Profitable contextual advertising smirnov. Profitable contextual advertising. A quick way to attract customers using Yandex.Direct

The other day I got a very interesting book in my hands: Vasily Smirnov "Profitable contextual advertising". I think every active online entrepreneur (and not only) is interested in this question.

Moreover, the subtitle of the book reads like this - « Fast way attracting customers using Yandex.Direct "... That is, the book is not in a complex about contextual advertising, the author proposes to delve deeper into the intricacies of advertising in the Yandex search engine.

At first I was frightened by the relatively small volume of the book - 170 pages. Recently, the authors have ceased to please with the volumes ...

But this book is an exception, since Vasily decided to follow the path “briefly, in essence, aptly and useful”. Without water, ranting, a clear guide to action.

And the book fascinated me. I can say with certainty that I have learned a lot about how you really need to do effective and profitable contextual advertising.

I often hear from different people the phrase "Contextual advertising does not work, it is very expensive." Vasily tells in detail why it does not work for others and gives clear guidance on how to make it work for you, on the contrary.

The book was published by the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber".

As the cover of the book says, Vasily Smirnov is a consultant on contextual advertising, landing pages, increasing conversion and profit on the Internet.

He worked with CenterTelecom, Independent Media Sanoma Magazines, Imkhonet, Kuponator, Fast Lane Ventures, etc.

After reading the book, I decided that Vasily is really an expert in contextual advertising: he does not pour water from one source to another, but gives clear guidance, explaining each of his thoughts and supporting it with a specific fact.

What's useful in the book?

In general, I have highlighted many useful thoughts for myself, here are just a few of them:

  • The effectiveness of PPC advertising is about specific sales, not traffic. Example - A 1% increase in conversions can increase sales by 30%.
  • Yandex.Direct is not only an advertising channel. This is an excellent way to quickly and very cheaply test any of your offers before you submit them and give full-blown advertising with a large budget.
  • Most clickable ads with a call to action
  • No need to rely on direct selling ads - testing two-step sales through information offer
  • The worst idea in PPC advertising is to bring people to the home page
  • According to reports from various organizations, the share of fraudulent clicks is 20%
  • Scheme of the correct selection of keywords (in the correct sequence) for the subsequent campaign
  • Matrix for the selection of queries on the example of the business "Dealer Mitsubishi"
  • The 4 main building blocks of an effective ad
  • 5 forbidden tricks for composing ads
  • 29 phrases and phrases to avoid in your ads
  • 20 words to boost ad click-through rates
  • 11 elements of contextual advertising to test
  • A step-by-step universal scheme for testing contextual ads
  • Checklist for creating an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct

And many many others!

Each theoretical block in the book is accompanied by a specific practical task - so that "Profitable contextual advertising" is not only interesting to read, but also wants to immediately assimilate and consolidate the knowledge gained.

I liked the idea of ​​the book that you should not trust specialized advertising agencies to conduct contextual advertising, since they work on a "stream" - each manager can have 30 clients to support, which means that your contextual advertising will not be dealt with as scrupulously as costs. Conclusion - merges advertising budget.

It is much better to learn all the subtleties yourself and lead the campaign with your own hands. The book will help with this.

And now, by tradition ...

10 quotes from the book "Profitable contextual advertising" by Vasily Smirnov:

  1. “Advertising cannot increase sales. Advertising can only increase the number of hits "
  2. “Contextual advertising is the fastest crash test real life... Either your ads are selling - or you are "wasting" the budget "
  3. "To test two variations of one ad, you need a maximum of two days, not two months - as if you were checking two variations of an ad in a monthly magazine."
  4. "You only have 5-10 seconds to stand out from the crowd of competitors' ads."
  5. "The worst idea in PPC advertising is to bring people to the home page."
  6. "Text for e-commerce is a substitute for a seller"
  7. "No matter how much you ask for your product, it will always be" expensive "for a person"
  8. "If you sell vacuum cleaners in Novosibirsk, there is no need to advertise them in Moscow"
  9. "The key to successful advertising is to be in the right place at the right time"
  10. "CTR is the atomic bomb of contextual advertising"

Hello, friends! Profitable contextual advertising Everyone needs Yandex Direct for beginners, otherwise why spend money on it.

