Drinking water treatment presentation. Water purification methods. Filters are of different types

Purpose of work: Purpose of work: To study the effect of water resources on human health, research on water quality and methods of purification and filtration of tap water. Objectives: Objectives: 1. Learn about the importance of water in human life; 2. To find out the functions of water in the body, physical and chemical properties of water; 3. Get acquainted with the definition of water quality. 4. Consider ways to improve water quality. 5. Find out how much and when to drink.

Relevance of the topic According to the research data (social survey of the district residents) 99% of the respondents use tap water for drinking, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. Only 1% of respondents use filters or use bottled water (which is also subject to doubt).

CONTENTS: 1) Introduction 2) Physical and chemical properties of water 3) Influence of water resources on human health 4) Water pollution 5) The main sources of drinking water pollution 6) Methods of drinking water purification 7) Types of water filtration 8) Changes in water properties 9) Definition water quality 10) Conclusion

1. Introduction. Water is a very common substance on Earth. Almost 3/4 of the earth's surface is covered with water, forming oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. A lot of water is in a gaseous state as vapor in the atmosphere; in the form of huge masses of snow and ice, it lies all year round on the tops of high mountains and in polar countries. In the bowels of the earth, there is also water that permeates the soil and rocks.

2. Physicochemical properties of water. Water has unusual properties. Its highest density is observed at a temperature of 4C. When fresh water bodies cool in winter, as the temperature of the surface layers decreases, denser masses of water sink to the bottom, and in their place, warm and less dense masses rise from below. This happens until the water in the deep layers reaches a temperature of 4C. Thanks to this, life does not stop under the ice. Sea water freezes at a temperature of -1.91C. With a further decrease in temperature to -8.2C, sodium sulfate begins to settle, and only at a temperature of -23C sodium chloride precipitates from the solution. Since part of the brine leaves the ice during crystallization, its salinity is less than the salinity of sea water.

3. Impact of water resources on human health. Poor drinking water quality and diseases are classified into four types: diseases caused by contaminated water (typhoid, cholera, dysentery, poliomyelitis, gastroenteritis, hepatitis). skin and mucous membranes resulting from the use of contaminated water for washing (from trachoma to leprosy). diseases caused by molluscs living in water (schistosomiasis and rishta). diseases caused by insects that live and reproduce in water - vectors of infection (malaria, yellow fever, sanitary and hygienic standards of water supply.)

Sometimes drinking water contains many salts of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids (chlorides and sulfates). They give the water a salty and bitter-salty flavor. The use of such water leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The incidence of caries depends on how much fluoride is in the water. Fluoridation of water is believed to be effective in preventing tooth decay, especially in children. But in addition to useful impurities in the water there are others that are dangerous to the human body: - sulfides (hydrogen sulfide) - arsenic - lead - nitrate - uranium - cadmium - aluminum

4. Water pollution. Few today doubt that the water we drink and use in everyday life needs additional purification, wherever it comes from - from a well, an artesian well or a water supply system. According to the statistics of the State Construction Committee of Russia, about 40% of the city's water supply network is now in an emergency state, not to mention country cottages and summer cottages, where the quality of natural water often goes beyond the sanitary standards. In their reports at scientific conferences, scientists more and more often state that not only non-drinking, but not even "household" water flows from our tap.

5. The main sources of drinking water pollution. 1. Municipal waste. Municipal waste water - contains both chemical and microbiological contamination and is a serious hazard. The bacteria and viruses contained in them are the cause of dangerous diseases: typhus and paratyphoid fever, salmonellosis, bacterial rubella, cholera embryos, viruses that cause inflammation of the peri-cerebral membrane and intestinal diseases.

1.Industrial waste. In groundwater, they are present in slightly smaller quantities than in surface waters. Most of this waste goes directly to rivers. In addition, industrial dust and gases settle directly or in conjunction with precipitation and accumulate on the soil surface. plants, dissolve and penetrate deeply. Therefore, anyone who is professionally engaged in water purification will not be surprised by the content of heavy metals and radioactive compounds in wells located far from metallurgical centers - in the Carpathians.

