Folk doll bird twist from fabric. Do-it-yourself ritual doll "Bird of Joy". Doll Bird Joy - history and meaning

Doll "Bird of Joy" - a doll of the spring ceremony associated with the arrival of spring... It was believed that birds bring spring on their wings. In the first days of spring, married women - they were the main participants in the ceremony, but girls could also participate, went outside the outskirts and called Spring. Women dressed in bright, smart clothes.

Headdresses in the form of birds were especially decorated. Decorated with feathers, fur edges. The women themselves took on the images of birds. It was believed that if a woman sat on her head, on her shoulder or on her arm, she would be happy and successful all year. It was believed that birds carry with them the keys to happiness, warmth and light.

The bird-joy helps a woman to understand her purpose and to feel her attractiveness: it is important to separate the concept of “beauty” from the ability to attract - in a special way to charge herself and her state with the surrounding space, which attracts people - men, women, children's souls. This is a special skill of a woman - to give a man something that gives him confidence, peace, a sense of his own importance, significance, domination, and ask him in return for protection, love, tenderness, generosity. This doll also turns time into spring and life into joy.

(Based on materials from the master from Tula Agaeva Irina Vladimirovna.)

Step 1.Make a tight twist of the fabric so that the doll can stand. If necessary, insert the stick inside.

Step 2... Tie the twist in three places with red thread.

Step 3... Wrap the twist in a white piece of fabric, gently tucking the edges.

Step 4. Tie with a red thread in the middle.

Step 5... Place filler on top of the head roll to give it roundness.

Step 6. Fold a square of white fabric for the arms and head diagonally, cover the head with it, tie it with red thread, straightening the folds on the face.

Step 7... For the hands, turn the corner of the fabric inward.

Step 8... Bend the edges inward in the form of a triangle.

Step 9. Fold in half and tie with a red thread. The doll's hands are ready.

Step 10... Twist the breast patch into a tube and put it under the fabric, forming the breast.

Step 11... Tuck the corners of the shirt in front and back. We tie it up with a red thread.

Step 12... We put on a skirt in an inverted way.

Step 13... Now we put on an apron.

Step 14... We tie the top with a beautiful braid.

Step 15. Now we make a headdress - a magpie.

We put the piece for the scarf with the long side up, corner down. Find the middle of the long side and bend the halves inward.

Step 16. We bend it again.

Step 17... We bend it in half and bandage the tip - this will be the bird's beak.

Step 18.We form the bird's head, putting a piece of filler under the outer layer, inside the workpiece, and tie it with a thread.

Step 19. We straighten the ends of the scarf and, bending the edge by 1 cm, put it on the doll's head, wrapping the lateral ends of the scarf ("wings") overlapping behind the head.

Step 20... We tie the side ends of the scarf to the neck with a red thread. In this case, we do not grip the rear end.

Step 21 Now we tie the back end of the scarf at the back of the head, we get the bird's tail.

Step 22... We straighten the scarf. It turns out a bird, covering the doll's head with its wings.

Step 23... Now we make an odd number of birds. Fold the flap of fabric for the bird diagonally.

Step 24. Find the middle and bend the halves inward (like a headdress).

Step 25... And now we bend it again.

Step 26... We decorate the bird's beak with a thread.

Step 27... We shape the head by putting the filler inside and tying it with a thread.

Step 28... We stretch the thread inside the body and tie the tail.

Step 29. We tie a thread and wings.

Step 30... Then we spread the tail and wings.

Step 31... We seat the birds on the doll, be sure to attach one bird to the head.

The target audience: teachers and educators of schools, teachers additional education, parents. For a wide range of readers interested in Slavic culture.

Appointment: DIY toy, amulet for the house, gift.

Master - class: Do-it-yourself ritual doll "Bird of Joy"

purpose: Transfer of personal professional experience in the field of creative and educational activities. Enhancement professional excellence teachers in the process of mastering the experience of making the ritual doll "Bird of Joy".


· The formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a folk doll as an attribute of the spiritual culture of the Russian people.

