The duties of the head of the structural unit. Job description of the head of the unit. What a specialist should know


Material stimulation is a complex of various kinds wealthreceived or assigned by the personnel for an individual or group contribution to the results of the organization through professional work, creative activity and the required rules of behavior.

Therefore, the concept of material incentives includes all types of cash payments that are used in the organization, and all forms of material non-monetary incentives. To date, the following types of direct and indirect material payments are used in domestic and foreign practice: salaries, bonuses, bonuses, participation in profits, additional payments, deferred payments, participation in equity.

The central role in the system of material incentives for labor belongs to wages. It remains for the vast majority of working people the main source of income, which means wage and in the future it will be the most powerful incentive to increase the results of labor and production in general.

Functions and tasks of the head of the small structural unit in organizing his activities.

In the highest echelons of management (directorate), issues of a strategic nature are being resolved: personnel policy, the strategy and tactics of its implementation, assignments for the development of methodological and regulatory materials (documents), they are monitored for their implementation and the general management of all human resources departments.

At the level of individual industries in the association, the personnel management work is mainly operational. Separation of personnel management functions between the management apparatus and individual managers production structures should be sufficiently clear, eliminating concurrency in the work, which increases responsibility for the results.

The functions of personnel management at the workshop level are performed by the line managers of the workshop (shop manager, foremen, foremen), as well as specialists from the workshop management structures (economists, organizing engineers, standard engineers), and workshop public organizations (primarily the union). Line managers participate in the recruitment of staff, and the craftsmen, together with specialists, provide conditions for high-productivity labor and the use of the employee according to his abilities.

The main priorities of coordination: coordination, balance, balance, insurance, reservation, controllability. Coordination is carried out on the basis of information using organizational structures, as well as through the creation of working groups, information systems, the appointment of a coordinator.

By their nature, coordination activities are:

Preventive, i.e. aimed at anticipating problems and difficulties;

Eliminating, i.e. designed to eliminate interruptions that occur in the system;

Regulatory, i.e. contributing to the preservation of the existing scheme of work;

Stimulating, i.e. improving the performance of a system or existing organization, even in the absence of specific problems.

To perform this function are used:

- all kinds of documentary sources (reports, reports, analytical materials);

- the results of the discussion of emerging issues at meetings, meetings, etc .;

- technical means of communication that help to quickly respond to deviations in the normal course of work in the organization.

Using these and other forms of communication, interaction is established between the subsystems of the organization, resources are maneuvered, unity and coordination of all stages of the management process (planning, organization, motivation and control) are ensured.

In the general coordination function, two main directions can be distinguished.

1. Coordination of activities between structural units.

2. Consistency between departments and services of the enterprise by establishing rational relationships between them, for which the following measures should be carried out in the organization:

Clarification of the reasons for deviations from planned targets;

Determining the composition of additional work and the procedure for their implementation;

Determining the composition of the reserves allocated by the organization to perform additional work;

Redistribution of duties and responsibilities between officials;

Prompt action to eliminate deviations.

In organizations focused on long and fruitful work, coordination is seen as an addition and extension of the organization's functions. In the process of implementing this function, top-level managers often mostly carry out only coordination of external relations. In other cases, for example, in the formation of program-oriented systems such as creative groups, coordination becomes the main organizing function, because in these systems not strict formalization is required, but only coordination of creative efforts, focus on ideas, their motivation. Working group - This is, as a rule, a temporary team formed to solve a specific short-term problem involving representatives of various services. The advantage of such a group is the possibility of its formation in a short time, which allows you to quickly resolve emerging issues.

Coordination through information systems involves the exchange of information within departments and between them using a computer network. Such information system allows you to compile and distribute electronically reports, memos, bulletins and other documents.

Teamwork individual employees who are aware of the need to combine efforts will be most effective only with a clear understanding by each of them of their role in collective efforts and how their roles are interrelated, therefore, the following types of interdependence of enterprise units are distinguished:

1. Nominal interdependence. Units united by this interdependence contribute to the common cause, but are not directly related. (Related plants, providing a wide variety of materials and semi-finished products, for example, an automobile plant, make a common contribution to the production of cars, but are independent and are not directly related to each other. The degree of coordination of their activities is minimal.)

