What can be learned from the topographic plan of the land plot. Topographic survey, topographic plan What is a topographic plan

The technical documentation, of which the topographic plan is a part, is an integral part of the information that you need to have on the site used. This is important when organizing construction works or the implementation of the improvement of a particular territory. Simple jobs do not require the creation of a special plan, however complex work aimed at extended construction and improvement, without of this document will be practically impossible.

What is a topographic plan of a site is easy to define. It is an image created by constructing diagrams and drawings. It depicts reliefs, borders, communications, as well as various qualitative and quantitative characteristics of a given allotment. Such a plan is convenient in order to correctly distribute construction work, understand in which part of the site a structure should be erected and trees should be planted. In this case, objects are displayed on a large scale and using orthogonal projection.

Speaking about what can be learned from a topographic plan, several main points should be noted, which are always indicated on a document such as a topographic plan of the area:
  • hydrographic features, namely marks of water bodies on the site;
  • soil and plant objects;
  • all reliefs of the selected area;
  • transport line interchanges;
  • forks of engineering networks, including those located underground;
  • structures located on the site, indicating their characteristics;
  • put on the boundaries.

Topographic plans land plot may reflect other information that will help organize and carry out construction work, taking into account all the features of the territory.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of a plan and a map of the area. They are identical in their purpose, but the map reflects a large territory and implies a different scale.

Speaking about the importance of the topographic plan, two main aspects should be noted. Firstly, it will be necessary if the construction involves obtaining a permit for it. Without the presentation of the plan, such will not be received. And, secondly, the plan will be necessary for carrying out the planning of the territory of a vertical nature. In fact, such a plan can be defined as a preliminary design for construction work.

They will differ in their purpose and the information they contain:

  • geosubstance, which is a plan that includes underground communications and is drawn up on a specific scale, namely 1: 1500;
  • a horizontal survey plan, which implies the reflection of the object on the site and its boundaries in the form of contours, while there is no data on the relief of the territory on such a plan;
  • the plan is wooden, it reflects all vegetation, reliefs, buildings, as well as hydrographic objects.

Often, basic plans are distinguished, which are universal and have a geographical significance, and specialized ones, which allow solving specific tasks for each individual construction industry.

For a certain type of construction, namely when it comes to the construction of residential buildings or buildings with a potentially large crowd of people subsequently, the presence of the plan in question is required condition... Accordingly, such a document must be obtained somehow. However, there are options when this procedure is optional, for example, if a one-story structure is being built.

The drawing up of the topographic plan is carried out exclusively by specialists, namely, surveyors. In this case, it is necessary to have not only a diploma of education, but also to be a member of a self-regulatory organization.

To get a plan, you need to perform a series of actions, which are a set of stages performed in a specific sequence:

  1. Choosing the right company. It can be any organization that is registered in this capacity and is part of an SRO (self-regulatory association). In this case, all documents must be present that would confirm the right to carry out the activity in question and its registration. It is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarities of the work performed by specialists; they must be flexible and transparent. The company must also give guarantees of the quality of its activities. At the first meeting with the contractor, a technical assignment should be drawn up, and in the most simple and accessible way.
  2. Preparation of the assignment. This stage should be handled exclusively by the developer. It denotes the amount of work that a specialist must eventually complete. That is why it is important to prepare the terms of reference in advance. In some situations, when the customer cannot independently determine what work should be carried out, experts can advise the developer and give recommendations on how to draw up a suitable assignment.
  3. Signing the agreement. The services provided must be confirmed by the relevant contract. It will be based on the previously drawn up terms of reference. In addition, after the conclusion of the agreement, it is necessary to immediately provide the specialist with access to the object, talk about possible ways entrance to it, transfer all available documents to the site, even if they are outdated.
  4. Carrying out work. The implementation of the activity involves the completion of several steps. First, the specialist must study the proposed assignment and documents. Secondly, a trip to the site is carried out, where measurements will be carried out. And, thirdly, the fixation of the received data. It is they who are included in the documents and form the topographic plan. Getting data directly also includes certain actions, namely shooting, and in different types... It can be a tacheometric survey, a topographic survey, a photographic survey or a contour survey. The dendroplane will also be included in the work. Each of these actions takes a certain amount of time, it is the dendroplane that is carried out the longest, which takes up to eighteen hours.
  5. Formation and agreement of the plan. The obtained indicators, which will ultimately form the plan, must be recorded on two versions of the carriers. First, everything is entered into an electronic version, which will also be transmitted to the applicant. A paper version of the plan is also created, this process is time-consuming and requires special approach specialist. The more meticulous the work is, the more accurately all the identified objects and features of the site will be reflected on the plan.

