The heavy nuclear missile cruiser Admiral Ushakov will be scrapped in Severodvinsk. Destroyer "Admiral Ushakov Destroyer 434

Several days ago, a detachment of ships of the Northern Fleet left Severomorsk for the Barents Sea to conduct anti-submarine exercises. It consisted of two large anti-submarine ships of project 1155 "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" and "Severomorsk", two small anti-submarine ships of project 1124M "Brest" and "Yunga", as well as a destroyer of project 956 "Admiral Ushakov", which will be discussed speech today.

During the celebration of the Day of the Navy in Severomorsk, residents of the capital of the Northern Fleet had a unique opportunity to get on board the ship - access to the destroyer "Admiral Ushakova" was free for everyone.

2. Project 956 destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

It's hard to believe, but when I was at the destroyer I thought - should I go up on deck? You can't imagine how hard it is to shoot on board a ship when there are a lot of people around! The crew or shipbuilders are another matter. They can be built and asked to take part in a photo session, or pretend to be active work. But still, a holiday is a holiday, so without thinking twice I decided to go aboard and join the lively mass of joyful North Sea people. I didn’t regret it!

3. Project 956 destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

The destroyer "Admiral Ushakov" is the 17th ship in a series of 20 ships of Project 956 "Sarych", developed at the Northern Design Bureau.

4. Project 956 destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

Severomorsk "Admiral Ushakov" was built at the Leningrad plant №190 named. Zhdanov. Now this plant is known under the name "Severnaya Verf".

5. Project 956 destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

His bookmark, that is, his birthday, took place on May 6, 1988. I note that on that day he was "Fearless", and he acquired the name "Admiral Ushakov" later, in 2004.

Three years later, on December 28, 1991, the destroyer was launched, and three days after the descent, a crew was formed.

6. Stern of the destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

On December 30, 1993, the long-awaited moment came - the naval flag was raised on the ship, and on April 17, 1994, the ship entered the Navy.

7. RBU-1000 - Soviet rocket-propelled naval bomb launcher with a stationary, two-plane-guided installation with six radially arranged barrels. Designed to destroy enemy submarines and attacking torpedoes.

It is worth noting that of the fourteen Project 956 destroyers transferred to the fleet before December 8, 1991, eight ships, including the Admiral Ushakov, were included in the 56th destroyer brigade of the 7th operational squadron of the Northern Fleet.

8. Stern installation of the Uragan anti-aircraft missile system.

If we talk about all the representatives of Project 956, then during their service in the USSR Navy, the destroyers took an active part in a large number of combat services and naval exercises, such as Ocean-83, Atlantic-84, Zapolyarye-84, "Squadron-84", "Moncada-85" and others.

9. Project 956 destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

The ships of the project carried out control over the exercises of the navies of the NATO countries in the Norwegian and Mediterranean Seas, followed the ship and aircraft carrier groups of the fleets of the United States and Great Britain.

10. Project 956 destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

In addition to combat missions, Project 956 destroyers also carried out peaceful missions, made official friendly visits to ports of a number of countries: Algeria, Vietnam, East Germany, Greece, Egypt, India, China, Cuba, Libya, Syria, USA, West Germany, Yugoslavia, African countries and others, displaying the Soviet naval flag.

11. Project 956 destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

After 1991, the activity of the exploitation of destroyers of Project 956 decreased many times, and as part of the Russian Navy, these ships were able to take part in only a few exits to combat service. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

12.Practical mine.

The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a sharp reduction in the state order for the Navy, including both the construction of new ships and the comprehensive repair of ships already in the fleet.

13. Ship's automatic gun of 130 mm AK-130.

The underfunding also affected the ships of Project 956: the construction of new destroyers was stopped (only those already laid down were completed), and the current and average repairs of the ships already built were delayed, or not carried out at all. This, as well as problems with the operation of the boiler and turbine power plant, led to the fact that most of the destroyers of the 956 project were in service for less than ten years, although their estimated service life was to exceed two decades. Thus, the destroyer Stoyky was in operation for only five years, the Winged destroyer for six years, Unrestrained and Discreet for seven years, Impeccable, Thundering and Efficient, for eight years, and Combat for nine years. and "Fearless".

14. The ship bell of the destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

As a result, by 2002, out of seventeen destroyers built for the USSR and Russian navies, there were actually only five ships in service: "Fighting", "Burny", "Restless", "Persistent" and "Fearless" ("Admiral Ushakov "), the rest of the ships were either cut into metal, or sent to the reserve or for conservation.

