Essay on advertising language. Advertising language. Our attitude to different texts

Advertising is a non-personal information about goods, services or ideas and endeavors, intended for a group of persons (target audience) and paid by a specific sponsor.

Among the marketing elements of advertising definition, you can specify the following:

the advertising message can be held both in one and in several types of mass communication to get a greater audience of potential buyers; The purpose of advertising is to influence potential buyers, to incline them to the acquisition of goods or services;

informative (it manifests itself in that any advertising act informs someone about some product or service);



2. Features and patterns of using linguistic techniques in advertising texts

Features and patterns of using certain stylistic techniques in advertising messages and the effectiveness of their use are largely dependent on which type of this advertising message belongs to what type.

Many studies also consider various structural elements of advertising texts - heading, main text and motto. In addition to these elements, you should mention the subtitle, insertion and frames, prints, logos and autographs (signatures).

The title is considered the most important part of the advertising text, as it depends on the degree of expressiveness, as far as the potential consumer will be interested in reading the main text. Headers are divided into several types: reporting useful properties provoking, informative, questionative and containing command.

Advertising text must meet the main tasks of advertising as a whole. It performs completely defined features. The ultimate goal of advertising text is the belief of readers in the benefits of the advertised goods. The effect of advertising is based on the proper use of a number of linguistic and psychological phenomena and patterns. Speaking about the language of advertising messages, we are talking about the use of a language in professional purposes, the result of which is the generation of messages focused on a specific audience and perform certain tasks.

The main purpose of the advertising text is to attract attention, cause interest and stimulate sales. To achieve this goal, advertising text compilers turn to the use of various linguistic and psychological techniques. Advertising text should be distinguished by visibility, brightness, conciseness, extravagance. Competitive combat laws require the creators of advertising maximum accuracy in the transfer of information, expressiveness, professionalism.

Especially active in advertising uses slang and conversational expressions. As noted in the work of the "language of advertising texts", "conversational structures are used to create emotional-expressive color, imagery, accuracy and efficiency of advertising text, which is intended for the mass reader, and therefore should be close to him in structure." Indeed, often advertising texts are written so that their sound resembled oral speaking.

It should be noted that, despite the attractiveness and even entertainment of stylistic techniques, linguistic innovations in advertising are not welcome with everyone. And yet in advertising texts, the purpose of which is the sale of goods, new words and unconventional use of already known words has greater value.

The main task of advertising text is to attract the attention of the audience to a specific product, product, subject or event by means of a relatively short message. The implementation of this problem corresponds to laconium and expressiveness of nominative proposals, which causes them frequent use in advertising texts.

The stylistic effectiveness of this reception is to create a certain rhythmic structure of the text that helps him with a clearer perception.

A fairly common stylistic reception is repeated. Repetition of the speech element that attracts the attention of the reader (listener) to it, emphasizes its significance, strengthens the emotional impact of the text. The use of this stylistic reception requires special skills from the designs of texts: a relatively small volume of advertising text prescribes rationally to use language tools.

There are several formal repetition varieties that differ from each other with the character of stylistic expressiveness:

.A simple repetition, which is a direct repetition of the same member of the sentence, phrase or a complete proposal ("Cleanliness - Pure Thai!").

.Pickup is a view of the repeat, in which a word or a group of words ending (less often - beginners) offer, phrase or string, repeated at the beginning of the next corresponding speech segment ("The new frying pan" Tefal "." Tefal "- you always think about us") .

.The framing is the view of the repeat, in which the element standing at the beginning of the speech segment is repeated at its end, occupying the most expressive syntax segments.

.The syntactic tautology, which is the repetition of a member of a sentence, expressed by nouns in the form of pronoun.

.The polysindeston is an intentional repetition of service elements, the bowl of all the union, for communication between homogeneous members of the proposal or between larger speech segments.

The repetition of the same word or proposal not only attracts the attention of the reader (or listener) to the repeated element, but also adds new shades to its content. The stylistic value of the repeat is to enhance the semantic weight of the repeated part of the text.

2.3 Sloganov language

Tagline -short slogan or motto in a straight, allegorical or abstract form. A good slogan must have a clear inner rhythm and submit a mini-verse from one line.

Consider some techniques used in the creation of slogans:

1)use of quotations or alluzius.

A popular line from a song, a movie or literary work is considered to be a "quotation", and the well-known expression from the economy, history, etc. There is "Allusion". There is a very large number of slogans created by a similar method: "We ask for the table", "Baltic Bank's Magnetic Maps: a conscious need", "How beautiful this world is, see!"