It is possible that engineers will make additional efforts to carry out ancillary work, if required by the site provided by the customer.

The work of specialist surveyors is not carried out free of charge. When concluding a contract for the provision of services, the cost of the activity is negotiated.

The cost of work will be determined taking into account the proposed terms of reference... The more complicated it is, the higher the amounts payable will be. Not every method is used by specialists during work, respectively, the price will depend on this factor as well. Approximate prices are determined as follows: photography costs about eight thousand, contour photography - six thousand, tachymetric survey - twelve thousand, topography - ten thousand. Dendroplane is the most expensive type of work and can cost about fifteen thousand. It should be borne in mind that prices vary, taking into account the choice of the company that will carry out the activity in question.

The topographic plan is a very important document that plays an essential role in the conduct of serious construction work. Since its registration is carried out by specialized companies, it is necessary to pay attention to some aspects when signing the contract.

Otherwise, you can get an inaccurate document and at the same time pay money for it:
  1. No need to save. Companies offer different prices for creating a plan, in some cases they are incomparably lower compared to the amount of work. This should be alarming, therefore it is necessary to objectively assess the nature of the activities being carried out. Otherwise, questions may arise in the bureau when obtaining a building permit, which will require even greater costs.
  2. Equipment. Specialists should use the most new methods of work, as well as use innovative equipment. This ensures the accuracy of measurements, gives indicators that are as close to reality as possible.
  3. Consulting. They are important at the stage of drawing up a technical task, since only a specialist can explain what exactly needs to be paid attention to. This will help avoid unnecessary spending of money and time in the end.

There are many more aspects that will allow you to competently approach the issue of obtaining a plan, however, the considered ones are the most important, since mistakes in these areas are most common.

It must always be remembered that no plan is 100% accurate. There will always be some inaccuracies. Ideally, they should not be higher than 0.35 meters in plan and 0.2 meters in height.

Thus, the topographic plan of the land plot plays a role primarily for those who plan to carry out massive and large buildings, to engage in large-scale landscaping.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that work on its preparation can only be carried out by certified specialists who have joined the SRO. Otherwise, it is considered a violation of the law.

See in Art. Topographic maps. Mining encyclopedia. M .: Soviet encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984 1991 ... Geological encyclopedia

topographic plan- topografinis planas statusas Aprobuotas sritis kartografija apibrėžtis Žemėlapis, sudaromas neatsižvelgiant į Žemės sferiškumą. atitikmenys: angl. topographic plan vok. Grundkarte, f; Stadtgrundkarte, f; topographischer Plan, n rus.…… Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

Topographic plan- 102. Topographic plan D. Plan E. Plan F. Plan topographique According to GOST 21667 76 Source: GOST 22268 76: Geodesy. Terms and definitions original document ...

topographic plan- A large-scale plan of a limited area of ​​the terrain, within which the curvature of the earth's surface is not taken into account [Terminological dictionary for construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] topographic plan plan Cartographic ... ... Technical translator's guide

1. PLAN, but; m. [from lat. planum plane] 1. A drawing depicting a terrain, object, structure, etc. to scale on a plane. while maintaining their real proportions. P. building. P. city. P. school. P. spaceship... Strongly reduced p. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (from the Latin planum plane) 1) a drawing depicting in conventional signs on a plane (on a scale of 1: 10000 and larger) a part of the earth's surface (topographic plan). 2) A horizontal section or top view of any structure or object (see. , ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

plan- 3.1.14 plan: A top view or horizontal section of a building or structure. Source: GOST R 21.1101 2013: System project documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

engineering-topographic plan- 3.8 engineering topographic plan: Topographic plan, which displays the terrain, objects of the situation, including underground and aboveground communications and structures, with technical characteristics necessary for their design, ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