15. Ship bell of the destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

Today, of the seventeen destroyers, only three ships remain in service: "Persistent" - in the Baltic Fleet, "Fast" - in the Pacific Fleet, "Admiral Ushakov" - in the Northern Fleet.

16. Project 956 destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

Briefly about the combat service of the destroyer "Admiral Ushakov":

1995 year

On April 4, 1995, together with the destroyer Rastoropny, he took part in anti-aircraft missile firing (he was rated "good"). Under the flag of Rear Admiral V.D. Veregin paid a visit to Oslo (Norway) (from 6 to 9 May), on November 22, he performed artillery fire in the presence of the Minister of Defense and the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. December 21 "Fearless" under the flag of Admiral I.V. Kasatonova went out together with the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" for combat service in the Mediterranean Sea.

17. Mine paths. Designed for installation, attachment and discharge of mines behind the stern, as well as for loading torpedoes.

1996 year

January 4, 1996 passed through the Strait of Gibraltar. From January 29 to February 3, he made a business call to Tartus (Syria). From 17 to 18 February, together with "Admiral Kuznetsov", he paid a visit to Valletta (Malta), where the President of the Republic of Malta visited the destroyer. On March 22, he returned to Severomorsk, having covered 14,156 nautical miles during his combat service and completed 7 exercises and 49 combat exercises. In August-September, it was docked at shipyard No. 82 in Roslyakovo.

18. Project 956 destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

1997 year

For a comprehensive check of combat readiness on April 14, 1997, the destroyer made an exit to sea. From April 16 to 17 and from April 23 to 25, she participated in the command-staff exercises of the fleet consisting of two destroyers and two large anti-submarine ships. On August 21, he performed artillery fire with jamming from PK-10 and PK-2M (received an overall rating of "good"). On September 2, he fired a Mosquito and received an excellent mark. On September 16, he went to sea as part of a ship group. In the period from 22 to 26 September, he paid a visit to Portsmouth (England). On October 4, in the Kattegat Strait, the destroyer was refueled with wake fuel from the Genrikh Hasanov tanker. Having passed 4391 nautical miles, the squadron returned to Severomorsk on October 8, 1997.

19. Torpedo tube of 533 mm caliber.

1998 year

On May 1, 1998 he was included in the 43rd division of missile ships of the 7th operational squadron. During the cruise in the summer of 1998, in a storm, the boiler and turbine installation of the ship stopped, because of which it was almost thrown onto the rocks.

20. Mines with Moskit-M anti-ship missiles.

year 2000

On June 20, 2000, the destroyer Admiral Ushakov arrived in Severodvinsk to undergo repairs at the Zvezdochka shipyard.

21. The destroyer "Admiral Ushakov" at the Severodvinsk shipyard "Zvezdochka" ( zvezdochka_ru ).

Shortly after the completion of the repair work, from October 2004 to August 2005, the destroyer took part in its long-range cruise as part of the shipborne aircraft carrier group with the aircraft carrier "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov". Since then, the destroyer has not made exits beyond the Barents Sea. Perhaps the reason is the need to repair the power plant (KTU). She needs serious (overhaul) repairs, for which there is no will, it is a pity for money and scarce production capacity, and therefore the handsome destroyer will have to live out her life as a rank 1 ship of the near sea zone.

22. Mines with Moskit-M anti-ship missiles.

Armament of the destroyer "Admiral Ushakov:

General detection radar "Fregat". Hydroacoustic station "Platina-S".

23. Tank of the destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

Anti-aircraft missile system "Uragan" (with 14 EM-SAM "Uragan-Tornado"). Consists of two single-girder guided launchers located on the forecastle and behind the helipad.

24.The mines with Moskit-M anti-ship missiles, the wheelhouse and part of the ship's superstructure, inside which is the cellar of the Uragan anti-aircraft missile system.

Ammunition - 48 "9M38M1" - anti-aircraft guided missiles. Control system of the Orekh anti-aircraft missile system - 6 radio searchlights for target illumination and computing equipment. SAM is capable of working on surface ships. At the same time, the air defense system is capable of striking 1-6 air targets at an altitude of 15 kilometers at a distance of up to 25 kilometers.

25. Part of the ship's superstructure, inside which is the cellar of the Uragan anti-aircraft missile system. There are also pantries and a fan compartment.

