Methods for assessing the human resources of the organization. Methods for assessing the personnel potential of an enterprise Human resources assessment methods qualitative and quantitative

Effective personnel assessment plays a huge role in its management, being the basis of many procedures: hiring, internal transfers, dismissals, enrollment in the reserve for promotion, material and moral incentives, the application of sanctions, retraining and advanced training, personnel control, improving the organization of managerial labor, techniques and methods of work, improving the structure of the apparatus.

Organizations exist to achieve their goals. Goals:

differentiation of wages and salaries;

advising employees;

measures of industrial improvement (professional development, control of results);

resolving issues on the selection and selection of personnel (promotion, transfer to another place of work, dismissal);

control of decisions on the selection and selection of personnel;

fostering communication relationships;

satisfaction of information needs.

The degree of implementation of these goals shows how effectively the organization operates, that is, how effectively it uses the resources at its disposal, including each employee. Naturally, employees do their job differently. To carry out differentiation, it is necessary to have a unified system for assessing the effectiveness of each employee's performance of their job functions. Such a system increases the efficiency of human resource management in an organization through:

positive impact on employee motivation

vocational training planning (assessment identifies deficiencies in the qualification level of each employee)

planning professional development and career (assessment reveals weak and strong professional qualities)

making decisions on remuneration, promotion, dismissal (for this, the assessment system should be as objective as possible and perceived by employees as objective, the assessment results should be confidential). 21

Personnel assessment is a purposeful process of establishing the conformity of the qualitative characteristics of personnel (abilities, motivation, properties) to the requirements of a position or workplace.

Views. The types of personal assessments should be distinguished according to many criteria that are used in industrial practice:

In accordance with the criteria of consistency, the following are distinguished:

systematic assessment carried out by all essential signs evaluations (eg, the evaluation process, the evaluation criteria, how the evaluation is measured);

a haphazard assessment, in which the evaluator is given a choice of a way to measure an assessment, an assessment process, and assessment criteria.

In accordance with the criteria for regularity, a distinction is made between:

regular assessments, which are most often used continuously, for example, to determine the amount of remuneration. Typically, such continuous personal assessments are carried out at intervals of every six months, a year, every two years;

estimates due to a case, for example:

expiration of the probationary period,

relocation and promotion,

disciplinary measures,

the desire to receive a reference certificate from the place of work, dismissal.

Appropriate assessment processes are used as appropriate. It is not recommended to use together regular and occasional evaluations.

In accordance with the criteria used for assessment, there are several types of personal assessments:

quantitative assessment associated exclusively with quantitative indicators of labor, for which the achieved result is used;

a qualitative assessment that takes into account quality indicators (management activities, reliability, initiative, etc.);

analytical assessment, which occurs when summing up the assessments for all criteria (used mainly in industrial practice).

There are forms of personnel assessment. The most common of them are : certification, qualification exam, testing.

Attestation is a process of assessing the effectiveness of the performance of an employee of their job duties, carried out by the immediate supervisor.

Types of certification: Certification of workers, depending on its reason, is the next, after the expiration of the probationary period, for promotion, transfer to another department.

The next certification is carried out annually and is obligatory for all employees. The basis of certification is a description of the work done and the results for the main types of activities. eighteen

Attestation after the expiration of the probationary period is aimed at obtaining a documented conclusion based on the attestation results, as well as reasoned recommendations for the further official use of the attested.

Certification for career advancement is based on the requirements of the new proposed position and new responsibilities, while identifying the potential of the employee and the level of his professional training for the higher position.

Similar approaches can be used when certifying a manager (specialist) when transferring him to another structural unit, if responsibilities and tasks to be solved change significantly.

Certification of newly recruited employees is carried out after six months, and then annually.

Certification procedure. Below is the sequence of actions and the main points of this procedure:

The certification is preceded by preparatory work organized by the head of the personnel department, who:

  • - develops criteria and indicators for assessment by job category;
  • - prepares the required number of forms of the Employee Performance Assessment Report;
  • - acquaints the attested with the instructions for filling out the Form of the Assessment Report;
  • - approves the certification schedule;
  • - prepares the necessary materials for the attested;
  • - provides organizational and methodological assistance to divisions for the certification of employees.

Organization of attestation in divisions is entrusted to their leaders.

Organization of attestation of heads of subdivisions of JSC is entrusted to its board.

For each subject to certification, the personnel service prepares the necessary documentation: Form Report - assessments of the employee's performance, instructions for filling it out and requirements for the position of the person being certified.

The manager (specialist) subject to certification independently fills out the appropriate section of the Assessment Report, describes the main work done during the certification period: advanced training, the degree of implementation of proposals and comments from the previous certification, etc.

An employee's performance is assessed by the immediate supervisor based on a description of the work done for the certified period, documents on advanced training and the degree of implementation of proposals

The materials on the certification of the employee, prepared by the personnel department, the attested and his immediate supervisor, are considered by the superior manager. At the same time, he discusses the submitted materials with the direct supervisor of the attested, and, if necessary, with the attested himself.

8. The senior manager is responsible for adhering to the principles of objectivity and uniformity in the application of performance indicators.

Solutions applied based on the results of certification. Attestation is the result of the commission's work and the basis for making a decision on the employee's further stay.

The final decision on certification is made by the head of the commission with the participation of the head of the relevant department. The form of the Employee Performance Assessment Report filled in by the indicated officials and the certified manager (specialist) shall be signed by the certified person. He is given a copy of the form he signed.

The head of the company (the head of the relevant department), taking into account the assessment and recommendations of certification and in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, makes a decision on the further professional development of managers and specialists, material and moral incentives for employees for their achievements, on changing the size of official salaries for relevant positions, establishing, change or cancellation of allowances to official salaries, about promotion. eleven

The results of certification can serve as a basis for recognizing the certified employee as not corresponding to the position held and for making a decision on sending him to advanced training (retraining) or, with his consent, to transfer to another job. In case of disagreement of the certified person with the direction for advanced training and the impossibility of transferring this employee to another position, the manager has the right to decide on his dismissal. These decisions are made within two months from the date of attestation. After the expiration of the specified period, a reduction in the size of an official salary, a decrease or cancellation of allowances to it, the dismissal of an employee based on the results of this certification are not allowed. The time of illness and vacation of the certified manager (specialist) is not credited within two months.

If there is a written disagreement of the attested with the conclusions of attestation, the materials are considered by a special expert commission.

The attestation materials are entered by the personnel service in the personal file of the attested employee only after the written explanations are considered and the final decisions on them are made.

Organizations optimize their personnel assessment systems by:

the universality of the assessment system. The Human Resources Department develops a uniform assessment framework for the entire organization and ensures that the system is understood and applied in a consistent manner across all divisions.

setting standards and norms for assessment

selection of an assessment method.

Lack of reliable scoring systems can lead to an organization losing a capable employee and acquiring an incapable one.

It is very difficult to create an assessment system equally balanced in terms of accuracy, objectivity, simplicity and clarity, therefore today there are several personnel assessment systems, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Personnel assessment is always personalized and serves as the basis for development and one of the most important problems personnel policy at the enterprise, especially during the period of its privatization or restructuring. The management of the enterprise should focus on new products, new markets, new conditions, new priorities of values, assess their own capabilities, as well as the capabilities of personnel, because to work in economically difficult times, to focus on innovations, "new employees" are needed.

Features of approaches to personnel assessment depend on the positions held by employees, on their qualifications, competence, physical condition.

Currently, in American practice, there are two fundamental approaches to assessing and accounting for human resources: the so-called asset models (or "cost") and utility models. The first involves keeping records of capital costs (by analogy with fixed capital) and its depreciation. The second models propose to directly assess the effect of certain personnel investments.

The first approach is based on the usual accounting scheme for fixed capital, revised in relation to the peculiarities of "human capital". In special accounts, according to the developed list, the costs of " human resources", which, depending on the content, are considered either as long-term investments that increase the size of functioning" human capital ", or are written off as losses. Accounting for" human capital "with this approach occurs in the accounts in approximately the same way as accounting for physical (fixed) capital. Described the method of accounting for capital expenditures was called the "chronological cost model".

Recently, firms have been paying more and more attention to so-called utility models. With their help, it is possible to assess the economic consequences of changes in the labor behavior of workers as a result of certain measures. In reality, we are talking about the ability of the employee to bring more or less surplus value in the conditions of the enterprise. Differences in value are determined by the nature of the position and the individual differences between employees holding the same position.

Methodologically, conducting economic assessments in connection with human resources requires expert judgment or complex analytical calculations. At the same time, the assumptions made in them are not at all obvious.

To date, only a few experimental calculations of the costs and losses of human resources have been carried out. While it is believed that the current "cost" of human resources, at least for the enterprise, can be calculated using the Linkert method, it has not been proven that this can be done with an acceptable degree of accuracy.

When the richest concerns abroad buy a certain business (a magazine, a newspaper, a sports team, a theater, a TV channel, etc.), one of the first places in assessing business opportunities is the personnel of the acquired organization.

After all, not only real estate, buildings, structures, machines, equipment are bought, but also the image, logo, past achievements, prestige, conquered markets. But the bearers of these values ​​are primarily people united by the common interests of their corporate activities.

The scientific-practical and professional-qualification potential of these people determines the possibility of effective use of the acquired property. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of human resources, thus, can affect the price of the enterprise both in one direction and in the other direction.

In practice, this is confirmed by numerous examples of a significant excess of the market price of an enterprise over its book value. This difference, in essence, represents the so-called goodwill, i.e. conditional holistic assessment of the name, reputation of the enterprise. The cost of the business reputation premium can be significant.