Table of contents

Advertising text - a special kind of business text. Advertising (FR. Reclame from Lat. Reclamo - "shouting") - this is information about goods, various types of services in order to notify consumers and create demand for goods and services.
We are all consumers advertising and, regardless of age, vocational education, social status and the level of material well-being, are able to appreciate it, even if at the level of emotions: I like it.
Advertising text reveals the main content of the advertising message. His task is its appearance, heading to attract the attention of a potential buyer, an explanation to interest and conclusion to convince you to buy the proposed product.
Advertising text is an example of the most efficient use of language agents. The pragmatic aspect of advertising text is directly manifested in its peculiar organization (the choice of grammatical and lexical units, stylistic techniques, special syntax, organization of printing material, the use of elements of various iconic systems). The creation of promotional texts is based on two trends: compression, conciseness of expression and expressiveness, information capacity.

The main thing in the advertising text is the formation of an advertising image with the help of various lexico-syntactic and visual means. The advertising image creates specific ideas about the subject and causes certain feelings, which in the right direction affect the behavior of the reader.
Composing promotional text should be remembered that it should positively perceive a particular person to which he will fall, and not a faceless multi-million dollar. Advertising must resemble a personal, confidential conversation that always causes positive emotion.
The text must be set on simple for the consumer. Non-specialist terms and complex offers are not allowed, including several thoughts, theses, arguments and multiple involvement, particle inclusive turns. In the advertising text, one phrase must contain one thought.
Whatever long advertising text, its individual parts should be logically bred and all together to form a whole. Otherwise, the reader's attention dispels, and therefore he will not have a holistic positive opinion about the product.


    Averchenko L.K. Advertising Psychology // Eco, 1995. - №2. - P. 176-177.
    Denison D., Goba L. Advertising textbook: how to become famous, without spending money for advertising // Per. From Polish Babina N.V. - Minsk: Contemporary Word, 1997. - 29 p.
    Klushina N.I. Perception of advertising - Russian speech. - 2001. - №1. - P.64-66.
    Maggeramov I.A. About paradox and advertising: [Advertising language] // Russian speech. - 2002. - №2.- S.59-63.
    Padkovalova O.A., Slastokhina E.V. Expressive funds in advertising texts // Secretarian case. - 2001.- №3.- C.24-26.

Practical part

Option number 5.

Exercise 1.

    Lord Commanded, get a business certificate.
    He was a funny guy, how to laugh, you will not stop.
    The author of the article writes about one requirement L.N. Tolstoy to the Russian language, the requirement of simplicity and clarity, comprehension.
Task 2.

The answer was left the guest

What is advertising? Advertising can be defined as alerting of people with all sorts of ways to create broadly known to anyone or anyone, information on remarkable events of economic, cultural, political life in order to cause people's active participation in them. The fact that such a phenomenon of advertising can be argued forever, there are many opinions on this. Everyone considers it in - to its: someone assesses from the point of view of a high-quality product, someone as the transmission of information. In this work, it is considered in the light of art, the art of the word. The choice of theme is due to the fact that advertising is an integral part of our life. We see her everywhere: in the subway, on TV, on billboards, in the entrances, hearing on the radio. Everyone pay attention to high-quality, made with taste, with humor advertising, but at the same time, advertising is attracting coarse, unethical, sometimes illiterate. No one is no longer surprised by the abnormative nature of advertising. Nowadays, there is absolutely no such concept as ethics of advertising appeals. The editorial office of newspapers prudently indicate the input of advertising articles: "The editors of responsibility for the content of advertising appeals does not bear. And this means - the newspaper can publish everything. Unscrupulous and inaccurate advertising, repeatedly reinforced on television screens, has repeatedly led to undesirable results - potential buyers lost faith, and with it it was also lost confidence in the distribution channel of advertising messages. Why is this happening? Why are we increasingly and more often in the bands of newspapers insight announcements, day after day we look at the TV stupid commercials? The Russian public has already entered the habit of scolding domestic advertising, and it must be admitted, she really deserved it. They scold and for the form, and for the content, and for advertising not that, not for those and not so, and for a bad language. In the preparation of advertising text, many moments must be taken into account, including the inexhaustibility of the possibilities of our language, the optimal compositional structure, the psychology of impact on the consumer. After all, the advertising text is read by - special! In our time, this does not always pay attention to the advertising texts. "Advertising is the most important problem of our time. Advertising is the God of Modern Trade and Industry. Out of advertising there is no salvation. However, advertising is a very difficult art that requires a big clock "on the topic of advertising and ads in modern media there are a lot of developments. This problem is very brightly lit in many publications. The famous specialists from Z. Freud, R. Yakobson, D. Lotman, Z. Shannon worked in this area. In the study of the exciting topic, various books were used, for example, such authors as Kohtev N.N., Scientova V.V., Konanyin K.V., Ananich M.I. and many others. Used articles E.S. Kara-Murza about Russian in advertising.

