Business plan in the countryside. How to make money in the village and a few simple ideas. Ideas for creating a business in the village from scratch for pensioners

The conventional wisdom that it is difficult or problematic to open a business in a village from scratch is rather just a delusion. Today, this direction is much more dynamically developing than business in the urban environment. Here are some tips to help you decide where to start a business in the countryside.

Ideas for business in the village can be divided into several conditional areas:

  • livestock business and products of its processing;
  • business related to cultivation vegetable crops;
  • so-called green tourism, the main idea of ​​which is to attract tourists to the village;
  • services sector.

Let's talk about each of these areas in more detail.

animal husbandry

Cattle breeding

Raising livestock for slaughter is one of the most common areas of the village business. Both large livestock (cows, sheep) and small livestock (poultry) are raised.

livestock business

  • lack of seasonality, you can get fixed income whole year. Food is not something Russians skimp on, even in hard times;
  • does not require large investments. Livestock is unpretentious in food and living conditions, it is easy to take care of it;
  • the possibility of organizing a full-cycle agricultural business, namely the cultivation of livestock for meat and milk, as well as the cultivation of fodder for it.
  • requires a large amount of work, at least several people are needed to care for livestock and sell meat;
  • payback periods for this business at least three or four years.

Sale of furs

This service sector can also be attributed to one of the most profitable businesses in the countryside. It is distinguished as high profitability, low competition, and large coverage of territories. It can be Russian clients - ateliers, fur shops, and foreign ones.

Profitable business - selling furs

The main disadvantage is the impossibility of doing this business all year round. The problem is that the main season for furs is winter, and it is required to keep and feed the animals all year round. And some of them require special conditions content, such as muskrat.

Breeding rabbits

Recently, more and more farms have appeared in Russia where rabbits are raised. In connection with the development of technology, their breeding began to develop by leaps and bounds. Meat and rabbit fur are in high and stable demand in the market. The rabbit farm is also easy to make - you only need to connect a few racks and tiers.


Among rural destinations This business is perhaps the most massive. A profitable business, the possibility of selling both wholesale and retail, the possibility of obtaining additional income from the sale of beekeeping products. In addition, honey is now used in many areas of activity, including healthcare, cosmetology.

In this material:

What ideas for small business in countryside can they fit? There is a small population, each of the residents mainly satisfies their needs at the expense of a personal plot, low incomes, etc. - all this is not conducive to starting own business in the village. What kind of business can there be? But do not rush to draw conclusions. In addition to the negative aspects, in rural areas there are certain positive points which make business in the countryside not only possible, but also highly profitable.

Benefits not to be missed

Before moving on to consider ideas for a business in a rural area or in small town, let's pay attention to a number of undeniable advantages that make starting your project in the village from scratch very promising.

Firstly, there is a lot of free land and premises, which makes the idea of ​​building their own agriculture promising in the village. It just needs to be done smartly. It is not difficult to rent or own some plot with a house (albeit a little rickety). And in some regions it can be done absolutely free of charge. In the village, the local authorities will only be glad to the arrival of new residents, especially entrepreneurs who will provide new jobs. But in an urban area, such a number will not work: both the land and the premises will cost a specie.

It is even easier with this issue for local residents who have their own house with outbuildings and a plot of land. For them, the issue is already settled.

Secondly, the cost of staff salaries in rural areas is much lower than in the city. It is quite possible to get by with an amount close to the minimum wages. Where the city will have to pay each employee 15-25 thousand rubles. and more, in rural areas you can get by with 6-12 thousand rubles. But, in addition to the staff, the individual entrepreneur himself can be limited to a lower income, which is very important, since he has freed up financial resources for expanding and scaling his own business. And this is very important for the further development of commerce.

Thirdly, the state is more willing to subsidize businesses that are located in sparsely populated areas and create jobs. You can get up to 100 thousand rubles to start your own business. and more, for which you only have to report and that's it. No need to pay interest, share business income, etc.

It turns out that starting a business in a rural area, in a small town is beneficial for beginners, because it:

  • cheap space and land;
  • inexpensive labor force;
  • there is a high probability of receiving a subsidy from the state.

All this allows you to start your own project with minimum investment. But this is true if all these advantages are used for business in the village. For example, if you want to open a beer stall in the center of the village, then a subsidy for such a project is not allowed, and the first two benefits will not be used, because land and premises for a beer stall are not needed, and the entrepreneur himself can be the seller.

