Holiday September 1 Masha and the bear. Masha and the Bear meet friends. Entertainment for the Day of Knowledge. "Bad advice from Masha"

Svetlana Bogatyreva
Masha and the Bear meet friends. Entertainment for Knowledge Day

Music sounds.

Leading: Hello adults! Hello children!

We are very happy today meeting!

The most diverse people are in a hurry to learn.

In our Motherland Day knowledge is coming.

Reb. 1 red day on the calendar! Holiday knowledge in September.

This holiday is the most important! This holiday is for all children!

Reb. 2 The whole country celebrates this day everywhere.

This day is the best - good day of the calendar!

Reb. 3 Let's start our holiday as soon as possible,

Sing and play with a smile and joy!

Leading: Let's greet each other with applause!

Summer is over, you hurry to the kindergarten,

What kind of holiday is today, tell me?

presenter: Correctly! Day knowledge!

And it is from this day that the new school year begins.

You have become more mature, stronger, smarter and are moving into an older and preparatory group, which means that in kindergarten you are the most important - our helpers!

And now I propose to look at you,

how you all grew up, tanned, prettier!

Girls walk through the hall to the music, then boys.

manager: Dear Guys! Our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and our government have set a difficult task for you. task: grow educated, talented, athletic, active.

And I am sure that you will cope with this task! Really guys?

We cannot count the talents and stars in our garden! We have someone to be proud of!

You, our beloved children, are bright, interesting, creative, intellectual, inquisitive, friendly, athletic!

You are the younger generation!

You are our hope and support!

You are our stars of hope!

Use dance "We are little stars"

Child:1 Kindergarten "Ship" everyone is familiar

Loud music pours from his windows.

Music flows like a river, pure, beautiful,

And the guys grow up in it - smart, happy!

Child: 2 Kindergarten, kindergarten,

New happy to meet with us!

There will be no turnaround

Enough for the whole year!

Child: 3 Let us feel sorry for the summer a little -

We will not be sad in vain.

hello to knowledge is dear!

Hello September holiday!

Child:4 Here I come! Here friends!

Together we are one family!

Accept your favorite garden

The best preschoolers!

Use song "A true friend"

Use round dance "Wider Circle"

Leading: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Guys, where can I get books?

Children: In library!

Leading: That's right, guys, books live in the library.

and you will borrow books. What books do you like best?

Children: Fairy tales!

Leading: Do you guys like fairy tales? Give me clues!

1. Who lived in the tower?

2. What was the name of the three piglets?

3. Who did the bug call in a fairy tale "Turnip"?

4. What is the most famous doctor?

5. Why did all the things in the house run away from the boy?

6. Looked like a ball a little

And rolled along the paths.

Rolled away from everyone. In addition to the "redhead", what a laugh! (Kolobok)

7. Bewitched by Koshchei, enchanted by Ivan,

Green girlfriend, Princess - (Frog) .

9. And the road is far, and the basket is not easy.

To sit on a stump, to eat a pie.

("Masha and the Bear".)

Music sounds, runs Masha.

Masha. Oh children! Hello!

Have you been invited to a party? (Children answer.) Let's get acquainted!

Just call me Masha. And what is your name?

I can't hear louder. (All children say their names at the same time.)

Do you like to scream? (Children respond in unison.)

Who loves to sing and dance? And fairy tales to listen and play?

So, are you having fun? Will you still come here? (Children answer.)

Leading: Mashenka, we are today met after summer vacation

Today is the start of a new school year!

Masha: Eeeee! What is this? Follow Mishka? OK!

We need to call him and invite him to the holiday!

In! Phone! What a fine fellow I am! Good Masha! Pi-pi-pi.

(Dials a number on the cell phone that hangs around her neck.)

Hello! Bear! It's me! Didn't you recognize me?

Come play, sing and dance with us!

It will be fun now! Plenty here friends we have!

Masha: I have never been to kindergarten. Tell me what are you doing here?

The children are talking.

Music sounds, Misha enters.

Masha. Misha, how interesting it is here! The children told me what they do in kindergarten.

Misha: Hello guys! But I also went to kindergarten, only to a forest kindergarten for animals!

And tell me, just honestly, which of you is afraid of injections?

