Promising launch vehicles. Prospects for the development of Russian cosmonautics Strategic intercontinental missiles

General characteristics of the activities of Roscosmos

Currently, the state corporation for space activities "Roscosmos" unites more than 90 organizations, 80% of which are joint-stock companies. They employ about 250 thousand people.

In 2016, the year of the 55th anniversary of the flight of Yuri Gagarin, the Year of Gagarin, was celebrated. This year was a continuation of the systemic reform of the missile space industry Russia, enterprises and organizations of the state corporation, which started in the fall of 2014. The main directions of the changes carried out in the space industry are the improvement of the quality of products, the financial recovery of enterprises and the renewal of production.

In 2016 the Government Russian Federation approved the Federal Space Program (hereinafter referred to as FSP) for 2016-2025, which determined the ways and directions of Russia's space activities for the next decade. All significant programs have been preserved - the development and production of new types of launch vehicles and the Federation manned transport spacecraft, international cooperation, including on the ISS, the development, production and launch of spacecraft for applied and fundamental scientific research.

In 2016, work continued to ensure the development of space activities and the rocket and space industry in Russia. The following tasks were solved:

formation and maintenance of the required composition of the orbital constellation of spacecraft;

introduction of domestic satellite navigation technologies and services using the global navigation satellite system GLONASS;

improvement of the system for providing Earth remote sensing data (hereinafter referred to as remote sensing data) from space using Russian spacecraft (hereinafter referred to as SC) remote sensing data of high spatial resolution;

continuation of the implementation of programs of scientific and applied research and experiments at the International Space Station;

creation of scientific, technical and technological reserves on promising models of rocket and space technology;

modernization and maintenance of the Plesetsk and Baikonur cosmodromes, construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome.

A set of organizational, scientific, technical and production and technological measures is being implemented, providing for measures for capital investments, including investment projects for the modernization of production facilities.

Over the past two years alone, more than 40 reconstruction and technical re-equipment facilities have been put into operation, including a completely renewed fleet of technical equipment. In the medium term, it is planned to re-equip more than 160 facilities under the program innovative development corporations.

Current programs of innovative development of leading enterprises - manufacturers of space technology (PJSC Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, Federal State Unitary Enterprise GKNPTs named after M.V. Khrunichev, JSC RCC Progress, JSC NPO Energomash named after Academician V.P. .Glushko, JSC Information Satellite Systems named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, JSC Russian Space Systems and others) are aimed, among other things, at a radical renewal of the technical fleet of production assets.

A personnel reserve of the rocket and space industry has been formed; criteria for selection and competencies of employees applying for leadership positions. In total, 1320 applications were submitted from managers in 2016 different levels organizations of the industry, and the commission will eventually select 200 people who will be trained in the established and successfully operating Corporate Academy of the state corporation Roscosmos. In 2016, the first industry competition and the first corporate championship "Young Professionals of Roscosmos" were held according to WorldSkills standards. Also, new standards and methods of working with employees are being developed, formed and put into effect, where one of the important points is motivation for quality work.

The net profit of industry enterprises in 2016 amounted to 3.2 billion rubles, which is 56% higher than in 2015.

In 2016, Roskosmos, together with the Moscow Planetarium, carried out the “Bring Astronomy Back to Schools” campaign. An agreement has been reached with the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to return astronomy lessons to schools.

Key figures

The main event of 2016 is the first launch from Russia's first civil cosmodrome Vostochny on April 28, 2016. The launch vehicle (hereinafter - LV) "Soyuz 2.1a" launched two spacecraft for scientific purposes and remote sensing - "Lomonosov" and "Aist-2D" into the specified orbits.

Currently, the state corporation Roscosmos is starting the second stage of the construction of the cosmodrome, primarily the creation of a launch complex for launching new, promising Angara launch vehicles.

In 2016, 19 launches were carried out in the interests of government and commercial customers. Under the ISS program, the State Corporation Roscosmos performed 7 launches from the Baikonur cosmodrome; 5 commercial launches were also carried out: 2 - from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, 1 - from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome and 2 - from the Guiana Space Center.

The unique products of the flagship engine-building enterprise of the state corporation Roscosmos JSC NPO Energomash continue to be in demand. So, in October 2016, the American launch vehicle Antares with Russian RD-181 engines produced by this enterprise was successfully launched.

As of the end of 2016, the orbital constellation of socio-economic, scientific and dual-purpose spacecraft included 84 satellites, including 27 satellites of the GLONASS system and 8 remote sensing satellites for natural resources and hydrometeorological purposes. The main characteristics of the GLONASS system (accuracy and availability) were consistently maintained throughout the year at a competitive level.

Development of the Earth remote sensing system

In 2016, a space system for remote sensing of the earth (ERS) was formed, consisting of three spacecraft "Resurs-P", taking this into account, the provision of remote sensing data to all federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the subjects of the Federation was provided. Work has begun on the commercial use of remote sensing data.

As part of the development of space infrastructure, Russia's first Arctic remote sensing data reception center was deployed in Murmansk. Work has begun on the deployment of a similar center in Antarctica at the Progress station.

Development of promising launch vehicles

For the successful promotion of Russia in the international space market of launch services, our country needs promising launch vehicles. Enterprises and design bureaus of the state corporation Roscosmos are developing projects for a heavy-lift missile system based on the Angara A5 launch vehicle and a super-heavy class for the lunar program (development of its draft design started in 2017). An agreement was reached with Kazakh partners on the creation of the Baiterek complex at the Baikonur Cosmodrome using a new promising Russian launch vehicle, the development of which is planned for 2018.

The State Corporation Roscosmos continues to introduce systems for monitoring and improving the quality of manufactured space technology at all enterprises and organizations of the rocket and space industry in Russia. The industry is shifting to digital design of space technology. The main goal in terms of quality and reliability is to reduce the accident rate of launch vehicles by 2020 by at least 1.5 times and increase the life of spacecraft by 25–30%.

In order to improve production efficiency and increase the competitiveness of the produced rocket and space technology, the State Corporation Roscosmos has developed and approved the standards of the production system. To start implementing the standards of the new production system, three flagship enterprises of the state corporation were selected: Federal State Unitary Enterprise GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev” (hereinafter referred to as the Khrunichev Center), RSC Energia PJSC and NPO Energomash JSC.

International projects of Roscosmos

Within the framework of previously concluded intergovernmental agreements on the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, the State Corporation Roscosmos cooperated in 2016 with the following countries: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, USA, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, Nicaragua , Chile, China, India, the Republic of Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Australia, South Africa - as well as with the CIS countries: Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia.

In 2016, the State Corporation Roscosmos acted as the leading space agency under the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters.

Also in 2016, within the framework of international cooperation, the State Corporation Roscosmos solved the tasks of organizing, ensuring interaction and developing international cooperation with foreign space agencies, including the European Space Agency (hereinafter referred to as ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (hereinafter referred to as NASA), national coordinating bodies of foreign states and international organizations in the field of exploration and use of outer space.

In 2016, the Concept was signed with the Kazakh side further cooperation at the Baikonur complex, a joint program for the development of tourism infrastructure in Baikonur, a road map for the implementation of the Baiterek project for 2016-2025, other intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements.

In 2016, the State Corporation Roscosmos prepared for the conclusion of intergovernmental agreements with Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Malaysia, Mongolia, Ecuador, Angola and Algeria.

Within the framework of international cooperation on the ISS program, the state corporation Roscosmos together with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) signed an addendum to the framework agreement regarding the use of the ISS for research and experimental activities. Joint space experiments of the state corporation Roscosmos, ESA, NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) also continue. Thus, within the framework of the Kristallizator space experiment jointly with JAXA, results have been obtained that allow Russian scientists to work on the creation of a medical drug for the treatment of oncological diseases.

In 2016, the first Russian-American annual flight was successfully completed. Roscosmos cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko and NASA astronaut Scott Kelly worked on the ISS.

One of the high-profile international scientific projects is the ExoMars project, in which Russia is working together with colleagues from the European Space Agency. In March 2016, the Proton launch vehicle successfully launched the Russian-European ExoMars-2016 mission from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The device successfully reached the orbit of Mars and began its work. On board the apparatus of the four devices - two Russian. The next stage of the mission is planned for implementation in 2020.

Employees of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "TsNIIMash", a research institute that is part of the state corporation "Roskosmos", have developed actual scenarios for flights to the Moon, combining the use of automatic and manned spacecraft, design images and technical requirements for promising manned space complexes have been substantiated.

Roscosmos State Corporation is actively developing cooperation with foreign countries in the field of satellite navigation. Federal target program"Maintenance, development and use of the GLONASS system for 2012-2020" provides for the creation of a monitoring network that includes stations for functional additions to the GLONASS system for global high-precision determination of real-time navigation information for civilian users and for monitoring and confirming the characteristics of the GLONASS system. So, in 2016, a quantum-optical station was installed, designed for trajectory measurements of the movement of GLONASS satellites, and scheduled tests of the station's parameters began. The Sazhen-TM-BIS system located in South Africa became the second radio-laser complex of the foreign segment of the network of stations of the state corporation Roscosmos, created in the interests of the GLONASS system (the first complex of this type was installed and put into operation on July 14, 2014 in . Brasilia, Brazil). Preparations have been completed for the commissioning of the GLONASS measurement collection station in Nicaragua, the commissioning of which is scheduled for April 2017. An agreement was reached on the deployment of a unified station for collecting measurements of global navigation satellite systems on the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

In 2016, the State Corporation Roscosmos began developing a five-party international project to jointly use, in the interests of the BRICS countries, orbital constellations of Earth remote sensing satellites and related ground infrastructure, as well as to create a mechanism for the exchange of remote sensing data in the areas of studying climate change, protection from emergencies and protection environment. At present, the relevant draft five-party agreement is being coordinated with foreign partners.