Yandex Direct contextual advertising for beginners, learn how to work in it

The more you work on the Internet, the more you understand that you cannot do without advertising, including contextual advertising. And depending on the correct use of the advertising tool, including profitable contextual advertising, the success of Infobusiness depends in its work.

But not everything is so simple, there are a great many advertising channels on the Internet. And sometimes using some advertising channels, it is clear that there is no result, only wasted money. You start looking for and applying other advertising channels until you find a working option.

Several months ago, I started using teaser ads to promote affiliate links in Infobusiness. At first I was pleased with the results, there were a lot of clicks on affiliate links, and for ridiculous money. Several weeks passed, the results were no longer pleasing. More than 5000 conversions were received and not a single sale.

Of course, it's not about the service. As I later found out, teaser networks are well suited for entertainment advertising, but they are not very suitable for the Infobusiness topic.

One of the most effective advertising tools on the Internet is Yandex Direct contextual advertising, it is the most profitable. By the way, you can download free book « Step by step plan launching profitable contextual advertising on Yandex Direct "or take a practical training on Yandex Direct for participants affiliate programs and online stores.

The blog pages contain several articles on contextual advertising, which is often profitable in Infobusiness. Among them is contextual advertising Yandex Direct for beginners. If you want to look at previous articles on this topic, you need to go to the article page "". At the end of the article there are links to all articles on advertising topics. It will not be very convenient to search for articles separately without knowing their title.

In this article, I would like to present to the readers the work of one of the well-known and authoritative experts in the field of Yandex Direct contextual advertising Ilya Tsymbalist. Many people on the Internet know Ilya, those who do not know him can see the information here.

In this article I would like to present a free video course on profitable contextual advertising in Yandex Direct from Ilya Tsymbalist "Course on contextual advertising".

Despite the fact that the course is free, it is very good quality, is presented in simple and understandable language.

It is simply impossible to start working in contextual advertising from Yandex Direct without training, otherwise money will be wasted. You can't just come here and give advertisement... Therefore, knowledge is required to get started with this effective advertising channel, and then profitable contextual advertising will be effective.

I will not list the issues covered in the training. There was a lot of information about working with contextual advertising in Yandex Direct in previous articles. I will only say that in a three-hour course you will be taught terminology, the correct selection of keywords. You will compose your first ad. You will be taught how to spend your advertising budget correctly and effectively, as well as analyze the completed advertising campaign. All steps will be taken together with the author.

It happens that you read a book and think: "Where were you a few years ago?" For me, Vasily Smirnov's book has become just like that. This book is useful for both Internet marketers and customers of contextual advertising services.

There are no stories in the book about which buttons must be pressed in Yandex.Direct to launch advertising. And this is not necessary - enough detailed instructions Yandex itself has it, and the Internet is full of recommendations for the technical setup of advertising. The main value of the book is in the holistic algorithm. marketing approach to contextual advertising.

In my opinion, the chapter "Keyword Matrix" deserves special attention of novice Internet marketers. I quote from the book:

The selection of keywords begins in the following sequence:

  • Using masks. Look at your site or products and think, "How would we search for this product or service?" As soon as your strength runs out, address the same question to employees, relatives and acquaintances. Write down all the options.
  • The exact name of the product (" winter hats"," Arbitration lawyer ").
  • Name of product groups (“men's clothing”, “legal services”).
  • Articles, brands, models (Apple iPhone 5).
  • Manufacturer or brand (Adidas).
  • Synonyms. For example: car = car = auto. From the point of view of search engines, these are different queries. Especially requests of the type "on loan", "on debt".
  • Other parts of speech ("insurance" "insurance" - "insurance").
  • Single-root words ("lending").
  • Abbreviations (VW).
  • Fusion of words ("consumer credit").
  • Clarifications with and without pretexts ("life insurance", "mortgage for an apartment", "car on credit").
  • Tails (or Additives). For example: buy, sell, prices, wholesale, etc.
  • Typos, spelling variations and transliteration. For example: hyundai, Hyundai, Hyundai.
  • Slang and jargon. Professional (for example "lorry" instead of "one and a half brick") and consumer (for example "prul" instead of "right-hand drive car" or "washing machine" instead of "washing machine").
  • Minus words. These are the words in combination with which our ads will not be shown.

