Management professions. Development of the practical area of ​​HR. What is this profession - management

A profession is a concept that arose with the development of society and the emergence of the division of labor, when people began to engage in a certain type of activity. Someone chose an occupation for themselves - trade, someone made goods, for example, pottery, someone became a doctor. At the same time, a need arose in society for managers who would skillfully coordinate the actions of various segments of the population, influence their fellow citizens and social processes.

What is management

Management is the most important process that combines planning, organization, motivation for action and control over the implementation of tasks, ultimately leading to the achievement of certain goals.

Management professions have always been highly regarded in society. Not every person can become a manager, for this, first of all, you need such traits as ambition, the desire to implement some ideas, the ability to influence people and find a common language with them.

Specificity of management professions

Initially, management meant the management of people, a team. But in fact, this concept is much broader. We can single out the management of personnel, production, processes, financial flows, quality. The development of modern society and economy gives rise to all new types of professions associated with management.

The profession of manager appeared, which in English means "management". This is one of the most popular and demanded specialties at the present time.

Requires a person to be sociable, decisive, deep knowledge in the field of activity where he works, be it banking, or managing an enterprise, or organizing the work of a team, or promoting goods.

The manager organizes work in the area entrusted to him and manages the employees.

Management professions

Modern universities offer a wide range of management specialties. If a young person has an active life position and wants to make a successful career, it makes sense to go to study as a specialist in the state and municipal service, which will give him the opportunity to join the ranks of politicians and have a direct impact on the development of the country's economy and improving the living standards of fellow citizens.

A financial manager, a personnel manager, an organization manager is also always in demand in the labor market.

On job sites, you can see dozens of ads, the authors of which are looking for managers. Potential employers call for work managers for sales, personnel management, logistics, purchasing, and so on. Who is a manager and what kind of profession is management?

What is this profession - a manager?

The word management came to Russian from English. English management means management. Usually the term is used to refer to practical management activities. Management refers to the management of organizations, projects and processes at different levels: from political or business leadership at the level of senior managers to the administration of small divisions or individual business processes.

For example, the chairman of the board of a commercial bank is a top manager who runs a financial organization. And the consumer lending manager of the same bank is, in fact, an ordinary specialist who manages a separate business process.

In business organizations with a high level of corporate culture, managers are called classical managers who are responsible for the work of departments and have employees subordinate to them. Ordinary representatives of such companies are called specialists or experts. That is, it is correct to call a bank employee responsible for consumer lending in a particular branch or retail outlet as a specialist, and not as a manager or manager.

How much does a manager earn? What salary?

In fact, this is an absurd question. For example, the general director of Sberbank of Russia is a manager. Also, a manager is called a recruiter in a small trading company or a logistics expert in a procurement department at a factory.

An employee's income level depends on his value to the company, his place in the organization's hierarchy, and his ability to sell himself to the employer. The proud title "manager" does not provide a high salary or personal driver and secretary.

Where the profession of "manager" is taught

You can go to university to study management. Typically, universities negotiate the specialization of future graduates. For example, there are organizational management, environmental management, HR managers, and so on. After graduating from university, you will receive a diploma. The document confirms that you have received a bachelor's or master's degree in management.

Please note that a diploma does not guarantee you the position of a real manager in employment. Moreover, it would be absurd for an inexperienced graduate to take up a managerial position in any organization.

Yesterday's student cannot immediately apply for the role of a manager

To become a real manager or leader, you need to gain experience, climb the career ladder and take the appropriate position. It takes someone their whole life to become a department head from an ordinary employee. And someone manages to become the head of the regional representative office of the company in a year from a beginner.

In addition, a real manager must meet certain intellectual and personal characteristics.

The psychological characteristics of the manager

A manager must know well the business of his company, its products, the market in the broadest sense of the word, and consumers. He should also be broad-minded. This is the minimum set of intellectual qualities required for a leader.

