Posting to Instagram. Official advertising on Instagram. Advertising placement through specialized exchanges

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Advertising on Instagram opens up tremendous opportunities for attracting target audience in companies of all sizes. If before nobody perceived Insta as an advertising platform, now something incredible is happening here.

The activity is high, there are a lot of promotion tools (and Facebook continues to add new ones). One cant: the more players join this movement, the higher the competition becomes. Well, by the way, as elsewhere.

I have one question for you: are you in the subject? Do you want to reach the multi-million target audience of Instagram users, attract them to your project / business and turn them into customers?

If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place. I will help you create and launch an Instagram ad campaign.

In this article, I'll walk you through everything you need to know to create your first ad, as well as analyze the effectiveness of your ad campaign and improve your results.

This article was based on buffer Blog Guide... Therefore, the platform statistics are presented in English.

Navigating through the guide

Instagram marketing campaigns are built around Facebook's vast and powerful advertising system. Never before have advertisers been able to target audiences based on age, interests and behavior so targeted.

Therefore, our guide turned out to be quite voluminous. To make it easier for you to read it and not overload your head, six short chapters have been allocated.

You can read them from start to finish (I will really appreciate it!) Or go to the part that interests you:

How to choose goals, define target audience, place ads, set up a budget and schedule, how to run Instagram ads on Facebook.

A detailed breakdown of each of the formats you can use for your ads, along with instructions on how to create them.

A quick guide to promoting existing Instagram posts as ads.

Screenshots and tips for using Facebook Ads Manager to measure and analyze your Instagram ad performance.

A short chapter with answers to some popular questions about Instagram advertising.

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Instagram Marketing

5 reasons to advertise on Instagram

  1. Audience growth

    Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media platforms. TrackMaven analyzed 26,965 brands across different industries and found that 100% of companies grew their Instagram followers between 2015 and 2016.

  2. Attention

    On average, users spend 50 minutes daily on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger. In the US, every fifth minute of using a smartphone is spent on Instagram or Facebook.

  3. Determination

    An Instagram study found that 60% of app users admit that they learn about products and services on Instagram, and 75% say that after viewing Instagram ads, they take certain actions: visit the site, look for information about the company or tell friends about it.

  4. Targeting

    Instagram ads are hosted on the Facebook ad system, which is famous for its powerful targeting capabilities.

    You can define your target audience by location, demographics, interests, behavior, and more.

    You can even make your audience of people who have already bought your products or interacted with your company, as well as users similar to them.

  5. results

    According to Instagram data, which has evaluated over 400 campaigns from around the world, the responsiveness to Instagram ads is 2.8 times the Nielsen norm for online ads.

Do you need Instagram ads and is it right for you?

1. Demographics - can you find your target audience on Instagram?

According to Statistic data as of December 2015, the largest group of Instagram users in the US is between 18 and 34 years old (26%), followed by users aged 18-24 years (23%).

The Pew Research Center found that in the US, Instagram is mostly used by women (38%), not men (26%). And although the study only took into account Americans, we are confident that similar trends can be traced globally.

Chapter 3: Instagram Ads: 6 Ad Formats

With your budget, audience and placements in mind, it's time to create your ads.

You can choose from six ad formats for Instagram - four of them are suitable for feed and two for Instagram Stories.

Instagram feed formats

Here are four Instagram feed ad formats (more on Instagram Stories ad formats later):

  • Ring gallery (with 2 or more scrolling images or videos)
  • One image
  • One video
  • Slide show
  • Canvas (Instagram does not support this format at the moment).

Advice: You will find all the requirements for images and videos in the Facebook Ads Manager section when you upload media files.

Ring gallery

These are ads with 2 or more scrolling images or videos.

How to create a Ring Gallery ad:

If you haven't connected your Instagram account, you can do it now.

The next step is to create cards for your ad. You can add up to 10 cards to one ad.

For each card:

Advice: Facebook has a great an overview of the carousel format... There you will find examples, best practices, guidelines, and more.

Instagram Stories ad formats

Instagram Stories ads will appear between user stories. There are two formats available for such advertising:

  • One image
  • One video

Advice: To create an Instagram Stories ad, you need to select the Reach target and select Stories under the Placements section.

A small addition about Instagram Stories (not related to advertising)

Have a question - how to add an active link to your Instagram story?