2. Consistent interdependence. With this type of communication, the work of units engaged in subsequent stages of work depends on the work in the previous stages. With consistent interdependence, closer coordination is required than with nominal, especially at later stages of production.

3. Mutual interdependence. In this regard, the input factors of production of one unit become the result of the work of another, and vice versa.

The problems of ensuring effective coordination of the activities of all departments of the organization are directly related to the level of development of communications, the need to maintain constant information exchange. When the production manager transmits instructions or other information through communication means, he must be sure that his message will be correctly understood and timely received. Important is the reverse process of transmitting information - from subordinate to supervisor. At this stage, there are failures, the lower link does not always know what information the management needs to make certain decisions. This is a serious problem, since the source of information for decisions at the highest level is the lower links of the organization.

Coordination activity is carried out using certain mechanisms, among which there are distinguished such as informal non-programmable, programmed impersonal, programmable individual and programmable group coordination. For coordination, enterprises can use one or more of these approaches (mechanisms).

Informal non-programmable coordination. Often coordination is carried out voluntarily, informally, without prior planning on the part of the enterprise, since it is practically impossible to anticipate, program or interconnect all activities. Therefore, organizations rely to some extent on the voluntary coordination of their employees.

Informal coordination is based on mutual understanding, common attitudes and psychological stereotypes that dictate the need for joint coordinated work and interaction. A wide division of labor causes the appearance of various production, economic and social problems, for the solution of which informal coordination is used. However, there are a number of conditions, the observance of which should increase the effectiveness of voluntary coordination. Such conditions, in particular, are:

The employee must know his tasks and tasks of the unit;

The employee should clearly understand what is required of him;

An employee should feel part of the organization and consider his tasks to be his own.

Often such involvement is the result of careful selection and orientation of workers. With the increase in the size of the enterprise, significant changes in the staff, informal coordination must be replaced by programmatic. At the same time, no enterprise will be able to function without voluntary coordination (in one form or another).

Programmable impersonal coordination. If proper conditions are not created for informal coordination, or if the organization is too complex for informal relations to be effective, then the leader can apply standard working methods and rules. You can significantly save time if you establish a way to solve frequently recurring coordination problems in the form of a procedure, plan or course of action. An example of such an approach is the deadlines for the implementation of plans. Programmed methods of impersonal coordination are used on medium and large enterprises and almost all small organizations.

Individual coordination. Workers do not always equally understand the tasks and directions of work. Everyone interprets them as they see it. In relation to such differences, two approaches to individual coordination are used.

The first approach is related to the fact that coordination is usually carried out by the head, to whom at least two departments are subordinate. He assesses the situation and uses his influence to ensure that units resolve a common problem. If this fails, he uses his authority and establishes a procedure for future interaction. To the extent that the decision is considered fair and real, it removes the problem of coordination.

The second approach is the activities of a specially appointed coordinator. In particularly difficult areas, the coordination work is so extensive that it becomes necessary to establish a separate post. Here are just a few varieties of the second approach to coordination:

Product Manager, i.e. a person acting as a link between all production services, which contributes to the growth of sales and profits;

Project Manager, i.e. a person acting as a liaison between all departments throughout the project implementation period;

Customer representative, i.e. a person acting as a liaison between all services and a regular customer;

Special bureau, i.e. a unit coordinating the receipt and dissemination of all information for customers and customers.

Of course, the maintenance of a special coordinator and his staff can cause an increase in direct administrative costs. The coordinators in these situations have rather limited opportunities to influence the course of business. This approach is not often used, but can be effective when time is running out and costs are almost irrelevant.

Programmable group coordination. Coordination issues can also be addressed at group meetings, whether it be regular sitting committees or specially created commissions. During the discussion, personal preferences, group interests, and organization tasks should be taken into account. Based on these discussions, agreed decisions are made. Commissions are often the only means of coordinating the various functions of entrepreneurship, the association of managers working in different departments. A useful exchange of views takes place here, decisions are made regarding several departments. Everyone can express their opinion on the decision, but no one can take it on their own, not taking into account the opinions of their colleagues.