On the site.

State Space Research and Production Center named after V.I. M.V. Khrunichev, within the framework of the Angara program, is developing a number of launch vehicles, the key element of which is the creation of a heavy class launch vehicle - a launch vehicle of the 21st century. as the transport basis of the Russian space program. The development work on the creation of the Angara launch vehicle family is carried out on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 14 of January 6, 1995 "On the creation of the Angara space rocket complex" and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 829 of August 26, 1995 "On measures to ensure the creation of space missile system "Angara".

In 1993, the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Aerospace Agency announced a competition for the development of a new heavy domestic carrier, in which, along with the GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev was attended by RSC Energia, State Research Center "Design Bureau named after Academician V.P. Makeev" and State Research and Production Center "TsSKB - Progress". Proposed GKNPTs them. M.V. Khrunichev, the project was based on many years of design and survey work on launch vehicles, their creation and operation, taking into account predictable requirements and real possibilities for their implementation.

The main condition for achieving efficiency was the use of oxygen-hydrogen fuel in the second stage, as well as an oxygen-hydrogen upper stage (KVRB). This makes it possible to reduce the launch mass of the rocket by about 40% and, accordingly, the mass of its structure and cost compared to competitive options with kerosene-oxygen fuel in the second stage. At the same time, the cost of hydrogen is less than 1% of the launch cost. All this (taking into account the somewhat increased cost of the hydrogen engine, tanks, refueling, storage systems, etc.) makes it possible to reduce the unit cost of launch by 30–35%.

At the first stage of the Angara launch vehicle of the heavy class, the project proposed to use the RD-174 engine with a thrust of 740 tf developed by NPO Energomash, unique in its progressive solutions and repeatedly tested in flight on the first stages of the Zenit and Energia launch vehicles. At the second stage - the hydrogen-oxygen engine RD-0120 developed by the Chemical Automation Design Bureau, tested in flight at the second stage of the Energia launch vehicle. In the production of the Angara launch vehicle, it was planned to use universal welding equipment and the experience in manufacturing large-sized tank compartments, mastered in the GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev in relation to the Proton launch vehicle. The layout of the Angara launch vehicle, like the Proton launch vehicle at one time, was subject to the customer's requirement: transportation in parts by rail with the simplest assembly and control operations at the spaceport.

The arrangement of steps on the Angara launch vehicle is tandem. At the same time, it was supposed to use the package principle of fuel tank layout at both stages. At the first stage, two side oxidizer tanks (liquid oxygen) are hung on the central fuel tank (kerosene). At the second stage, the central one is the oxidizer tank (liquid oxygen), and the side ones are two fuel tanks (liquid hydrogen). The stage separation scheme is "hot", the stages are interconnected by a truss (between the central tanks). Subsequently (at the second stage), the layout of the Angara launch vehicle provided for the installation of additional devices for the return of the first stage to the cosmodrome area without an intermediate landing in order to reuse and eliminate the impact fields of the spent first stage (the second stage enters a suborbital trajectory and falls from the first half-turn into remote areas of the oceans).

In low reference orbits (altitude 200 km) with an inclination of 63 ° (latitude of the Plesetsk cosmodrome), this version of the Angara launch vehicle should launch up to 27 tons of payload (PG), and up to 4.5 tons into geostationary orbit when using KVRB. with KVRB, it was also envisaged to use the Briz-M RB. As a result of detailed discussions at the meetings of the Interdepartmental Commission, a decision was made on the further development of the Angara launch vehicle under the project of the GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev. In the course of further research, the concept of the Angara launch vehicle was significantly developed and refined. Taking into account the current situation in the country, the GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev proposed a strategy for the phased creation of a heavy-class launch vehicle using universal rocket modules in its composition. The new concept retains all the key ideas of the original version of the Angara launch vehicle and develops new promising capabilities. At present, the Angara family of launch vehicles covers launch vehicles from light to super-heavy class. The main characteristics of the launch vehicle of the Angara family are shown in fig. and tab.

Launch vehicles of the Angara family

This carrier family is based on the universal rocket module (URM). It consists of fuel oxidizer tanks and the RD-191 engine. URM is made according to the scheme with carrier tanks and the front location of the oxidizer tank. The RD-191 engine, created at NPO Energomash, runs on kerosene and liquid oxygen components. This single-chamber engine is being developed on the basis of the four-chamber engines RD-170 and RD-171 and the two-chamber engine RD-180, created for the Atlas-2AR launch vehicle. Thrust RD-191 near the Earth - up to 196 tf, in the void - up to 212 tf; specific thrust on Earth - 309.5 s, in vacuum - 337.5 s. To ensure control of the launch vehicle in flight, the engine is fixed in a gimbal suspension. The length of the URM is 23 m, the diameter is 2.9 m. These dimensions were chosen based on the technological equipment available at the Rocket and Space Plant. One such universal rocket module is the first stage of two light-class launch vehicles being created as part of the Angara-1 program. The central part of the Breeze-M booster block and the Soyuz-2 rocket block type I of the Soyuz-2 launch vehicle are used as the second stages on these two versions of the launch vehicle ("Angara-1.1" and "Angara-1.2"), respectively.

The Angara-3 medium-class launch vehicle is formed by adding universal modules (as the first stage) to the Angara-1.2 light-class launch vehicle. The Angara-3 launch vehicle is made according to the tandem arrangement of steps. Three URMs are used as the first stage. The second stage is installed on the middle URM through a truss adapter (block of the "I" type). As the third stage, a small-sized upper stage or a central block is used - RB "Breeze-M", which is designed to form a working orbit. Its inclusion in the launch vehicle variants with an "I" block-type stage is due to the fact that the RD-0124 engine installed on this stage is designed for only a single start.

The heavy-class Angara-5 launch vehicle is being built by adding two more side modules to the Angara-3 launch vehicle. A super-heavy-class launch vehicle is formed by replacing the second stage (I-type block) with an Angara-5 heavy-class launch vehicle by an oxygen-hydrogen stage with four KVD1 engines. The energy capabilities of the Angara-3 and Angara-5 launch vehicles ensure the launch of a payload weighing 14 tons and 24.5 tons, respectively, into low orbit. The Breeze-M missile launcher is used as upper stage on medium-class launch vehicles, and Breeze-M and KVRB are used on heavy and super-heavy launch vehicles.

The main launch site of the Angara family of launch vehicles is the Plesetsk cosmodrome. During the construction of the launch complex of the Angara launch vehicle, the existing groundwork for the Zenit launch vehicle is used. Unique technical solutions will make it possible to launch all launch vehicles of the Angara family from one launcher. To reduce the size of the areas allotted for the impact fields of the separating parts of the launch vehicle, special measures are envisaged already during the creation of the Angara-1 missiles. Three sources of funding for the Angara project are envisaged: the Russian Aerospace Agency, the Ministry of Defense and funds from the commercial activities of the GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev.

At present, the design and technological development of a unified rocket module and a light-class launch vehicle based on it has already been completed. The preparation of production is being completed and the start of ground tests of real products is being prepared. A full-scale technological model of the Angara-1.1 launch vehicle was demonstrated at the Aerospace Show in Le Bourget in 1999.

Based on the main variants of the Angara family of launch vehicles, it is possible to create other modifications. Thus, options are being considered for installing additional starting solid-propellant boosters on a light-class launch vehicle. This will allow you to select a carrier for a specific spacecraft, and not create a spacecraft taking into account the existing carrier.

Thus, GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev developed and proposed within the framework of the Angara program a whole strategy that allows, in conditions of limited financial opportunities and in a short time to create a number of promising launch vehicles of various classes. The deadlines for creating the Angara launch vehicle family are very tight. Thus, the first launch of the Angara-1.1 launch vehicle is planned as early as 2003. Launches of all types of launch vehicles of the Angara family are planned to be carried out from the Plesetsk cosmodrome. The first launch of the Angara-1.2 launch vehicle is to take place in 2004. The first launch of the Angara-5 launch vehicle is also planned for 2004.

Improving the characteristics of the launch vehicle, and above all, reducing the cost of launching the spacecraft, in the GKNPTs them. M.V. Khrunichev is associated not only with the unification of the blocks of the first stages of the Angara family of launch vehicles and the introduction of promising, but already proven technologies, such as the use of highly efficient oxygen-kerosene engines, automated launch preparation, the use of the most modern upper stages and head fairings. In the launch vehicle of the Angara family, such the latest technology, as the use of reusable elements (accelerator stages) in the launch vehicle design. Exactly this technical solution is one of the cardinal ways to improve the economic performance of launch vehicles.

Many technologically advanced countries, in particular the countries of the European Union (including France, Germany, Great Britain), as well as Japan, China, Ukraine, India, have conducted and are conducting research aimed at creating their own samples of reusable space systems (Hermes, HOPE, Zenger-2, HOTOL, ASSTS, RLV, Skylon, Shenlong, Sura, etc. Unfortunately, economic difficulties turn the red light on these projects, often after significant design work.

Hermes -developed by the European Space Agency spaceship project. Development officially began in November 1987, although the project was approved by the French government as early as 1978. The project was supposed to launch the first ship in 1995, but a change in the political situation and funding difficulties led to the closure of the project in 1993. Not a single ship was built like this It was.

