Job description of the operator agzs. Responsibilities of the filling station operator. Safety requirements at the end of work

On the basis of this Instruction, an appropriate production instruction... The personnel performing operations on filling liquefied gas cylinders of cars must clearly know and strictly follow all the requirements set forth in the production and job descriptions. Near the filling stations on the stand under the glass should be posted: instructions for refueling LPG gas-cylinder vehicles; warning posters and inscriptions "Flammable", "No smoking", etc. The driver of a gas-cylinder vehicle, when refueling, must follow all instructions of the service personnel of the filling station.

Job description of the operator of filling stations of the 2nd category

Shift foreman (signature) (surname, initials) (date) I am familiar with the instructions: (signature) (surname, initials) (date) ^ 6 Job description of the gas station electrician (hereinafter - the gas station electrician) AGREED Chairman of the trade union committee (signature, full name, position ) (date) APPROVED (signature, name, position) (date) ^ I General Provisions 1.1 The gas station electrician belongs to the category of workers. 1.2 Appointment to the position of a locksmith and release from it is carried out by order of the head of the gas station on the proposal of the shift foreman. 1.3 The electrician of the gas station in his work observes: the rules for the installation of electrical installations, the rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers and safety rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers in the scope of the position held; rules for the safe operation of technological equipment used at filling stations; internal labor regulations.

Increasing uniqueness

Among these conditions:

  • necessary education;
  • work experience;
  • professional skills;
  • legislative and local documents that the employee must be familiar with before starting work.

In addition, in the same part of the instruction, the rules for hiring, dismissing and replacing an employee are established, the place of the staff unit in the organizational staffing table is determined and the employee's immediate superior is appointed.

  • Official rights and responsibilities. Labor legislation obliges the employee to perform only those labor functions that are assigned to him labor contract and job description (i.e. the employee has the right not to carry out any other assignments). That is why the specified part of the instructions is the main one in the document and requires a careful and balanced approach during development.

Work as an operator at a gas station

An overfilled cylinder must be immediately emptied of excess LPG; monitor the LPG pressure by the pressure gauge on the dispenser, not exceeding it by more than 1.6 MPa (16 kgf / cm2); do not hit the cylinder. In the event of emergency situations at the time of refueling (when the pressure on the dispenser rises above 1.6 MPa (16 kgs / cm2), if a leak is detected during filling the car's cylinder, at filling stations, when the filling hose breaks, etc.), it is necessary : stop refueling immediately; turn off the filling valve on the car; close the filling valve on the filling hose; if necessary, turn off the shut-off valves in front of the dispenser; turn off the pumping and compressor equipment; prohibit cars from entering the speakers and turning on car engines; report the incident to the shift supervisor.

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Job description of the senior operator of the gas station AGREED Chairman of the trade union committee (signature, full name, position) (date) APPROVED (signature, full name, position) (date) ^ I General 1.1 The senior operator of the gas station belongs to the category of workers. 1.2 Appointment to the position of a senior operator of a gas station and release from it is made by order of the head of the gas station on the proposal of the master. 1.3 Senior operator of the filling station in his work observes: rules of safe operation of technological equipment used at the filling station; LPG accounting rules and procedure for keeping records; internal labor regulations. 1.4 The senior operator of the gas station is directly subordinate to the master.

Job description of the operator of a gas distribution station of the 4,5,6th category

Ensures that workers comply with labor and production discipline, rules and instructions for the safe conduct of work, technological regimes and regulations, and ensures the use of safe working practices. 2.6. Checks the condition of workplaces, the correct operation of equipment, mechanisms, devices and tools. 2.7. Monitors the smooth operation of ventilation and lighting systems, the presence and good condition of protective, blocking and safety devices, automatic control and alarm devices.
2.8. Analyzes the results of inspections of workplaces, inspection of equipment and mechanisms, examines the identified violations and shortcomings, informs employees of the circumstances and causes of accidents. 2.9. Organizes the implementation of measures to improve working conditions. 2.10.

Forms: job description to the master of a gas station (gas filling) station

Performance evaluation and responsibility 5.1. The results of the work of the master of the filling (gas) station are assessed by the head structural unit (other official). 5.2. The master of a filling (gas) station is responsible for: - non-performance (improper performance) of his job responsibilities; - non-observance of the internal labor regulations, rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety; - misuse and incomplete use of the granted rights; - poor-quality performance of duties of subordinate employees; - low performing and labor discipline employees subordinate to him; - causing material damage organizations - in accordance with applicable law.

