Proverb: Don't bite the hand that feeds it. Foolish wisdom: eternal bad advice. A kopeck saves the ruble

4 Protection

Protection Having a hand in a Hi-Lo Split that protects you from losing in two systems

5 Nightmare

Bad Beat Different players have different meanings for this concept. But one thing is certain: you lost a hand that looked not only like a favorite, it looked like a win-win. If this did not happen in practice, you would consider such an event incredible. Imagine playing Hold'em and you hold AA closed and the flop comes A55. You have an ace full house on the flop, and someone holds 98 of the same suit as one of the fives and buys a straight flush. In a similar position, if not worse, is the one who holds a pair of fives closed on such a flop. Newbies love to tell stories of "nightmare encounters" and some people don't even mind listening to them. However, grizzled poker veterans who think they've heard (or even seen) them all prefer to spend two hours in the dentist's chair over one such story. The sound of the drill gives them less trouble.

6 help me out, I’ll help you out, my hand washes my hand

7 under a hot hand

[PrepP; Invar; adv; fixed WO]

⇒ (to say or do sth. when one is, run into s.o. when he is etc) in an angry mood, highly and visibly displeased, dissatisfied etc:

- when (one is) angry (steamed (up), fuming, peeved, hot under the collar, in a huff etc) ;

♦...The women were silent and not offended. Even the most well-spoken of them, capable, it seemed, of talking down the devil himself in the heat of the moment, only smiled bitterly in response from under their scarves pulled to their very eyebrows (Maksimov 3)... The women stood in silence and didn't take an offense. Even the most shrewish among them, who could talk the devil"s hind leg off when they were in a temper, only smiled back ruefully from under their headscarves (3a)

♦ During his long life, Ivan Kuzmich buried many dogs, and Charlie, perhaps, will be the dog that will outlive him and will wait for his return from death. But it happened that Ivan Kuzmich kicked him under the hot hand (Yevtushenko 2) In his long life Ivan Kuzmich had buried many dogs, but Charlie would probably be the dog that outlived him and would wait for him to return from the dead. Yet sometimes Ivan Kuzmich kicked him in anger (2a)

8 under your arm

[PrepP; these forms only; adv]

⇒ (to take, support, walk with etc s.o.) holding s.o."s arm at the elbow or bending one"s arm through the crook of his:

♦ Vostokov delicately took her arm (Aksenov 7). Vostokov gently took her arm... (7a).

♦ Karimov took Shtrum’s arm. “Viktor Pavlovich, have you noticed that Madyarov’s most innocent thing looks like a generalization?” (Grossman 2). Karimov took Viktor by the arm. "Victor Pavlovich, have you noticed that the most innocent remark of Madyarov"s somehow sounds like a generalization?" (2a).

♦ Several times the princess passed me arm in arm with her mother, accompanied by some lame old man... (Lermontov 1). Several times the young princess passed nearby on her mother's arm, accompanied by a lame old man (1a).

♦ Until March 1953, one could always see Malenkov and Beria walking arm in arm (Alliluyeva 2). Until March 1953 one could always see Malenkov and Beria walking arm in arm (2a)

⇒ (to make an ill-timed remark, often offering unsought advice) when s.o. is busy doing sth., thus distracting him:

- don"t speak until (unless) (you"re) spoken to.

♦ I won’t take you fishing anymore - you just get in the way, you’re always saying something under your arm. I"m not taking you fishing anymore - you only get in the way, and always distract me by talking.

9 here I am for you

[Interj; these forms only; fixed WO]

- I"ll show you him etc(what's what)! ;

- I"ll give it to you etc(good)! ;

- etc>! ;

- I"ll give you him etc what for!

10 here I am for you!

[Interj; these forms only; fixed WO]

⇒ used (sometimes after a command) as a threat to the person addressed or to another person:

- I"ll show you him etc(what's what)! ;

- I"ll give it to you etc(good)! ;

- I"ll make it hot for you him etc>! ;

- I"ll give you him etc what for!