· Instilling interest in the manufacture of amulet, ritual and play dolls;

· Creation of a play doll using traditional technology.

· Development of fine motor skills and primary skills of needlework in children's master classes.

· Development of individual inclinations and creativity.

The world of folk dolls is very diverse. They accompany a person all his life. With them we learn to sew, knit, cook ... we learn real life ... They lead to life - Veduchka - the image of a mother leading the baby into life, heal - herbal doll, console - Comforter, fulfill desires - Desire, keep on the road - Plantain ...

Doll "Bird of Joy" - a doll of the spring ceremony associated with the arrival of spring... It was believed that birds bring spring on their wings. In the first days of spring, married women - they were the main participants in the ceremony, but girls could also participate, went outside the outskirts and called Spring. Women dressed in bright, smart clothes.

Headdresses were especially smart - magpies - different kind, decorated with feathers, trimmed with fur, similar to birds. The women themselves took on the images of birds. There was a belief that if a woman sat on a bird's head, shoulder or arm, she would be happy and successful all year. It was believed that birds carry with them the keys to happiness, warmth and light.

The bird-joy helps a woman to understand her purpose and to feel her attractiveness: it is important to separate the concept of "beauty" from the ability to attract - in a special way to charge yourself and your state with the surrounding space, which attracts people - men, women, children's souls. This is a special ability of a woman to give a man something that gives him confidence, peace, a sense of his own importance, significance, domination, and ask him in return for protection, love, tenderness, generosity. This doll also turns time into spring and life into joy.

The calls were as follows:

Larks, larks

Come to us

Bring to us

Summer is warm

Take away from us

The winter is cold

Winter is cold for us

I'm bored

My hands and feet are frostbitten!

Lark, lark

It's winter for you

And it's summer for us!

You have a sleigh, and we have a cart!

Larks - voles

Come to us,

Red spring

Warm summer!

We're tired of winter

I ate all the bread with us,

I killed all the cattle.

Spring, Spring, red!

Come, Spring, with joy!

With joy, with great mercy!

With large flax, with a deep root,

With great bread

Spring, Spring, what did you wear?

On what did you come up, drove up?

On the bipod, on the harrow,

On a broom.


1. A large piece of old roll cloth (I took an old towel).

2. White fabric for the body 30x40 cm.

3. White cloth for head and arms 36x36 cm.

4. A piece of white fabric for the chest.

5. Colored bright fabric for a scarf in the shape of a triangle with a side of 38 cm.

6. Colored fabric for a skirt 20x35 cm.

7. A piece of cloth for the apron.

8. Red threads.

10. Several bright bird patches.

11. Filler.

Working process:

Step 1.Make a tight twist of the fabric so that the doll can stand. If necessary, insert the stick inside.

Step 2... Tie the twist in three places with red thread.

Step 3... Wrap the twist in a white piece of fabric, gently tucking the edges.

Step 4. Tie with a red thread in the middle.

Step 5... Place filler on top of the head roll to give it roundness.

Step 6. Fold a square of white fabric for the arms and head diagonally, cover the head with it, tie it with red thread, straightening the folds on the face.

Step 7... For the hands, turn the corner of the fabric inward.

Step 8... Bend the edges inward in the form of a triangle.

Once upon a time, our ancestors lived in the same rhythm with nature. In the summer they worked on the land, in the fall they reaped the fruits, and the winter was a serious test, especially in lean years. That is why the onset of spring was a real holiday for the ancient Slavs. We were diligently preparing for this event - they dressed up in new clothes, praised spring in songs, read conspiracies for good luck. For festivities, special ritual dolls were made, there are quite a few types of them.

One of the traditional symbols of greeting spring was the Bird of Joy motanka. Why does she have this unusual name? How did the Slavs use lyalka? Can you do it yourself? We will be happy to share with you the answers to these questions.

The daily life of our ancestors from infancy to death was accompanied by all kinds of amulets. The Slavs made them on their own or asked for help from the elders in the family.

