Lazareva assistant referee working on a contract basis. Judge Assistant. Court secretary. How to get a job as an assistant referee

How to choose a good profession, which will give moral satisfaction and bring a good material income? Every person asks this question sooner or later. Of course, there are lucky people who know from childhood who they want to be and purposefully go towards their dream. But most school graduates have a very vague idea of ​​what they would like to do. Choosing a profession is not an easy and responsible task. After all, from who and where you will work, it largely depends on whether your life will be happy and successful.

Who is an assistant referee?

Institute of Assistant Judges for Russian Federation is a relatively new category. The appearance of such a position is due to significant changes that have occurred as a result of judicial reform. The main purpose of introducing the vacant rate of "assistant judge" into the staff was to free up working time for other employees of the justice authorities. In addition to this task, the reform pursued others. Thus, the selection of qualified personnel for the above position allows for a rigorous selection of candidates, and also gives judges the opportunity to engage directly in their work, and not paperwork.

Today it is safe to say that the assistant referee is his right hand and an indispensable employee who will always help to cope with the influx of bureaucratic papers and arrange business. It is noteworthy that this institution receives a lot of attention from the legislative and judicial bodies, as well as the administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Large amounts are annually allocated to stimulate and develop the widespread introduction of this category of employees in the judiciary.

So what is an assistant referee? This is a federal employee who is part of the court apparatus and endowed with powers, as well as having duties stipulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of the Public Service of the Russian Federation”.

Assistant referee requirements

For persons who apply for the position of "assistant judge", the requirements are very stringent. This is not surprising, because this work implies direct communication with participants in legal proceedings, as well as the acceptance - albeit indirectly - of participation in making decisions in civil and criminal cases.

To qualify for this position, a person must have a law degree. It can be received both in full-time and in absentia form. Work experience in the acquired specialty - at least four years. If the applicant previously held the position of a civil servant, then the required length of service is reduced to two years.

All candidates are given a personal interview, during which knowledge of such important legal acts as the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws directly regulating the activities of the courts, as well as the regulatory framework in the area of ​​their powers is checked (for example, a candidate for the position of "assistant arbitration judge » must know the nuances of tax and economic cases, and those who want to work in criminal proceedings must have a good idea of ​​what a crime is and what its composition is). In addition, the applicant must be proficient in the basics of office work and negotiation, study the labor regulations and internal order working hours, safety standards and much more.

Strict requirements are also imposed on the skills of the candidate. Thus, an assistant judge of a district court should be able to analyze and summarize the necessary information; work with regulations and skillfully apply them in practice; in a difficult situation, do not lose control over it and find the best way out; develop a plan of action in advance; see, support and learn to implement best practices, including foreign ones, in their activities; effectively interact with other departments and bodies of other related structures; control the execution of these orders; learn how to properly manage your time; have certain personal qualities(calmness, diligence, vigor and diligence).

What are the duties of an assistant referee?

Before submitting a resume, you need to know what you will face in a new job and what the employer will require of you.

The duties of an assistant referee are very extensive and significant. It should do the following work:

  • Carefully study all statements of claim, complaints received by the judge, as well as make proposals on them, prepare draft court decisions.
  • Take an active part in the process of preparing the case for consideration.
  • Assist the judge in organizing the hearing of the case, conduct an interview and a preliminary court session, taking into account the fact that the assistant judge is not entitled to carry out any actions that entail the emergence, change or termination of the rights and obligations of participants in the process.
  • To exercise control over statements of claim and complaints left without movement, as well as over those cases, the proceedings on which are postponed or suspended.
  • Supervise activities related to the timely sending of relevant documents to the parties to the process.
  • To study judicial practice in accordance with the specifics of the disputes under consideration.
  • Participate in the preparation of all necessary reports on the results of the judge's activities.
  • Prepare materials for reports and speeches, carefully check the information contained in them.
  • Form responses to requests and proposals received in the course of work.
  • Be able to work in the "Consultant Plus" program.

Powers of an Associate Referee

As you can see, the range of duties of an assistant referee is very wide. In order to freely implement them, he is endowed with a list of powers that he can use within the framework limited by law.

What rights does this civil servant have? He can improve his professional level in educational institutions systems of training and retraining of employees of the court apparatus; use any regulatory, statistical and other materials available in the archive; get everything necessary information from structural divisions and from experts; make suggestions to improve their activities.