♦ “Oh, Rabinovich!” says the boss... “What are you talking about,” he says, “Rabinovich! But who gave you permission, Rabinovich? Yes, I’ll tell you, Rabinovich!” (Voinovich 1). "Ah, Rabinovich!" said the chief...."What do you think you"re doing, Rabinovich? Who gave you permission? I "ll show you, Rabinovich" (1a).

♦...[They] decided: to flog the amanats until they indicate where the settlement is. But strange thing! The more they flogged, the weaker the confidence became to find the desired settlement! It was so unexpected that Wartkin tore his uniform and, raising right hand to heaven, shook his finger and said: “I love you!” (Saltykov-Shchedrin 1).... decided to flog the hostages until they pointed out where the settlement was. But it was a strange thing: the more they flogged, the weaker became the certitude of them finding the desired settlement! This was so unexpected that Wartkin rent his uniform, and raising his right hand to the heavens he shook his finger threateningly and said, “I”ll get you!” (1a).

♦...Four people separated and galloped at full speed right up to the fortress. We recognized them as our traitors... The traitors shouted: “Don’t shoot; go out to the sovereign. The sovereign is here!” - “Here I am!” shouted Ivan Kuzmich. “Guys! Shoot!” (Pushkin 1)...Four men broke away from the main body of people and galloped at full speed right up to the fortress. We recognized them as our Cossack traitors....The traitors cried: "Don"t fire. Come out to the Tsar. The Tsar is here!" "I"ll give it to you!" shouted Ivan Kuzmitch. "Right, lads-fire!" (1b).

11 I you

[Interj; these forms only; fixed WO]

⇒ used (sometimes after a command) as a threat to the person addressed or to another person:

- I"ll show you him etc(what's what)! ;

- I"ll give it to you etc(good)! ;

- I"ll make it hot for you him etc>! ;

- I"ll give you him etc what for!

♦ “Oh, Rabinovich!” says the boss... “What are you talking about,” he says, “Rabinovich! But who gave you permission, Rabinovich? Yes, I’ll tell you, Rabinovich!” (Voinovich 1). "Ah, Rabinovich!" said the chief...."What do you think you"re doing, Rabinovich? Who gave you permission? I "ll show you, Rabinovich" (1a).

♦...[They] decided: to flog the amanats until they indicate where the settlement is. But strange thing! The more they flogged, the weaker the confidence became to find the desired settlement! It was so unexpected that Wartkin tore his uniform to pieces and, raising his right hand to the heavens, shook his finger and said: “I will!” (Saltykov-Shchedrin 1).... decided to flog the hostages until they pointed out where the settlement was. But it was a strange thing: the more they flogged, the weaker became the certitude of them finding the desired settlement! This was so unexpected that Wartkin rent his uniform, and raising his right hand to the heavens he shook his finger threateningly and said, “I”ll get you!” (1a).

♦...Four people separated and galloped at full speed right up to the fortress. We recognized them as our traitors... The traitors shouted: “Don’t shoot; go out to the sovereign. The sovereign is here!” - “Here I am!” shouted Ivan Kuzmich. “Guys! Shoot!” (Pushkin 1)...Four men broke away from the main body of people and galloped at full speed right up to the fortress. We recognized them as our Cossack traitors....The traitors cried: "Don"t fire. Come out to the Tsar. The Tsar is here!" "I"ll give it to you!" shouted Ivan Kuzmitch. "Right, lads-fire!" (1b).

12 I love you!

[Interj; these forms only; fixed WO]

⇒ used (sometimes after a command) as a threat to the person addressed or to another person:

- I"ll show you him etc(what's what)! ;

- I"ll give it to you etc(good)! ;

- I"ll make it hot for you him etc>! ;

- I"ll give you him etc what for!

♦ “Oh, Rabinovich!” says the boss... “What are you talking about,” he says, “Rabinovich! But who gave you permission, Rabinovich? Yes, I’ll tell you, Rabinovich!” (Voinovich 1). "Ah, Rabinovich!" said the chief...."What do you think you"re doing, Rabinovich? Who gave you permission? I "ll show you, Rabinovich" (1a).