A graphic scale image of a horizontal projection or horizontal section containing dimensions, symbols, inscriptions, etc. (Bulgarian; Български) plan (Czech; Čeština) půdorys (German; Deutsch) Grundriß; ... ... Construction vocabulary

Plan- 1) a drawing depicting in conventional signs on a plane (on a scale of 1: 10000 and larger) a part of the earth's surface (topographic plan). 2) a horizontal section or top view of any structure or object. 3) the same as ... ... Architectural vocabulary


  • Plan of St. Petersburg 1901. Historical map 1: 21600,. The map of St. Petersburg and the nearest suburbs covers the territory from the Terijoki district of the Grand Duchy of Finland and the Toksovo region in the north to Tosno and Gatchina in the south. Shown east ...
  • Wonders of the world. Complete encyclopedia, Natalia Petrova. 256 pp. From the book Wonders of the World. Complete encyclopedia an inquisitive reader learns a lot of new and incredible interesting facts about our planet, its inhabitants, structures created by nature, ...

Good day to all! It's time to figure out the topographic plan. What is it and what is it "snacking on" and with what it is eaten?

And in general, is it really really necessary to contact the geodetic service or to private traders (with a license) so that they can "draw" a primitive plan for your own piece of Russian land?

Topographic plan - what is this?

Yes, yes, and yes again - no one will ever allow you to build not only a dream house, but a hut on chicken legs without a topographic plan of the site (even if your beloved mother-in-law likes to fly in a nano-mortar at her leisure).

Science defines the concept of "topography" as a section of geodesy that deals with the measurement of Mother Earth and its depiction on maps. Since we are interested in the topographic plan, obviously, the measurements will not concern the entire blue planet, but only that part of it, which is your single and indivisible property.

Moreover, in fact, the topographic plan is not even a "primitive" scheme, but a drawing set of contour lines, designations of all elements and objects, as well as relief marks located on your territory.

By the way, developers often do not know how the topographic plan of the site differs from the situational one. In principle, the difference between them is only in scale: situational is performed on a scale of M 1: 2000, 1: 1000 and is used to create a communications plan and technical conditions. !

It is important to choose the right scale for any plan. When they make a topographic plan (and they are doing this, as we have already found out, the guys-surveyors) for development construction plan usually use "five hundred". So in professional slang, the workers of the level and theodolite (without them a surveyor, that an astronaut without a spacesuit) call the scale 1: 500 (i.e. 1 cm on paper corresponds to 5 m on the ground).

The topographic plan looks like this:

Shooting without movies and photos.

Obviously, in order to get data on which it will be possible to draw a plan of your territory, you first need to make certain measurements, for example:

  • heights;
  • distances;
  • corners, etc.

If you became the owner not of some miserable few hundred square meters, but of the nth part of the region (yes, some are lucky!), In this case the surveyor will not go out into the field on his own two feet, but at least fly on a light airplane performing aerial photography. Or he uses a drone with special built-in geodetic equipment.

But if this is not your case, then everything will be easier and cheaper. Therefore, before embarking on the "field" work (as they call measurements on the ground), surveyors make a breakout basis - the help of this very topographic survey.

And this "help" consists of a construction grid, transverse and longitudinal axes, showing the position of buildings and their dimensions. The construction grid breaks the paper on which the plan will be executed into rectangles and squares with sides of 100-200 m (main grid) and 20-40 m (additional).

Topographic survey is carried out using an electronic total station and a navigation receiver, which determine the boundary coordinates of points. !

In order for the topographic plan of the site to appear on paper, it is necessary to carry out not only a survey "in the fields", but also to carry out office work. They have the same attitude to chamber music as a lion cub to Google: by this term, surveyors understand the execution of calculated data that are obtained using computer and special graphic programs.

When is a topoplane needed?