European spacecraft "Hermes"

HORE - Japan's space shuttle. Designed since the early 80s. It was planned as a reusable four-seat spaceplane-spaceplane with a vertical launch on a disposable N-2 launch vehicle. It was considered Japan's main contribution to the ISS.

Japanese spacecraft HOPE
In 1986, Japan's aerospace firms began implementing a program of research and development work in the field of hypersonic technology. One of the main directions of the program was the creation of an unmanned winged aerospace vehicle "Hope" (HOPE - translated as "Hope"), launched into orbit using the launch vehicle "H-2" (H-2), which was to be introduced in operation in 1996
The main purpose of the ship is the periodic supply of the Japanese multi-purpose laboratory "JEM" (JEM) as part of the American space station (now the Kibo ISS module).
The lead developer is the National Space Research Administration (NASDA) Design studies for a promising manned spacecraft were carried out by the National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) together with the industrial firms Kawasaki, Fuji and Mitsubishi. The variant proposed by the NAL laboratory was tentatively adopted as the base one.
By 2003, the launch complex was built, full-size mock-ups with all the instruments, cosmonauts were selected, prototype models of the HIMES spacecraft were tested in orbital flight. But in 2003, the Japanese space program was completely revised, and the project was closed.

X-30 National Aero-Space Plane (NASP) - a project of a promising reusable spacecraft- a single-stage aerospace spacecraft system (AKS) of a new generation with a horizontal launch and landing, developed by the United States to create a reliable and simple means of mass launch of people and cargo into space. The project has been suspended and research is currently underway on hypersonic unmanned experimental aircraft (Boeing X-43) to create a ramjet hypersonic engine.
NASP development began in 1986. In his 1986 address, US President Ronald Reagan announced:
… The Orient Express, which will be built in the next decade, will be able to take off from Dulles Airport and, accelerating to a speed of 25 times the speed of sound, reach orbit or fly to Tokyo in 2 hours.
The NASP program, funded by NASA and the US Department of Defense, was carried out with the participation of McDonnell Douglas, Rockwell International, who worked on the creation of an airframe and equipment for a single-stage hypersonic spaceplane. Rocketdyne and Pratt & Whitney have been working on hypersonic ramjet engines.

X-30 reusable spacecraft
According to the requirements of the US Department of Defense, the X-30 was supposed to have a crew of 2 people and carry a small load. A manned spaceplane with appropriate control and life support systems turned out to be too large, heavy and expensive for an experienced technology demonstrator. As a result, the X-30 program was stopped, but research in the field of single-stage horizontal launch vehicles and hypersonic ramjet engines did not stop in the United States. Work is currently underway on a small unmanned vehicle Boeing X-43 "Hyper-X" for testing a ramjet engine.
X-33 - prototype reusable single-stage aerospacecraft, built under a NASA contract by the company lockheed martinunder the Venture Star program. Work on the program was carried out from 1995-2001. As part of this program, it was supposed to develop and test a hypersonic model of the future single-stage system, and in the future - to create a full-fledged transport system based on this technical concept.

X-33 reusable single-stage spacecraft

The X-33 experimental apparatus creation program was launched in July 1996. The Skunk Works research and development division of the Lockheed Martin Corporation became NASA's contractor. It won the contract to create a fundamentally new space shuttle called the Venture Star. Subsequently, his improved model was tested, called the "X-33" and surrounded by a dense veil of secrecy. Only a few characteristics of the device are known. Takeoff weight -123 tons, length -20 meters, width - 21.5 meters. Two engines of a fundamentally new design allow the Kh-33 to exceed the speed of sound by 1.5 times. The device is a cross between a spacecraft and a stratospheric aircraft. The developments were carried out under the flag of reducing the cost of launching a payload into space tenfold, from the current $20,000 per kilogram to over two thousand. The program, however, was closed in 2001, the construction of an experimental prototype was not completed.

The so-called wedge-air rocket engine was developed for the Venture Star (X-33).
Wedge-air rocket engine(Eng. Aerospike engine, Aerospike, KVRD) - a type of rocket engine with a wedge-shaped nozzle that maintains aerodynamic efficiency in a wide range of altitudes above the Earth's surface with different atmospheric pressures. KVRD belongs to the class of rocket engines, the nozzles of which are capable of changing the pressure of the outgoing gas jet depending on the change in atmospheric pressure with increasing flight altitude (English Altitude compensating nozzle). An engine with this type of nozzle uses 25-30% less fuel at low altitudes, where the most thrust is typically needed. Wedge-air engines have been studied for a long time as the main option for single-stage space systems (SSO, eng. Single-Stage-To-Orbit, SSTO), that is, rocket systems using only one stage to deliver the payload into orbit. Engines of this type were a serious contender for use as the main engines on the Space Shuttle during its creation (see: SSME). However, as of 2012, not a single engine of this type is used or produced. The most successful options are in the development stage.

On the left is a conventional rocket engine, on the right is a wedge-air rocket engine.

Skylon ("Skylon") - the name of the project of the English company Reaction Engines Limited, according to which an unmanned reusable spacecraft can be created in the future, which, as expected by its developers, will enable inexpensive and reliable access to space. The preliminary examination of this project recognized that there were no technical and design errors in it. According to estimates, Skylon will reduce the cost of removing cargo by 15-50 times. The company is currently looking for funding.
According to the Skylon project, it will be able to deliver approximately 12 tons of cargo into space (for a low equatorial orbit)
Skylon will be able to take off like a normal aircraft and, having reached hypersonic speed at 5.5 M and an altitude of 26 kilometers, switch to oxygen supply from their own tanks in order to enter orbit. He will also land like an airplane. Thus, the British spacecraft must not only go into space without the use of upper stages, external boosters or drop fuel tanks, but also carry out this entire flight using the same engines (in the amount of two pieces) at all stages, starting from taxiing to airfield and ending with the orbital segment.
A key part of the project is a unique power plant - a multi-mode jet engine(English hypersonic precooled hybrid air breathing rocket engine - a hypersonic combined air-jet / rocket engine with pre-cooling).
Despite the fact that the project is already more than 10 years old, not a single full-size working prototype of the engine of the future apparatus has yet been created, and at present the project "exists" only in the form of a concept, because. the developers could not find the funding needed to start the development and construction phase, in 1992 the project amount was determined - about 10 billion dollars. According to the developers, Skylon will recoup the costs of its production, maintenance and use, and in the future will be able to make a profit.

"Skylon" is a promising English reusable spacecraft.
Multipurpose aerospace system (MAKS)- a project using the air launch method of a two-stage space complex, which consists of a carrier aircraft (An-225 Mriya) and an orbital spacecraft-rocket plane (spaceplane), called an orbital plane. An orbital rocket plane can be either manned or unmanned. In the first case, it is installed together with a disposable external fuel tank. In the second, tanks with fuel and oxidizer components are placed inside the rocket plane. A variant of the system also allows the installation of a disposable cargo rocket stage with cryogenic fuel and oxidizer components instead of a reusable orbital aircraft.
The development of the project has been carried out at NPO Molniya since the early 1980s under the leadership of G. E. Lozino-Lozinsky. The project was presented to the general public in the late 1980s. With a full-scale deployment of work, the project could be implemented before the start of flight tests already in 1988.

As part of the initiative work of NPO Molniya, smaller and full-scale weight-and-weight models of an external fuel tank, weight-size and technological models of the spaceplane were created under the project. To date, about 14 million dollars have already been spent on the project. The implementation of the project is still possible if there are investors.
"Kliper" - multi-purpose manned reusable spacecraft, designed by RSC Energia since 2000 to replace the Soyuz series spacecraft.

Model Clipper at the air show in Le Bourget.
In the second half of the 1990s, it was proposed new ship according to the "carrying body" scheme - an intermediate option between the winged Shuttle and the Soyuz ballistic capsule. The aerodynamics of the ship was calculated, and its model was tested in a wind tunnel. In 2000-2002, the ship was further developed, but the difficult situation in the industry did not leave hope for implementation. Finally, in 2003, the project received a start in life.
In 2004, the promotion of Clipper began. Due to the insufficiency of budgetary funding, the main emphasis was placed on cooperation with other space agencies. In the same year, the ESA showed interest in the Clipper, but required a radical revision of the concept to suit their needs - the ship had to land on airfields like an airplane. Less than a year later, in cooperation with the Sukhoi Design Bureau and TsAGI, a winged version of the Clipper was developed. By the same time, a full-scale model of the ship was created at the RKK, work began on the layout of the equipment.
In 2006, according to the results of the competition, the project was formally sent by Roscosmos for revision, and then stopped due to the termination of the competition. At the beginning of 2009, RSC Energia won the competition for the development of a more versatile ship PPTS-PTKNP ("Rus").
"Parom" - reusable interorbital tug, designed at RSC Energia since 2000, and which is supposed to replace disposable transport spacecraft of the Progress type.
The "ferry" should lift from a low reference orbit (200 km) to the ISS orbit (350.3 km) containers - relatively simple, with a minimum of equipment, launched into space using Soyuz or Proton and carrying, respectively , from 4 to 13 tons of cargo. "Farom" has two docking stations: one for the container, the second - for mooring to the ISS. After the container is put into orbit, the ferry, due to its propulsion system, descends to it, docks with it and lifts it to the ISS. And after unloading the container, Parom lowers it into a lower orbit, where it undocks and slows down on its own (it also has small engines) to burn up in the atmosphere. The tug will have to wait for a new container for subsequent towing to the ISS. And so many times. Parom refuels from containers, and, being on duty as part of the ISS, undergoes preventive maintenance as needed. It will be possible to put the container into orbit by almost any domestic or foreign carrier.