So, I’ll explain right away without any preludes: in order to add a link to Stories, you need to have an Instagram business account and at least 10,000 subscribers. Only after that you will have such an opportunity.

I described the whole process in more detail on the blog,

Chapter 4: Instagram Ads: Creating In-App Ads

If you don't want to create ads in Facebook Ads Manager, you can do so directly from the Instagram app.

The app allows you to promote existing posts from your Instagram account - in fact, this is the only way to use existing Instagram posts as ads.

Before starting work, you must consider several requirements:

  • You need to get an Instagram business profile (

How to make and place ads on Instagram: video tutorial and tips

The main points are:

How much does Instagram advertising cost

You determine the budgets yourself. It all depends on you. If we talk about the cost of a click, then my indicators are approximately the same. On average, a click costs 8-10 rubles for similar audiences. A click on the retarget base costs 3-5 rubles. I now advertise there only on the basis of the retarget. On average, I think you need at least 300 rubles a day to get at least some results from advertising.

What it is?

Let's say you have a customer base for your product. You can upload this database to Facebook, and using the "Similar Audiences" tool, the system will select an audience that will be as similar as possible to existing customers. Age, gender, interests, etc. will be taken into account. This tool greatly facilitates the work of finding your audience.

In addition, this tool can be used not only on the basis of existing customers, but also on the basis of people that you can collect using the Facebook pixel.

If you do not have a base that could serve as a basis for "similar audiences", then before launching an advertisement on Instagram, I advise you to think about the target audience of your product. Facebook has a fairly well thought out system of detailed targeting, which allows you to select exactly the audience that needs your product.

That's all, the setting itself is shown in the video tutorial above. I hope the lesson was useful for you!

Ask your questions in the comments, and you can also read about (all methods).

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers! Today I again propose to discuss some of the nuances. Namely - promotion through advertising and earnings on it. The topic arose for a reason. Soon the first of October, which means that Instagrammers have a reason to celebrate the anniversary of the start of advertising campaigns in their favorite social media. networks. This resource is quite young and surprisingly popular, so advertising on Instagram has not yet had time to "overgrow" the high cost, it is available even for beginners and is very effective.

Effectiveness is evidenced by impartial statistics:

  • social the network has 400 million active users;
  • 80 million new photos appear on the pages every day;
  • 75% of users are not residents of the United States, but representatives of other countries;
  • according to statistics, over the past six months, half of new users came from Europe and Asia;
  • the monthly Russian audience browsing Instagram is 18.5 million people.

I think the numbers are quite compelling, especially when you add that Instagram is one of the fastest growing networks in the world, and the above data may soon change upward.

1. Targeted advertising on Instagram, advantages

You ran an advertising campaign on Instagram, and it turned out to be less successful than that of your competitors - it's not about the site itself (bad, good - this does not happen a priori, if the ad is successful, then it will work as it should), but in the nuances of the resource. Instagram is not as easy as many people think of it, and requires careful work to create an ad that would perfectly fit into its specifics. Those who understood this, turned out to be the winners, quickly and without problems promoted their account (brand).

  1. Targeted advertising on Instagram for an advertiser is much cheaper than in other popular social media. networks, since there are fewer competitors. Yes, a year has passed, advertisers have realized the benefits of Instagram, and the pricing policy has still remained loyal.
  2. The huge number of users allows the advertiser to count on a rapid growth in the number of subscribers, 30-40 percent of which will be the target audience.
  3. According to research data from Kenshoo, Instagram users are 2.5 times more likely to click on ads than on other posts. And the overall activity of Instagrammers is much higher than that of other social media users. networks.
  4. The high loyalty of Instagram users to brands is a very attractive moment for companies. The GlobalWebIndex agency has conducted a series of studies that have shown that Instagram users are very active in subscribing to company accounts. This is not observed on Facebook and VKontakte.
  5. Instagram targeting options from Facebook. This social. Over the years, the monster has collected a huge amount of data about its users and now allows it to be used for advertising on Instagram.

2. How does Instagram advertising work and who is it suitable for?

Despite all its attractiveness in terms of creating advertising companies, Instagram is not suitable for some companies, especially if their activities are related to the production and sale of 2b2 goods. Companies that "sit" on Instagram did not come there to look for suppliers of the necessary equipment or software for their own activities. They came to sell their goods or services, and they themselves are busy advertising their goods.