Thus, it can be stated with confidence that the value of goodwill is directly related to the level of development of the company's human resources. Only highly qualified people can organize the production of high quality goods, create an indisputable image of the enterprise on the market.

At the same time, the dependence of goodwill on the size of human resources is not so proportional. An enterprise with high goodwill, formed over many years, may have a low level of human potential for a certain period of time due to the departure of a large number of key managers and qualified employees, the presence of a significant conflict in the workforce, and the discrepancy between the qualifications of many employees and the changed profile of activities. enterprises. In other words, if the level of development of human resources is characterized by the state for the current period of time, then goodwill is formed in a much more significant period of time. This fact is indispensable for "when trying to assess human resources and take it into account in the enterprise using the assessment of goodwill. 26

The valuation of human resources has become an urgent need precisely in market conditions, in the development of various kinds of investment projects, the formation of financial and industrial groups, privatization, purchase and sale of enterprises, etc.

Thus, there is no doubt about the need to evaluate human resources and their potential capabilities in cost categories along with other resources. economic activity enterprises.

The practical need for assessing human resources is obvious, but how much is it possible with the current level of theoretical developments in this problem?

Intellectual capital implies the sum of knowledge of all employees of the company, which ensures its competitiveness. Intellectual capital is able to provide a company's advantages in the market by introducing new equipment, technology, new market strategies. In fact, providing a business with this kind of market advantage is the main function of intellectual capital in the context of company management.

The main bearer of intellectual capital is the employee of the company. However, the intellectual capital of the company (the total employee) cannot be obtained by simply summing the intellectual capital of individual employees; it needs a long-term and systematic construction. This purposeful work allows you to create an organized and focused on a specific field of intellectual potential.

In cases where the specifics of the activity of the assessed enterprise requires the appraiser to focus on determining the value of intellectual capital, it is possible to apply a methodology that allows dividing the intellectual capital into its constituent elements and assessing each element.

In particular, the structure of intellectual capital can be represented as follows (Fig. 1.1.)

Rice. 1.1.

The human capital (HR) of a company is characterized by the following indicators:

  • - the attitude of employees to the company;
  • - the age structure of employees;
  • - average work experience in the specialty;
  • - the average number of years that specialists have worked in a given company;
  • - the value of the added value of the company per one specialist.

Measurement of structural capital (SC) is carried out in two directions. personnel personnel monetary certification

1. Assessment of stocks of knowledge.

For the identification and assessment of knowledge stocks, all intellectual values ​​of the company are divided into the following three groups:

  • - technical results (know-how, production technologies);
  • - market (trademark, advertising achievements);
  • - knowledge and skills (technical and reference literature, archives, quality standards, guidelines, security systems, information systems).

Undoubtedly when assessing stocks of knowledge specific company the list of assets for each of the above three positions can be continued.

When determining the value of the listed assets, it is necessary to establish the following:

  • - whether the asset contributes to the fact that the company's products or services receive a competitive advantage;
  • - the asset has value for other companies, and they are ready to acquire it;
  • - the uniqueness of the asset;
  • - the scale of application;
  • - the useful life of the asset;
  • - legal status.

Valuation estimates can be determined by simulating an artificial market, determining the potential for growth in the company's income as a result of ownership of an asset, analyzing court practice for damages, expert assessments, analog comparisons, etc.

2. Assessment of the impact of intellectual assets on the company's capital turnover.

An effective system of information support for company management, characterized by the presence modern systems collection, storage and processing of information, allows you to make management decisions more quickly, reduce excessive stocks of raw materials and overstocking with unsold products, increase capital turnover, assess the impact of information support on capital turnover. 5

Methods for assessing the personnel potential of an enterprise. Review of systems of methods and techniques for personnel assessment. Evaluation criteria and performance standards. With all the diversity of existing approaches to this problem in various industrialized countries, the main most ...

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Federal State Autonomous educational institution Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University

Integrated base department of industrial training methodology

Chuchkalova Elena Ivisstalievna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Basic Department, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg


Talent assessment is at the heart of many HR processes as a tool for analyzing the capabilities of employees and the payback of personnel costs. Depending on the purpose and objectives of the organization, the assessment of human resources needs certain criteria and methods. In this article, we analyzed various approaches to methods and assessments of human resources.

Assessing human resource potential based on a lot of work process with stuff like an instrument which help to analyze the abilities of staff and the payback of staff costs. Depending on the goals and objectives of the organization the assessing human resource potential needs on certain criteria and methods. We have summarized the approaches to diagnosing the staff potential and identified classification groups of methods for assessing the potential.


human resources; personnel potential of the employee; human resources of the organization; assessment of human resources; evaluation method

human resources; staff potential of the employee; human resource capacity of the organization; assessment of human resources; method of assessment

UDC 331.1

Introduction. In this article, we have analyzed various approaches to methods and assessments of human resources. We have generalized approaches to diagnosing human resources potential, identified classification groups of methods for assessing potential.

The relevance of research Methods for assessing human resources is due to the fact that most often in organizations there is an opinion that there is no significant difference between personnel and human potential, and this is one and the same. At the same time, you need to understand that personnel is the total mass of specialists with different professions and specialties, and personnel potential is not the achievements of its individual employees, but joint work between them, and we are faced with a different problem. And how to assess this human potential? Do we not bypass such a potential for specific work?

Purpose of the article is to identify various methods for assessing human resources.

The tasks are:

1) define the foundations of various developments in this area;

2) analyze methods for assessing human resources.

Scientific novelty of the article is to study the specifics of methods for assessing human resources that can be implemented in work personnel services organizations.


The main resource and strategic advantage of an organization is its people. Any organization tries to make the most of the opportunity of its employees and their potential for successful development the organization itself. In a constantly changing economic situation, organizations must not only keep up with the internal state of affairs, but also focus their attention and develop a long-term strategy and predict future changes. In many organizations, there is an improvement in the work process, the so-called modernization of production, which requires certain competencies and abilities from the personnel. Therefore, every year more and more new requirements are imposed on the potential of the personnel.

The basis of activities related to personnel management is the assessment of the potential of personnel. Personnel potential assessment is a tool that allows you to see the ability of employees, to see the payback of personnel costs. In each case of assessment, a certain set of criteria and methods for assessing personnel is required, depending on the goals and objectives of the organization itself. For organizations, the assessment of labor potential makes it possible to coordinate and adjust the potential of personnel, to assess the compliance of labor potential. And also make programs
for retraining, training and development of personnel.

Having studied scientific materials and various developments in this area, we can confidently say that at present there is no single method for assessing personnel potential. Each organization approaches the personnel assessment method independently relying on internal beliefs that were laid down in the 90s. The farther the organization in terms of territoriality (especially the territory of the Far North or territories equated to it) is located from the capital, the simplest method of personnel assessment is used, and maybe even the personnel potential is not considered as the organization's potential. Having summarized the existing approaches to assessing human resources, we have identified the classic groups of methods that can be applied in an organization. Of course, each assessment method has its positive and negative sides, which will depend on the region, on the organization itself, on the financing of such events, on the personnel department, and on the interest of the organization's management itself.

Methods for assessing human resources can be divided into six groups.

In the first group, we classify the nature of the measured indicators. These include the method for assessing generalizing indicators (indicator of the working capacity of age groups, the degree of increase in labor productivity through labor potential) and private indicators (labor productivity, level of competence development, level of professional knowledge).

We will refer to the second group according to the content of the assessment and its subject.
These methods include the individual and collective abilities of employees (departments, departments of the organization). The same can be attributed to quantitative (cost, natural), qualitative (descriptive), cost cost and effective methods (model of utility and activity).

In the third group, we will classify methods by process. These include an indirect method (assessment, audit of personnel and workplaces) and a monitoring method (constantly obtaining an objective, comprehensive, up-to-date information and its analysis).

We will classify methods in the fourth group according to the method of collecting data.
This is the analysis of documents (education, qualifications, experience) and the survey method (questionnaire, interviews, round tables, business games). In the same method, it is necessary to analyze the workflow (photograph of the working day). Thanks to this, it will be possible to optimize the workflow.

The fifth estimation method is the data analysis method. It uses the method of statistical data (comparison of indicators with previous data for a certain period). The method of comparing planned and actual results at the end of the established plan period. Method of normative comparisons (comparison of actually established indicators with normative ones). The method of forming several variants of projects for the development of labor potential and comparing them with each other.

The sixth method is the so-called summary method, which can be called the method according to the format of the assessment. This is diagnostics of human resources in a short time (express assessment). This is a diagnostics of human resources, as a result of which a deep description is given as a whole (generalized assessment). This is the diagnosis of human resources, covering the entire spectrum of labor potential, its cause-and-effect relationships (comprehensive assessment).
This is also the diagnosis of human resources as a systemic education, which presupposes the characteristics of the constituent components of the potential, the interrelationships between them, the analysis of the mutual influences of the potential
and elements of the external environment (systemic assessment).

In the case of assessing the human potential of the organization, it is necessary to determine the purpose and the problem that has arisen in the organization, or even a set of problems, as well as the tasks that the organization and the assessment process sets for itself. Assessment of human resources requires the implementation of a systematic approach, which is based on the goals and objectives of the organization. Ensuring the compliance of human resources, planning, development and implementation of activities in the field of assessing human resources is the main goal of the organization and its long-term strategy.

All these methods seem to be traditional for most large companies and operate in a stable external environment.
For small organizations, for example as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or an organization with a quantitative composition of 20 people, as a rule, one method is used when hiring this interview (interview), and already in the process of work they use the observation method.


Assessment of human resources provides an organization with tremendous opportunities to analyze the level of preparedness of employees to perform it. professional activity, to identify the potential for growth in labor productivity, the prospective growth of the employee himself.

