What is the happiness essay in philosophy. What you can not forget, so it's about the simple truth: "All that the government gives it first took away"

« In every person - the sun. Just let him shine»


Before starting my essay, I would like to write a few basic lines about this topic. It is entitled - "Happiness in my understanding," and this means that it will be purely a purely subjective opinion. If someone who will read these words, thinks not so, wants to argue about something of the essay - this is his right, just I will not argue with him on this topic. This is my personal opinion and not to challenge him.

Being happy - this means that it would not sound stupid, just solve so for yourself and be so. Undoubtedly, people are different: internally weak and strong, firmly psychologically standing on their feet and staggering. But, again, we are born all the same. What we have in life - depends on our upbringing, environment - other exogenous factors. I do not say that everyone is easy to be strong - life turns us as he wants, "she did not know the compassion. Life is a blind element, which in its rage can break your inner fortress, breaking your soul, turning your "I" with my legs. But even in the darkest days - the activity of life light to the catches of your soul is an unforgivable luxury. Yes, there are days of pain, grief, tears. Easy to talk about them without surviving them. But the protracted grief is a mental problem that needs to be solved. It is meaningless, they do not change anything, it is not to comfort. And if you can change something, then it is "grief" - only interferes.

I do not understand the people at all, which are all more or less good and they are unhappy. But when they, something happens, they seem to show all the views: "I expected it. I spoke. ". These people are useless whitewashing syndrome. However, the feeling of easy dissatisfaction is the engine of progress, development. But to whine and not do anything, walking gloomy, prickly - the lot of weak.

Every person in everyday life has everything to be happy. For everyone, this "everything" consists of different moments, events, nuances. Every new day is happiness, life is happiness, give joy - it's happiness, a favorite thing is happiness ... You can always find something to be happy.

In everything should be equilibrium, any extremes for a person are destructive - happiness should compensate for the grief and suppress it. "There is no extremely much happiness!", - You say. Upony from the number of happiness, getting used to it, putting "pink glasses" of the worldview - you can skip the fatal blow of fate, it is not ready for him. Therefore, you need to be sober in joy and sadness.

You need to appreciate what you have. Happiness is a feeling that can be controlled. It's all about our perception. I want to complete your writing with the words of Cervantes: "Who does not know how to use happiness when it comes, should not complain when it passes."

Good topic for reasoning. So immediately something is one thing and you will not call happiness. Each person has their own "happiness", his understanding of this word. For some, happiness are some material values \u200b\u200b(bank accounts, a steep phone, the machine of the last model), and for some of the happiness are spiritual values \u200b\u200b(friendship, family, love).

The guys actually do not like to speak a lot of topics like love, happiness, it's more on the part of the girls, but it does not mean at all that we do not think about it. So at the moment I think about the fact that the word happiness means for me.

It is for me that happiness is a combination and spiritual and material values. I am very happy when my family, friends, favorite girl next to me, but I feel happy if I have money, or if I gave a new cool phone. But still it is more important for me. Not money and some things, but people and their feelings. Money and things may disappear, end, and people close to me will always be with me in my heart.

I am very happy because I have a family that loves me. There are many children who are in orphanages, because their parents threw these children. I am also happy that I have a normal family. There are parents - alcoholics, roshira. Such parents do not care about their children. And in my family there is no such thing and I am very happy about it.

I am happy because I have reliable and loyal friends. I know that they will always be helped me if I need it. I can call them at any time and they will not leave me in trouble. I don't have them so much, but these people are for me "everything." I am ready to give everything for my friends, if only they were happy.

I am very pleased with the fact that I am healthy. I have no fatal diseases. I can not imagine how those people who are sick of cancer live. I can not imagine how to live and know that you will soon die. Also, I am happy that I go, I see, I hear. I can do my favorite affairs. As if I could play football if it was chained to a wheelchair, as if I could see my relatives and loved ones, if I were blind, how can I say something, confess something if I were Some, how could I hear music, the ear of his beloved girl, if I were deaf? Yes, I could not do this. But, fortunately, I go, I see, I hear, I say.

I am happy with what I have where to live, there is something to eat, there is money. I'm not homeless at the stations because I have a roof above your head. I do not collect union, because I have food. I do not wear Rvania, because I have something to wear. And this is also for me a kind of happiness.