Responsibilities of the tanker operator

LPG of gas-cylinder vehicles; keep operational production documentation; strictly observe the rules of operation of technological equipment, safety regulations and fire safety; follow the rules internal regulationsinstalled at the gas station. ^ III Rights 3.1 Senior operator of the filling station has the right to: get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the filling station concerning its activities; require management to ensure safety measures, compliance with the necessary sanitary and living conditions relating to its activities; demand PPE, overalls, safety footwear and safe tools from the management; make suggestions for improvement production activities within their competence.

When working at non-automated gas distribution stations and hydraulic control units with a daily gas productivity of over 1.0 million m3 or when operating at automated gas distribution stations and control units with all types of services with a daily gas production capacity of up to 1 million m3 6th grade - When operating at automated gas distribution stations and control units with all types of services with a daily gas production of over 1 million m3. 1. General Provisions 1. The operator of the 4th grade gas distribution station is classified as a worker. 2. The operator of a gas distribution station of the 4th category is a person with secondary specialized education and work experience in this position for years.

3. The operator of the gas distribution station of the 4th category is accepted for the position and dismissed from the position (by whom, position) 4.
This is due to the large number labor functionsthat require increased concentration and attention, as well as the fact that the employee is in constant contact with clients and carries out monetary settlements. The main responsibilities of a gas station operator include:

  • organization of reception, storage and delivery of fuel;
  • financial settlements;
  • work with clients;
  • compliance with fire safety rules.

This is a general and far from complete list of job responsibilities of a gas station operator. A complete list of job duties of a gas station operator is established in his job description - an internal document that each organization develops independently based on the characteristics of its work.

  • constantly be in the workplace.
  • At the end of the shift, the operator must:
  • provide an explanatory note in case of emergency situations that occurred during the shift;
  • transfer duty to the shiftman, fixing the transfer in the shift log.

The typical range of duties of a filling operator given here does not take into account the specifics of the work of a particular gas station, therefore, when developing a job description and establishing the job description of an employee, any employer can build on the list given by us, taking into account the realities of the work of his enterprise.
IV Responsibility 4.1 The filling station filler is responsible for: improper performance or non-performance of his official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan; for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan; for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Job description of a gas station operator

Job description of the gas station operator | Sample

Job description of a gas station operator.


1.1. This job description defines the goals and objectives, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the Petrol Station Operator.

1.2. The operator reports directly to the administrator of the gas station.

1.3. The operator is subordinate to the Refuellers and the Janitor.

1.4. The operator must be fluent in all the methods of work on cash registers, terminals for servicing electronic cards and control terminals for fuel dispensers used at the enterprise.

1.5. The operator must know:

1.5.1. decisions, orders, orders, other governing and regulationsconcerning the work of gas stations and the conduct of cash transactions;

1.5.2. forms of cash documents;

1.5.3. rules of acceptance, collection, accounting and storage money;

1.5.4. the procedure for registration of incoming and outgoing documents;

1.5.5. limits of cash balances established for the enterprise;

1.5.6. rules for keeping a cash book, drawing up cash statements;

1.5.7. operating rules for cash registers, electronic card service terminal and fuel dispenser control terminal;

1.5.8. "Rules for working with clients", "Safety rules", "Fire safety rules at gas stations", "Internal labor regulations";

1.5.9. job descriptions of the Tanker and the Janitor.


2.1. Fast service that takes a minimum of time from the Client, accuracy and precision when performing operations.

2.2. Uninterrupted operation of the gas station.

2.3. High-quality service for the maximum number of clients.

2.4. Clear and coordinated work of the filling station personnel.


3.1. Go out for your shift in clean clothes and have a neat appearance.

3.2. Serve clients strictly in accordance with the "Rules for working with clients".

3.3. Carry out operations for accepting payment and supplying customers with the fuel they purchase, namely:

3.3.1. in case of cash payment (by amount or by number of liters):

- receive funds from the client according to the amount or number of liters named by the client, as well as information about the type of fuel to be filled and the fuel dispenser number;

- clearly tell the client the amount of funds received from him, the number of liters dispensed, the type of fuel and the fuel dispenser number.