Also, based on the results of the assessment of human resources, it will help to identify employees who are unsatisfied with the quality of work, dismiss employees who do not meet the requirements of the position, more effectively develop training programs for employees, recruit the most appropriate positions and professions. Human resource management, selection and placement of the most promising specialists who will be able to successfully solve problems of any difficulty and allow the organization to successfully develop is due to the assessment of human resources.


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2. Gavrilova O. Review of systems, methods and techniques for personnel assessment [Electronic resource] / Access mode: n76575 / 4.rtf (date of access: 15.09.2018)
3. Glukhova EA, Potemkin EL Analytical system for a comprehensive assessment of the organization's personnel potential // Social aspects of population health. 2012. No. 4.
4. Sudakova E.S. The relationship between the development of the labor potential of personnel and the effectiveness of the organization // Internet journal "Science Science", 2014 №3 (22) [Electronic resource] / Access mode: (date of access: 15.09. 2018)
5. Sudakova E.S. Sources and factors of formation and development of labor potential of personnel // Scientific discussion: issues of economics and management. No. 4 (25): a collection of articles based on the materials of the XXV international correspondence scientific and practical conference. M .: International Center Science and Education, 2014. p. 105-109.
6. Sudakova E.S. Key aspects of managing the development of the labor potential of personnel // Economic science in the 21st century: issues of theory and practice: collection of materials of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 25, 2014, Makhachkala) / Research Center "Approbation" - Makhachkala: LLC "Approbation", 2014. p. 132-134.


8.10.2018, 11:26 Ershtein Leonid Borisovich
Review: Nonsense. Did you read what you wrote yourself? "human resources are not the achievements of its individual employees, but joint work between them." What is "collaboration between them?" This is what the Russian language is. What we value is not clear. It is written very superficially, methods are not described at all. The method answers the question "how". Where is the sequence of using the method? In general, this is not a scientific article, but a meaningless pseudoscientific text. Rewrite it normally, you can publish it. In the meantime, this is nonsense.

8.10.2018, 11:56 Yamilov Ramil Mogatovich
Review: Where are the links to the bibliography in the article itself?

8.10.2018, 12:28 Ashmarov Igor Anatolievich
Review: The presented article is correctly structured, has reasonable conclusions. The disadvantage of the work is not everywhere punctuation marks, as well as too long sentences, which, being deprived of these punctuation marks, are difficult to understand (especially the last sentence of the article). There is a bibliographic list. The article can be recommended for publication after careful reading of the article by the author himself (the text must be proofread and punctuated).

9.10.2018, 14:19 Popova Galina Valentinovna
Review: The article "METHODS FOR ASSESSING THE HUMAN RESOURCES OF THE ORGANIZATION, Likhacheva Olga Gennadievna, is NOT recommended for publication in the section" Management. Organization ", in principle and without compromise (" revision "), as inconsistent with the PROBLEMATIC of the section, research methods and the result (? - not shown at all). In addition, in addition to the above reviews, you can add significant disadvantages: 1) in its formulation and terminology, the article is closer to the psychological / social sciences; 2) The purpose of ANY SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE IS TO STATE THE SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OBTAINED PERSONALLY BY THE AUTHOR; ) - "The results of the assessment of human resources will make it possible to identify employees who are unsatisfied with the quality of work (this is generally a separate problem, and not a term or a factor for comparison), to fire employees who do not meet the requirements ..." In general, the article shows a weak level of preparation of the author for writing scientific article, therefore, first of all, consultations of your own scientific advisor are needed.

UDC 331.08
BBK 65.291.6-21

Target. Identification and assessment of the personnel potential of the enterprise on the example of Shop No. 41 of the Open Joint Stock Company "Zlatoust Machine Building Plant".

Methods. The research is based on methods of quantitative, scoring and calculations of the volumetric value of labor potential. To carry out the calculations, the methods of economic and statistical analysis were used.

Results and practical significance. The indicators by which the employees of the studied enterprise are evaluated, the evaluation criteria are revealed, the dependence of labor productivity on the level of qualifications is shown.

Scientific novelty. The regularities of changes (increase) in labor productivity with changes (improvement) of personnel qualifications are revealed.

Keywords: human resources, indicators for assessing human resources, labor productivity.

At present, in the context of the general intellectualization of production, man is becoming its main driving force. The achievement of a certain result of the activity of a group or organization depends on many factors. Objective socio-economic processes force organizations to focus on innovative development, and a special role in this is played by human resources, timely assessment, development and management of which can expand the organization's capabilities, bring it to a new competitive level, and ensure sustainable development.

Personnel today are the main driving force and strategic resource of any organization. For a long time in our country, the management of the organization was focused only on the rational use of financial and material resources in achieving the set goals, and the role of personnel in organizing the functioning of the enterprise was belittled. In recent decades, especially in market-developed countries, there has been a clear trend towards an even greater increase in this value. At the same time, personnel management acts as one of the most important areas of strategic management in modern organization, since in the conditions of an innovative economy and modernization of production, the role of a person increases, and ever higher requirements are imposed on his abilities, level of knowledge and competencies.

The level of development of personnel directly affects the competitive capabilities of the organization and its strategic advantages... A competitive enterprise strives to use the capabilities of its employees as efficiently as possible, creating all conditions for the most complete return and intensive development of their potential. Achieve optimal interaction between the person and the organization, as well as their relationship with external environment allows strategic management... To achieve long-term success, a company needs to continually identify value opportunities and translate them into new and promising value propositions. In our country, in the face of competitive struggle and a rapidly changing situation, enterprises must not only focus on the internal state of affairs, but also develop a long-term strategy that would allow them to keep pace with the changes taking place in their environment.

One of the most important is human resources, the assessment of which will allow to establish the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform a specific task at a given workplace. Currently, not enough attention is paid to the analysis of the personnel situation and the use of the personnel potential of the enterprise. The problem of researching human resources was described in their works by V.Ya. Afanasyev, B.M. Genkin, M.V. Grachev, A. Ya. Kibanov, I.K. Kornev, I.L. Litvinov and others.

Human resources are understood as the entire number of permanent employees of the organization who have the necessary professional training and qualifications, as well as personal characteristics for possible participation in the production process. Most economists use the word “potential” to denote funds, resources, reserves, sources that can be used in production processes (business processes), as well as various kinds of opportunities for an employee, team or society to materialize their knowledge and skills in order to ensure the viability and development of the company in a specific setting.

V.Ya. Afanasyev and IK Kornev define human resources “as the totality of the abilities of all people who are employed in a given organization and solve certain problems. Personnel potential lies in the functions that he performs as a professional and due to his abilities, knowledge of experience " .

According to S.V. Andreev, “the personnel potential of an enterprise is a generalizing characteristic of the aggregate abilities and capabilities of permanent employees of an enterprise who have a certain qualification, have undergone preliminary professional training and have special knowledge, labor skills and work experience in a certain field of activity. functional responsibilities and give certain economic results in accordance with the current and future goals of the enterprise " .

In our opinion, the concept of human resources should be considered in the context of the concept of potential in general. Then the personnel potential is the capabilities of a certain category of workers, specialists, other groups of workers, which can be brought into action in the process of labor activity in accordance with job responsibilities and the goals set for society, the region, the collective at a certain stage of development. This approach to determining human resources makes it possible to comprehensively analyze any category of personnel on the basis of objective economic laws in accordance with the chosen object, the subject of research, as well as its goals and objectives.

Human resources management of a modern organization should be based on the following principles:

  • compliance of labor potential with the nature, volume and complexity of performed labor functions and types of work;
  • conditionality of the structure of labor potential by material factors of production;
  • effective use of labor potential;
  • creation of conditions for professional and qualification development of personnel, career advancement and expansion of the profile, skills and abilities of employees.

The essence of the rational use of the organization's personnel potential lies in a more complete identification and implementation of the abilities of each employee, strengthening the creative and meaningful nature of work, raising the professional and qualification level of employees, taking into account its comprehensive stimulation and a corresponding assessment of the contribution of each employee to the final results of activities. From point of view modern management development of human resources is considered as the main reserve for increasing the efficiency of the organization. At the same time, investing in human resources development often plays a greater role than investments in modernizing equipment or increasing production capacity.

When assessing the potential of personnel, the issue of the effectiveness of the work of the entire organization is raised, i.e. it is the basis for making decisions on the development of both personnel and the entire organization.

For effective production process and the fulfillment of the planned task, it is necessary to determine the need for personnel, taking into account the specifics of production and labor functions. The challenge of creative incentives to work is a response to the requirement of one of the basic laws of social development - an increase in the role of the social factor and its reverse influence on labor. The calculation of the number should be based on the balance of the actual use of working time, the need for workers by profession, the level of qualifications and additional numbers. In addition, the personnel policy of the enterprise should reflect the forecasting of the demand for labor, based on the main goals of the enterprise for the upcoming planning period in accordance with the conditions of production and its marketing. For this, the total and additional need for personnel is determined.

The total requirement is the number of personnel required to complete the planned scope of work. Additional need characterizes the additional number of personnel to the existing headcount at the beginning of the period to complete the planned tasks.

An important, but not completely solved, remains the problem of assessing labor potential, with the help of which it is possible to measure and intensively use both personal labor potential and the organization as a whole. The process of assessing the individual performance of personnel and its transparency increase the motivation and authority of the manager. The choice of assessment methods is a difficult task that must take into account numerous factors of the external and internal environment.

In practice, the following methods of measuring labor potential are used: quantitative assessment(produced, as a rule, only in relation to individual worker by indicators such as gender, age, length of service, educational level, etc.), score (produced on a 7-10 point scale in relation to indicators characterizing age, health, employee training, etc.), volumetric quantity labor potential of the organization can be established through the aggregate fund of working time, expressed in man-hours.