With different management styles, there are significant differences in the methods of distributing tasks and employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise. With the expansion of the enterprise, the management structure becomes more tightly regulated. If the enterprise is large, it works, using constant technology, in a stable market, it usually seeks to formalize its organizational structure. An authoritarian management style is characterized by a greater degree of formalization, greater standardization and division into units by technology or function. It provides for high hierarchical structures, small manageability zones and significant centralization. In this case, coordination is carried out according to the management hierarchy, on the basis of the organization’s charter and procedures, as well as the strategy adopted by it. In a liberal style, coordination is carried out by informal methods using group coordinators. It is dominated by decentralization, large manageability zones and lower hierarchical structures. With a liberal management style, more attention is paid to the manifestation of the creative abilities of workers. All styles of organization have one degree or another of formalization and standardization, but the liberal tries to minimize them and structure the enterprise according to its goals. A democratic management style is characterized by many possible combinations of different styles.

Thus, thanks to the coordination function:

- provides the dynamism of the enterprise;

- creates a harmony of interconnections of structural units;

- maneuvering technological and labor resources within the enterprise in connection with a change or refinement of tasks.

Similar information.

Job description head of structural unit

  1. General Provisions

1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the structural unit.

1.2 the Head of the structural unit refers to the category of managers.

1.3 The head of the structural unit is appointed and dismissed in the manner prescribed by applicable labor legislation by order of the director of the consumer services plant.

1.4 Post-relationship:


Direct submission

Director of the Consumer Services Plant


Additional submission



Gives orders

Structural unit employees


Employee substitutes

Deputy Head of the structural unit


Employee replaces


  1. Qualification requirements of the head of the structural unit:



Higher professional education


work experience

Not less than 2 years



decrees, orders, orders, other governing and regulations higher bodies for consumer services;

rules of consumer services;

standards that must comply with domestic services;

organization of logistics

structural unit (service);

profile, specialization and structural features of the organization of public services;

production capacities and human resources of the head of the structural unit (service);

technology for the provision of domestic services to the population;

prospects for technical, economic and social development of the head of the structural unit (service);

basics of planning, strategic and operational planning;

environmental requirements;

fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and


basics of labor law;

the procedure for the preparation and approval of business plans for production, business and financial and economic activities of the structural unit (service);

records management standards (classification of documents, procedure for registration, registration, passing, storage, etc.);

facilities computer engineering, communications and communications;

rules and norms of labor protection and safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection;



specialty work


additional requirements


  1. Documents regulating the activities of the head of the structural unit

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulationsconcerning the work performed.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the consumer services plant, Orders and instructions of the director of the consumer services plant; Regulation on the structural unit, Job description of the head of the structural unit, Internal labor regulations.

  1. The duties of the head of the structural unit

The head of the structural unit (service) performs the following duties:

4.1. Defines and sets before the structural unit (service) the goals and objectives associated with the implementation of public services for the population.

4.2. Carries out the organization, planning and coordination of the activities of the unit (service) aimed at providing a specific set of household services with the greatest socio-economic effect.

4.3. Provides timely and high-quality consumer services.

4.4. Monitors the rational use of material, technical and labor resources, reducing costs and improving the efficiency of public services.

4.5. Conducts analysis and evaluates the performance of the unit (service).

4.6. It monitors the quality and effectiveness of the services provided by the structural unit (service).

4.7. Carries out the development and implementation of measures to improve the activities of the unit (service), increase the volume and variety of provided domestic services, increase their quality.

4.8. Takes part in the selection and placement of workers

structural unit (service).

4.9. It exercises control over the rational use of labor of employees of the structural unit (service) and their professional development.

4.10. It monitors compliance by employees of the structural unit (service) with the rules and norms of labor protection and safety measures in the provision of household services to the population.

4.11. Provides proper design and timely reporting on the results of the activities of the structural unit (service), the organization of appropriate accounting.

4.12. Performs related responsibilities.

  1. Rights of the head of the structural unit

The head of the structural unit (service) has the right:

5.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the head of the organization.

