The hardest steel in the world. The most durable metal: what it is. Iridium is the most durable metal

Strength and density are one of the main characteristics of all currently known chemical elements. Most strong metal in the world has amazing properties and is successfully used in various branches of human life.

The strongest metal in the world is titanium. Scientists did not come to this opinion immediately after the discovery of this element at the end of the 18th century of the last century. At first, titanium seemed quite fragile, but in 1925 this substance was isolated in its pure form, which became a real sensation.

This metal has very high strength, but relatively low density. It is 2 times stronger than iron. Many people wonder why steel has not received such an honorary title. But in reality, it is not a metal. It is just an iron and carbon based alloy.

Titanium is practically never used in its pure form. Experts have learned to combine it with other elements in order to reduce the cost of the material and increase its most important characteristics.

Due to their extraordinary strength and lightness, titanium alloys are used in medicine, military industry, mechanical engineering, and jewelry. For example, it is used to make surgical instruments, prostheses, and even heart valves. This metal is practically non-corrosive. This property is very much appreciated. Experts found that patients were not allergic to titanium prostheses, so in some areas of medicine only alloys based on this element are used. Scientists also noted the high compatibility of titanium with human tissues. This substance is widely used in the manufacture of orthopedic prostheses.

Titanium is used in the construction of submarine hulls, as well as in the space industry. Some parts of racing cars are made from titanium alloys. In this case, it is very important that the car is not only strong but also relatively light. Reducing mass has a positive effect on the ability to accelerate to high speeds.

Titanium alloys are used in the construction industry. They make various decorative items: gutters, ebbs, roof ridge. Titanium produces jewelry... These products are classified as expensive jewelry, but many of them look just great and do not lose appearance over the years. Studies were carried out, thanks to which it was possible to establish that the described metal is completely safe for human health.

Titanium is not a rare element; it is mined in Russia, India, Japan, South Africa, and Ukraine. In terms of prevalence, it ranks 10th among all metals. This has a very positive effect on its cost. Titanium alloys can be purchased at a relatively low price, which is very important, since in some industries it is used in large quantities. And the price plays an important role in the choice of material.

Most durable metal in the world it is titanium. It is used to make medical instruments, equipment, as well as some parts of cars, submarines, aircraft. Alloys based on it are famous for their ability to resist corrosion and retain their properties for a long time.

Since they have the highest density. Among them, the heaviest are osmium and iridium. This is the density index of these metals is almost the same, except for a slight calculation error.

Iridium was discovered in 1803. It was discovered by the English chemist Smithson Tennat while researching natural platinum brought from South America. Translated from ancient Greek, the name "iridium" means "rainbow".

Scientific interest as a source electrical energy represents an isotope of a heavy metal - iridium-192m2, since this metal is very large - 241 years. Iridium is widely used in industry and paleontology - it is used for the production of pens for pens, for determining the age of the layers of the earth.

Osmium was discovered by chance in 1804. This hardest metal was discovered in chemical composition sediment of platinum dissolved in aqua regia. The name "osmium" comes from the ancient Greek word for "smell". There is almost no such metal in nature. Most often it is found in the composition. Like iridium, osmium is almost not subject to mechanical stress. One liter of osmium is much heavier than ten liters of water. But this property of this metal has not yet found application anywhere.

The hardest metal, osmium, comes from Russian and American mines. However, South Africa is recognized as its richest deposit. Osmium is often found in iron meteorites.

Osmium-187, exported only by Kazakhstan, is of particular interest. It is used to determine the age of meteorites. One gram of this isotope costs 10 thousand US dollars.

The industry mainly uses a hard alloy of osmium with tungsten (osram) for the production of incandescent lamps. Osmium is also a catalytic substance in production. It is quite rare that cutting parts for instruments in surgery are made from this metal.

Both heavy metals - osmium and iridium - are almost always contained in the same alloy. This is a certain pattern. And to separate them, you need to make a lot of effort, because they are not as soft as, for example, silver.

When it comes to the most durable metal in the world, for sure, many imagine a formidable warrior in armor and with a sword from damascus steel... However, steel is far from the strongest metal in the world, as it is made by alloying iron with carbon and other additives. The hardest of pure metals is considered titanium!
There are two different versions about the origin of the name of this metal. Some say that the silvery substance began to be called that. in honor of the fairy queen Titania (from Germanic mythology). Indeed, in addition to being a very durable metal, it is also amazingly light. Others are inclined to believe that the metal got its name from the Titans - the strong and powerful children of the Earth goddess Gaia. Be that as it may, both versions look quite beautiful and poetic, and have a right to exist.

Titanium was discovered by two scientists at once: the German M.G. Klaptor and the Englishman W. Gregor. Such a discovery, with a difference of six years, was made at the end of the 18th century, after which the substance was immediately added to the periodic table. There it occupied the 22nd serial number.

True, due to its fragility, the metal has not been used for a long time. Only in 1925, after going through a series of experiments, chemists managed to obtain pure titanium, which became a real breakthrough in human history. The metal turned out to be very technological with low density, high specific strength and corrosion resistance, as well as high strength at high temperatures.