A little advertising history. The very first documents of written history are already indicative of advertising practice. In Egypt in 3320 BC Elephant dealers called upon buyers as follows: "cheap, very cheap this year the noble horn of the gigid of virgin forests Ehecto. Go to me, the inhabitants of Memphis, make up, admire and buy! ". In ancient Greece for the inhabitants of Athens, such a "promotional" song was intended for the inhabitants: "So that the eyes were shining, so that the maiden's cheeks are preserved for a long time, a reasonable woman will buy cosmetics at reasonable prices at ExLiptos," a turning point in the history of advertising was 1450, when Johann Guttenberg invented the printing machine. Advertising received a powerful incentive in the form of the first newspaper in the first newspaper in 1622 in 1622 in the English language "Wickley News". The Tetler newspaper advised the authors of the texts: "The great art of writing advertisements is to find the right approach, in order to capture the reader's attention, without which the good news can be unnoticed or lost among bankruptcy notices." In Russia, the first advertisements appeared in the Petrov "Vedomosti". For example, advertising about a prestigious resort: "Further waters are healing of various cruel diseases, namely, a circulation, hypochondria, bile, violence, vomiting ..." ["Vedomosti" №2, 1719.] What is the feature of the language of current advertising and ads in the media? Let's try to figure out.

A.P. Repiev

Advertising language
Part I.

Claude Hopkins

Give them more work so that they work and not engaged in empty speeches.

Bible. Exodus

In advertising, behind the stove, his "Lieutenant Kizh" was accustomed to call his "advertising language". Nobody saw him, but they are looking for. Looking for Dancy and Nosno. And it is unlikely that they will find it exclusively in the inflamed brains of linguists, psycholinguists, psychothechnologists, NLP-Istov and other "Chumakov" during advertising. And everything would be nothing - let them come together! But the process of "opening up" of the advertising community went too far. The shaman office "TRIZ-chance" * even put it on the stream. It's time to respond.

The entire history of advertising has a convincingly showed that elementary literacy and ability to express their thoughts on paper are included in the list of qualities, which should have the creator of the text of the advertisement (copywriter), but these abilities are behind the skill of the client's skill and offer him to solve it .

Moreover, in the absence of a copywriter with proper marketing preparation and advertising thinking, as neither paradoxically sounds, literary giving becomes rather a disadvantage that can successfully bury advertising in pseudolyteral curls.

German Copyriter Schönert in the Book "Coming Advertising" writes: "Schools and universities are often addressed to advertising agencies with a request to provide appropriate examples of the advertising language. And each time the agencies find themselves in a difficult position, because there are practically no such examples. " How not? And the examples of what then filled his book?

Here is one of them. What reaction will cause you text "helps to stay vigorous and energetic even in old age"? - Most likely, sowing. And so? "Yesterday, Grandma returned home to eleven." - They noticed how your imagination immediately turns on, as your face breaks down in a smile, as interest appears.

But let me, say the guardian for the idea of \u200b\u200ba special advertising language, both options are written in the most common language. He is right - everything is not in some special advertising language, but in special advertising brain!

Yes Yes! Good advertising texts are written in the most common language. The language, which is desirable to write literally everything, up to boring references. True, this usual language you need to know. And this is no longer an advertisement, but school education. Where it is at the level, there are no endless conversations about some "advertising language". And at the proper level it is almost everywhere, except for the country of Pushkin, Chekhov, Gogol, Tolstoy ...

And now relax and fasten the leaders of the destroyed post-war Germany worried a sharp decline in the level of the Language Culture of the Germans during the years of the board of the Hitler's regime ... Many also called "Language Chauvinism" ... Linguists of Portugal and Brazil are gathering almost every year and to hoarseness argue about the norms of the Portuguese language ... on the table of each English official lies a wonderful instruction in English THE COMPLETE PLAIN WORDS... can be continued ad infinitum.

In many countries, children from five years old are taught to regain their thoughts on paper. Every week they write writings and essays. In them, strict teachers evaluate only the ability to compose and do not pay attention to spelling and punctuation. Children teach the composition, synonymy, idiomatics, stylistics and other good things. It is not possible that the population of such countries can be worn to write, that is, to state their thoughts on paper.

This partly explains the fact that Western copyright books pay the specifics of the advertising language just a couple of pages, and otherwise they simply refer to the usual textbooks of the composition and stylistics, from which shelves are broken in bookstores. They break there, but not with us.

