Finding a sponsor for financial assistance. Where and how to find a sponsor for business Where to get sponsors

A budding entrepreneur is always full of fresh ideas and solutions. The only problem he faces is lack of funds. Exist various ways search financial assistance. In this article, we will look at how to find a sponsor for a business, what types of investments exist, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

What is the mutual benefit?

The entrepreneur's interest in this cooperation is quite understandable. Its goal is to get start-up capital to start your own business. What drives sponsors in this business partnership?

Not everyone knows that the investor does not just give start-up capital. He provides it under certain conditions. And the most popular condition is to receive interest on profits or part of the shares. Therefore sponsors agree to deal not with every project.

Where to looking for?

The investor can be individual as well as the company. Starting businessmen do not always know who can act as a sponsor and where to look for it. If you do not know where to start looking for such a person, it is better to use the help of firms that specialize in finding sponsors for small and medium-sized businesses.

You can search directly for a sponsor at exhibitions, seminars and lectures. At such events, you can often meet potential investors.

The Internet is another option for finding financial help. There are many websites that specialize in these matters. On such platforms, you can present your offer, find a business partner, an investor, or, conversely, offer your sponsorship services.

Let's take a closer look at how to find a sponsor for a business, subject to a business plan.
A good sponsor is a godsend for a businessman!

Venture funding

This is a rather risky partnership, which is based on the following nuances:

  • The investor is prepared in advance for losses in the business in case the profit is small or not at all. But in return, he will demand a large percentage, if the case still goes.
  • This is a long-term cooperation, in which the payback comes after 5-6, or even 10 years.
  • The investor controls up to 40% of the shares, so he is extremely interested in the success of the business.

Advantages of venture investments:

  • Opportunity to get funds for a risky project
  • No collateral requirements
  • Get money fast.


  • Difficulty in finding such sponsors in Russia
  • Deduction of interest from profit
  • Transfer to the investor almost half of the rights to own the business
  • Regular reports to the sponsor.

The most widespread venture investment has received in Moscow and the region.

State structures issuing a grant

In Russia, every entrepreneur has the opportunity to receive state support in technology parks and business incubators. Such platforms are primarily intended for young entrepreneurs who want to bring their business idea to life with minimal expenses.

To receive funds, a businessman must submit to the administration of the technopark detailed business plan. After a positive decision is made, a contract is concluded, which certainly indicates the time interval for the implementation of the idea. Then the entrepreneur receives the necessary facilities and workspace, as well as assistance in the form of a staff of qualified specialists.

A business incubator, unlike a technopark, provides sponsorship to a running business. In order to join this site, you only need to submit documents. On this basis, the participants are selected.

Before submitting documents, an entrepreneur must understand that such a format involves renting production space at reduced rates and consulting qualified specialists. The search for an investor is carried out at a separate rate, and the contract itself has a limited validity period, after which all benefits will be unavailable.

Credit Brokers

This option should also not be ignored. Brokers help to find funds on favorable terms for a businessman.

Independent search

There are quite a few successful businessmen who are looking for an opportunity to invest their money and make good money on it. You just have to find such investors.

Getting a grant

In this case, the sponsor is the state. A grant is not issued just to enable an entrepreneur to start a business. It is provided for the purpose of solving regional problems in which the local administration, which acts on behalf of the state, is interested. That is, the entrepreneur's project should be aimed at solving social problems.

Such projects include the following: waste recycling, increasing the food basket and other areas.


From English, crowdfunding is translated as "funding by the crowd, the people." There are certain resources where you can register and get this kind of help. The following sites operate in Russia:


On the above sites, you need to register, and then place information about your project in the form of text and a video presentation. This is a kind of advertising that should be of interest to potential sponsors.

Bank loan

It is impossible not to recall such an affordable and most common way to obtain funds to open your own business. However, banks provide favorable lending conditions only to stable, operating business for its further development.

How to be a budding entrepreneur? You can take out a loan for consumer needs. However, it is important to understand that you will have to repay the principal with interest even in the event of your complete fiasco.

It is important to calculate everything correctly so that the money invested is not wasted

What does it take to find a sponsor for a business?

The most important thing is a detailed and competent business plan , in which not only the idea itself will be revealed, but also specific figures will be given, on the basis of which prospects and opportunities will be assessed.

Investors are, first of all, already established entrepreneurs who are well versed in business. Therefore, there is no need to make false promises and promise sky-high prospects.

Real numbers are important, so it’s worth exploring a few similar ideas or seeking help from an experienced financier.