The main personal characteristics required by a manager include:

High emotional intelligence, personal charisma. To captivate subordinates, the leader must be an interesting and strong personality. In this case, he practically will not have to use the so-called whip or punishment in his work with employees.

Sociability. The manager can be extrovert or introvert. But he shouldn't have communication problems. The leader should simply communicate with colleagues, subordinates, top management, partners, clients, government officials.

Objectivity and a sense of fairness. The boss can be a tyrant and tyrant. But subordinates do not respect such leaders. But the employee is happy to work under the guidance of a fair manager who adheres to ethical standards.

Also, the leader must have a standard set of personal qualities necessary for survival in the corporate environment. First of all, we are talking about resistance to stress, since each employee faces different stresses on a daily basis.

A manager is a leader

However, nowadays it is customary to call almost any employee a manager. The classic manager can be attributed to a specialist who holds a leading position, subordinates employees and manages business processes. And the so-called line managers are more likely specialists or experts.


1. Definitions of management as a science

2. Profession manager

3. Qualities required by a manager

4. Control functions




The topic of management as a profession is especially relevant in our modern time. Agree that most people do not want to work as subordinates, but want to manage the organization. More and more people strive for this, but not everyone achieves their goals, and not everyone deserves the role of a manager.

Personally, as a student of the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration, this topic is of great concern. I, as a future specialist, leader, want to know what management is, what are the definitions for this science. Also, what this profession includes; what qualities a specialist must have in order to become successful in his kind of activity. I want to be successful, thanks to my work I was able to find out what will help me achieve my goal.

The main goal of my work is to define the essence of management as a type of human activity.

I set the following tasks for myself:

Consider the history of the origin of management.

Determine the role of management in the modern world.

Consider management functions.

The object of my research is a manager who runs an organization.

The subject of my research is qualities, various facets of personality.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to consider periodicals, books, reference books and encyclopedias on this topic, analyze the knowledge gained, write out the theses of the answer to this question. I think that my own reasoning will also help me in revealing the topic.

Definitions of management as a science

In recent years, our country has undergone profound economic transformations. The Russian Federation, as an independent state, has taken a course towards carrying out market reforms that should ensure the well-being and freedom of Russian citizens, the country's economic revival, and the growth and prosperity of the domestic economy. Indeed, the time we live in is an era of change. In socio-political life, this is the transition from totalitarianism to democracy, in the economy - from the administrative-command system to the market, in the life of an individual - his transformation from a "cog" into an independent subject of economic activity.

Property relations have changed significantly, and with them the goals of the organization's activities, the mechanisms of their interaction. In these conditions, the role of governing structures - management - has also significantly increased.

We can say that management appeared together with people. Where at least two people united in an effort to achieve a common goal, the task of coordinating their joint actions arose, the solution of which one of them had to take upon himself. Under these conditions, he became a leader, a manager, and the other became his subordinate, an executor.

In the years of transition of our economy to market-based economic management, along with the usual phrase "management of an organization or an enterprise", another phrase - "management of an organization or an enterprise" has become quite common. Currently, they are most often used as identical concepts, interchangeably. What is management?

There are many definitions and interpretations of this word. Let's take a look at some of them.

In a simplified sense, management is the ability to achieve set goals using labor, intellect, and the motives of other people's behavior.

In the fundamental Oxford English Dictionary, management is defined as a way, a manner of dealing with people, power and art of management, a special kind of skills and administrative skills, a governing body, an administrative unit.

In the American textbook for students on the course of management, the following definition is given: "Management is the process of optimizing human, material and financial resources to achieve organizational goals." Moreover, the process here is understood as a system of actions taken by managers. Optimization means that managers must work to achieve the best long-term results, and goals are the results achieved by the main shareholders of the company.

The object of management can be a natural phenomenon, a technical or economic system. Despite the specificity of each of the types of control, they have a common feature: impact on objects with low energy consumption should give a significant result.

So we got acquainted with the definitions of management, and now I would like to talk about the profession of a manager.