I was not sitting with Lomonosov in the lessons of the Pirika in the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, with Pushkin at the lessons of elegant literature in the Tsarskoyel Lyceum or with the differences in the county gymnasium. But together with his three children, I "passed" three times that only with a toothbrush can be called the school course of the Russian language and literature. This is our National Shame!

If our schoolchildren can not be configured to write two proposals, then not to blame them, and our school, which is only interested in the fact that the "wounded soldier" is written with one "H", but "Soldier wounded in the leg" - with two "n " And you want to separate you to separate the word "however" at the beginning of the sentence. - "Name-I!" (And why, damn it, it is impossible?) The development of all this halieness leaves no time anything else. So it is not worthwhile to be surprised by the god of most Russian texts - this is programmed by our education system.

With the shudders I remember editors' courses at the Moscow Printing Institute. I was with what to compare - a couple of years before that, I listened to the delightful course of German stylistics at the University of Vienna and even earlier shifted a couple of shelves of books of the Anglo-Saxon linguists. It is a pity that in those courses with me at the desk did not sit teachers of rhetoric from the above-mentioned Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy - they would be ashamed of their descendants.

Did our journalists heard about rhetoric? It seems to me that there is no. In my suspicions, foreign editors operating in Russian English magazines strengthened me. These monasses have to rewrite most of those created by our journalists. Their sentence - Russian journalists do not know how to write!

This could be put on the point and send the reader to good books in the Russian language. Most likely, such books are available, but I have not met them.

Logic presentation

I translated a lot of books from Russian to English. Most often, these were the works of our major scientists. All of them were interesting from a scientific point of view. But this "interestingness" was described in such a way that even after editing in the publishers, sometimes there was a messy something in the vegetable garden, in Kiev, uncle. The author could jump from the fifth to the tenth, return, branch, etc. With excellent scientific logic, the logic of presentation almost always suffered.

It is the opinion that the author of a good text thinks clearly and clearly, and "who clearly thinks - he clearly set out" (Schopenhauer) that "wisely write only about what they do not understand" (V. Klyuchevsky). What happens - the academician physicist is set in confusing, because it is unclear thinking, or does not even understand what he writes about?

I have tormented for a long time over this mystery. Much has become clear after acquaintance with the system of teaching the native language in the West. Now it seems to me that it is possible to write wise and unclear and then when nobody taught you in childhood by the technical basics of the presentation of arguments on paper.

The owner of Russian texts has another explanation. Remember the replica of the verthin from Chekhov "Three Sisters": "What? If you do not give tea, then let's at least in contact. " For some reason (possibly, due to chronic lack of tea in the country), our intelligentsia does not eat bread - give me to poflocopy and submit. Whether it is worth surprising that as soon as talking about advertising, linguists, psychologists, culturalists and other lovers, psychologists and other lovers instantly increased from bushes. NLP shamans are tightened; They say, astrologers will soon join.

Be that as it may, the nebula and the nobility of our texts received international recognition. Here is how they describe some Western authors the logic of presentation among representatives of different nations:

(The dotted line shows the retreat from the main topic.)

Congratulate yourself, gentlemen - we are world champions in words! Reading, let's say, Klyuchevsky, make sure that the epidemic of terrible disease is raging in our country, whose name is the diarrhea of \u200b\u200bwords, constipation of thought. We are all saying and thinking only by the "dotted line", and everywhere - in the Duma, in the press, on TV. This disease struck and our advertising - in the volume of garbage text in advertising, we probably can also claim the champion title.

Copywriter works with the most expensive words. "Point" in advertising is not only harmful, but also is dispatched. The author of the advertising text is simply obliged to ruthlessly cut the entire "dotted" part - it takes place and reduces the number of fulfilling to the end. It reduces the overall efficiency of advertising. She is transcribe money advertiser.

This circumcision is given oh how difficult it is - I know in your own many years of experience. "Dotted" curls often seem to be their creators of beer beautiful and witty. Gentlemen Beginners Copywriters, learn forged boots to come on your throat when you want to "sing." Advertising is not caressing your rumor song, but the guttural cry is ironing. This is not a "raw" literature, but an economy and sale. Looking at the next curl, always ask yourself a rude sobering question - is it selling it? And cut, cut, cut! We will return to this question when the conversation will go about editing advertising text.


Why do people take a pen? - To bring something to the reader. (It does not apply to fools and graphomans.) The more important, more interesting and more useful it is "something", with great attention (and sometimes even pleasure) we read. However, interest and meaningivity is not the only characteristic of the text. You can also talk about its emotional, aesthetic and other advantages. And they are determined not only by the person and qualifications of the author, but also the area to which the text belongs.

