The blue spider is the most beautiful spider in the world. Wasp spider - a poisonous insect with a bright appearance Planning and conducting meetings

The wasp spider belongs to the family of orb-weaving spiders. Its web is very remarkable - the pattern consists of zigzag broken lines. You can usually find such a trapping net in well-lit areas among bushes and herbaceous plants. This species is most common in central and southern Europe.


The wasp spider, or argiope bruennichi, is a fairly large insect. Representatives of this species have pronounced sexual dimorphism: females are much larger than males. In adult females, the average body size is 3 cm, but sometimes larger insects are also found. Males are much smaller - their body length, as a rule, does not exceed 0.5 cm.

The wasp spider has a rather bright color on the abdomen - it is covered. Six notches are located along the edges of the abdomen - in this area you can see the scatter of colors from orange to darker, almost brown. The head is black. On the cephalothorax there are short hairs of an ashy shade. The legs are long, black, girdled with a pattern in the form of pale yellow rings.

On a note! This coloration is unique to females. Males are much less expressive - their body is usually black or gray!


Representatives of this species prefer to live in small groups of 20 individuals each. They settle in fields and meadows, in forest areas, as well as in other places with dense vegetation. At the same time, they choose open areas that are well translucent and warmed up by the sun's rays.

To build a web, these insects choose a large spreading plant or build it between several shrubs. It takes about an hour for a spider to make one trapping net, and the construction process itself always takes place at twilight. The central part of the web consists of a stabilimentum - a pair of well-marked threads located opposite each other, which diverge from the middle.

This is interesting! The web of argiope bruennichi has the ability to reflect ultraviolet rays and it attracts insects quite well!

The finished fishing net is very beautiful - it has small cells arranged in a zigzag pattern. And in its center is always a spider that looks like a wasp. The hostess is located on the underside of the web, her long legs wide apart, and patiently waits for the next victim to fall into the trap.


The basis of the diet of the wasp spider is insects, both orthoptera and others. Most often, the following fall into the spaced networks:

  • grasshoppers;
  • flies;
  • mosquitoes;
  • butterflies;
  • filly;

Caught in the web, the victim begins to twitch, which attracts a hunter located nearby. The spider immediately approaches, plunges its jaws into the body of the prey and paralyzes the caught insect with poison. As soon as the victim freezes, the hunter deftly wraps it in a web, bites off the restraining threads and hides it in a secluded place.

After some time, the poison, which contains digestive enzymes, softens the body of the victim, after which the spider begins to eat.


The female becomes sexually mature immediately after molting. She throws off the old chitinous cover and allows the male to fertilize her, after which she eats him.

On a note! Scientists still cannot come to a consensus on why she does this. Some believe that in this way she tries to saturate her body with protein, which is necessary for the normal bearing of eggs. Others believe that a natural reflex is triggered - the female eats the male due to incompatibility in size, that is, it acts according to the principle of natural selection, when large individuals destroy small ones!

A female spider with a color like a wasp lays eggs about a month after mating. She weaves several cocoons from the web and places about 400 eggs in each. She hangs all the cocoons near her hunting net and soon dies.

Future offspring spends in a dense warm cocoon all winter. With the advent of heat, the young come out of the eggs, and spend some time in close proximity to the cocoon. During this period, many spiders die and there is only one reason for this - overpopulation of the territory, due to which there is not enough food for everyone. Thus, some packs die of starvation, others are eaten by their own brethren.

The survivors leave their homes around August. In windy weather, they scatter around the neighborhood with the help of their web. In autumn, the young reach sexual maturity.


The venom of the wasp spider is deadly to insects, but practically harmless to humans. At the same time, argiope bruennichi does not purposefully attack people. This insect can bite only by chance, if disturbed by picking it up. On the affected area may occur:

  • slight swelling;
  • redness;
  • burning;
  • pain.

But these symptoms often pass very quickly. If, after a wasp spider bite, discomfort begins to bother you, then something cold is applied to the affected area for speedy healing. After such a compress, the pain subsides and the swelling disappears.

In general, wasp spider venom for humans is quite weak. However, sometimes, in particular, with weak immunity, the negative reaction of the body can be quite intense. In such cases, anti-inflammatory ointments usually help. Argiope bruennichi poison can be dangerous for humans only if they are allergic to insect bites. In this situation, you should definitely seek qualified medical help.

