How to get rid of laziness and achieve their goals. How to get rid of laziness: effective method. How to get rid of laziness and fatigue, having such properties of psyche

Recently, are you lazy and bored? I don't want to do anything? Did any interest disappear? You have more and more often to hear from adults and friends, what are you lazy (- How)? Let's deal with what is the cause of your laziness and how to deal with it.

If the attacks of laziness with you rarely happen - this is normal. You may have just tired (s) and you need to relax. However, when such a Kandra is dragging, to take active measures. But thap, just so lazy not to pass your position!

Absolute reluctance to do something, especially when you need, and there is too lazy. She is opposite to the will. Will- Psychological process. With its help, a person regulates its behavior and actions necessary to achieve the goal.

Do not confuse laziness and procrastination. Instead of doing the right thing, the procrastinator is constantly distracted. For example, browsing a page on social networks or talks on the phone. Procracastinators love to take a huge amount of affairs, their enthusiasm at the same time raises. Only now they cannot cope with them (there is still a lot of other more "important"). Lazy not only does not want to do anything, but also does not feel joys from new tasks, and the fact that the work will not be fulfilled on time, it is indifferent to him.

Causes of Leni.


Yes, one of the reasons for laziness may be fatigue, and therefore it is necessary to rest. Put down everything, leave the gadgets at the time. Walk along the street or just asked. You will not notice how energy will appear for new cases and accomplishments. If you constantly feel that you do not have enough strength on anything, and the rest does not help, "Need a doctor's help.

Doctor-psychotherapist outpatient office number 2 of the city center of the border states of Daria Degtyareva:

"In Minsk you can contact the city clinical children's psychiatric dispensary, which is on the street. Ya. Luchin, 6. There are psychotherapists, psychiatrists and psychologists. Phone - 320 88 71 ".

Addresses for which psychological assistance will be provided in other cities are looking for on ours.


There are no direct links between temperament and laziness.Temperament is a way of attitude and respond to what is happening, but not more. At the same time, in any activity you need to take into account the features of your character, know them and correctly use.

Daria Degtyarev:

"Someone is better working in the morning. Therefore, the most important things are desirable to solve exactly at this time of day. For example, to prepare for the exam and teach in the morning, and in the evening to repeat. If you are excessively active () and easily distract, then perform the work of parts. It often happens that "appetite comes while eating" and it is worth just starting how work will go by itself. Start - the most difficult, and it must be remembered. "

Laziness can be a reaction to boring monotonous work. But in this case, it can be inflicted.

Daria Degtyarev:

"Every 10-15 minutes change the load, for example, do 5 squats. And the figure will catch up, and you will fulfill work better. "

No motivation

Sometimes the elementary lack of motivation (the desire to act for the sake of achievement) leads to the fact that all your efforts are in vain. Start with small. Put in front of you a goal. Think what you need to do to achieve it. Do not try to fulfill everything immediately. Move to your goal gradually. Imagine what you get if you complete all the conditions. And do not forget to praise yourself for each, albeit a small, victory.

Lifehac from Darya: If you need to read 50 pages of the book, I don't want to do this, you can divide them every 10 pages to reward yourself with something delicious. For example, candy or fruit.

Will I be able to? Insecurity

What if it does not work? Not enough knowledge, skills and efforts. What is the way out of the situation? Read the point above. Purpose - plan - small steps - result.

Daria Degtyarev:

"One who does not do anything is not mistaken. It is important to remember this and are not afraid of failure or mistakes. The main thing is to understand what they need and "be friends with them." Errors give us the experience that next time will tell you how to do better. Quiet attitude towards its activities gives good results. Emotions do not cover you, and you are concentrated (-A) on specific actions. "


The most common cause of laziness. And it actually cope with it (if you want to want a lot!). There is such a technique - to perform a given job you need to highlight no more than 15 minutes. It is much easier than becoming knowingly knowing that it will have to do for a long time. Then you can slightly increase the gap allotted to perform the task. Gradually, with each extra minute, you get involved in the workflow.

Stop lazy - this is a kind of good habit, and she, according to scientists, is formed within 21 days. At the same time, it all depends on the characteristics of a person: someone so that the habit of becoming the second "I", it takes a month, and someone is much larger. The main condition is constant.