The Russian space corporation Energia planned to launch the first interorbital tug of the Parom type into space in 2009, however, since 2006, there have been no official announcements and publications on the development of this project.

Zarya - reusable multi-purpose spacecraft, developed by RSC Energia in 1986-1989, the production of which was never launched due to a reduction in funding for space programs.
The general layout of the ship is similar to the ships of the Soyuz series.
The main difference from existing spacecraft can be called a vertical landing method using jet engines running on kerosene as fuel and hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizer (this combination was chosen due to the low toxicity of the components and combustion products). 24 landing engines were located around the circumference of the module, the nozzles were directed at an angle to the side wall of the ship.
At the initial stage of the descent, braking was planned to be carried out due to aerodynamic braking up to a speed of about 50-100 m/s, then the landing engines were turned on, the rest of the speed was planned to be extinguished by deformable shock absorbers of the ship and crew seats.
The launch into orbit was planned to be carried out using a modernized Zenit launch vehicle.

Spaceship Zarya.
The diameter of the ship was to be 4.1 m, length 5 m. -270 days.

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Reviews (11) on Development of promising spacecraft stopped halfway.”

    Email: [email protected]
    Kolpakov Anatoly Petrovich
    Journey to MARS
    1. Abstract
    2. Spaceship levitator
    3. SE - static energy source for a power plant
    4. Flights to Mars
    5. Stay on Mars

    Jet spacecraft (RSC) are of little use for long journeys into deep space. They need a large amount of fuel, which is a large part of the mass of the RKK. RKK have a very small acceleration section with overcoming excessive overload and a very large section of movement in weightlessness. They accelerate only to the 3rd cosmic speed of 14.3 km/s. This is clearly not enough. With such a speed, it is possible to fly to Mars (150 million km), like a thrown stone, in only 120 days. In addition, the RKK must also have a power plant to generate the electricity needed to meet all the needs of this ship. This power plant also requires fuel and oxidizer, but of a different type. For the first time in the world, I offer two important devices: a polylevitator and a SE - a static energyoid. A polylevitator is an unsupported mover, and a SE is a power plant. Both of these devices use new, previously unknown principles of operation. They don't need fuel because they use the Power Source I discovered. The source of forces is the ether of the Universe. A polylevitator (levitator - hereinafter) is capable of creating a free force of any size for a long time. It is intended to drive the spacecraft, and the energyoid to drive the generator electrical energy for the needs of the spacecraft. Martian levitator spacecraft (MLK) capable of flying to Mars in 2.86 days. At the same time, he makes only active flight all the way. On the first half of the way, it accelerates with an acceleration equal to + 9.8 m/s2, and on the second half of the way it decelerates with a deceleration equal to - 9.8 m/s2. Thus, the trip to Mars turns out to be short and comfortable (without overloads and weightlessness) for the MLK crew. MLC has a large capacity, so it is equipped with everything you need. To provide electricity, it is supplied with an EPS - an energyoid power plant, including an energyoid and an electric energy generator. MLKs for various purposes will be sent to Mars: scientific, cargo and tourist. Scientists will be equipped with the necessary instruments and equipment to study this planet. They will also bring scientists there. Cargo MLK will deliver to Mars various machines and mechanisms necessary for the creation of building structures for various purposes, as well as for the extraction of resources useful for earthly civilization. Tourist MLKs will deliver tourists and fly over Mars in order to get acquainted with the sights of this planet. In addition to the use of MLK for various purposes, it is planned to use DLAA - two-seat levitator aircraft, which will be used for: mapping the surface of Mars, installing building structures, taking samples of Martian soil, controlling drilling rigs and others. They will also be used for remote control Martian: cars, scrapers, bulldozers, excavators in the construction of building structures on Mars and for many other purposes. Space poses a great danger to people moving in it on spaceships. This danger in the form of gamma and X-rays comes from the Sun. Harmful radiation also comes from the Cosmos. Up to a certain height above the Earth, protection is provided by the Earth's magnetic field, but further movement becomes dangerous. However, if you take advantage of the Earth's magnetic shadow, you can avoid this danger. Mars has a very small atmosphere and does not have a magnetic field at all, which could reliably protect people staying there from the harmful effects of gamma and X-rays emanating from the Sun, as well as the harmful radiation of the Cosmos. To restore the magnetic field of Mars, I propose to first equip it with an atmosphere. This can be done by turning the solid materials on it into gases. This will require a large amount of energy, but this is not a big problem. It can be produced by EPS, pre-fabricated at the factories of the Earth, and then delivered to Mars by cargo MLCs. In the presence of an atmosphere, it must be such that it can create and accumulate static electricity, which, having reached a certain limit, should produce self-discharges in the form of lightning. Lightning will magnetize the core of Mars, and it will create a magnetic field of the planet, which will protect all life on it from harmful radiation.

    Levitator for space tourism
    Almost everything is available for space tourism. The only thing missing is an unsupported propeller. It was such a simple, cheap and absolutely safe, highly efficient unsupported propeller for a spacecraft that I invented and already tested the principle of its operation empirically. I gave him the name levitator. The levitator is the first in the world capable of generating force (traction) of any magnitude without the use of fuel. The levitator uses previously unknown principles to provide propulsion. It does not require energy. Instead of a source of energy, the levitator uses the source of forces that I have discovered, which is omnipresent on Earth and in Space. The ether of the Universe, little known to science, is such a source of forces. I have made 60 applied scientific discoveries of the properties of the ether of the Universe, not yet protected by security documents. Everything you need to know about the ether of the Universe is now completely known, but so far only to me alone. The ether is not at all like it is represented by science. A spacecraft equipped with a levitator is capable of flying in space at any speed, at any altitude, at any distance, without noticeable overloads and weightlessness. In addition, it can hover over any space object: the Earth, the Moon, Mars, a fireball, a comet for as long as you like and land on their surfaces in suitable places. A levitator spacecraft can go out into open space hundreds of thousands of times and return back without noticeable overloads and weightlessness. It can carry out an active flight for as long as it likes, that is, it can move in space with a constantly acting thrust. It is able to create an acceleration for the spacecraft, usually equal to the earth's, i.e. 10 m/s2, in the presence of people on board and reach speeds many times greater than the speed of light. "Prohibitions" SRT - special theory A. Einstein's relativity does not apply to unsupported motion. The first space tourist route, apparently, will be the flight around the Earth by levitator spacecraft with several dozen tourists on board in near space at an altitude of 50-100 km, where there is no space "garbage".
    Briefly: what is the essence? According to classical mechanics, in open mechanical systems, the resulting force from all acting forces is not equal to zero. To create this force, paradoxically, the energy of any energy carrier is not consumed. Such an open mechanical system is a levitator. The levitator creates a resultant force, which is the thrust of the levitator. It does not apply the law of conservation of energy. Thus, the mechanics of open mechanical systems turns out to be cost-free - free, and this is extremely important. The levitator is a simple device - a multi-link. Its links are affected by forces initiated by the force of deformation of disc springs or a screw pair. Their resultant force is traction. The levitator can create thrust of any magnitude, for example 250 kN.

    At the same time, the landing of promising ships should also be carried out on the territory of Russia, at present, the Soyuz spacecraft take off from Baikonur and land also on the territory of Kazakhstan.