5.2. Dispose of the property and means entrusted to him in compliance with the requirements defined by legislative and regulatory legal acts, the Charter of the organization, the regulation on the structural unit (service).

5.3. Sign and endorse documents within their


5.4. Initiate meetings on organizational, financial and economic issues.

5.5. Request and receive from other structural units (services) the necessary information, documents.

5.6. Conduct quality control and timely execution of orders.

5.7. Demand the termination (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.),

compliance with established rules, regulations, instructions; give instructions on correcting deficiencies and eliminating violations.

5.8. Submit to the head of the organization for consideration ideas on the admission, movement and dismissal of employees, on the promotion of distinguished employees and on the application disciplinary action to employees who violate labor discipline.

5.9. Participate in the discussion of issues related to his job responsibilities.

5.10. Require the head of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

  1. Responsibility of the head of the structural unit

The head of the structural unit is responsible for:

6.1. For improper fulfillment or non-fulfillment of their duties stipulated by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities - to the extent determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - to the extent determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Working conditions of the head of the structural unit

7.1. The working hours of the head of the structural unit are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the consumer services plant.

7.2. To solve operational issues, the head of the structural unit may be allocated official vehicles.

  1. Wage conditions

The terms of remuneration of the head of the structural unit are determined in accordance with the Regulation on remuneration of staff.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job description is made in two copies, one of which is stored at the consumer services plant, the other at the employee.

9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities can be clarified in accordance with a change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the structural unit and workplace.

9.3 Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the director of the consumer services plant.

Head of structural unit


(last name, initials)


Head of the legal department


(last name, initials)


Familiarized with the instructions:


(last name, initials)


Added to site:

The job description of the head of the structural unit of the educational organization [name of educational organization]

This job description is developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-ФЗ "On Education in Russian Federation", section" Qualification Characteristics the posts of educational workers of the Unified Qualification Directory of the posts of managers, specialists and employees approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of August 26, 2010 N 761н, and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The head of the structural unit of the educational organization (hereinafter referred to as the head of the structural unit) belongs to the category of managers and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the direct supervisor].

1.2. A person having higher professional education in the specialty corresponding to the profile of the structural unit, and at least 3 years of experience in the specialty corresponding to the profile of the structural unit, shall be appointed to the position of head of a structural unit.

1.3. For the position of head of a structural unit in accordance with the requirements of Art. 351.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a person is appointed who does not have or did not have a criminal record, is not exposed or has not been subjected to criminal prosecution (with the exception of a person whose criminal prosecution has been terminated on exonerating grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of an individual (for except for illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital, slander and insult), sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morality, the foundations of the constitutional system and state security, as well as against public safety.

1.4. The head of the structural unit is appointed to the post and dismissed from it by order [name of the post of head].

1.5. The head of the structural unit must know:

Priority areas of development educational system Russian Federation;

Laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational, physical-sports activity;

Convention on the Rights of the Child;


Achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice;


Fundamentals of physiology, hygiene;

Theory and methods of managing educational systems;

Modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated teaching, implementation of a competency-based approach, developing training;

Methods of persuasion, argumentation of their position, establishing contacts with students (pupils, children) of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues;

Technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;

Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, by email and browsers, multimedia equipment;

Fundamentals of Economics, Sociology;

Methods of organizing the financial and economic activities of an educational organization;

Civil, administrative, labor, budget, tax legislation regarding regulation of activities educational organizations and education authorities at various levels;

Fundamentals of management, personnel management;

Fundamentals of project management;

The rules of the internal labor schedule of the educational organization;

Rules on labor protection and fire safety;

- [other knowledge].

2. Responsibilities

Head of structural unit:

2.1. Manages the activities of the structural unit.

2.2. Organizes current and long-term planning of the structural unit’s activities, taking into account the goals, tasks and directions for which it was created, provides control over the implementation of planned tasks, coordinates the work of teachers, educators and other pedagogical workers in the implementation of training (educational) plans and programs, the development of necessary educational and methodical documentation.

2.3. It provides control over the quality of the educational process and the objectivity of evaluating the results of educational and extracurricular activities of students, pupils, ensuring the level of training of students and pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard.