6. Methods of purification and filtration of tap water. On average in the country, practically every third sample of "tap" water does not meet hygienic requirements in terms of sanitary and chemical indicators and every tenth - in terms of sanitary and bacteriological indicators. For example: 1) Some urban water bodies contain from 2 to 14 thousand synthesized chemicals; 2) Only 1 percent of surface water sources meet the requirements of the first class, for which our traditional water treatment technologies are designed. At the entrance to the water supply system of the apartment, it is advisable to put a coarse filter, with a stainless steel mesh or polymer cartridges, which can trap suspension and rust.

7. Types of water filtration .. Bulk-type purification systems .. Mesh and disc filters for mechanical cleaning, removing undissolved mechanical particles, sand, rust, suspensions and colloids .. Ultraviolet sterilizers, removing germs, bacteria and other microorganisms .. Oxidizing filters, removing iron, manganese, hydrogen sulphide .. Compact household softeners and ion-exchange filters, softening, and also removing iron, manganese, nitrates, nitrites, sulfates, heavy metal salts, organic compounds. Adsorption filters that improve organoleptic characteristics (taste, color, odor) and remove residual chlorine, dissolved gases, organic compounds. Combined filters - complex multistage systems .. Membrane systems - reverse osmosis systems for the preparation of drinking water, the highest degree of purification.

8. Changing the properties of water. 1. Boiling water. When boiling water, bacteria are destroyed, colloidal particles of dirt coagulate, water softens, volatile organic substances and part of free chlorine evaporate. But the concentration of salts, heavy metals, pesticides, and organic substances is increasing. Chlorine associated with organic matter, when heated, turns into a terrible poison - a powerful carcinogen-dioxin, belonging to the category of poisons especially dangerous for health. We drink boiled water, and it worsens our health, slowly kills us.

2. Water settling. When the water settles for at least 3 hours, the concentration of free chlorine decreases, but iron ions, salts of heavy metals, carcinogenic organochlorine compounds, radionuclides, and some non-volatile organic substances are practically not removed.

Distillation of water. Distilled water is not suitable for continuous use, as it does not contain trace elements necessary for the body. Continuous use of it leads to disorders of the immune system, heart rate, digestion and health.

Filtration of water. Filter selection is a tricky business. In order to figure out which filter to buy (and their mass: coal, membrane, bactericidal, complex, etc.), you first need to have information about the composition and characteristics of your water. Only then it is necessary to select a filter based on the specified properties. This can only be done by a professional. A home filter is essentially a mini water recycling plant.

9. Definitions of water quality. The best water is the water of springs, but not all springs, but those flowing on clean ground or on stony ground, which is better preserved from decay. Good water in a spring, open to the sun and wind, and in a stream flowing along a clayey bed, since clay purifies the water, takes away foreign impurities from it, makes it transparent. Rainwater is well absorbed by the body and contains a minimum amount of harmful impurities. It promotes better digestion and absorption of food. Retains skin moisture, keeps it in balance. But all this applies to clean rainwater.

Snow water is very cold. The warmth of the stomach hardly warms her up. Snow water should also be used with caution due to the high contamination of the snow. Through experiments, scientists have established that snow water is living water in the full sense of the word

MELT WATER IS VERY USEFUL. In structure, it is similar to water, which is part of the blood and cells. Therefore, its use frees the body from additional energy costs for structuring water. It is effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis, cleanses the body of toxins, increases its defenses, stimulates reproductive mechanisms, and helps to rejuvenate the body. Specific cleansing of various organs with melt water: Cleansing the nose with water. Oral cleaning: teeth cleaning; massaging the gums with a brush; rinsing the mouth after eating with salt water. Rules for keeping a toothbrush between brushings. Cleansing the tongue. Throat cleansing. Cleansing the ears. Eye cleaning. Hair and scalp cleaning. DISTILLED WATER. P. Bragg, after 50 years, drank distilled water and advised others to do so. He considered it one of the medicinal means and emphasized: “it is not dead water. It is the purest water that a person can drink. Distilled water helps to dissolve toxins that accumulate in the body of a modern civilized person, it passes through the kidneys, leaving no inorganic remains of stones there. This is soft water. Wash your hair in distilled water and you'll see for yourself. " Bragg was wrong in extolling the virtues of distilled water. One and the most important disadvantage of this water is its purity from trace elements necessary for the vital activity of the body.