    SE - static energy source for a power plant
    I made an invention of the engine, which I gave the name - energyoid. Moreover, such an energyoid in which the links do not move regularly relative to each other, therefore it is called static. And since the links do not have relative motion, they do not have wear in kinematic pairs. In other words, they can work as long as they like - forever. The static energyoid (SE) is just a multilink. He, being a device enclosed inside the rotor, is a mechanical rotary engine. So, finally, the Static Energyoid is invented - a mechanical rotary engine. On one of its links, a force is set with the help of highly rigid deformed Belleville springs or a screw pair. Special attention the fact that the deformation of these springs remains unchanged, that is, its meager energy is not spent on performing the work of the FE. The forces are distributed over all links of the SE. Forces act on all links, their modules undergo transformations from link to link and create moments with the resulting design torque. Static energyoid (SE) is a multifunctional device. It simultaneously performs the role of highly efficient: 1 - a source of free mechanical energy; 2 - mechanical engine; 3 - automatic continuously variable transmission, with any large range of gear ratios; 4 - without wear dynamic brake (energy recuperator). SE can drive any mobile and any stationary machines. SE can be designed for any power up to 150 thousand kW. SE has a PTO speed - power take-off shaft (rotor) up to 10 thousand per minute, the optimal transformation ratio is 4-5 (range of gear ratios). SE has a resource of continuous operation equal to infinity. Because the FE parts do not perform relative motion with large or small linear or angular velocities and therefore do not wear out in kinematic pairs. The operation of a static energyoid, unlike all existing heat engines, is not accompanied by the implementation of any working process (combustion of hydrocarbons, fission or synthesis of radioactive substances, etc.). SE, in order to set and control power, is equipped with the simplest device - an emphasis that creates two equal in modules, but oppositely directed moments. When a stop is set in its device (an open mechanical system), a resulting moment arises. According to the theorem on the motion of the center of inertia of classical mechanics, this moment can have a value other than zero. It represents the torque of the SE. The FE, in addition to the stop, is equipped with an even simple ARC-KM device - an automatic frequency and torque regulator, which automatically adjusts the FE torque with the load resistance moment. During operation, the SE does not require any maintenance. The cost of its operation is reduced to zero. When using SE to drive mobile or stationary machines, it replaces: the engine and automatic transmission. SC does not require fuel and therefore has no harmful gases. In addition, SE has the best performance joint work with any mobile or stationary machine. In addition to everything, SE has a simple device and principle of operation.
    I have already made SC calculations for the entire standard power range: from 3.75 kW to 150 thousand kW. So, for example, with a power of 3.75 kW, the solar cell has a diameter of 0.24 m and a length of 0.12 m, and with a maximum power of 150 thousand kW, the solar cell has a diameter of 1.75 m and a length of 0.85 m. This means that the SE has the smallest dimensions among all currently known power plants. Therefore, its specific power is a large value, reaching 100 kW for every kilogram of its own weight. SE is the safest and most highly effective power plant . SE will most likely be used in the energy sector. On its basis, EES will be created - energy-like power plants, including solar cells and any generator of electrical energy. EPS will be able to save humanity from the fear of imminent death from the growing shortage of energy. SE will completely and forever solve the energy problem, no matter how progressively the demand for energy grows not only in the Russian Federation, but also for the whole of mankind, and the environmental problem associated with it - getting rid of harmful emissions when generating energy. I also have: "Fundamentals of the SE theory" and "Theory of the ideal external speed characteristic of the SE", which allow you to calculate the optimal parameters of both the SE for any rated power and the speed characteristic of its joint operation with any machine aggregated with it. The principle of operation of the SE has already been verified by me empirically. The results obtained fully confirm the "Fundamentals of the theory of static energyoid (SE)". I have know-how (not yet patented inventions, mainly due to lack of funding) for solar and EPS. SE are based on my fundamental scientific discovery of a new previously unknown source of energy, which is the little-studied ether of the Universe, and also 60 of my applied scientific discoveries of its physical properties, which together determine the principle of operation of a static energyoid, and, consequently, EES. Strictly speaking, the ether of the Universe is not a source of energy. He is the source of strength. His forces set in motion all the matter of the universe and thus endow it with mechanical energy. Therefore, this source can only be called a conditional ubiquitous source on the Earth and in the Cosmos, a source of gratuitous mechanical energy, only with a reservation. However, since there is no energy in it, that is why it turns out to be, as it were, an inexhaustible source of energy. By the way, according to my discoveries, all the matter of the Universe is immersed in this ether (this is still unknown to academic science). Therefore, it is the ether of the Universe that is the omnipresent source of forces (a conditional source of energy). It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the state directs all efforts and a fair share of funding to search for an inexhaustible source of energy. However, I have now found such a source, perhaps to his great surprise. Such a source, as already mentioned above, turned out to be not a source of energy, but a source of forces, the ether of the Universe. The Ether of the Universe is the only conventional ubiquitous source of free mechanical energy that is the most convenient for practical use in nature (in the Universe). All known sources of energy are just intermediaries in obtaining energy from the ether of the Universe, without which you can do without. Therefore, states must immediately stop funding the exploration of new energy sources in order to avoid wasting funds.
    Briefly: what is the essence of my scientific discoveries? The basis of the mechanics of all known technology is the so-called closed mechanical systems, in which the resulting moment is equal to zero. To make it different from zero, it was necessary to innovate in the creation of special devices (engines, turbines, reactors) and at the same time consume some kind of energy carrier. Only in such cases in closed mechanical systems was it possible to obtain the resulting (torque) moment other than zero. Therefore, the mechanics of closed mechanical systems turns out to be costly. But this, in turn, turned out to be fraught, as is well known, with large expenditures of financial resources for obtaining energy by all currently existing methods. The principle of operation of a static energyoid (SE) is based on another mechanics - a little known part of classical mechanics, the so-called non-closed (open) mechanical systems. In these special systems, the resulting moment from all acting forces is not equal to zero. But the creation of this moment, paradoxically, does not consume the energy of any energy carrier. Such an open mechanical system is the SE. This can be understood from the following example. SE creates the resulting moment, which is the torque. Therefore, SE for this reason, in particular, turns out to be a perpetual mechanical rotary engine. From this it becomes clear that in open (not closed) mechanical systems the law of conservation of energy is not observed. Thus, the mechanics of open mechanical systems turns out to be cost-free - free, and this is extremely important. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that in the SE, in view of its specificity, only forces act due to the source of forces, and not the source of energy.
    SE is a simple device. Its links are affected, as indicated above, by the forces and moments initiated by the force of deformation of the Belleville springs or screw pair. Their resulting torque is torque, and the SE, in particular, turns into a rotary engine. The most striking thing is that this simple device could not have been invented by hundreds of thousands of inventors for almost three centuries. Only because the inventors made their inventions, as a rule, without theoretical justification. This continues to this day. An example of this is the numerous attempts to invent the so-called "perpetual motion machine". SE is a perpetual motion machine, but it has significant differences from the notorious "perpetual motion machine" and is much superior to it. SE has a simple device and principle of operation. Doesn't have any workflow. It has a resource of continuous operation equal to infinity. Does not use an energy source, but uses a power source. At the same time it is an automatic continuously variable transmission. It has an extremely high specific power, reaching 100 kW for every kilogram of its own weight. And so on, as already detailed above. Thus, SE in all respects turns out to be superior to all existing power plants: engines, turbines and nuclear reactors, i.e. SE, in fact, turns out to be not an engine, but an ideal power plant. The principle of operation of the SE has already been verified by me empirically. A positive result was obtained, which is fully in accordance with the "Fundamentals of the SE theory". If necessary, I will provide evidence by demonstrating the operating model of the EPS - an energy-like power plant, and, consequently, the ESS, which will be developed by me according to technical requirements agreed with the Space Agency. If the Space Agency is interested in acquiring the Know-how of SE and EES, I will provide the Know-How Sale Procedure. In addition, the Space Agency will be issued: 1 – SE know-how; 2 - Fundamentals of the SE theory; 3 - The theory of the ideal external speed characteristic of the SE; 4 - the current sample of the EPS - energy-like power plant; 5 - drawings for it.