♦...[They] decided: to flog the amanats until they indicate where the settlement is. But strange thing! The more they flogged, the weaker the confidence became to find the desired settlement! It was so unexpected that Wartkin tore his uniform to pieces and, raising his right hand to the heavens, shook his finger and said: “I will!” (Saltykov-Shchedrin 1).... decided to flog the hostages until they pointed out where the settlement was. But it was a strange thing: the more they flogged, the weaker became the certitude of them finding the desired settlement! This was so unexpected that Wartkin rent his uniform, and raising his right hand to the heavens he shook his finger threateningly and said, “I”ll get you!” (1a).

♦...Four people separated and galloped at full speed right up to the fortress. We recognized them as our traitors... The traitors shouted: “Don’t shoot; go out to the sovereign. The sovereign is here!” - “Here I am!” shouted Ivan Kuzmich. “Guys! Shoot!” (Pushkin 1)...Four men broke away from the main body of people and galloped at full speed right up to the fortress. We recognized them as our Cossack traitors....The traitors cried: "Don"t fire. Come out to the Tsar. The Tsar is here!" "I"ll give it to you!" shouted Ivan Kuzmitch. "Right, lads-fire!" (1b).

13 blow you away!

simple , joking

Akulina Ivanovna (removing the kettle from the samovar, she burned her hand and screams). Oh, shoot them with a mountain! (M. Gorky, Bourgeois) - Akulina Ivanovna (burning her hand as she takes the teapot off the samovar): Ouch! Devil take it!

14 stuff your hand

(in what, on what)


acquire some grasp of the work (job); become a practiced hand at smth.; get one"s hand in at smth.; train one"s hand

At three or four weeks he had already become so skilled in customs affairs that he knew absolutely everything: he didn’t even weigh or measure, but by the texture he knew how many arshins of cloth or other material there were in a piece; taking the bundle in his hands, he could suddenly tell how many pounds it contained. (N. Gogol, Dead Souls)- Within three or four weeks he had acquired such a grasp of the work that he knew absolutely everything: he did not even weigh or measure anything, but found out from the bill of lading how many yards of woolen or other cloth there were in each bolt; by simply hefting a parcel he could tell you how many pounds it weighed.

This came out vividly for you. I suffered too much myself. Worries. We need to write about such abominations. Write, improve your skills, study. (F. Gladkov, Rebellious Youth)- "You"ve written it in a very lively way. One can see that you yourself suffered it all. It's moving. We've got to write about such horrors. Write, train your hand, learn how to write."

We are used to the fact that with age we become smarter, more experienced and acquire useful skills. This is what we were taught in childhood, and we have carried this throughout our entire lives. This is an ideal, and it is completely untrue. Sometimes you look at an elderly person and understand: he did not live his life in vain. He has something to talk about, he has achieved something, he can do a lot, and in general good man. It is clearly evident that during his long life he rethought a lot. This man deserves respect because mental activity, physical labor and interesting views on life are what we value others for. You look at other people and think: what have you been doing all this time? Eternal grievances, dubious achievements and dubious wisdom - that's what these people represent. Their views may not have changed since childhood, these people learned almost nothing, did not read books, but they became embittered at the world. You don’t feel respect for them, despite the fact that old age is usually respected.

There are other eternals bad advice. Someone once came up with a successful phrase, and the people picked it up, turning it into wisdom. However, quite a few such phrases have accumulated. You need to know that every situation has a number of special cases, so think with your own head, do not follow the beaten path, which can lead you to where you did not want to go.

1. Never give up

Sometimes you can still retreat. Especially when you hit your head against a concrete wall. In any situation, you need to understand when there is a chance to get out of it and when not. Treating losing as something unacceptable is wrong. You must be able not only to lose, but also to give up. You’ll save your nerve cells, regroup and go into battle again.

2. Have no regrets

Don't feel any lasting remorse, don't go back to the past again and again and don't live in it. There's nothing wrong with being sorry—it means you're still human.