In addition to the business plan, offer , after reading which the sponsor should light up the idea with you. This is a concise text in which all forecasts are clearly traced. No more than 1 A4 sheet.

Despite the fact that we live in an age of technological progress, it is better to discuss an upcoming project and receive financial assistance with a sponsor in person, bypassing video calls and Internet correspondence. Prepare carefully for the meeting, make an interesting presentation , take all the documents with you so that the investor can see that you have a serious event worth investing in.

Good luck!

Find a philanthropist or sponsor, as they are also called in the field of business, financial guardian angels, is accessible to everyone, regardless of their occupation. An athlete, artist, lawyer or entrepreneur - financial patronage is currently available to anyone, the main thing here is to interest the sponsor...

At first glance, the process of interacting with sponsors is quite simple. For the equipment provided cash for start-up capital or other benefits provided by the sponsor, the user of such services gives the right to use their talents together with opportunities in an activity that is beneficial or promising for the patron company.

However, do not forget that with a lucrative contract at the same time, the user of sponsorship services has a lot of additional obligations.

The main goal of such relationships is to obtain a stable and profitable return. In particular, while investment consumers dream of developing their own business, investors .

First of all, the main goal of sponsors who have agreed to finance a business idea is dividends. Moreover, they are by no means always expressed as a monetary equivalent.

In turn, almost always an entrepreneur who wants to have sponsorship should be prepared for the possible sale of his interests to another company that will be ready to finance the project.

The main condition for the provision of sponsorship is the attractiveness of the project directly for target audience and, consequently, for the investor too. You can find a sponsor or a project for investment here:

Sponsor Information

A sponsor is attracted by presenting a business plan or a company that requires additional investment in order to develop their own project. However, this is not enough. To make successful interactions with the investor, first of all, it is necessary to have information about him.

Experienced businessmen believe that if you know where to apply for financial support, then 50% of business success is already guaranteed. It is better to look for a sponsor directly at the place of sale own business ideas. In this case, the choice of a sponsor will be entirely up to the applicant for financial support.

It is unlikely that third parties will be able to make the right decision. Only the head or founder of a business understands what exactly is required for its successful further development. Having chosen one or another company, it is worth clarifying what other sponsorship support is provided to it.

If the sponsor has no previous experience of interacting with similar projects, it should be assumed that this company has total absence experience in this field of activity. Specialized websites are considered an excellent assistant in finding a potential sponsor for a business and collecting information about them.

Such resources not only have offers, but also allow the applicant for sponsorship to develop a personal profile in order to attract financial partners to support the business or its organizations.

Start of negotiations with the sponsor

Once the company is selected, negotiations should proceed. This should be done directly with the head of the selected sponsoring company, or with the marketing director, of course, if the structure of the enterprise has such a position.

A number of companies specializing in the provision of sponsorship services have managers specifically for sponsorship, whose task is to resolve such issues.

Stages of negotiations

After establishing contact, justify the goals own company, demonstrate their capabilities and plans for the near future. At the end of the presentation, attention should be focused on the benefits the sponsor received as a result of supporting your project.

If after that the investor continues to be interested in cooperation with you, it is worth indicating the benefits that will be received directly by the applicant for the support provided by the sponsor - financing, equipment, technical devices etc.

In addition, do not forget to stipulate the moment of special opportunities and advantages of both parties. It is important to understand that all sponsors have their own interests and goals for interacting with other companies, based on what kind of support they provide (services, finance, equipment).

Traditionally, this is manifested by the presence of joint interests with companies providing sponsorship. In addition, sponsors usually want one thing - to get additional profit from the business idea they invest in.

Therefore, when demonstrating a business plan in order to obtain sponsorship, it is worth paying attention to this project. This is the only way to talk about long-term agreements with them.


Based on the above, the conclusion suggests itself that by receiving sponsorship you automatically accept the conditions put forward by the investor. At the same time, in return for the money or other assistance issued by him, you will also have to provide him with something in the future.

Perhaps they will be cash dividends, or advertising the brand of the company that acts as an investor. Only understanding of this point will allow you to find a sponsor. Otherwise, most investors will simply refuse you.
And where to find a sponsor, you can find out by reading.

I am looking for a business sponsor.

Running a business is hard and labor intensive. Every day, the manager has to solve the tasks of promoting, expanding the enterprise. Achieving goals requires financial investments, so managers resort to the help of private inverters. Want to start your own business, what should you do? Publish, including on the Internet, I am looking for a sponsor to start my business.