In addition, returning to the statistics, I should note that the main Instagram audience is women aged 17 to 35, so products that are of interest to them will be in much greater demand.

How advertising on Instagram works and, most importantly, for whom, it becomes clear after studying the age category of users. Those companies that are interested in this particular segment of consumers - young women - get extremely high results after launching their ads.

Just don't think that only perfume, tights and white fur coats are advertised on Instagram. I am just informing you about the most common and demanded types of goods, but I do not deny at all your capabilities, luck or talent in advertising. There are exceptions on Instagram, when advertisers offering complex and serious goods and services have managed to achieve stunning results by acting outside the box. But there are very few such cases.

Therefore, a few tips for those who do not want to miscalculate:

  • If you decide to advertise on Instagram non-standard for this social. chain goods, then act outside the box: you need maximum creativity and high-quality visual confirmation that the product is really good - you are selling construction foam, so tell us about it in an unusual, bright way, post a series of extraordinary photos - and you will definitely find buyers;
  • If you do not risk going beyond the standard preferences of Instagram users, then your product should be attractive both visually and in terms of price, present the most ordinary Chinese sweaters in a way that no one else will present, choose the most successful product photos for advertising.

3. Advertising in the social. Instagram network, who should be doing it?

  • online stores (subject to placement of successful photographs of a visually attractive product - cosmetics, bags, clothes, shoes, children's things and toys);
  • developers of mobile offers;
  • hand-made craftsmen and shops of materials for needlework;
  • restaurants, bars, cafes, persons who prepare homemade meals at home and distribute them to offices;
  • travel companies;
  • companies involved in the organization of solemn and festive events (weddings, birthdays);
  • companies offering repair and interior design services, as well as landscape design;
  • flower shops;
  • freelancers (photographers, copywriters, translators, book authors, website developers, web designers), by the way, advertising with bloggers on instagram, if you paid attention, the most lively and catchy, if you like, you can order a similar one for yourself from them, the price depends on the popularity and demand of the author.

4. Advertising in Instagram, types and costs, level of efficiency

  • transitions to the website is one of the easiest ways to get traffic, however, do not forget about an important nuance: if it is more interesting or more convenient for the user to study your product on the Instagram page, he can be lured to the official website only with a very, very, very sweet gingerbread. therefore, come up with a way to keep the attention and loyalty of users both in the account and on the site (these can be discounts, participation in contests with prizes, cash incentives for comments - a standard marketing set);
  • promotional videos lasting 30 (!) seconds, in other social media. do not count on more than 15 networks, videos can be with or without calls, but it is important that they do not annoy users;
  • carousel advertising - the essence is to fit several photos into the ad text, which replace each other - they rotate, ensuring the ad or brand memorability, this advertising format is in demand among large companies.

As for the cost, no one will tell you a certain figure that is the same for all types of advertising and for all categories of accounts, since the category of a page is a conditional concept and depends on the "usual" or "stardom" of its owner, rating, target audience, activity of subscribers.

  • quality of advertising, presence or absence of calls to action;
  • the planning of your advertising campaign, its goals;
  • specificity of target audience;
  • the uniqueness of the offer;
  • features of your business (brand).

Advertising on Instagram, the types and cost of ads, depend on nuances that many consider to be insignificant trifles, but I would not advise you to treat them so dismissively - there are no such things in promoting trifles.

If you still require specific numbers, then I can only name the approximate cost of advertising, it fluctuates a lot: there are accounts that modestly ask 3-10 rubles per click (a suitable option for budget-constrained beginners to advertise their page), and there are those who need to pay 100-150 rubles for the same click (when your account reaches a certain rating, you can also make money on advertising by setting the same prices or higher).

Start from these amounts, determine for yourself how many advertisements and what type you can master, foresee the budget for the advertising campaign in advance.

From the moment the official advertising on Instagram starts, your account (brand) gets a chance for recognition, traffic and increase in the number of sales. Instagram is a really powerful tool for promoting and developing a business, which has been proven by more than one success story that began in this social media. networks.

I don’t want to convince you, to urge you now, to hastily put together an advertisement and launch it. Firstly, a rush in this matter will not give results, and secondly, you yourself need to choose the optimal platform for promotion. I just inform all interested users about the possibilities of Instagram. And I wish success to those who will promote on this or any other site.