Here is an example of such a match in a mind map for a Mitshubishi car dealer.

And further, the book has a lot of tips for selecting queries, writing ads, preparing landing pages, and improving the effectiveness of advertising in general. Of course, I would like to transfer all this information, but it is unlikely that Vasily and the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" will approve of this. 🙂

As I already wrote, the book is very useful not only for Internet marketers, but also for customers of contextual advertising services. An entire section is devoted to how to interact with performers in order to benefit from advertising, and not just feed the owners of unscrupulous companies.

Vasily described in great detail the principle of operation of most conveyor agencies, which do not solve the company's business goals, but only "drain the budget into context."

Literal quotation from the book - the algorithm of the work of such companies:

  • the customer fills out a brief;
  • an agency specialist hastily selects keywords (not very carefully, there is no time for this, the flow is the same!);
  • based on the selected keywords, a media plan is quickly drawn up (at least 30% from above is added to it, just in case; the percentage depends on the decency of the agency);
  • the account manager of the agency (if any) sends to the customer model contract and issues an invoice based on the media plan;
  • if the amount suits the customer, a contract is signed;
  • agency specialist quickly creates advertising campaign(there is no time to be zealous, the flow does not wait!);
  • the customer's advertising budget "blends" with varying degrees of intensity and efficiency;
  • at the end of the agreed period, the customer receives a beautiful report and an increase (or not increase) in sales.

An important feature of the work of such companies is that in most cases they do not take money from the customer for running advertising campaigns, but live off the commission from Yandex. In the struggle for a client, quality suffers, and the work of such agencies is reduced to recruiting a package of clients with whom we managed to build more or less mutually beneficial cooperation. Well, those who are not satisfied with this approach, let them continue to search the market for the performers of their dreams.

To us in Completo quite often there were clients who left such unscrupulous performers. Although we do not deal with individual advertising activities, but when a client comes to us on comprehensive service, and we have not yet built a full-fledged electronic marketing system, we have to urgently increase the effectiveness of such advertising.

In the picture you can see the data on the contextual advertising campaign of our client. With a budget of 600,000 rubles a month, the bounce rate was 55% - that is, 330,000 rubles burned out immediately, and the rest of the budget worked controversially. It is not surprising.

In order not to "drain" budgets, we disabled contextual advertising and reconfigured it:

  • We selected target requests based on the segmentation of the target audience and the product matrix of our client.
  • We wrote ad texts for each cluster of requests and products.
  • We redesigned the selling pages for each ad group.
    Set up web analytics systems.
  • Yes, for the client these works cost about 60 working hours of a specialist, but the results were not long in coming.

Would you like to receive an offer from us?

Start cooperation
Bounce rate dropped to 11% , managed to reduce the cost of going to the site in 3 times, which with the old budget allowed to increase the amount of traffic to the site by 3 times. If the same amount of traffic was bought at the old prices, then you would have to pay 6,500,000 rubles more per year.

"Profitable contextual advertising" will allow customers to identify unscrupulous performers and prevent their budgets from going down the drain.

(Visited 7,752 times, 1 visits today)

Vasily Smirnov

© Smirnov V.V., 2013 © Design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book can be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for private and public use without written permission from the copyright holder.

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by the law firm "Vegas-Lex"

© Electronic version books prepared by Liters ()

This book is well complemented by:

Damir Khalilov

Email marketing

Dmitry Kot

Platform: How to Become Visible on the Internet

Michael Hyatt

The whole business secret is to know something that no one else knows.