Many turn to patrons. It is very rare to find such noble people. They support for free without requiring a refund or making a profit. The rest - provide loans for certain terms and conditions.

I am looking for a sponsor to start a business.

An investor is a person who provides material assistance to an individual entrepreneur or company on favorable terms for both parties. The lender allocates money, receiving further profit, but also obliges the borrower to carry out advertising company, with the presentation of the investor (his activities and solvency). In such relationships, everyone remains in the black. The head of the company receives the necessary funds, and the investor receives his share of the profits.

Bank development loans are different from private loans. Banks make a profit from interest on the allocated funds. An independent investor receives income from the net profit of the enterprise.

I am looking for an investor to buy a business.

Finding a generous sponsor is the desire of many businessmen. And if it doesn’t require instant profit, it’s a fairy tale in general.

  • To find a lender, you need to complete following conditions:
  • Individual approach to each potential investor. Research information about people or companies that can help you improve or start your business.
  • Study the market in detail, in which direction you want to move. Who can help buy a business. Study the market area, and find out companies that are interested in providing financial assistance. It will be of great help if the lender has already provided such assistance. This was not? We will have to work with such investors with redoubled energy.
  • Describe the algorithm of your actions. Develop a clear line from finding a potential investor to providing information about the proposed business. Do not put pressure on the lender, gradually "rub" him into confidence.

Forming relationships.

It is better to prepare the documents in advance, it may happen that the investor wants to sign the papers right away. Then he will already cool off towards you, and you can forget about money.

An investment project may look like an initial one. With him, the borrower goes to the investor, if he is interested in investing in the business. And the main document is the sponsorship agreement.

List of requirements:

Communication with the lender.

A well-done presentation is not enough to get financial aid. Your qualities are important: the manner of communication, the ability to win over the interlocutor. Seeing the negotiations, gradually bring the lender to a positive decision. Make a presentation of yourself.

There are no written rules by which to negotiate. A company or a private investor is individual, the approach to everyone is different. Prepare your dialogue on various topics and aspects.

The main thing when talking with investors is to be confident, not to ask (be humiliated), but to stand up in such a way that he would want to allocate funds to you. It can also happen like this: without reading the documents provided, the lender immediately asks questions that are not convenient for you.

  1. Below is a list of common questions from potential investors:
  2. What niche will the project occupy? Are your ideas up-to-date?
  3. Why should a lender invest in your business?
  4. Will the project pay off? What are the negative consequences of losing investments?

It is difficult for non-promoted firms or novice businessmen to count on financial assistance from the outside. If you are one of those - conduct activities and at the same time look for sponsors. During your work, you will already make a name about yourself, which will later help you get investments.

Starting your own business often requires raising outside capital. Most start-up entrepreneurs think about how to find a sponsor - to create a profitable and promising business and, at the same time, minimize the influence of the wealthy investor on the performance of the new company.

The search for financial assistance is also necessary for work in the field of charity - the organization of a sports team, kindergarten, fund or development other not commercial activities. To search for investment capital, you need to apply to a bank or a credit institution, or try to find a person who wants to invest his free capital in a profitable business.

In order to find an investor who will invest in your new business project, it is necessary, first of all, to prepare a detailed business plan - with market analysis, organizational plan, selection of a team of personnel, calculation of technical and economic indicators, risk assessments, etc. You can prepare such a document yourself or resort to the help of specialists. You can raise money in any kind of business - wholesale or retail, production, travel, organization sports events, opening a catering establishment, a private kindergarten, a beauty salon or a mini-hotel, etc.

When looking for financial assistance, you need to consider the following features:

  • The amount of capital required. The greater the amount of initial investment that will need to be attracted, the higher the requirements of a potential sponsor (sponsor team) for a business project in which money will be invested. To create a company in the service sector (travel and tourism, design development or marketing campaigns, accounting, etc.) will require 10-15,000 c.u. For organization trading business costs can vary from 25,000 cu, when starting a production, it may require from 100,000 to several million cu.
  • Availability of collateral. Such an object can be real estate, vehicle, other assets of the borrower. In most banks and other financial institutions, a business development loan is issued only if there is a developed business project and material security. When issuing a loan for organizing commercial activities in the provision of services - organizing travel, providing sports services or sponsoring a team of business coaches - the presence of a collateral becomes especially significant.
  • Project profitability. The higher the size of the planned profit, the more interesting the proposed business plan for the sponsor. When calculating the feasibility study of the project, it is necessary to take into account several indicators of the planned profit - optimistic, real and pessimistic.

