Lev Okhotin: Luxury for love. The lion's share Lev Okhotin Estel biography

Estel is one of those brands that fully comply with the concept of "price-quality". That is why Estel products have gained immense popularity in a very short time, both among professionals and among ordinary people. And this is not surprising, since all products manufactured by the brand go through a lot of research and only high-quality and, what is important, affordable materials are used in their creation. So where did the Estel story begin?

How it all started

Lev Okhotin - founder of Estel

The history of Estel began not so long ago, namely in 2001. Its origins were a Russian chemist - Lev Okhotin, who is still its non-replacement leader and general director. Before starting his own business, Lev collaborated with one entrepreneur who invested considerable sums in various projects.

Once, with the help of Lev Okhotin, he helped one perfumery and cosmetic factory out of a predicament. It was at this moment that Leo realized that he was capable of more and decided to launch his own products.

The history of Estel began in a small rented premises, but after the shortest possible time, it was necessary to find something bigger. And by 2004, production was significantly expanded.

main idea

The main criterion that guided our hero was to create a high-quality product at reasonable prices, which could be afforded not only by professionals, but also by ordinary people. And so that this product could be used at home. From that moment the history of Estel began.

First production

In 2001, a series of paints was created, consisting of 15 shades, and was developed for home use. The products immediately caught the eye not only of ordinary people, but also of professionals and was an overwhelming success.

By the end of 2005, the variety of hair dye colors reached more than 67 (and now there are 114 in general), this line was called "Essex", and shampoos and hair balms were also added to the dyes. As this line enjoyed unrivaled success, production was expanded and collaboration with showrooms was initiated.

Subsequently, another line of De Luxe paints was created, which already numbered more than 130 tones and is currently Estel's strongest point.

Estel now

At the present time, the Estelle brand has many organizations in Russia and the CIS countries. In 2011, an official representative office was opened in Germany. The company plans to reach a higher level and break into the markets of Central and Western Europe, and prove that the Estelle brand deserves to occupy leading positions in the field of beauty, but at the same time remain accessible to everyone.

(1948 )
Khabarovsk Territory, USSR The consignment: WFTU



According to information received from former prisoners, Lev Pavlovich Okhotin died in a felling in the Khabarovsk Territory in 1948, having served there 2 out of 15 years.

Reconsideration of the case

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Okhotin in art

  • Chernov T. N. Those days in the East. // Journal "Baikal", № 3-6, 1981.


  • A.V. Okorokov Fascism and Russian emigration (1920-1945). - M .: Russaki, 2002 .-- 593 p. - ISBN 5-93347063-5.
  • Rodzaevsky K.V. The testament of a Russian fascist. - M .: FERI-V, 2001 .-- 512 p. - ISBN 5-94138-010-0.
  • Stefan D. Russian Fascists: Tragedy and Farce in Emigration, 1925-1945 \u003d The Russian Fascists: Tragedy and Farce in Exile, 1925-1945. - M .: Slovo, 1992 .-- 441 p. - ISBN 5-85050-314-5.
  • John J. Stephan. The Russian Fascists: Tragedy and Farce in Exile, 1925-1945. - New York: Harper & Row, 1978 .-- 450 p. - ISBN 0-06-014099-2.