Manager profession

The profession of a manager is difficult, but at the same time it has many attractive aspects, it is very interesting. In the modern world, not every person is capable of becoming a good manager. Why do I think so? Because in the past, workers were mostly a submissive, poorly educated, faceless mass and coercion was considered the best way to deal with them. And the managers were people, first of all, with obvious dictatorial abilities. People were forced to work without reasoning.

In our time, everything is completely different. With the understanding that workers should not be forced to work, but encouraged, the requirements for managers have changed. A manager like the head of the family, a father who treats his subordinates with firmness but fairness.

The manager often has to solve the most difficult tasks in the face of critical situations and uncertain prospects.

This profession provides great opportunities for personal development, gives a person dignity, is exciting and exciting.

Leaders are not easy to live. On their way, they encounter many difficulties, the main one of which, by all accounts, is the leadership of subordinates. In second place is the planning of the firm's activities and in third place is the dismissal of employees. You can also note the problem of managing your time, delegation of authority, financial "jungle", decision-making and conflict resolution.

Qualities required by a manager

In order to be successful, a manager must have a number of qualities. Just getting along with people is not enough, interaction must be provided with a reliable material base, which creates a reliable uninterrupted sale of goods. This will also require brokering skills from the manager.

And finally, today, firms have grown so much that it has become almost impossible to manage them alone. In addition, the leaders have added many external functions, including interaction with partners, the trade union, government and political figures. Each area is dealt with by an independent manager, so the head of the corporation becomes an organizer manager, whose main responsibility is to coordinate the activities of a group of managers.

Fulfilling this responsibility, the modern manager acts in several guises.

Firstly, it is a manager, vested with authority, leading a large group of people.

Secondly, it is a leader capable of leading subordinates using his authority, high professionalism, and positive emotions.

Thirdly, it is a diplomat, establishing contacts with partners and authorities, successfully overcoming internal and external conflicts.

Fourthly, this is an educator with high moral qualities, capable of creating a team and directing its development in the right direction.

Fifthly, it is an innovator who understands the role of science in modern conditions, who is able to evaluate and immediately introduce into production this or that invention or rationalization proposal.

Sixth, this is just a person with high knowledge and abilities, a level of culture, honesty, decisiveness of character and at the same time reasonableness, capable of being a model for others in all respects.

The personal qualities of a manager, first of all, include honesty and decency, which always imply adherence to the norms of universal morality, modesty and justice in relation to others.

The leader should try to understand his subordinates, see them as persons worthy of respect, be able to understand their behavior, be human and take care of people, strive for cooperation, while taking into account the interests of everyone.

A manager must be principled in all matters, be able to resist pressure from both “above” and “below”, consistently and firmly stand his ground, not hide his views, defend to the end the values ​​that they profess, and help others to acquire these values by example, not moralizing, to keep the word firmly in place.

Another group of qualities that any manager needs are professional. This is competence, i.e. system of special knowledge and practical skills. It can be specialized and managerial. This culture is general, technical, economic, legal, informational, psychological and pedagogical. A number of other points are also important. First of all, a modern leader is distinguished by a good knowledge of reality, both internal and external, an understanding of the goals of the company and his department, the ability to see problems, highlight the most significant aspects in them, and be receptive to novelty and changes. This is impossible without having an above-average mental capacity, the ability to analyze the situation, create and critically evaluate various plans and programs, make decisions, take responsibility for their implementation, work hard and hard for this, be energetic and decisive.

However, the leader must be not only well-trained and highly educated, but also a creative person. He is required not only to believe in his own creative abilities, but also to appreciate such abilities in others, to be able to mobilize and use them, overcoming all obstacles encountered on the way. To do this, you need to be persistent, feel the need for change, be able to break with traditions, perceive new ideas and innovative solutions, and use them systematically.