- include fuel supply for the amount or number of liters paid by the client.

- punch a check on the cash register

3.3.2. in cash (up to a full tank):

- receive funds from the client, as well as information about the type of fuel to be refueled and the number of the fuel dispenser;

- clearly tell the client the amount of funds received from him, the number of liters dispensed (up to a full tank), the type of fuel and the fuel dispenser number.

- include fuel supply for the amount paid by the client.

- name the amount of change due to the buyer and give the change to the buyer along with the check (paper bills and small change are issued by the Cashier at the same time).

3.3.3. for cashless payments (electronic cards TNK):

- receive an electronic card from the client, as well as information about the number of liters to be filled, the type of fuel to be filled and the number of the fuel dispenser;

- insert the card into the terminal and check the availability of funds on the card;

- clearly tell the client the number of liters dispensed (up to a full tank), the type of fuel and the fuel dispenser number;

- include the supply of fuel in the amount specified by the client (in the case of supply to a full tank, include the supply of fuel in an amount that does not exceed the funds available on the client's card);

- after stopping the dispenser, punch a check on the cash register.

- issue the client a card and a check, punched by the terminal;

3.3.4. for cashless payments (coupons):

- receive a coupon from the client, as well as information about the fuel dispenser number;

- clearly tell the client the amount of dispensed liters, the type of fuel and the fuel dispenser number;

- turn on the supply of fuel in the amount indicated on the coupon;

- punch a check on the cash register;

- cut the coupon along the tear-off line, stamp both halves and give the client the half due to him.

3.4. Refunds to customers only if the amount of fuel ordered by the customer does not fit into the tank. Refund:

3.4.1. on electronic cards in accordance with the instructions for using the terminal;

3.4.2. in cash in accordance with the instructions for using the cash register and the rules for conducting cash transactions.

3.5. Ensure the safety of money at the cash desk, namely:

3.5.1. not to allow the presence in the "operator's" of unauthorized persons not related to the staff of the gas station;

3.5.2. handle money with care (do not pollute it and do not make any inscriptions on paper bills).

3.6. Transfer money to collectors, namely:

3.6.1. prepare the amount for collection;

3.6.2. fill in three covering sheets equally;

3.6.3. check the identity card of bank employees;

3.6.4. receive a receipt from the collectors for accepting money.

3.7. Take fuel into the tanks in the following sequence:

3.7.1. measure the fuel level in the tank before draining;

3.7.2. to serve all the customers who remained after blocking the entrance to the gas station.

3.7.3. Estimate the amount of fuel in the fuel truck.

3.7.4. If there is a shortage of fuel in the fuel truck, do not take the car to the drain, but if the level is normal, take documents from the driver (TTN and Passport).

3.7.5. continue to supply fuel to customers, except for the type of fuel that is being drained;

3.7.6. measure the fuel level in the tank after draining;

3.8. Do not allow water to enter the tanks. Make sure that once a shift, and during periods of rains and heavy snow melting, constantly (at least once an hour) the refueller checks the presence of water in the mines of the tanks and, if it appears, pumps it out.

3.9. Hand over the shift (accept the shift) by filling in (checking the completion) the following documents:

3.9.1. shift report (2 copies);

3.9.2. supplement to the shift report;

3.9.3. fuel meter readings report;

3.9.4. indicator of counters for cash registers and information on revenue;

3.9.5. cash book;

3.9.6. a book on the reception of petroleum products;

3.9.7. documents for accepted fuel.

3.10. Supervise the work of subordinates, namely:

3.10.1. set tasks for subordinates in accordance with their job descriptions and monitor the implementation of assigned tasks;

3.10.2. determine the type and amount of responsibility of subordinates in case of non-observance of their job descriptions.

3.11. Inform the management about the existing gaps in customer service at the gas station.

3.12. Maintain a clean and tidy workplace.

3.13. Observe the "Fire safety rules at gas stations" in the event of a fire or emergency, act in accordance with these rules.


4.1. The operator has the right:

4.1.1. Temporarily close the filling station in the following cases:

- fuel intake;

- the occurrence of an emergency;

- change shift.