Children, can I ask you questions, and you answer in chorus, in words "healthy" or "harmful":

Exercise in the morning (healthy)

Don't wash your hands before eating (harmful)

Wash your eyes in the morning... (healthy)

Brush your teeth (healthy)

Watch TV up close (harmful)

Walk outside daily (healthy)

Drink only soda (harmful)

Eat fruits and vegetables (healthy)

There are chips (harmful)

Do physical education (healthy) .

Misha. It is necessary, it is necessary to temper, it is necessary to play sports.

Only that healthy, strong, never eats pills,

He does not get a cold who is very friendly with sports!

Why do you need a charger?

Children. (together) It's not a mystery at all

To force develop and not get tired all day!

Let's do a dance routine together!

Use Dance workout.

Misha. Friends, did you have a good rest in the summer?

Tell us how you rested, what did you do?

The guys share their experiences.

Has anyone gone to the forest for berries? Children's answers.

And now we will check how quickly you can pick berries!

Attraction game "Pick the Berries in the Basket".

2 teams, 2 baskets, colored balls

Masha: And I also know very much interesting game. Do you want me to teach? Look!

Who will scatter toys faster!

Scatters toys around the room.

Masha. It's great, right?

Leading. No, not great! Our kids are better at picking them up!

Attraction "Who will collect the toys faster"

Masha and Misha: Well done!

Misha: Masha, and you often come to the children in kindergarten, they will teach you how to clean toys!

Misha: Children, do you know what children do at school? (Suggestive questions.) (Children's answers.)

Leading: Misha, and the guys from the group "Sunflowers" and "Kapitoshki" In a year they will also go to school.

Look how they have grown and wiser over the summer.

Misha: Now I'll look at them! (Children get up). May I ask you a few questions?

1. What season is it now? (Autumn)

2. List all the autumn months? (September, Oct., Nov.)

3. What time of day is it now? (morning day)

4. What other parts of the day do you know? (morning afternoon Evening Night)

5. Today is Thursday, and tomorrow? (Friday)

6. Name the days of the week, starting with Monday.

7. How many fingers are on the right hand?

8. How many eyes does a traffic light have?

9. How many ears do two mice have?

10. How many tails do two cats have?

Misha: Smart kids! I see that they will definitely be taken to the school!

Use funny show dance.

Masha: (laughs) We had a lot of fun and became even closer friends.

Danced, played, all around became friends.

We wish you a day knowledge, fulfillment of desires!

Masha and Misha: Guys, we have a gift for you, a magic bell.

Do you want to know everything in the world? Want to receive knowledge?

Then quickly friends, forward! Calls you to knowledge call! (They ring the bell.)

manager: Every day, without delay, we are waiting for you, dear creatures!

Come to kindergarten, everyone here will be happy for you!

(referring to teachers)

How quickly summer flashed by! Autumn is coming again to replace it!

Day knowledge! This means that we are looking forward to working with you!

What new things await us, ideas, plans, kids!

Victories are waiting and waiting for good luck, and it cannot be otherwise!

Leading: Guys, once again I congratulate all of you and all the teachers of our kindergarten happy holiday! September first- "Hooray!"

Children and adults: HURRAH!

Misha: Thank you, children, for the holiday! Be always so cheerful, dexterous, skillful!

Congratulations to everyone today and of course treat. (They give the children sweets.)

Scenario for September 1 "Hello, school!"

The song sounds "Noisy happy summer»

Lead 1. Good morning, dear children, dear teachers, educators, guests! Today is the day of the beginning of classes, new good meetings with the world of knowledge.

Lead 2. Good morning to all who came here for the first time and to those who have lived several interesting and useful years at this school.

Lead 1. September has come, summer is over,

The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come.

Children, parents, teachers!

Congratulations on your holiday, friends!

Lead 2. A couple of minutes - and the first call

You will be called back to class.

School doors open again

Tomorrow the school days will start.

Well, today is a holiday!

Together: Happy holiday, we congratulate you all!

Lead 1. An unusual day today in the world

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And do not be sad girls, boys,

On games, undertakings and fairy-tale books

In school life, the magic does not end,

The story continues here as well.

Lead 2. Where are the lesser of you?

Let it come out now

The very first, first class!