So, in order not to make fuss in vain, not to order too much and not to be without the necessary, remember: there are only 5 cases when a topographic plan will become a vital paper:

  1. To obtain a permit for the construction of a capital facility. No, of course, you can also build a "squatter" building on your own site, having far and deep in view of all the building permits. But know: when the time comes to sell, donate or somehow legally deal with your own courtyard, you or your heirs will have that still unpleasant surprise ...
  2. Don't build anything yet, let it. But in order to start a project of the future "family courtyard" with buildings, also without a topographic plan of the site either here or there.
  3. If everything has already been built and built on your own little land, and you are impatient to connect to centralized sewer, water or gas lines, you can be sure - without a topographic plan, there is nothing to meddle with in specialized operating organizations. By the way, dare to re-plan the underground communications, also make such a plan.
  4. Are you dreaming of legalizing "extra" hundred square meters under the "dacha amnesty"? Why dream - do a topoplane, and go ahead - blessing and praying!
  5. When the house is standing, the bathhouse is heated, and tomatoes are ripening in the greenhouse, it's time to think about landscape design. That's why they order a landscape topographic survey, according to which they make a topographic plan of the same name. True, it is more detailed, in M ​​1: 100 or 1: 200 (so that every bush and tree could be seen well).

Overall, remember simple truth- without a topographic plan, you will not see a cadastral plan, like your own scapula. !

Where can you order a topoplane?

Today there are a lot of private geodetic organizations and individualistic surveyors who are ready to perform both topographic surveys and office work and create a topographic plan of the site as the final result of the labors of their righteous. But do not forget to ask for a license from both those and others for such types of work.

And in order for an organization or individual to start work, it is necessary to provide them with the following documents:

  • technical task; (looks) (usually completed by you or the geo-company on their form)
  • title (or title) documents for land and objects of all co-owners;
  • if available, the technical passport of the BTI (if there are buildings);
  • a photocopy of the passport (or a copy of the constituent documents);
  • copy of the power of attorney (if not ordered by the owner of the site).

Topographic plan price

The plan is different for everyone. Well, first of all, every work evaluates its own way. Secondly, the final price depends on the volume of work and on the area where they are performed. It is clear that in the capital this is one kind of money, and in the Siberian wilderness - another. Yes, and the ruble and the dollar today, I remember, such a "swing" arranged, that to name a figure - to deceive you.

Therefore, let’s do this: the cost of a topographic plan for both “offices” and individual entrepreneurs depends on:

  • scale;
  • area of ​​the territory;
  • on the number of capital buildings;
  • remoteness from the city;
  • the length of underground communications at the site;
  • in paper or in electronic format receive your order;
  • terrain.

By the way, there is one good news - the cost of this work does not depend on the season - in winter and summer you will get by with one “ruble color”. Well, if "green" does not fail, of course!

And when the coveted topographic plan of the site will warm your hands, do not keep it with you like a loved one - take it to the architectural department, which is in local authority self-government, and you will be happy ...

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Topographic survey, topographic plan

For accuracy, we will not talk about topographic survey, but about the original graphic material. It can be divided into several varieties:

Cadastral plan of the site.

The cadastral plan is issued upon the purchase of a land plot and is an annex to the purchase and sale agreement. Make it out cadastral engineers with subsequent registration in the cadastral chamber of the region.

For geological surveys, it is completely unsuitable, since it does not have data on heights and the configuration of the site in reality may differ from the cadastre data (according to the documents).

Even if the cadastral plan is executed on the topographic plan, it should not be trusted. Firstly, as a rule, old (archival) plans are used that do not always correspond to reality, and secondly, the site can be shifted to the right and left or up and down from its real location - this is the specifics of the work of the cadastral chamber, such errors are often forced character and do not affect your ownership.

It is important to understand one thing - the cadastral plan is not suitable for geological surveys!

Survey plan, layout of objects, survey general development plan.

The master plan is drawn up by an architect, sometimes by the chairman of the garden partnership for garden plots. Usually, general plan does not have a clear (exact) scale, since it is received by the customer in the form of various copies or in the format of programs that do not allow maintaining the exact geometric dimensions. Such a master plan can serve as an approximate marking of boreholes.

In rare cases, the master plan is applied to a topographic survey (topographic plan) - on the contrary, this is an ideal source material for performing geological surveys - you can see the dimensions and location of the projected structures.

The best is the master plan in electronic form in the format of the AutoCAD program, such files have the extension .dxf or.dwg

Topographic plan.

The scale of the topographic plan.

For small objects, this is usually 1: 200 or 1: 500, for large objects 1: 500 or 1: 2000

In a conventional coordinate system and heights.