They were a popular type of amulets. They were made from whatever came to hand: twigs, straw, scraps of fabric, ribbons and beads. Just like that, out of idleness, they did not do it. To create a rag or straw figurine, a reason was needed.

Snooty neighbors, frequent illnesses of a child, scandals at home - all this served as a reason for making a talisman. Such pupae were called guardian. But there were others - ritual. They were not used every day, only taken out on holidays. The Bird of Joy belongs to the ritual lyalki.

Slavic bird symbol associated with spring, and she, in turn, was the personification of joy, love, happiness, a harbinger of change and positive change.

Nothing is known about the period of the appearance of the Bird of Joy, and the name of the doll does not at all help to reveal this secret. The Slavs have always honored spring, loudly and sincerely rejoicing at its coming. And if she was late, they tried to speed up her arrival. The Bird of Joy doll helped them in this.

The bird Joy was made to speed up the arrival of spring.

There is a widespread theory among experts that the lyalka could have been born much earlier than its current name. It is highly likely that it was previously used under a different name.

Whenever the Bird of Joy appears, in one wonderful moment she is so firmly entrenched in the culture of the Slavs that it has become an integral part of life.

The meaning of the Bird of Joy doll

Often the purpose of making a Slavic doll amulet can be recognized by its name. helps to fulfill dreams, protects the baby, and protects the happiness of lovers.

Bird Joy symbolizes the arrival of warmth, joy and new opportunities.

But the meaning of the Bird of Joy doll cannot be easily guessed. Appearance motanka also does not help solve this mystery. According to the rules, miniature figures of birds are attached to the doll, and the kerchief on its head is tied in a special way - so that it resembles wings. Alas, such symbolism will not say anything to a person who knows little about Slavic traditions.

The secret lies in the fact that the Slavs associated the return of birds from warm lands with the arrival of spring. When the warm season was delayed, they independently called for spring with the help of the rite of transformation into birds.

Women, tying scarves in a special way, put on clothes with birdie patterns and went to the fields and forests. There they left the Birds of Joy. Thus, the Slavs tried to outwit the spring, showing her that the birds had already arrived and it was time to come.

Based on this, the Bird of Joy will have the following meaning:

  • the onset of heat - nature wakes up from hibernation, trees turn green, herbs sprout, which can be collected for tinctures or amulets;
  • the arrival of joy, fun - after all, now you can walk a long time without fear of freezing;
  • finding happiness, because spring is the time of lovers;
  • fulfillment of desires - the sun, almost invisible in winter, will begin to shine for whole days, giving strength and energy that were so lacking in the cold period.

Whatever one may say, but Lyalka has extremely positive meanings. It could not be otherwise, because our ancestors believed that birds bring happiness and good luck on their wings.

Rules for creating a ritual doll

For us, toys are a mandatory attribute of childhood. Growing up, we say goodbye to our favorite dolls, cars or animals. We give them to the next generation, pass them on to friends, and sometimes throw them away.

The Slavs had a different attitude towards dolls. In their culture, they performed sacred functions - they protected the owners from envious people and evil spirits, helped to carry out seasonal rituals. Each lyalka had its own external features, but at the same time existed general rules making such dolls.

What you need to know when making a DIY Bird of Joy doll:

  • Needles, scissors and other sharp handicrafts are used only at the preparatory stage. You will have to fasten the blanks without them, using only threads.
  • Traditional folk dolls are not endowed with the features of the owner or his relatives. The facelessness of the figure prevents dark entities from settling in it and causing trouble.
  • Another important point - the Bird of Joy doll should be finished in one sitting. It is believed that stretching the work dissipates the energy invested in the amulet, thereby weakening its strength.
  • Use only natural materials. The Slavs treated nature with respect. They believed that everything obtained naturally has a powerful, positive charge of energy.

These rules were followed by the ancient Slavs, who made dolls for their loved ones. Not only traditions were invested in amulets, but also warm wishes, so they made good defenders and real magnets for happiness.

Considering all these nuances, you can also make a beautiful and effective amulet.