Lead 1. Attention school! We invite you to the line of first graders.

The song "First Grader" sounds

Presenter 1 . The teaching and student staff of the October correctional boarding school is ready for the start of the new 2015-2016 academic year.

Lead 1. Let it sound fanfare, but it depends on us

All Russia. Her love is mutual.

And not just a melody will strike now -

The power and pride of the Russian Anthem!

The anthem of Russia and the anthem of the RME sound.

The solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open.

Lead 2. The long-awaited September has arrived.
Especially desirable for schoolchildren.
After all, the school opens the doors again,
With love and special trust.
Holidays are over, many days of rest
Friends meet again at the school doorstep.

Lead 1. The one who cares about the school.
Caring for night and day
Our school director
We gladly give our word.

The floor is given to the director of the school Valieva Irina Vasilievna.

Lead 2. We have a lot of guests today
The road is open to all
The guest of honor is in a hurry now,
Happy holiday to all of you.

The floor is given to the guests…..

A song about traces from the popular animated series "Masha and the Bear" sounds. Out of breath and agitated Bear appears in his hands with a knapsack.

Bear: Phew! Suffocated! Hello guys! Oh, how many of you! And everyone looks like my Mashenka! Masha! Masha! Where are you?! I brought you your satchel! I forgot, as usual! Well, come out, what are you hiding!?

Masha: Oh, Mishenka! You brought me my satchel! Thank you, thank you! (thanks violently, almost knocking him down) And I was looking for him, looking, thinking where did he run away from me?

Bear: How are you, such a small and fidget, going to study? You can't sit still for a minute! I pity you! Let's get out of here, shall we?

Masha: What are you, Mishenka! I'm already an adult! Although a fidget, but I will definitely try and I will, I will definitely get only my favorite twos!

Bear (laughs): Oh, scream, Masha, made me laugh ... twos ... beloved ... oh, I can’t! I even know that ... not twos, but these, how can they ... I remembered the FIVES!

Masha: Well, let! Well, let! Just think, I mixed it up ... The guys, too, probably don’t know everything yet, that’s why they came to study!

Bear: Come on ... Look what smart eyes they have ... they already know a lot, not like you! ... Let's check it now ... (unfolds a piece of paper with riddles, reads.)

you colored pencil
Color all drawings.
to correct them later.
Very useful ... (eraser)

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the master today
I have…. (plasticine)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my satchel ... (diary)
I'm ready for training starts
Soon I will sit down at ... (desk)

Bear: See how smart they are!

Masha: And I know, I know such a difficult game that they definitely won’t cope!(play the game "Collect the briefcase").

If I name an item to take to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, stomp your feet!

textbooks and books,
toy mouse,
clockwork steam locomotive,
Colored plasticine,
brushes and paints,
christmas masks,
Eraser and bookmarks,
stapler and notebooks,
Schedule, diary.
Collected to school student!

Bear: Well ... you see how smart, but attentive!

Masha: OK OK! And I will be! You'll see!

Bear: Well, okay ... I'm calm now ... after all, next to you, these guys will also study! Really guys? Will you help Mashenka?

Sounds like a cartoon. Bear and Masha leave.

Lead 1. Opening the academic year

Let our school bell ring

Meeting with a bell ringing

Everyone who came to the first lesson.

Lead 2. It's time for learning, hurry up kids!

There are many clear roads ahead!

So ring more cheerfully for happy children,

Our silver school bell!

Lead 1. The right to make the first call for the new 2015-2016 academic year is granted to a 9th grade student…….and a 1st grade student……..

Lead 2. It's a pity the holiday is ending!

But the bell rings and worries.

And doors and classrooms are open.

The first lesson has begun!

Lead 1. Good luck to everyone in the new academic year, strong friendship, many joyful and unforgettable moments of school life!

The song "There will be a first call" sounds

Scene for younger students on the day of knowledge: "Masha and the Bear" play school.

(Masha lies in bed and sleeps. The Bear comes out.)

Bear: Masha, Masha! Aaaah, there you are, still sleeping. Oh, come on, get up soon, you'll be late for school.