4.1.2. Take, relying solely on the "Rules for working with a client" appropriate actions to eliminate conflict situations and the reasons that led to them.

4.1.3. Make proposals to the administration of the enterprise aimed at improving the work of the Operator or the enterprise as a whole.

4.1.4. Submit proposals to the administration of the enterprise on additional incentives for the work of refuellers and a Janitor.

4.1.5. To inform the administration of the enterprise about the facts of manifestation of incompetence or unprofessionalism on the part of the filling station personnel.


5.1. The operator is responsible for:

5.1.1. failure to fulfill the tasks assigned to him.

5.1.2. inaccurate information about the status of execution of the tasks and orders received, violation of the deadlines for their execution.

5.1.3. failure to comply with orders, orders of the direct management and administration of the enterprise.

5.1.4. violation of the "Rules for working with clients", "Internal labor regulations", "Fire safety rules" "Safety rules".

5.1.5. violation of the rules for conducting cash transactions.

5.1.6. loss, damage, lack of money and other material values in accordance with the full liability agreement concluded with the Cashier.

5.2. The types and sizes of the Operator's responsibility are determined by orders of the enterprise administration.


6.1. The Operator's work schedule is determined in accordance with the "Internal Labor Regulations" established at the enterprise.


7.1. This job description is drawn up in three copies:

7.1.1. the first copy for the Operator;

7.1.2. second copy for the Administrator;

7.1.3. the third copy for the head of the enterprise;

7.2. This job description is signed by the employee hired and the head of the enterprise

7.3. The employer reserves the right to make additions or changes to this job description

I have read the instructions:

"_____" ________________ 200

^ 3 Job description of the senior operator of the gas station

^ I General

1.1 The senior operator of the gas station is classified as a worker.

1.2 Appointment to the position of a senior operator of a gas station and release from it is made by order of the head of the gas station on the proposal of the master.

1.3 The senior operator of the gas station in his work observes:

LPG accounting rules and procedure for keeping records;

1.4 The senior operator of the gas station is directly subordinate to the master.

^ II Job responsibilities

2.1 The senior operator of the gas station is obliged to:

Follow all orders and instructions of the master;

Perform work in accordance with the production instructions and regulations for refueling LPG gas-cylinder vehicles;

^ III Rights

3.1 Senior operator of the filling station has the right:

^ IV Responsibility

4.1 The senior operator of the gas station is responsible for:

Shift master


(surname, initials)

I have read the instructions:


(surname, initials)

^ 4 Job description of the operator for filling gas-cylinder vehicles at gas stations (hereinafter - Filler)

^ I General

1.1 The filling station of the gas station belongs to the category of workers.

1.2 Appointment to the position of a filling station filler and dismissal from it is made by order of the head of the filling station on the proposal of the shift foreman.

1.3 The filling station of the filling station in its work observes:

Rules for the safe operation of technological equipment and instrumentation and automation used at the gas station;

Internal labor regulations.

1.4 The filling station of the filling station is directly subordinate to the shift master.

^ II Job responsibilities

2.1 The filling station is obliged to:

Follow all orders and instructions of the shift foreman;

Carry out work in accordance with the production instructions and regulations for refueling LPG gas-cylinder vehicles. One operator is allowed to service no more than two gas dispensers at the same time;

Strictly observe the rules of operation of technological equipment, safety regulations and fire safety;

Observe the internal regulations established at the gas station.

^ III Rights

3.1 The filling station of the filling station has the right:

To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the filling station concerning its activities;

Require management to ensure safety measures, to comply with the necessary sanitary and living conditions related to its activities;

Require PPE, overalls, safety footwear and safe tools from the management;

Make suggestions for improving production activities within their competence.

^ IV Responsibility

4.1 The filling station filling station is responsible for:

Shift master


(surname, initials)

I have read the instructions:


(surname, initials)

^ 5 Job description of a mechanic-repairman for maintenance of technological equipment at a gas station (hereinafter - a mechanic-repairman of a gas station)

^ I General

1.1 The gas station repairman belongs to the category of workers.

1.2 Appointment to the position of a gas station repairman and dismissal from it is made by order of the head of the gas station on the proposal of the shift foreman.

1.3 A gas station repairman in his work observes:

Rules for the safe operation of technological equipment used at the filling station;

Internal labor regulations.