In recent years, more and more widely used various ways graphical presentation of information. On the one hand, this is due to the efficiency of perception of information received through visual channels, and on the other hand, the development of means computer graphics expanding the possibilities of its application. Graphical representations are usually an aid in decision making

Histograms are widely used. The advantage of histograms is their visibility. The disadvantages include the fact thatthe histogram (as well as similar diagrams) allows, as a rule, compare solutions based on only one single criterion. Histograms can be helpful at comparison of several options (more than two)one criterion. Comparison by several criteria using histograms is possible if the values ​​corresponding to different criteria are measured in the same units. In this case, the data is presented in the form of a series of columns. But. if different options have different qualities to different extents, and an advantage in one criteria is combined with disadvantages in others, making a decision based on the histogram becomes difficult.

Unlike charts built in rectangular decarescoordinates, "Spider - TsIS" (the abbreviation "TsIS" is formed by the first letters of the name of the Central Institute of Welding, in which this method was developed) is a visualchart built in polar coordinates. axes,on which the values ​​of the criteria are plotted are directed according to thedius from the center of the circle to the periphery. On fig. twenty atan example is provided to illustrate this method.

Let's say an engineer wants to change jobs. In search of a new place, the engineer received two proposals that are very different from each other, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, a person finds it difficult to accept this or that proposal. In one case, we are talking about the position of the head of a department in a large enterprise, which is very tempting from a financial point of view and means a certain promotion, but associated with a heavy workload. Another proposal is less profitable in terms of money, but it is associated with less workload. In the second case, our engineer would be, as up to now, an employee technical department. The decision is further complicated by other considerations: in both cases, he must change his place of residence, which is also connected with the need to change his place of work for his wife.

The person decides to use the "Spider-CIS" method to find the best solution, presenting his problem on the "web" (see Figure XX). The first step is to match the decision criteria. The engineer selects 8 criteria:



    professional interest;

    restructuring (at work, relationships withcolleagues);

    the possibility of obtaining housing;

    the possibility of a new job for the wife;

    additional loads (responsibility, the need to make decisions often, business trips, troubles, etc.),

    additional benefits (bonuses, vacation, pleasant colleagues, etc.).

For these eight criteria, the engineer draws a circle and in it eight radial scales (see Fig. 20), on which he applies numerical and verbal designations in such a way that the best values ​​are located closer to the center, and the worst ones are further from it, closer to the outer ones. circles. It does not matter how the scales are graduated - in relative units, legend or just verbally. The main thing is to see a gradual change in the criteria, reflecting a tendency to worsen when moving from the center to the periphery.

After completing this work, it is necessary to connect the points marked on the axes with a closed line - a polygon. First for the first and then for the second sentence. It is this closed broken line that is called the web. Now our polar diagram has formed two in general case irregular polygon (n-gon, where P - number of criteria), each of which presents its proposal.The "Spider-CIS" scoring rule says: "web" outlining the smallest area corresponds to the best option.

Note that the comparison does not imply an exact calculation of areas. If the difference in the magnitude of both areas cannot be reliably estimated "by eye", then it is insignificant. If the difference is striking, the matter is clear, and no measurements are required.

With this method of comparing two options, the shortcomings in them seem to be revealed by themselves and it becomes clear to what extent the improvement of one or another parameter will have a beneficial effect on the “big picture” (the area of ​​the “web”). The number of objects or variants compared using the CIS diagram should not exceed four, otherwise the advantage of visibility is again lost.

Page 1

In order for the company to achieve its goals, it is necessary to have a competitive staff. Competitiveness of staff depends on its competitive advantage, which can be external to the staff and internal. The external competitive advantage of personnel is determined by the competitiveness of the organization in which they work. If the organization has a high level of competitiveness, then the staff has good external conditions to achieve a high level of competitiveness. Internal competitive advantages of personnel can be hereditary and acquired.