How to defeat lazy

  • Do not try to fulfill the task for one sitting. Put it into small parts and to perform each of each time for 10 minutes. Put the timer and work clearly during this time. Then 2 minutes of rest and take a job again. And so 5 approaches. It will take place only, and cases will be performed decently.
  • Has themselves for each completed task. Everyone has their own ways. Then any work will argue.
  • To raise the combat spirit turn on your favorite musicthat raises you mood.
  • Do not throw halfway. Often, the result is not visible immediately and you need to learn patience.
  • And one more way. Sometimes to cope with the next attack of laziness, nothing to do enough. Nothing at all. Just sit down. After a time, the idleness of you get tired and the desire to do something. We checked. Works!

Daria Degtyarev:

"In fact, it doesn't matter what your character or temperament is, it is important to learn how to manage your laziness, otherwise it will start to manage you. And for this you need to know myself and trust yourself. "

Do not fall in spirit and you will succeed!

" For our ribbon, not only our failures are punished, but also good luck others. ".

Jules Renar

A huge number of people in our country are not just lazy, but pathologically lazy. Whether this is the result of a special mentality, whether some DNA laziness leads in genes is incomprehensible. But the fact remains a fact - many prefer the passivity of active actions. And only those few who manage to overcome their laziness can create the life of their dreams.

The remaining envy looks at these people and look for the reasons why they became successful. Do you know what the most popular assumptions? Yes, it is: the presence of a rich relative, lover, lack of principles, etc. Envious, in one word. They do not even mind how much this successful person worked on himself, while he proved himself, which can manage his life himself. And that is why today I decided to return to the eternal question: "How to get rid of laziness"?

Laziness is what pulls down. And with each new day you deeper you deeper in the bog of your comfortable existence, in which you do not need to make any effort. Calm ordinary life. So far, in old age you can not spare and you will not start to regret that I did not do much of the things you thought.

But if you want to live life, full of bright sensations from your victories - it's time to get out. To do this, I will give you seven effective steps that will help you get rid of laziness forever.

So, these are seven steps:

Step 1. Take the handle and notepad, sit down and write what you are lazy to do. Maybe attend training? Or study a foreign language? Or work gamma on the guitar? I understand that, perhaps, even writing is too lazy, but still write all that you remember. Do not analyze. Just write.

Step 2. The most serious and important. No, do not go on a cross or a cup of coffee. Now right for each item write at least three reasons why it is important to you and that you will get as a result of this. For example:

1. I want to learn Spanish, because I am going to go to Spain on a football championship and take an autograph from Ronaldo without translator services.

2. I want to change the place of work, and in the new company requires knowledge of Spanish.

3. If I learn Spanish, then I will receive a higher salary in the new company and enlarged.

Clear? Start.

Step 3. At this stage, you will with surprise you will see that most of the items that you noted like "Lens" is actually not important for you. These are not your goals, someone imposed to you. Society, parents, friends. So boldly strike them and do not score your head unnecessary.

Step 4. The remaining items are what is really important to you. You see what kind of benefits it promises you. Close the eyes and imagine in the colors that you have already achieved - both the provisions and material well-being and success. Cool feeling, right? Try to remember it.

Step 5. Now every goal of breaking on small sodes and write them down. As they say, the elephant is easier in parts. For example, it is important for you to learn WordPress because you want to develop your own website and open an online store. For this you need:

1. Earn a tutorial on WordPress.

2. Go to computer courses.

3. Listen to the webinar of the famous blogger

Step 6. Having a list somewhere in a prominent place for additional motivation. The more often it will come across your eyes, the better. Starting to perform a little bit from the first point. Having done one point, crossing it with a red felt-tip pen.

Step 7. Every evening make a list of what you will do tomorrow. Five points. Believe, if every day you will do five steps to your goal - you will not just approach her - you will fly to her, like on a jet plane.

These seven steps will allow you to start a planned attack on your laziness. But at first it will not be easy. The first days you still have to force yourself. Therefore, I will tell you one cunning council, how to get rid of Lena forever. Together with the seven of the above steps, it forms a very powerful alliance.