Differences in the work of an assistant judge in arbitration, world and district courts

If you want to get a job in this position, then you are probably wondering how the duties differ in different categories of courts. Answer to this question very simple. So, the assistant justice of the peace will deal with cases that are within the competence of this body. These are disputes of a civil nature related to alimony obligations, inheritance law, divorce proceedings, contesting the validity of concluded contracts, etc. This also includes criminal cases of a minor degree (beating, causing minor bodily harm, threat of murder).

Arbitration deals primarily with economic disputes between legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs. Consequently, the assistant judge of the arbitration court will have to take a direct part in cases related to commercial activities. This is a very interesting, but at the same time very complex and extensive area of ​​legal proceedings.

Benefits for Assistant Referee

The assistant judge belongs to the category of civil servants, and therefore, all the rules regarding benefits for this group of citizens apply to him. For service in excess of 10 years, next vacation is 42 days. It is possible to use free medical care, as well as receive discounts on spa treatment.

How to get a job as an assistant referee

To get a job as an assistant judge, it is best to first work as a secretary or clerk in the place where you want to pursue a career. Then in two years you can take the desired position. Remember that you need to have a law degree to do this. A bachelor's degree is enough. If you cannot spend precious time on full-time education, then you can work and get a part-time job at the same time. Then by the time when the necessary experience has accumulated, you will have an education.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The disadvantages of the profession include irregular working hours and a constantly changing schedule. Of course, in accordance with labor laws, no one can force you to work overtime, but in practice everything turns out differently. Be prepared for the fact that there will be so many cases that you will have to go out to holidays or stay late at work. Another significant disadvantage of the position of "assistant judge" is the salary. 2014 did not bring significant changes to the regulation of this problem. Now the average income of employees in this category in Russia is 16,000 rubles. In the northern regions, this amount is much higher and reaches 35 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will have to face the disrespectful attitude of the participants in the process. People come to court to sort things out, so they are often on edge, and employees become an outlet for them, into which they can throw out accumulated negative emotions.

The benefits include stable income and quite a long vacation. Since the work is official, in Pension Fund all necessary payments are made.

Career Opportunities

Of course, you can hear the story of how someone you know rose to the rank of chairman of the court, starting with a simple assistant. But in reality, this rarely happens. Typically, an assistant referee remains in this position until retirement. The situation has not changed much since the last centuries. Yes, in Ancient China the assistant judges (of course, they were called differently) knew for sure that they would never occupy a higher position. This was regulated by both official and hierarchical norms.

Assistant referee: reviews of the profession

People working in court know firsthand how much moral and physical strength this profession takes. Endless paperwork, constant attacks by plaintiffs and defendants, regular reports - all this requires maximum restraint and concentration. But there are many benefits as well. Having worked in litigation, you can gain vast experience in communication, handling documentation and mastering regulatory legal acts.

Assistant referee salary

Considering such an issue as raising the salaries of assistant judges, it should be remembered that 2014 was absolutely unprofitable for them. Most likely, if the income of these employees increases, then within the framework of inflation, which will be from 5 to 7%. As the representative of the State Duma explained, this year a significant increase wages not worth the wait.

However, not everything is so sad. In the next three years, the Government of the Russian Federation plans to carry out a financial reform associated with an increase in the level of monetary allowance for all court employees. First of all, this can be achieved by increasing premiums. To date, the salary of an assistant referee consists of several parts, which increase in proportion to the length of service. Thus, the employee has a significant incentive career development: The longer he is in the service, the higher his income.

Other participants in the arbitration process assisting the court in exercising their powers

Under such other participants in the process, helping the court to exercise all the powers assigned to it by law, are meant the assistant judge and the secretary of the court session. The secretary of the meeting is an official authorized to take minutes during the consideration of the case.

When performing the functions assigned to him, he must correctly and fully set out in the document he draws up the actions that were committed during the proceedings, as well as all court decisions taken as a result of the consideration of the case. It is worth noting that the secretary of the meeting is not an employee of the office. During the process, he also performs an authenticating function, because the protocol he draws up is a kind of proof. An assistant judge is a participant in legal proceedings who assists the judge in preparing the case materials for consideration, as well as directly during the session. The Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation separately focuses on the fact that such a subject does not have the right to perform functions that are directly or indirectly aimed at the administration of justice.

Judge Assistant. Its legal status and functions assigned to it

The Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, as well as all federal laws adopted on its basis, consider an assistant judge as a person who is directly involved in the process. Accordingly, these persons have a certain legal status and special features. In accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts relating to the regulation of the process of legal proceedings, all specific duties aimed at keeping minutes of the court session and making certain actions may be carried out by the referee until the appointment of an assistant referee.

