Execute a request for the initial data of the gochs. How can an organization find out to which civil defense category it has been assigned and what powers have been assigned? Civil defense and emergency situations at the enterprise

We wrote a letter to the Civil Defense and Emergencies Directorate with a request about our category and powers for civil defense. But they did not receive an official answer. They just sent us a package of documents that need to be filled out without a cover letter. Once again, we have emailed us with a request to respond to our request. But they never answered us. They said orally that they have nothing to write to us. How can we be in this case?


Answer to the question:

If an organization has not been informed by the authorized body that it has been assigned a category for civil defense and emergency situations, then such an organization is considered uncategorized.

Regional authorities, in agreement with the Ministry of Emergencies, assign civil defense categories to organizations:

With a mobilization task, or

High risk of emergency, or

Unique cultural status.

These organizations are assigned:

If the organization is assigned a category for civil defense, then the relevant authority will inform it about it. The rest of the organizations are considered uncategorized.

All organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and the category of civil defense, are obliged to carry out civil defense activities and train their employees in the field of civil defense (Article 9 of the Law of February 12, 1998, No. 28-FZ).

Thus, organizations are required to:

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

1. Answer: How an employer can organize civil defense work in an organization and train employees

All organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, should conduct induction briefings on civil defense with new employees. And with all the rest, you need to conduct coursework once a year. To do this, you need to appoint a civil defense officer. The number of employees who will be involved in this depends on whether the organization has a civil defense category and whether it will continue to work during wartime.

To conduct induction and coursework, an organization needs local acts. In this answer, you will find samples of induction and coursework that are in line with the recommendations of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Obligation to carry out civil defense measures

All organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, are obliged to carry out civil defense measures and train their employees in the field of civil defense (Article 9 of the Law of February 12, 1998, No. 28-FZ).

Thus, organizations are required to:

 plan and conduct civil defense activities;

 carry out measures to maintain its stable functioning in wartime;

 train their employees in the field of civil defense;

 create and maintain in a state of constant readiness for use local warning systems, if available in the organization;

 create and maintain stocks of material, technical, food, medical and other means for civil defense purposes.

Civil defense and emergency protection systems (civil defense and emergency situations) are needed in order to:

 to carry out rescue operations and other urgent actions in the center of the disaster;

 to ensure the stable operation of the facility in an emergency and prevent an increase in the scale of the disaster.

Responsible for civil defense

To carry out civil defense activities, employers are required to create a structural unit for civil defense in the organization or appoint an employee who will be responsible for civil defense (Article 9 of the Law of February 12, 1998 No. 28-FZ, Article 14 of the Law of December 21 1994 No. 68-FZ).

The number of employees in a civil defense unit depends on the total number of employees in the organization and on whether the organization is classified in the civil defense categories or not.

To find out which category an organization belongs to, you need to write a request to the Civil Defense and Emergencies Department of the territorial body of local self-government with a request to clarify the authority of the organization to address issues in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies. Make a request in any form. Similar explanations are given by specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in a letter dated June 22, 2017 No. 817-1-1-8.

So, in organizations that are not assigned to the categories of civil defense, it is not necessary to appoint a separate employee authorized to solve tasks in the field of civil defense, therefore, the functions of such an employee can be assigned to another employee of the organization, part-time or combined. For example, assign work on civil defense to a labor protection specialist or a personnel specialist.

This is stated in clauses 5 and 6 of the Regulations approved by the order of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia No. 230 dated May 23, 2017. Similar explanations are given by the EMERCOM specialists in a letter dated June 22, 2017 No. 817-1-1-8.

Attention: it should be noted that in any case, it is necessary to introduce the position of an engineer for civil defense and emergency situations into the staffing table, regardless of how an employee authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense will be formalized: internally or combining positions.

Since for registration of a combination of positions, the position must also be provided for in the staffing table (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The only differences are that with an internal part-time job, an employee performs additional work in his free time from the main job (Article 60.1 and Part 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, the employer concludes a separate employment contract with the employee (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And when combining positions, an employee does additional work during his normal working day. In this case, additional work is payable and is possible only with the written consent of the employee (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

 up to 500 people - 1 individual employee;

 from 501 to 2000 people - 2-3 individual employees;

 from 2001 to 5000 people - 3-4 separate employees;

 over 5001 people - 5–6 individual employees.