2.4. Creates conditions for the development of workers educational programs structural unit.

2.5. It assists teachers in the development and development of innovative programs and technologies.

2.6. Organizes work on the preparation and conduct of the final certification, educational work for parents.

2.7. Organizes methodological, cultural, extracurricular activities.

2.8. Monitors the workload of students (pupils, children).

2.9. Participates in the acquisition of students (pupils, children) and takes measures to preserve it, participates in scheduling training classes and other activities of students (pupils, children).

2.10. Makes suggestions for improving the educational process and management of the educational organization.

2.11. Participates in the selection and placement of teachers and other personnel, in the organization of advanced training and professional skills.

2.12. He takes part in the preparation and certification of teachers and other employees of the organization.

2.13. Provides timely preparation of established reporting documentation.

2.14. It takes part in the development and strengthening of the educational and material base of the organization, equipping workshops, training laboratories and classrooms with modern equipment, visual aids and technical training tools, in the preservation of equipment and inventory, equipping and replenishing libraries and teaching rooms educational-methodical and fiction, periodicals, in the methodological support of the educational process.

2.15. It monitors the state of medical services for students and pupils.

2.16. Organizes the conclusion of contracts with interested training organizations.

2.17. Takes measures to ensure the creation of the necessary social conditions for students (pupils, children) and employees of the educational organization.

2.18. Fulfills the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

2.19. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

The head of the structural unit has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including:

On the annual main extended paid vacation;

To provide compensation for the costs of housing, heating and lighting [for living and working in rural settlements, workers' settlements (urban-type settlements)];

To pay the additional costs of medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of health damage due to an accident at work and occupational disease.

3.2. Familiarize yourself with draft management decisions regarding the operations of the unit.

3.3. Participate in the discussion of issues relating to his duties.

3.4. Submit proposals to the management for improvement of the structural unit.

3.5. To carry out interaction with the heads of all (separate) structural divisions of the organization.

3.6. To involve specialists of all (separate) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural units, if not, with the permission of the head of the organization).

3.7. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.8. To make proposals on encouraging distinguished employees, penalizing violators of labor discipline.

3.9. Require management to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

3.10. [Other rights provided Labor law Russian Federation].

4. Responsibility

The head of the structural unit is responsible for:

4.1. For violation of the charter of the educational organization.

4.2. For non-fulfillment, improper fulfillment of duties stipulated by this instruction - to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - to the extent determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. For causing material damage to the employer - to the extent determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description is developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

HR Manager

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]



[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Familiarized with the instructions:

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

I affirm:


[Job title]



[Name of company]

________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"____" ____________ 20__


Head of structural unit educational institution

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and official duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the structural unit of the educational institution [Name of organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter - the Educational institution).

1.2. The head of the structural unit of the educational institution belongs to the category of leaders, is appointed to the post and dismissed in the order established by the current labor legislation by the order [name of the post of direct supervisor].

1.3. The head of the structural unit of the educational institution reports directly to [the name of the post of direct supervisor in the dative case] of the educational institution.

1.4. A person having higher professional education in the specialty corresponding to the profile of the structural unit of the educational institution and at least 3 years of work experience in the specialty corresponding to the profile of the structural unit of the educational institution shall be appointed to the position of head of the structural unit of an educational institution.

1.5. The head of the structural unit of the educational institution must know:

  • priority areas for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation;
  • laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational, physical-sports activities;
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • pedagogy;
  • achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice;
  • psychology
  • fundamentals of physiology, hygiene;
  • theory and methods of managing educational systems;
  • modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated teaching, implementation of a competency-based approach, developing training;
  • methods of persuasion, argumentation of their position, establishing contacts with students (pupils, children) of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues;
  • technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;
  • the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment;
  • fundamentals of economics, sociology;
  • ways of organizing financial and economic activities of an educational institution;
  • civil, administrative, labor, budget, tax legislation in the part related to the regulation of educational institutions and educational authorities at various levels;
  • basics of management, personnel management;
  • project management basics;
  • the rules of the internal labor schedule of the educational institution;
  • rules on labor protection and fire safety.