The size of the labor potential of the organization is determined by the formula:

Ф p = Ф к - Т np (1)

Ф p = H · D · T cm, (2)

where Ф п - the aggregate potential fund of the organization's working time, hours;

Ф к - the size of the calendar fund of working time, hours;

T np - non-reserve-forming absenteeism and breaks, hour. (i.e. regulated costs that are necessary - weekends and holidays, etc.);

H - the number of employees, people;

D - the number of days of work in the period, days;

T cm - the duration of the working day, hour.

The personnel potential of the enterprise is less than the labor potential of the enterprise by the value of the potential capabilities of unskilled and low-skilled workers, part-time workers and part-time workers. This is their main difference.

The labor potential of the organization can be calculated using the following formula:

TP = H p C p Z p K k K p, (3)

where Ch p is the total number of personnel, people;

С р - the indicator of the average duration of the employee's labor activity during the year, calculated as the weighted average value by the number of employees, taking into account the time worked by them (months / person);

Z p is an indicator of staff fixability.

The staff fixability indicator is calculated by the formula:

Z p = d z + l (1-d z), (4)

where d s - the proportion of entrenched workers,%;

l - the duration of the period of the employee's labor activity, accepted, but not entrenched in the organization;

K k - an indicator of the qualifications of workers.

The employee qualification indicator is calculated using the formula:

K k = 1 + V (m - 1), (5)

where V is the proportion of skilled workers in the total;

m - coefficient of labor reduction, taken equal to the tariff coefficient reflecting the qualifications of the employee (labor complexity) in the range from 0.1 to 6.0;

K p - an indicator of the growth of labor productivity for different age and gender structure of the team.

Thus, the assessment of human resources is carried out on the basis of a number of indicators and requires study in order to improve the organization of labor and production in conditions of intense competition between enterprises.

We will assess the personnel potential using the example of Shop No. 41 of the Open Joint Stock Company "Zlatoust Machine-Building Plant". Abbreviated corporate name of the Company in Russian: JSC Zlatmash.

Personnel potential Workshop No. 41 of ZLATMASH OJSC includes the labor potential of all its employees. The labor potential of an employee has a complex structure. On the one hand, it is the combined ability of the physical and spiritual means of an individual worker to achieve the desired performance results. On the other hand, the ability to improve in the labor process, to solve new problems arising as a result of changes in production.

The provision of an enterprise with labor resources is determined by comparing the actual number of employees by category and profession with the planned need. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the provision of the enterprise with personnel for the most important professions considered in Table 1.

Table 1. Availability labor resources Shop No. 41 of JSC "ZLATMASH"

According to table 1, there is a decrease in the total number of employees in 2012 by 38 people. or 16.38%, in 2013 an increase in the number by 1 person. or 0.52%. In 2012, the reduction in the number of basic workers occurred by 14.04%, and auxiliary workers by 31.3%, and managers by 14.29%. The increase in the number of main workers in 2013 compared to 2012 is clearly expressed, which is a positive moment (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Dynamics average headcount workers of Shop No. 41

The structure of the labor resources of Shop No. 41 is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. The structure of labor resources of Shop No. 41


Change in specific gravity,%

Average number of production personnel, including:

Workers auxiliary

Working main

Managers, specialists, employees

In the structure of the number of employees, the largest share in 2011 is made up of basic workers - 73.71%; managers, specialists, employees - 12.07%. The share of main workers increased in 2012 by 2.07%, the share of managers, specialists and employees increases in 2012. by 0.3%, and in 2013 it decreased by 0.06%, which is a positive moment in the activity of this shop (Fig. 2-4).

Rice. 2. The structure of labor resources of Shop No. 41 in 2011

Rice. 3. The structure of labor resources of Shop No. 41 in 2012

Rice. 4. The structure of labor resources of Shop No. 41 in 2013

As part of the assessment of human resources, it is also necessary to analyze the qualitative composition of the labor force of Shop No. 41 for 2011-2013. (table 3).

Table 3. Composition of workers by qualification level of Shop No. 41 for 2011 - 2013.

Category of workers

Tariff coefficients

Average number of workers, people (H)


specific weight,%


specific weight,%


specific weight,%

The analysis of the professional and qualification level of workers is carried out by comparing the number of categories with the required for the performance of each type of work in the areas and the enterprise as a whole.

To assess the conformity of the qualifications of workers with the complexity of the work performed on the site, workshop and enterprise, the average wage categories of workers are compared.

Thus, the calculations show that the average tariff coefficient in 2012 is higher than 2011 by 0.11, and in 2013 by 0.02 lower than in 2012, which undoubtedly reduces the efficiency of work. Therefore, in terms of training and retraining of workers, it is necessary to provide for the advanced training of workers in the required specialties. The composition of workers according to the qualification level of Shop No. 41 in 2013 is presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Composition of workers by skill level of Shop No. 41 in 2013

As can be seen from the data in Table 4, the planned need of the workshop for workers is 189 people, and the actual availability of workers is 173 people, i.e. the workshop is not fully provided with personnel, there is a shortage of personnel in the amount of 16 people (173 - 189). The actual average wage category is 0.2 (3.64 - 3.84) less than the planned one, which indicates a discrepancy between the qualifications of workers and the level of work performed (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Average wage category of shop workers in 2013

The qualification level of workers in Shop No. 41 also largely depends on their age and education. Therefore, in the analysis process, we will consider changes in the composition of workers by age and education (Tables 5 - 6).

Table 5. The structure of labor resources of Shop No. 41 by age for 2011 - 2013.



year 2012

year 2013

The change, %

number, people

Specific gravity,%

number, people

Specific gravity,%

number, people

Specific gravity,%

Graphically, the structure of workers in Shop No. 41 by age is shown in Fig. 6.

Rice. 6. The structure of employees by age

This diagram shows that there is a decrease in the number of specialists in all age groups, a positive point is the reduction in labor resources over the age of 60 years.

The structure of labor resources by education is presented in Table 6.

Table 6. The structure of labor resources by education for 2011 - 2013.



year 2012

year 2013

The change, %

number, people

specific weight,%

number, people

specific weight,%

number, people

specific weight,%

Secondary technical

Initial vocational

Graphically, the structure of workers in Shop No. 41 by education is shown in Fig. 7.

Rice. 7. The structure of workers of Shop No. 41 by education

According to tables 5-6, it can be concluded that the qualitative composition of the workforce of the shop is improving, the proportion of specialists with secondary technical education is increasing in 2013 compared to 2012, and the proportion of young specialists is also increasing.

In 2013, there is an increase in the number of workers with secondary specialized education, a decrease in the number of workers with primary vocational education.

The structure of employees by gender is shown in Table 7 and Fig. eight.

Table 7. Structure of employees by gender in 2013

Rice. 8. Structure of employees by gender in 2013

Since changes in the qualitative composition occur as a result of movement work force, then this issue should be given great attention in the analysis. The data for analysis are presented in Table 8. The change in the qualitative and quantitative composition is measured by the coefficients for the hiring and retirement of personnel, as well as the turnover and total turnover of the labor force.

Table 8. Data on the movement of the labor force of Shop No. 41 for 2011 - 2013.

Indicator name

Absolute change

Growth rate, %

1.Volume of production, mln. Rub.

2. Average number of employees, people.

3.Number of personnel at the beginning of the year, people

4. Number of employees at the end of the year, people

5. The number of employees hired per year, people.

6. The number of employees who left for the year, people.

7.Including dismissal for violation labor discipline, at will

8. The total number of hired and dismissed workers, people.

9. Coefficient of hiring workers (line 5 / line 2 * 100),%

10. The coefficient of retirement of workers (line 6 / line 2 * 100%),%

11.Frame turnover rate (page 7 / page 2 * 100),%

12. The coefficient of the total turnover of the labor force (page 8 / page 2 * 100),%

Based on the calculations, the following conclusions can be drawn about the movement of labor in 2012 compared to 2011. - the turnover ratio on admission increased by 2.56%, on dismissal decreased by 30.2%. In 2013, there is a sharp decline in the employee turnover rate. So, from 2011 to 2013, the value of this ratio decreased from 10.34% to 1.54%, while the value of the total turnover ratio for the analyzed period decreased by 11.36% (Fig. 9).

The indicators of the movement of the labor force of Shop No. 41 are decreasing; the decrease in these indicators was influenced by the reduction in the total number of hired and dismissed workers in 2012-2013.

Rice. 9. Dynamics of labor force movement rates

The same result in the production process can be obtained with different degrees of labor efficiency. The measure of labor efficiency in the production process is called labor productivity. In other words, labor productivity is understood as its effectiveness or the ability of a person to produce a certain amount of output per unit of working time.

At the workplace, in the shop, at the enterprise, labor productivity is determined by the amount of products that the worker produces per unit of time (output), or the amount of time spent on the manufacture of a unit of production (labor intensity). To assess the level of labor productivity, a system of generalized and partial indicators is used. The generalizing indicators include the average annual, average daily, average hourly output per worker in value terms.

Let's determine the average annual output in Shop No. 41 of OJSC "ZLATMASH" for 2011 - 2013. (table 9).

Table 9. Calculation of labor productivity of workers of Shop No. 41 for 2011 - 2013.

Rice. 10. Dynamics of labor productivity

Thus, we can conclude that labor productivity in 2012 compared to 2011 decreased by 14.17%, and in 2013 increased by 10.23%.

To begin with, let us determine the dependence of labor productivity on the level of qualifications of workers. To do this, we will calculate the correlation coefficient of the dependence of these two indicators (table 10).