WARM WATER. The water is warm and slightly warmed up, useful for patients with epilepsy. Warm water, when consumed in large quantities, weakens the stomach, and if drunk in small portions and often, it flushes the stomach and weakens. Hot water increases the flow of blood during menstruation, urine flow, soothes pain. It does not quench thirst immediately and often leads to dropsy and thinness, drains the body. STANDING WATER. It is undesirable to use this water, as standing water is oversaturated with microorganisms and carries negative energy. Stagnant water can cause tumors, intestinal ulcers, and various skin diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to determine its composition. WATER IS COLD. In moderation, it is most suitable for healthy people and for those with too porous skin, suffering from effusions from any organs. It helps with fainting, hangover, vomiting, dizziness, thirst, fever, liver and blood diseases, and poisoning. Drinking cold water in small sips stimulates the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines and promotes the secretion of gastric juice, stimulates the appetite, improves digestion and promotes proper stool.

10. Conclusion. Water is the matrix of life, the basis of metabolism, changing its structure, its physical and chemical properties, it regulates life processes. Without water, any form of life is impossible - carbon silicon, etc. The water of the blood and lymph delivers all the necessary metabolites to the cells and tissues and removes metabolic products. Water is essential for the existence of all living organisms; since ancient times, it has been considered the primary source of life along with fire, air and earth. Water covers about 510 million square kilometers of the earth's surface (about ¾ of the surface). The total amount of fresh water on Earth is about 24 million cubic meters. km.

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Defending Procedure: Poured some tap water into one. Cover with a cloth to prevent foreign matter from entering the water. After some time, depending on the volume of water, sediment settles on the bottom: in glasses after 20 minutes, in large containers after 2-3 hours. The precipitation is different in color saturation and quantity. After settling, he carefully poured clean water into other containers, leaving 1/3 of it as unfit for use. Conclusion: The settling procedure is long-term, in order to get rid of the sediment, it is necessary to drain it along with 1/3 of the water. This method can only get rid of mechanical impurities. After settling, the water must be boiled. (Part 2)

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Boiling Procedure: I pour water from the tap that looks completely transparent. I'm boiling water. When heated, the water changes color to yellow (precipitation of iron salts). As the temperature rises, the water takes on a reddish tint. After boiling water for at least 5 minutes, I settle it. The settling process is much faster. I pour over water, excluding the precipitated precipitate. Conclusion: Boiling only partially solves the problem of water purification. Evaporation of water occurs. The concentration of salts increases, they are deposited on the walls in the form of scale. This process requires additional financial costs (payment for the consumed electricity or gas), it is required to track the boiling time of water. (Part 3)

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Filtration Procedure: I take a funnel-shaped mesh filter and pass tap water through it. Observing fine mechanical particles settled on the filter walls. Pure water flows through the filter. Conclusion: The advantage of this method is its low financial cost. The water is seemingly clean enough, without impurities of mechanical particles. The process is not laborious, but it takes time. (Part 4)

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Adsorption Procedure: From the items available in everyday life, I chose a container for food purposes (a plastic bottle and cut off the bottom). Prepared fine gravel sand, charcoal, two pieces of fabric for the interlayer. Let's fill the bottle with them. I poured water, after 20 minutes I received about 0.50 liters of water, a little gray. I repeat the process. I carry out the upholding. The gray "dusty" cloud settles to the bottom in 15 minutes. The water becomes clear. I merge. Conclusion: The method is effective for any water pollution, including if there are dissolved gases in the water. Coal adsorbs these gases and retains small particles of impurities. This method is applicable even in the field (for the treatment of swamp water) (Part 5)

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Distillation Procedure: Find all the necessary items for the experiment (a glass jar, a container for collecting condensate, a kettle, a dish holder). Preparing a device for distillation. I fill the kettle with tap water, put foil under the lid to prevent steam from passing through the lid. I'm boiling. The spout of the kettle is directed towards the jar. Condensation drips from the walls of the can in transparent drops. After 30 minutes, we get 150 milliliters of distilled water. Conclusion: The process takes a long time, the water yield is small, and the energy consumption is high. But the water is perfectly clean! (Appendix VI) Conclusion: The process takes a long time, the water yield is small, and the energy consumption is high. But the water is perfectly clean! (Part 6)

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Freezing Procedure: Pour tap water into a dish that is resistant to low temperatures and put it in the freezer. After 1.5 hours, I take out some of the frozen ice from the dishes and remove it. I put the rest of the water back into the freezer. And I take it out in 2-3 hours. Turning the ice over, I observe a space filled with unfrozen water, we pour it out without regret (it contains harmful impurities). I melt the remaining ice, this is pure water. Conclusion: There are no additional costs (the refrigerator always works), the water is cleaned of harmful impurities, but mechanical particles may be present in small quantities. (Part 7)

SCIENTIFIC - PRACTICAL WORK Topic: Water purification methods. Completed by: 4th grade student of the MAOU "Gymnasium No. 108" Dmitry Saveliev Supervisor: Kuznetsova N.V.