Sberbank lending to an individual

Figure 2.4.8 - Spider - CIS

According to Figure 2.4.8, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) Qualification of personnel and the system of advanced training of personnel in Sberbank are at a high level. Sberbank considers the development of human resources as the main condition for fulfilling its strategic goals. The intensification of the work of bank employees, the mass development of new products and technologies, the expansion of the powers and responsibilities of specialists and middle managers require setting new goals and priorities for the personnel management system. The main task personnel policy Sberbank in the coming years will further improve the skills of Sberbank personnel, create teams of professionals capable of solving problems strategic development jar. As priority areas of personnel policy, the Bank sees an increase in the efficiency of the system for the selection, training and placement of personnel, improvement of the personnel motivation system, development corporate culture. The current system of selection of the most promising graduates of leading higher and secondary educational institutions, providing them with targeted scholarships from Sberbank of Russia is combined with the practice of attracting the most trained specialists with work experience in other financial institutions. Conducting open competitions for filling vacant leadership positions And certain categories employees. The system of forming a reserve of managerial personnel, especially of the top management, planning the career growth of promising young specialists, and improving the qualifications of personnel is changing significantly. The system of rotation and horizontal movement of the management of the most qualified specialists is being developed. Sberbank creates conditions that allow each employee to realize their creative abilities, get the opportunity to improve their professional knowledge, understand the system for evaluating the results of their work and the prospect of promotion.

2) Social guarantees. The Bank's employees have a full social package (pay for temporary disability certificates, provide payment for round-trip travel on any type of transport in Russia, pay benefits for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old, pay for vouchers for treatment in various sanatoriums, provide financial assistance at the birth of a child and the death of loved ones, and much more), the Bank participates in the implementation of social programs and charity.

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lines on the axes, a closed line - a polygon. First for the first and then for the second sentence. It is this closed broken line that we called the web. Now, on our polar diagram, two generally irregular polygons (n-gons, where n is the number of criteria) have formed, each of which represents its own proposal. The evaluation rule based on the "Spider - CIS" says: "web", outlining the iaaaaaaaaaaa, corresponds to the best variant.

Qualitatively, this is quite understandable. If the best values ​​of individual criteria are always on the inner circle, the area of ​​the polygon should be the smaller, the better the corresponding variant is evaluated. This is a global statement that takes into account all criteria. It follows from it that in order to obtain a quantitative result, both sites must be measured.

There were supporters of such an intention. It is important, however, to clearly understand that the “web” of the “Spider-CIS” does not have a geometrically unambiguous area. Even if the same criteria were chosen and the same numerical values ​​were assigned, the area of ​​the corresponding p-coal can only change due to the fact that we have changed places in the scale, that is, their (counted along the arc of a circle) sequence. The area and shape of the "web" also changes if any criterion is excluded from consideration, or vice versa. is additionally introduced if the angles between the scales are not the same or if we change the divisions of the scales or the internal values ​​are out of range.

Thus, there are many factors that affect the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "web", so about a geometrically unambiguous size, with all the desire to be a knife ~. In addition, such measurements are simply vain work. This would mean, as they say, to fire cannons at sparrows. It may be objected that we are not talking about the absolute value of the area (in square millimeters). but only about the ratio of the values ​​of the two areas, in order to better answer the question which of the two "webs" is smaller. This should be answered: if the difference in the magnitude of the two areas cannot be properly assessed "by eye", then it is insignificant. If the difference catches the eye, it's a clear matter, and no measurements are required. And if the difference is so small that “by the eye” is indistinguishable, then it is not worth measuring, since taking into account all the inaccuracies and subjective factors mentioned above, this difference does not matter. So, it must be said that the choice between two (barely several) options with the help of "Spider - TsIS" is feasible only if the difference between the areas of the corresponding

of the "spider webs" is striking. Otherwise, both (or all) possibilities should be considered as equivalent or having the same order. From this point of view, the "Spider CIS" method cannot be considered completely quantitative method, maybe half.

After these theoretical considerations, let's take a look at Fig. 20. See which of the two areas is smaller? Anyone who has a good eye will notice that the offer of the position of the head of the unit corresponds to a smaller

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Rice. 20 Comparison of two different spot welding machines

The busy reader can "come to terms with the haraatv-

Ristic devices ala spot welding. referring to the book:

area. Those who do not believe can make carbon copies of these "webs", cut them out and weigh them on an analytical balance or measure them with a planimeter.

As the next example, consider one of the first applications of the method, which was implemented in the CIS to select a promising development option. It was necessary “to equalize how two types of spot welding pliers are quoted on the world market (Fig. 2)) p. were used for honeydew

Poecilotheria metallica - was discovered in 1899 by the arachnologist Pocock, but despite the fact that this species was described more than 100 years ago, it still remains one of the rarest spiders in the collections of lovers around the world. Every fan wanted to have this excellent spider in his collection. The color of this spider impresses even experienced keepers, blue with a gray-white pattern looks very impressive. There are also yellow stripes on the legs, which are especially noticeable from the bottom. Individuals from the southern part of India are black in color. With a bright color, the spider is also quite large in size, the bodies of Poecilotheria metallica are 6-7 cm, and the span of the legs can reach 16-17 cm.