Masha: And it's already September 1st! So hurry up, it's time to get dressed, Misha rather tie my bows (Misha ties Masha's bows). Where is my portfolio? Ahhh, there you are, come on, come to me. (Masha hurriedly takes out her portfolio and hurriedly puts notebooks in it). I'm all ready! Misha rather take my briefcase and run to school. Just don't be late!

Masha: Wow, how many children are there, so, so (approaches first-graders). Hello, my name is Masha, let's be friends. Now I will study with you in class. Well, why are we going to stand here for a long time? I want, I want to study; I want, I want to learn!

Misha: Masha, Masha wait, there is a solemn line. Now, when the first bell rings, then you will all go to the lesson. Hello dear first-graders, do you want to go to school? (all answer "Yes"). And let's check how prepared you are for school. I will ask you riddles, and you answer me the answer. So, let's begin.

Masha:(quietly whispers to the Bear) Mish, are you going to tell me?

Bear: Masha is not cunning. Come on like everyone else.

1. What a day today
All the kids lined up
Near the school threshold
All the kids are anxiously waiting
First school bell.
What kind of day is this?

2. I take him by the handles,
And with him, rather, I run to school.


3. I will draw letters in it,
And for that everyone will praise me.


4. I will draw them as a master,
I take with me to school
This one is in color...

(Felt pen).

5. For the first time, the school suddenly opened its doors,
Let in new settlers.

(First graders).

6. I'm still lying in my briefcase,
But about how you learn, I will tell everyone.

(A diary).

7. In this room,
Everyone has been through
Both excellent students and double students,
This is where the marks were received.

8. He sings sonorous songs,
From class and back to class.

9. If you know everything
Then the teacher will give you


Misha: Yes, the guys are all ready for school,
All of you are just great,
So I wish you all the best!

Masha: Mish, will you meet me from school? Will you help me do my homework?

Bear: Will.

Masha: Hooray! I'll be right back, wait. (Masha runs away).

Bear: Masha, wait, where are you going?

(Masha returns in a minute, she has a bell in her hand).

Masha: So guys, are you ready to go to class? (Begins to ring the bell.)

That's it, our first school bell!

(The scene ends.)

Scenario solemn ruler"Knowledge Day 2014"

Location: school front porch

Members: students in grades 1-11, teachers, parents

The date of the: 09/01/2014

Line start: 10.00 hours

Background, children with blue balloons, on which white doves are glued, line up on the steps of the porch, voice-over:

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land!

We must protect this good world,
Sparkling in the sunshine!
Above us the wind spread its wings,
We are responsible for the future of the world!

Will never become ashes and cinders
All that is called the beauty of the earth!
May the sky above the earth be peaceful,
Let the sonorous childhood laugh forever!

(Konstantin Ibryaev)

Phonogram of the song "Sky" (children with balloons sing)

(music and lyrics by Anna Petryasheva)
1. You are infinite, blue sky, You hide joy or sadness...
And the Birds fly proudly and boldly into your bright distance.
And behind the distance, behind a white cloud, Timidly hides the edge of the rainbow.

Chorus: Sky, sky, sky - Dreams cradle. Sky, sky, sky - Watercolor stars.
Sky, sky, sky - An open door to the sun. Sky, sky...

2. Quietly the sky will cry with rains, If guns volleys are heard.
May the sky above us be peaceful, We are against evil, against war!
Let the clouds float like ships On the waves of blue silence.

The sky from the explosions is a black sky. I don't want to see him like this!
Let above me, wherever I am, The sky will always be blue!
Chorus: (release balloons into the sky)

Fanfares sound, the leader exits.

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends!

The long-awaited September has come, especially desirable for schoolchildren,
After all, the school again opens its doors with love and special trust.
Holidays are over, many days of rest
Friends meet again at the school doorstep.

A lot of summer days we had fun without worries.

Hello, autumn! Hello school!
School year ahead!

How are you guys! Both girls and boys!

We are counting you now. And we all know about you.

We are countless at school now! Primary grades guys are you here? (Here!)

Fifth graders, are you there? (Here!) So we'll be friends!

Sixth graders, are you with us? (With you!) Seventh graders always,

Happy to meet again, right? (Yes!)

And what about the eighth and tenth were quiet? Are you out of the habit of studying?

That, brothers, is not a problem! Do we all want to learn? Yes? (Yes!)

