunately, our team of lawyers was faced with the lawlessness of the so-called "lawyers" from the opposite side in the litigation. We assume that the documents were created retroactively from their submission. The experts of the Bureau carried out the necessary independent examinations and established the actual prescription of the documents' creation. When conducting an examination, they do not delay the deadlines and do not ask for unnecessary documents - this is really IMPORTANT for a forensic examination! The Bureau has its own forensic laboratory in which our expertise was carried out. The court accepted the expert's opinion. No matter how hard the other side tried to refute the expert's conclusion, it did not work out. I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of ANO "Bureau of Forensic Examinations"!


To answer

7 800 500-31-28 Russia, Moscow, Tverskaya st., 18, building 1

Good day! I work in the real estate sphere, and today two years ago I met with the Bureau of Forensic Science. Thank you very much that there is such an organization and I hope it will always be. Although after the first acquaintance with her activities he was very angry, and swore ugly and loudly. And what would you do if the buyer, instead of money for a beautiful apartment, brings an expert opinion on the inconsistency of the microclimate of the dwelling with housing standards, as a result of a violation of the exhaust system, and asks very much big discount to correct ventilation or even terminate the contract in pre-trial order. Of course, when I first got acquainted with the object of the transaction, I also thought it smelled too fragrant and humid in the apartment. But the sellers assured that this was due to the large number of plants per square meter. And in order not to spoil my reputation, I had to show all my theatrical and diplomatic talent between sellers and buyers. And donate the entire percentage for this. Oh, how angry I was with the Bureau back then. But the morning of the evening is wiser, and after calmly thinking I realized that the Bureau of Forensic and Pre-trial Examinations is excellent for my work. The price of construction expertise fits well into the bargaining percentage, after all, I don't sell tangerines on the market, only three metro stations, I live on Dynamo, and they are on Tverskaya, and most importantly, they value their reputation and do not "push a lime tree." Now, as soon as I feel a catch or need to drop the seller's price, go straight to them. Once again, many thanks to the Bureau for their required work. Big greetings to Sergey and Katerina. Sincerely, Victor


To answer

7 800 500-31-28 Russia, Moscow, Tverskaya st., 18, building 1

Disgusting. First, they announced the cost of an expert assessment of damage to the bay of an apartment after a fire of 20 thousand, then 30 thousand without explaining the reasons. The head of the experts is a minor habalka, no idea how to communicate with people and do business, there really is an impression of the company's focus on the client's divorce for money: grab and also get nasty


To answer

7 800 500-31-28 Russia, Moscow, Tverskaya st., 18, building 1

I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of ANO "Bureau of Forensic Examinations" in Moscow. It was pleasant to cooperate on the pre-trial handwriting examination and, subsequently, the forensic examination of the prescription of the documents' creation. Unfortunately, our opponents in court declared a document drawn up by a "back" date, i.e. forged a "second copy" of the contract. And the experts of the Bureau of Forensic Expertise conducted a reliable examination of the age of the documents. No matter how hard the other side tried to refute the conclusion, it did not work out. They brought in the process of "examination for examination", but if there really was information about errors, but no, not a single remark on the merits. It turns out that some "expert companies" write everything for money, unfortunately! And thanks to the Forensic Science Bureau for the professionalism!


To answer

7 800 500-31-28 Russia, Moscow, Tverskaya st., 18, building 1

Thank you for evaluating our work!

To answer

CHARLATANS !!! In a nutshell ... the court appointed a handwriting examination in the "ANO Bureau of Forensic Examination", they did not conduct any research immediately in the first days began to demand 87,000 rubles from me without giving an intelligible answer for what? The very examination they carried out for six and a half months after which they gave an answer not YES or NO, and MAYBE naturally, the court did not accept their conclusions! Council to bypass these SHARLATANS do not repeat my mistake!