An excerpt characterizing Okhotin, Lev Pavlovich

“Give it up,” said Dolokhov. - I'm talking to you. Is this a joke that you are up to?
- Well, again, teasing again? Go to hell! Huh? ... - Anatole said with a frown. - The right is not up to your stupid jokes. - And he left the room.
Dolokhov smiled contemptuously and condescendingly when Anatole left.
- You wait, - he said after Anatol, - I'm not joking, I'm talking about it, go, come here.
Anatole again entered the room and, trying to concentrate his attention, looked at Dolokhov, obviously involuntarily submitting to him.
- You listen to me, this is the last time I tell you. What am I kidding with you? Did I contradict you? Who arranged everything for you, who found the priest, who took the passport, who got the money? All I.
- Well, thank you. Do you think I'm not grateful to you? - Anatol sighed and hugged Dolokhov.
- I helped you, but still I must tell you the truth: this is a dangerous business and, if you look at it, stupid. Well, you'll take her away, okay. Will it be left like that? It turns out that you are married. After all, they will bring you under a criminal court ...
- Ah! nonsense, nonsense! - Anatole spoke again with a frown. “I’ve explained it to you. AND? - And Anatole, with that special predilection (which happens to stupid people) to the conclusion that they reach with their minds, repeated the reasoning that he repeated to Dolokhov a hundred times. - After all, I interpreted to you, I decided: if this marriage is invalid, - he said, bending his finger, - then I do not answer; Well, if it is valid, it doesn't matter: nobody abroad will know this, well, right? And don't talk, don't talk, don't talk!
- Really, come on! You will only bind yourself ...
- Get out to the devil, - said Anatole and, holding his hair, went into another room and immediately returned and sat down with his feet on a chair close to Dolokhov. - The devil knows what it is! AND? Look how it beats! - He took Dolokhov's hand and put it to his heart. - Ah! quel pied, mon cher, quel regard! Une deesse !! [ABOUT! What a leg, my friend, what a look! Goddess !!] A?
Dolokhov, smiling coldly and shining with his beautiful, impudent eyes, looked at him, apparently wanting to have fun with him.
- Well, the money will come out, then what?
- What then? AND? - Anatole repeated with sincere bewilderment before thinking about the future. - What then? There I do not know what ... Well, what nonsense to say! He looked at his watch. - It's time!
Anatole went to the back room.
- Well, are you soon? Dig in here! He shouted at the servants.
Dolokhov put away the money and shouted at the man to tell him to bring food and drink on the way, entered the room where Khvostikov and Makarin were sitting.
Anatole in the office was lying with his elbows on his arm on the sofa, smiling thoughtfully and whispering something gently to himself with his beautiful mouth.
- Go and eat something. Well, have a drink! Dolokhov shouted to him from another room.
- I do not want! - Anatole answered, still smiling.
- Go, Balaga has arrived.
Anatole got up and entered the dining room. Balaga was a well-known troika driver, who had known Dolokhov and Anatol for six years, and served them with his troikas. More than once, when Anatol's regiment was stationed in Tver, he took him away from Tver in the evening, brought him to Moscow by dawn and took him away the next day at night. More than once he took Dolokhov away from the pursuit, more than once he rolled them around the city with gypsies and ladies, as Balaga called. More than once, with their work, he pressed the people and cabs around Moscow, and his gentlemen, as he called them, always rescued him. He drove more than one horse under them. More than once he was beaten by them, more than once they got him drunk with champagne and Madeira, which he loved, and he knew more than one thing behind each of them that an ordinary person would long ago deserve Siberia. In their carousing, they often invited Balaga, forced him to drink and dance with the gypsies, and not one thousand of their money passed through his hands. Serving them, he risked his life and his skin twenty times a year, and at their work he killed more horses than they overpaid him. But he loved them, loved this crazy ride, eighteen miles an hour, loved to roll over a cab and crush a pedestrian in Moscow, and fly at full speed through the Moscow streets. He loved to hear this wild cry of drunken voices behind him: “Go! go! " whereas it was impossible to go faster anyway; he loved to stretch the painful neck of a peasant, who was neither alive nor dead, kept away from him. "Real gentlemen!" he thought.
Anatol and Dolokhov also loved Balaga for his driving skills and for the fact that he loved what they did. Balaga dressed up with others, took twenty-five rubles for a two-hour ride, and only occasionally went with others, and sent more of his fellows. But with his masters, as he called them, he always rode himself and never demanded anything for his work. Only when he found out through the valets the time when there was money, he came every few months in the morning, sober and, bowing low, asked to help him out. Gentlemen always planted him.
“You’ll challenge me, Father Fyodor Ivanovich or your Excellency,” he said. “I’ve been disheartened at all, so you can lend what you can to go to the market.
Both Anatol and Dolokhov, when they were in the money, gave him a thousand and two rubles each.
Balaga was fair-haired, with a red face and especially a red, thick neck, a stocky, snub-nosed man, twenty-seven years old, with shining small eyes and a small beard. He was dressed in a thin blue caftan with a silk lining, wearing a sheepskin coat.

How it all began ...

The founder and permanent CEO of ESTEL Lev Okhotin is a highly qualified chemist, a graduate of the Department of Chemical Technology of Organic Dyes and Phototropic Compounds of the St. Petersburg State Technological Institute. The sphere of his scientific interests is the basics of fine organic synthesis, that is, exactly on the basis of which dyes are produced. Before opening his own enterprise, Lev Okhotin worked in a group of managers, one large entrepreneur who invested money in various projects and their development. One of such projects turned out to be a perfumery and cosmetic factory, which, thanks to the efforts of Lev Okhotin and his colleagues, came out of the crisis a year later. It was then that Lev Okhotin thought about the possibility of creating his own company for the development and production of cosmetic products. There was no question of what to produce, because, as a scientist, the future head of the ESTEL company knew dyes best of all.