It is very common, as it fully meets the needs of an architect when designing private houses, landscaping a site or developing a project landscape design... Suitable for geological surveys, provided that the technical report does not pass expertise (quality assessment).

In the state coordinate system (SK-63, MGGT, SK-50).

Slightly improved version - your site is tied to unified system coordinates and heights. By coordinates, you can accurately combine the cadastral plan and find out if there is a discrepancy from the documents with the real state of affairs, it's easier to connect communications - they are also plotted in the coordinate system, if the systems are different, then they can be easily recalculated. Also, for passing expertise (quality assessment) of a technical report, a topographic plan linked to a coordinate system is required.

Examination of topographic survey.

In some cases, it is compulsory to need a topographic plan that has passed the examination in local architecture, as a rule, this is required for large objects and all objects located in Moscow.

The best is the topographic plan in electronic form in the format of the AutoCAD program, such files have the extension .dxf or .dwg, if necessary. expertise (quality assessment) technical report, electronic version required.

Where to get a topographic plan.

The topographic plan is made by organizations that have access to these works (activities should be open: Works as part of engineering and geodetic surveys) or licenses for cartographic + geodetic activities. Our organization has teams of experienced surveyors, equipment and permission to carry out work - everything that is necessary for high-quality topographic survey, you can learn more by calling our specialists by phone.

It should be remembered that the shelf life of the topographic plan is 3 years! This is especially true in cases when an examination (quality assessment) of a technical report is required.

About topographic survey in general terms:

To carry out engineering and geological surveys, it is necessary to first conduct topographic survey ... Topographic survey is a complex of geodetic works that are carried out in a specific area (territory, area) for the subsequent drawing up of plans and topographic maps. The territory is surveyed with varying accuracy depending on the requirements for this work and the object for shooting.

Depending on the scale, topographic survey is subdivided into:

    large-scale (from 1: 500 to 1: 5000);

    small-scale (from 1: 10000 and smaller).

As practice shows, engineering surveys require mainly large-scale surveys.

What should be plotted on a topographic plan or map?

Topographic survey should display the relief of the area on the plan, the exact elements of the situation of the investigated territory (garden, vegetable garden, contour settlement, river, road lines, etc.), existing buildings, all underground and ground communications, landscaping.

All captured terrain elements are applied to the plan in the form legend, the relief, in turn, - with contours indicating the elevations of the characteristic points (top of the mountain, the lowest points, depressions and pits). Contours are the lines connecting points of the same height on the plan (drawn in brown). It is also worth noting that the clear boundaries of terrain elements are drawn on the plan in the form of lines (outlines of structures, houses, etc.), and boundaries that cannot be indicated exactly - with dotted lines (outlines of forests, lakes, arable land, etc.) ...

Engineering and geodetic surveys for specific purposes and customer requests require specialized topographic survey. On such plans, it is permissible to display specific elements of the terrain situation (which the customer requires). So, for example, to monitor green spaces, a sub-tree topographic survey is required. For such a survey, only an indication of the location of trees and bushes, as well as their exact characteristics, is required. This survey is carried out on a large scale (1: 500 and larger).

Mandatory for topographic surveys is considered a survey of the territory for the presence underground structures... For this, the following activities are carried out:

    search for archival materials on the presence of underground structures in the investigated area;

Lecture2 .

Topographic plan (map) and tasks solved by them.

H. Coordinate systems in engineering geodesy

4. Orientation of lines.

1st v survey. WITH obsession T opographic

Plan (cards)

Topographic plan (Toart)- a reduced image on the plane of the physical surface of the Earth, built according to certain mathematical laws and clearly showing, using a system of conventional signs, the placement and connection of various objects, as well as their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

The main difference between the plan and the map is that when depicting areas of the earth's surface on the plan, horizontal projections of the corresponding segments are applied without taking into account the curvature of the Earth. When mapping, the curvature of the earth has to be taken into account.

According to the topographic plan, the following can be solved sTasks:

Study and assessment of the area;

Various engineering problems related to the definition of:




Mutual visibility of terrain points,

The steepness and types of slopes, etc.

VRRussiaTopographic plans andToartsWithtroyat in an orthogonal conformal transverse cylindrical projection and the corresponding system of plane rectangular coordinates Gauss - Kruger (G - K).