To answer

7 800 500-31-28 Russia, Moscow, Tverskaya st., 18, building 1

Dear Victor! If there really was such a case, please provide the case number in court. Now, in order: 1) You write: "... they did not conduct any research at once in the very first days began to demand 87,000 rubles from me without giving an intelligible answer for what?". We inform you that when appointing an examination, the court assigns payment to one of the parties or to both parties in equal shares. The expert institution MUST PAY AN EXPERTISE, and the party charged with the payment MUST PAY FOR THE EXPERTISE. At the same time, an important criterion and principle of independence is that the work of an expert is paid, and not the result of the examination that you would like to see. 2) You write: "The examination itself took them six and a half months ...". The examination can take six months or even a year, it all depends on the completeness of the materials provided to the expert and on many other factors. The expert is guided by the current methods during the examination and if the expert does not have enough materials, he is obliged to request the missing materials from the court. But the expert cannot influence the speed of the court. For the future, we inform you that such claims in terms of timing must be addressed to the court. 3) You write: "... after which they gave an answer not YES or NO, but it is POSSIBLE ...". We inform you that the conclusions of the expert on handwriting examination may be as follows: - categorically positive; - categorically negative; - probably positive; - probably negative; - it is not possible to answer the question posed. These conclusions are admissible by the current examination methodology and the expert bears responsibility for them, including criminal responsibility. 4) You write: "... naturally the court did not accept their conclusions!" We inform you that the expert's opinion for the court is not a panacea, but ordinary evidence that the court must consider and assess. When making a decision, the court has the right to take into account or not take into account any expert opinion, with any conclusions. And if the expert's opinion is justified and does not have a categorical conclusion, the court, most likely, will not base the decision on such an expert's opinion and will be right. There are a lot of nuances in forensic science that are not known even to practicing lawyers, not to mention the common people.

To answer

If you want to throw away a round sum of money, you can feel free to contact the ANO "Bureau of Forensic Examinations". We had strong doubts about the limitation period of one important document. We decided to conduct an examination and contacted the above-mentioned organization. It was necessary for them to answer whether this document was signed 5 years ago or just recently? They gladly agreed to help us, took a considerable sum and retired for a month to conduct their "examination". A month later, a piece of paper signed by an "expert", a candidate of chemical sciences (not a dilettante, but a whole candidate!) Kulakova NAtalya Valerievna (nee Tyurin) comes from them. In this "conclusion" it is written that they do not know when the document was drawn up. Maybe 5 years ago, or maybe 10. It is not possible to set a deadline! But it seems possible to take money for these services. As a result, we lost a whole month and threw money down the drain. Do not repeat our mistakes, never contact this sharashkin office. We will certainly collect from them every penny. So that it was not a good idea to trade air.


To answer

7 800 500-31-28 Russia, Moscow, Tverskaya st., 18, building 1

Dear dissatisfied customer! If you and your "group of lawyers, lawyers and investigators" have some general knowledge of the examination, then you should know that the expert's conclusion, which reads as "NIP" or "It is not possible to answer the question" is one of the expert's answers , which the expert has the right to give based on the results of one or another examination. Now, in order: 1) Examination of the prescription of documents is not a cheap examination, since it requires specialized expensive equipment, which, by the way, is not available in all expert organizations. 2) You pay not for the result, but for the research. If you need a definite result, you can find experts on the examination market who will write you the date of creation of the document with an accuracy of the day, but professionals perfectly understand that such a conclusion is not worth a price, there are no methods that allow you to determine the date of creation of a document with such accuracy. 3) Yes, we carry out pre-trial and judicial examinations of documents prescription. The geography is extensive - we carry out under contracts with clients, we conduct forensic examinations of prescription according to court decisions and decisions of investigators, for courts of general jurisdiction and for arbitration courts, so as you put it, "Those gladly agreed to help us, took a considerable amount and left for a month to spend their "expertise" ". We have our own equipment, we have experts of the required qualifications and we do not have a high cost of conducting an examination of prescription. 4) The expert examination for you was carried out by a highly qualified expert - Kulakova N.V., who, as you just noticed, is a candidate of chemical sciences (not just a dilettante). The examination of the prescription of documents is a complex of examinations: a chemical and technical examination of a document and it is much better if this examination is carried out by an expert who does not have advanced training courses for working on special equipment, but a chemist who also has the right to conduct technical examinations of documents. Expert N. V. Kulakova - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, has the right to independently conduct handwriting and technical examinations of documents, worked as a teacher at a law institute, has confirmation of advanced training, i.e. in terms of qualifications for carrying out such examinations - the most suitable expert with 15 years of experience in conducting examinations! 5) Therefore, when you use the terms - "you retired for a month to conduct your" examination ""; - "A month later, a piece of paper signed by an" expert "comes from them"; - "In this" conclusion "is written", etc. you look like amateurs in this matter. 6) Once again (and free of charge) we will conduct an educational program for you: the conclusion of the expert "It is not possible to set a deadline" is also the result of the research, which the expert can only obtain by conducting a full-fledged research. Why can an expert come to this conclusion? Because the expert cannot confirm that the document was accurately or probably created in a certain period of time for a number of indicators that he finds and must reflect in his conclusion. 7) Now on the timing of the examination. You may have "lost a month", but a month for conducting expert examinations of prescription is a normal period. We do not make an examination of the statute of limitations in 10 days, this is not possible according to the methodology. 8) About "threw money down the drain" - we repeat that you pay for a well-founded and reliable research, and not for the result you need. 9) Now about the examination of the prescription in general. Even if you know the exact date of creation of the document, the expert cannot always determine it for a number of reasons. The conclusion of the NIP that you received just confirms that the expert in this particular case could not determine (confirm or deny) the date or period of creation of the document. 10) With regard to the expressions "to this sharashkin office" and "So that it would not be common to trade in air" - these expressions are a means of linguistic expressiveness, expression. They have a negative connotation in their meaning, i.e. a negative assessment of the activities of a legal entity is given. However, this is only an estimate and cannot be verified for compliance with reality. And most importantly, we gave a clear answer to your comment "to look at the document more closely": we ask you to provide written comments, a claim, etc. with a clear indication of our mistakes, inaccuracies and shortcomings in your opinion, after which we will be ready to hold a meeting with a group of your "lawyers, lawyers and investigators" to provide explanations on the study. Those. we made it clear that we are ready to organize a meeting to resolve the disputed moment, but to date we have not received substantiated written claims. Why is it possible to write negative reviews on the Internet (by the way, not supported by anything), but it is impossible to write an objective claim? Perhaps because there are no grounds for an objective claim?