1.4 The gas station repairman is directly subordinate to the shift foreman.

^ II Job responsibilities

2.1 A gas station repairman must:

Carry out work in accordance with the production instructions: maintenance and safe operation of pressure vessels, maintenance and safe operation of pumps and compressors pumping LPG, operation of instrumentation and automation, maintenance and safe operation of process gas pipelines, fittings and utilities, for maintenance and safe operation of ventilation systems, for draining LPG from autogas tankers to the tanks of gas stations;

Maintain operational production documentation;

2.2 Observe the internal regulations established at the gas station.

^ III Rights

3.1 Locksmith - repairman of the gas station has the right:

To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the filling station concerning its activities;

Require management to ensure safety measures, to comply with the necessary sanitary and living conditions related to its activities;

Require PPE, overalls, safety footwear and safe tools from the management;

Make suggestions for improving production activities within their competence.

^ IV. A responsibility

4.1 A gas station repairman is responsible for:

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Shift master


(surname, initials)

I have read the instructions:


(surname, initials)

^ 6 Job description of the gas station electrician (hereinafter - the gas station electrician)

^ I General

1.1 The gas station electrician belongs to the category of workers.

1.2 Appointment to the position of a locksmith and release from it is carried out by order of the head of the gas station on the proposal of the shift foreman.

1.3 The gas station electrician in his work observes:

Rules for the design of electrical installations, rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers and safety rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers in the scope of the position held;

Rules for the safe operation of technological equipment used at the filling station;

Internal labor regulations.

1.4 The gas station electrician is directly subordinate to the shift foreman.

^ II Job responsibilities

2.1 The gas station electrician is obliged to:

Possess knowledge and skills in accordance with the Unified tariff - qualification handbook work and professions of workers and carry out work in accordance with the production instructions for the operation of electrical equipment, instrumentation and A - conduct an external inspection of electrical equipment (the state of the input of wires and cables in electrical equipment, the integrity of glass lamps, the state of grounding, the operation of the ventilation of the backpressure of rooms with electrical equipment and instrumentation and A , the presence of warning notices and performance signs on electrical equipment, the temperature of the outer surfaces of the case, the integrity of fasteners), preventive tests, repair of electrical equipment;

Maintain operational production documentation;

Strictly observe the rules of operation of technological equipment, safety regulations and fire safety.

Observe the internal regulations established at the gas station.

^ III Rights

3.1 The gas station electrician has the right to:

To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the filling station concerning its activities;

Require management to ensure safety measures, to comply with the necessary sanitary and living conditions related to its activities;

Make suggestions for improving production activities within their competence.

^ IV. A responsibility

4.1 The operator of the gas station is responsible for:

Correct and safe operation of electrical equipment at the filling station;

Improper performance or non-performance of their duties as provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Infliction of material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Shift master


(surname, initials)

I have read the instructions:


(surname, initials)

Appendix 5

To the "Rules for technical and

Safe operation

List of basic instructions for filling station personnel

I Job instructions

  1. Head of gas station

  2. Changeable master

  3. Senior Operator

  4. Filler

  5. Locksmith - repairman for the maintenance of technological equipment

  6. Locksmith - electrician

II Instructions

  1. Maintenance and safe operation of pressure vessels

  2. Maintenance and safe operation of pumps and compressors pumping LPG

  3. Maintenance and safe operation of filling and drain dispensers

  4. Electrical equipment operation

  5. Instrumentation and automation operation

  6. Maintenance and safe operation of technological gas pipelines, valves and utilities

  7. Maintenance and safe operation of ventilation systems

  8. On the discharge of the control system from the tank cars of the gas carriers into the tanks of the gas station

  9. Refueling LPG gas-cylinder vehicles

  10. By conducting renovation works inside tanks, apparatuses, technological gas pipelines

  11. For carrying out hot and gas hazardous works

  12. First aid for victims of LPG exposure

Appendix 6

To the "Rules for technical and

Safe operation

Gas filling stations (AGZS) "

^ Typical production instructions for refueling LPG cylinders of gas-cylinder vehicles

This manual has been developed for service personnel for filling gas cylinders of gas-cylinder vehicles in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents.

Based on this Instruction, a corresponding production instruction must be developed and approved by the management of the gas station.