5. What other ways are there to advertise on Instagram?

I think you have already noticed more than once that some incomprehensible person subscribes to your page, or someone incomprehensible likes you or leaves a comment - it doesn't matter. In any case, most users with interest go to the page from which the action was performed and see who drew attention to it.

Thus, it turns out that we can also do simple actions with other pages, thereby motivating the user to go to our account, where he can see our ads.

On the one hand, this is an easy way to attract attention, on the other hand, doing such work is very tedious. Well, you will do 100-200 actions in a couple of hours and then you will get so tired of it that you won't want anything for another week. Moreover, it is worth considering that not everyone will be interested in your proposal, which means that clicking on everyone in a row is not the case.

But what if there was such a program that could do such work, say, from 1000 operations per minute. Moreover, if this program could also work for the audience we need, for example, only for men in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Agree, it would be great. And money for paid advertising could be saved and time for self-promotion.

So, I hasten to rob you, there is such a miracle. This program is called Socialkit. All you need to start working with it is to register on the site, download the program and install. The result will not be long in coming.

6. Conclusion and conclusion

Actually, this is where my today's article ends and therefore I would like to summarize.

Today we have analyzed only a part of all possible types of advertising on Instagram. However, I think there is already enough information to get started. Without a doubt, over time, more articles will appear on the blog with a description of special tools and services that facilitate promotion in this social media. networks.

And before completing the article, I want to appeal to users who already have experience in this matter: please share your experience in the comments, I'm sure many of the readers - it will be interesting.

Respectfully yours, Sergey Ivanisov.

People without flaws have very few merit

If you are on Instagram and periodically scroll through the feed, then you probably came across advertising. And most likely they clicked on this ad. And sometimes they even found what you needed. Delivery of land or any hydraulic pumps in the suburbs.

The peculiarity of this ad is that Instagram ads are usually launched through Facebook, which can cause a number of difficulties. Therefore, we decided to publish a step-by-step guide "How to set up advertising on Instagram", which will help you overcome these barriers and launch your ad in just 20 minutes. You will also get acquainted with the basic targeting settings for different audiences.

How to run Instagram ads: an overview of all possible ways

How to properly set up Instagram ads on Facebook: a detailed guide

The first thing to start with. You won't be able to launch ads without a business profile.

Setting up an advertising account on Facebook

Next, we move on to setting up an advertising account. After setting up a business profile, a "Promote" button appears under the posts on Instagram, but when using this method of launching advertising, you will have more limited options for targeting settings.

To do this, go to Facebook and on the main page, select "Create advertisement" in the left column.

In the payment methods, click "Add payment method" and link your debit or credit card, to confirm the link, Facebook will debit you a symbolic amount of up to 100 rubles, and then credit it back to the card.

Creation of an advertising campaign

We open Facebook. You need the page to which you linked your Instagram account. In the top menu, click "Create - Advertising". A window for creating an advertising campaign will open, where the system prompts us to choose a goal for us.Then we return to the "Ads Manager" tab.

Click "Create company".

Coming up with a name. Try to make the names speakable so that later it is easier to navigate and analyze them.

You can choose not everything as a goal of promotion, and if your advertising is aimed at promoting an account on Instagram or attracting an audience, then the only correct option is “Engagement”.

Then “Engagement for Publication”.

Ad group creation and targeting

At this stage, you need to select the audience to which the ad will be displayed, set the ad display time and budget limits. Depending on who your target audience is and in which region you work, configure the settings as shown in the figure.

In detailed targeting, you can set the interests of the target audience. For example, if you have gynecology, then your interests may be children, childcare, motherhood. But pay attention, in the figure, “Marketing” is selected as an interest 4 times, which at the same time covers completely different people who study marketing, those who work in marketing and who hold the position of a marketer.

Placement types are the most important setting!

Here you need to click edit placements and disable by unchecking the Facebook impressions checkbox. Even if you want to advertise both there and there, it is better for Facebook to create a separate company.

In determining the budget, be guided by your goals and capabilities, but for a start, you can put 100 rubles a day. Even with this, you will get good feedback!

Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Continue.

Create an ad

1. Using the current publication. You can use a post from your Facebook business page as an advertising post. You won't be able to get likes and comments to your post on Insta. Therefore, we recommend the second option, create a separate ad post.