Autonomous non-profit organization"Bureau of Forensic Examinations" - a center for forensic, non-forensic examinations and assessments. The Bureau of Forensic Examinations conducts primary, repeated, additional, complex and commission examinations.

The main activities of the Bureau:

Expertise and appraisal under contracts with individuals, legal entities, government agencies;

Forensic examination and assessment in criminal, arbitration and civil cases, in cases of administrative offenses;

Production of forensic examinations and assessments in the framework of pre-investigation checks and preliminary investigation;

Reviewing materials of criminal, arbitration and civil cases, cases of administrative offenses prepared by experts of both non-state and state forensic centers or individuals appointed by experts.

The Forensic Bureau conducts the following types of examinations:

Autotechnical expertise. Car examination

The cost of refurbishment after an accident, loss of the commodity value of the t / s

Examination of the technical condition of the vehicle

Examination of the circumstances of the accident

Land survey

Expertise on the removal of boundaries of land plots in kind

Expertise of the section of the land plot

Land surveying works

Engineering and technical expertise

Engineering and technical expertise of equipment, devices, etc.

Computer and technical expertise

Fire-technical expertise

Forensic expertise

Handwriting examination

Examination of signature

Examination of the summary record

Examination of handwritten text

Handwriting examination on a copy of a document

Posthumous handwriting examination

Technical examination of documents

Comprehensive technical examination of documents and handwriting examination

Examination of the prescription of the creation of documents

Expertise of impressions of seals and stamps

Examination of printed texts

Examination of the sequence of execution of the details of the document

Examination of documents with altered original content

Expertise to determine the installation of documents

Expertise for restoring the content of documents

Linguistic expertise

Complex phonoscopic and linguistic expertise

Linguistic expertise of information and communication materials

Linguistic expertise in insults, libel cases, protection of honor and business reputation

Linguistic examination of documents and regulatory legal acts

Linguistic expertise of names (naming expertise)

Linguistic examination of literary works

Linguistic examination of short texts

Linguistic expertise of extremist materials

Medical expertise

Psychiatric examination

Psychological examination

Grade. Evaluation expertise

Real estate appraisal

Valuation of movable property

Damage assessment

Business valuation

Assessment for a notary

Construction and technical expertise

Establishing causes and magnitude material damage caused by improper construction

Definitions of the types, volume, quality and cost of construction work performed

Expertise of completed works on landscaping and landscaping

Determination of the need for major or current repairs of the building

Determination of the capital of buildings

Expertise to determine the reason for the flood of residential and non-residential premises and the cost of repair and restoration work

Verification of compliance of acts of acceptance of completed work of the unified form KS-2 to work contracts

Examination of premises before buying / selling

Examination of redevelopment / reconstruction of premises

Commodity examination

Commodity examination of non-food products

Commodity examination of garments

Commodity examination of leather goods

Commodity examination of fur and fur products

Commodity examination of footwear and footwear

Commodity examination of furniture

Commodity examination of household appliances

Trasological examination

Transport and traceological expertise

Phonoscopic examination

Establishing the verbatim content of a conversation on a phonogram

Installation of a phonogram (presence / absence of editing)

Noise cleaning

Phototechnical expertise

Economic expertise

Economic expertise

Accounting expertise

Financial and economic expertise


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