Two twin AK-130 units are installed on board the ship. The AK-130 control system is a multi-channel MR-184, which includes a dual-band radar, a television set, a laser rangefinder, a digital computer, and an optical device. The installations have an optical device, an ammunition supply complex and interface equipment. Rate of fire up to 90 rds / min, range of destruction up to 24 kilometers. Ammunition - 500 shots per barrel (180 of them are ready for combat use, wound into the tape). A special sighting post is used for firing at coastal targets. The control system allows only single-breasted application of gun mounts.

26. On the starboard side of the destroyer was the Pyotr Veliky heavy nuclear missile cruiser of the Northern Fleet.

AK-630M - rapid-fire anti-aircraft air defense system. Consists of two 30-mm batteries of the AK-630M complex. One battery - two gun mounts with a rotating six-barreled unit and a Vympel control system. Effective firing range up to four kilometers. Rate of fire 4,000 rds / min. The ammunition capacity of the artillery complex is 16 thousand rounds.

27. Anchor chain stopper. Anchor in the hawse.

Moskit anti-ship missile system. Anti-ship complex with Mosquito missiles. Consists of 2 quadruple launchers. Ammunition - 8 cruise missiles. The range of destruction is 120 kilometers. Speed \u200b\u200b- up to 3M. The weight of the KR is almost 4 tons, the weight of the warhead is 0.3 tons. Able to carry specials. ammunition. The destroyer's control system fires a full salvo in half a minute.

28. Shipborne automatic gun of 130 mm AK-130.

RBU-1000 - rocket-propelled bomb launcher - 1000. Rocket-propelled bomb launcher with 48 rocket depth charges. The range of destruction is up to one kilometer. The main task is to provide anti-torpedo protection of the ship. Shooting is done in full volley.

29. On board the destroyer "Admiral Ushakov".

2 torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber. Used torpedoes SET-65 / 53M, USET-80.

30. 533 mm torpedo tube.

RM-1 / UDM / PM-1 - mine weapons. For the use of mines, mine rails are installed. Ammunition 22 mines.

31. Ships and vessels of the Northern Fleet on the port side of the ship.

Helicopter KA-27PL. The ship has a platform and a telescopic hangar for using the helicopter. The onboard fuel supply allows the helicopter to have two refuelings.

32. Lifebuoy.

Despite the problems with the gas turbine, the ship is not at the berth. The destroyer, one might say, is constantly in the Barents Sea. So today, during the exercises taking place in the Barents Sea, in accordance with the plan of combat training of the forces and troops of the Northern Fleet during the summer training period, a naval strike group consisting of the destroyer Admiral Ushakov, large anti-submarine ships Vice-Admiral Kulakov and " Severomorsk "conducted artillery fire at sea and closed coastal targets in the naval ranges in the Barents Sea and on the coast of the Kola Peninsula.

NATO code is "Sovremenny class destroyer".

17th Project 956 destroyer "Sarych"


Laid down at plant No. 190 named after AA Zhdanov May 6, 1988 (building No. 877), launched on December 28, 1991, the crew was formed on December 31. The ship passed the factory sea trials from November 27 to December 25, 1993 in Baltiysk. Adopted by the Navy on December 30, 1993 (the naval flag was raised on the ship on December 25). On April 17, 1994, the destroyer joined the Russian Navy. For the period of construction (from June 16, 1993) he was included in the 13th brigade of ships under construction and repair (13 brstremk) of the Leningrad naval base, during the tests he was included in the 76th brigade of missile ships of the 12th division of missile ships.


Since 1994 - in the 56th destroyer brigade of the 7th operational squadron of the Northern Fleet. On June 2, 1994, the "Fearless" arrived in Baltiysk to prepare for the inter-fleet passage, which took place from August 9 to 16, 1994. On December 27, the destroyer was added to the permanent alert forces.

Together with the destroyer Rastoropny, on April 4, 1995, he took part in anti-aircraft missile firing (received a rating of "good"). Under the flag of Rear Admiral V.D. Veregin, he paid a visit to Oslo (Norway) (May 6 - 9), on November 22 he performed artillery fire in the presence of the Minister of Defense and the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. December 21 "Fearless" under the flag of Admiral IV Kasatonov went out together with the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" for combat service in the Mediterranean Sea; passed on January 4 of the next year through the Strait of Gibraltar, from January 29 to February 3 made a business call to Tartus (Syria); From 17 to 18 February, together with "Admiral Kuznetsov", he paid a visit to La Valletta (Malta), where the President of the Republic of Malta visited the destroyer. On March 22, 1996, the ship returned to Severomorsk, having covered 14,156 nautical miles during its combat service and completed 7 exercises and 49 combat exercises. In August-September, the "Fearless" was docked at the shipyard No. 82 in Roslyakovo.