Relevance of the topic. Water stands out in the history of our planet. There is no natural body that could compare with it in its influence on the course of the main, most grandiose geological processes. There is no earthly substance - a mineral, a rock, a living body, which would not contain it. All earthly matter is permeated and embraced by it.

Purpose of the research: studying the methods of water purification and their comparison of their results using an experiment. Objectives: 1. To study methods of water purification from ancient times to the present day. 2. To study the effect of harmful substances contained in water on the human body. 3. Try to create a semblance of a water filter from available tools and compare its cleaning result with the result of cleaning using a modern household filter.

At the dawn of mankind, when the Earth was not yet so overpopulated, and people did not pollute it with their waste, drinking water was almost perfectly clean and did not require additional purification systems. People only tried to give the water an improved taste with the help of berries, flowers and fruits. And they got rid of turbidity by simply settling drinking water.

The first purification systems for water filtration. Some kind of theirs was created in China and consisted of ordinary reed reeds impregnated with coagulants.

Hippocratic Sleeve. One of these simplest filters even went down in history as the "Hippocratic arm".

Preimages of modern filters. Their principle of action was close to natural purification processes and consisted in the passage of water through a layer of various substances: crushed stone, sand and charcoal.

But soon these treatment systems became insufficient. At different ends of the planet, special treatment facilities began to be created, designed to store, accumulate and purify water.

Progress has forced the creation of new ways to purify water.

I conducted a survey in my class on the topic: Do you use household filters for water purification at home?

It turns out that most kids use filters, but there are a few people who don't use filters yet.

Experiment 1.

Clearer water began to drip from the straw.

Experiment 2.

Then I melted the ice.

The water has become cleaner.

Experiment 3.

The household filter purified the water much better.

Conclusions. there are different ways of water purification: settling, using reed reeds, the "Hippocratic Sleeve", boiling, exposure to sunlight, etc. A person can create a homemade filter from scrap materials, but it will purify water only from mechanical impurities. A modern household filter is able to purify water from harmful chemical impurities, so it is more effective.

Thanks for your attention!

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"Methods for the formation of nouns" - The suffix method for the formation of nouns. One more way awaits us - adding the foundations. Demon + order \u003d mess with + traveler \u003d satellite Sub + heading \u003d subtitle. Under + window + nickname Under + beard + ok Under + snow + nickname. Words are formed from derived roots. Listen carefully! The practical part.

Waste water treatment - Treatment of waste water containing dyes. Aerobic and anaerobic cleaning stages. Aerobic cleaning method using aeration tanks. Flotation wastewater treatment. Characteristics of anaerobes and anaerobic processes: "+". Aerobic purification systems. All attention is focused on the liquid part - the filtrate.

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What is water? Water is a solution consisting of many chemical substances of man-made and natural origin. The water contains: ions of light, heavy metals - gold, lithium; gases - oxygen, ozone, chlorine; Inorganic and organic substances - salts, acids, alkalis; Insoluble organic impurities of organic and inorganic origin - sand, rust, silt.

Factors determining water quality Color Floating impurities Floating impurities Suspended particles Suspended particles Dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen Pathogens of diseases Pathogens of diseases Toxic substances Toxic substances Odors Taste Acidity Mineral composition Mineral composition Hardness

Traditional methods of water purification Through coarse grids (large floating objects are retained) Mechanical cleaning Through fine sieves (smaller particles are captured) Filtration Water passes through filters (reservoirs dug into the ground). At the bottom of the filter is a layer of gravel, then a layer of fine sand up to 70 cm thick.

Water quality in our city Due to the severe pollution of surface waters, artesian waters are the main source of drinking water supply. Water quality is tested in the Vodokanal laboratory. In all water intakes of the city, the water meets the requirements of San PiN. In the northern part of the city, there is a slight excess in stiffness.