The number of individual employees in representative offices and branches of organizations that belong to the categories of civil defense:

 from 200 to 500 people according to the staffing table - 1 employee;

 from 501 to 1000 people according to the staffing table - 2 employees;

 from 1001 to 2000 people according to the staffing table - 3 employees;

 from 2001 to 5000 people according to the staffing table - 4 employees;

 over 5001 people according to the staffing table - 5 employees.

The number of structural divisions or individual employees authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense in representative offices and branches of an organization is established by a local regulatory act.

The heads of the structural divisions (employees) for the civil defense of the organization are subordinate to the head of the organization.

This is stated in clauses 7 and 8 of the Regulation approved by order of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia dated May 23, 2017 No. 230.

When determining the number of civil defense workers in organizations, as well as in their representative offices and branches that carry out their activities in the field of education, take into account the total number of full-time students, and in the health sector, take into account the number of patients undergoing treatment in a hospital (p. 6 Of the Regulation approved by the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated May 23, 2017 No. 230).

Persons who have appropriate training in the field of civil defense are appointed to the positions of civil defense workers (clause 9 of the Regulation approved by order of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia dated May 23, 2017 No. 230).

Additional professional education or coursework in the field of civil defense can be completed:

 in educational organizations that have an appropriate license, including in educational and methodological centers for an additional professional program in the field of civil defense;

 at the courses of civil defense.

Attention: the head of the organization cannot fulfill the duties of an authorized person for civil defense and emergency situations, but at the same time he is also obliged to undergo training in civil defense and emergency situations. Therefore, the organization must have at least two trained: the head of the organization and the employee responsible for civil defense (clause 3 of the Regulation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000, No. 841).

The qualification requirements for civil defense workers are established in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 10, 2009 No. 977, as well as in the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 3, 2013 No. 707n. Thus, a civil defense and emergency engineer must have a higher professional (technical) education and training in a special civil defense and emergency program.

If a civil defense department is created in the organization, then the deputy director of the organization can be appointed as the head.

This procedure is provided for in clause 5 of the Regulations approved by the RF Government Decree of July 10, 1999 No. 782, and clause 5 of the RF Government Decree of September 4, 2003, No. 547.

The main functions and tasks that a unit or an authorized employee solves are established in the Approximate Regulation approved by order of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia No. 230 dated May 23, 2017. The approximate job duties of a civil defense and emergency worker can be found in the job description.

Appoint an employee who will be authorized to solve civil defense tasks in the organization by order.

Ivan Shklovets,
deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

Best regards and wishes for a comfortable work, Tatiana Kozlova,

expert Systems Personnel

Recently, a number of regulations have been adopted that tightened the requirements for civil defense and emergency situations for organizations. How to start this work, how to prepare the necessary documents - we will tell you in the article. Download a sample staff alert scheme.

Read in the article:

Civil defense and emergency situations at the enterprise

Before embarking on the organization of the civil defense system, the status of the enterprise must be raised. So, if there is a mobilization task that is assigned by the regional authorities and the Ministry of Emergencies, or there is a high risk of emergencies, or a unique cultural status, such an organization is assigned a category for civil defense. This can be a category of special importance, 1st or 2nd category. Each of them makes increased demands on the operating mode of the enterprise.

If there are no such signs, then the enterprise is classified as uncategorized, which, however, does not greatly facilitate the task of its management. In any case, you will have to prepare documents, develop an emergency notification scheme in the organization, and install stands. But first things first.

By law, all issues related to this area are included in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the chief manager, as well as his deputy. In an emergency, one of these persons becomes the chief of staff, makes decisions, issues orders, organizes all the necessary activities.

Who should be responsible for civil defense in the organization to which the category is assigned? Of course, also its leader, but in addition to the main responsibilities (about them - below), he will need to take care of a quick response. In large companies, the head can delegate these responsibilities to a responsible employee appointed by order, or even to a structural unit for civil defense.