Table 10. Data for calculating the correlation coefficient

The correlation coefficient between the qualification level and the productivity of the presses was 0.998558, the correlation coefficient between the qualification level and the productivity of electrodes was 0.998646, which indicates a close relationship between the qualification level and the labor productivity of workers in the corresponding professions. Consequently, by increasing the number of qualified workers, we also increase the labor productivity in the shop, thereby increasing the production output (table 11).

Table 11. Dynamics of indicators of labor efficiency of workers

We will send 5 people for pressing, 5 people for electricians to improve their qualifications. The costs of training workers in the workshop in 2014 are presented in Table 12.

Table 12. Costs of training workers in the shop in 2014

The total effect from the implementation of the event is expressed in an increase in product output and will amount to:

(641.1 + 469.5) - 64.5 = 1046.1 thousand rubles.

Thus, the labor productivity of workers in the shop will increase by 1046.1 / 173 = 6.05 thousand rubles / person.

The calculation of the labor productivity of workers in Shop No. 41 is presented in Table 13. Thus, the labor productivity of workers in the shop will increase by 5.4 thousand rubles / person. or 0.7%. Improving the qualifications of workers will ultimately affect the level of productivity of workers in the shop (Fig. 11).

Table 13. Calculation of labor productivity of workers of Shop No. 41

Rice. 11. Dynamics of production of workers of Shop No. 41

As a result of improving the qualifications of workers, the average wage category of workers in the shop will also change. The dynamics of the average tariff category is presented in Table 14 and in Fig. 12.

Table 14. Composition of workers by skill level of Shop No. 41

Category of workers

fact 2013


Average wage category of workers

Rice. 12. Dynamics of the average wage category of workers of Shop No. 41

As a result of improving the qualifications of workers, the average wage category of workers in the shop increased by 0.03. This means that the increase in the educational level of employees, and, as a consequence, the results of labor makes it possible to improve the personnel potential and increase the efficiency of the activity of Shop No. 41 of OJSC ZLATMASH.

Thus, the assessment of the personnel potential of a modern organization is a systematic, organized, controlled process aimed at intensifying and optimizing personnel work, organizing healthy competition between employees, and adhering to the principles of open management and social justice.


1. Regulation of socio-economic and political processes in Russia: history and modernity: monograph / ed. N.R. Balynskaya. St. Petersburg: Publishing house INFO-da, 2014.171 p.

2. Kuznetsova NV, Sinitsyna ON On the question of the strategy of personnel management of the organization // Modern trends in economics and management: a new look. 2010. No. 6. P.224-229.

3. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. Brand, branding, brand management: on the question of the role in the activities of a modern organization // Economics and Politics. 2014. No. 2 (3). S. 118-122.

4. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. Strategic personnel management of a modern organization // Personnel management of a modern organization: monograph / E.Yu. Garanina, V.N. Gonin, N.A. Goncharevich and others / under total .red by S.S. Chernov. Book 3. Novosibirsk: Publishing house "SIBPRINT", 2010. С 146-171.

5. Petrov A.V. Teaching is forward-looking // Money and Credit. 1999. No. 6.

6. Afanasyev V.Ya. Introduction to public administration: [textbook in 3 books] / V.Ya. Afanasyev, I.K.Kornev. M .: Finstatinform, 1998. Book 3.

7. Andreev S.V. Personnel potential and problems of employment in the conditions of Russia's transition to market relations M .: Publishing house of the Institute of Sociology, 1997.

8. Kibanov A.Ya. Organization personnel management: textbook. Ed. 4th, add. and revised Moscow: INFRA-M, 2010.695 p.

9. Akyulov R.I. Modern management and marketing tools in municipal management // Municipality: Economics and Management. 2014. No. 4 (9).

10. Turgel I. D. Intermunicipal cooperation in the Russian Federation: the experience of economic and statistical analysis // Municipality: Economics and Management. 2014. No. 1 (6). S. 35-40.

11. Popov L.A. Analysis and modeling of labor indicators: Textbook. Ed. 2nd, add. and revised M .: Finance and statistics, 2007, 366 p.

12. Balynskaya N.R. The role of the media in creating the image of the territory: the municipal level of management (example of Magnitogorsk) // Economics and Politics. 2014. No. 1 (2). S. 14-15.

13. Sinitsyna O.N. Benchmarking of the organization's personnel // Regional Innovation Bulletin. 2013. No. 4.2. S. 39-46.

14. Vesnin N.R. Practical personnel management. M .: "Yurist", 2003.548 p.

15. Egorshin A.P. Personnel management: textbook. Ed. 6th. Nizhny Novgorod: NIMB, 2007.1100 p.


1. Regulation of the socio-economic and political processes in Russia: history and modern time: monograph / ed. By N.R. Balynskaya. St. Petersburg: Publishing house INFO-da, 2014.171 p.

2. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. On the issue of personnel management strategy // Current trends in economics and management: a new look. 2010. No. 6. P.224-229.

3. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. Brand, branding, brand management: on the role in modern enterprise activity // Economics and politics. 2014. No. 2 (3). P. 118-122.

4. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. Strategic personnel management of a modern enterprise. // Personnel management of a modern enterprise: monograph / E. Yu. Garanina, V. N. Gonin, N. A. Goncharevich et al. / Gen. ed. by S.S. Chernov. Book 3. Novosibirsk: Publishing house "SIBPRINT", 2010. P. 146-171.

5. Petrov A.V. Advancement for raining // Money and Credit. 1999. No. 6

6. Afanasiev V.Ya. Introduction to public administration: / V. Ya. Afanasev, I. K. Kornev. Moscow: Finstatinform, 1998 Book 3.

7. Andreev S.V. Human capacity and employment problems in conditions of Russia "s transition to market economy M .: Publishing house of the inst-te of sociology, 1997.

8. Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management: course book. 4 th ed., Rev. and ext. M .: INFRA-M, 2010.695p.

9. Akyulov R.I. Modern tools of management and marketing in municipal administration // Municipality: economics and management. 2014. No. 4 (9).

10. Turgel I.D. Intermunicipal cooperation in the RF: experience of economic and statistical analysis // Municipality: economics and management. 2014. No. 1 (6). P. 35-40.

11. Popov L.A. Analysis and modeling of labor indicators: course book2 nd ed., Rev. and ext. M.:Finance and statistics, 2007, 366p.

12. Balynskaya N. R. The role of mass media increating the image of a territory: municipallevel of government (exemplified by Magnitogorsk) // Economics and Politics. 2014. No. 1 (2). P.14-15.

13. Sinitsyna O.N. Benchmarking of the enterprise personnel // Innovation Bulletin Region. 2013. No. 4.2.P.39-46.

14. Vesnin N.R. Practical personnel management.M .: "Jurist", 2003. 548p.

15. Egorshin A. P. Human resource management: course book. Ed.6th. N. Novgorod: NIMB2007. 1100p.

Performance evaluation indicators of human capacity of an enterprise

Purpose. Identification and evaluation of human capacity of an enterprise exemplified by workshop No. 41 of the Open Joint Stock Company "Zlatoust machine-building plant."

Methods. The research is based on quantitative methods, scoring and calculating the volume value of labor potential. For calculation methods of economic-statistical analysis have been used.

Results and practical importance. Indicators are identified to assess workers of the enterprise under research, evaluation criteria, dependence of productivity on skill level is demonstrated.

Scientific novelty. The pattern of changes (increase) in productivity with changing (improving) staff qualification is revealed.

Key words:

"Belgorod State Technological University
them. V. G. Shukhov "

Department of Management and Foreign Economic Activity

in the discipline "Management"

Topic: Assessment of the personnel potential of the enterprise

                      Krasnova I.A.
                      S.V. Kupriyanov


Chapter 1. Assessment of the personnel potential of the enterprise p. 5
1.1. The concept of personnel and its classification p. 5
1.2. Personnel policy page 8
1.3. Human resources and methods of its assessment p. 12
1.4. Human resources management p. 18
Chapter 2. Characteristics of the investigated object p. 27
2.1. History of the enterprise p. 27
2.2. Organizational structure page 30
2.3. Characteristics of the market and competition p. 32
2.4. Use of labor resources p. 35
2.5. Formation and use of the wage fund p. 38
2.6. Analysis of the external and internal environment page 40
Chapter 3. Troubleshooting p. 43
Chapter 4. Making a decision p. 47
Conclusion p. 49
Bibliography p. 51


The development of the modern economy, its competitiveness, the scale of scientific and technological transformations, and the production of high-quality products are determined, first of all, by the country's labor resources.
In modern conditions, it is labor resources that are considered as the most important resources of the organization. They are the main productive force of society.
In modern practice of human resources management, such concepts as "personnel" and "human resources" are of great importance.
The relevance of the topic studied in this work is dictated by the fact that in connection with the economic reforms being carried out in Russia, more and more business leaders pay attention to their personnel, realizing its value. Many of them began to understand that by improving the use of the company's labor resources, one can have a good niche in the market for the product being manufactured, be competitive (quality is demand), and have a good profit. The modern work collective is a complex system where individuals and groups of people interact on principles that are very far from formally prescribed. Without people who are able to effectively use complex technology, capital and materials, an enterprise cannot develop successfully and dynamically. It is human capital that is the cornerstone in the competitiveness of the enterprise, its economic growth and the efficiency of the enterprise. As a result, any economic analysis of an enterprise is not complete without an analysis of the personnel potential of the enterprise.
The heads and specialists of the personnel services of enterprises, as well as managers of all levels, who perform the function of management in relation to their subordinates, act as subjects of management of the personnel potential of the enterprise.
The essence of human resources reflects the qualitative and partly quantitative characteristics of the labor potential of the employees of the enterprise.
According to a number of authors, human resource potential is the aggregate ability of an enterprise's human resources workers, which are necessary in order to select, perform and coordinate actions that provide an enterprise with strategic advantages in the markets for goods, services and knowledge.
The theoretical foundations and problems of increasing the competitiveness of organizations through the rational use of human resources are devoted to the works of foreign and domestic scientists, such as D. McGomery, R. Beyck, D. Moughton, A.M. Omarov, etc.
This work outlines theoretical issues related to the use of labor resources and organization, analysis of their use in the enterprise, as well as reveals the methodology for a comprehensive system analysis of the main economic indicators used to analyze the use of labor resources of the results of the enterprise, characteristic of market economy.
The main task of this work is to reveal the studied theoretical basis and bring some practical issues economic analysis of the enterprise.
The purpose of the work is to analyze the activities of the organization, its personnel potential and determine possible ways to improve it.
The human resource potential of an organization is the most important strategic factor that determines its success. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the labor force determine the possibility of implementing economic programs, restructuring, expanding production, increasing product quality and labor productivity. It is the activities that contribute to the development of personnel that increase the personnel potential of the company.