The idea was simple: to develop and launch on the market a domestic product of high quality and at domestic prices, of course. Friends were involved in its implementation: Lydia Pavlovna Kovzhina (lecturer at the Department of Chemical Technology of Organic Dyes and Phototropic Compounds of the St. Petersburg State Technological Institute), Andrey Shiltsov (future chief engineer of ESTEL), Vadim Borisovich Panteleimonov (future technical director) and Olga Chistyakova (head laboratories, chemist-pharmacist by education). It was 2000, no investment was expected from outside. The initial start-up capital was collected from personal savings. A year later, a series of hair dyes for home use, consisting of 15 shades, called "Estelle" (in Russian) was developed and began to be sold.

The brand was quickly noticed not only by buyers, but also by professionals in the beauty industry. In May 2003, Dmitry Ershov (president of the Nevskie Berega festival), having met Lev Okhotin, tried to infect him with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a domestic brand of professional cosmetics. Lev Okhotin then dismissed it, but a little later Dmitry Ershov introduced him to Nikolai Ivanovich Kharkovsky (an international master in hairdressing, winner of the USSR, European and world championships, coach of the USSR national team in hairdressing), who became a guide to the world of hairdressing for ESTEL.

As a result, the ESTEL laboratory began research and development of new professional products for itself and by 2005 was able to prepare the first professional line of ESSEX dyes from ESTEL Professional, which consisted of 67 shades, a set of oxygenants, technical shampoos and balms. By the end of the next year, the ESSEX palette had almost doubled. The novelty was a success among specialists and their clients, and ESTEL decided to develop and offer salons the widest possible selection of domestic products for hairdressers. This is what the company did, developing and releasing in record time a huge range of excellent domestic professional cosmetics for hair, and subsequently body.

Chronology of the release of professional products ESTEL Professional:
2006 year

  • Emulsion COLOR OFF is the first domestic highly effective product for removing persistent (oxidative) dyes from hair.
  • The ESSEX line of paints was complemented by the ESSEX LUMEN CONTRAST color gel for contrasting highlights and toning.
  • A range of products for permanent hair curling WAVEX.
  • CUREX hair care series, including VERSUS WINTER hair care products in winter with anti-static effect.
  • Line for hair styling AIREX.
2007 year
  • A new line of professional dyes DE LUXE premium class with a unique chromoenergetic complex, including chitosan, chestnut extract and a complex of vitamins.
  • The new NIAGARA bio-permanent curling product.
  • Professional series for men CUREX GENTLEMAN.
  • Special solar line SUNFLOWER to protect hair from ultraviolet rays.
2008 r.
  • Professional color for eyebrows and eyelashes ENIGMA.

2009 year

  • Children's cosmetic line MY ANGEL.
  • FITNESS hair and body care series.
  • Dye for gray hair DE LUXE SILVER.
  • Semi-permanent paint SENSE DE LUXE and premium care line OTIUM, which includes 8 directions: from a series of care for colored hair to special therapeutic series to restore hair structure.

2011 r.

  • Tanning products in the ESTEL SUN Flower solarium (6 types of cream, representing a four-level system for the protection and care of body skin when exposed to artificial UV rays).
  • ESTEL Element line, representing consumables for hairdressing: disposable towels, foil, collars ...
  • The OTIUM line has been replenished with the new OTIUM Aqua series.
  • Launch of the OTIUM HOMME series.

Something happened that at first few believed: the products of the Russian enterprise quickly enough not only conquered a solid segment of the professional hairdressing Russian market, but also significantly squeezed global manufacturers.

Manufacturing and distribution

The history of ESTEL production began only 1000 sq. m rented. There was a warehouse for raw materials, a warehouse for finished products, an office, a laboratory, and production itself. After a short time, the company needed something more reliable and large-scale. So, in 2003, a building was purchased, which now houses ESTEL (previously, these premises were the Research Institute of Quartz Glass). In 2004, it was here that production was launched, and here dreams of a significant increase in production from 1 million to 2 million pieces of products per month became a reality. To be honest, then for a young ambitious brand it seemed just fantastic volumes. Although these plans were soon overfulfilled, and now ESTEL produces up to 6 million pieces of products per month. And this is practically the limit of production possibilities. The brewhouse generally operates uninterruptedly, 24 hours a day. That is why ESTEL recently decided to acquire an office, industrial and warehouse complex in Kolpino. Currently, the acquisition of the OPS complex has been completed, and a warehouse for the company's finished products has already been located in Kolpino, and design work is underway at an accelerated pace in the remaining areas, since the launch of the first lines is planned for the end of 2012. Thus, the OPS-complex ESTEL justifiably claims to take the position of one of the largest producers of professional hair dyes in Europe.

