And tn availability. Characteristics of the employee for rewarding. General rules for composing text

Section 49.To write correctly a consonant at the end of a word or before other consonants (p or b, f or in, t or d, from or s, to or r, w or f) , you need to take another form of the same word or pick up another word of the same root, where after the consonant there would be a vowel, and write the consonant that is written before the vowel, for example: oak, oaks (Oak trees), sleeve, sleeve (sleeves), bodice, brassiere (bodices), threshing (thresh), low, lower (low), higher (tall), claws (claw), the spoon (spoon), bowl (bowl).

In some cases, for the correct spelling of the consonant, you can change the word so that after the consonant there is not a vowel, but a consonant r, l, m, n, in, eg: fine - penalty, teeth - dental, escape - runaway, soaked - wet.

The spelling of consonants that cannot be checked by changing a word is determined in dictionary order, for example: general, football, wholesale.

Note.Word wedding spelled with a letter d (bridal) although the words are of the same root woo and matchmaker have a consonant t; stairs, hole are written with a letter from, despite the presence of forms, I climb, open.

§ 50.Rule §49 also applies to prefixes, eg: enter (get in) prick (chop) hew (crop), toss (substitute), imagine (provide), give away (to wean) to do (be able to) throw off.

In consoles without -, cart -, vz -, from -, bottom -, times -, roses -, through - (through -) before the deaf to, p, from, t, f, x, c, h, w, u written from instead s , eg: useless, educate, plow, bite, subvert, scatter, painting, stripedbut: tasteless, talentless, take a nap, excite, spare etc.

Section 51.Rule §49 applies to t, d before from, c and h at the beginning of suffixes, eg: childhood (children), saucer (dish), trough (trough), young fellow (young), companion (paths). Letter t before h is also written in cases where the suffixes -chick, -chin -, -chat - etc. join a stem ending in -to, -ts, -h, with the letter t the final consonant of the stem is replaced, eg: innkeeper (pub), tiled (roof tiles), pitched (grain), tabular (table), ciliated (eyelash), card reader (card index), earner (mining).

Note. In the verbs before -sya the spelling of the form to which -sya joins, eg: to rush, worn, forget.

Section 52.Distinguish adjectives in -ts-cue (-ts-coy) from adjectives on the -d-sky (-d-skoy) or -t-sky (-t-skoy) :
  1. -ts or -to, -h (if in these cases they change to c), then it is written -ts-cue (-ts-coy) , eg: german (German), fishing (fisherman), weaving (weaver), galician (Galich; there is also a form galich);
  2. if the stem of the word from which the adjective is derived ends in -d or -t, then written accordingly -d-sky (-d-skoy) or -t-sky (-t-skoy) , eg: swedish (Swede), urban (town), soviet (covet), marxist (Marxist).

In adjectives formed from foreign language proper names (geographical names) ending in -ts with a preceding consonant, except -ts , written -ts-sky , eg: palatinate (Palatinate), constant (Constanta), mainz (Mainz).

In adjectives formed from foreign language proper nouns ending in -ts, with a preceding vowel, as well as in -zz-, usually written -ts-cue, and double c the basics are preserved, for example: suez (Suez) goritsky (Goritsa), dvorzhetsky (Palace), nice (Nice), abruzzan (Abruzzo).

Section 53.In a consonant group (for example, stn, stl, zdn etc.) one of the consonants may not be pronounced. For the correct spelling, you need to change the word or choose another word with the same root so that after the first or second consonant of this group there is a vowel, for example: honest (honest) bone (bones), but: inert (kosen); whip (whip) lay (stele), but: send (send), pasture (shepherd), hi (robust), a heart (cordial), the sun (solar).

However, it is written to flash (although shine) splash (although the splash) bottle (although glass), stairs (although the ladder).

Section 54.To know when to write u, and in which shh, or zh, or mid, or zh, or stch, or hch, you need to understand the composition of the word.
Written u in cases where it refers entirely or only to the root, or only to the suffix, for example: brush, pike, forgive, looking for, waxed, boardwalk; split (Wed pinch), flatter (Wed flat), drover (Wed drive); woman (cf. wife).
Written mid at the junction of the prefix and the root, when from refers to the prefix, and h to the root, for example: count, dishonorable, exhaust, overkill.
Written shh, zh, mid, zh, stch or hch:
  1. at the junction of a root and a suffix, if the suffix starts with h and this sound is preceded by consonants w, f, from, s, st, bld, root, for example: defector (Wed run across), carrier (Wed to transport), peddler (Wed spread), buster (Wed drive around);
  2. in stems ending in combinations shk, lcd, sc, zk, stk or zdkif when replacing the suffix instead of to in these combinations the sound appears h, for example: sharper (sharp), brisk (biting), freckled (freckles)

Note.In words happiness, sandy written mid.