For a comprehensive check of combat readiness on April 14, 1997, the destroyer made an exit to sea, from April 16 to April 17 and from April 23 to 25 of the same year, she took part in the command post exercises of the fleet consisting of two destroyers and two large anti-submarine ships. On August 21, "Fearless" performed artillery fire with jamming from PK-10 and PK-2M (received an overall rating of "good"). On September 2, he fired a Mosquito and received an excellent mark. September 16, "Fearless" made a trip to sea as part of a ship group, in the period from September 22 to 26 paid a visit to Portsmouth (England); On October 4, in the Kattegat Strait, the destroyer was refueled with wake fuel from the tanker G. Hasanov ". Having passed 4391 nautical miles, the squadron returned to Severomorsk on October 8, 1997.

On May 1, 1998 the destroyer "Fearless" was included in the 43rd division of missile ships of the 7th operational squadron. During the cruise in the summer of 1998, in a storm, the boiler and turbine installation of the ship stopped, because of which it was almost thrown onto the rocks.

In 2004, the destroyer Fearless changed its name to Admiral Ushakov.


From 2001 to 2003 - Captain 1st Rank Viktor Kuznetsov

From 2004 to 2005 - Captain 1st Rank Valery Sidorov

From 2005 to 2007 - Captain 1st Rank Igor Vladislavovich Neklyudov

From 2007 to 2009 - Captain 1st Rank Andrey Valerievich Naboka

From November 2009 to March 2016 - captain of the 1st rank, Oleg Anatolyevich Gladky

Since March 2016 - Captain 1st Rank Igor Nikitin

Board numbers

During the service, the destroyer changed a number of the following side numbers:
-1993 - No. 694;
-1995 - No. 678;
-1996 - No. 434.
-2016 - No. 474


Main characteristics

Displacement: 6600 t standard, 8000 t full
-Length: 145.0 m (at design waterline), 156.5 m (maximum)
-Width: 16.8 m (at design waterline), 17.2 m (maximum)
- Draft: 5.96 m, 8.2 m (overall)
-Engines: 2 boiler and turbine units GTZA-674,
-Power: 100,000 HP from.
-Propeller: 2 five-bladed propellers
- Travel speed: 18.4 knots economic, 32.7 knots (full), 33.4 knots maximum
- Cruising range: 1,345 miles at 33 knots, 3,920 miles (at 18 knots), 4,500 miles (with fuel in overload)
-Swimming autonomy: 30 days
-Crew: 296 people (including 25 officers) in peacetime, 344-358 people (including 31 officers) in wartime

The Soviet Union occupied one-sixth of the land. Partly due to the geographical location, partly due to the technological capabilities, a lot of time has been devoted to the development of the ships of the Navy in the country. However, any large state is still engaged in this.

Boats and cruisers, submarines and aircraft carriers, light and large - the lists of technological solutions can be continued for a very long time. One of these was "Orlan", or "Project 1144". The heavy atomic missile cruiser "Admiral Ushakov" is the flagship of the project, which has no analogues in any other fleet of the world. It is about him, his capabilities, characteristics, military and technical data we will talk about in the article.

Evolution of the name

It should be noted that the name "Admiral Ushakov" was not immediately received by the cruiser. "Admiral's stripes" appeared after the collapse of the Soviet Union - in 1992. Then he and 3 more "Orlans" received new names. Moreover, only one - the 4th - bears the name "Peter the Great". The first three became "admirals". These are Ushakov, Lazarev and Nakhimov. When leaving the stocks, the courts were named "Kirov", "Frunze", "Kalinin", respectively. The fourth cruiser was first named "Kuibyshev", then, even before the end of construction, she received a new name - "Yuri Andropov".

Today only "Peter the Great" is in the service. Nakhimov is undergoing modernization. The first two, possibly, will also be updated, but for Nakhimov.

Project "Orlan"

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a ship, which later became the nuclear cruiser "Admiral Ushakov", did not come immediately. Initial projects date back to the 50s of the last century. Then it was decided to create two types of ships - one was to become a cruiser (project 63), the second - an air defense ship (project 81). For both types, it was planned to use a nuclear reactor as a power plant.