Aristotle Onassis

Part I. A little theory for effective work with contextual advertising

V modern internet PPC advertising is the fastest way to bring users to your site. In addition, it has one undeniable advantage over other online advertising tools: it allows you to calculate the cost of each person who comes to you and any other costs associated with the profit of your business.

Some entrepreneurs find it hard to believe, but the fact remains: in 2012 Yandex.Direct outpaced the largest federal TV channels in terms of audience coverage (Channel One, Russia 1, NTV, STS).

What does this mean for business? This means that for "ridiculous" money (Yandex.Direct minimum cost one click is 30 kopecks), you will be able to convey your advertising message to the same number of people as if you were advertising on television.

In addition, at the time of this writing (February-March 2013) Yandex.Direct occupied about 60% of the entire contextual advertising market in Russia (the share of its closest competitor, Google Adwords, is about 25%).

Perhaps over the next few years, we will see a revolution in advertising and a change in the attitude of small and medium-sized businesses to it. And for some businesses Yandex.Direct is the main or even the only channel for attracting customers.

Yandex.Direct operates with ads. Display zones are divided into "Search" and "Yandex Advertising Network" (YAN). In search, ads are shown only in response to a user's request. In YAN, the display is determined by the topic of the site and the user's search history.

Ad impressions are based on a price auction. Those who offer a high conversion rate show their ads in higher positions. Higher positions allow you to get more conversions.

To exclude price wars (more precisely, to reduce their intensity), the definition of the position for displaying an ad is also influenced by the quality of the ad and its click-through rate (Click-Through Rate, CTR).

Position, CTR and bid mutually influence each other. All other things being equal, a high CTR allows you to lower your bid. The bid allows you to get a higher display position for your ad. A higher position allows you to gain a higher CTR faster.

In fact, all work on an advertising campaign comes down to a competent selection of keywords (user requests), drawing up attractive ads and working on the CTR of both each ad and the entire advertising campaign as a whole.

Terminology used

Virtual business card - a page with advertiser's contact information, which is shown to users when they click on the "Address and phone number" link and / or the ad title.

An advertising campaign is an advertising event calculated for a specific period, geography of impressions and the budget within which the ads are displayed. The term can mean both the actual advertisement of a separate product or service, or the unit of managing ads in the Yandex.Direct interface. The limit for one ad campaign for Direct is 1000 requests.

Click-through rate (CTR) - the ratio of the number of clicks on an ad to the number of impressions, measured as a percentage. We can say that this is the efficiency (coefficient of performance) of the ad, which determines the effectiveness of its work. The higher the CTR, the more the ad matches the request and the lower the entry price for guaranteed impressions or special placement will be for you.

Keyword ("query", "keyword") is a word that carries a significant semantic load. It serves as a key when searching for information on the Internet or on a website page. An advertisement is shown to a visitor if the specified keyword occurs in his search query or on the website page.

Negative keywords are words for which the ad will not be shown for queries.

Link (URL) - the address of a site or page on the Internet. For example, a link included in an ad that leads to the advertiser's website or to a page that contains contact information provided by the advertiser.

Targeting is a mechanism that allows you to select from the entire available audience only that part that meets the specified criteria, and show ads to it. Targeting by time of day and day of the week - time targeting, by geography of impressions - geographic, or geo-targeting.

Cost per click ("cost per click", "rate") - the amount debited from the advertiser's account for a click on his ad.

I'll make a reservation right away, I don't think that everything is 100% advertising agencies non-professionals on the market. Not at all. However, let's see why contacting an agency may not be the best solution.

From January to June 2012, the volume of the Internet advertising market amounted to 24 billion rubles. according to AKAR data.

According to RBC, Yandex's consolidated revenue for reporting period reached 12.67 billion rubles.

As reported at a press conference in Moscow CFO of the company Alexander Shulgin, the basis of Yandex's business is contextual advertising, which brought 89% of all revenue.