In terms of mechanical strength, titanium and six times the strength of aluminum. That is why the list of possible uses for titanium is endless. It is used in medicine for osteoprosthetics, in the military industry (to create a submarine hull, armor in aviation and nuclear technology). Also, the metal has established itself in sports and jewelry, the production of mobile phones.


By the way, in terms of distribution on earth, the strongest metal in the world takes the tenth position. Its deposits are located in South Africa, China, Ukraine, Japan, India.

Although, judging by the latest discoveries in the field of chemistry, over time, titanium will have to give the title of super-metal to another representative. Not so long ago, scientists invented a substance stronger than metal. This is "liquid metal", or in translation - "liquid". The miracle substance has managed to establish itself as stainless and flawless for casting. And although humanity still needs to work hard to learn how to fully use the new metal, perhaps the future will belong to him.

Metals include substances that have specific, characteristic properties. At the same time, they take into account the high plasticity and malleability, as well as electrical conductivity and a number of other parameters. Which of them is the most durable metal, you can find out from the data below.

About metals in nature

The word “metal” came to the Russian language from German. Since the 16th century, it has been found in books, although quite rarely. Later, in the era of Peter I, it began to be used more often, and then the word had a generalizing meaning "ore, mineral, metal." And only during the period of M.V. Lomonosov, these concepts were delineated.

In nature, metals are rarely found in pure form. Basically, they are part of various ores, and also form all kinds of compounds, such as sulfides, oxides, carbonates and others. In order to obtain pure metals, which is very important for their use in the future, they must be isolated and then purified. If necessary, metals are alloyed - special impurities are added in order to change their properties. Currently, there is a division into ferrous metal ores, which include iron, and non-ferrous ones. Precious or noble metals include gold, platinum and silver.

There are metals even in the human body. Calcium, sodium, magnesium, copper, iron - this is the list of these substances that are found in the greatest amount.

Depending on the further use, metals are divided into groups:

  1. Construction materials. They use both the metals themselves and their alloys significantly improved in properties. In this case, they value strength, impermeability to liquids and gases, and uniformity.
  2. Tool materials, most often referring to working part... Tool steels and carbides are suitable for this.
  3. Electrical materials. Such metals are used as good conductors of electricity. The most common of these are copper and aluminum. And also used as materials with high resistance - nichrome and others.

The toughest of metals

The strength of metals is called their ability to resist fracture under the influence of internal stresses that can arise when these materials are affected. external forces... It is also a property of a structure to retain its characteristics for a certain time.

Many alloys are quite strong and resistant not only to physical, but also to chemical influences; they do not belong to pure metals. There are metals that can be called the most durable. Titanium, which melts at temperatures above 1,941 K (1660 ± 20 ° C), uranium belonging to radioactive metals, refractory tungsten, boiling at a temperature of at least 5,828 K (5555 ° C). As well as others that have unique properties and are necessary in the process of manufacturing parts, tools and items for the most modern technologies... The five most durable of them include metals, the properties of which are already known, they are widely used in various sectors of the national economy and are used in scientific experiments and developments.

It is found in molybdenum ores and copper raw materials. Has high hardness and density. Very refractory. Its strength cannot be reduced even under the influence of critical temperature changes. It is widely used in many electronic devices and technical means.

A rare earth metal with a silvery-gray hue and shiny, crystalline formations on the fractures. Interestingly, beryllium crystals have a slightly sweet taste, which is why it was originally called "glucinium", which means "sweet". Thanks to this metal, new technology, which is used in the synthesis of artificial stones - emeralds, aquamarines, for the needs of the jewelry industry. Beryllium was discovered while studying the properties of beryl, a semi-precious stone. In 1828 the German scientist F. Wöller obtained metallic beryllium. It does not interact with X-ray radiation, therefore, it is actively used to create special devices. In addition, beryllium alloys are used in the manufacture of neutron reflectors and moderators for installation in nuclear reactor... Its refractory and anticorrosive properties and high thermal conductivity make it an indispensable element for creating alloys used in aircraft and aerospace industries.

This metal was discovered in the middle Urals. M.V. wrote about him. Lomonosov in his work "The first foundations of metallurgy" in 1763. It is very widespread, its most famous and extensive deposits are located in South Africa, Kazakhstan and Russia (Ural). The content of this metal in ores varies greatly. Its color is light blue with a sheen. In its pure form, it is very hard and works well enough. It serves as an important component for the creation of alloy steels, especially stainless steels, used in electroplating and aerospace industries. Its alloy with iron, ferrochrome is necessary for the production of metal-cutting tools.

This metal is considered valuable, since its properties are only slightly lower than those of noble metals. It has strong resistance to various acids and does not corrode. Tantalum is used in various structures and compounds, for the manufacture of products with complex shapes and as a basis for the production of acetic and phosphoric acids. The metal is used in medicine because it can be combined with human tissues. A heat-resistant alloy of tantalum and tungsten needs rocket industrybecause it can withstand temperatures of 2,500 ° C. Tantalum capacitors are installed on radar devices, used in electronic systems like transmitters.