The ninth grade is not easy, it is almost graduation.

Come on, give us an answer: will there be many deuces? (Not!)

Well, of course, graduation 11 "A" class, welcome to you too!

Here and all the teachers are yours best friends.

Hey, let's go guys, let's shout "Hurrah!" to them all! (Hooray!)

And again at home school yard our big friendly family gathered.

Everyone gathered, warmed by the sun, only for some reason there are no first grades ... No, first graders are here and are looking forward to being called to the line. After all, they are the most important today characters holiday. It is for them that the first school bell in their life will ring. To your friendly applause, I invite the main heroes of the occasion - our first-graders!

The exit of first graders to the music

1 "A" class, class leader - _____________________________________

1 "B" class, class leader - _____________________________________

1 "B" class, class leader - _____________________________________

Leading: The solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open!

The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds

Leading: Dear first graders! Dear fathers and mothers of first graders!

You will study at our school - at a school where traditions of strong knowledge, high sports achievements are strong, at a school where everyone can become a star. Bright, sparkling and never fading in the vast firmament of life. And our talents develop only thanks to the help of the teaching staff, led by a skilled organizer, an experienced teacher, school principal __________________________________.

Exit director

Leading: We have a lot of guests today

The road is open to all.

The guest of honor is in a hurry now

Happy holiday to all of you.

The floor is given by ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Exit guests

Leading: Today is the first number, September in the calendar,
And the sun shines at least that, and it's hot in the yard.
Today in schools the doors are wide open in the morning.
The summer has passed. Kids are back in school!

Dance "When my friends are with me"

Leading: On the solemn line, first-graders stand in a row.

That's the trouble, because of the bouquets, only the spouts stick out.

You came to us in the first class - we are all glad to see you.

The teachers were lucky that the kids came to us.

Look at these faces - how can you not fall in love with them?

Yes, they have flowers in their hands ... white shirts,

The costumes are new, bows, these are first-graders.

They smile, stand, and look into their eyes.

Tell us now, is everyone ready for first class?

Did you forget to put notebooks, pens and pencils in your briefcase? Have you saved a smile for your first teacher? Maybe they learned poetry? Then I ask you to the microphone.

It's nice to convey the word to our kids.

Exit of first graders

1. Finally, we are on the school porch, smiles immediately shone.
All adults congratulate us, call us students.
Our hearts are beating. Native school, hello friend!

2. We, going to this holiday, know: this is our holiday!

After all, today the first grader is the most important character.

3. Everyone around was so happy - now you and I are at school!

And even the prices of flowers jumped up with joy!

4. How many joyful, cheerful faces are everywhere, look!
Personally, the principal of the school smiled at me three times!

5. I'll tell you a secret: there are many schools in Reftinsky,

But I am glad that I came to study in this school!

6. I was also going to school, picking up all the outfit!

Only, apparently, she tried in vain: uniforms are in fashion, they say!

7. We must now study, Do not yawn and do not be lazy,
Answer "four" and "five" in the lessons.

8. It is necessary that the school knows, knows our names -

She will write them into history from a class magazine!

9. The school was very worried, she tried to please us,
After all, it is our second home, let there be order in it!

10. So school, don't worry, we are your students!
Knowledge will be found for us
ALL: Hello school days!

Song of first graders

Leading: Today is a holiday not only for children, but also for their parents. After all, they are also very worried, ahead of a difficult school path. The word is given to the parents of first-graders _____________________________________________________________________

Exit and congratulations to parents of grade 1

Leading: The holiday is amazing, smiles and flowers
Gifts, congratulations, hopes and dreams!
The school is accepting a new first class.
In honor of such a holiday, fireworks are thundering now!
(Music sounds, high school students take out crackers, clap together with first-graders)
Leading: Let this festive fireworks and this sea of ​​flowers, gifts, be remembered for a long time, as successful start along the path of knowledge. Good health to all and excellent success in your studies!

To the music, first-graders take their places on the line


Leading: Among us there are those for whom this day is not the beginning, not the continuation of a long school journey, but the finish line. For the last time today, the eleventh grade is present on the line. They go to the last school start, open the last page of the school annals. Graduation classes are always the pride and hope of the school.