Tasks and text language

Compare polar texts - legal and artistic. Each of them is created according to its laws. The legal document has a rigidly defined task - to convey the meaning with all the smallest details without any discrepancies. And at all costs, up to terrible deviations from the norms of "high calm", such as endless repeats ( a la "The house that Jack has built"), archaisms, office and other Izsa.

A business is artistic text. We are waiting for it that is pleasure, and not only not as much from the language beautiful. A.S. Pushkin said: "The prose requires thoughts and thoughts - without them brilliant expressions do not serve anything." Although Pushkin's brilliant expressions oh-how "serve", Alexander Sergeevich is valuable to us by his thoughts - no wonder His "Onegin" is named the encyclopedia of Russian life. Perhaps among the modern PITEs were both those who wrote "painfully". But where are they? I admire the "verbal painting" of Nabokov, but I will read more often a lion of Tolstoy, who diligently left the linguistic beautifulness. A phrase is remembered from the "walks on Rome" standing: "I'd rather let the reader stumble upon a clumsy phrase, but it will receive all the information."

It is difficult to talk about the tasks and language of journalism, since it depends here a lot depends on the genre and themes, the nature of the media and the contingent of readers. It is easier to talk about the tasks and language of scientific articles, official relations, military orders, business suggestions, trade documentation. There is a lot of regulations here, the established traditions of presentation often work, less author's liberties.

And what tasks solves promotional text? His only task is to sell, and only sell !!! (In advertising, the word "sell" is a term meaning "to convince the reader to buy, vote for the candidate, etc.". It can really buy a person in a year.) If the advertisement "does not sell", then even the most brilliant text is useless!

Advertising text is the most expensive text in the world, money pays for his publication, often huge. From here, it should be reinforced that the highest demands should be made to each word in advertising, and not so much artistic and informational, how many economic - here literally every word should work for sale. Technically advertising text should:

  • Attract the attention of the disinterested reader (the title decides this task);
  • To cause a reader to start reading the text (this is the subtitle, intermediate headlines, various kinds of selection). It is very important that the reader can appreciate the readability of the text;
  • Be so interesting for the reader to read it to the end.

Our attitude to different texts

There are texts that we read with the desire and pleasure. It may be an artistic work, an interesting article, a useful tutorial. Enter the bookstore or library - dozens of people with hours stand in front of the shelves, leafing, thinking, rating, reading. We loved our works we can reread in many times.

There are texts that we read by virtue of necessity, through "I Can't," Conscious that the reluctance to familiarize themselves with their content can be very expensive. These are legal contracts, orders, official letters, etc. Sometimes the fact of reading is even certified by the signature.

There are uninteresting texts that, thank God, it is not necessary to read. We are fighting off as soon as we can. To the number of texts, alas, most of the advertising belongs. The decision to read the advertising we take reluctantly, overcoming the internal resistance, with difficulty moving from full indifference to interest. We can start reading the text and throw it in the middle. There is a joke that until the end advertising text read only his creator.

I really like the image created by the American advertiser John about "Tul:" When working on advertising it is useful to imagine yourself in the form of an invincible guest in the apartment of a potential buyer who has the magical authority to make you instantly disappear. "

It is difficult to imagine a normal person who would love advertising. Even Ogilvi recognized that he could not tolerate outdoor advertising and television advertising, which interrupts something interesting. We approach each new advertising with the presumption of guilt.

Presumption of guilt

Remember how many times you, seduced by something, immersed in the next advertisement and ... stumbled on another pacifier. How many times have you tried in vain to read completely unreadable advertising and threw, rubbing the eyes sick from tension. How many times have you been experiencing annoyance for the time spent. How will you come to next advertising after that? - With the presumption of guilt, of course. Advertising is to blame for advertising. (That is why Ogilvi said: "The less advertising looks like advertising, the better for advertising.")

And it is precisely that an attitude to the created advertising should be tuned by advertiser if he wants his advertising to have some chances of success. Moreover, the advertiser must be remembered at all stages of creating text, including at the stage of stylistic editing, when it grows the language of the created advertising.


I do not know if there are any demands on the headlines (names) of artistic works. But they are in relation to legal, military and other documents.

Much attention is paid to their headlines journalists. Here we can note certain traditions, both professional and national. The latter are striking when you read many articles on the same topic in different languages. American headlines are usually deluvitis and concise, German "thoughts on the tree", the French little elegant.

