Gallery Nazarov. Gallery of flawless electronics "Nazarov. Projects of any complexity "turnkey"

So, the same guys, yesterday invited Bigpickch for the opening of their new project: Gallery of flawless electronics - Nazarov.

(Just 14 photos)

1. "Nazarov" is the only two-storey gallery of immaculate electronics in Russia. It contains not only Hi-Fi and High Entry, but also various comprehensive solutions to automate all home systems. It looks very cool!

2. On the first floor, you can familiarize yourself with the Hi-Fi gadgets of the new generation, and yesterday, asking for some kind of fantastic fiction.

3. By the way, Nazarov is the only Revox-Gira studio in Russia, which is a multi-membered system for design and solving.


6. On the second floor of the gallery, you can get a complete picture of the integrated solutions for the management of home systems "from the console".

7. Galleries are at the disposal of the gallery - the reception room, presented by an improvised living room with three acoustic zones, as well as the luxurious and cozy at the same time "small" listening room.

8. And finally, the pride of the gallery is a real home theater capable of passing a special atmosphere of a traditional home cinema.

9. Gallery "Nazarov" - a standard of a professional individual approach to the implementation of the ideas of home automation - from the most ingenious simple and to breathtakingly complex systems.

1. Any electronic systems for any objects.

Large mansion or compact apartment, yacht or commercial object - Nazarov Gallery will offer a system of any level of complexity in accordance with your tasks - from the usual stereo to the "Smart Home" systems.

2. Accounting for all requirements, specifics and lifestyle client.

Ideal and universal systems do not happen, because everyone has their own tasks, tasks and preferences. Offering a solution, the Nazarov gallery will take into account all the features and requirements of the client, including the nuances that usually remain out of the attention zone of many shopping and engineering companies.

3. The widest range of home electronics in Russia.

From budget models to the top-level technique released by limited essays. If something is produced in the world, it can be at the disposal of the gallery clients. But at the same time, the gallery "Nazarov" relies only for the world's best in its class.

4. Attractive prices.

Despite the premium level of the cabin, the price of the gallery and the goods, and the services do not exceed the average level. In addition, there are constantly different special offers and special conditions For regular customers.

5. The opportunity to actually get acquainted with the whole technique.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, any complicated homework must be sure to try in action. In the 6 halls of the gallery "Nazarov" you can see, listen and get acquainted in more detail with more than 1000 items of goods.

6. A full range of services - from prior consultation to implemented projects of any complexity "turnkey".

The quality of the result depends on the professional service at all stages at least from the technique itself. Gallery "Nazarov" offers the widest range of services related to the choice, acquisition and use of technology.

7. Qualitative performance of all types of work.

In the team of the gallery "Nazarov" professionals work with extensive experience - from consultants and engineers to installers. The approach of the Nazarov gallery is a high level of quality at all stages of work and the lack of headaches from customers and partners.


Gallery "Nazarov" actively cooperates with professionals - architects, designers, builders.Hundreds of successfully implemented joint projects are an indicator of the quality and reliability of our company as a partner in projects of any complexity.

9. Assistant in business development.

The Nazarov Gallery actively helps its partners, conducting seminars for them and master classes on topical and useful topics, which allows them to use more opportunities in their work and avoid annoying errors.

Also Gallery "Nazarov" It offers its partners, in particular, architects and designers, service to attract potential customers.

Gallery of impeccable electronics "Nazarov" - a project, unique not only for Russian, but also for European markets. This also applies to the goods presented, and to the spectrum of services, and to interact with our clients.

For today, the gallery of impeccable electronics "Nazarov" is the largest premium home electronics salon in Russia

In six halls on two floors There is an exposition that covers all types of home audio video equipment, as well as elements of systems Multifunction and smart home.

Listening rooms of different sizes Allow the technique to hear practically how it will sound in your room the appropriate size. A separate room is highlighted for a demonstration. personal cinema top-level equipped with the newest system Volume Dolby ATMOS sound.