Then project 81 was closed, and work on both types was brought into one direction. The vessel was supposed to be not very large, but it should have the capabilities of both air defense and a simple cruiser. Unfortunately, Project 63 did not last much longer and was soon shut down as well.

The return to the "atomic" project only began in the late 1960s, when the Leningrad Central Design Bureau was entrusted with the creation of an "inexpensive" nuclear-powered patrol ship. The ship should have a displacement of about 8,000 tons (for comparison, the flagship of this project - the missile cruiser "Admiral Ushakov" - received 24,000), be able not only to accompany other ships, providing them with fire support, but also to track down and, if necessary, destroy ships of the probable enemy. One of the main "chips" was to become an unlimited cruising range. The initial project envisioned building about 40 of these vessels, but as it turned out, the industry was simply not ready to release a vessel of this displacement, let alone its possible price.

"Fugas" + "Orlan"

Despite these inconsistencies, Project 1144 gets a green light. Atomic, artillery installations, torpedo tubes and even an unmanned helicopter are being developed. It is worth noting that the development of these aircraft in the Union began long before this idea dawned on the Americans. However, the ship never saw the helicopter. But there is another, no less important moment for the then "Kirov" (later "Admiral Ushakov"). The cruiser goes from the category of "tracking vessel" to the category of "anti-submarine ship".

The fact is that in parallel with the Orlan, a purely shock vessel was being developed, the project of which was codenamed "Fugas" (or "product 1165"). And in May 1971, when weapons were already being developed for both ships, the projects were combined. The future ship will receive the best weapon options previously developed for each type.


A year after the merger of the projects, the military is presented with the final version. Then in March 1973 at the Baltic Shipyard. Ordzhonikidze, the lead cruiser is laid. In the final version of the project, 5 vessels were planned, 4 of which were built. But it should be noted that the fourth ship - "Peter the Great" - immediately received several differences from its brethren. In particular, it has greater autonomy of navigation, improved anti-submarine and hydroacoustic weapons, and more modern cruise missiles.

4 years later, on New Year's Eve in 1977, the heavy nuclear cruiser "Admiral Ushakov" was launched and enlisted in the Soviet Navy. This year was marked by another event for the Orlan project. It was then that a new classification was introduced into the Navy, and Kirov, from the category of a simple anti-submarine ship, became a heavy nuclear missile cruiser.

Description and construction

During the design and then construction of the ship, composite materials became widespread in the world. Therefore, the advanced superstructures of the floating craft are mainly made of aluminum-magnesium alloys. Most of the weapons are installed in the stern and bow parts. Additional armored shields cover the engine room, ammunition storage, and practically all important posts of the ship "Admiral Ushakov".

The cruiser has an extended forecastle and a double bottom for the entire length of the vessel. The surface part has five decks (also along the entire length of the hull). In the rear, there is an underdeck hangar designed for the permanent presence of three helicopters. There is also a lifting mechanism designed and rooms for storing all the materials necessary for flights. In a separate compartment there is a lifting and lowering system for the antenna of the "Polynom" complex.

The construction of such a ship put forward very high demands on the possible manufacturing plants. Firstly, in the final design, the vessel received a displacement of more than 24,000 tons. Secondly, the maximum hull length was supposed to be more than 250 m. There were a number of requirements that only one plant in the Union could satisfy - Leningradsky.


Before talking about weapons, it is worth noting that the nuclear-powered missile cruiser Admiral Ushakov was supposed to strike at enemy ship-based aircraft carrier groups, track down and destroy submarines, and, of course, provide anti-aircraft and (in the future) anti-missile defense of their territories. Based on all these tasks, the ship received a whole list of all kinds of weapons. Since more than one article will be required for a detailed description of each type, you will have to limit yourself to brief characteristics.

The main strike weapons are represented by the Granit system, an anti-ship missile system located in the bow. Includes 20 missiles, maximum flight range 550 km, nuclear warhead. 500 kg warhead.

Anti-aircraft weapons - Fort missile system. The cruiser has 12 8 missiles each. In addition to air targets, you can hit enemy ships with a class up to a destroyer. The launch of the rocket engines occurs after its release from the installation, which ensures the explosion and fire protection of the ship. Flight range - 70 km (limited by ship control systems).