But my favorite girl is my favorite big luck. She is for me - everything. She is a very good person and I want to be better with her. I love to see how she laughs or smiles, but especially I love when I myself am that I myself. Next to her I feel good and cozy. This is the person for the sake of which I am ready to turn the mountain, get the star from the sky, to put the whole world to her feet. She is my miracle and she is worth it. I, like any normal guy, I want to have a family and I am happy that there is such a person in my life with whom I want to create it. When I am next to my girlfriend, I am the happiest man and no longer need me for happiness.

Well, in conclusion I want to write that everyone has his own, but most importantly, that it is. Of course, I would like every person to realize that the soul is more important and more valuable money, expensive cars and clothes, and learned to appreciate it. Happiness is the most cool state of the soul and body, when everything is in harmony and equilibrium. Happiness is when your dreams come true when with you near close people and you understand that you are not alone that you need someone and roads. Happiness is when you love and know that this feeling is mutually. Happiness is when you are healthy and you can feel all the charms of this world (walk, see, hear, says, feel). Happiness is to do your favorite thing and know what it is necessary for someone. Well, here I described that for me is happiness. Probably, this is not all but the most basic I mentioned.

Happiness to you all.

Often, my copywriting bureau is treated for writing an essay or information texts on household topics. Below is an article for a copywriter portfolio. The article is sharpened under the keywords "happiness" and "philosophy". Other articles from my portfolio can be viewed.

What is happiness?

For many years before our era, philosophers and ordinary people argued that such happiness, how to achieve it, how to stop suffering. Happiness is harmony with you and the outside world, just to achieve it difficult. For some, happiness lies in the money, and for someone in mutual love for a man / woman. Some wish to dress well, make a career, have mutual understanding with children and so on.

Happiness is an object of studying philosophy and psychology. Remember, as in one famous Soviet film, the hero said briefly and before the genius simply: "Happiness is when you understand"? Today, psychologists brought their "figures of happiness", which are as follows:

Happiness should be noticed not to get (although it is not so bad in itself), but also to give. It is the benefit of one's own life for the benefit of others becomes a key to moral satisfaction of man. It would seem that even the time is not enough! But it is worth starting to help others, whether people or animals, and you will certainly have pride for your existence, pride from awareness that your life does not pass in vain;
- The ability to refuse that passing. Material benefits, beautiful clothes, delicious food, decorations, luxury homes and cars - all this is attractive if not for everyone, then for most of humanity. But each person in the shower understands that whatever luxury is filled with life, all that is passing. And a person in its essence essence, aspiring to a fundamental, solid, eternal. Therefore, the desire to rally only material benefits and capabilities are pernicious. The most valuable "product", not subject to inflation, consider spiritual values, as if trite it did not sound: love, self-sacrifice, mercy;
- Creation. It is possible in any spheres, whether sport, art, culture, education, arrangement of life. Creativity is painted, develops the soul and mind. Therefore, there are no cases, and every person heard about them, when some oligarch, an entrepreneur or just an office worker suddenly breaks off, throws a career, making money, goes to free swimming and becomes a "free artist": draws, photographs, writes books , writes songs. Man is creative creativity, so creativity is a way of existence in harmony with himself;
- The ability does not regret yourself. Yes, no pity did not bring anyone to good. Pity takes energy, time, and in return awards a man by depression. Do you feel sorry for yourself? Know that thousands of people on Earth are even worse, they would give a lot to be in your place at least one day. Realizing it, you will feel yourself quite a happy man.

Happiness - the value is relative. If you put some material goals in front of you, apply maximum effort to achieve them, then after the incarnation of plans you will undoubtedly feel emptiness. Everything! The goal is achieved. No longer to strive for. It remains to take a new height and again spend resources for conquest. Instead, it is better to look at the world and evaluate happiness in terms of achieving not mercantile and temporary terrestrial purposes, but from the point of view of dedication, its contribution to the change to the better life of other people and the lives of the planet.

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Today we were asked to write an essay on literature: "What is happiness?", And here, sitting in front of the notebook, I thought. But in fact, what is happiness and what is it measured? I understand a little, I understood that this question would not be an unequivocal answer, because the concept of happiness is multifaceted, and each person has its own. Moreover, the condition of happiness is constantly changing depending on a certain period of life of the same person.

An essay on the topic: "What is happiness?"