Personnel is the area of ​​training in demand today. It has good prospects. Many modern professions are associated with this type of activity. Each of the specialties has features that a novice worker should become familiar with. A big jump in the demand for this direction has been noted over the past 7 years. This is due to the profitability, popularity and excellent prospects.

The specifics of the profession

Working with personnel is not a task for everyone. Anyone who knows how to communicate, loves to analyze and think a lot, strives for informal work, can apply for personnel management as a professional activity. Aspirations can be achieved through a variety of management areas. Conventionally, the activities of a manager are divided into 4 types:

  1. Diagnostician(assessment and selection of personnel).
  2. Consultant(optimal search for all possible methods of solving the problem).
  3. Coach manager(increasing the efficiency of the enterprise by improving the competence of employees).
  4. (makes decisions that develop the organization in a comprehensive manner).

Professional activity related to personnel depends on the principle of work of the organization and its specialists involved in this process. Consideration of different models is allowed, and among them the most popular are consulting and recruiting agencies. Their specificity of work lies in the competent selection of personnel for the vacant position.

Personnel management implies a high level of competence and professionalism. Production work is associated with the possession of several specialties and a specialized direction of production.

Specialty training

At universities, you can get higher education in personnel management, the qualifications of which are obtained in the study of a number of disciplines and practice.

According to the specialty program, the following disciplines are taught at universities:

Practice is designed to teach how to develop skills in solving production problems, which include:

  • analysis of the labor market, tracking its development and relevance of areas;
  • creation and implementation of personnel policy;
  • development of a management strategy;
  • staff supply of the enterprise, determination of the qualifications of workers and personnel registration;
  • competent movement of personnel;
  • internship, training, career promotion;
  • adaptation of new employees and reorientation;
  • motivation and control of intrastate relations;
  • highlighting talented people, their business qualities;
  • formation of the corporate spirit of the enterprise and prevention of conflicts;
  • ability to work with labor legislation.

The knowledge gained at the university allows you to apply for good position in large corporations... The modern labor market needs professional people who are able to select and stimulate personnel.

Types of HR professionals


People with this specialty can work in recruiting agencies and organizations that need a stream of employees. The meaning of the work is in a competent staff assessment on the basis of psychological methods and verification of personal files for security purposes. Human resource management allows you to search for people while attending exhibitions, exploring sites and visiting universities.

Recruitment agencies select personnel for various organizations, and therefore management training allows you to work there as:

  1. Administrator - a specialist manages the search process and evaluates the quality of personnel.
  2. Contractor - is engaged in the search, diagnosis and verification of personal files.

Working in an agency implies a higher psychology education... A recruiting agency is often hired without experience, which allows you to start off well as a recruiter.

Most often, people are selected with an emphasis on professional skills. It is better if the person knows production well or has work experience.

The head-hunter is allocated to a separate group - this specialist is engaged in the search for personnel with education, and in fact, lures staff to his company... This specialty in Russia is only now gaining momentum in popularity. Such a specialist is obliged to combine extensive connections with psychological characteristics.

Coach managers

This activity implies work in a training company that is able to offer training programs, namely sales, management, educational trainings for promising professionals.

Anyone who has ability to design and implement programs... Another way of career growth is serious study at the university. Not bad if you have experience. Sales educators often have trade skills. The ideal person to form a team is a person who has assembled his own team himself.

The coach must combine the ability to communicate, quickly diagnose the situation, think creatively and study the characteristics of the cadre groups.


First of all, these people are able to to present new knowledge to people... An important quality of the HR specialty is the absence of limited thinking. Consultants need to undergo training in psychology and economics, as well as know the specificity of Russian marketing and the methodology for calculating risks.

To obtain a job in a consulting firm requires coaching experience and education in the field of economics and consulting... The demand for such professionals in Russia is still small, since not everyone knows that the work is highly paid and difficult. Today, in our country, the demand for consulting is just beginning to form.