We use the benefits

These business ideas for starting your project in the countryside from scratch and with minimal investment are designed to ensure that the entrepreneur enjoys all the benefits. This is the only way to create the most profitable business in agriculture for a beginner, if he does not have large investments for the project. He needs to use the benefits provided to the fullest.

Based on this, it is worth paying attention to such business ideas as livestock and poultry farming. In this case, you can not be limited to any one species, but create a full-fledged farm. In the absence of initial capital, you can begin to gradually build up your small business, gradually investing the profits in its development.

What should you focus on, what ideas are suitable and what kind of business to open? Your efforts should be directed to projects such as growing:

  • rabbits;
  • pigs;
  • large meat cattle.

What kind of business to do in rural areas from all the options considered? It is better to start a small business by growing quails and rabbits. These projects do not require large investments, it is possible to implement a business for rural areas with an amount of up to 100 thousand rubles, which can be received as subsidies from the state as support for small businesses.

Quail and rabbit farm

A quail project can be started with 500 birds. To do this, you need to purchase or make cages, purchase quail eggs, a special incubator and feed. During the first three months, the bird will hatch from the eggs, grow up and begin to bring the first income. From such a project, you can get from 15 thousand rubles a month. Not only eggs are sold, but also quail carcasses and bird droppings. The latter can be used on the farm to grow grain as food for the birds themselves.

Such a farm takes up little space, it is located on an area of ​​\u200b\u200b5 m 2, so it is often organized in urban areas. But there are no problems with the place in the village, therefore, as soon as the project starts to make a profit, which means that the production technology has been successfully mastered, it is necessary to increase the number of heads.

When the number of quails exceeds 5 thousand, it is necessary to hire a worker, because instead of developing the business, you will immerse yourself completely in manufacturing process. The main difficulty with an increase in the number of quails will be sales. Therefore, hiring an employee can be envisaged even earlier, when the farm has reached 1.5-2 thousand quails.

A rabbit farm can be started by raising 60 rabbits, which are placed in a specially made Mikhailov farm. It is designed in such a way that it is very convenient to feed the animals, the design provided for the removal of waste products of rabbits. The cost of one such farm is about 20 thousand rubles. It fits two dozen individuals. You can make it yourself, and save 60 thousand rubles.

The fecundity of these little animals, the non-waste of their production make it possible to extract an annual profit from such a project of 800 thousand - 1.2 million rubles. The advantage of this project is that rabbit meat is highly valued, it is not inferior in cost to beef and pork, and it requires less investment. Increasing the number of rabbits to 200-300 individuals gives a profit of 3-5 million rubles a year.

Both considered projects are very easy to implement, do not require a lot of space, investment and maintenance. In contrast, the traditional rearing of chickens, geese, pigs and beef cattle looks less attractive, requires more time and investment, and there may be serious problems with the sale of products due to high competition. Another important question arises: why, then, the considered projects are not so massive in the village? Both of these business ideas are very attractive, relatively simple, and do not require much time. For a village, this is generally a compact business, given the open spaces available, and a farmer needs his own yard and garden plot.

This is due to the inertia of the rural population, which is accustomed to focusing all its efforts on traditional activities. In the village people are used to having a cow or two, a few pigs, a dozen or two rabbits, and a few dozen chickens. In addition to this - the cultivation of vegetables on the site. All together, this allows you to provide the family with the necessary, but it requires titanic daily efforts, and the surplus sold at the bazaar brings some small profit.

Do the opposite, focus on the most profitable business in agriculture, to invest in the production of some profitable crop, berries, flowers, poultry or animals - only a few can decide on this in rural areas. It is wiser to start something from the production discussed above, which would bring a constant income and allow you to buy everything you need.

Services sector

Lack of attraction to poultry and livestock does not mean that starting a business
in rural areas from scratch will not work. If Agriculture not to your liking, you can do business in the village by offering services to the population. Not only in a small town, but even in the countryside, subsistence farming is absent, people are demanding more and more goods. The mass appearance of computers, cell phones, televisions requires the availability of services for their maintenance. Back in the 80s of the last century, if there was a TV, then not everyone had it.

In the last 15 years, every home has not only a TV, but also other household appliances in the form of multicookers, food processors, washing machines, etc. Even for grandmothers, their children bought cell phones for communication. But all this equipment with an enviable frequency fails. The nearest service is located in the city, it is inconvenient every time to go to the service for 20-30 or more kilometers. So business ideas are born to open such a service in a village, providing services to the local population.