3. Keep your enemies close

Or don't have them. Or ignore it altogether. Dude, who has enemies? Among mafia bosses, medieval feudal lords, those in power and other people about whom adventure and detective novels are written. U ordinary people there are no enemies. This is a beautiful name for competitors, assholes, and people we don’t like, idiots and other people who make us uncomfortable and put a spoke in our wheels. You have no enemies, calm down. And you shouldn't start them.

4. Respect your elders

For what? For age? We do not call for beating up old women on the streets. Give up your seat, help - this is a normal and good thing. Elderly and old people can be stupid, evil, bitchy and simply over-aged infantiles and assholes. Just like people of any age. This does not make them better or worse, weaker - yes.

5. There are two sides to every story

No, sometimes there are three sides to a story, and sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. There is no need to look for deeper meaning.

6. Never trust first impressions

In general, true. But if a guy acts like a jerk the first time you meet him, he doesn't deserve a second chance. This is the same as wiping yourself off when someone spat in your face, and then waiting: suddenly this person will open up and you will see his beautiful, sensitive nature. This can be forgiven for people you have known for a longer time.

7. Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.

Another folk wisdom, generated by some anger at the world. This “wisdom” is laced with paranoia. Of course, if you are offered a huge salary for a day and a half of work for an unknown uncle, then you can believe in this wisdom, because it is absolutely true. Life gives us opportunities. People who treat us well may give us some freebies. There are also good moments in life that you should not miss. There are also moments that take a long time to get to. Only when you turn on your head will you understand whether they are deceiving you or want to help.

8. He who gets up early, God gives him

What about owls? Owls are known to perfectly adapt to any regime, unlike larks. But it is still excruciatingly difficult for them to get up early in the morning. I think you know that feeling when you seem to have gotten enough sleep, but still can’t work productively. But when the clock shows a certain time, you realize that you are at the peak of your mental and physical capabilities and are doing your work many times more productive and faster.

9. To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf

Of course, sometimes going against everyone is an extremely bad idea, you need to mimic a little. But is it really necessary to live with wolves? We have written so many times that you should avoid harmful people too! You shouldn't become a bad person if you have bad people around you. It is also not recommended to completely change your habits to please other people, because this is banal hypocrisy.

10. Actions speak louder than words

Words and deeds are of equal value. It all depends only on the quality of what is done and said. Someone will say a word and nothing will change, but an eloquent person will move mountains with these words. There are people of action. Their actions truly speak louder than words. But only their words, because the words they said are much worse than that, what are they doing. And there are those who have hands from the ass, with them everything is clear.

11. Repetition is the mother of learning

Repeat something that you knew and forgot - great idea. But if all you do is repeat what you've learned, it feels like you're getting nowhere. You need to learn new things. Repetition is working with the same weight, which does not lead to progress. This is a mixture of .

12. Don't bite the hand that feeds you

That is, the person who feeds you can do anything at all? This situation is a bit reminiscent of one of our articles. Someone feeds you for a certain time, but he feeds you not just so that you can live, but so that he has the right to demand that you perform this or that action. Do you really think that's good?

13. All good things must come to an end

Something ends and something begins. Perhaps it will develop into another good thing, and perhaps it will give you useful experience. Why such negativity?

14. Can't win? Join us!

Another hypocrisy and mimicry. Nobody thought that people could have principles? What if they are fascists, nationalists and simply not very good people?

15. A penny saves the ruble

In general, the saying is correct. But some seriously believe that it is better to buy low-quality items and wear cast-offs in order to save money. They buy cheap sausage, low-quality clothes and eat shawarma from the nearest market. You need to try to invest your money correctly, buy a better quality product and not waste money on nonsense. Sometimes you can and should buy expensive, high-quality things that will really last a long time, and not cheap stuff that will tear in a month. The miser pays twice - the proverb is correct.

xxx: I started reading Animal Farm, where the dog’s name is Kusai. What a funny name! I wish my dog's name was Kusai.
Someone is walking, and he is running nearby. And I’m like, “Girl, take the dog away!”
And I start beckoning, shouting “Bite! Bite!”
wow: Hell of a name

yyy: want a joke?
xxx: go ahead.
yyy: a person has a blind spot in his eye. I’ll now send you a list of identical phrases, but one of them is different. If you look at the center of the text, you will not notice this phrase. Cool? I came up with it myself. :)
yyy: I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you very much I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you
yyy: Try it too. ;))
xxx: I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I fuck you you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you
...yyy left the chat...
xxx: but she said that it was not visible.

