The knuckle on a spit on the grill. Pork grill knot for beer party. Food and Energy Value

Once again, going to the cottage, I decided to pamper my steering wheel on the fire.

That's how it appeals it turns out, although saliva run)

At home, I booked her, adding to the water for cooking: salt, the bulb is not cleaned (gives golden color), pepper peas, bay leaf. Cooked on a slow fire about 3 hours (I had a big knob), look by weight so that it does not digest, but it will fall out with skewers. We need to cook it, but not to digest.
Pulled out of the water, cooled and went to the cottage.
A boiled steering wheel is glowing a beer (if it doesn't work out, they simply wipe).

Now clean garlic and carry it with salt.

Add spices: pepper, paprika, chile to taste. We ride this mixture.

While the knob is impregnated, ignite the fire. We need a strong fever and a little fire, the skin of the knuckles tight and we need to fry it until a golden color.
We ride the steering wheel on the skeleton of the cross on the cross, so that it does not fall under the severity.

And we ship fry to the fire.

How to demuriate, turn over. The knob itself is ready, so fry to the desired color.
The steering wheel is ready, you can serve it to the table.

The taste is simply awesome: very soft, juicy it turns out, it's not necessary to chew) it turns out very quickly) So it's not enough to us. Next time I will take at least 2 steering wheel, and ideally everyone across the steering wheel. Then everyone will go away.
Excellent SO is read with salad

Barbecue pork knuckle recipe is very simple. So that this part is juicy, it is necessary to interform it correctly. Moreover, the quality of the dishes are affected by such features like freshness of meat and cooking time. It is very important that the pork handlebar on the grill is disturbed. Otherwise, it will turn out to be dry and tasteless. The barbecue temperature should be moderate. Thanks to this feature, this part of the pork will prepare correctly and, most importantly, the smoke is perfectly soaked.

Required ingredients

The classic recipe for the grilled knobs provides for the use of the following ingredients:

  • pork steering
  • reptile onion;
  • laurel sheet;
  • salts or soy sauce;
  • garlic;
  • greens;
  • mixtures of peppers (if a person is an acute lover).

Cooking the steered

The initial stage is considered to cut the onion onions with semirings and laying it on the knob. Then you should neatly cut the bay leaf and sprinkle meat. After performing this action, you can proceed to the trial all the legs of small, but fairly deep cuts. This stage involves the use of a sharp knife. In the resulting cuts and throughout the area, the rolls should pour soy sauce or fall asleep salt. These ingredients are not recommended, as pork may turn out to be saved. Then we proceed to cutting with thin slices of garlic and put it in the cuts of meat. The next stage is the sprinkling of the root with a mixture of peppers and greens. After turning into this part of the pork in the food film, it should be placed in the refrigerator for about 12 hours or a day.

The steering wheel is ready for garbage baking. As a rule, this will require at least 1.5 hours. The preparation time of this dish depends on the temperature of the barbecue. It is desirable that it be average. Such a temperature allows the pork knuckle to be impregnated with a smoke and prepare evenly. If it is too high, then there is a risk of getting a burnt over and crude inside the pork.

Do you adore holidays for a glass of beer in a noisy, cheerful company of loved ones and friends? It is for such spiritual evenings this wonderful knob!

Ingredients for "Pork Grill Pig for Beer Party":

Food and Energy Value:

Recipe "Pork Harvest Grill for Beer Party":

For the preparation of the steering wheel, we will actually need the knob itself :)

And since we are involved in the testing of products "Forester", then for the roll, I chose a set of "checkers with a smoke" for meat.
And what I want to note: very pleased - 100% natural ingredients (spices), very competently selected.
As a liquid component, you can use everything that your soul, based on the experience and taste preferences.
Honestly, a little worried, because I do not use ready-made mixes for marination, because there is usually a sodium glutamate and all sorts of preservatives. And the sets of Forester all this is missing !!! What I was extremely glad !!!

Well, now we will make preparation :)
First, the pork knuckle needs to cook. To do this, pour into a saucepan of water, put a crushing garlic, cinnamon stick, bay leaf and pepper pepper. Bring to a boil.

Then in the pan gently immerse the steering wheel. Bring to a boil, reduce the fire to a minimum and cook under the lid 1.5 hours. The finished knob is removed from the broth.