Revenue less remuneration to partners amounted to RUB 10.54 billion.

Simple arithmetic shows that the partners received 2.13 billion rubles. (about 17%). The overwhelming majority of partners are advertising agencies.

Ideally, it attracts a customer who needs to organize effective advertising on the Internet. Together with the customer, he compiles a media plan and selects tools that will be effective for promoting his business. Calculates the advertising budget and coordinates it with the customer. Helps the customer to define it target audience... Creates and runs advertising campaigns, periodically reporting on the results and making the necessary adjustments. Helps the customer create offers and come up with promotions. Consults, trains, gives recommendations to the customer. But this is all ideally.

How does this happen in most cases (for example, contextual advertising)?

The customer enters the stream. After all, the streaming method is the most profitable. What is a stream? This is when some averaged customer is taken as a basis and an averaged set of actions is carried out for him. In most cases, the result is also obtained ... average.

It looks like this:

- the customer fills out a brief;

- an agency specialist hastily selects keywords (not very carefully, there is no time for this, the flow is the same!);

- based on the selected keywords, a media plan is quickly drawn up (at least 30% from the top is added to it, just in case; the percentage depends on the decency of the agency);

- the agency's account manager (if there is one) sends the customer a standard contract and issues an invoice based on the media plan;

- if the amount suits the customer, a contract is signed;

- at the end of the agreed period, the customer receives a beautiful report and an increase (or non-increase) in sales.

As a contextual advertising consultant, clients periodically come to me after serving in advertising agencies - both small ones, with up to 10 people, and large ones, represented by well-known market players. Client requests are standard: "Help improve advertising, for some reason it does not work, and the agency is no longer interested in us."

What do you think is the main complaint of clients who have left the agencies?

That's right - dissatisfaction with cooperation.

And you can understand this discontent. The point is this.

The agency (contextual advertising) has a certain number of staff. These can be contextual advertising specialists, account managers, sales managers, as well as accountants, sysadmins, programmers, designers, layout designers, secretaries, and even cleaners and security guards.

They all need to be paid a salary.

Firstly, this is an agency return from Yandex (in the case of Yandex advertising services), which depends mostly on the number of clients and the size of each client's budget (the more clients and budgets, the more the agency will earn).

Secondly, it is income from the provision of various related services (web analytics, audit of advertising campaigns, etc.).

Suppose that Romashka LLC has an online store that is in dire need of an influx of customers. Advertising budget - 100 thousand rubles. (for many small online stores this is a lot).

If our "flower" LLC agreed only to Yandex.Direct, then the agency with a budget of 100 thousand rubles. will receive a refund of about 13 thousand rubles. (before taxes).

Think how many clients (and what kind) does an advertising agency need to feed a small army of its employees, while leaving the owner the opportunity to purchase at least a BMW of the third series?

It is quite logical to assume that you need as many clients as possible. But how many clients can a contextual advertising specialist of this agency attract?

Yandex's client department has a standard of 30 clients per department specialist.

There are about 22 working days in a month. How much time do you think a PPC specialist is ready to devote to advertising campaigns for one client? And to do it effectively? And if “your” specialist gets sick or goes on vacation, will his partner (who also has 30 clients) be able to effectively conduct your advertising campaign not to the detriment of his clients? Questions are left open on purpose.

The agency needs a flow of clients with money. And as long as customers are happy with the fast averaged results, it's okay. But if a customer has a problem, then it is often easier for an agency to find a new, less picky client than to “tinker with a problematic one”.

Yes, there are exceptions. Yes, the more money you bring to the agency, the more willingly they will take care of you and solve your problems. But you must admit that this is not for the masses. Not all business leaders are ready to spend at least 100 thousand rubles. per month for contextual advertising.

From this situation, the following conclusions can be drawn:

- If you have a small (by agency standards) advertising budget, you are of no interest to anyone and can only rely on your own strength.