In turn, the assistant referee must perform such functions immediately prior to the appointment of the session secretary.

There are a number of functions that can be assigned to an assistant referee:

  • on behalf of the judge, he can take part in the preparation of the case for the upcoming trial;
  • the functions of an assistant judge include helping the judge in organizing the process, planning it, planning the upcoming interview, preliminary meeting;
  • informs the judge about the presence of certain evidence;
  • notifies the judge of the presence of applications and motions filed by persons participating in the proceedings in the case under consideration;
  • informs all persons participating in the case, their legal representatives about the details of the arbitration court in which the case will be considered, about information resources where you can find all the necessary information.

Separately, it is worth noting the fact that, in accordance with the rules contained in the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, an assistant judge does not have the right to perform the following functions:

  • aimed at the administration of justice;
  • aimed at the performance of certain actions, which entail a change in the rights and obligations of the persons participating in the consideration of the case and other participants in the proceedings.

Despite the fact that the assistant judge cannot exert any influence on the outcome of the case, as well as on the substantive legal relations between the parties, he can also be challenged. A challenge may be filed in cases where one of the participants in the arbitration process has evidence that the assistant judge is interested in the results of the case. The assistant judge, as well as the judge himself and the secretary of the session, have the right to declare self-withdrawal.

Powers, Rights and Obligations of the Secretary of the Court Session

Despite the fact that the secretary of the court session is not actually involved in resolving the case, he can affect objectivity, as he reflects the course of the arbitration process in the minutes of the session. When compiling the minutes of the meeting, the secretary, one way or another, sets out his vision of the process. It is for this reason that a disinterested person should act as a secretary - this is the main requirement for the participation of a secretary in the process under consideration. If circumstances are identified before or during the trial that may indicate an interest this participant process in the outcome of the case, he must be challenged. The secretary himself also has the right to declare self-withdrawal.

The powers, rights and obligations of the secretary of the court session are determined by the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

According to this normative act The secretary of the court session is obliged to perform the following functions:

  • check the presence in the courtroom of all persons participating in the case, and then report this to the judge;
  • set out as fully and correctly in the minutes of the court session all the actions and decisions taken court, actions committed by each individual participant in the process;
  • within the terms established at the level of legislation, prepare the minutes of the meeting, sign it together with the presiding judge.

If there are disagreements between the presiding judge and the secretary regarding the content of the protocol, the latter has the right to attach his comments to the protocol drawn up by him, which will subsequently be considered by the composition of the court. The Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation separately allocates a list of persons who cannot act as secretaries of a court session. These include:

  • persons who are directly or indirectly interested in the outcome of the case under consideration;
  • persons who took part in its consideration, regardless of the capacity in which they took such part. The only exceptions are cases where in the previous consideration of this case, this person took part in it as a secretary;
  • persons whose relatives are involved in the consideration of the case.

If one of the above circumstances is revealed, the secretary of the meeting must declare self-withdrawal. If the secretary does not fulfill this duty, any of the participants in the case under consideration may challenge him.

The final decision regarding the removal of the secretary can only be made by the judge, based on his consideration of the submitted application.

In some cases, participants in legal proceedings are required to obtain a copy of the ruling issued by the arbitration court based on the results of the trial. The preparation of such a copy is carried out by the secretary of the meeting or the assistant judge. It is worth noting that all these copies must be certified by the signatures of the judge, the secretary, and the seal of the arbitration court must also be on the document. If a copy of the ruling consists of several sheets, the secretary must necessarily number them, lace them up and seal them.

The assistant judge is the right hand of the servant of Themis and an indispensable employee who can always cope with a huge influx of documents and the execution of court cases. People with higher legal education are appointed to this position of a civil servant and in accordance with the requirements specified in federal law dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the state civil service RF". The duties of an assistant are listed in job description, which is compiled in all courts for each employee.

What does an assistant referee do at his workplace?

The assistant referee has a lot of work, and it is as follows:
  1. careful study of all statements of claim, complaints and other documents coming to the judge. The assistant judge makes proposals on them and prepares draft court decisions;
  2. active participation in the preparation for the trial;
  3. assistance to the judge in organizing the consideration of the case, interviewing the participants in the trial. But the assistant cannot influence the course of the court session;
  4. control of complaints and statements of claim that remained without movement. Also, the assistant judge monitors cases in which proceedings are suspended or adjourned to another date;
  5. verification of the timely sending of all relevant court documents to the parties in the case;
  6. study of judicial practice related to the specifics of disputes that are considered by the judge;
  7. participation in the preparation of reports on the results of the judge's work;
  8. preparation of materials for reports and speeches and careful verification of all information;
  9. work in the "Consultant Plus" program;
  10. compiling responses to suggestions and requests that appear during work.
From all of the above, it becomes clear that the assistant referee has a lot of responsibilities. This civil servant can improve his professionalism in educational institutions for retraining and training of employees of the court apparatus.