But nowhere the title does not occupy such an important position as in advertising. It all depends on it - advertising will work or it will not work. Only in advertising on the header spend much longer than on the main text. Only in advertising headlines are carefully testing. Only in advertising headlines are finely adjustable under the specifics of this printed organ.

Advertising headlines live a very difficult life. The reader opens the magazine or newspaper and runs out the headers of the articles, trying to reveal what he is interested. Advertising flashes in front of his eyes, often causing irritation. (The exceptions are categorized sections or Internet sites, where the reader looks at himself.)

What kind of talented should be a copywriter to defeat articles in this very difficult headlock contest! Unfortunately, most advertisements play with articles in giveaway, offering the reader faded, template, boring or frankly stupid headlines. Walter Schönert gives the following comparisons of articles headers and advertisements for similar topics:

So how? What is more interesting?

Text without heading

The text without a header creates the reader of the problem. Well, if the document is short - you can quickly read it. And if it is long? Imagine for a second that you open a newspaper or magazine and - Oh, horror! - All articles without headlines. The only way to find something interesting is to read everything, dozens of pages, without much hope for success. Who will do it?

But if no one will read even an article without a header, then no one else will read advertising without a header! Advertising without a header is obviously discarded money. Ogilvi wrote: "I do not envy a copywriter, which will present me advertising without a header." Such a copywriter was dismissed on the spot. That would be our agencies to adopt this practice!

Blind headlines

Blind call headers that do not provide ideas about the content of the document. If blind headers are appropriate in the artistic literature ("How Steel", "War" or even "War and Peace"), then in other texts, is a huge drawback. The headline of the scientific article, newspaper note, even the electronic message should be given a more complete picture of the text content. But these texts have at least a small chance to be read even at a blind header. Unfortunately, advertising with the blind heading there are practically no such chances.

How common is our advertisements without headlines and advertising with the blind heading? Analysis of the deprecation of a dear business journal took the following picture: out of 53 advertisements 3 did not have headers at all, 15 had blind headers. For example, such: "medicine against problems", "the richness of the nuances and clarity in detail", "reached perfection", "the image is important", "the choice is yours", "we solve all your problems", "for business people", "Family Plan", "Life is gaining momentum", "a step ahead", "Temperature Technique", "Reliable link of your success", "Common Interests", "they will not dissolve", etc.

From the state language to advertising (especially in advertising letters, commercial offers and ads) the manner of starting text with phrases like "Dear customers / residents / patients, etc." or "Dear comrades / customers, etc." Enter the operating room of any bank. His walls are decorated with sheets dedicated to various banking services. Even elementary common sense suggests that the titles of these sheets should be the names of these services. But with rare exceptions, you will look at the trimps written by a large font "Dear customers!".

In his book "Aggressive Marketing Plus Effective Advertising" S. Alexandrov offers the following "aggressive" beginning of "effective" advertising:

Interesting explanations of the "Matra" to the title: "He provokes a potential consumer to decide:" Business "he is or not." Well well! First, under such a "title" can follow the proposals of thousands of types of goods; Secondly, stationery are needed not only to business people. I am ready to break on the mortgage that only Mazochists will read the words "Stationery". But for them will remain a mystery than the proposed stationery are better than all others.

There was a senseless tradition in press releases instead of the title to write simply "Press Release". But let me please, gentlemen, we do not call the article by the word "article", but the books of the word "book".

On the bulletin board you can meet such a monotonous battery of ads.

Each of them offers something, perhaps even very interesting. But from a distance of several meters it is clear only that one announcement invites at the evenings of rest. And where are others invited?

Email headers

Email it is important to know the topic of the message and the name of its sender. For this, there are appropriate graphs. Well if they are filled as follows:

Beach e-mail has become spam. People send you an invincible message for your money than you already cause irritation. They really count on the fact that the annoyed recipient will read such (taken from my mail):

Many electronic messages are generally unnamed. This is quite incomprehensible - after all, the postal program reminds the sender so that he somehow call his message.

How it would be good if other programs had such functions! Perhaps we would have less documents without a name.

Authors of texts

Texts of different categories compound different authors. Artistic texts come out from under the pen writers and poets, articles write mainly journalists, legal texts write lawyers, scientific treatises write scientists, military orders write military, certificates and unsubscribers write bureaucrats ... And who should write advertising texts?

Why only copywriter?

Externally, advertising text can resemble a business document, a scientific article, journalism and even artistic text. Why then the advertising texts cannot and should not write journalists and writers? Or scientists, engineers or officials? In the end, they also work with the text.

All this is so. However, their texts solve fundamentally different tasks, and they are different. As we remember, the advertising text performs a unique task - to sell, and only sell! This is exactly what non-popirates do not understand, continuing to remain writers or journalists.