The personnel performing operations on filling liquefied gas cylinders of cars must clearly know and strictly follow all the requirements set forth in the production and job descriptions.

Near the filling stations on the stand under the glass should be posted:

LPG refueling instructions for gas-cylinder vehicles;

Warning posters and inscriptions "Flammable", "No smoking", etc.

When refueling, the driver of a gas-cylinder vehicle must follow all instructions of the service personnel of the gas station.

The driver of the car arriving at the gas station must have the following documents with him to present to the filling station employees:

Waybill with a mark of the enterprise mechanic about the serviceability of gas equipment and a permit for refueling (except for vehicles of individuals);

Registration with the authorities Public service security road traffic Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the conversion of a car to gas equipment;

A certificate for the right to use gas equipment issued by a specially authorized state supervision body with an indication of its validity period.

Before a car enters the territory of a gas station for refueling, the driver must:

Drop off passengers;

Move at a speed not exceeding 5 km / h;

Stop at the stop sign, which must be installed in front of the petrol platform at a distance of at least 20 m from the petrol pump;

Enter the filling station only at the command of the filler and turn off the engine.

Before starting refueling after installing the car in the filling box, indicated by the filler, the driver is obliged to present to the filler all required documents... In the event of violations in the execution of documents, their absence or invalidity of any of them in terms of validity, the filler is obliged to immediately send the car outside the territory of the gas station.

Purge with liquefied gas vapor before filling an approved or new cylinder.

Refueling a gas vehicle should be carried out in the following sequence.

After checking with the filler of documents, the driver must: remove the key from the ignition; install the hand parking brake; leave the cockpit; open the rear and front hoods.

The filler must:

Visually inspect technical condition gas equipment and the technical condition of the car, while it is necessary to pay attention to: the period of the next survey; the presence of installed inscriptions; serviceability of valves and valves; serviceability of the cylinder body (no cavities, dents, corrosion, dents); cylinder mount; changes in equipment design; the presence of breaks in the insulation of the electrical wiring and gasoline wiring of the car; the presence of leaks from the connections;

Close the supply valve on the LPG equipment of the vehicle;

Remove safety plugs from the filler neck;

Connect the filling hose to the filling nozzle, make sure it is securely connected;

Open the filling valve;

Make sure there is residual pressure in the cylinder;

Slowly open the tap on the filler head of the hose (clamp, filler nozzle);

Make sure there is no leakage in the connecting parts.

If it appears, immediately close the valve on the filling clamp and the filling valve, reconnect the filling hose to the filling connection and repeat the last three operations.

If a leak is found in other places caused by damage to the equipment, you must immediately stop refueling and remove the car from the territory of the gas station using auxiliary means without starting the engine.

After filling the cylinder according to the driver's request, as determined by the display of the filling station, the filling must:

Close the valve on the gas filling hose;

Close the filling valve on the vehicle;

Disconnect the dispenser gas filler hose from the car's LPG system filler neck;

Install safety plugs on the filling connection;

Inform the driver about the end of the car refueling.

The driver, having received a command from the filler to complete the refueling, must:

Open the flow valve slowly;

Make sure that there are no leaks in the gas equipment of the car;

Start the engine and make sure there is no leakage under the hood of the car;

Drive the car away from the filling station at a safe distance;

Make a full payment for refueling with the operator in accordance with the values \u200b\u200bof the gas meter;

Receive from the operator a check of the cash register for the amount of the released amount of gas.

If, after the end of refueling and starting, the engine gives interruptions (pops), it must be turned off immediately and the car removed from the territory of the gas station with auxiliary means.

During the period of filling the cylinder, the filler must:

Strictly monitor the exact filling of the cylinder, avoiding overfilling. An overfilled cylinder must be immediately emptied of excess LPG;

Monitor the LPG pressure by the pressure gauge on the dispenser, not exceeding it by more than 1.6 MPa (16 kgf / cm 2);

Do not hit the cylinder.

In the event of emergency situations at the time of refueling (when the pressure on the dispenser exceeds 1.6 MPa (16 kgs / cm 2), if a leak is detected during filling the car's cylinder, at the filling stations, when the filling hose breaks, etc.), it is necessary:

Stop refueling immediately;

Close the filling valve on the vehicle;

Close the filling valve on the filling hose;

If necessary, turn off the shut-off valves in front of the dispenser;

Disconnect the pumping and compressor equipment;

Prohibit cars from entering the speakers and turning on car engines;

Report the incident to the shift supervisor.