For example, it could be a combined workshop-shop, which would not only provide repair services household appliances, but also some necessary things were sold, spare parts for equipment, the equipment itself (telephones, irons, multicookers, etc.), account replenishment cards. Of course, repair services will require appropriate skills, and it will be difficult to hire someone from their local residents in these conditions. Therefore, you need to be able to do it yourself. If there is no such skill, you can do the following. Equipment that needs repair is collected over a period of time (a week or two) and taken to a service station located in the nearest city.

How profitable such a business is depends on many factors, but above all on organizational skills. It is not at all necessary to be limited to only one village - there can also be regular customers from neighboring villages. In addition to the services discussed above, the population can be provided with:

  • cable television services;
  • repair and adjustment of computers;
  • Internet provision;
  • and other types of services that may be required.

Travel business

And what kind of business can be opened in a rural area if neither agriculture nor the service sector is suitable for the population of this area for some reason? In this case, you can think about providing services for non-local, urban populations.

You can organize your business from scratch in the field of ecotourism or implement a paid fishing project for visitors. But in order to open such a business in the village, some investments in infrastructure development will be required. It is not necessary to do something grandiose from the very beginning - you can start by arranging several summer houses. Make sure they have their own toilet and hot and cold running water.

Of course, you can do without this, offering tourists a simple house, a toilet in the yard and water in the well.

But over the past 20 years, the Russian tourist has been greatly spoiled by foreign holidays, where it is very difficult, even in summer houses, to meet the absence of all the benefits of a city apartment.

Therefore, in order to get the appropriate feedback and regular seasonal customers, it is worth spending money on the arrangement of residential premises.

Before you start a business, enlist the support of local and regional authorities. Firstly, it will help to get a solid subsidy in the amount of several thousand rubles. Secondly, part of the costs can be taken over by the government, which in this case contributes to the development of tourism infrastructure and the growth of jobs.

Without state support you will have to invest a lot of your own money. But learn that for a large amount state aid don't have to count either.

Therefore, prepare a business plan in which the project would provide for a phased development, starting with a small investment. But it should contain the prospect that over time it will expand, the number of jobs will grow to several dozen or more.

It is very good to come to the authorities with a business plan, saying that I am investing in agriculture or infrastructure development. Investors are treated very favorably, they try to assist them as much as possible.

It has nothing to do with any patronage of the authorities. The presence of investors allows you to present reports on the work done in a more favorable color.

Attracting investors, supporting small businesses are a separate item that they pay attention to. And an investor who develops the infrastructure of sparsely populated regions, creates jobs in them, is regarded as very valuable.

The suggestions described above are not an exhaustive list for those who are thinking about what kind of business they can do in the countryside. You can come up with many projects, but the most important issue is their implementation.

It will require good organizational skills, flexibility of thinking, the ability to promote your own product or service on the market. The bad news is that not everyone has these qualities necessary for entrepreneurship.

And the good news is that they are all acquired, often changing a person for the better.

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Before starting a business in the countryside from scratch, you need to consider some factors:

  1. Relatively low wages in small towns. In villages, the incomes of citizens cannot be called high either. There are practically no jobs in the countryside.
  2. Demand structure constitute common goods and services.
  3. Low start up costs.
  4. The importance of reputation. Reputation in a small town or village is extremely important. A damaged reputation can kill any business.
  5. Moreover, you should know the differences between the forms of economic government. Most often, they choose such a form of economic management as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. IP is easier to open, IP does not require authorized capital. But in case of declaring an individual entrepreneur bankrupt, the individual entrepreneur is liable with all his property.

Important! When registering IP is not registered entity. Individual entrepreneur is an individual with the right to conduct entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, this form of economic government will not work if you decide to sell alcohol. Individuals cannot obtain a license to conduct such activities.

Opening an LLC is a bit more difficult. More documents will need to be collected. In addition, it will be necessary authorized capital in the amount of at least 10,000. But there are also advantages. In case of bankruptcy of an LLC, the organizers are liable only for the funds they invested in the LLC.

You should also know the features of the area in which you decide to open your business. You need to know what exactly will be in demand. Let's look at a few ideas for running your own business.

How to start your business from scratch in a small town? Watch the video, which shows the experience of a businessman in the village.

What kind of business to start from scratch in a rural area?