    Flights to Mars
    Space poses a great danger to people moving in it on spaceships. This danger in the form of gamma and X-rays comes from the Sun. Harmful radiation also comes from the Cosmos. Up to a certain height above the Earth (up to 24,000 kilometers), protection is provided by the Earth's magnetic field, but further movement becomes dangerous. However, if you take advantage of the Earth's magnetic shadow, you can avoid this danger. The magnetic shadow from the Earth does not always cover Mars. It appears only with a very definite mutual arrangement of these planets in space, but since Mars and the Earth are constantly moving in different orbits, this is an extremely rare case. To avoid this dependence it is necessary to use other means. You can use "space plastic", the all-metal shell of the spacecraft, as well as magnetic protection in the form of a toroidal magnet and other means of protection, possibly successfully invented over time.
    Mars has a very small atmosphere and does not seem to have a magnetic field at all, which could reliably protect people staying there from the harmful effects of gamma and X-rays emanating from the Sun, as well as the harmful radiation of the Cosmos. To restore the magnetic field of Mars, I propose to first equip it with an atmosphere. This can be done by converting the corresponding solid materials present on it into gases. This will require a large amount of energy, but this is not a problem. It can be produced by EPS manufactured at the factories of the Earth, and then delivered to Mars with the help of MLK. In the presence of an atmosphere, this atmosphere must be such that it can create and accumulate static electricity, which, having reached a certain limit, should produce self-discharges in the form of lightning. This process must be continuous. Over a long period, lightning will magnetize the core of Mars, and it will create a magnetic field of the planet, which will protect it from harmful radiation. The presence of the core is indicated by evidence of the existence of an atmosphere and a developed civilization similar to the earth's once on this planet.
    To carry out a flight to Mars and back, it is necessary to have a levitator spacecraft with protection against harmful radiation coming from Space. It has already been indicated above that such a spacecraft, when fully loaded, will have a mass of 100 tons. The composition of a fully loaded Martian levitator spacecraft (MLK) should include: 1 - levitator spacecraft; 2 - the main and reserve polylevitators, including 60 levitators, each of which individually is capable of creating a maximum thrust force equal to 20 tons; 3 - three EES - energy-like power plants (one working and two standby), each of which has a rated power of 100 kW and a rated three-phase voltage of 400 V, including an ESS and an asynchronous three-phase generator; 4 - three systems (one working and two backup) for providing a standard atmosphere: in the flight control compartment of the MLK, in the recreation compartment, in the leisure compartment, in the cafe-restaurant compartment, in the control compartment for all MLK systems; 5 - food storage with a reserve based on the provision of food for 12 people within 3-4 months; 6 - storage of containers with drinking water for 25 cubic meters; 7 - storage for two double levitator aircraft (DLLA); 8 - laboratory for determining physical properties and chemical composition Martian soil, minerals and all sorts of liquids that can presumably be found on Mars; 9 - two drilling rigs; 10 - two telescopes for tracking Mars while moving towards it or tracking the Earth while moving towards it. All MLK compartments are equipped with radio equipment, video equipment and computers.
    It goes without saying that the flight control of the MLK should be carried out automatically by a specially provided program - the autopilot, and the role of the pilots should be only in its precise implementation. Pilots must take over manual flight control of the MLK only in case of failures in the autopilot program, as well as during launch, flights over the planets Mars and Earth and landing on their surfaces, i.e. in the same way as the control of the liners is carried out in airspace Earth. The MLK crew includes: 2 pilots who simultaneously control its flight and 10 specialists. Among the specialists there should be two backup pilots, and the rest - engineers for the maintenance of all equipment, both the MLK and the rest of the equipment mentioned above. In addition, each crew member must have at least 2 specialties. This is necessary so that together they can solve any problems associated with obtaining resources in the event that minerals or something else are found on Mars and extract water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, other useful liquids and gases, as well as metals, if they will be found on Mars bound form. In this way, they will be able to some extent at least partially get rid of the dependence on earthly resources.
    When flying to Mars in outer space, the problem of determining the speed of movement arises. Her information is very important. Without it, it will be impossible to accurately calculate the arrival at the final destination of the route. Those devices that are used on aircraft flying in the airspace of the Earth are completely unsuitable for aircraft moving in space. Because there is nothing in the Cosmos that could determine this speed. However, given that the speed, in the end, depends on the acceleration of the MLK, so this dependence must be used to create a spacecraft speedometer. The speedometer should be an integral device that should take into account both the magnitude of the MLK accelerations and their duration throughout the entire flight of the spacecraft and, based on them, give the final speed of movement at any time.
    The polylevitator is able to create the necessary thrust force of the MLK, so it will perform an active flight all the time, that is, accelerated or slowed down movement, and thus save all personnel from harmful weightlessness and excessive overloads. The first half of the journey in Space to Mars will be fast motion, and the second half of the journey will be slow motion. Theoretically, this will allow arriving at Mars with zero speed. In practice, the approach to its surface will be with some quite definite, but low speed. But in any case, this will allow a safe landing on its surface in a suitable place.
    Knowing the distance to Mars and the acceleration of the movement of the MLK, it is easy to calculate both the duration of the movement to overcome the path from Earth to Mars (or, conversely, from Mars to Earth), and maximum speed movement. Depending on the relative position of the Earth and Mars in outer space, the distance between them varies. If they are on the same side of the Sun, the distance becomes minimal and equal to 150 million kilometers, and if they are on opposite sides, then the distance becomes the largest and equal to 450 million kilometers. But these are only special cases that happen extremely rarely. With each flight to Mars, the distance to it will need to be clarified - requested from the relevant competent authorities.
    With uniformly accelerated on the first half of the path and equally slow on the second half of the path of the MLK, the duration of the journey to Mars turns out to be different. Calculations at a distance to Mars equal to 150 million kilometers, it turns out to be equal to only 2.86 days, and at a distance of 450 million kilometers, it turns out to be already 4.96 days. On the first half of the way, the MLK accelerates with a safe acceleration equal to the earth's, and on the second half of the way, it brakes with a safe deceleration equal to the earth's acceleration when flying from Earth to Mars or, conversely, from Mars to Earth. Such long accelerations and decelerations make it possible to eliminate excessive overloads for the crew and make a trip from Earth to Mars or to reverse direction in comfortable conditions.
    Thus, with a minimum distance between the Earth and Mars equal to 150 million kilometers, the MLK overcomes it in 2.86 Earth days. Accelerating in the middle of the road to a speed of 4.36 million kilometers per hour (1212.44 km / s). With the maximum distance between the Earth and Mars equal to 450 million kilometers, the MLK overcomes it in 4.96 Earth days. Accelerating midway to a speed of 7.56 million kilometers per hour (2100 km / s). Special attention should be paid to the fact that such grandiose results cannot be obtained with the help of modern jet spacecraft. It is indicative that with the help of jet spacecraft a journey to Mars is provided for at a minimum distance to it within 120 Earth days. In this case, it will be necessary to experience uncomfortable weightlessness. With the help of the MLK, the journey will last only 2.86 days, that is, 42 times faster, but it will be accompanied by comfortable conditions equivalent to those on the earth (without overloads and weightlessness), since with an acceleration equal to the terrestrial on the MLK, and, consequently, its the crew will act with an inertia force equal to the force of gravity of the Earth. This means that each member of the crew will experience an inertial force acting on him equal to the force of weight on Earth.
    It should be borne in mind that at the moment when the MLK leaves the Earth and moves towards Mars, it may seem illusory that the Earth will be at the bottom and Mars at the top. This impression is similar to that as if a person is moving in an elevator of a multi-storey building. Moreover, it will be inconvenient to look at Mars with your head up. Therefore, it will be necessary to provide a system of mirrors located at an angle of 450 in the compartments from which Mars will be observed. All these measures will equally prove to be suitable for observing the Earth on the way back - from Mars to Earth. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with the choice of the direction of movement on it, it is necessary to start towards Mars only at night when it will be visible in the sky. In this case, it is necessary to use such a night time when it will be observed close to the zenith location. The pilot's cabin must be located in front of the MLC, and its base (floor) must be able to rotate 90 degrees. This is necessary so that during flights over the surfaces of celestial bodies it occupies a horizontal position, and during movements in space it is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the MLC, that is, it is rotated by 90 degrees with respect to this axis.

    Stay on Mars
    The first MLK that flew to Mars will not immediately land on its surface. Initially, he will make several reconnaissance flights of Mars at an altitude convenient for viewing its surface, in order to select the most suitable landing site. MLK does not need to reach the first Martian space velocity to be in an elliptical orbit around Mars. There is no need for such an orbit. The MLK can hover at any altitude or move around Mars at this altitude as many times as desired. Everything is determined only by establishing the thrust force of the polylevitator, which in this case turns out to be a lifting force with a well-defined component of the force of horizontal movement at any speed. These forces are easily set by adjusting the polylevitator. Having thus determined a suitable place, the MLK will finally land on the surface of Mars. From this moment on, the MLK becomes a residential building and an office for its staff, which during the flight of the MLK was its crew.
    For the study and study of the relief of Mars, as well as for the exploration of useful resources, pre-created and fully equipped with everything necessary on Earth, DLLA are intended - double levitator aircrafts. With the help of DLLA it will be possible to create in the shortest time in particular, a detailed physical map of Mars. Which, apparently, will be a top priority for the first team to arrive. To do this, according to the schedule, 2 DLLAs will fly regularly, along dedicated routes, and perform this work. In each DLLA, the map will be displayed according to a program previously developed on Earth. To do this, the DLLA will have the necessary equipment. DLLA is capable of moving at various speeds, including high speeds, which will allow exploring Mars at a high rate and in the shortest possible time. DLLA crews must work in spacesuits equipped with containers of the necessary supply of air (oxygen) for the breathing of two people for at least 4-5 hours. Due to insufficiently comfortable conditions, the duration of the working day for the DLLA crew will most likely be approximately 1-2 hours. Then, based on experience work time operators will be specified.
    Since Mars has an insignificant atmosphere and does not seem to have a magnetic field at all, it is as dangerous to stay on it as it is in open space. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to provide it with an atmosphere, preferably similar to that of the earth, and to rehabilitate the magnetic field. However, for this it is necessary to stay on this planet for a large number of people and equipment. For them. Both personal protective equipment and collective protective equipment must be used. To a sufficient extent, with a 100% result, this is impossible, so the stay of each person on Mars should be short-lived. First of all, it is necessary to select such people who are completely resistant to radiation. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant revealed such abilities in some people. However, there are very few people with such abilities and there are no ways to test them. For large groups of specialists, bases with electrostatic radiation shields, underground shelters can be means of protection. As personal protective equipment, biosuits (Bio-Suit), thin aluminum films, as well as special durable films sprayed onto the body can be used. However, the eyes, hands and feet must be protected separately. Moving around Mars in most cases should be carried out with the help of DLLA equipped with toroidal magnets that protect the crew from harmful radiation. Being in the DLLA toroidal magnet, the crew can remotely control various machines and mechanisms working outside. This completely excludes the exit of the crew from the DLLA and excludes the crew from being exposed to radiation. Having completed the work, the DLLA returns to the shelter.
    MLT and DLLA operators will remotely control the installation of building structures, drilling rigs and other Martian machines: cars, scrapers, bulldozers, excavators. These machines will be delivered to Mars by cargo MLTs as needed. MLT and DLLA can be used as cranes. Moreover, the first ones have a large load capacity - up to 100 tons (when the second reserve polylevitator is turned on), and the second ones - with a small load capacity - up to 5 tons (when the reserve polylevitator is also turned on).
    All work on Mars, apparently, will be organized on a rotational basis. This would make sense from various points of view. First, many emerging problems will need to be solved by a large team. This team may include several hundred, and later several thousand people. Therefore, it will be necessary to attract an additional contingent of the missing specialists. Secondly, it will be necessary to additionally deliver the missing equipment to Mars, in which there will be a need that is difficult to foresee from the first time. Thirdly, specialists who have worked on Mars need rest. Fourthly, some of the work will be carried out by a large number of specialists on Earth, so these works must be coordinated with specialists working on Mars. Fifthly, the delivery of resources mined on Mars to Earth will be required. Sixth, it is necessary to send more and more new MLKs with people to Mars to populate the developed territories and, with their help, develop additional territories. Seventh, there is no doubt that resources useful for the Earth will be discovered on Mars, first of all, these will be rare minerals that will need to be developed and the necessary equipment will need to be delivered to Mars for them. In this regard, there will be a need to create cargo MLCs equipped with lifting devices capable of operating in Martian conditions, which, like passenger MLCs, can stay on Mars in specified areas and, loaded with minerals or other resources useful for earthlings, deliver them to Earth.
    Mars is essentially an uninteresting lifeless desert on its entire surface, which will soon bore everyone who has been here. Therefore, after getting acquainted with its few sights, all people who arrived here should have decent leisure and rest in safe places after a working day. The safest places, especially at first, can be various kinds of dungeons. In mountainous areas underground, entire cities should be gradually created. With various well-designed: entertainment centers, sports facilities, residential buildings forming entire streets with shops, offices, various institutions, cultural institutions and medical institutions - medical centers, clinics, hospitals and others. Because it takes place on Earth. As well as on Earth with cinemas, libraries, flowerbeds, decorative and fruit bonsai, fountains, alleys, sidewalks, two-way roads along which levitator transport will move, which is something similar to earthly cars. If there is no soil on Mars, then it can be borrowed on Earth. Underground cities should include not only residential, but also industrial areas in the image and likeness of the earth. Sufficient space must be provided so that wingless single-seat and multi-seat levitation aircraft can fly at low altitude. Underground cities should be equipped with water supply, air duct and sewerage. The air pressure should be close to atmospheric, the composition of the air is similar to that of the earth. Numerous entrances to the dungeons of cities should have special locks that exclude air leakage from these cities when people dressed in protective suits enter and exit outside. The necessary urban infrastructure must be created so that the Martians can work on the surface, and spend leisure time and recreation underground. That is, most of the time to live underground without space suits. Apparently, if there is or was a civilization on Mars, then it will soon be discovered or traces of it will be discovered. Apparently, these traces will be most of all underground. It means at some depth of the planet Mars. It must be assumed that one of the entrances to the underground city, if, of course, it is there, is indicated by the "Martian Sphinx".
    MLK has a wide range of possibilities. In addition to flights to any distance, the role of housing and office, it can be used as a space station, being at any high or low altitude from the surface of the planet in hover mode. In particular, it can also be used, as mentioned above, as a crane, when erecting high-rise structures of any height, both on Mars and on any other planet, such as Earth, or its natural satellite, such as the Moon. Moreover, it should be noted that this does not require the planet to have air or other gas, because the MLK polylevitator does not need any support. By the way, in order to guarantee stable radio communication with the Earth, to implement television and transmit a large amount of information, it will be necessary to build an openwork lightweight metal (steel) antenna several hundred, or maybe thousands of meters high, among the first on Mars. This will be quite possible with the help of MLK. Moreover, such an antenna can be manufactured at the Earth's machine-building plant and in the form of prefabricated sections. Then it was delivered by cargo MLK to Mars and mounted there. A block can then be inserted into the lower part of this antenna, including sections of rooms with various equipment similar to earth. The only difference will be that the additional equipment will include: EES of the required capacity; a system that creates a standard atmosphere; modernized air conditioning system; food stock refrigerator. There is a warehouse food products requiring special measures for their long-term preservation. As well as warehouses for the storage of special equipment and possibly something else, which will be clarified later.
    More and more MLKs will stay on Mars, increasing the population of this planet with people. Basically, they will be engaged in the extraction of rare minerals on Earth, metals, and possibly something else. In addition, Martian tourism will be widely developed because many earthlings dream of visiting this planet. Moreover, such a trip on the MLK will be cheaper than traveling on jet spaceships by several orders of magnitude (approximately by 3-4 orders). Two sculptures created by supposedly intelligent beings have been discovered on Mars. One sculpture was discovered long ago, the so-called "Martian Swinks", and the second is also a sculpture of the head of a humanoid creature. On Mars there are mountains and valleys, and at the poles there are snow caps covered with dust. All this will be of interest to tourists. Over time, apparently, there will be new attractions on Mars interesting for tourists. It goes without saying that they will be located at large distances between them. However, this will not present a problem for tourists to visit them. Tourist MLKs are able to move very quickly. Therefore, flights over long distances will take little time.
    Particular attention should be paid to the fact that in view of the numerous applications of various types of MLK: passenger, cargo and tourist flights to Mars and back will be very frequent, especially when this planet is equipped with an atmosphere, a magnetic field and underground cities. That is, when it will be reliably protected from solar radiation and harmful radiation from space. Apparently at least one spaceship sortie a week. And as the settlement of this planet continues every year, flights to Mars will become even more frequent.