1. General information

1.1. Name of the legal entity (full and abbreviated name), certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN), certificate of state registration of the enterprise (OGRN), address (legal and actual), operating hours. Location (detached, built-in, built-in-attached, etc.). The presence of a sign indicating the organizational and legal form and mode of operation.

1.2. Availability of information for consumers (address and telephone number of the parent organization, as well as contact numbers of regulatory authorities, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", rules, etc.).

1.3. The area of \u200b\u200bthe store (explication of the BTI and (or) an information and reference document reflecting the number of premises and their area), a trading floor, the number of personnel.

1.4. Availability of a production control program, its implementation, and audit trails. Order on the appointment of an employee responsible for the organization and implementation of production control. The presence of an agreement with an accredited laboratory for laboratory research and instrumental measurements (with a frequency established by the requirements of regulatory documents). Availability of laboratory test protocols. Personnel training within the framework of production control.

1.5. Assortment list of products sold. Correspondence of the range of products sold to existing capabilities, a set of premises, the availability of commercial and refrigeration equipment of the enterprise.

1.6. Compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of February 23, 2013. No. 15-FZ "On the protection of citizens' health from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption."

2. Range of products sold

2.1. List of goods sold:

2.1.1. By the name of the goods (how many names of goods are in sale, of which the number of names of toys, clothes, shoes, children's cosmetics, stationery, etc.);

2.1.2. By origin (country of origin, for example, toys made in China make up 30% of the total number of toys sold, Russia - 50%, etc.).

2.2. List of sold products subject to state registration (product names).

2.3. List of suppliers (name of the legal entity (full and abbreviated name), actual and legal address, telephone number, full name of the head, names of goods purchased from this supplier).

3. Compliance with the requirements for planning, placement, arrangement and sanitary-technical condition of premises

3.1. Improvement of the territory of the trade organization and the adjacent territory along the perimeter.

3.2. Waste collection area: sanitary maintenance, number of waste containers. Garbage collection agreements. The presence of bins for collecting waste and garbage in the store.

3.3. Availability of a site for storing spent fluorescent lamps: sanitary maintenance, conditions for collecting and storing fluorescent lamps. Contract for the export and disposal of fluorescent lamps, acts of acceptance and delivery of works. Keeping a stock of new fluorescent lamps.

3.4. Compliance with the requirements for water supply and sewerage (availability of sanitary facilities for staff and visitors, equipment and sanitary conditions).

3.5. Compliance with the requirements for ventilation, air conditioning, heating of premises (availability of documents confirming the serviceability, efficiency and maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems, including disinfection).

3.6. Compliance with the requirements for natural and artificial lighting of premises.

3.7. Sanitary and sanitary-technical maintenance and condition of the object. Decoration of premises, the need for repair work.

3.8. Reception (loading) of goods (separate entrance, availability of special loading rooms, storage area). Compliance with flow (receipts and sales of food and non-food products, separate entrances for staff and visitors).

3.9. A set of premises, the presence of trade departments (sanitary and technical condition of premises, refrigeration, trade and technological equipment).

4. Compliance with the requirements for equipment and inventory.

4.1. Equipping the organization with trade, refrigeration, technological equipment, inventory, containers, packaging materials.

4.2. Availability of measuring devices for monitoring the temperature and humidity conditions of storage of products sold.

4.3. Compliance with the regime of washing trade equipment.

5. Compliance with the requirements for reception and storage.

5.1. Acceptance of products and implementation of incoming control (availability of accompanying documentation for products confirming origin, quality and safety; certificates of conformity; declarations of conformity; certificates of state registration).

5.2. Terms of product delivery, availability of special vehicles, personal medical records from the driver or forwarder.

5.3. The presence of labels (markings) on the accepted goods, the integrity of the packaging. 5.3. Compliance with the terms and conditions of storage; compliance with the rules of commodity neighborhood and warehousing standards.

5.4. Storage conditions for returnable products (expired, sanitary defects, etc.) - refrigerated chamber, separate storage with good-quality products, a separate rack.

6 Compliance with the requirements for the sale of goods for children and adolescents.

6.1. Compliance of the sold goods for children and adolescents with regulatory and technical documentation.

6.2. Compliance with the safety requirements of the products sold.

6.3. Compliance with the requirements for product labeling.

6.4. The integrity of the packaging and its compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union 005/2011 "On the safety of packaging".

6.5. Compliance with the requirements for the conditions for the sale of goods, compliance with the rules of commodity neighborhood, the timing of the sale of products.

6.6. Availability of uniform and clearly defined price tags. Correspondence of the prices indicated in the price tags to the prices indicated in the receipts issued at the checkout.

6.7. Availability of measuring instruments in good condition that have passed metrological verification, including check weights.