Chapter 1. Assessment of the personnel potential of the enterprise

      The concept of personnel and its classification
Personnel, or cadres, is the staff of the organization's employees performing various production and economic functions.
Labor collective an enterprise, regardless of its organizational and legal form, is made up of all employees who participate by their labor in its activities on the basis of an employment contract. The structure of the labor collective is certain socio-economic groups, which are associations of workers according to a common significant feature: the same complexity of work, general profession or qualifications, similar rights and responsibilities.
The structural characteristics of the personnel of the enterprise is determined by the composition and quantitative ratio of various categories and groups of workers.
For the organization of accounting for labor, production and wages, for reporting and monitoring the wage fund, the number of employees of the enterprise is subdivided:
by personnel category,
by areas of application of labor,
according to professional qualifications, etc.
The staff of the company and its changes have certain quantitative, qualitative and structural characteristics.
The quantitative characteristics of the firm's personnel are primarily measured by indicators such as payroll, attendance and average number of employees. The number of employees on a firm is an indicator of the number of employees on the payroll for a certain date, taking into account the employees who were hired and left for that day. The number of employees is the estimated number of employees on the payroll who must appear at work to complete the production assignment. The difference between the attendance and payroll staff characterizes the number of all-day downtime (vacation, illness, etc.).
To determine the number of employees for a certain period, the average headcount indicator is used. It is used to calculate labor productivity, average wages, turnover rates, staff turnover and a number of other indicators. The average number of employees per month is determined by summing up the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month, including holidays and weekends, and dividing the amount received by the number of calendar days of the month.
In addition to the number of employees, a quantitative characteristic of the labor potential of the company and its internal divisions can also be represented by the fund of labor resources in man-days or man-hours, which can be determined by multiplying the average number of employees by the average duration of the working period in days or hours.
The qualitative characteristics of the firm's personnel is determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to achieve the goals of the firm and the production of work. It is much more difficult to assess the qualitative characteristics of the firm's personnel and the quality of labor. The main range of parameters or characteristics that determine the quality of work: economic, personal, organizational, technical and socio-cultural.
Depending on the functions performed, the workers of the manufacturing enterprise are divided into several categories and groups. Personnel of the enterprise directly related to the production process, i.e. employed in the main production activities are industrial production personnel, which are divided into two main groups - workers and employees. The workers include persons engaged in the creation of material values, repair of fixed assets, the provision of material services, etc. In turn, workers are usually divided into basic and auxiliary.
In the group of employees, such categories of workers are usually distinguished as managers, specialists and employees themselves. The assignment of employees of an enterprise to a particular group is determined by the classifier of workers' professions, positions and wage categories of employees, which, in essence, have the value of the all-Russian state standard. The managers include employees who hold the positions of managers of the company and its structural divisions, as well as their deputies. Specialists include workers employed in engineering, economics, accounting, legal and other similar activities. The actual employees include employees who prepare and execute documentation, accounting and control, economic services and office work.
Depending on the nature of labor activity, the personnel of the enterprise are divided by professions, specialties and skill levels. At the same time, a profession means a special type of labor activity that requires certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and a specialty means a type of activity within a profession that has specific characteristics and requires additional special knowledge and skills from employees.
Employees of each profession and specialty differ in the level of qualifications, i.e. the degree of mastery by workers of a particular profession or specialty, which is reflected in qualification (tariff) categories and categories, which at the same time characterize the degree of complexity of work.
Depending on the period for which the employment contract is concluded, employees are divided into permanent, temporary and seasonal. Permanent employees include employees who have entered work without specifying a deadline; to temporary - those who came to work for a certain period, but not more than 2 months; to seasonal - those hired for the period of seasonal work.
      Personnel policy
The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out through the personnel policy, which is a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel department as a strategic line of conduct in working with personnel. Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to the achievement of the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.
The main object of personnel policy is the personnel of the enterprise as a decisive factor in production. The efficiency of the enterprise largely depends on the qualifications of employees, their professional training, business qualities, desire and satisfaction with work.
When choosing a personnel policy, factors inherent in the external and internal environment of the enterprise are taken into account:
-production requirements, enterprise development strategy;
- the financial capabilities of the enterprise and the permissible level of costs for personnel management determined by it;
-quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the existing personnel and the direction of their change in the future;
the situation on the labor market (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the supply of labor by occupation of the enterprise, conditions of supply);
-the demand for labor from competitors and the emerging level of wages;
-the influence of trade unions and their ability to defend the interests of workers;
-requirements of labor legislation, the accepted culture of work with hired personnel, etc.
Personnel policy in modern conditions should be:
- closely linked with the development strategy of the enterprise; in this regard, it represents the staffing of this strategy;
- sufficiently flexible, but combining, on the one hand, stability, since it is with stability that certain expectations of the employee are associated, and on the other, dynamism, i.e. be adjusted in accordance with changes in the tactics of the enterprise and the general production and economic situation; stable should be those of its sides that are focused on taking into account the interests of personnel and are related to organizational culture enterprises;
-economically justified, i.e. proceed from the real financial capabilities of the enterprise, since the formation of a qualified workforce is associated with certain costs for it.
In addition, the personnel policy should provide an individual approach to its employees.
The future-oriented HR policy provides for several main areas of implementation:
-determination of the basic requirements for personnel, taking into account the forecast of the internal and external situation, the prospects for the development of the organization;
-forming new personnel structures and personnel management mechanisms;
-forming the concept of remuneration (compensation) of employees in connection with the planned business strategy;
-selection of ways of attracting, using, retaining and releasing personnel, assistance in finding a job in the event of mass layoffs;
-determination of ways of professional growth of personnel, their training, advanced training, retraining in connection with the transition to new technologies;
-development of social relations;
- maintaining a normal moral and psychological climate in the team.
Usually, the development of personnel policy includes 3 stages (Fig. 1.2.1). On the first stage, the goal of developing the personnel potential of the enterprise is substantiated and the composition of the structural links that ensure its achievement is determined. At the second stage, methodological recommendations are being developed in terms of drawing up target programs for the development of complexes for human resource management. At the third stage, the optimal, most effective version of the personnel program is selected Rice. 1.2.1. Stages of development of the personnel policy of the enterprise

Currently, large industrial enterprises are faced with new economic tasks:
-forming the structure and composition of jobs (according to many authors, the improvement of personnel policy in this regard has significant potential);
- formation of a wage fund by categories of workers using multi-level wage scales and setting the rate of the 1st category (not lower than the minimum monthly wage established by the legislation of the Russian Federation), with the calculation of the required number and number of jobs;
-examination of the forms and methods of organizing the management service, the formation of a personnel reserve, advanced training and training of employees, certification of workplaces;
- substantiation of motivation for labor activity, improvement of the payment system and incentives for employees;
-forming and implementing the personnel policy of large industrial enterprises in modern conditions.
There are two main ways to form an effective personnel policy:
- awareness of the rules and norms that underlie personnel activities, and the direct influence of the management apparatus on the personnel situation of the enterprise;
-principled orientation towards its own personnel, towards external personnel, towards the degree of openness in relation to the external environment.
In a market economy, one of the decisive factors in the efficiency and competitiveness of an enterprise is to ensure a high quality of human resources. The essence of the personnel policy is work with personnel, which corresponds to the concept of enterprise development.

      Human resources and methods of its assessment

The personnel potential of the enterprise, according to individual experts, is broad sense this word represents the skills and abilities of workers that can be used to improve its efficiency in various areas of production, in order to generate income (profit) or achieve social effect.
Category "enterprise personnel" characterizes human resources, labor and human resources of production.
Labor resources this is the able-bodied part of the population, which, having physical and intellectual capabilities, is able to produce material goods or provide services. Thus, the labor resources of the enterprise as part of the labor resources of the country represent the potential labor force.
Human resources are the main resource of every enterprise, the results of its activities and competitiveness largely depend on the quality and efficiency of its use.
The term "potential" means that someone (an individual person, a primary work collective, society as a whole) has hidden, not yet manifested opportunities or abilities in the corresponding spheres of their life.
Staff it is the entire personnel of the enterprise, employed, permanent and temporary, skilled and unskilled workers. Under the frames an enterprise is understood as the main (full-time, permanent), as a rule, qualified staff of the enterprise.
A modern enterprise is a complex socio-technical system: on the one hand, it is a set of objects and means of labor, and on the other, a set of people united to produce goods or services using these objects or means of labor, which is understood as a labor collective.
The labor force analysis algorithm consists of several stages:

    Analysis of the provision of an enterprise with labor resources:
Provision of the enterprise with labor resources is determined by comparing the actual number of employees by category and profession with the planned need. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the provision of the enterprise with personnel for the most important professions. It is also necessary to analyze the qualitative composition of the labor force in terms of qualifications.
Administrative and managerial personnel should be checked for the correspondence of the actual level of education of each employee to the position held and issues related to the selection of personnel, their training and advanced training should be studied.
The qualification level of workers largely depends on their age, work experience, education, etc. Therefore, in the process of analysis, they study changes in the composition of workers by age, length of service, and education. Since they occur as a result of the movement of labor, a great deal of attention is paid to this issue in the analysis.
To characterize the movement of labor, the dynamics of the following indicators is calculated and analyzed:
1.the coefficient of turnover for the reception of workers (Kpr):

2. ratio of turnover on disposal (Kv):

3.Reduced staff turnover (Km):

To analyze the provision of efficient use of labor force, statistical form No. 1-t is used.