Today the dealer network of the brand includes more than 150 organizations in Russia, the Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia and other neighboring countries. The official representative office of ESTEL-Ukraine has been working for several years already, in 2011 a representative office of ESTEL-Europe in Germany was opened. The first sales started in Poland. The company plans to enter other markets of Central and Western Europe.

Scientific developments and technology for creating products

From day one, the company's own laboratory has been working in close contact with the leading specialists of the St. Petersburg State Technological Institute, thanks to which the latest scientific developments are used. The laboratory staff itself consists of 15 people, three of whom have defended their Ph.D. theses. In addition to the development of drugs, laboratory specialists, together with engineers from the technical control department, take part in quality control of raw materials and finished products entering production.

In the face of a sharp jump in the cost of imported drugs and consumables, many heads of beauty salons are looking for ways to reduce the cost of services while maintaining their high quality.

It would seem that this is a chance for domestic manufacturers to oust foreign competitors from the market! However, Russian enterprises producing professional cosmetic products can be counted on one hand. Those of them who are actually able to seriously compete with Western companies are almost unique.

It is all the more interesting for us today to lift the veil of secrecy and reveal the "secrets" of production and commercial success of the Russian brand ESTEL, which for several years has been one of the leaders in the market of professional products for hairdressing: the volume of products manufactured by this company is the largest in Eastern Europe!

Cadres are everything

And not just staff, but SCIENTIFIC STAFF. In the situation with ESTEL - Russian chemists. This is the foundation and heart of the company. Pharmaceutical chemist Olga Chistyakova supervises a team of 30 scientists. All of them are graduates of the best Russian specialized universities. Five are candidates of chemical sciences. Many laboratory employees have been working in it since the very first years of the brand's foundation.

Nevertheless, such a large-scale and dynamically developing production constantly needs to replenish its staff with young talented scientists. This very circumstance is one of the reasons why students of domestic chemical universities regularly undergo practical training in the ESTEL laboratory. The best graduates who have shown themselves well during the internship are invited to work in the company. The laboratory of the brand also participates in institute grants: scientists working for ESTEL offer students their topics for their thesis. This form of cooperation not only stimulates a thorough study of certain chemical processes, but also allows new scientific discoveries to be made. Several times it was in the course of such research that original innovative ESTEL products were created.

Scientific partnership

From the first days of the brand's existence, its leading scientific partner is the St. Petersburg State Technological Institute, the alma mater of not only many employees of the brand's laboratory, but also the owner of the company, Lev Okhotin, a professional chemist, a graduate of the Department of Chemical Technology of Organic Dyes and Phototropic Compounds. It is this partnership that gives ESTEL the opportunity to use the latest developments in fundamental science in its product formulas.

Quality of raw materials with a capital letter

ESTEL cooperates with large European companies - manufacturers of cosmetic raw materials, which have production facilities located all over the world and which guarantee the high quality of their products. These are the same factories that produce components for the products of all the multinational cosmetics companies. When choosing a supplier company, attention is paid to the popularity of the company, its position in the market is checked, attention is drawn to the availability of new products from the company: if there are any, then money is being invested in the business.

Preference is given to firms with a history and continuity, because they are very sensitive and scrupulous about their business. For example, one of the companies supplying ESTEL perfumery fragrances for more than 100 years is a family business with established traditions. Cooperation with such companies is especially valuable in the production of exclusive series of ESTEL products.

The beauty industry has very strict requirements for cosmetic raw materials in general. There are a huge number of different committees, commissions that check the quality of materials. When a company offers a package of documents, say, for a vitamin complex, in the form of a 60-page dossier, it inspires respect and trust. But ... this does not cancel the INTERNAL CONTROL in ESTEL of all incoming raw materials and materials.

Interesting fact: Representatives of raw materials companies are very fond of visiting ESTEL production not only for their friendly welcome, but also for the fact that during communication with laboratory staff and production processes they open up new topics for their development. There are examples when, after such meetings and interest in a specific component, products entered the European market that were previously sold only in America or Japan or were generally in the portfolio of this company.