Most businesses employ the position of a corporate culture specialist. These people are responsible for running the firm, advertising methods, and maintaining tradition. Work requires the ability to connect different events into a coherent whole, explain to people the reasons for difficulties in the company and find solutions to any problems.

This position often implies unification of previous specialties... One of the methods to become a HR manager is to walk the path from a junior specialist to a boss. The HR director and the head of the personnel department necessarily interact with managers of other departments in the main areas of the enterprise. Often, these managers "grow" to the deputy management of the company, and therefore those who know the production itself and specialize in personnel management become administrators.

Most faculties of public administration and law have introduced a specialization aimed at training administrators.

Basic principles

The description of the activity of a personnel manager assumes a penchant for interdisciplinary knowledge. A professional person must have knowledge and technology related to the following areas:

  • psychology (behavior and motivation);
  • law (knowledge of the Labor Code, the practice of drafting contracts and maintaining documentation);
  • sociology of the organization (methodology of sociological research, features of enterprise development);
  • economy (financial development of the organization and marketing).

What should a specialist know?

When getting the profession of personnel management, “who to work” is a question that arises before the graduate. First you need to figure out what knowledge a professional person must have.

Working with the right speech is the main thing that is required of the employee. In addition, he must present information in an accessible and clear manner and the results of the analyzes performed. Reports and characteristics are studied by employees and management, sometimes far from sociology and psychology. A personnel officer needs to write in such a way that readers understand the meaning of his words.

Another requirement for a specialist is interest and striving for professional development in their activities. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of a person is becoming a key focus of HR officers. If a person is attracted by theory and practice with human resources, training in this specialty is exactly suitable for him.

The prospects for personnel management are very bright, and therefore education in this area has become relevant.

Professional development for managers

In specialized institutions, training and advanced training of various specialists is carried out. As a rule, courses are short-term. The educational process is stationary, evening or correspondence. Profiled seminars on personnel management and new legislation have become popular.

An important point in qualification improvement is the study of periodical literature and participation in modern conferences.

It is difficult to imagine the work of any large enterprise or organization without a personnel department, because the work path of each person begins precisely with communication with employees of the personnel department. Today, positive changes continue to take place in the field of personnel management, and personnel officers are becoming people who not only monitor the proper registration of personal files of employees of the enterprise, but also have the opportunity to influence the workforce by applying various methods of increasing labor efficiency and achieving a high level of staff return. for the good of the organization.

The popular scientist and management consultant Edward Deming noted that people are the main element in the business system, and how effectively these people devote their energies to the good of the organization absolutely depends on the work of the personnel management service. But in order to understand what function the personnel management system performs and what is needed in order to become a manager in this area, one should take a closer look at the very specifics of practical activity.

Definition and essence of personnel management

Human resource management, or HR management, is an area of ​​activity that is aimed at creating quality personnel in an organization. The personnel management employees have the following main responsibilities:

  • selection and recruitment of personnel;
  • optimization of the use of personnel;
  • control over the proper performance by employees of the organization of their functional duties.

Development of the practical area of ​​HR

In the field of human resource management, over the past five years, many new directions, professions and specialties have appeared, which differ in their focus. In addition to the main professions in personnel management, such as HR, HR inspector or HR manager, sales trainers, training managers, corporate culture managers, personnel appraisers, couch consultants are gaining popularity. It should be noted that specialists in this field remain in demand, and their activities bring a stable and fairly high income. This is due to the fact that, in order to achieve their goals, many organizations strive to create a work collective that would be able to cope with their duties in a quality and highly professional manner, but, accordingly, this requires professionals in the selection and recruitment of personnel.

Human Resource Management Education

The profession of personnel management requires special education and certain internal qualities, on which it depends whether a person will be successful in his work in this area. Today, many higher educational institutions with an economic bias provide an opportunity to get a proper education in this area. During the training, you can study such areas as psychology, economics of various levels, office work, sociology, political science, management, as well as legal support of personnel management and many other disciplines that will help a future specialist to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to work with people. It is worth noting that you can get an education in this area both in full-time and in correspondence courses. The most demanded employees in this area are those people who graduated from the magistracy in this specialty.