In the event of an emergency, it is necessary to act in accordance with the Accident Elimination Plan at the gas station.


Chairman of the trade union committee Head of the organization

"____"________________ 2002_____________ 2002

protocol No. __________________




1.1. This instruction provides the basic requirements for the organization and conduct of the safe work of operators during the operation of automobile gas filling stations (AGFS).

1.2. Persons who have reached the age of 18, who have undergone instructions, training and knowledge testing in labor protection, safety and fire safety and have a certificate with a photograph, are allowed to service gas stations.

      Employees allowed to work on electrical equipment, with electrical tools, as well as with machines and mechanisms with an electric drive, must have an electrical safety group in accordance with the EEP.

      Employees of the filling station must undergo a preliminary medical examination upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations in accordance with Order No. 90 of 03/14/96

      All workers admitted to independent work must be re-instructed, as well as instructed in the use of collective and individual protective equipment and protective devices in order to deepen and consolidate knowledge.

      The main dangerous and harmful factor at the gas station is the toxicity of vapors of liquefied gases, as well as moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of production equipment

      All sections of the gas station must be provided with instructions on labor protection, approved in the prescribed manner

      Operators of gas stations must be provided with overalls, safety footwear

and personal protective equipment in accordance with applicable standards, including, including for work in emergency situations: cotton robe; combined mittens.

1.9. The territory of the gas station should be illuminated in the dark. Particular attention should be paid to lighting the places of refueling and discharging oil products.

      The gas station must be equipped with a telephone connection with the dispatch center or the management of the tank farm, the nearest fire department, and a law enforcement agency. The telephone connection must be kept in good condition.

1.11. Buildings and structures must be protected from direct lightning strikes, electrostatic, electromagnetic induction, high potential drift.

      Trenches and pits dug on the territory of the gas filling station for technical purposes must be fenced and marked with warning signs, and upon completion of work, immediately fill up.

      All fire extinguishing means located in the premises and on the territory of the gas station must be constantly in full serviceability and ready for immediate use. The use of fire-fighting equipment for other purposes is prohibited.

1.12. In winter, pedestrian paths and the carriageway of the territory of the gas station must be cleared of snow and ice and covered with sand.


2.1. Put on overalls, check for personal protective equipment.

2.2. Check the serviceability of technological equipment and the availability of primary fire extinguishing equipment.


3.1. Perform work in accordance with the production instructions.

3.2. The driver together with the operator must:

Switch off the engine of the refueling vehicle and remove the key from the ignition switch;

Ground the unit and control panel;

Make sure there is no open flame.

3.3. A petrol station vehicle must be installed in such a way that gas-cylinder vehicles for refueling approach from the side of the meter installation;

3.4. The operator must place the power cable for powering electrical equipment so that gas vehicles cannot run over it.

3.5. The operator must check the serviceability of all electrical equipment with an external inspection when the switch is off, then turns on the switch.

3.6. Check pump operation and direction of rotation by briefly switching on

3.7. Start the pump in accordance with the sequence indicated in the pump passport.

Open the valves supplying gas to the pump, the valve to the bypass and the valve to the discharge pipeline;

Switch on the pump and check its operation on the bypass;

Open the valve on the counter

Open the valve installed on the vapor line and the vapor phase removal valve from the vehicle filling station.

3.8. Refueling procedure:

Check in the waybill of the driver who arrived at the gas station, the signature of the person responsible for checking the gas cylinders;

Connect the filling clamp to the filling valve of the vehicle filling cylinder;

Open the valve on the car that arrived at the gas station;

Open the valve on the supply line of the refueling vehicle;

Switch on the remote control panel “Vesna CHPP”;

Collect the quantity of the sold product on the remote control panel “Vesna CHPP”;

Press the “Start” button on the ChIZhGA-20 device;

Switch on the electric pump;

Open the clamp (the filling process should start).

3.9. After filling the car bottle that arrived at the gas station, you must:

Close the clamp;

Turn off the pump;

Disconnect the clamp from the cylinder;

Make a mark in the waybill.