- If you start loading agency employees with requests and constantly pulling at them, you become a “problem client” (and if you also have a small budget, then it’s easier to “fire” you as a client).

- If you, having received a beautiful report and not seeing the promised increase in sales, start to find out something from the agency, you again fall into the category of “problem clients”. And most agencies again find it easier to find a replacement than to waste time on you (to the detriment of the time devoted to "normal clients").

It should also be noted that no agency guarantees you a sale. You can be promised them.

But you will get traffic, clicks, referrals to the site, “hot audience”, “interested visitors”. This is what is prescribed in any contract between you and an advertising agency. And your business needs sales! Oddly enough, there are several examples on the market that advertising agencies (or their representatives) do not like the current situation. For example, in 2012, a couple of "confessions" were made on those who made noise:

And even the statement of one web studio (which also deals with online advertising):

“We came to the conclusion long ago that it is impossible to deliver a quality product on the stream. We work in the field of internet marketing, and for most companies in this market, it all comes down to simple optimization and buying links.

For 3-4 years already, everyone has been persistently repeating that it is necessary to change, to approach the client individually (even the heads of the link exchanges), but after the conferences 99% of Internet agencies continue to force the technologies of manipulating SERPs. But only.

Indeed, in order to change the approach, you must first of all change yourself: your employees, technology. Rethink everything and implement an integrated approach.

For large companies this is a huge loss and, most likely, a complete renewal of the team. Without guarantees of at least a payback or previous profits ... "

Understanding all these subtleties [not] is pleasantly sobering, isn't it? And this is good. Because now is the time to move on to the next chapter and find out what no advertising agency in its right mind will tell you.

But first, I want you to understand one thing. I wrote all this about advertising agencies just so that you can clearly understand how this business works from the inside. After all, this will greatly simplify your search for agencies and further interaction with them.

And you will have to look for an agency or specialist. Simply because the leader has to deal with strategy, not tactics. Work in business, not in business.

If the director of the bus depot personally drives each bus, the park will soon cease to exist. There will be only one single bus for the sleepy and irritated director.

Therefore, anything that can be delegated needs to be delegated. In the case of contextual advertising, now you can do it as competently as possible.

Chapter 3. What No Online Advertising Agency in Their Right Mind Can Tell You

Just as an experienced salesperson is selling you not a product, but the sensations, emotions and results from the product (which will appear if you buy it), an advertising agency under the guise of "increasing sales and increasing profits" sells you clicks, conversions, traffic and "hot audiences. ". But you need a specific profit, right?

Let's look at what profit is in terms of numbers. There is a basic profit formula. There are several variations of this formula, but the most interesting is Den Kennedy's. Its formula looks like this:

Profit = M x sales volume,

while M is the margin,

and sales volume = number of customers x average revenue per customer.

In turn,

number of clients = L x Cv,

where L is leads (leads), that is, the number of potential (who found out about you, who came to the site or store, called) customers;

Cv - conversion rate (how many of those who learned about you potential clients turns into real ones, measured as the ratio of those who bought to those who came).

Average income per client = $ x #,

where $ - average check amount(how much on average one successful client brings you);

# – number of transactions(customer purchases for the period, in fact, these are repeated purchases).

Total we get:

Sales volume = L x Cv x $ x #,

and in its full version, the profit formula looks like this:

Profit = M x Sales = M x Leads x Cv x $ x #

Why do we need all these mathematical somersaults? So we come to one very simple conclusion, which business representatives overlook, and employees of advertising agencies keep silent with all their might: contextual advertising (and any other advertising, and not only on the Internet) is just a tool for influencing one single coefficient of the formula - on leads.

Agree that this lands a little from the heights of fantasies about fabulous profits that can be earned with the help of effective advertising (“Now we’ll find a cool agency or specialist, they will make a great advertisement for us, and the money will flow to us like a river!”).

And if at all subsequent stages there is a mess (managers do not pick up the phone, couriers are late, there is no product in the warehouse, the sellers are rude, the service is disgusting, after the sale the client becomes uninteresting, etc.), your entire advertising budget will be wasted.