Everyone wants to be happy. Apparently, therefore, on all holidays and especially for a birthday, we always wish each other happiness of the huge and big. But what is happiness? Let's try to reflect in our essay. So, for kids, happiness is my mother's embrassment, her love and attention. For crumbs - to be full. Every year we grow up and our needs increase, and therefore, the options for happiness are expanding for us. After all, now you can make a child happy by buying a good and interesting toy to him.

Then we grow up and understand that happiness is healthy, joyful faces of our loved ones. Happiness is when you meet the dawn with your loved one, when it turns out to be achieved. Happiness is when you managed to find your love, created a family, bring up wonderful children. When you have faithful friends. Let them a little, but they are always there. Happiness is good school marks, the opportunity to get higher education and good work. For someone, it is in money and welfare, someone for happiness needs only a roof over his head, someone will be happy when happy surrounding.

As we see an essay about happiness, you can write and argue about it for a very long time. And all because there are a lot of people on our planet and sees each of their happiness in its own way. And it can be short-lived. For example, when they put a good mark or bought something. And maybe long. For example, when none of the family members is ill, you live in love and understanding, you all turn out.

As a conclusion, I will say, happiness is something beautiful and pleasant and it is not material. These are our emotions. Emotions of joy from satisfying their desires or when we are all harmonious.

Rubber! 5


It is good to gain happiness for yourself or people close to you, but sooner or later the awareness is that everything cannot be limited to it. Happiness is involvement not only to enjoy and excellent pastime, but also to the exciting human problems, in order to solve them, getting happiness for themselves and others.


For me, the highest ideal of happiness is mutual understanding between all people, help each other and life in harmony with the outside world. Perhaps this is a distant and unstable ideal of happiness, but in our work, responsiveness, responsibility for his life we \u200b\u200bcan at least get closer to this ideal.

Humanity has long been suffering over the problem of finding happiness. It does not matter whether a separate person wants a happy life only for himself, his family or loved ones, or he thinks about global happiness for the whole world. Anyway, people have long been obsessed with a search of happiness, it is not surprising, because we are confronted every day with many sufferings, many live very poorly, nature is destroyed, people die in wars or become victims of someone's unbridthous cruelty, everyone in life has to lose their own loved ones. All this makes you think about whether justice is possible and is it possible to come finally long-awaited happiness?

Even a deep ideological person seeking to achieve universal happiness, still inclined to look for personal happiness for himself. Only a few make up the number of nonsensebrennikov who seek worldly happiness, without worrying about their condition and even often to the detriment of happiness with personal. Such people are rather an exception confirming the rule: a person is looking for benefits for himself. Someone finds him in love and family, someone in taking care of others, in helping animals or needing people, someone sees happiness in material success, someone in scientific activities, in philosophy, in religion, other strongly Care about health, considering that you are happy who is healthy.

However, all these things, with all their feasibility and necessity, still seem like the reflections from some much greater happiness. Everything listed above is the presentations of individual people about the happy personal life, but when the person's personality is very well developed, he begins to understand that it is not enough to simply provide a peaceful existence of himself or his loved ones. Then he begins to think about the more significant incarnations of happiness, how to help all mankind, the whole world.

Of course, at it should not forget that changes in the world are not achieved with the help of beautiful abstractions and reasoning, but real affairs, daily painstaking labor. In the ability to commend the available opportunities and actions with our own dreams and manifests the maturity of a person, his readiness to work to achieve the happiness that he dreams about. Even who wants a happy life for himself and all over the world, you need to show love, and carry it into the world, filling with its new particles of happiness.

Even more writings on the topic: "What is happiness?"

This seemed to be a simple question as many people as many years. And there is still no unambiguous answer - what is human happiness. Everyone else is responsible in its own way - to the best of their knowledge, personal qualities, upbringing. And for everyone it will be its own, special, desired happiness. All it is expressed in different ways, so in this essay I will represent only my point of view. Perhaps someone will not agree with her, someone will not like it, but I do not impose it to anyone - this is only my vision of the world ...

For some people, happiness is primarily in material well-being. But often to acquire everything that only your soul, they do not find the desired happiness. Today we see a lot of people who like a fabulous blasphemy "chant the golden", but look, is it happiness? These people live in constant fear for their wealth. They apply their homes in multi-meter fences, put lattices, shutters, turn out to be buried alive, but still do not find peace of mind. They have few real friends, most attracted by the brilliance of reasonable treasures, they live in constant fear for their lives, the thieves, the killers merry everywhere. Is it happiness?