The one who will put aside everything for you.
The one who will tell you absolutely everything.
The one who can afford to call at 2 am and say that she had a fight with her guy.
The one who will be jealous of other girls.
The one who will praise you when you are right and scold you when you are wrong. The one who, no matter what happens, will tear everyone to pieces for you.
The one who will not talk about your shortcomings in society.
The one who will understand you when you snap at her, if you are in a bad mood.
The one who considers you a sister.
The one whose silence doesn’t bother you...
And if after reading all this you remember her, just know that you are incredibly lucky. It's happiness when you have a friend to whom you can open your heart. Value friendship...

xxx: Hello, listen, don’t you have Anya’s contacts?
yyy: Hello, which Ani?
xxx: Well, this one, what’s her name...Combellga which.
yyy: No, no. By the way, I wanted to ask. Why is she called Combellga?
xxx: Combellga - communication is a pleasure.

yyy: how are you doing?
yyy: do you already have a new girlfriend?
xxx: Everything is fine
the leg is getting better))
xxx: No, I haven’t found it yet
xxx: I don’t understand where he wears it
yyy: and the one who is smart and intelligent..
yyy: who is so well-mannered that she takes a dick in her mouth with a fork?

The proverb warns: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." But perhaps you need to bite if it prevents you from feeding yourself. (Thomas Szasz)

The whole difference between a saint and a sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future. (O. Wilde)

To know that someone has a secret is to know half the secret. (Henry Ward Beecher)

Live as best you can, since you can’t live as you want. (Stations)

In the absence of an argument, a quotation is given. (Helvetius)

Any question can be answered if the question is asked correctly. (Plato)

Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately, it kills all its students.

Nature abhors a vacuum: where people do not know the truth, they fill in the gaps with speculation. (B. Shaw)

Repeating someone else's words does not mean understanding their meaning. (D. Rumi)

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life. (Confucius)

Omne magnifico est - Everything unknown seems majestic.

A nullo diligitur, qui neminem diligit - No one loves someone who doesn’t love anyone.

Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris - Expect from another what you yourself did to another.

Absentem laedit, qui cum ebrio litigat - He who argues with a drunken man fights with an absent one.

Multos timere debet, quem multi timent - Many should be afraid of the one whom many are afraid of.

Cupido atque ira consultores pessimi - Passion and anger are the worst advisers.

From a person’s words one can only infer how he intends to appear, but what he really is like can be guessed by his facial expressions and antics when uttering words - by the movements that he makes reluctantly. (F. Schiller)

Smart people are the same fragrant flowers; one is pleasant, but the whole bouquet gives a headache.

Let's experience troubles as they come.

Life is a line after death, but there are fools who jump out of line.

great person goes ahead of his time, the smart one walks next to him, the cunning one tries to use him, the stupid one stands in his way. (E. Bauernfeld)

We all stand at the poverty line, albeit on different sides of it.

Saving means never buying anything unnecessary and... nothing cheap.

The amount of intelligence on earth is constant and the population is growing.

A bad leader knows what needs to be done, but a good leader shows how to do it.

Old age does not bring wisdom, it only allows you to see further: both forward and backward. And it can be very sad to look back on temptations that you did not succumb to in time. (R. Heinlein)

As soon as a fool praises us, he no longer seems so stupid to us. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

To think that a powerless enemy cannot harm is to think that a spark cannot create a fire. (Saadi)

Without having a deep mind, you can write in such a way that someone else will need a lot of intelligence to understand what is written. (G. Lichtenberg)

Getting closer to a goal does not mean achieving it: without reaching one step, you can encounter an abyss that you cannot cross. (L. Blanki)

When I try to recognize people's true feelings, I rely on my eyes more than my ears... (F. Chesterfield)

He who does not know which harbor he is sailing to, has no favorable wind. (Seneca)

Anyone who is just trying to start will never start. He who is in too much of a hurry will achieve nothing. (Lao Tzu "Tao Te Ching")

Big promises reduce trust (Horace)

Don't say anything bad about anyone unless you know for sure, and if you do, ask yourself: why am I saying this? (J. Sand)

The worst thing in the world is not death, but a ruined life...