Iridium is considered one of the most durable metals in the world. Silver-colored metal, very hard. It belongs to the platinum group metals. It is difficult to process and, moreover, refractory. Iridium practically does not interact with caustic substances. It is used in many industries. Including in jewelry, medical and chemical industries. Significantly improves the resistance of tungsten, chromium and titanium compounds in relation to acidic environments. Pure iridium is not a toxic material, but some of its compounds can be.

Despite the fact that many metals have decent characteristics, it is quite difficult to pinpoint exactly which is the most durable metal in the world. To do this, study all their parameters, in accordance with various analytical systems. But at present, all scientists claim that iridium confidently occupies the first place in strength.

01/18/2016 at 17:21 · Johnny · 110 650

Top 10 strongest metals in the world

The use of metals in everyday life began at the dawn of human development, and the first metal was copper, since it is available in nature and is easily processed. No wonder archaeologists during excavations find various products and household utensils from this metal. In the process of evolution, people gradually learned to combine various metals, obtaining more and more durable alloys, suitable for the manufacture of tools, and later weapons. In our time, experiments continue, thanks to which it is possible to identify the strongest metals in the world.


  • high specific strength;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • low density;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • mechanical and chemical resistance.

Titanium is used in the military industry, aviation medicine, shipbuilding, and other areas of production.


The most famous element, considered one of the strongest metals in the world, and under normal conditions is a weak radioactive metal. In nature, it is found both in a free state and in acidic sedimentary rocks. It is quite heavy, ubiquitous and has paramagnetic properties, flexibility, ductility, and relative ductility. Uranium is used in many areas of production.


Known as the most refractory metal in existence, and among the toughest metals in the world. It is a solid transitional element of a shiny silver-gray color. Possesses high strength, excellent refractoriness, resistance to chemical attack. Due to its properties, it lends itself to forging, and stretches into a thin thread. Known as tungsten filament.


Among the representatives of this group, it is considered a high-density transition metal of a silvery-white color. In nature, it occurs in its pure form, but it is found in molybdenum and copper raw materials. It is characterized by high hardness and density, and has excellent refractoriness. Has increased strength, which is not lost at multiple temperature changes. Rhenium belongs to expensive metals and has a high cost. Used in modern technology and electronics.


A shiny, silvery white metal with a slightly bluish tint, it belongs to the platinum group and is considered one of the most durable metals in the world. Like iridium, it has a high atomic density, high strength and hardness. Since osmium belongs to platinum metals, it has properties similar to iridium: refractoriness, hardness, brittleness, resistance to mechanical stress, as well as to the influence of aggressive media. Found wide application in surgery, electron microscopy, chemical industry, rocketry, electronic equipment.


It belongs to the group of metals, and is a light gray element with relative hardness and high toxicity. Due to its unique properties, beryllium is used in a wide variety of industries:

  • nuclear power;
  • aerospace engineering;
  • metallurgy;
  • laser technology;
  • nuclear power.

Due to its high hardness, beryllium is used in the production of alloying alloys and refractory materials.


The next in the ten most durable metals in the world is chromium - a hard, high-strength metal of bluish-white color, resistant to alkalis and acids. It is found in nature in its pure form and is widely used in various branches of science, technology and production. Chromium Used to create various alloys that are used in the manufacture of medical as well as chemical technological equipment... In combination with iron, it forms an alloy of ferrochrome, which is used in the manufacture of metal cutting tools.


Tantalum deserves bronze in the ranking, as it is one of the most durable metals in the world. It is a silvery metal with high hardness and atomic density. Due to the formation of an oxide film on its surface, it has a lead tint.

Distinctive properties of tantalum are high strength, refractoriness, corrosion resistance, and aggressive media. The metal is a fairly ductile metal and is easy to machine. Today, tantalum is successfully used:

  • in the chemical industry;
  • in the construction of nuclear reactors;
  • in metallurgical production;
  • when creating heat-resistant alloys.


The second place in the ranking of the most durable metals in the world is occupied by ruthenium - a silver metal belonging to the platinum group. Its peculiarity is the presence of living organisms in the muscle tissue. The valuable properties of ruthenium are high strength, hardness, refractoriness, chemical resistance, and the ability to form complex compounds. Ruthenium is considered a catalyst for many chemical reactions, acts as a material for the manufacture of electrodes, contacts, sharp tips.


The rating of the most durable metals in the world is headed by iridium - a silvery-white, hard and refractory metal that belongs to the platinum group. In nature, a high-strength element is extremely rare, and is often combined with osmium. Due to its natural hardness, it is difficult to machine and highly resistant to chemicals. Iridium reacts with great difficulty to exposure to halogens and sodium peroxide.

This metal is playing important role in everyday life. It is added to titanium, chromium and tungsten to improve resistance to acidic environments, is used in the manufacture of stationery, and is used in jewelry to create jewelry. The cost of iridium remains high due to its limited presence in nature.

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