How to find a sponsor for a business - search activities:

  • Submission of an application to a bank or credit organizations. In order to financial institution reviewed your application, it is necessary to carry out market analysis activities, as well as develop a business project - according to the template that this particular institution requires.
  • Placing information that you are looking for a wealthy investor in local business associations and entrepreneurs' associations. Very often in such teams there are many people who are looking for where to invest money for profit. To get the help of such investors, you will also need to provide technical economic justification project. There are such business associations in every major city.
  • Attending investment and business forums. Search for information about such events can be done through the Internet or in specialized online forums.
  • Appeal to venture capital companies. Such applications should be submitted only if you want to bring to the market an innovative product that has no analogues on the market. New technologies that you want to bring to market with the help of a venture company must be patented - this way you can prove your authorship and increase the credibility of potential sponsors.
  • If you are thinking about where to find a sponsor, you can also place your ad in business publications (print or electronic) aimed at investors, top managers or business owners.

Benefits of starting a business with borrowed funds

There are a number of advantages to starting a business with borrowed capital:

  • The possibility of organizing a medium or big business. For example, in order to organize industrial enterprise, transport company, retail or entertainment network, you will need help - attracting big capital. Often own funds entrepreneur is sufficient only to organize a company in the service sector (travel agency, advertising agency, legal or accounting services, etc.), and the creation of a manufacturing company or a distribution network will require significant investments.
  • Combining monetary assets, knowledge and connections of team members, which allows to increase the competitiveness of the new company.

How to find a sponsor for a charity project

In order to implement a charity project, you need a sponsor, a rich businessman, an owner big company or a politician who plans to run for office local authorities soon. Such business ideas include various non-profit events - the organization of a teenage football team or other sport; patronage of a kindergarten - raising funds to buy clothes, gifts and travel vouchers; organization of free sports clubs and sections; a free consultation center to help the socially vulnerable population, etc.

In order to convince a person to invest in your unprofitable project, you need to think through the arguments and benefits that he will receive from the investment (non-material). These benefits include increased reputation and increased visibility of the company or individual. Often, such activities as supporting charitable projects and helping people allow the company to focus on its social orientation, which, as a result, allows it to attract new customers, partners and, as a result, increase the company's profit and the value of its assets. Participation in charitable and sports projects also helps to raise the team spirit of the company.

How to calculate the cost of opening a project

If you need a sponsor to organize a business, the first step is to prepare a business plan - a detailed document describing the essence of the activity, organization activities, production and organizational plan, selection of a team of personnel, economic justification, etc. For a non-commercial event, you also need to draw up a document describing the concept, main organizational measures, opening and development costs.

When calculating a business plan for commercial activities, you need to provide a future wealthy investor with data such as:

  • primary costs (purchase of premises and equipment, software products, cost of registration legal entity etc.);
  • monthly income and expenses (sales plan, expenses for wages, purchase of raw materials and materials, advertising events, etc.);
  • average profitability (calculated as the arithmetic average for all positions in the product range or services);
  • payback period of the project.

In order to increase the attractiveness of the proposal for the investor, it is imperative to provide a section with a risk assessment for the project, as well as a development plan this direction(with economic calculations).

Lecturer-expert of applied socio-economic programs of the Training Center "Specialist" at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman

Any non-commercial project or organization is interested in the question: how to find a sponsor? In order to answer it, you need to understand why sponsors give money. As soon as we understand the goals and objectives of the sponsor, we will be able to outline the circle of potential sponsors whose interests our project can satisfy. So, why do sponsors give money, what tasks do sponsors solve at the expense of sponsored objects.

How to find a sponsor and why they give money


The photo shows pupils of the social rehabilitation center of the Peschanokopsky district of the Rostov region. With the financial support of sponsors, children attend the Rostov Philharmonic, the Ice Show, the Octopussy water park, the zoo and other events. The picture was taken in front of the banner of the sponsor "Pure Vision", trademark contact lenses. Unfortunately, the information on the Center's website is not dated and it is difficult to analyze the reasons for sponsorship. At the same time, on the official website of the lens manufacturer - I managed to find out that within the framework of the corporate social responsibility the company provides material support to medical communities, and participates in the policy of improving the regions where Bausch & Lomb has large financial transactions. It is likely that the sponsorship of the activities of the Social and Rehabilitation Center in the Rostov Region was carried out as part of the decision of the following marketing tasks: demand stimulation and market expansion.


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