So you made the first five steps. And here the disbelief in his own strength may seem to paralyze you. To avoid this, do the following:

Start with the fact that you give to the execution of each item only five minutes a day. Few? Start at least from this. Fool your laziness, show her that an important occupation for you is not for long. Laziness will not have time to spoil, you will not get tired, the brain will postpone into her storeroom first results. You will not believe, but already a week later you will be for each action without efforting for 10-15 minutes, and at the same time too lazy.

Do you think it will not work? Let's spend an experiment. Type you laziness to do everything. I don't want to do anything at all. Lagged on the bed and do nothing. Literally. Do not move your hands and legs, do not turn your head, do not turn. Just land and do nothing. We argue, you will be enough for a few minutes, and then you want to scratch your nose, blink, turn on the barrel, etc.

But there is no, too lazy! Here are lying! Do not want? Well, then get up and have paid five minutes of your precious time to perform any point. For example, 50 times sneezing - the tightened figure did not interfere with anyone.

Are you ready? Start right now. Just five minutes! It will be your first step in the fight against laziness. Keep up the good work and move on! Study articles, share in comments by our success, and remember the keys to success exist!

Laziness is the lack of desire to do what we do not like. Our life is permeated through the affairs that is unpleasant. And if we avoid them, we get a lot of trouble. There is a logical question, how to get rid of laziness, until she swallowed us?

Success lies in proper motivation

From reluctance, only motivation will save - something encouraging to action. For example, if you consider your laziness as a cause of problems, the motive will be the desire to avoid trouble.

In other words, to get rid of laziness, you should simply change your attitude towards the upcoming lesson, see something interesting in it or come up with a motive for yourself. You can even encourage yourself materially. Many women often use the last reception: withstanding a grueling diet and good loses, they go to the store for the long-awaited new-clothes. It costs them to learn.

Non-good techniques

Many people over the years have been developed their own receivers, how to get rid of laziness (we all sinning it). Sometimes you just need to distract, change the generation to return to this unpleasant lesson, which is so necessary to finish. You can try to submit relief from completed difficult work to sit down and make it quickly. It also helps the repetition of the next winged phrase: "The eyes are afraid, and the hands do." Or "the beginning is already half an end." And the actual sometimes worth just starting and so unpleasant in thoughts work becomes even pleasant, especially at the end of ...

Life activity

If no useful motives for you do not work, perhaps the reason for the laziness in the absence of lifeful forces will have to open in themselves. Not everyone manages to find something invigorating in his life, an inspiring, prompting "minimize the mountains." How to get rid of laziness if it is a consequence of the loss of life? It is worth looking for an energy source in the most important thing for you: in loved ones, in friends, in the interests, in leisure, in nature, in faith. The lack of vital energy can be connected with moral exhaustion, and in consequence, and with physical. In this case, before, finding inspiration, arrange a grand vacation.

When Linen is a "disaster signal"

Do not forget that all people are different. And what happens to one by one, the other seems to be a hell of torture. Then Lena appears already the "disaster signal" of your body, calls on something to change in life? It is worth paying attention to such a signal, especially if he "soberly" has long been associated with something specific.

How to get rid of laziness if the upcoming thing is more unbearable? In such a situation, the occupation (what it would not be) is better not to fulfill at all. For his own well-being. This statement refers to the unloved work, to the reluctance to become a parent (not everyone is given), to her home work, to the care of a sick relative. Yes, there are many things that kill the person in us. And if for the same lady a household is a vocation, then for a woman-careerist preferably, exhausting work in the office for 16 hours a day. It is not worth raping yourself if you can live differently, as you require your interests, or, if you want, the purpose. Sometimes egoism is welcomed by the sake of psychological well-being.

If we are talking about the style of life that does not apply to the nature, temperament, it is useless to fight with laziness. You need to choose another path in which you will feel like a person full of a full person.

And the last thing I would like to mention, emphasize about the stated problem - how to get rid of laziness. Do not always do it. Many things created by man's hands and facilitating their lives were created by lazy people. Do not blame yourself for laziness, but if it prevents living, brings significant harm, you need to learn to "negotiate with yourself." This important ability will allow to live a full life and constantly feel satisfaction and joy from the proceeded.


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