    A similar idea has long been practically implemented by the Bryansk scientist Leonov V.S. In 2009, he manufactured and tested a sample of a quantum engine, which has parameters hundreds of times more efficient than liquid-propellant jet engines, there are test reports that are freely available. Moreover, he explained the theoretical substantiation of the principle of operation of his unsupported quantum engines in his theory of SUPER UNIFICATION. But there are also problems with the financing of the work.

Russian space industry considered one of the most powerful in the world. The state is a leader in launches into orbit and manned flights, maintaining parity with America in the field of navigation. Approximately 40% of the launches carried out in the twenty-first century were made from domestic spaceports and the Kazakh Baikonur, leased by the Russian Federation until 2050.

Rocket and space industry of the Russian Federation

The country's space industry employs about a hundred enterprises, employing a quarter of a million people. Most of them are the "heirs" of Soviet design bureaus and factories. The largest contractor for manned flights is Energia Corporation named after V.I. Queen. Progress and Soyuz-TMA devices, as well as equipment for international program for the creation of the ISS.

"GKNPTs" them. Khrunichev and TsSKB-Progress specialize in the production of launch vehicles and upper stages. Their products are in demand not only by domestic, but also by leading foreign centers. In "Information Satellite Systems" satellites are being developed. In the sector of interplanetary probes, NPO im. Lavochkin.

Russian space industry in 2016

Last year was marked for the industry by the loss of leadership in the number of starts. One more launch was made from American and Chinese sites (19 each). The backlog from the US and the EU has increased in a number of areas, for example, deep space exploration, the development of a radiation-resistant element base and remote sensing of the planet. One of the main topics of 2016 was the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome, which was accompanied by numerous financial scandals.

In 2014, the “FKP for 2016-2025” was developed. with a budget of 2.85 trillion rubles. Apart from standard support industry, the program includes the development of a super-heavy launch vehicle for a manned flight to the Moon and a number of other interesting projects. However, it soon became clear that the Russian space industry could not count on the promised amount of funding in the near future.

In 2015, a new version was prepared, providing for a reduction in the budget to two trillion rubles, but the economic ministry agreed to allocate only half of this amount. As a result of tough negotiations, the parties agreed on a compromise in the form of 1.406 trillion rubles. If the financial situation in the country improves, after 2020 another 115 billion rubles will be added.

Authoritative opinion

The infamous vice-president D. Rogozin, who is also the chairman of the supervisory board Roskosmos, at the end of May last year, expressed the opinion that even an increase in productivity by one and a half times would not allow the rocket and space industry of the Russian Federation to catch up with the United States. According to him, the country's lag in this area is ninefold. The official calls the bureaucracy the main reason, for some reason “forgetting” about corruption.

It's funny that a couple of years ago Rogozin himself would have attacked with the most severe criticism anyone who would dare to voice such a "heresy". At the beginning of the introduction of Western sanctions, the politician spoke of the Americans exclusively in a caustic tone. The famous "trampolines to the moon", recommended by the United States, have long become an Internet meme. It is difficult to understand what the current self-abasement is connected with.


Despite Rogozin's pessimism, reduced funding for educational and scientific programs, and the lack of fully independent access to orbit, the Russian space industry continues to be one of the world leaders. Developers face many interesting and important tasks. We list only some of the projects that should be implemented in the coming years.

First of all, this is the creation of a system capable of servicing individual objects in orbits, the development of inexpensive small-sized devices for studying rays, the resumption of a comprehensive analysis of the Moon using automation, the development and improvement of the Glonass navigation system. In addition, work will continue on the modernization of domestic spaceports.

One of the priorities of the space industry is the commissioning of the Millimetron infrared and millimeter-wave observatory, equipped with a powerful cryogenic telescope. It is planned to launch the facility after 2019. Domestic specialists continue to actively participate in the ISS program and international projects for the exploration of Jupiter, Mars and the Moon. Manned flights to other planets are not planned in the next few decades. The development of private cosmonautics in the Russian Federation in the current realities looks unpromising.

The rearmament of the fleet and the army is not only about the supply of modern equipment to the troops. New types of weapons are constantly being created in the Russian Federation. Their future development is also being decided. Consider further the latest military developments in Russia in some areas.

Strategic intercontinental missile

This type is an important weapon. basis missile troops Russian Federation are liquid heavy ICBMs "Sotka" and "Voevoda". Their service life has been extended three times. Currently, a heavy Sarmat complex has been developed to replace them. It is a hundred-ton class missile that carries at least ten multiple warheads in the head element. The main characteristics of "Sarmat" have already been assigned. Serial production is scheduled to begin at the legendary Krasmash, for the reconstruction of which 7.5 billion rubles have been allocated from the Federation budget. Promising combat equipment is already being created, including individual breeding units with promising means of overcoming missile defense (ROC "Inevitability" - "Breakthrough").

Installation "Vanguard"

In 2013, the commanders of the Strategic Missile Forces conducted an experimental launch of this medium-class ballistic intercontinental missile. It was the fourth launch since 2011. Three previous launches were also successful. In this test, the rocket flew with a mock combat unit. It replaced the previously used ballast. "Vanguard" is a fundamentally newest rocket, which is not considered a continuation of the Topol family. The command of the Strategic Missile Forces calculated an important fact. It lies in the fact that Topol-M can be hit by 1 or 2 anti-missiles (for example, the American type SM-3), and at least 50 will be required for one Avangard. That is, the effectiveness of a missile defense breakthrough has increased significantly.

In the installation of the "Avangard" type, the already familiar missile with a multiple head element of personal guidance has been replaced by the latest system, which has a guided warhead (UBB). This is an important innovation. The blocks in the MIRV are located in 1 or 2 tiers (in the same way as in the Voevoda installation) around the breeding stage engine. By command of the computer, the stage begins to turn towards one of the targets. Then, with a small impulse of the engine, the warhead released from the mounts is sent to the target. Its flight is carried out along a ballistic curve (like a thrown stone), without maneuvering in height and course. In turn, the controlled unit, unlike the specified element, looks like an independent rocket with a personal guidance and control system, an engine and rudders resembling conical "skirts" at the bottom. This is an efficient device. The engine can allow him to maneuver in space, and in the atmosphere - "skirt". Due to this control, the warhead flies 16,000 km from a 250-kilometer altitude. In general, the range of the Avangard can be more than 25,000 km.