Thorough testing of products by the future buyer BEFORE the stage of mass production

The development of new products is carried out in close cooperation and with the direct participation of practicing hairdressers.

At the development stage, when the research team, having reviewed various combinations of substances, is satisfied with its result, the product testing phase begins in the laboratory, where its adaptation takes place. The volunteers work out the coloristic assessment, sensations on wet, dry hair, ease of application, rinsing quality, aroma and other components. And what is important is that at this moment the developer can quickly intervene to improve certain parameters.

Upon receipt of positive results, the product is transferred for mass testing to the ESTEL Academy of Hairdressing, where the so-called "product dossier" is collected, that is, customer reviews. And only after that the product is launched into production.

Product development and testing times can vary widely. For example, in 1999 it took chemists a year to develop and test the very first line of ESTEL dye, during which 2000 formulations for 15 shades were prepared. It took the company three years to develop 101 shades of the masterpiece HAUTE COUTURE ESTEL (thousands (!) Of models were painted before the stage of mass production).

Adaptation of products for the Russian consumer and for the Russian conditions of use, or NO to ready-made foreign formulas!

All ESTEL recipes are unique developments of our own scientific laboratory. The company is critical of the proposals of producers of raw materials to purchase “ready-made formulas” (and they are not uncommon). This is due to the fact that the latter are often absolutely not adapted to the Russian market, to our region, not adapted, for example, to water.

Thorough observance of technological production processes and quality control department (technical control department)

It is very important for the brand's success that all processes, from formulation development, its introduction into production, packaging of the finished product, to its storage in a warehouse and shipment to the consumer, guarantee the high quality of the drugs. Therefore, the company has developed procedures for each stage of the research and production and even the implementation process, in which it is step by step prescribed who and what should do at a certain moment, what to control. All departments and specialists of different categories (from a candidate of chemical sciences to a packer) are involved in these processes. Everything happens according to a clear scheme, all processes are verified and subject to the international quality standard ISO.

Particular attention is paid to strict adherence to the percentage input of components in the manufacture of drugs. Thus, ESTEL guarantees that the client will receive the effect of the properties declared on the packaging and in the product description.

The technical control department (QCD) monitors the production. And not only at the stage of supply of raw materials and production itself. ESTEL guarantees the quality of their products on the basis that they subject them to total control for three years from the date of production, that is, the entire shelf life! First, three months after release, and then every year, all released lots are tested for physical and chemical indicators, for color assessment. By the way, in two years the company will start operating its own microbiological laboratory, but for now these tests are carried out on a contractual basis by other accredited laboratories in Moscow and St. Petersburg. ESTEL rightly considers research on clinical and toxicological standards to be very important, because recently the number of people prone to allergic diseases has increased.

Continuous expansion and modernization of production facilities and equipment

ESTEL's production since 2010 is not one, but two factories in St. Petersburg: on Piskarevsky Prospekt and new production facilities in Kolpino with an area of \u200b\u200b30 thousand square meters. m (where not only workshops are located, but also a warehouse for finished products). Both factories are well equipped and use high-quality domestic (for example, reactors) and imported (packaging) equipment.

Most of the production is automated, and only in some cases the help of personnel is required. For example, cookers assume an automated supply of raw materials and subsequent supply of the finished product, but they need to be controlled by technologists. Also help is required in the preparation of raw materials. Packing involves automation, but the final stages (for example, packing tubes of paint into boxes) involve manual work.

It was the expansion of production areas and capacities and their maximum automation that allowed ESTEL to increase production up to 10,000,000 units of products per month and take the position of one of the largest producers of professional hair dyes in Europe.

The WFTU is the largest organization in the environment, formed in the area where a large Russian community lived; the organization originated in the 1920s and took shape as a party in May.

At the end of September 1945, Okhotin was arrested, and a year later he was sentenced to one with the ataman, Rodzaevsky and others. He was sentenced to 15 years.


In Harbin in 1932, Okhotin first saw during a lecture at the Russian Club. At the end of 1933, while a student at the Harbin Pedagogical Institute, he joined the (WFTU) (remained its member until 1943). In 1934, Okhotin met Rodzaevsky personally.

From 1935 he was a clerk, and then the head of the office of the WFTU (1935-1937) and the publisher of the newspaper "" (1938-1940). At the end of 1936 he was appointed head of the organizational department of the WFTU. In 1937-1938 he was also the secretary of the head of the WFTU Rodzaevsky. Okhotin's wife - headed in 1936-1943.

Okhotin from 1937 to 1943 was a member of the Supreme Council of the WFTU.