Having accumulated a rich copywriter experience, I can now guess the author's profession of this or other advertising text. Especially noticeable when the author of the text is the advertiser itself.

Writers in advertising

Through advertising agencies passed almost all the well-known American classics of the XIX century. And none of them discourages any laurels in advertising. A sinful matter and I tried to bring to the copywriter craft of several fictionalists. Long hours spent by me to report the main tasks of advertising, did not lead to anything.

Writing failures in advertising I can offer my explanation. With his word, the writer bears good and bright, "the verb burns the hearts of people." He is alien to the very idea of \u200b\u200busing elegant literature to solve "low-al-" tasks of sale. Seating from under his pen "Advertising" texts are characterized by expression and grace, but ... sold in them is usually neither penny.

A certain, not the best, part of the writers always writes only about themselves. So, any Pelevin Opus is dedicated ... to him. His erudition and his self-confidence. The reader almost does not interest him. I agree with Bill Burnbach: "While the writer is interested in what he describes in his texts, the copywriter is interested in what the reader gets of them." Do you feel the difference?

A good advertising text should have only two heroes: the subject of advertising (goods, service, candidate for elections) and, most importantly, its Majesty reader (buyer). (Nor an advertiser nor, especially advertising, advertising heroes are not.) In this advertising, the reader should read about himself - about solving his problems and meet its needs. If necessary, advertising should explain to him, must teach him, must help him, should be a good marketing doctor for him, facilitating him the problems of choosing a purchase.

Some writers on the reader frankly do not care. Discover the story of Viktor Yerofeyev's story "The smell of feces from the mouth." You are waiting for an unforgettable impression - several pages filled with in one word "stroke". What is the luminaries of our literature, not peating from a television screen, thinks about the reader? Do you mean us with you?

Fair and reverse - books that copy copyrights are usually not distinguished by a special grace or other literary advantages. Probably every one.

Journalists in advertising

Advertising suffered with journalists. I do not remember these representatives what kind of "power" is characteristic of a sensation, to open, whiten, brand. Some of them include the statement of Niels Bor: "The journalist is the one who does not understand anything, but judges everything." Surface, uncommonness, incompetence, verbality and love for the "red sense" is intolerant and in journalism. But in advertising these qualities are dead.

Representatives of print media recognize that even the customer inexperienced in advertising understands that the works of journalists presented on his court are not selling anything. It is nice to note that some media began to be aware of the need to have copyright.

Unfortunately, many do not understand the indigenous differences of journalism from advertising. What was guided by uncle from Moscow State University, creating the first forge of advertising personnel in the country not at the Faculty of Economics, where these personnel would be brought up in a marketing environment, and with the faculty of journalism? Most likely, they danced from the text. It is not explained by that while we rarely meet a decent copywriter. And those who belong to the copywriter shop, are occupied by almost exclusive slogans and other marginals.

Scientists in advertising and advertising

The scientist writes for a narrow isoteric circle, often about complex and even more complex things. Scientific texts are replete with terms, graphs and formulas. Without them, many priests of science are helpless, and rarely who of them succeed in simple words to tell the general public about the achievements of their science; Even smaller among them, people capable of writing advertising texts.

When I charged the narrow specialist to write an advertising (it is an advertising!) Article, I usually instructed it as follows: when you write a thesis or a message to a special magazine, then the more absulter, the better. The main task is there - to show what you are smart. The task of the advertising article is completely different - to show the "teapot" that the proposed high-tech decision makes life easier for him, gives him some kind of benefits that these wonders of science will love and easily. In short, you have to call him a desire to join this achievement. And, feel God, do not scare! But everything was useless! Always all had to redo. Now such experiments, I no longer spend and write advertising articles myself.

Psychologists, cultureologists and other "ologists" love to write about advertising, which they have a very foggy idea. And they do it on a terrible Foreign mixture with Nizhny Novgorod. Here I remember that about the "misty systematization of the obvious" wrote Ernst Gauers (Ernest Gowers), author of the aforementioned book THE COMPLETE PLAIN WORDS. In his opinion, representatives of various not chib to specific "sciences" are trying to say to the world: "You must believe that this is a great science; You just look at our stunning new scientific language. " It seems that in the "foggy systematization" especially succeeded in linguists.

Linguists in advertising and advertising

Schönert and other practices can firmly firmly to these unaccepting advisors that advertising in their services does not need - everything is in vain. Their "advertising" articles are clogged with all magazines, there are no save on conferences. Some, inventing a couple of titles or slogans, declare themselves with copywriters, others - brandologists.