Bottom missile systems

The latest military developments of Russia are also present in this area. Here too there are innovative implementations. Back in the summer of 2013, tests were carried out in the White Sea of ​​such weapons as the new Skif ballistic missile, which is capable of firing in the standby mode on the ocean or seabed at the right time and hitting a ground and sea target. It uses the thickness of the ocean as the original mine installation. The location of these systems at the bottom of the water element will provide the necessary invulnerability to the weapons of retaliation.

The latest military developments in Russia - mobile missile systems

Much work has been invested in this direction. The Russian Defense Ministry in 2013 began testing a new hypersonic missile. Its flight speed is approximately 6 thousand km / h. It is known that today hypersonic technology is being researched in Russia in several developing areas. Along with this, the Russian Federation also produces combat railroad and naval missile systems. This significantly upgrades weapons. V this direction experimental design of the latest military developments in Russia is actively carried out.

Also, the so-called throw test launches of Kh-35UE missiles were successfully completed. They were fired from installations placed in a cargo-type container of the Club-K complex. The Kh-35 anti-ship missile is distinguished by its flight to the target and stealth at a height not exceeding 15 meters, and at the final section of its trajectory - 4 meters. The presence of a powerful warhead and a combined homing system allows one unit of this weapon to completely destroy a militarized ship with a displacement of 5 thousand tons. For the first time, a mock-up of this missile system was shown in Malaysia in 2009, in a military technical salon.

He immediately made a splash, as the Club-K is a typical twenty and forty-foot cargo containers. This military equipment of Russia is transported by rail, to sea ​​vessels or trailers. Command posts and launchers with Kh-35UE 3M-54E and 3M-14E multipurpose missiles are placed in said container. They can hit both land and surface targets. Every container ship that carries the Club-K is, in principle, a missile carrier with a devastating salvo.

This is an important weapon. Absolutely any echelon with these installations or a convoy, which includes heavy-duty container carriers, is a powerful missile unit that can appear in any unexpected place. Successfully conducted tests proved that Club-K is not a fiction, it really is. combat system. These new developments military equipment- confirmed fact. Similar tests are also being prepared with 3M-14E and 3M-54E missiles. By the way, the 3M-54E missile can completely destroy an aircraft carrier.

Strategic bomber of the latest generation

At present, the Tupolev company is developing and improving a promising aviation complex (PAK DA). It is the latest generation Russian strategic bomber-carrier. This aircraft is not an improvement of the TU-160, but will be an innovative aircraft based on the latest solutions. In 2009, a contract was signed between the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Tupolev company to conduct R&D on the basis of the PAK DA for a period of three years. In 2012, an announcement was made that the PAK DA preliminary project had already been completed and signed, and then the latest military research and development began.

In 2013, this was approved by the command of the Russian Air Force. PAK DA is famous for itself as modern nuclear missile carriers TU-160 and TU-95MS.
Of several options, they settled on a subsonic stealth aircraft with a “flying wing” scheme. This military equipment of Russia is not able to overcome the speed of sound due to its design features and huge wingspan, but it can be invisible to radars.

Future missile defense

Work continues on the creation of the S-500 missile defense system. In this newest generation, it is planned to use separate tasks for the neutralization of aerodynamic and ballistic missiles. The S-500 differs from the S-400, designed for air defense, in that it is being created as an anti-missile defense system.

It will also be able to fight hypersonic weapons that are actively developing in the United States. These new military Russian developments are important. The S-500 is an aerospace defense system that they want to build in 2015. It will have to neutralize objects that fly at an altitude above 185 km and at a distance of more than 3,500 km from the launch facility. At the moment, the draft sketch has already been completed and promising military developments in Russia are being carried out in this direction. The main purpose of this complex will be the destruction of the latest models of air-type attack weapons, which are produced today in the world. It is assumed that this system will be able to perform tasks both in the stationary version and when moving into the combat zone. which Russia is due to start producing in 2016, will be equipped with a shipborne version of the S-500 anti-missile system.

Combat lasers

There are many interesting things in this direction. Russia began military developments in this area before the United States of America and has in its arsenal the most experienced samples of high-precision chemical combat lasers. Russian developers tested the first such installation back in 1972. Then, with the help of a domestic mobile "laser gun", it was possible to successfully hit a target in the air. So in 2013, the Russian Ministry of Defense requested to continue work on the creation of combat lasers that are capable of hitting satellites, aircraft and ballistic missiles.
This is important in modern weapons. New military developments in Russia in the field of lasers are being carried out by the Almaz-Antey air defense organization, the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Concern. Beriev and the company "Khimpromavtomatika". All this is controlled by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. began to modernize again the A-60 flying laboratories (based on the Il-76), which are used to test the latest laser technologies. They will be based at an airfield near Taganrog.


Later on, when successful development in this area, the Russian Federation will build one of the most powerful lasers in the world. This device in Sarov will occupy an area equal to two football fields, and at its highest point it will reach the size of a 10-storey building. The facility will be equipped with 192 laser channels and enormous laser pulse energy. For the French and American analogues, it is equal to 2 megajoules, and for Russia it is approximately 1.5-2 times higher. The superlaser will be able to create colossal temperatures and densities in matter, which are the same as in the Sun. This device will also simulate in laboratory conditions the processes observed during the testing of thermonuclear weapons. The creation of this project will be estimated at about 1.16 billion euros.

armored vehicles

In this regard, the latest military developments were also not long in coming. In 2014, the Russian Ministry of Defense will start purchasing main effective battle tanks based on the Armata unified platform for heavy armored vehicles. Based on a successful batch of these vehicles, controlled military operation will be carried out. The release of the first prototype of the tank based on the Armata platform, in accordance with the current schedule, took place in 2013. The specified military equipment of Russia is planned to be supplied to military units from 2015. The development of the tank will be carried out by Uralvagonzavod.

Another prospect of the Russian defense industry is the "Terminator" ("Object - 199"). This combat vehicle will be designed to neutralize air targets, manpower, armored vehicles, as well as various shelters and fortifications.

"Terminator" is capable of being created on the basis of the T-90 and T-72 tanks. Its standard equipment will consist of 2 30-mm cannons, an Ataka ATGM with laser guidance, a Kalashnikov machine gun and 2 AGS-17 grenade launchers. These new developments of Russian military equipment are significant. The capabilities of the BMPT allow the implementation of significant density fire on 4 targets at once.

precision weapons

The Air Force of the Russian Federation will adopt missiles for strikes against surface and ground targets guided by GLONASS. At the test site in Akhtubinsk, the Chkalov GLITs passed tests of S-25 and S-24 missiles, which are equipped with special sets with seeker and overlays on control rudders. This is an important improvement. GLONASS guidance kits began to arrive en masse at air bases in 2014, that is, Russian helicopter and front-line aviation completely switched to high-precision weapons.

Unguided missiles (NUR) S-25 and S-24 will remain the main weapon of the bomber and attack aircraft of the Russian Federation. However, they hit the squares, and this is an expensive and inefficient pleasure. The GLONASS homing heads will convert the S-25 and S-24 into high-precision weapons capable of hitting small targets with an accuracy of 1 meter.


The main priorities in the organization of promising varieties of military equipment and weapons are almost defined. Emphasis is placed on the creation of the most robotic combat systems, where a person will be assigned a safe operator function.

In this direction, a set of programs is planned:

  • The organization of power armor known as exoskeletons.
  • Work on the development of underwater robots for various purposes.
  • Designing a series of unmanned aerial vehicles.
  • It is planned to establish technologies based on them. They will allow to realize the ideas of Nikola Tesla on an industrial scale.

Russian experts relatively recently (2011-2012) created the SAR-400 robot. He is 163 cm tall and looks like a torso with two “manipulator arms” equipped with special sensors. They allow the operator to feel the object being touched.

SAR-400 is capable of performing several functions. For example, to fly into space or perform a remote surgical operation. And in military conditions, it is generally irreplaceable. He can be a scout, and a sapper, and a repairman. In terms of its working capabilities and performance characteristics, the SAR-400 android surpasses (for example, in squeezing the brush) foreign analogues, and American ones too.


The latest military developments in Russia are also actively being carried out in this direction. This is a confirmed fact. The gunsmiths of Izhevsk began the development of the newest generation of small arms automatic weapons. It differs from the world-famous Kalashnikov system. A new platform is implied, allowing it to compete with analogues of the latest models of small arms in the world. This is important in this area. As a result, law enforcement agencies can be provided with fundamentally the latest combat systems that correspond to the rearmament program of the Russian army until 2020. Therefore, significant developments are currently underway in this regard. Future rifle will be of a modular type. This will simplify subsequent modernization and production. In this case, a scheme will be used more often in which the weapon store and the firing mechanism will be located in the butt behind the trigger. Ammunition with innovative ballistic solutions will also be used to develop the latest small arms systems. For example, increased accuracy, significant effective range, more powerful penetration ability. Gunsmiths are tasked with creating new system"from scratch", not based on obsolete principles. To achieve this goal, the latest technologies are involved. At the same time, Izhmash will not renounce work on the modernization of the AK 200 series, since the Russian special services are already interested in the supply of this type of weapon. Currently, further military developments in this direction are being carried out.


All of the above emphasizes the successful modernization of the weapons of the Russian Federation. The main thing is to keep up with the times and not stop there, implementing the latest improvements in this area. Along with the above, there are also secret military developments of Russia, but their publication is limited.


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