3.10. The disconnecting devices should be kept in good working order, ensuring a quick and reliable shutdown of equipment, as well as individual sections of gas pipelines.

3.11. Open valves and valves on gas lines slowly and carefully to avoid water hammer.

3.12. Determine gas leaks with a soapy emulsion.

3.13 .. When refueling vehicles at a gas station, the following must be observed regulations: the distance between the car standing under the gas station and the one following it must be at least 3 m, and between subsequent cars in the queue, at least 1 m:

3.14. In case of congestion of vehicles at the gas station, it is necessary to ensure that the exit from the gas station is free and there is a possibility of maneuvering.

      It is prohibited on the territory of the gas station:

Smoking and using open flames;

-: to carry out any work not related to the reception, storage and supply of liquefied gas;

Store flammable liquids indoors; wash hands, wash clothes and wipe floors with flammable liquids;

To be present by unauthorized persons not associated with refueling or draining of liquefied gas;

3.16. Repair and maintenance of the electrical equipment of the filling station must be carried out by electricians with a qualification of at least 3 gr. on electrical safety.


4.1 A plan for the elimination of possible accidents should be developed at the gas filling station, in which, taking into account specific conditions, it is necessary to provide for prompt actions of personnel to prevent accidents and eliminate an emergency, and in case of their occurrence - to eliminate, exclude fires and explosions, max. reducing the severity of the consequences and evacuating people not involved in the elimination of accidents.

4.2. In all emergency situations the operator must immediately disconnect the general switch and stop refueling the vehicle.

4.3. In the event of a fire, the operator is obliged to call the fire brigade, start extinguishing the fire with the available means, involving transport drivers for help, and inform the oil depot dispatcher.

4.4. The operator is prohibited from making any repairs to the electrical equipment at the filling station. In the event of a malfunction of the electrical equipment, call an electrician.


5.1. Close all valves on the refueller.

5.2. Disconnect all electrical equipment, disconnect the plug connectors, assemble the electrical cable

5.3. Take off your overalls and put them in the closet. Overalls and safety footwear should be stored separately from personal clothing.

The instruction was made by:

Subdivision (section) manager


OT engineer

LLC "Lilia"




Unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers (ETKS)
Part No. 1 of issue No. 36 ETKS
The issue was approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and social issues and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated June 7, 1984 N 171 / 10-109
(as amended by the Resolutions of the USSR State Committee of Labor, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions Secretariat dated 03.02.1988 N 51 / 3-69, dated 14.08.1990 N 325 / 15-27, Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 21.11.1994 N 70, dated 31.07.1995 N 43)

Gas distribution station operator

§ 23. Operator of a gas distribution station of the 4th category

Description of works... Maintenance of devices, gas regulation, metering and metering devices, automatic equipment systems, gas purification and odorization units and pipeline communications at non-automated gas distribution stations (GDS) or control and distribution points (CRP) with a daily gas capacity of up to 1 million cubic meters. m. Providing a given mode of gas supply to consumers. Conducting the necessary switching of devices, fittings and apparatus in accordance with the established operating mode. Detection of gas leaks and malfunctions in the operation of devices, fittings and apparatus. Adjustment and testing of pressure regulators and metering devices. Processing of cartograms of recording devices and calculation of the amount of gas supplied to consumers. Preparation of devices for delivery for state verification. Routine repair and participation in the mid-life repair of equipment and communications for gas distribution stations and KRP. Maintenance of cleanliness of equipment, communications, premises and territory of GDS and KRP. Keeping records of odorant and oil for dust collectors.

Must know: scheme of GDS and KRP communications, piping of devices and apparatus; the device and rules for the operation of equipment, devices for regulation, accounting and control of devices operating under pressure; odorant handling rules and gas odorization rates; methods of adjusting pressure regulators and gas meters.

When working at non-automated gas distribution stations and hydraulic fracturing stations with a daily gas production of over 1.0 million cubic meters. m or when working on automated gas distribution stations and control units with all types of services with a daily gas capacity of up to 1 million cubic meters. m - 5th grade;

when working at automated gas distribution stations and hydraulic control stations with all types of services with a daily gas production of over 1 million cubic meters. m - 6th grade.

Secondary specialized education is required.


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