Not. But also "Paradise in the Chaolash" is only a proverb. What is this happiness, if a person is constantly forced to think about bread pressing? If a person does not have enough funds to exist, he is angry with life, on those who bathe in luxury, and malice and happiness are incompatible things.
Of course, everything happens not always as I described, but doesn't you think that exceptions only confirm the rule.

But the material part is only one of the components of human happiness, and not the most important. First of all, a person needs mental equilibrium, moral satisfaction with his life. Without these traits, the life of a person will never be happy. And spiritual happiness depends largely on the person himself. After all, in the same position, different people feel and feel like different ways. Some of them are cheerful, purposeful, are used to seeing the best in life, they are looking for good in life, not bad side. Others - opposite they see the worst in life, do not believe in themselves, envy others, and they themselves do nothing to improve their lives. What do you think - who is happier? It seems to me that the man himself Kuznets his happiness, the creator of his abode, he is an artist who paints the world with his colors, he is the creator of his circle of friends, so if something is wrong in life - it is not necessary to lower my hands, but on the contrary, you need to find in To change her strength.

Source: Yaklass.ru.

Describe the concept of "happiness" is impossible, you can describe the sensations, feelings, condition. The feeling of happiness can be talked barely noticeably when you look into the eyes of a person, and they radiate joy, delight. Or "frank" happiness, when a person is able to fly, bespoke to the clouds, hug the whole land.

It happens happiness when I received what I wished for a long time. And it happens when I saw the sunset of incredible paints or rainbow in full bull.

Man is a strange creation. He may remember the bad years, and good to forget the next day. While such a person is the story of his life? As a solid nightmare, some insults and trouble, disappointment and illness. Why then such a person is given life? He "Kuznets his happiness", he is the creator of his abode, he is an artist who paints the world with his paints, he is the creator of his friends circle. What does he complain about?

Why, for example, old age looks so different? One elderly man is forever in bustle, concerns, it is interesting to live, he is in a hurry to exchange with life impressions, he looks young, it is charged from him healthy energy. And the other is a pensioner, in an eternal envy to his youth, which did not have time, it was unfortunate, unfinished, disliked. And who prevents doing it now? After all, the years go, and you still live! The youth and maturity went, the wise came, good old age. Why don't one of the old people like others? You will see one on the street and fall in love, and run from the other, being broken.

Happiness is available at any age. How rich is the inner world of man, so and diverse the feeling of happiness. If the baby is yelling from what he wants ice cream, as a result, the exhausted parents buy it the desired "Eskimo". Is the baby happy? No, although explicit pleasure is read on his face. He simply got that sweet piece that wanted, and his parents will subsequently treat his angina or cannot buy bread, as money is spent on sweetness. Happiness must be volumetric. If it concerns you one side, then the other connects you with what causes joy. For example, the sun is happiness: it heats up billions of people, shows the world in their rays. It is one at all. Therefore, the more people are covered by this incredible feeling, the richer they will live their lives, sharing them with others.

Source: Litra.ru.

Some think that happiness is unpatched. Others are trying to find it in money, work, children, help to other people. However, you do not need to be seven spans in the forehead to understand: a person quickly gets used to everything. There is no such amount of money that would make a person happy forever, as well as with children, friends, work may arise problems that do not depend on us. And yet, no matter. What, everyone can remember the moments when he was really happy.

It's funny when we talk about happiness in the future, it seems to be an endless ocean: so you went ashore, and now - swim, stands to turn back, you realize that happiness in your life is only moments, moments, bright and unforgettable. You finally achieved the goal, to which I woke up for a long time - happiness! You presented a dog - happiness! So what to believe - dreams or experience?

I believe that happiness is instantly, because "everything flows, everything changes." The same person throughout his life constantly puts new tasks, constantly reaches some results. He is moving, and his happiness moves with him, happiness cannot be accumulated, postpone the reserve, but it can be achieved, they can be divided. The happiness of a person is in achievements, but not those that are "for all", and those who are important and valuable for him. Money, friends, work is only a means, good helpers on the way to happiness.

The more often the person is happiness, the brighter, lighter and more diverse his life. Bird of happiness buggy, it must be tamed. But the happy man carries love, light, joy, smiles - and the world becomes better.

Dare, try, test new sensations, find out the unknown! After all, the larger the person's interests than the versatile hobby and a variety of life, the more chances of being truly happy.


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