The store is in high demand among the villagers. If for some reason there is no store in the village yet, then it's time to open it.

Important! When choosing an assortment of your store it is necessary to take into account the specifics of demand. For many household items, the villagers are often forced to go to the nearest regional center. If you offer them household items at a higher price, then there will be sales. If you decide to open a narrow profile store, then you may experience a lack of sales. Therefore, consider the needs of people who live in the area.

We also recall that only organizations can obtain a license to sell alcohol. Therefore, if you decide to open a store, you should take this fact into account.


In villages and villages, often there is no pharmacy. Therefore, a business idea in a village from scratch pharmacies is a great option. Medicines are subjects of general demand. The pharmacy will be out of competition. It will take about $40,000 to open a small pharmacy in a village or village. Pharmacy Profitability is only 10%.

Important! Although such a business will be profitable, it is not so easy to open it. For this license required. The documents that are needed to obtain a license are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 489, you will also need to pay a license fee.

In addition, it is important to consider that only a pharmacist can manage a pharmacy, and only pharmacists can work there. Accordingly, it is not easy to open a pharmacy.

In the village

If there is no shop or pharmacy in the village, this will also good option to start your own business. But the choice of options for business in the villages is somewhat wider than in the villages. The following can be added to business options in the village:


The procedure for the formation of an agricultural business idea from scratch is described in federal law dated June 11, 2003 N 74-FZ "On the peasant (farm) economy" (as amended on December 28, 2010 N 420-FZ).

Farming is a problematic economic market. Of course, there is state support. But in fact, state support is not being provided in the required volume. So, if you decide to grow strawberries for sale, it will be a very troublesome and costly business.


On the Russian market about 300 thousand tons of honey is provided annually. Note that Russian production allows you to get much less honey, namely, about 150 thousand tons. This is due to the lack of qualified specialists.

This business will be extremely profitable. After all, up to 7 tons of honey can be collected from the apiary during the season. The average price for honey is about 150 rubles per kilogram. In addition, you can sell honeycombs, perga, dead bees.

Important! The apiary also has big risks. Weather related risks. Drought or frequent rains adversely affect the collection of honey. This risk can be minimized by moving the hives to more favorable areas.


Yes, even in the village you can run a tourism business if you do enough good advertising. Such a business will help to make an influx of finance into the locality.

In order to run such a business, you need a good tourism program. You can compose it about everything, about life and way of life.


If it is quite easy to get to a village or village from a large city, such an option as keeping a stable can be a success. Many townspeople go in for horseback riding. But, of course, a horse cannot live in an apartment. Therefore, those citizens who have a horse rent a place in the stable. The stables located in the villages are in demand due to the lower rent of the stall than the stables in the city.

Stables can be purchased fairly inexpensively. Now stables are often located on the territory of former state farms. In addition, if you have your own horse, you can teach people equestrian sports and conduct horse rides for city residents.

In a small town

In a small town, the specifics of doing business are somewhat different. What are the ideas for a business from scratch in a small town? What kind of business can you start from scratch in a small town? We list examples:

  1. Restaurant and other catering options. Given the specifics of a small town, you should not open an expensive restaurant or a specific cafe. Something simple and inexpensive will do.
  2. Entertainment. Perhaps it will be the format of a cinema or a club. You should navigate and understand what entertainment is still missing here.
  3. grocery store

Important! In small towns, often, there are already quite a lot of grocery stores. This Network shops walking distance. If they are in the city, there is absolutely no point in opening your own grocery store due to the fact that prices will be higher than those of the network, respectively, the demand will be very small.


Every business has its own costs. Consider the main types of costs.

State duty for registration of IP is 800 rubles.

It is 4000 rubles. In addition, it is necessary to have an authorized capital in the amount of at least 10,000 rubles.

Print production ranges from 300 to 1500 rubles.

The most valuable thing is the room. Renting or buying premises will cost quite a large amount. It's hard to come up with specific numbers here. V in general terms, v In the Voronezh region, renting premises for a store costs 25-160 thousand rubles a month.

Primary purchase of working capital. Revolving funds are what will be put into circulation. This amount ranges from 50 to 150 thousand, depending on the characteristics of the business.

The average cost of hives for beekeeping is 3000 rubles. The family of bees is 2000 rubles.

Comparison of business plans

In order to choose the right business plan, you need to make a comparison.