6.8. Availability of a book of reviews and suggestions. Customer complaints.

7. Compliance with the requirements for the maintenance of premises.

7.1. Sanitary maintenance of premises, equipment, inventory.

7.2. Organization of the disinfection regime of the enterprise.

7.2.1. Used disinfectants, detergents;

7.2.2. Availability of regulatory documents for used detergents and disinfectants (certificates of state registration, certificates of conformity or declaration of conformity, instructions for use);

7.2.3. Provision of detergents and disinfectants;

7.2.4. Availability of a stock of disinfectants and detergents in the institution (conditions for storing a stock of drugs);

7.2.5. Availability of the necessary (for disinfection measures) equipment, inventory, overalls, place and conditions for their storage.

7.2.6. Schedule of sanitary days. Organization and implementation of preventive, routine and final disinfection (if necessary), incl. general cleaning.

7.3. Availability of premises for storage and processing of cleaning equipment, storage conditions for cleaning equipment for sanitary facilities, presence of signal marking.

7.4 Conditions for handling carts and baskets for customers.

7.5. Availability of documentation confirming the regularity and effectiveness of pest control, deratization, their compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents (information on the means used to combat rodents and insects, etc.).

8. Working conditions; personal hygiene of staff

8.1. The presence of personal medical books of employees with information on the passage of preliminary (upon admission to work) medical examinations and the timely passage of periodic medical examinations.

8.2. Sanitary and household provision of workers (dressing rooms, sanitary facilities, sinks for washing hands in production and household premises, storage conditions for clean and dirty sanitary clothes).

8.3. Assessment of working conditions.

8.4. Provision of workers with overalls. Organization of proper storage, use, cleaning, washing and other types of preventive processing of workwear.

The meeting was planned to discuss a number of issues related to the "controversial" real estate. In particular, questions were raised about "real estate by nature" and "real estate by law", about the status of ships, aircraft and other vessels, about the definition of immovable objects in Art. 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, on "two-dimensional" and "three-dimensional" real estate.

The meeting began with a presentation by Maria Popova on the concept of immovable property under French law. Maria explained that the French Civil Code does not contain a definition of real estate, but in French law there are three categories of real estate: real estate by nature, by purpose and based on the immovable nature of the object to which the law belongs.

Real estate by nature includes land and subsoil, as well as inseparable land improvements, unharvested crops, fruits on trees, etc. When harvesting, separating fruits from the tree, they become movable things. Pipes, power transmission towers and similar linear objects are also considered real estate by nature. In addition, buildings are considered real estate by nature.

Immovable things for their intended purpose include animals used to cultivate the land, agricultural implements, pigeons in dovecotes, bee hives, seeds for sowing, hay and fertilizers, etc. Built-in furniture, fireplaces, etc. belong to the same category.

According to French law, "real estate" includes not only the actual objects, but also some property rights. In particular, usufruct and easement are related to real estate based on the immovable nature of the object.

Maritime and other vessels are considered movable things under French law.

After Maria Popova's report, a discussion took place, during which the audience discussed the two- and three-dimensional model of the land plot, the features of the registration models used in French, German, English and Russian law. The discussion showed that it is necessary to formulate the main goals with which certain objects are classified as immovable or movable. After the discussion, the participants came to the conclusion that the purpose of classifying an object as immovable is not so much the need for registration as such, but rather to streamline the turnover of objects that have the greatest value. At the same time, value is determined not only by the value of certain things, but primarily by their importance for society as a whole. For this reason, land plots are classified as real estate, while, say, expensive cars are not.

Then Artem Krasotkin made a presentation. He commented on the need to classify ships, aircraft and other vessels as real estate. They fall under the definition of real estate in terms of their value, but have a completely different nature from traditional real estate. Artem supported the position expressed in the legal literature that these objects should not be considered real estate, although they may have a similar registration regime.

A. Krasotkin's report included comments on the issue of an apartment in an apartment building as a real estate object. On this issue, a discussion arose: what exactly is a real estate object if the outer boundaries of the apartment (floor, ceiling, external walls, etc.) belong to the common property of the owners of an apartment building? Is it correct to single out apartments as an independent real estate object?

According to Natalia Galkina, there are historical reasons for this decision. During the Soviet period, the most valuable items were removed from circulation. After the transition to a market economy, it was necessary to provide citizens with the opportunity to establish a legal connection with the various values \u200b\u200binvolved in circulation. Therefore, not only land plots, but also “additional” objects (houses, apartments, etc.) were allocated as real estate objects.

Since in the studied legal systems not only there is no unified approach to understanding real estate as a legal category, but also to the definition of criteria for defining property as movable or immovable, the general agreed conclusion was the assumption of the likelihood that in each state there is a "political and legal contract", regarding understanding this category.

It is in the interests of the turnover to establish clarity in this matter, as well as to build an effective and simple system for concluding transactions, subject to ensuring the rights of both owners and bona fide purchasers.


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