Their books addressed to young practices are especially dangerous. We will put ourselves to the place of the former production officer or an economist somewhere in Luzopinsk, which the authorities "threw on advertising", putting purely practical tasks in front of him - to sell "bolts and nuts", produced by his native AAA "Kukarev-Bezheinvest" or UU "Hrew Hrew-reheatting. " What joy it is attacked on the book, which is written on the cover, say, "advertising text" - that's the long-awaited answer to all questions!

But it is too early to rejoice - instead of long-awaited answers, our hero is waiting for a penetrating conversation about "conventional implicituits", "the essential problems of rhetoric and neorovernment", "natural-language belief", "impacting language potential", "discursive practice", "variable interpretation", "Cognitive theory of argument", "ontologization", "speech-seeing potential of vocabulary" and so on. He will read with such revelations: "The linguistic procedure for analyzing the text is the transformation of the discourse syntagm in the paradigm of suggestive-rhetorical funds, since the processing of the language work is carried out in the orientation to the perception of its suggestive properties." At a reasonable price, he will be offered a "relative-associative semantic neurolinguistic analyzer" for the Internet.

Dreaming through such a debris, I constantly wonder - well, okay, I don't understand anything in this, I don't understand anything (after 40 years of work with a copywriter and serious linguistics classes), but does the author himself understand? Well, at least something? After all, "wisely written only about what they do not understand."

The trackers engaged in the search for "Lieutenant Kizh" received decent replenishment - in Yakutsk University now Boyko discusses the "philological aspects" of advertising; Soon, probably will talk about its astronomical, medical and even agricultural aspects.

Jokes jokes, but I am afraid that, after reading this, a beginner copywriter will change his plans, having wisheding a terrible boredom and impassable nonsense. I have a hurry to assure you, the young advertising minds that the Lingvo-Philol-Psycho-Semiotico-Astrol-NLP-Maurasty-Semiotico-Astrol-NLP-Maratcho-Semiotico-Astrol and NLP-Maratsumatic Pravaciations do not have the slightest.

Who can be a copywriter

I will allow myself to repeat the words here from my article "Advertising thinking": "Marketing and advertising are not everyone can do areas. Moreover, some of them are contraindicated. There is nothing unusual and exceptional in this, because such "special" regions is enough. Above the music was mentioned. Martin Luther, the Bible translator into German, said: "Translation is not for everyone." Not every one will get a good actor, doctor, politician, director, designer. Yes, what is there to say, not every one will get a good peasant, turner or shoemaker. Probably, each profession requires certain data from a person, but not in every profession the lack of such data is so critical as in marketing and advertising - too much here is high (literally) the cost of errors. "

The copyrighting history has shown that the best copywriters are obtained from former good sellers. Everything is explained very simply - a good seller on courses and in practice mastering thinking "from the client", it is soaked in his needs, he learns to find an approach to various customers, he learns to speak in the buyer's language. It is easier for him to go from the sale of personal for sale mediated, to "selling in print", that is, to advertising. True, these sellers, as a rule, are not led by linguistic grace; Some (including Ogilvi) admit that even grammar do not know.

Can, say, a journalist become a copywriter? Why not. But when writing advertising texts, he will need to learn to switch from sensationality for sale. A scientist, among other things, have to be inserted into the words of Rostford: "If you cannot explain what you do, your cleaning lady - you are a worthless specialist." The fact is that 100% of the population is the "cleaners" almost in all that goes beyond their narrow professional area or hobby.

In general, friends, copywriting is the most interesting and consistent craft for those who know how to think and feel "advertising", for those who want to "create" money for the advertiser, and not Lviv and Oslov for themselves. This is real creativity (not to be confused with the "creative" and especially with "creatinism"!). This is "algebra and harmony", analysis, ingenuity and intuition. This is a lesson for people with two brain hemispheres, a la Leonardo da Vinci. This ... Yes, damn it, it is easier to say than it is not!

To be continued

Next, I will summarize the elements that in the West is called writing., I will talk about the general characteristics of the language of advertising, about typical errors and prejudices. I will also share my modest experience in creating and editing advertising texts.

Dear friends, I would like to make our conversation as possible and useful for you. It seems to me that my story will benefit from instructive examples. I have enough examples, but I, unfortunately, I do not always feel the real problems of the novice copywriter, and therefore I ask you to send your examples and questions. Your samples can be good and bad, in Russian and Ukrainian.

Alexey Furman (editor of the Ukrainian site touched the extremely interesting topic of Russian-Ukrainian advertising bilinguals. What do you think of it? Is there such a problem? If so, how to solve it? Is it possible to summarize the accumulated experience? And so on and so forth. |

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