It is necessary to choose from all the one that will work exactly where you are going to carry out a business project. It is necessary to take into account all factors, such as the availability of space for business, the presence of demand, the presence of competitors, the experience of running a similar business in this territory, your qualifications and education.

When you have chosen an idea, you need to start acting. First you need to register your business. Next, you should begin to improve the premises or territory for doing business.

Doing business in a small town or village is quite difficult. In addition, business options are quite limited. But, nevertheless, they are. And such a business helps to ensure the flow of finance to the periphery, which improves its economic situation.

Today, many city dwellers leave their apartments in the cities and move to live in villages, which are simply innumerable in Russia. However, the question immediately arises of what kind of business to open in the village. After all, the issue of earnings is an urgent problem even for those who seek to be closer to nature. In this article, you will learn what kind of business to open in the village from scratch without having start-up capital.

Is it possible to make money without initial capital?

If you think about what kind of business to open in the village, associations immediately arise about growing vegetables, animal husbandry or a bee apiary. However, what if there is no start-up capital that would allow you to invest in a business? In fact, there is a way out of any situation. The main thing is to show imagination and not be afraid of difficulties.

Any innovation can be perceived by the villagers not very friendly due to the peculiarities of the mentality. However, if you prove to people the usefulness and effectiveness of your work or services, you can get very good profit. Starting a small business, you can accumulate quite a lot of capital to start a big business.

Features of business in the village

You need to understand that the mentality of the villagers is fundamentally different from the urban ones. And this is not about any cultural or social differences. After all, the environment itself obliges to lead a different way of life. In villages, people need to get up early to take care of their household, travel tens of kilometers to work and work tirelessly to feed their families. That is why when planning a business, you need to take into account the needs and pressing problems of people.

In addition, you should prioritize for yourself personally. Decide how much time and effort you are willing to spend on running the business. Also, consider your professional skills and experience in various fields. Your own village should bring not only monetary profit, but also moral satisfaction.

So what kind of business to open in the village? We will talk about this in more detail.

How to start planning your own business?

Before choosing the direction of the future business, a thorough analysis is required, which will include the following:

  • wealth level, and total strength local residents.
  • Remoteness locality from the city and the availability of transport links.
  • The number of food, household and household stores and their range.

Once you have a general picture of the condition of the village and the basic needs of its inhabitants, you can begin to draw up a plan of action and choose the direction of work.

What kind of business to open in the village without investments?

It is not always possible to invest a large amount of money in your own business. Therefore, one has to look for any possible ways. But what kind of business to open in the village? Ideas can be very different. After all, there are many options for doing business without initial capital.

For example, you can offer people the service of a dairy products distributor. Many villagers are known to keep goats and cows at home for milk. At the same time, people have a problem with the sale of products, because it can be very expensive to travel to the market on your own. And if you have a car or a bus runs regularly through the village, then you can take goods to the city market every day and sell it with very big margin. After all, everything natural is valued by city dwellers much higher than store counterparts. The same goes for honey, eggs, meat and other animal products.

A lot of young people live in modern villages, because the country's demographics are growing rapidly. At the same time, everyone wants to dress stylishly and fashionably. So why not become an organizer of joint purchases? It has long been known that this profitable business does not require any investments. In addition, the price of goods from China is quite affordable for people even with low incomes. And information about your services will quickly spread throughout the village.

What kind of business to open in the village in winter?

In winter, villagers need hay more than ever. After all, it is required to constantly provide food for horses, cows and rabbits. That is why hay making great idea for business in a tree. In addition, no investments are required for its implementation. After all, you can stock up on hay in any field near the village. And the profit can be divided in half with a person who has a special harvester for forming bales.

In villages remote from cities, there is a big problem with transport links. Buses often refuse to run in winter due to heavy snow. So why not offer people a taxi service if you have a car? It is enough just to hang up ads in the village - and soon you will receive the first applications.

They always complain about the lack of entertainment, which is especially true in winter. Therefore, you can become the organizer of discos and holidays. In any village there are clubs or houses of culture, which can be rented from a local organization. And for a disco you need only high-quality equipment, minimal decorations and new year holidays you can organize a matinee for kids and schoolchildren, which young mothers will be incredibly happy about.

in the village

Undoubtedly, the most demanded business in the village is the opening of a food or hardware store. After all, not all villagers have the opportunity to regularly travel to the city. The same goes for pharmacies, clothing stores and even dental services. However, all these ideas will require considerable investment. Therefore, only businessmen with a considerable starting capital can afford to engage in serious business.