Let's explore it in more detail...

Photo 2.

The habitat of these spiders is considered to be the tropical forests of southwestern India. Spiders of this species can be found high in the crown of Old trees, young individuals are often found at the base of trees, sometimes even in a hole, which is carefully braided with cobwebs, at the slightest danger, in the blink of an eye, the baby hides in this mink, therefore, when keeping juveniles at home, it is quite suitable capacity of horizontal type with a soil thickness of 3-4cm. Representatives of this species live up to 15 years, but despite this they have a fairly fast growth rate. Like most spiders of the genus Poecilotheria, Poecilotheria metallica takes a defensive stance when in danger and, if a source of danger approaches, will certainly use its chelicerae.

Photo 3.

The poison of this species is considered potent, so the bitten one will not find it a little. In addition, this species is quite athletic - they can jump and run very fast, so novice keepers are not advised to start such spiders, although, given all of the above, few people would resist. Young spiders up to 3-4 liters. can be kept in small groups of 4-5 individuals in volume, the main condition for group keeping is: sufficient area and a sufficient number of shelters for each individual. Otherwise, during the molting period, one of them may become a victim of an attack by his fellow. To keep one adult, a vertical-type terrarium measuring 20x20x30 will be enough. To weave a nest, the spider needs some kind of base, as such, a piece of cork oak bark is quite suitable, which should be vertically installed inside the terrarium.

Suitable for any kind of insects right size(cricket, locust, zofobas, cockroach). Sexual maturity on average occurs in females after 2-2.5 years, in males 1-1.5 years. The bite of this species is very tactic and can cause health complications even in an adult, healthy person. In captivity, Poecilotheria metallica is not currently bred very often. The males of this species do not immediately approach the females, so it is not always possible to follow the mating, but if everything goes well, after a few months the female weaves a cocoon, which she will protect for another 2 months, after which the cocoon will be opened by the female's chelicerae and from it between 80 and 160 pretty little spiderlings will appear.

Photo 5.

Family Poecilotheria attracts the attention of not only skilled and professional keepers, but also beginners. Indeed, it is very difficult to resist them: interesting character, activity, very bright and beautiful coloring, large size make them welcome guests in any collection.

But not everyone can start them for two reasons. It is a highly toxic poison and is so unpredictable that you can never guess where it will run or jump. The Internet is full of photos and videos where this spider sits on its hands. After such videos and photos, people stop being afraid of them and let's pick up these spiders. To me, like many keepers, all spiders are cute and interesting. But I will not advise beginners or amateurs to start this kind. Their poison is quite toxic, and if you are bitten by an adult spider, the consequences can be within two weeks.

Photo 6.

Therefore, before buying, think very carefully whether you need this spider. There are quite a few interesting tarantulas that are not as dangerous as this one. For example, the genus Psalmopoeus and the genus Tapinauchenius. These, of course, are also not angels, but they are not so dangerous.

Photo 7.

If, however, you decide to opt for Poecilotheria metallica, Now I will tell you how to keep it.

This tree spider, in nature, lives in the crowns and voids of trees. There he builds himself an air nest and sits in it all day until dusk. In a terrarium, you need to create similar conditions. To do this, the terrarium must be quite high, about 45 centimeters in height. The bottom area can be relatively small, approximately 30x30 centimeters. At the bottom you need to pour 2-3 centimeters of coconut substrate, they do not need more. Also in the terrarium you need to put a piece of bark and twigs. The spider should always have access to fresh and clean water. Change the water in the drinker every day

Photo 8.

The terrarium must have a hydrometer and a thermometer to control the temperature and humidity. The temperature for keeping this spider should be 24-28 degrees, and the humidity should be 75-80 percent. With such high humidity, there should be very good ventilation, so if you keep the spider not in a terrarium, but in a plastic container, then make more air holes in it.

There are no problems with feeding these tarantulas. Their appetite is very good, they are rarely capricious in this regard. Crickets, locusts, marbled cockroaches, cherry cockroaches, Madagascar cockroaches and zofobas are suitable as forage insects.

If you want your tarantula to grow actively, then it should always have access to food. This applies to small spiders, while food ages large spiders and they live less.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.


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