Anti-submarine equipment includes the Metel missile system - 10 missile-torpedoes. The firing range is up to 50 km, the depth of destruction is up to 500 m. In addition to this system, two five-tube torpedo tubes are used.

Also on the deck are a large number of small and small six-barreled machine guns.

I serve the fatherland

Among the many exercises and combat missions that the "eagles" went to, it is worth noting one in which it was "Admiral Ushakov" who participated. The cruiser was in our waters when, in December 1983, NATO ships, acting on the side of Israel, began military operations against Syria and Lebanon, the allies of the USSR. The ship was ordered to sail to the Mediterranean. This is where the curiosity begins. When it entered those waters, and a little less than a day remained to its destination, NATO ships immediately ceased fire and fled to the island zone. The Americans did not dare to approach closer than 500 km to "Ushakov".

Execution cannot be pardoned

The phrase from the old tale quoted above describes very well the situation with the ship at the dawn of the new age. In 1989, when the cruiser went on a mission, the main gearbox broke down. Then problems begin with the main power plant, and in 1991 the captain receives an order: an order for repairs must be made. The ship is docked, but over the next years, only one important event occurs - the transfer of the floating craft to the Russian Navy and renaming into the heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Admiral Ushakov". Modernization and medium repairs begin only by 2000.

The further fate is fully consistent with the old tale - it all depends on where the comma is. For 20 years (from the moment of parking) this comma changed its position several times. Now modernization, then disposal, then a new solution and even return to the Navy, but this is not final either. What will happen next and whether the Admiral will go to sea is still unknown.


One of the few ships in the Russian Navy, the cruiser Admiral Ushakov boasts a power plant based on a nuclear reactor. Even today, there is no ship in the world fleet that is comparable in firepower to the Ushakov. The appearance of a flagship on the horizon in many cases radically changed the alignment of forces in some situations, and it would be a great pity if a ship of this class was simply allowed to be scrapped.

The destroyer "Admiral Ushakov" was built according to the project 956 "Sarych" and is part of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation.

Construction history and service

Since 1972, Project 956 destroyers have been built at the shipyard No. 190 named after A.A. Zhdanov. The vessel, which until 2004 bore the name "Fearless", was laid down at this plant in 1988. The ship was launched at the end of 1991.

In the winter of 1993 he was accepted into the fleet. During construction, since June 1993, he was part of the 13th brigade of ships under construction and repair at the Leningrad naval base. For the period of testing, it was brought to the 76th missile ship brigade of the 12th missile ship division.
He began his career in 1994, in the 56th destroyer brigade of the 7th operational squadron of the Northern Fleet. In the spring of 1995, the ship took an active part in anti-aircraft missile fire, together with the destroyer Rastoropny. In November of the same year, he performed artillery fire under the supervision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. At the end of 1995, together with the cruiser-aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov", he went to serve in the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar.

In the period from August to September of the same year, he was at the docks of the shipyard in Roslyakovo. In the spring of 1997, "Admiral Ushakov" made a short voyage to sea to check its combat readiness, and in April took part in the exercises of the Russian fleet.
At the beginning of May 1998, the destroyer "Fearless" was included in the 43rd division of missile ships of the 7th operational squadron. During the cruise to the sea in the summer of 1998, due to the stoppage of the ship's boiler and turbine installation, the destroyer "Admiral Ushakov" barely escaped a raid on the rocks. After this accident, it was delivered to the docks of the Murmansk shipyard for repairs.

Activities in modern conditions

Today "Admiral Ushakov" (Project 956 destroyer) performs the following combat missions:

  1. The defeat of small-sized ground targets, manpower and technical forces of the enemy
  2. Fire support for airborne and antiboat defense of the landing troops during landing at sea
  3. Destruction of enemy water ships and their landing troops

In 2003, it was repaired in Severodvinsk at the Zvezdochka Center.
In March 2013, he successfully completed the actions of a single ship in the Barents Sea, at one of the Northern Fleet training grounds. At the same time, he interacted with a strategic nuclear submarine, the naval aviation of the Northern Fleet and the mine-sweeping group of the Kola Flotilla.
At the end of August 2013, he completed exercises at the training grounds of the Barents and White Seas.
In 2014, "Admiral Ushakov" celebrated the 20th anniversary of the solemn hoisting of the naval flag. During her service, the destroyer made two trips to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean.
In 2015, the destroyer again took part in naval exercises in the Barents Sea, and also attended festive events dedicated to the Day of the Russian Federation Navy.
In 2016, he took part in artillery fire in the Barents Sea, and he also practiced a battle with a mock enemy's surface ship.