Alumni Exit

11th grade performance

1. Our class at school is the smartest, fives are barely enough,
We will definitely tell you - This is our 11 "A"!(in chorus)
2. Our class at school is the noisiest, which makes you dizzy
We'll tell you honestly - honestly This is our 11 "A"!(in chorus)
3. Our class at school is the most active of all, and he is always in business,
We will tell you frankly This is our 11 "A"!(in chorus)
4. Our class at school is the most friendly, just do not spill water
We will tell you without a doubt This is our 11 "A"!(in chorus)
5. What is the funniest one? The smile won't leave your face
Those who shout the loudest This is our 11 "A"!(in chorus)
Phonogram A. Buynov "Let"
Here comes our last academic year. And today we are in a hurry to school.
Whatever you need, we will teach you. We'll pass the exams in a year.
Someone is hiding behind a stone wall, Someone was late for the line.
And we are friends, I hurry here for knowledge. And we sing to you today
Let sadness come to me again, Sadness knocks in my heart, let
I will smile at all adversities, And I sing again:
"Na! Nara-na-na-na-na-na-na, Nara-na-na-na-na-na-na,
Nara-na-na-na-na-na-na, Nara-na-na-na-na-na-na"...
Someone will say that we are all lazy, in the classroom we often feel sad,
We will show you what we are capable of, We will pass the exams well.
Someone will say, it will be very difficult for us, And the future is predetermined for us ...
But we are sure that everything will work out for us, And we sing only one thing ...

1 .Every day at school adds new knowledge, every day great discoveries await us, new hopes and ideas are born.

2. And all this happens because our most kind and fair, most knowledgeable and creative teachers lead us to the land of Knowledge.

3. And today, on this solemn and joyful day, we address the words of congratulations to them.

4. Our dear teachers! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

You opened the way for us to bright and great knowledge.

5. You are wise, kind, courageous, patient and humble.

Every schoolboy will say this - you are always needed by everyone!

6. Happy New Year to you academic, with the first of September!

Know that your hard work is not in vain!

7. And, of course, the dearest and closest people are always with us - our parents.

8. I send my congratulations to my parents.

Happy holiday to you, with the first day of training!

I know during the school year

Together we will overcome adversity.

9. Dear first graders! We turn to you too!

We are at the finish line, and you are still at the start, And before you is a fabulous flight.
Take off without doubt and confidently, There is a teacher who will correct and understand.
10 . Trust him, he won't say bad things. Correct mistakes, teach everything.
The road to success will truly indicate, you just trust him, relatives.

11. Be friends with each other, dream together
And be prepared for those who are weak to defend.
And in difficult times, do not leave your friends, Learn to be heroes from childhood.
12. Dear kids! We want to give you memorable gifts. Let them remind you of this unique day, the first call, the meeting with the teacher, and those who gave them to you.

11th graders give to first graders present

Leading: Dear graduates! From your parents you received the greatest and priceless gift - life. They nurtured and nurtured you, sparing neither strength nor love. And today they are overwhelmed with feelings of joy and pride for you!

The word for congratulations and parting words is given to parents of 11 "A" class _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Parents' speech

A melody sounds, Masha's exit

Masha (sings): So we became a year older - 2 times. Very good, good day ... Did you also come to study? (referring to children). Well, well, well, where will I sit? I don't have a party. M-i-shka, M-i-shka!

A melody sounds, the Bear's exit, takes out the desk

Masha: Bet! (looks at the desk). Wow! Well well! What should I write? Bear! Bear!

Bear brings a pen

Masha: Now, it's different! So, Mishka, I'm ready, let's study! And then there will be a change, re-re-me-na! (runs around the desk, sits down). Well, when, when the bell will ring! I so want to learn!

Leading: Yes, stop stop! Indeed, to start the lesson, you need the bell to ring! Dear friends! The most important moment is coming, the honorable right to make the first bell in this academic year is provided by _____________________________________________________________________

Children go up to the stage, Mishka takes out a bell

Leading: Let the first bell ring for Masha, Olya, Lena ...

Let him invite us all to the lesson at school, in our native walls.

The children ring the bell, then pass it to the bear.

Leading: Well, friends, time is running out - Hurry for your studies, full speed ahead!