Master class: doll Bird Joy with your own hands

Bird Joy is a ritual doll. It is customary to make it in early spring, so that warmth comes as quickly as possible. But the Slavs did this not only in order to quickly replace winter clothes with lighter ones. They also tried to invite happiness in this way.

Be sure that together with the Bird of Joy, positive will definitely come to your home.

If you also lack happiness, try making a spring ritual motanka. Spring is a great time for a change.

First, let's collect materials:

  • even twig (about 15-20 cm long);
  • fabric of any color (1x1.5 m) - we will make a twist from it;
  • white chintz (several sections: 40x50 cm, 35x35 cm, 15x15 cm);
  • colored matter in the shape of a triangle - for a scarf;
  • dark fabric for the lower skirt (a piece of 20x30 cm format);
  • bright fabric for the top skirt (the segment is slightly larger than the previous one - 30x40);
  • a strip of white material for the apron;
  • filler for the head and chest (only natural - yarn, herbs);
  • red jute thread;
  • belt for the belt;
  • pieces of colored fabric (5 pieces of 8x8 cm) - for birds;
  • wooden stand.

Before starting the process of creating a reel, read the instructions and make all the blanks in advance. Sharp tools can no longer be used during assembly.

With the materials sorted out, now you can expel everyone from the room and prepare the work surface. Let's get started!

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Wrap the stick tightly with the largest piece of fabric, and then secure the fabric with thread.
  2. We make the head in the form of a ball using filler.
  3. Attach the head to the torso using the same thread.
  4. We will turn the ends spread out on the sides into hands. Straighten them nicely so that there are no wrinkles left, and then shape your palms using thread.
  5. Take the chest piece. After straightening a piece of fabric, place the filler on it so that the roller can be rolled. Place the resulting roll under the fabric near your hands, and then lower the material and fix the curvy shapes with thread.
  6. Now you can start working on skirts. Lower first. We apply it with the wrong side in the waist area, lifting it up. Having tied a thread around the waist, lower the skirt down. Repeat this step one more time using the fabric for the skirt.
  7. Let's take a headdress. You will have to spend a little more time on it than on the more familiar kerchiefs for
  8. Place this structure on your head and fix it properly. Leave the two front edges of the fabric on the shoulders, and tie the thread under the neck. From the third end protruding from the back, make a ponytail. Remember to shape your headband by attaching a ribbon on your forehead before putting on your scarf.
  9. By tradition, the Bird of Joy was decorated with small figures of birds. There is already a bird on our reel, but if you want, you can make 3-5 miniature birds and attach them to the doll's arms and skirt.
  10. The penultimate detail in the winding of the ritual doll will be a belt. To make it, take a white piece of canvas (or any other white fabric) and tie it to a belt in the same way we learned when making a skirt.

Bird Joy should be bright, cheerful and joyful. This is the only way she can bring happiness and good luck to her owner.

Doll "Bird of Joy" - a doll of the spring ceremony associated with the arrival of spring... It was believed that birds bring spring on their wings. In the first days of spring, married women - they were the main participants in the ceremony, but girls could also participate, went outside the outskirts and called Spring. Women dressed in bright, smart clothes.

Headdresses in the form of birds were especially decorated. Decorated with feathers, fur edges. The women themselves took on the images of birds. It was believed that if a woman sat on her head, on her shoulder or on her arm, she would be happy and successful all year. It was believed that birds carry with them the keys to happiness, warmth and light.

The bird-joy helps a woman to understand her purpose and to feel her attractiveness: it is important to separate the concept of “beauty” from the ability to attract - in a special way to charge herself and her state with the surrounding space, which attracts people - men, women, children's souls. This is a special ability of a woman to give a man something that gives him confidence, peace, a sense of his own importance, significance, domination, and ask him in return for protection, love, tenderness, generosity. This doll also turns time into spring and life into joy.

(Based on materials from the master from Tula Agaeva Irina Vladimirovna.)

Step 1.Make a tight twist of the fabric so that the doll can stand. If necessary, insert the stick inside.