2. Create a new ad

Choose "One Image".

Then we load 6 different images. Why 6? When you upload 6 images, different images will be shown on Instagram one by one and those that users like, Instagram will show more often. This way you can do an A / B test and more.

We add the ad text and on the right we are presented with a view of our advertising on Instagram. We press to place an order, after which our advertising campaign will go for moderation, after which the impressions will begin.

That's all! Now look at the clock, managed to meet in 20 minutes? Write your answer in the comments!

How to make Instagram selling ads?

We figured out the technical issues, now let's move on to creativity and try to make a selling advertising on Instagram, which will allow you to get the most out of the funds invested in it.

Since Instagram is a social network in which the emphasis is shifted towards visualization, the task of an advertising image is to attract and retain attention. To do this, it must be bright and different from what we usually see in our feed, otherwise the person will simply scroll past and not noticing you.

In the first example, it may seem that this is another photo of your girlfriend or someone else, the look does not cling to anything. In the second ad sample, a bright background is selected and text is used to convey the offer. By the way, the text on the image should be no more than 20%, otherwise Instagram will limit the audience of the display.

Announcement text

As for the ad text of the ad, the most important of it is better to place it on the image, since the text under the post is much less read. It is better to write the main benefit, price or call to action on the photo that will be shown in the advertisement. And already under the image itself, you can describe the proposal itself in more detail.

In the fall of 2015, Facebook opened the possibility of creating and launching targeted advertising to users on the Instagram social network. In this article, you will see step-by-step instructions on how to set up this ad through Facebook Ads Manager.

What does Instagram ads look like?

It looks like a regular Instagram post, plus it might have a call-to-action button at the bottom leading to an external site, and there is always an ad tag in the top right corner.

What can you advertise on Instagram?

  • link to an external website (including using video instead of photos)
  • link to an external website with conversion tracking
  • video
  • mobile applications

Facebook is also promising to add the ability to advertise any post from your Facebook Page, but my account doesn't have this option yet.

Step-by-step instructions for setting up Instagram ads

Preliminary actions.

Step 1. Connect your Instagram account in advance to the fan page you will be using for advertising.

To do this, go to Fan Page Settings, on the left, open the "Instagram Ads" section and click the blue "Add Account" button.


An important feature!
1 Instagram account can only be linked to 1 fan page. You can remove it from the Page and re-link to another at any time.

Question: is it possible to do Instagram ads without connecting an account? Yes. What this affects, read further in the article.

That is, I choose the Goal to Redirect People to a Website.

Note! On the right, you are shown the approximate coverage of people per day for the budget that you specified. Moreover, the reach on Facebook is less than the reach on Instagram. This means that advertising on Instagram is now cheaper.

Step 5. Scroll down and move on to the final step - Customizing the ad appearance.

If you choose a video, then you again have a choice: upload your video from your computer or create a video based on slides.

The parameters that the video and slideshow should correspond to, Facebook suggests to the right:

Remember: Facebook skips images in which the text takes up a maximum of 1/5 of its area (that is, 20%).

The aspect ratio for Instagram can be taken 1: 1 or 1.91: 1. In this example, I am using the exact same image that I use to advertise in Facebook News Feed on computers. Its dimensions are 600 by 315 pixels.

Even lower in the left column, you configure only 3 options:

- select the very fan page to which you linked your Instagram account,
- write the advertising text itself,
- and choose what will be written on the button (I chose "Details").

Now on the right, you can preview how your Instagram ad will look live. To do this, click on the horizontal "bar" where it says "Instagram new":

To disable unnecessary, click Delete to the right. Leave only Instagram.

You just have to press the green button "Place an order".

How to see an ad on Instagram itself?

Go to Ad Manager. Open your Campaign, Group and ad within it. There will be an "eye" icon on the right. Click it. A pop-up window will appear. In it, click the link below "View Instagram Permalink with Comments".

The inconvenience of this preview: you cannot test the operation of the button leading to an external site, since it is displayed only in the mobile version of Instagram.

All other functions for ad editing, targeting, budgeting, stopping and restarting ads are exactly the same as with any Facebook ad.

Now you know how to create Instagram ads with Facebook Ads Manager. Please share your results in the comments.


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