Cynical contexters (people engaged in contextual advertising) even have a special term - "drain the budget." And after all, they "merge" (the more they "merge", the more Yandex will return them in the form of an agent return)!

But at the same time, for example, if you are working on increasing the conversion on the site (the Cv ratio in the profit formula), then increasing the conversion by 1%, say from 3 to 4%, you will increase the total sales by more than 30%.

This is exactly what Jay Abraham calls leverage. It's simple math and statistics - and perhaps the biggest illusion of business. Indeed, according to the basic profit formula, you can increase the profitability of your business in less costly ways (and often without a budget at all or with minimal costs).

Chapter 6. Three main mistakes in PPC advertising

It would seem, what is there to think? Your product.

- The first thing that comes to mind is a specific product. For example, iPhone 5.

- The second is a group of goods classified according to some criterion. For example, "Apple technique".

- The third is the store itself. For example: "Apple hardware store No. 1" or "We have a wide range and low prices."

- Fourth - specific actions. For example: "Only here, buying an iPhone 5 today, you get a cover + free shipping as a gift."

- Fifth (and most interesting) - content (as an element of two-step sales). For example: article "How to choose the right iPhone", e-mail newsletter: "iPhone without secrets", a blog of fans of a certain model or the same group in social networks, etc.

At the same time, the lowest efficiency in sales is given by advertising for a store and a product group. The most effective advertising of promotions, moreover, with specific goods.

For example, if for the query "iPhone 5" you see two ads at night:

The best mobile phone store. All models are in stock, wide range, low prices!

Apple iPhone 5. iPhone 5 is cheaper at night! Free morning delivery + gift.

Which ad will you click on?

At the same time, we are not talking here about the fact that only a few are able to work with two-step sales in Runet. And therefore, content advertising can deliver unexpectedly high performance. Of course, if you arrange such a work correctly (but this is a separate long conversation that can form the basis of another book).

We are also not saying that your move will not be entirely clear to your competitors. They'll just think you’re a crazy person who’s going to waste their budget on some free nonsense. By the way, this is one of the methods of getting out of the competition. You simply won't be considered a competitor. (Meanwhile, in subsequent stages, you will be able to sell the same as your competitors, but at a higher price. What is most interesting is that they will buy from you and not from competitors.)

Mistake number 3. "Non-observance of the ODC principle"

There is one interesting principle. He describes the universal formula for any truly effective advertising message in all the canons of direct marketing (direct response marketing). This is the principle Offer - Deadline - Call-to-action, ODC.

On the basis of this model, the overwhelming majority of promotions in foreign online stores are built (and there, for a number of reasons, promotions are held constantly, one after another).

What is this principle?

Offer- this is your "tasty" offer. And these are far from trivial discounts that work worse and worse. The offer can be tangible (a flash drive as a gift) or intangible ( free shipping) an incentive to buy. Or in the form of a discount after meeting the conditions ("buy three - the fourth for free"). In fact, this is the reason to buy from you.

Deadline Is a limiter. It has long been noticed that without a limiter, advertising is not so effective. You can limit it by time ("until tomorrow morning"), by quantity ("only the first five orders") or in a combined way ("the first five orders until tomorrow morning"). This is a good reason to buy from you right now.

Call-to-Action- literally this is a call to action: "buy!", "Come in!" All this, oddly enough, works and significantly increases the response to advertising.

Ryan Haley, a copywriter specializing in improving the performance of ads for contextual advertising, conducted two years of research and found that the most clickable ads are those that contain a call to action. The Yandex analytical group came to the same conclusions.

See, for example, the books published by Mann, Ivanov and Ferber in 2012 by Igor Mann, Marketing Without a Budget. 50 working instruments "and Alexander Levitas" More money from your business. Guerrilla Marketing in Action ”.

The literal translation from English of the combination ".com" - "dot com".

End of free trial snippet.


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