Eyewitness impressions

The destroyer "Admiral Ushakov" is part of the combat strength of the Northern Fleet, stationed at the naval base of the Closed Administrative Territory of Severomorsk, Murmansk Region. The ship is part of the 43rd division of missile ships.
A ship is a combat unit that fights not only on water (ships and submarines), but also destroys targets on the shore and in the air. The service, according to eyewitnesses, is standard for all warships. The sailors are on watch, on various shifts, and are engaged in firing practice. They go to sea for a week - 10 days.
The destroyer has a crew of about 350 employees. Most of them are contractors. No reviews are reported about hazing and hazing. On the contrary, they note a long vacation - 30 days of the main one, 15 - for service in the navy and another 15 - for the conditions of the Far North, ZATO Severomorsk is located beyond the Arctic Circle.
They talk about long acclimatization. The adaptation of the fighters is accompanied by colds, arising from the cold winds and humidity of the North Sea.

Both contract soldiers and conscript sailors live in cabins with a shared bathroom. The date and time of the oath, as well as the termination of leave and the rules for using mobiles, you need to ask the employee.
Severomorsk is a closed settlement. To travel to the oath, you need a pass (the data is transmitted to the sailor). Alternatively, a request is sent to the administration's email address. Relatives receive a pass issued for an oath trip at the checkpoint. Pass to Severomorsk - at the ZATO checkpoint.

Your visit

  • Bus number 105 runs from Murmansk to Severomorsk every day. You will be asked for a pass at the ZATO checkpoint. Tell them that you are going to take the oath and the pass, ordered in advance, will be issued on the spot.
  • You can stay at the Vaenga hotel. It is easier to book rooms in winter. Hotel phone: 7 (815-37) 4-84-75