How else can you earn while living in the countryside?

In fact, not all people who leave the city are wondering what kind of business to open in the countryside. Freelancer reviews prove that you can earn good money even through the Internet, because now it is available in almost every outback. A specialist does not need any investments to make money on copywriting, web development, design and much more. In this case, professional skills will not be lost. And working in unity with nature will bring pleasure.

If you nevertheless decided to move to the village and answered your own question about what kind of business to open in the village, be prepared for any outcome of events. But the main thing is not to despair at the first difficulties and go only forward. After all, even the craziest business idea can become very useful and timely for a resident of the outback.

Farming is traditional for the village. However, in line with the demand for domestic tourism and interest in rural "exotics", as well as with the desire of an increasing number of people to healthy lifestyle of life become in demand agritourism and locavor catering business. Each direction can bring a good income, if you approach the matter correctly.


Analysts say that in the Russian outback today there are many opportunities for those who closely follow the changes in the economy and politics. How, in an era of unprecedented sanctions from Russia's former foreign partners and the country's need for import substitution, how to build a profitable business in the countryside from scratch? Consider the features of the "historical moment" and some of the ideas that our compatriots are successfully implementing.

Why is it beneficial?

Today, more and more foreign investors are investing in the Russian agricultural sector. The essence of this trend was frankly expressed by the Thai businessman Dhanin Chearavanont (TOP-81 in the Forbes global ranking), who is actively developing the agricultural business in a number of regions of our country:

“Russia can feed the 3 billion people of Asia. There are very good opportunities in Russia, which the Russians still treat inattentively and underestimate them.”

What are these possibilities?

  • The low level of competition allows you to choose almost any niche: from animal husbandry, poultry farming, beekeeping to your own production for processing farm products and opening a restaurant with a menu of organic products
  • The high need of the state for import substitution makes it possible to count on long-term loans even for novice farmers who do not have a solid start-up capital
  • Growth of healthy eating habits increases demand for wholesome, naturally grown fruits and vegetables, as well as organic poultry, quality meats and dairy products
  • The desire of urban residents to change the situation and find new ways of low-budget relaxation from stress contributes to the development of a new direction in tourism - ecological.

Let's consider how our compatriots realize these opportunities.

Growing organic poultry

In 2015, in the village of Zelentsino, Vladimir Region, the Free Range business project was launched, the author of which was farmer Dmitry Klimov. He announced crowdfunding on the website of the farmer's cooperative LavkaLavka and raised 100,000 rubles for a poultry house. Today, Klimov sells up to 40% of his products through the shops of this cooperative. Prices match its quality. For example, 1 kg of a turkey costs 1,080 rubles, a thigh costs 1,490 rubles. per kg, meat of reared chickens - 675 rubles. per kg.

Their regular customers D. Klimov knows literally by sight, as he delivers food to them every week at home. He also uses cooking shows to promote himself. farm shops Moscow, during which he demonstrates how delicious a turkey in oyster sauce is, and talks with gourmets about the merits of Barbary ducks.

D. Klimov “copied” the model of the “Free Range” project from the farms of Gascony, where he went for experience. The cost of production can be represented in the form of a diagram (see Fig. 1)

The sales margin is 15-18%, the farmer expects to receive additional income from cooking. For example, together with a partner, he plans to produce foie gras near Moscow (at a cost of 3-4 thousand rubles per kg). For this, 120 goose and chicken eggs and samples of special varieties of corn for fattening poultry.

However, business ideas in rural areas are not limited to farming. Here is an example of another direction.

Village restaurant

120 km from Moscow, in the village of Mitino, there is a unique place - the farm restaurant "Mark and Lev" (opened in 2014). Its founder Alexander Goncharov took as a model the popular Swedish restaurant Faviken, located 600 km from Stockholm and invariably attracting hundreds of lovers of delicious and healthy food.

"Mark and Lev" is a restaurant of the Locavor type, that is, the menu in it consists of products produced by farms within a radius of up to 150 km from it. It is small, designed for 30 seats in the hall and 20 on the veranda. The average check is 1,500 - 1,800 rubles.

The project did not start to bring profit immediately: it took time to attract attention to it not only of potential visitors, but also of partners - farmers, who at first did not trust the city entrepreneur too much.

Today, Goncharov plans to rebuild the Farm for Life settlement, open a farmers' market and a hub.