What is the responsibility of a HR specialist

The main responsibilities of an HR manager (HR specialist) include:

  • organization of work on staffing in accordance with the objectives and goals of the enterprise;
  • staffing the enterprise;
  • assistance in the adaptation of personnel in the organization;
  • study of the labor market to identify sources of staffing the organization;
  • forecasting staffing needs;
  • solving various labor disputes;
  • assessment of the labor activity of employees;
  • development of proposals for improving the working conditions of employees;
  • certification of employees;
  • organization of work aimed at improving the qualifications of employees and the possibility of their training;
  • development of the staffing table;
  • participation in the development of a collective agreement and other primary documents regulating the labor activity of the organization;
  • motivation and stimulation of employees of the organization.

Types of professionals in HR work

Based on the fact that in the field of human resource management in recent years there have been many changes and this area has gained wide demand, it has become more difficult for specialists to develop and work in all areas of personnel management. This factor led to their division into conditional types.

HR managers can be divided into the following types:

  • diagnosticians;
  • coach-managers;
  • consultants;
  • administrators.

The peculiarity of each of these types is in the options for realizing the professional aspirations of a person in the field of human resource management from an enterprise or organization where a personnel specialist is involved.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on each of the above types.


As a rule, recruitment agencies or large enterprises that need new personnel need diagnosticians. The task of the HR diagnostician is, first of all, the assessment of the personnel, in other words, the comprehensive diagnostics of the employee and his personal file.

In their activities, such specialists use psychological techniques to test candidates and employees of the organization. Thanks to this approach, the organization has the opportunity to hire only highly professional personnel who cope with the tasks set and ensure the implementation of the company's goals.

In the case of recruiting agencies, whose activities are aimed at recruiting employees for various organizations, diagnosticians pay special attention to the study of personal files, resumes, questionnaires and biographies of candidates for positions. Their main goal is to protect the client company from non-professional personnel. Very often head-hunters work in recruiting agencies - specialists who focus exclusively on experienced and professional personnel. It often happens that in order to satisfy the need of a certain organization for employees, the "bounty hunter" lures away already employed professionals of companies and firms. Head-hunter professionals are highly skilled in psychology and have extensive relationships with many firms.

Coach managers

Coach managers are involved in various companies providing training for organizations on a variety of programs. Specialists in the field of personnel management conduct seminars and trainings on sales, adaptation of personnel in the organization, team building and leadership, creation of a personnel reserve, and time management. It is important that training managers should be able not only to correctly present information at trainings, but also to develop training programs.

It is quite difficult to become a coach-manager, since only those who have sufficient experience in the field in which they conduct their trainings can teach.


The main task of a consultant is to correctly present a person with knowledge and transfer his experience in the field of personnel management to another person. One of the features that an HR consultant should have is the versatility of thinking. Consultants, being psychologists, also need to be good economists. This is required in order to carry out the correct calculations of economic risks, various costs, benefits, as well as own the specifics of marketing. The career of a consultant is multi-stage, such specialists must have the skills and abilities of the personnel management profession.


The administrative type in the profession of personnel management is the most multifaceted, since it combines all the previous ones. Reaching the so-called highest administrative level is extremely difficult and requires a lot of time, theoretical and practical experience. This type includes heads of personnel management. Heads of a service or department in the field of HR interact with all structural divisions of the organization and their immediate managers and are personally responsible not only for the activities of their department, but also for the selection, recruitment and organization of labor activities within the organization.

In addition to the above, administrators are obliged to organize and staff management of personnel within the framework of the integral system of the enterprise. Such an extremely responsible task can be handled by specialists with appropriate education and their own experience in human resource management. It is worth noting that in higher educational institutions with a legal and economic bias, you can get an education in the specialty "personnel management", which already implies the possibility of achieving success in administration.


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