In our salon, you can also choose the most different devices for video playback, familiarize yourself with the Systems of the Smart Home and Multifunction and other innovative household technologies.

Special attention We are paying design of equipment and interior solutions, since the aesthetics of technology has long become at least an important factorthan its functionality.

In the aggregate all this gives the best opportunities on the market for a qualitative selection of home audio video equipment. And our consultants with the most wide knowledge and tremendous experience are always ready to choose a solution that will be perfect for you.

We implement all types of home systems.

Compact apartment or big mansion, yacht or commercial object - We will offer a system of any type and any level of difficulty in accordance with your tasks - from the usual stereo to the smart home systems.

Hi-Fi / Hi-End Audio.

The spectrum of goods is very wide - from classic vinyl players to the most modern network audio players. In the field of high-quality audio, there is no reference. For each perfect sound - your own. On the permanent exposition in our company, several hundred models of audio with a variety of sound characteristics in a variety of price ranges are presented. Therefore, our company is already called "paradise for music love", in which you can probably find "your" sound.

Home Cinemas and Personal
Cinema elements of all possible configurations.

We create both simple and affordable systems with 5.1 channel sounds and specially designed special cinema halls of the extra-class. All of them unites one - this is impeccable solutions in its price category.

Multifunction audio and video.

Multiform systems in recent years have been developing especially rapidly. The colossal push to this gave progress in digital and wireless technologywho made such equipment not only much more functional, but at the same time much cheaper compared to its predecessors. We present all types of multi-system systems, which can be read more

"Smart Home" - automation systems and
integrated management.

Such de facto systems become an integral part of the dwelling, especially if we are talking about large houses. But even in small apartments, automation elements firmly occupy their place. We offer systems of different levels.

Portable solutions.

Portable technique is what allows music to always stay with you. Our salon has a wide range of carefully selected portable players and amplifiers for them, headphones, portable active acoustic systems and other similar products.

projects of any complexity "turnkey"

Some of our customers are sufficiently consultation and selection of equipment. But if it comes to complex systems, we take on the whole range of work "turnkey":

Designing system and release project documentation

Delivery Total necessary equipment

Installation of equipment and its setting

Teaching use

Post-sales support and service

All new technologies

In the gallery of electronics "Nazarov" we master all the latest technologythat appear on the market, we understand their features, benefits and intricacies.

Currently, we have created the best opportunities in the country by demonstration, which around the world rapidly conquer the status of the main high-quality source of the audio signal. We can simultaneously listen to 20 different devices of this type.

In home theaters we bet on newest formats surround sound, such as Dolby ATMOS, giving a much greater emotional effect compared to common, but already morally obsolete standards.

We can estimate the quality of the sound of wireless audio systems or sources of video signal with ultra-high quality image quality.

In terms of home automation, technological innovations appear almost every day. And if you decide to make the system " smart home"You can be sure that we will offer the most advanced technological solutions that will remain relevant for many years.

Top world brands

There are also world-famous international corporations on the market of high-quality home electronics, and very small companies that create unique innovative products and are technological leaders in their niche. We intently study everything that is presented and appears in each of the segments to select all the best and most interesting. We have presented products and the largest manufacturer of acoustic systems, Bowers and Willkins, and few well-known manufacturers of unique DACs under the MYTEK and Bricasti brands, the best projectors of the legendary Sony and JVC and fantastic for all standards, but not so famous in the wide masses MBL audio equipment.

But the entire products that we represent unites one thing - the quality of its impeccable, both in consumer characteristics and by execution. These are the best global brands in your field.

Excellent shopping conditions

Despite the premium status of the company, we offer very attractive prices, both goods and services provided. In general, we are guided by the prices recommended for russian market. However, we constantly conduct special promotions and sales, during which you can significantly save on purchases.

For regular buyers in the Nazarov gallery there are accumulative discount cards.

A unique program of profitable purchases is our "Desires Basket". You can add to it the goods you are interested in, and as soon as special offers or discounts will begin to act on them, you will instantly receive a notification.


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