Are the responsibilities for civil defense and emergency situations different in an enterprise with less than 50 employees? No, Russian legislation does not provide for special rules for small organizations. The responsibilities of civil defense companies depend only on the availability of a category.

Civil Defense Categories for Organizations and Facilities

How to start work on civil defense and emergency situations in the organization? This question must be addressed in writing to the authority responsible for civil defense in your municipality. In response to a request, these authorities present a list of requirements.

It is also necessary to prepare a list of the training group. It must necessarily include: a director, a civil defense specialist in an organization, members of the headquarters, members of the evacuation commission. When the response to the request arrives, you will need to do the following:

  • create a civil defense plan;
  • draw up programs, conduct coursework for employees;
  • develop an introductory training program for civil defense;
  • conduct an introductory briefing with hired workers in the first month of work with an entry in the journal;
  • conduct exercises, training in civil defense.

This, in short, is the answer to the question - where to start.

Vladimir Schweitzer

Changing Europe, with all the similarity of the problems facing it, is not a homogeneous organism devoid of any country specificity. Here, as before, there are leading states, there are “second line” countries that have a certain impact on the course of European and world events. There are those who, for various reasons, still cannot say their weighty word in the section on solving the economic, political and social problems of our time.

In this situation, which is natural for the period of transition from the old two-speed Europe to Europe, striving to create a single market space and democratic power structures, the territorial size of states, the size of the population of each of them, is less and less important. A much more significant factor is the degree of integration of the respective country into the common European economic, political and social space, the ability to find a “national niche” in the complicated system of international relations.

The concepts of “big” and “small” European countries differ. The states of the European continent refer exclusively to the categories of their differentiation by the size of the territory they occupy and the number of people living on it. True, here the question immediately arises: are there any clear generally accepted criterion-specific numerical indicators by which it is possible to determine which state is “big” and which is “small”? ...

Letter of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow dated June 22, 2017 No. 817-1-1-8 "On civil defense"

Responsible for civil defense in the organization, you can appoint an employee of the personnel department

EMERCOM of Russia explained how an organization can obtain information about the assignment of a civil defense category to it. To do this, you need to send a request to the territorial body of the ministry in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which this company operates. The request is made in any form.

In accordance with the Regulation on the structural divisions (employees) of organizations authorized to solve tasks in the field of civil defense, approved. by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated May 23, 2017 No. 230, if the organization is not assigned to any category in civil defense, then the specialist who will be entrusted with responsibilities on this issue may be hired part-time. Responsibilities for resolving issues in the field of civil defense are assigned to the responsible person by order of the head of the organization. The Russian Emergencies Ministry explained that a personnel service employee can also be appointed responsible, but only if the number of employees does not exceed 200 people

We draw your attention to the fact that this clarification of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia was prepared during the period of validity of the Regulation on structural divisions (employees) of organizations authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, approved by by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated July 31, 2006 No. 440, which became invalid on July 14, 2017. In accordance with the newly adopted standards for the number of commissioners established by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated May 23, 2017 No. 230, in organizations not classified as civil defense categories, work in this area can be performed concurrently by one of the organization's employees without taking into account the total number of personnel.



In response to the request, we inform you:

Question 1.

The assignment of organizations to the civil defense categories is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the assignment of organizations to the civil defense categories, depending on the role in the state economy or the impact on the safety of the population, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2016 No. 804dsp and on the basis of the Methodological Recommendations for assigning organizations to the categories of civil defense approved by the Deputy Minister of EMERCOM of Russia A.P. Chupriyan 11.11.2016 No. 2-4-71-69-11 dsp.

For clarification on issues of interest in the field of civil defense, you can contact the Civil Defense and Population Protection Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for Moscow (8-499-244-83-93, ext. 11352).

Question 2.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 28-FZ of 12.02.1998 "On Civil Defense", Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 782 of July 10, 1999 "On the creation (appointment) in organizations of structural units (employees) authorized to solve problems in in the field of civil defense ", by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.11.2000 No. 841" On approval of the regulation on training the population in the field of civil defense ", a specialist authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense is appointed in an organization by an order of the head of the organization.


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