It's time, guys, to open the whole world like a new notebook.

The solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year is declared closed!
The right to be the first to enter your favorite school is granted to students in grades 1 and 11, headed by their class teachers.

Happy school year everyone!

Scenario of the solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.

Author: Trishchenkova Olga Nikolaevna.
Place of employment: MBOU Kryzhinskaya OOSh, Bryansk region, Zhukovsky district

Target: Creating a positive, festive mood among students before the new school year.
LEADING: Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents!
Good - not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good that it brings us. Indeed, today is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with a huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to us.
Good mood to you and to those who came here for the first time, and to those who have lived so many interesting and useful years in our school. Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday!
LEADING: How are you guys!
Both girls and boys!
We are counting you now.
And we all know about you.
Primary grades guys are you here? (Here!)
LEADING: Sixth graders, are you here? (Here!)
Seventh graders, are you with us? (With you!)
So we'll be friends!
And the eighths, what have become silent?
Are you out of the habit of studying?
That, brothers, is not a problem!
Do we all want to learn? Yes? (Yes!)
Grade 9 is not easy,
He's almost graduating.
Come on, give us an answer:
Will there be many twos? (Not!)

Lead 2. Summer flew by along the path, rushed off into the distance with songs ringing.
And tonight, invisible autumn quietly entered my city.
And all around suddenly everything changed, everything was dressed in a festive outfit,
The leaves of the birch trees are gilded, the aspens burn with flames

Lead 1. And today we have a holiday again -
The school year has begun.
And hurries to school today in the morning
The most important people in our villages.

Leader 2. school line, dedicated to the Day knowledge, I declare open!
The anthem of Russia sounds
The anthem of the Bryansk region sounds

LEADING: The situation is not new
And quite understandable
If the director took the floor,
All in complete silence.

Presenter 1: The word for congratulations is given to the principal of the school

1Ved: We are always glad to friends
And at the holiday - to the guests!
With words of congratulations, __________________________________ specialist of the education committee addresses you

2 Vedas: And parents are standing on the sidelines
And they look at you with excitement,
Like seeing for the first time
Grown up their children.
Word to you, dear parents! (Congratulations from parents)

(Suddenly, music from the popular animated series "Masha and the Bear" sounds. Masha sneaks from the ranks of first-graders. She is hung with bags and briefcases.

Masha. Disperse! Make way! Let's get through, finally!
Dunno comes to the presenters, puts briefcases and bags on the pavement, wipes his forehead with his sleeve
Masha(addressing the leaders). Am I late? Hello! Three days going to, zamalasya quite. Now everything is in order! Now, so to speak, armed to the teeth, Do you think it's easy? Knowledge, how much they weigh! But I was determined to be smart.
Misha appears from the ranks of the students

Misha.Masha! There you are... (Takes a breath.) Barely caught up! (Addresses the audience.) Hello! And forgive me for interfering, I understand, today is like this big celebration...
Masha Very big! Just huge! I'm going to school! (Puts all the briefcases back on the pavement.)
Misha. Yah?
Masha. Exactly! See how much you have collected? (Pointing to briefcases and bags.)
Misha What did you collect?
Masha Well, things are different ... For study. And books ... You know what I found at home - I brought everything!
Misha All?
Masha. All!
Misha Well, why do you need a book "For those who knit"?
Masha Knit what?
Misha. Well, all sorts of things - socks, mittens, blouses ...
Masha Ah-ah-ah! Please! I think that we will not go through knitting today.
gives the book. Misha looks into the briefcase and takes out an iron.
Misha And why do you need it?
Masha It's just an iron! You have to go to school neatly dressed. So I took the iron. And also, if I fight with someone, you can attach it to a bruise. Like this.
shows. Misha opens the next bag and takes out a broom.
Misha. Well, why is this?
Masha And this was advised to me by a friend, he said that if they sweep out of school, then at least they will sweep it with my broom - it won’t be so insulting!
Misha Yes, your friend has a good sense of humor. But you don't need all that!
Masha Really all is not necessary?
Misha And you guys ask! The first graders were also going to school today. They will tell you what you need to take to school with you.
Presenter 1. Dear first graders! FROM today you are taking the first steps to become what you dreamed of - teachers, builders, lawyers, doctors! There are many roads in life, but they all begin with a school desk and with the honorary title of a student!
Performance of first graders
Congratulations to the first teacher, parents
Lead 1. And now guys, your senior comrades will read you an order
1. The school met you,
As you met us
And her threshold will become your family.
You also realize
What is the beginning of the threshold
All knowledge and life paths.