    Analysis of the use of working time:
The completeness of the use of labor resources can be assessed by the number of days and hours worked by one employee for the analyzed period of time, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund. Such an analysis is carried out for each category of workers, for each production unit and for the enterprise as a whole.
The working time fund (FWF) depends on the number of workers (HR), the number of days worked by one worker on average per year (D ) and average working hours (P):

To identify the causes of day-to-day and intra-shift losses of working time, the data of the actual and planned balance of working time are compared. They can be caused by various objective and subjective circumstances not envisaged by the plan: additional vacations with the permission of the administration, illnesses of workers with temporary disability, absenteeism, downtime due to malfunction of equipment, machines, mechanisms, due to lack of work, raw materials, materials, electricity, fuel, etc. Each type of loss is analyzed in more detail, especially those that depend on the enterprise. Reducing the loss of working time for reasons depending on the workforce is a reserve for increasing production, which does not require additional capital investments and allows you to quickly get a return.

    Analysis of the labor intensity of products:
Labor intensity - an indicator characterizing the cost of working time for the production of a certain use value or for the implementation of a specific technological operation.
The change in the number of workers does not affect the volume of production. It affects the time it takes to manufacture a product. There is a close relationship between the labor intensity of products and labor productivity, which is expressed in the degree of change in the labor intensity of products.
    Labor productivity analysis:
The level of labor productivity is the most generalizing indicator of the degree of development of productive forces, and the higher it is, the richer society is.
To assess the level of labor productivity, a system of generalizing, partial and auxiliary indicators is used.
Generalizing indicators include the average annual, average daily and average hourly output by one worker, as well as the average annual output per worker in value terms. Private indicators - this is the time spent on the production of a unit of a certain type of product (labor intensity of the product) or the release of a certain type of product in kind in one man-day or man-hour. Auxiliary indicators characterize the time spent on performing a unit of a certain type of work or the amount of work performed per unit of time.
The most generalized indicator of labor productivity is the average annual output of one worker. Its value depends not only on the production of workers, but also on the proportion of the latter in the total number of industrial and production personnel, as well as on the number of days worked by them and the length of the working day (Figure 1.3.1).

Rice. 1.3.1. The interrelation of factors that determine the average annual output of an employee of the enterprise.

Hence, the average annual output of one employee is equal to the product of the following factors:

At the end of the analysis, it is necessary to develop specific measures to ensure the growth of labor productivity and determine the reserve for increasing the average hourly, average daily, and average annual output of workers.
There are other assessment methods. The essence and features of some common assessments of labor potential are presented in table. 1.3.1.

Table 1.3.1
Methods for assessing the labor potential of an organization

P / p No. Assessment method Indicators Note
1 Complex Basic: age and sex structure; the level of education; family structure; health status, etc.

Applied: the number of industrial and production personnel and personnel of non-industrial subdivisions: the amount of working time possible for working off at a normal level of labor intensity, health status, physical development, endurance, level of education and qualifications, fundamental training, responsibility, interest in work, involvement in economic activities of the enterprise

Indicators reflect the ability of workers to work
2 Economic Change in the population economic indicators: the number of employees, wages, working hours, labor intensity, professional qualification structure of personnel, etc. The method allows you to characterize the various aspects of labor potential
3 Simplified A set of indicators: average payroll, structure by sex, age, work experience, education level, qualification composition of employees The indicators reflect the socio-demographic characteristics of the staff
4 Temporary 1 The aggregate fund of working time, possible for working off, taking into account the weights of the number of employees who have one or another established standard of working time The method reflects the total potential fund of working time of the production team
5 Timed 2 The total potential fund of working time of production personnel as the difference between the calendar fund and the total reserve-forming absenteeism and breaks The method reflects the total potential fund of working time of the production team
6 Cost The amount of wages of industrial and production personnel, material incentives fund, costs of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel The method reflects the cost estimate of the labor potential for the organization

1.4. Human resources management

The labor potential of the enterprise collective is not a constant value. Its quantitative and qualitative characteristics are constantly changing under the influence of not only objective factors (changes in production technology, industrial relations, etc.), but also management decisions.
Obviously, the higher the labor potential of the enterprise, the higher the potential of the hired labor force, the more complex tasks can be solved by the team (in relation to the output of products, their quality, the speed of mastering new types of products, the efficiency of production and economic activities, etc.) ... However, the presence of such advantages does not at all indicate that the main task of personnel management is to maximize the labor potential. There are also limitations, in particular the emergence of a labor force, whose labor potential will be too high for specific conditions of production, will not correspond to its needs, and will be "redundant." This situation is undesirable for several reasons. First, recruiting or training a workforce of this quality is too expensive for an enterprise. Second, this labor potential will not be fully utilized, and the money spent on labor will not pay off. For the employees themselves, this can cause dissatisfaction with the work on this enterprise, which will entail dismissal of their own free will.
The discrepancy between the labor potential of the collective and the needs of production in conditions of economic independence and initiative of labor collectives is a serious problem. As experts note, "... in some teams, programs for the reconstruction of enterprises for new highly efficient technologies are perceived very painfully, there is no serious interest in mastering new professions and specialties, there is apathy and indifference to the restructuring of forms of enterprise management. Without a doubt, such phenomena reflect certain contradictions between the quality of labor potential at a given facility and the conditions of its intended implementation. In this case, two extreme cases are possible: either the potential is low, which prevents the implementation of the pace of implementation of innovations in production, or the potential is high, but the socio-psychological prerequisites for its effective release have not been created. "
All this necessitates constant monitoring of the situation, adjusting the selected personnel policy, anticipating possible negative phenomena through a systematic management impact on the workforce in accordance with the current and future development objectives of the enterprise itself.
Management begins with an analysis, which is designed to reveal the change in labor potential under the influence of certain factors, the rationality of use, the degree of compliance with the needs of the enterprise.
Variants of the ratio of the labor potential of an employee or team (P), its actual use (F) and the level of labor potential (T) required by production conditions may be different.
The ideal case is characterized by the following relationship:
P = F = T
This means that the available labor potential, i.e. all the possibilities of workers as carriers of labor are fully utilized and this corresponds to the needs of production.
This option is widespread:
P> F = T
Such a ratio indicates that the existing labor potential is not fully used, but the level of its actual use meets the needs of production. The supply of labor force, its possibilities are greater than the demand for it. For this reason, the available reserve cannot be used, since there is no direct need.
When there is a significant discrepancy between labor potential and its actual use, workers become frustrated, dissatisfied with work due to the lack of opportunities for professional growth.
The situation when the underutilization of the available labor potential becomes too great, i.e. P> F< Т, свидетельствует о том, что фактический уровень использования имеющегося потенциала уже настолько низок, что страдает производство и остро стоит проблема реализации имеющихся резервов рабочей силы.
This option is also possible: P = F< Т, который говорит о том, что несмотря на полное использование имеющегося трудового потенциала, потребности в рабочей силе как в отношении количества, так и ее качества не удовлетворяются полностью. Индикаторами данной ситуации служат нехватка рабочей силы, большое число overtime work, the lag of the average category of workers from the category of work performed, which leads to a low quality of their performance, to a large reject of products due to the fault of workers, etc. In these conditions, management decisions should be aimed at building up labor potential, changing its quantitative and qualitative characteristics.
Thus, the management of the formation of the labor potential of the enterprise, carried out through the appropriate functional structures, is implemented using a system of measures within the framework of personnel policy. They can be aimed at building and developing labor potential, in which the company should be largely interested. The following principles are proposed for talent management:
- respect for the employee, for his professional characteristics, moral and leadership qualities;
-responsibility of each employee;
- unity of command in the organization;
- the quality of work, while penalties should not humiliate the employee's personal dignity, but show him the harm and consequences of his wrong actions;
The subjects of the human resources management process are: heads of enterprises, heads of structural divisions, personnel services, legal services, financial management (department), personnel training department.
Such a construction of a human resources management system requires the implementation of each of the participants in the management process of their specific functions. So, the heads of enterprises and line managers participate in planning the professional career of employees, creating motivating conditions for them, the financial department (management) determines labor standards, forms a policy in the field of remuneration and the provision of social benefits. The personnel training department organizes training, professional development and retraining of personnel in the current areas of the enterprise.
The main content of the activities of personnel services is traditionally personnel planning and professional growth, as well as identifying and solving social and domestic problems. At the same time, it turns out that the activities of all the listed subjects are scattered, scholastic, episodic in nature. Coordination of the work of all participants in the enterprise within the framework of the human resources management program meets the stated goal - to ensure the successful operation of the enterprise in a market economy.
The efficiency of the enterprise directly depends on how the human resources management is organized, which affects the success of each employee. Thus, the most important task of human resources management is the consolidation and development of personnel. This task includes:
- rational distribution of job responsibilities;
- professional and job promotion of employees, taking into account the results of assessing their activities and individual characteristics;
- regular professional development of specialists;
- creation of other conditions that motivate employees to work more efficiently;
- career planning.