Few minds perish from wear and tear, but most of them rust from disuse (Bowie)

An educated person never reads - he rereads (Elgozy)

A stupid person who realizes that he is stupid is no longer so stupid (V. Vysotsky)

My secret to success is the ability to understand the other person's point of view and look at things from both his and my points of view. (G. Ford)

One sees only a puddle in a puddle, and the other, looking into a puddle, sees stars.

If you feel happy, don't analyze your happiness. It would be like crushing a beautiful butterfly in order to better see its beauty. (P. Mantegazza)

Only the wisest and the stupidest do not change. (Confucius)

Often it takes more courage to live than to die. (V. Alfieri)

First of all, one should learn what is necessary, then what is useful, and finally what serves to enjoy life. Doing it in reverse is like starting a building from the roof.

Laughter is the closest distance between two people. (Victor Borzhe)

When a true genius is born, you can recognize him if only because all the slow-witted people unite in the fight against him.

An adversary who looks for your mistakes is more useful than a friend who wants to hide them. (Leonardo da Vinci)

Generosity does not consist in your giving me something that I need more than you, but in your giving me something that you yourself cannot do without. (D.H. Gibran)

Lord, give me the strength to handle the things I can do, give me the courage to accept the things I cannot do, and give me the wisdom to know the difference. (Eastern wisdom)

If you can, be smarter than others, but don't show it. (F. Chesterfield)

How often do people use their minds to commit stupidity (F. La Rochefoucauld)

Nothing shows the character of people so much as in what they find funny. (I. Goethe)

Everything happens in due time for those who know how to wait. (O. Balzac)

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved. (V. Hugo)

A sensitive person is like an unarmed person among well-armed ones. (B. Averbakh)

Man is an animal striving to rise to the level of God, and most of our troubles are an inevitable side effect of efforts aimed at this. (W. Shakespeare)

The task of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to live in accordance with the internal law that you recognize. (M. Aurelius)

Those who are more careful in their promises are more accurate in their fulfillment. (J.J. Rousseau)

He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words. (E. Hubbart)

Truth is not something that can be convincingly proven. (Exupery)

Our children are like our money: no matter how big they are, they always seem small.

In youth it seems that there will be happiness, but in old age it seems that it was.

It’s not enough to find yourself, you need to know where to put yourself.

Must have heart of stone, nerves of iron and an oak head so that you don’t get eaten.

Human friendship in most cases becomes overgrown with many prickly “ifs” and “buts” and eventually turns into ordinary friendly relationships that last only thanks to omissions. (N. Chamfort)

When friendship begins to weaken and cool, she always resorts to increased politeness. (W. Shakespeare)

Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home. (Nazim Hikmet)

Happiness is the balance of reasonable desires and the possibility of satisfying them. (Vyacheslav Shishkov)

Happiness is like glass - it breaks very easily. (Flemish proverb)

In any prank, the most important thing is to see how angry the victim is. (Carlson (the one who lives on the roof)

A genius is a person who is far from others. (Andrey Knyshev)

There is no point in living with a person just for sex, because if you want some milk, you don’t buy a whole cow. (Brigitte Nielsen)

Whatever it is, never take life too seriously: you won’t get out of it alive anyway. (Keen Hubbard)

There is no sound in life more exciting than a knock on the door. (Charles Lamb)

If compliments were true, they wouldn't be compliments, but information.

It is believed that a woman should wait patiently until she is proposed to. Isn't this how a spider waits for a fly? (George Bernard Shaw)

At fifty a man is more dangerous than at any other age, for he has costly experience and often fortune. (O. Balzac)

To experience a moment of happiness, you need to spend a year on persuasion.

Love is not evil - there are too many goats...

When you walk over heads, remember that your head is the last.

Excuses have an ass quality - everyone has one.


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