We will make marinade. The spice bag from the "Forester" set is designed for 3 kg. Meat, and we have a knuckle on a kilo with a little bit ... and then in the raw form :) Therefore, we will use the 1/3 part. Spices fall asleep in a bowl, add butter and soy sauce, stir up to uniformity and lubricate our knob. I still tied my roll with twine, for loyalty :), reinsured ... and we remove marinated to the hour "x".

2 pork steers
Black peas pepper
Bay leaf
200 ml of apple juice
40 ml of soy sauce
Salt to taste

Pork steering wheel recipe for the grill:

1. The steering wheel should be rinsed and get rid of bristle residues by any removable epilation method. Personally, I prefer just to steal it with a one-time razor (without soap and gel for shaving, of course).

2. Put the steers in a large bowler, fill with water, add black pepper, bay leaf and tightly salt.

3. Ignition in the grill of firewood. We put the bowler on the fire and cook 2 hours under the lid. Watch the steers all the time were covered with water.

4. Meanwhile, we prepare the glaze. To do this, overflow apple juice into a small bucket, in which we usually prepare sauces. On weak heat, we weld the juice to half the volume. We add soy sauce and continue to cook for another 10-15 minutes.

5. Remove the bowler from the fire. Give the cooked steering wheel. We put them in turn in a deep bowl and pour with the help of a spoon from all sides with icing.

6. Sleep coals to the grill walls, leaving the middle of the free. If the corners by that time completely burned out, throw some more firewoods (preferably oak, beech, apple, pear, plum). You can even sprinkle the coals with wet chips of the same wood breeds. We put in the formed space of the lower grill with water tank. We install the top grille, and lay the rolls lubricated with icing. Thus, there are no coal and even ash, only a container with water under the steers. We close the grill with a lid and wait for about 20 minutes. We open the grill and with the help of a culinary brush we apply the second layer of glaze. We bake in a closed grill for another 20 minutes. During this time, the steers have time to shit and slightly die. Skin becomes beautiful and crispy - dream!

7. To the steering wheel supply boiled potatoes, stewed acidic cabbage, and, of course, beer - the law of the genre, nothing can be done.

Note: The steers can be boiled in advance, at least a few days before the party, and remove them into the refrigerator. A couple of hours before the arrival of guests, you need to get them out of the refrigerator, let it warm to room temperature. All this time you can water and lubricate with apple icing. And when guests begin to come, put in a preheated grill and complete the preparation.

After the Christmas post, meat wanted. Almost immediately wanted beer.
Because it was in the area of \u200b\u200bNew Year's holidays, then I also wanted some miracle, so I climbed into YouTube.
After reviewing 10-15 risks, I ripened a plan.

And here, one beautiful January day:

The main dish is the steering wheel on the fire in beer.
Just before disgrace, but for a long time. You need to cook three hours, well, and the crust on the mangale is another 20-30 minutes to do. I will immediately say that it was +5 and I frowned myself a couple of places per afternoon on the street.

What you need:

  1. Steers how much will eat

  2. Dark beer to pour and add. I have three steering wheel (alone, Gadda, did not fit into the cauldron, but I got into the oven) I left up to 5 liters, as I remember. It is for cooking, for drinking how much the soul will be

  3. Spice. Well, here is the flight of fantasy. Black pepper peas, bay leaf is a maste

  4. Garlic

I also rid of the hoops hb thread. It is necessary in order to try to keep the original shape of the knob. You can not do. This thread then needs to be removed before the mangal, which adds extra chapter, but, in my opinion, it is worth it.

We dump the whole thing in Kazan and pick up beer.

Everything, now descend around the cauldron, drink beer with friends, support the fire or tighten the peeling beer.

After a couple of hours, hunger makes us make another feat:

Here, too, everything is very simple:

  1. Potato

  2. Spice

We cut / sit, sprinkle with salt / spices, as in the picture, and turn around the foil:

How much it was in foil on the mangale, I will not say exactly, the beer has already been drinking decently. Approximately in the area of \u200b\u200b20-30 minutes. It is better more than less, potatoes are preparing slowly in such conditions.

Now Foil must be removed and give it a commodity look:

Dish is unmatched!

The third hour passed. Let's get the steering wheel (on one I left the thread, for the sake of experiment) and put on the brass:



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