Water disinfection (water disinfection) is a set of measures taken to purify water from microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, cysts, etc.). As numerous studies show, the quality of drinking water largely depends on the method and mode of its disinfection. Existing methods of disinfection of drinking water are divided into reagent, reagent-free and combined.

Non-reagent water disinfection methods include: ultraviolet water disinfection - UV water disinfection; ultrasonic water treatment. In combined methods of water disinfection, two methods of disinfection or two disinfectants are used, one of which is capable of retaining its activity in water for a long time.

Chlorination of water is the most common way of disinfecting drinking water using gaseous chlorine or chlorine-containing compounds that react with water or salts dissolved in it. As a result of the interaction of chlorine with proteins and amino compounds contained in the membrane of bacteria and their intracellular substance, oxidative processes, chemical changes in the intracellular substance, decay of the cell structure and the death of bacteria and microorganisms occur. Disinfection (disinfection) of drinking water is carried out by dosing chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chloramine and bleach. Cl 2 + H 2 O \u003d HClO + HCl

Disinfection of water with chlorine dioxide With the advent of safe technology for the production of chlorine dioxide, many respected scientists declare that chlorine dioxide will become an important disinfectant and oxidizer in the world in the next 20 years, just as chlorine made a splash 100 years ago. According to data for 2011, chlorine dioxide is accepted as disinfectant in many countries. It is used in many industries where water safety is important, including drinking water supply, wastewater treatment, food and beverage processing, and water bottling plants.

Ozonation of water is a more high-tech method of water treatment. Ozone is an allotropic modification of oxygen. At normal temperatures, it spontaneously dissociates, especially in water. As the water temperature rises, ozone decomposition increases. The bactericidal effect of ozone is associated with the active penetration of this reactive oxygen form through cell membranes and the subsequent oxidation of organic substances, which causes the death of the bacterial cell. Along with disinfection, ozonation improves the taste and eliminates water odors.

Silvering of water If you choose the right filter for silvering water, then the residual content of silver dissolved in water will not exceed ... water treatment. At present, safe installations and technologies of water silvering have been created. On the basis of them, you can get guaranteed clean drinking water without chlorine and bacteria.

Water iodization is a disinfection method that uses iodine-containing compounds. As a bactericidal agent, iodine has been known for a long time and is widely used in medicine. Difficulties are associated with the low solubility of iodine in water; therefore, its organic compounds are most often used. In addition, water iodization can cause specific odors. Unlike chlorine, iodine does not react with ammonia and is more resistant to the effects of solar radiation.

Ultraviolet treatment of water consists in the direct effect of radiation on nucleic acids that make up the DNA and RNA of all living organisms. Disinfection of water by ultraviolet radiation is lethal for most microorganisms, including viruses and protozoan cysts that are resistant to oxidative methods. Tested in Kharkov.

Ultrasonic treatment of water Fluctuations of a medium with frequencies exceeding 20 kHz are called ultrasonic. When ultrasound propagates in water, around objects that are in it and have a different density, microscopic areas of very high pressure (tens of thousands of atmospheres) appear, followed by high rarefaction. This phenomenon is called ultrasonic cavitation. No microorganism is able to withstand such influences and the bacteria are mechanically destroyed.

Distillation is a liquid purification process, which consists in the evaporation of a liquid followed by condensation of steam. In this case, the separation of liquid multicomponent mixtures into fractions differing in composition occurs by partial evaporation of the mixture and condensation of the resulting vapors. Distillation can separate liquids from dissolved solids or liquids with very different boiling points. Distillation systems must also contain activated carbon, since there is no other way to remove low molecular weight, highly volatile organics (such as chloroform).

Practically for all countries of the world the problem of drinking water purification is becoming more and more urgent every year. This is due to the ubiquitous deteriorating environmental situation. The problem of drinking water in Ukraine is nationwide. The quantity and quality of piped water is at the heart of the problem. The poor condition of water bodies is one of the main reasons for the poor quality of tap water.

Today the alternative to tap water is bottled drinking water. Production and consumption of water packaged in containers is increasing in Ukraine. Since such water is a special product and should not only be safe and harmless to health, but also tasty, healthy and physiologically complete.


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