In 1961, the first nuclear-powered cruiser Long Beach joined the US Navy. This event served as the impetus for the creation of a domestic nuclear-powered surface ship. The natural development of naval technology also turned out to be the reason that in 1964, studies began to determine the appearance of the first combat surface nuclear-powered ship in our country.
The research was based on the objective need of the fleet for an ocean-going surface ship capable of operating in remote areas of the World Ocean independently and as part of a grouping, mainly with anti-submarine missions. The studies ended with a tactical and technical assignment for the development of a project for a large anti-submarine ship with a nuclear power plant with a displacement of 8,000 tons. Chief designer was appointed B.Kupensky, before that he was the chief designer of the first domestic gas turbine BODs of the Komsomolets Ukrainy type. From the Navy, the main overseer of the design and construction of the ship from the very beginning to its final transfer to the fleet was the captain of the 2nd rank. A. Savin.
From the very beginning, the new nuclear ship became the favorite brainchild of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union S. Gorshkova... Nevertheless, the design was difficult and rather slow. From the very first stages, the displacement began to grow, which made it necessary to look for more and more options for the main power plant, primarily its steam generating part. In the end, they decided to create a special power plant (EP). At the same time, the Commander-in-Chief demanded that a reserve power plant on organic fuel be placed on the ship.
When designing, they proceeded from the fact that the solution of the main task by the ship will be ensured only if there is sufficient combat stability. There was no doubt that aviation posed the greatest danger to him, therefore, it was envisaged to separate the ship's air defense systems along its entire depth, elements, principles of construction, calibers, etc.
Anti-ship missiles did not appear immediately in the project. The anti-submarine ships built in those years did not carry sufficiently effective strike weapons, which significantly reduced their combat stability. It was also taken into account that the US surface fleet began to be intensively equipped with anti-ship missiles. Thus, the appearance of the first domestic nuclear ship acquired a multipurpose orientation, and it received its final name - a nuclear missile cruiser. In 1973, its design was completed, and in the spring of the following year, the laying took place. From the first Soviet-built light cruiser, which left a noticeable mark in the history of our Navy, the lead cruiser inherited the name “Kirov” (since 1992 “Admiral Ushakov”). Its construction was carried out slowly and not very rhythmically. The lead ship was launched at 13 hours 53 minutes on December 27, 1977.
The core of the crew was formed a year before this event. The ship's commander and deputy commander for political affairs, officers of the electromechanical combat unit and the chemical service were appointed. By the time the ship was launched, the crew was almost one hundred percent complete. In 1978, the crew arrived in Leningrad and with great enthusiasm began to master the new ship.
In 1980, the cruiser was tested and became part of the Northern Fleet. On April 12, 1981, the Red Banner Naval Flag proudly hoisted over the ship.
In 1984, the second ship of this type appeared - Frunze (Admiral Lazarev), in 1988 the third - Kalinin (Admiral Nakhimov) and in 1998 Yuri Andropov (Peter the Great).
Our nuclear-powered missile cruisers have no direct analogues abroad. At TARKR, the power plant includes two steam turbines with a capacity of up to 70,000 liters. from. each one. In the standby version, the turbines receive steam from two automated fossil-fueled steam boilers. During the operation of the nuclear power plant, the cruiser develops a speed of more than 30 knots, under the boilers - at least 14. The crew is almost half that of the battleship October Revolution of the same displacement. The “main caliber” of the nuclear cruiser is the Granit long-range anti-ship missile system.
Anti-aircraft missile weapons on the cruisers "Admiral Ushakov" and "Admiral Lazarev" were the same as on the cruiser "Slava". On the cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" there are already more modern air defense systems installed.
The artillery weapon of the lead ship is two single-gun 100-mm automatic installations with a radar control system. Starting with the second ship of the series, instead of two "hundred parts" they began to place one two-gun 130-mm gun mount. As means of short-range self-defense, eight 30-mm six-barreled machine guns were installed on the TARKR. On the cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" instead of this weapon, two new self-defense missile and artillery complexes are installed.
The anti-submarine weapon consists of the Polynom automated sonar system and the Metel anti-submarine torpedo complex (hereinafter “Waterfall”).
On the second and subsequent cruisers, instead of an anti-submarine missile system and torpedo tubes, a new universal missile-torpedo system was installed.
The set of anti-submarine weapons is complemented by rocket-bomb installations, the main purpose of which on these ships is to defeat torpedoes attacking them. Starting with the third ship of the series, a new anti-torpedo defense system is being installed on nuclear cruisers. The ship is based on two helicopters of the Ka - 27, Ka - 27PS, Ka - 31 or Ka - 39 types in search and rescue, anti - submarine and other versions. To ensure the basing of helicopters, a below-deck hangar, ammunition storage, a lift and a landing site are provided.
Thus, the Kirov-class nuclear-powered cruisers have incorporated practically the entire range of combat and technical means created in recent years.
Despite the decision of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the need to preserve the Admiral Ushakov TARKR in the combat composition of the Russian Navy, due to the lack of funds for repair and restoration, the cruiser was withdrawn from the Navy's combat composition and is currently awaiting disposal at the wall of the shipyard.
However, the crew members of the first domestic nuclear-powered missile cruiser do not consider themselves entitled to forget history. On the initiative of like-minded people, the Council of Veterans of the cruiser was created and is actively working. Annual meetings of former colleagues have become traditional. On the initiative of the enthusiasts, the website “For those who served on the Kirov TARKR” () was created on the Internet.
On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the launch of the cruiser, the traditional annual meeting of veterans took place in Severomorsk. Captain Rank 1 Alexander Fadeev He warmly congratulated those who have turned 50 years old since the last meeting and handed them memorable addresses. The most active members of the Council of Veterans were awarded commemorative badges of the surface ships squadron.
Captain of the 1st rank of the reserve Anatoly Romanko told the audience about the work carried out by a group of enthusiasts to preserve the history of their native ship. For example, one of the cruiser veterans, captain of the 3rd rank of the reserve Boris Ponomarevcollected all the information about the officers and many warrant officers of the cruiser who served on the ship from the first crew. He annually sends to former colleagues information about the crew members, which have become rare photographs.
Secretary of the Council of Military Pensioners of Severomorsk Yuri Smirnovtold those present about the upcoming changes in pension provision.
It is gratifying to note that many of the cruiser's veterans, in one way or another, still serve the Navy. Captain 1 rank O ivlev lay down- an officer of the electromechanical service of the connection of missile ships, and a reserve officer Vyacheslav Andreev deals with the maintenance of the technical readiness of the TARKR "Peter the Great".
The veterans are gladdened by the fact that even the sons of some of them are already taking an active part in the work of the Council. At the current meeting, those present were introduced to the son of an officer of the BCh-5 of the first crew of the ship - Evgeniya Ozhgikhina, and earlier actively involved in the work of the Council of Veterans Dmitry Rall and Evgeny Belinin.
Captain 2nd rank Yuri MUZYRA.


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