What is the difference between the work of an assistant judge in different courts?

The answer to this question is simple. For example, an assistant judge of an arbitration court will deal with those cases that are within the competence of this judicial institution. In arbitration, economic disputes between entrepreneurs and legal entities are considered to a greater extent. Therefore, the assistant judge is involved in cases that are related to commercial activities.

The assistant magistrate is engaged in completely different cases. These are various disputes between citizens related to inheritance, alimony, divorce proceedings, and so on. The competence of the justice of the peace also includes criminal cases of a small degree of severity - the threat of murder, beatings, and the like. And all this will have to face the assistant justice of the peace. District courts have their own specifics.

Despite the wide range official duties, the job of an assistant referee is interesting. A person in this position receives a stable income, although not very large. He is also granted leave of more than 40 days. There is also the possibility of career growth, in many cases, assistant referees, after many years of work, became judges.

We always have a large number of fresh current vacancies on our website. Use filters to quickly search by parameters.

For successful employment, it is desirable to have a specialized education, as well as possess the necessary qualities and work skills. First of all, you need to carefully study the requirements of employers in the chosen specialty, then start writing a resume.

You should not send your resume to all companies at the same time. Choose suitable vacancies, focusing on your qualifications and work experience. We list the most significant skills for employers that you need to successfully work as an assistant judge in Moscow:

Top 7 Key Skills You Need to Get a Job

Also quite often in vacancies there are the following requirements: analytical mindset, attentiveness. Ability to organize work time. Legal systems skills. and higher legal education.

When preparing for an interview, use this information as a checklist. This will help you not only to please the recruiter, but also to get the desired job!

Analysis of vacancies in Moscow

Based on the results of the analysis of vacancies published on our website, the indicated starting salary, on average, is 20,000. The average maximum income level (specified "salary to") is 27,000. Keep in mind that these figures are statistics. The actual salary during employment can vary greatly depending on many factors:
  • Your previous work experience, education
  • Type of employment, work schedule
  • Company size, industry, brand, etc.

Salary depending on the experience of the applicant

Assistant referee is a very difficult position, which has absorbed a lot of necessities. In principle, each judge must have an assistant, as well as a secretary. And it is the assistant who plays the main role in the preparation of all materials on a particular case. That is, in fact, a significant burden of obligations falls on the shoulders of the assistant. As for wages, it is set at the level of 30-50 thousand rubles. So, in principle, the work is not so relevant, but still, it allows you to get certain perspectives and opportunities.

If you decide to get a job as an assistant referee, you should definitely pay attention to the proposed vacant positions. Such positions are immediately reflected on the official websites of the court. After that, you need to visit the personnel department of the court and find out what documents should be submitted. Next, you provide a package of documents and have an interview with a judge. After that, an order for appointment to a vacant position can be created.

How can I get a job as an assistant referee?

  1. The assistant referee must have a law degree. Preference is given to higher legal education, which is obtained in state and certified educational institutions;
  2. An assistant referee cannot have a criminal record. A medical examination must be passed without fail. In this case, the passage of a psychologist and a narcologist is also assigned. That is, in fact, it is very important that a person is healthy, does not have any chronic diseases that could adversely affect his professional activity and also, had no chronic addictions;
  3. If the candidate is recognized by the court as incompetent, he cannot get a job;
  4. An important part of getting a position is the interview. It is on the basis of this interview that data is formed that relate to the knowledge of a specialist;
  5. Candidates submit all documents to the reception of the court or the personnel department. The authenticity of these documents must be verified.
In principle, there will be no particular difficulties in obtaining the position of an assistant judge. However, if you are going to get the prospect of intense growth, you need a prospector to fulfill your obligations.

Job Assistant Judge

Many are well aware that this position is not so prestigious, and it does not carry advantages in the form of a serious salary. However, everyone understands that in order to obtain the position of a judge, one must have legal experience. Moreover, the experience must be state activities. That is, in fact, an assistant judge is the most optimal position that allows you to prepare for the work of a judge. Firstly, in this position you will receive the experience you need. Secondly, you will plunge into the world of official duties of judges, you will be able to hone your knowledge, preparing for the qualifying exam.


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