From colleagues from the United States, he "peeped" the idea of ​​​​hubs - places for storing farm products. A. Goncharov will provide a similar service to members of his farmer's cooperative. This will help manufacturers to ensure the necessary stock of products for deliveries to large retail chains. In this way, small business in a village from scratch can turn into a large-scale and profitable project.

Agritourism - the exotic of the Russian village

Ulyanovsk student project state university Konstantin Zakharov "Russian Alexandria" was recognized as the best in the region in 2012.

Attention young entrepreneur I was attracted by an abandoned village in the Ulyanovsk region with the romantic name of Alexandria: beautiful places, a forest, a pond. On the own funds he purchased the first three houses, investing 200,000 rubles in their renovation. Another 300,000 rubles. took a bus to deliver lovers of rural exotics to these reserved places. And in total, according to the business plan of K. Zakharov, he needs 5 million rubles to equip the village for agritourism: with this money you can clear the pond and lay the necessary communications, as well as purchase more houses and make a mini-hotel out of former school. The planned payback period of the project is 2 years at the cost of living in a house with furnishings of the 18th - 19th century. 3 000 rub. in Week.

From entertainment, vacationers can use a Russian stove with the possibility of cooking according to old recipes, caring for a garden, fishing, working in an apiary and a bathhouse. During the year, "Russian Alexandria" will be able to receive up to 500 tourists.

K. Zakharov plans to make the project year-round and arrange a ski slope with a lift in Alexandria. And if local authorities if they refuse to help, the entrepreneur promises to employ up to 100 people.

Russian organic flour

Women in the family of entrepreneur Pavel Abramov have always preferred organic flour for baking. Italian. Because there was no Russian before. And now it appeared, thanks to the fact that Pavel decided to engage in its production in 2012, having mastered 200 hectares for this purpose in the Aleksinsky district of the Tula region, although in general crop production in this region is still poorly developed (see Fig. 2)

The farm introduced an absolute ban on the use of any agricultural chemistry, even the land is cultivated without the help of a plow. Weeds are fought by repeatedly passing the field with a cultivator. Flour is produced using stone millstones.

P. Abramov's fields grow 7 types of cereals, from which he produces 19 types of high-quality products. It has already been appreciated not only by consumers of organic food, but also by large producers. For example, Danon uses wheat and spelled flour from his Black Bread company to make baby food. But this manufacturer has very high requirements for suppliers!

With his activities, P. Abramov confirmed the UN conclusion that organic farming increases the farmer's income by 2-3 times. Having invested 2 million euros in the project, he set a goal to completely “recapture” them in 7 years.

Recently, investors have drawn attention to the case of P. Abramov, and with their help, the entrepreneur plans to establish own production cereals, pasta, bread.

Hotel in the woods

Thinking about what kind of business can be opened in the village, pay attention to already existing enterprises that, for various reasons, have ceased to bring profit to their owners or are in decline. Perhaps this is your chance!

This is exactly what the Shestakovs from the Arkhangelsk region did when they bought the once popular Golubino recreation center, which fell into disrepair after a fire in the main building and the ruin of the owners.

In 2015, they rebranded the institution and decided to “develop tourist complex as a unique platform for northern culture” (E. Shestakova) This is how the new Forest Hotel “Golubino” appeared, located near the unique Pinezhsky karst caves and the state reserve.

Here are the steps that the new owners of the recreation center have taken to develop their family business:

  • The main building was restored and the auxiliary buildings were repaired (the investor was the brother of Elena Shestakova)
  • Income from the first visitors was used to update communications and modernize the restaurant
  • Conducted an audit of personnel: those who did not want to meet the standards of hospitality were fired, the rest were trained with the invitation of hotel business specialists and psychologists
  • We introduced a uniform for employees in the Russian style to create a national flavor, for the same purpose we established cooperation with the local House of Culture to organize leisure activities for tourists with gatherings around the fire, singing Russian songs, folk amusements
  • Since 45% of hotel guests are from other regions, in 2015 the company became a member of the Arkhangelsk Regional Tourism Association and took part in several tourism forums. So contracts were concluded with major Moscow tour operators

Thanks to these measures, the Golubino Forest Hotel is known far beyond the Arkhangelsk region and brings a stable income to its owners.


If desired, in the countryside today you can develop almost any line of business. Its payback period cannot be called short, but with properly organized marketing, a well-thought-out business plan and interest in the chosen business, you can get a stable income and enjoy life away from the bustle of cities.


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