1.6. The head of the structural unit of the educational institution in its activities is guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the educational institution;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety measures, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • this job description.

1.7. During the temporary absence of the head of the structural unit of the educational institution, his duties are assigned to [the name of the deputy’s position], who is appointed in the prescribed manner, acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for non-performance or improper performance of the duties entrusted to him in connection with the replacement.

2. Responsibilities

The head of the structural unit of the educational institution performs the following duties:

2.1. Manages the activities of the structural unit of the educational institution: training and consulting center, department, department, section, laboratory, office, training or production workshop, boarding school, dormitory, educational facilities, field trip and other structural units (hereinafter - the structural unit).

2.2. Organizes current and long-term planning of the structural unit’s activities, taking into account the goals, tasks and directions for which it was created, provides control over the implementation of planned tasks, coordinates the work of teachers, educators and other pedagogical workers in the implementation of training (educational) plans and programs, the development of necessary educational and methodical documentation.

2.3. It provides control over the quality of the educational process and the objectivity of evaluating the results of educational and extracurricular activities of students, pupils, ensuring the level of training of students and pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard.

2.4. It creates the conditions for the development of working educational programs of the structural unit.

2.5. It assists teachers in the development and development of innovative programs and technologies.

2.6. Organizes work on the preparation and conduct of the final certification, educational work for parents.

2.7. Organizes methodological, cultural, extracurricular activities.

2.8. Monitors the workload of students (pupils, children).

2.9. Participates in the acquisition of students (pupils, children) and takes measures to preserve it, participates in scheduling training classes and other activities of students (pupils, children).

2.10. Makes suggestions on improving the educational process and managing an educational institution.

2.11. Participates in the selection and placement of teachers and other personnel, in the organization of advanced training and professional skills.

2.12. He takes part in the preparation and certification of teachers and other employees of the institution.

2.13. Provides timely preparation of established reporting documentation.

2.14. He takes part in the development and strengthening of the educational and material base of the institution, the equipping of workshops, training laboratories and classrooms with modern equipment, visual aids and technical teaching aids, the safety of equipment and inventory, the equipping and replenishment of libraries and teaching rooms with teaching and fiction literature, periodicals publications, in the methodological support of the educational process.

2.15. It monitors the state of medical services for students and pupils.

2.16. Organizes the conclusion of contracts with interested training organizations.

2.17. Takes measures to ensure the creation of the necessary social conditions for students (pupils, children) and employees of the educational institution.

2.18. Fulfills the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

In case of official necessity, the head of the structural unit of the educational institution may be involved in the performance of his duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

The head of the structural unit of an educational institution has the right:

3.1. To give instructions to his subordinate employees and services, assignments on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

3.2. To control the implementation of production tasks, the timely execution of individual orders and tasks subordinate services.

3.3. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to issues of its activities, subordinate services and units.

3.4. Interact with other enterprises, organizations and institutions on production and other issues within its competence.

3.5. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.6. Enjoy other rights established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility and performance assessment

4.1. The head of the structural unit of the educational institution bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal responsibility) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure or improper performance of official instructions of the immediate Deputy Head.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of their labor functions and tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Illegal use of the granted official authority, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information on the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to prevent detected violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Not enforcing labor discipline.

4.2. Assessment of the work of the head of the structural unit of the educational institution is carried out:

4.2.1. The immediate supervisor - regularly, in the process of daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Attestation Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years on the basis of documented work results for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the head of the structural unit of an educational institution is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his fulfillment of the tasks provided for in this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work schedule of the head of the structural unit of the educational institution is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the educational institution.

5.2. In connection with the production necessity, the head of the structural unit of the educational institution is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. To address operational issues to ensure production activities the head of the structural unit of the educational institution may be allocated official vehicles.

6. Signature right

6.1. The head of the structural unit of the educational institution is provided with the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on matters referred to his competence by this job description to ensure his activities.

Familiarized with the instructions ____ / ____________ / "__" _______ 20__

[Name of company]

Job description

I approve

[Title] [Name of organization]

______________/___[FULL NAME.]___/

Branch Manager

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the director of the branch [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter - the Company).