Step 2... Tie the twist in three places with red thread.

Step 3... Wrap the twist in a white piece of fabric, gently tucking the edges.

Step 4. Tie with a red thread in the middle.

Step 5... Place filler on top of the head roll to give it roundness.

Step 6. Fold a square of white fabric for the arms and head diagonally, cover the head with it, tie it with red thread, straightening the folds on the face.

Step 7... For the hands, turn the corner of the fabric inward.

Step 8... Bend the edges inward in the form of a triangle.

Step 9. Fold in half and tie with a red thread. The doll's hands are ready.

Step 10... Twist the breast patch into a tube and put it under the fabric, forming the breast.

Step 11... Tuck the corners of the shirt in front and back. We tie it up with a red thread.

Step 12... We put on a skirt in an inverted way.

Step 13... Now we put on an apron.

Step 14... We tie the top with a beautiful braid.

Step 15. Now we make a headdress - a magpie.

We put the piece for the scarf with the long side up, corner down. Find the middle of the long side and bend the halves inward.

Step 16. We bend it again.

Step 17... We bend it in half and bandage the tip - this will be the bird's beak.

Step 18.We form the bird's head, putting a piece of filler under the outer layer, inside the workpiece, and tie it with a thread.

Step 19. We straighten the ends of the scarf and, bending the edge by 1 cm, put it on the doll's head, wrapping the lateral ends of the scarf ("wings") overlapping behind the head.

Step 20... We tie the side ends of the scarf to the neck with a red thread. In this case, we do not grip the rear end.

Step 21 Now we tie the back end of the scarf at the back of the head, we get the bird's tail.

Step 22... We straighten the scarf. It turns out a bird, covering the doll's head with its wings.

Step 23... Now we make an odd number of birds. Fold the flap of fabric for the bird diagonally.

Step 24. Find the middle and bend the halves inward (like a headdress).

Step 25... And now we bend it again.

Step 26... We decorate the bird's beak with a thread.

Step 27... We shape the head by putting the filler inside and tying it with a thread.

Step 28... We stretch the thread inside the body and tie the tail.

Step 29. We tie a thread and wings.

Step 30... Then we spread the tail and wings.

Step 31... We seat the birds on the doll, be sure to attach one bird to the head.

Spring is, of course, joy - the sun is shining, the grass turns green. Who brings it? Our ancestors believed that birds brought it in spring. So girls and women made a special ritual doll, which was also used in the calls of spring - the Bird-Joy. The official dates for making this doll are March 21 and 22, when night and day compete, but you can extend these dates until the end of March.

You will need:

  • white natural fabric;
  • natural fabric from any home textile;
  • fabrics of other colors (preferably natural);
  • red threads (preferably woolen);
  • optional threads of other colors (also woolen);
  • scissors;
  • needle.

Inside this doll is the so-called twist. It is done simply: choose a piece of fabric the length of your palm and such width that it could be the body of the future doll and serve as a support for it.

Gently twist from left to right, following the movement of the Sun.

Tie the resulting roller in two places - neck and waist

The resulting twist will be, respectively, from your palm

Next, you need to make the head, arms and chest. We do all this from one element: a piece of white cloth, square, palm-to-palm sized. Place a piece of cotton wool about the size of the head you want in the center of this piece.

Tie the doll's neck with a red thread, in three turns and fix with three knots

Then we make the chest. To do this, we also use cotton wool, which we push under the “shirt” and tie it under the breast with a thread - again three turns and tie it in three knots. Please note that you need to wind again in the Sun.

Check the stability of the pupa at the same time - it should already be standing
The next step is, of course, the skirt. We measure the length necessary for your pupa ("the legs should not stick out and the hem should not drag along the ground)

Tie up the skirt from the inside

And spread it on the doll

Add an apron and a belt. I did it unconventionally, from the circles - so the doll asked

No self-respecting married woman would have left home without a headscarf before. And our festive beauty, of course, too

Trying on a scarf. We place it on the head and fix it around the neck with a thread
Then you can choose two options for fixing the scarf.


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