1) attracting highly qualified specialists to work;
2) the creation of conditions conducive to professional development and consolidation in the enterprise, in the institution of the most qualified, experienced workers;
3) improving the organization of management.
Experts note that in the long term, the task of managing human resources through the introduction of perfect technological procedures is becoming urgent: personnel assessment and the development of an information base for making informed management decisions.
Research has shown that the most effective method of human resource management is its assessment by parameters that characterize the professional success of an employee. The assessment is applicable in such areas as: selection and placement of personnel, planning and support of specialists' activities, training and advanced training of employees, formation, preparation of a reserve for promotion to a managerial position, improvement of the system of benefits, working conditions, etc.
The human resources management program does not so much contribute to the advancement of personnel as to its development, to increase the effectiveness of measures to improve qualifications. That, in turn, is the primary task of the personnel management service of the enterprise.
The social (human) potential of an enterprise can be represented by such indicators as:
- wage;
- the average number of employees of the enterprise;
- average monthly salary;
- the volume of products produced per 1 den. units salaries;
- profit for 1 den. units salaries;
- the structure of the personnel of the enterprise (the proportion of each category of workers in the total average payroll number of the PPP);
- the level of labor discipline;
- the level of computer literacy;
- the coefficient of stability of personnel;
- coefficient of creative activity of personnel;
- the total cost of remunerating inventors and innovators.
The main content of the activities of personnel services is traditionally personnel planning and professional growth, as well as identifying and solving social and domestic problems. At the same time, it turns out that the activities of all the listed subjects are scattered, scholastic, episodic in nature. Coordination of the work of all participants in the enterprise within the framework of the human resources management program meets the stated goal - to ensure the successful operation of the enterprise in a market economy.
Conditions for improving the efficiency of human resources management. The vastness of the issues solved by the participants in the management process necessitates its optimization. Consequently, to improve the efficiency of human resources management, it is necessary:

    constant participation in the management of not only personnel services, but also heads of structural divisions;
    clearer distribution of functions between all participants in personnel management and coordination of their actions;
    creation of an appropriate regulatory and methodological base that regulates the activities of each of the participants in the management process;
    determination of priorities in work with human resources.
The efficiency of the enterprise directly depends on how the human resources management is organized, which affects the success of each employee. Thus, the most important task of human resources management is the consolidation and development of personnel.
This task includes:
    rational distribution of job responsibilities;
    professional and job promotion of employees, taking into account the results of assessing their activities and individual characteristics;
    regular professional development of specialists;
    creating other conditions that motivate employees to work more efficiently;
    career planning.
Consequently, three factors should underlie the human resources management policy:
    attracting highly qualified specialists to work;
    creation of conditions conducive to professional development and consolidation at the enterprise, in the institution of the most qualified, experienced workers;
    improvement of the management organization.
In the long term, the task of managing human resources by introducing perfect technological procedures becomes urgent: personnel assessment and the development of an information base for making informed management decisions.
Personel assessment. Research has shown that the most effective method of human resource management is its assessment by parameters that characterize the professional success of an employee. The assessment is applicable in such areas as: selection and placement of personnel, planning and support of specialists' activities, training and advanced training of employees, formation, preparation of a reserve for promotion to a managerial position, improving the system of benefits, working conditions, etc. contributes to the advancement of personnel as much as to their development, to increase the effectiveness of measures to improve their qualifications. That, in turn, is the primary task of the personnel management service of the enterprise.

Due to the fact that the chosen topic of the course work is quite extensive, it is impossible to fully express it and reflect all the difficulties of working with personnel. Above, the priority issues of the formation of the personnel potential of a modern organization were considered. I would like to once again touch upon the issues that were presented, summarize and draw conclusions.
HR is not only about firing and firing and statistics. It is a constant, daily concern for the formation of a well-coordinated, efficient team, for each employee, each division to work to the fullest extent of their knowledge, strength, abilities, with love for work, constantly improving their professional skill... Work with personnel is planned in such a way as to gradually seek to increase in its composition those people who are better at modern professional skills. This is the concern and responsibility of the entire leadership of the institution.
The principle of selection and placement of personnel provides for the development of specific requirements for the personnel of the organization, based on the scale of its activities, its competitiveness in the market, traditions, as well as the scheme of rational placement of personnel between divisions, departments and branches of the organization.
Training and professional development provides for continuous training of the organization's personnel at all levels, either within the organization itself or in special training centers or higher education institutions. The need for training in order to improve qualifications is mainly due to the requirements and conditions of the modern market, growing competition and a high level of scientific and technological progress.

Chapter 2. Characteristics of the investigated object
2.1. History of the enterprise

Open Joint Stock Company "Belgorodasbestocement" is one of the largest enterprises Russia, producing asbestos-cement products. The JSC is located in the Central Black Earth Economic Region of Russia in the northwestern part of Belgorod, next to the Belgorod cement plant.
The history of the plant (BelATSi) begins in 1953 with the commissioning of a pipe plant for 4 technological lines for the production of asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 100 to 500 mm, a length of 4 m and a hydraulic pressure of 12-9-6 atmospheres, with a total design capacity of 3840 conventional km per year.
During 1953-1980 at the pipe plant, measures were taken to modernize equipment, to increase its productivity, and to improve technological processes.
Since 1987, the plant has been operating under new economic conditions, and since 1988 - on full cost accounting and self-financing.
Since December 1992, the plant has been transformed into Joint Stock Company Belgorodasbestotsement (JSC BelATSi), and since 1995 into JSC Belgorodasbestotsement (JSC BelATI).
Cement - the main raw material for the production of asbestos-cement products is supplied to the factories from the Belgorod Cement Plant by pneumatic transport (through pipelines). OJSC “Belgorodasbestocement” annually consumes about 400 thousand tons of cement.
Asbestos at OJSC “Belgorodasbestocement” comes mainly from the Bazhenovskoye field (Sverdlovsk region), Dzhetygarinskoye field (Kustanai region) and Kiembaevskoye field (Orenburg region) in railway wagons, packed in bags. OJSC “Belgorodasbestocement” annually consumes about 70 thousand tons of asbestos.
The plant has a favorable location, is well supplied with sources of heat, power and water supply, has a well-developed transport network. Through the station Belgorod-Sumy Combine has access to the main highway of the South-Eastern Railway, as well as to the Moscow-Semfiropol highway.
OJSC "Belgorodasbestocement" produces the following products:
1. Asbestos-cement pressure water pipes with nominal bore 100, 300, 400 and 500 mm of class VT 6, VT 9, VT 12 and couplings to them in accordance with GOST 539-80. Pipes O 100, part O 400, 500 mm are produced with a length of 3.9 m. 3950 mm - 5 m; O 300 mm; part 400, 500 mm is produced with a length of 5000 mm.
2. Non-pressure asbestos-cement pipes with nominal bore 100 mm, length 3950 mm and couplings for them in accordance with GOST 1839-80.
3. Asbestos-cement corrugated sheets of medium profile 40 / 150-1750 in accordance with GOST 20430-84 (ST SEV 2438-80) - seven and eight wave.
The main suppliers of raw materials required by OJSC “Belgorodasbestocement” for the production of its products are the Belgorod Cement Plant and the Bazhenovskoye asbestos deposit. Asbestos is also supplied by PIK Energostart, Moscow, OJSC Uralasbest. Asbestos of the Sverdlovsk region, Orenburgasbest OJSC, Yasny. The cement is supplied by the Belgorod Cement Plant. Fuel is supplied by: gas - trash gas of the Belgorod department, energy - "Belgorodenergo".
Consumers of the company's products are represented mainly by construction companies and individuals. In addition, the customers of OJSC Belgorodasbestocement are such large organizations as Mosintstroykomplekt, Moscow, OJSC Uralasbest, PIK Energotrast, Moscow, OJSC Telefonstroy, Nizhny Novgorod, SMP-717, Bryansk, OJSC Stroyopttorg Krasnodar, KMA Zhilstroy Stary Oskol, SPMK-4 Orel, VDPO Kursk, as well as various enterprises from near and far abroad.
Transportation of products of JSC "Belgorodasbestotsement" is carried out by road and rail.
The products of OJSC "Belgorodasbestocement" are also exported.
The production structure is a set of main, service and auxiliary farms;
Slate plant N 1. Equipped with three technological lines and produces asbestos-cement sheets wave and flat unpressed.
Slate plant No. 2. Equipped with four technological lines.
Pipe plant. It has five technological lines: 4 for the production of asbestos-cement pipes and one for the production of slate. Pipes are completed with asbestos-cement couplings, which are produced on the same lines
Ancillary production:
- steam boiler shop producing electricity for its own needs and marketable for sale to third-party organizations;
- repair and construction complex that produces cinder blocks, asbestos-cement sill board, and other services to the population;
- mechanical workshop;
- electrical repair shop;
- loading shop;
- car garage;
- electrical substation;
- water pumping station;
- treatment facilities;
- woodworking area;
- site for the release of foam concrete;

2.2. Organizational structure

The company is headed by the Meeting of Shareholders, to which the Board of Directors is subordinate, and the Board of Directors directly influences the General Director, in whose subordination are:

    commercial director;
    director for economics;
    technical director;
    Production Director;
    deputy gen. director for general affairs;
    deputy. gene. director for cap. construction;
    Financial department;
    Settlement department;
    Material department;
    Legal advisor;
    Planning and Economic Department;
    Department of Labor and Wages;
    Human Resources Department;
    Common department;
The rest of the shops are subordinate to their directors. Each of the directors is directly responsible for their shops and departments, they control their divisions.
Having got acquainted with the content of the work of the head of JSC "BELATS" (General Director) and with the content of the work of one of his deputy (commercial director), we learned the following.
The General Director carries out the operational management of the company's activities and is endowed, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, with all the necessary powers to perform this task.


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