Okhotin was accused of active anti-Soviet activities after fleeing from the USSR, in particular, participation in a fascist organization and membership in the Supreme Council of the RFU. In addition, according to the verdict, he was an agent of Japanese intelligence, being an employee of the Japanese military mission from 1940 until the day of his arrest, he trained spies, saboteurs and transferred them to the USSR for subversive work.

All defendants admitted their guilt. On August 30, 1946, at 5 a.m. Ulrich began and at 5:30 a.m. finished reading the sentence. According to the verdict, L.P. Okhotin was found guilty, and he and Prince Ukhtomsky, "given their relatively lesser role in anti-Soviet activities," were sentenced to 15 and 20 years respectively.

Lev Okhotin died in logging in Moscow, having served there in prison for two years out of fifteen.

Reconsideration of the case

A family

Father Pavel Okhotin (? - 1916 or 1917) - officer, died.

Mother Nadezhda Mikhailovna Melnikova, until 1919 Okhotina (1887 -?) - until 1916 or 1917 she was married to Pavel Okhotin. In 1919, she married the head of the Chita police station, Alexander Melnikov. Until August 1945 she lived in Harbin, her further fate is unknown.

Stepfather Alexander Petrovich Melnikov (1883 -?) - in 1919 he married Okhotin's mother - Nadezhda. Until August 1945 he lived in Harbin, the further fate is unknown.

Sister Alla Ilyinsky (1915 -?) - was married to Alexei Ilyinsky (1906 -?). Until August 1945 she lived in Harbin, her further fate is unknown.

Brothers Alexei Melnikov (1920 -?), Georgy Melnikov (1922 -?), Sergei Melnikov (1928 -?), As well as sister Tamara Melnikova (1932 -?) Lived in Harbin until August 1945, their further fate is unknown.

Wife - Evlalia Grigorievna Okhotina, nee Silinskaya (12/04/1912 - December 1981) - was born into a priest's family. In 1922, together with her family, she emigrated from Russia to Manchuria. In 1934 she married Lev Okhotin. She headed in 1936-1943. In 1943-1945 she was a housewife. In the fall of 1945, she was arrested in Harbin and sentenced to imprisonment. After being released from prison in 1956, she married a former member of the WFTU Migunov. She died in December 1981 in the city of Dzhambul.

Okhotin in art

Okhotin is one of the heroes of the novel "In those days in the East" by the Soviet writer Timofey Chernov. He is presented in the work as an anti-Soviet and devoted ally of the Japanese.


  1. Providing, in any way, assistance to that part of the international bourgeoisie, which, not recognizing the equality of the communist system replacing the capitalist system, seeks to overthrow it, as well as to social groups and organizations that are under the influence or directly organized by this bourgeoisie, in the implementation of hostile against the USSR activities.
  2. Espionage, that is, the transfer, abduction or collection for the purpose of transferring information that is, in its content, a specially protected state secret, to foreign states, counter-revolutionary organizations or individuals.
  3. Committing terrorist acts directed against representatives of the Soviet government or leaders of revolutionary and workers' parties, peasant organizations, and participation in the execution of terrorist acts, even if by persons who do not belong to counter-revolutionary organizations.
  4. Destruction or damage for counterrevolutionary purposes by explosion, arson or other purposes of the railway or other means of communication, communications, water supply, public warehouses and other structures, or state and public property.
  5. Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda.
  6. Any kind of organizational activity aimed at preparing or committing crimes provided for in this chapter [meaning the chapter "Counter-revolutionary crimes"], as well as participation in an organization formed to prepare or commit one of the crimes provided for in this chapter.


  1. SAHK. F. P830. Op. 3.D. 35230.L. 3.
  2. SAHK. F. P830. Op. 3.D. 35230.L. 9.
  3. SAHK. F. P830. Op. 3.D. 35230. L. 57-57v.
  4. , from. 138.
  5. SAHK. F. P830. Op. 3.D. 35230.L. 57 ob.
  6. , from. 172.
  7. Investigative case N-18765 in relation to Semyonov G.M., Rodzaevsky K.V. and others // Central archive of the FSB of the Russian Federation. L. 459.
  8. Investigative case N-18765 in relation to Semyonov G.M., Rodzaevsky K.V. and others // Central archive of the FSB of the Russian Federation. L. 462.
  9. , from. 416.
  10. Investigative case N-18765 in relation to Semyonov G.M., Rodzaevsky K.V. and others // Central Archives of the FSB RF. L. 442.


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