1.2. The director of the branch is appointed and dismissed in the manner prescribed by applicable labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The branch director belongs to the category of managers and reports directly to [the name of the direct manager in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional education (majoring in management) or a higher professional education and additional training in the field of management theory and practice and has been working in the specialty for at least 2 years is appointed to the position of director of the branch.

1.5. The branch director should know:

Legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating entrepreneurial and commercial activities;

Market economy, entrepreneurship and business;

Market conditions, pricing, taxation;

Marketing basics;

The theory of management, macro and microeconomics, business administration, exchange, insurance, banking and financial affairs;

Theory and practice of working with staff;

The procedure for developing business plans and commercial conditions agreements, contracts, contracts;

Fundamentals of sociology, psychology and labor motivation;

Ethics of business communication;

The basics of production technology;

The management structure of the enterprise, institution, organization;

Prospects for innovation and investment activities;

Methods for assessing the business qualities of employees;

Basics of paperwork;

Information processing methods using modern technical means communications and computer technology;

Basics of labor law;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of management;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.6. The branch director is guided by:

Business plan of the Company;

Local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;

The rules of internal labor regulations;

Rules of labor protection and safety measures, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;

Instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the immediate supervisor;

This job description.

1.7. During the temporary absence of the director of the branch, his duties are assigned to [the name of the deputy position].

2. Functional responsibilities

The branch director carries out the following labor functions:

2.1. Manages business or commercial activity a branch of the Company aimed at meeting the needs of consumers and making profit through stable operation, maintaining a business reputation and in accordance with the authority and allocated resources.

2.2. Based on the strategic goals of the organization, plans business or commercial activities.

2.3. He exercises control over the development and implementation of business plans and commercial conditions, agreements, contracts and contracts, assesses the degree of possible risk.

2.4. Analyzes and solves organizational, technical, economic, personnel and socio-psychological problems in order to stimulate production and increase sales of products, improve the quality and competitiveness of goods and services, economical and effective use material, financial and labor resources.

2.5. It carries out the selection and placement of personnel, motivates their professional development, evaluates and stimulates the quality of work.

2.6. Organizes relations with business partners, a system for collecting the necessary information to expand external relations and exchange experience.

2.7. Carries out the analysis of demand for manufactured products or services, forecast and sales motivation by studying and evaluating the needs of customers.

2.8. Participates in the development of innovative and investment activities, an advertising strategy related to the further development of entrepreneurial or commercial activities.

2.9. It ensures the growth of profitability, competitiveness and quality of goods and services, increasing labor efficiency.

2.10. Carries out coordination of activities within a certain direction (section), analysis of its effectiveness, makes decisions on the most rational use of allocated resources.

2.11. Attracts consultants and experts on various issues (legal, technical, financial, etc.) to solving problems.

The branch director has the right:

3.1. To give instructions to his subordinate employees and services (units) on a range of issues that are part of his functional duties.

3.2. To control the implementation of planned tasks and work, timely execution of individual orders and tasks subordinate services (units).

3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the director of the branch, subordinate services (units).

3.4. To enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities falling within the competence of the branch director.

3.5. Represent the interests of the organization in third parties on issues related to his professional activities.

4. Responsibility

The branch director is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to fulfill their functional responsibilities, as well as the work of subordinate services (units) of the organization on issues falling within the responsibilities of the department.

4.2. Inaccurate information on the status of the implementation of work plans by the department, subordinate services (units).

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions cEO organization.

4.4. Failure to take measures to prevent detected violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the organization and its employees.

4.5. Failure to comply with labor and executive discipline by employees of subordinate services (units) of the organization.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The working hours of the branch director are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Rules established by the organization.

5.2. Due to production needs, the branch director can go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. To solve operational issues related to the provision of production activities, an official motor vehicle may be allocated to the branch director.

6. Signature right

6.1. To ensure the operation of the branch, the director of the branch is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues referred to his competence by this job description.

Familiarized with the instructions ___________ / ____________ / "__" _______ 20__


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