The essence of the transverse-cylindrical projection G - K is that by conventionally placing the globe in a cylinder, the earth's surface is projected onto its walls. So that the distortion of the line lengths does not exceed the limits of the accuracy of the map scale, the projected part of the earth's surface is limited by meridians with a difference of 6

In the transverse cylindrical projection, the distortions will be in the lengths of the lines: the zones on the cylinder are wider than on the ball. There will be no distortions of the axial meridian - it touches the surface of the cylinder, but the further the segments are from the axial meridian, the more distortions in the lengths of the lines.

The width of the zone at the equator is about 670 km, i.e. the extreme points of the zone are removed from the axial meridian by about 335 km. Distortions in the lengths of lines at the equator reach: when moving away from the axial meridian

per 100 km - , for 300 km - ... For the latitudes of the territory of the Russian Federation, the greatest distortions can reach approximately .

Layout and nomenclature of topographic maps

Topographic maps are usually compiled on multiple sheets. The territory of the whole country is depicted on them in parts. The dimensions of the map sheets are set to such a size that it is convenient to use them. So, a sheet of a map at a scale of 1: 10000 for the middle zone of the Russian Federation has a size of about 50  40 cm and contains an image of a terrain with an area of ​​20 km 2. For the entire territory of the country, the number of map sheets of this scale exceeds 1 million.

In order to be able to understand so many cartographic materials and quickly find the required map sheet for a certain area of ​​the terrain, a special system for naming map sheets has been developed - nomenclature.

The layout and nomenclature of topographic map sheets is based on the layout of map sheets at a scale of 1: 1,000,000.

Nomenclature of a separate sheet 1: 1,000,000 for the territory of St. Petersburg 0- 36

4 sheets

1: 25,000 0 - 36 - 144 - A - a

0- 36 - XXXVI

1: 1 000 000 0-36

36 pieces (sheets)

1: 1 000 000 0-36

144 sheets

Each sheet of the map is a trapezoid, the sides of which are two meridians and two parallels. Their boundaries have a strict (fixed) value for latitude and longitude.

Splitting of sheets of a plan of a scale of 1: 5,000 is carried out by dividing a sheet of a map of a scale of 1: 100,000 into 256 parts (16 rows in latitude and longitude). Sheets are numbered in Arabic numerals in rows from west to east. The size of each leaf is 115 in latitude and 153.5 in longitude. The nomenclature of these sheets is formed by attaching the corresponding number in brackets to the nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1: 100,000, for example: N-37-134-(16).

Sheets of a plan of a scale of 1: 2000 are obtained by dividing the sheets of a plan of a scale of 1: 5000 into nine parts and denoted by lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet, for example N-37-134- (16-f). The size of each sheet is 25 in latitude and 37.5 in longitude.

Large-scale topographic surveys in areas less than 20 km 2 are usually carried out in private rectangular coordinate systems. In these cases, the layout of plans sheets is made not by meridians and parallels, but by the lines of the coordinate grid. The sheets are in the form of squares with dimensions of 40  40 cm for plans at a scale of 1: 5000 and 50  50 cm for plans at a scale of 1: 2000 - 1: 5 00. The layout is based on a sheet of a plan at a scale of 1: 5000, denoted by Arabic numerals ...

A sheet of a plan of a scale of 1: 5,000 corresponds to 4 sheets of a scale of 1: 2,000, denoted by capital letters of the Russian alphabet.

A plan sheet at a scale of 1: 2000 is divided into 4 sheets of plans at a scale of 1: 1000, denoted by Roman numerals, and 16 sheets of scale plans

1: 500, denoted by Arabic numerals. So, the sheet shaded in the figure G scale 1: 2000 will have a number 1-D . Ibid - a sheet of scale 1: 1000, shaded with double shading and indicated by a Roman numeral I , has a number 1 - G - I ... The number of the sheet of the map at a scale of 1: 500, shaded in the figure, - 1 - G - 6 .

The figure shows general scheme layout and nomenclature of topographic maps, adopted in the Russian Federation. Other systems of designation of large-scale plans are also possible when performing surveys of construction objects. In these cases, the accepted schemes of their layout and numbering are indicated outside the framework of the sheets of plans.


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