2. The desired hour has come,
You are enrolled in class 1
You baby listen to us
We will give you orders.

3. Tell everyone about the school
Treasure the honor of the school.

4. Keep things in order
Books, copybooks, notebooks.

5 Be careful, be polite,
Don't forget about culture.

6. You need to know perfectly well:
It's not good to fight at school
7. Always be kind and polite -
Sing more good songs.

8. To be always healthy
Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf.

9. Honor the teacher like a mother
And get the program.

10. The school course is not that difficult.
Contact us, we will help.

11. If you fulfill the order -
Get ready for the second class.

Misha Well, now I understand what a real student needs?
Masha. Understood! It turns out that I wasted three days in vain, going to ...
Misha But now I'm smarter! They also learn from mistakes. And let's congratulate the guys on the holiday.
Masha But as?
Misha. Poetry! But let's congratulate not only first-graders, but also all schoolchildren and teachers.
Masha Again outside the windows of September,
And the school is like big ship,
Ready to sail -
The school year is starting again!
Misha. Victories, wonderful discoveries,
Events bright, exciting -
Expanses of knowledge to conquer
And keep the course "excellent"!

Lead 2. Thank you for these congratulations! Well, we continue our holiday.
Lead 2. First graders today crossed the threshold of the school, which will become their home for the first time, and for others, for 9th graders, this year will be the last year of study in it. The word is given to the 9th grade.
Summer holidays have flown by
Ruthlessly leaving us.
On the pavement in autumn
we are going to the last class.

On your favorite school yard
We stand spellbound
And the bell rang - it did not save me.
soon school life wrap up
and seriously on the school stairs
On the first day of September we walk into the classroom.

How recently we were careless
Not guessing what will happen!
our school days not eternal
how do we get them back
Smiling at your classmates
let's not forget our first call
Let the first graders have fun
We can't get our childhood back.

Vedas 1.
Now they call you "high schoolers"
And look at you with respect.
Now they say "ninth graders" to you,
You have nine times more responsibility.
For the younger ones be an example,
Assistants for teachers.
With hope, faith and love
Look forward more cheerfully!
Veda 2. As there is no soldier without an oath, so there is no high school student without an oath.

The oath:
We are ninth-graders of the Kryzhinskaya secondary school, joining the ranks of high school students, we swear in front of those present!
We swear to strengthen and multiply worthy school traditions!
We swear!
Taking lessons, calling friends - all of a sudden they have already done everything!
We swear!
Even with the Internet, we will keep our own opinion.
We swear!!!
Don't joke with teachers! Both teachers and the results of jokes can be unpredictable.
We swear!!!
To do our best to protect the furniture and equipment entrusted to us, to remember that all this will still serve our children!
We swear!
Do not carry teachers on your shoulders, rushing to the dining room.
We swear!!!
If you are going to swim in the exam, then swim proudly, do not intensify the flow with streams of tears!
We swear!
And if we forget what we were when we came to the ninth grade, let us be severely punished!
We swear!!!
We swear!!!
We swear!!!

On behalf of the graduates, we would like to give you a gift. Last year they started nibbling on a piece of granite. they gnawed it, gnawed it, and what was left was for you to gnaw (to bring in a piece). In addition, we present you with diplomas of high school students and wish that everything that you have in mind will come true!

Lead 1. Friends, it's a holiday in the school yard again!
Let the first bell ring in September!
Friends, it's a holiday again, Knowledge Day with us!
Ring the bell, good luck, good time!

Lead 2. The right to give the first call is granted to a student of class 9_______________________________ and a student of class 1___ ____________________________!
Presenter 1..The solemn line dedicated to the "Celebration of Knowledge" is declared closed!

Lead 2. The right to make a circle of honor and be the first to enter the school is granted to our first graders.

Presenter 1.Good luck to everyone in the new academic year!


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