Believe good need to start doing. To believe in good, you need to start doing it - an essay. Exercise with the "Cup of Good"

By the decision of the Foundation Council
Charitable Foundation
assistance to social and unprotected citizens
"Need help" from 2016
(Protocol No. 3 of 01.12.2016)

Public offer to conclude an accession contract
To the project "Taking this opportunity"

  1. The meaning of this Public Offer
    1. Real Public Offer ( "Offer project") is a proposal of a charitable fund assistance to social and unprotected citizens "Need help" ( "Fund"), the details of which are indicated in paragraph 7 of the project's offer, to conclude with any individual that will respond to the offer of the project ( "Organizer"), an agreement on joining the project "Taking this opportunity" ( "Treaty") and freely organize an event, on the conditions provided below.
    2. The Offer's Offer is a public offer in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
    3. The offer of the project comes into force from the day following the day of posting it on the website of the program.
    4. The offer of the project operates during the program period provided for in paragraph 4 of the Program Regulations. The foundation has the right to cancel the offer of the project at any time without explaining the reasons by placing a notice of the abolition of the project's offer.
    5. In the offer of the project, changes and additions may be made, which come into force from the day following their placement on the site of the program.
    6. Invalidity of one or more conditions of the project's offer does not entail the invalidity of all other conditions of the project.
    7. The placement location of the project is considered to be the city of Moscow, the Russian Federation.

  2. Terms and Definitions

    By the text of this project's project, the following terms and concepts will have the meaning specified below:

    Term Definition
    Event date - Date of event.
    Program Regulations - Regulations on the charitable program "Need", approved by the decision of the Foundation Council of December 1, 2016.
    Program - Charitable program "Need", carried out by the Foundation.
    Site program - page on the Internet at the address:, which publishes information about the program.
    Event - Charitable action or an event conducted online or offline and aimed at collecting funds for the implementation of projects and activities carried out within the Program.
    Informational resources - Website of the program, platform, media and social networks, through which the Fund distributes information about the event.
    Event type - One of the following forms of event chosen by the Organizer:
    (1) Event is free to participate;
    (2) Event, the circle of participants is limited;
    (3) Event, participation in which is carried out on tickets.

  3. Substantial terms of contract
    1. The Foundation provides the organizer to the Organizer the right and technical opportunity to post on the information resource owned by the Fund on the Internet located at: Site ( "Platform"), information about the event, including the conditions for its implementation, in accordance with paragraph 5 of the project.
    2. The organizer is obliged to fulfill all the obligations and actions committed in preparation and event, on time and appropriately. These obligations and action in particular include the provision of information about the event, compliance with the conditions of the event, including compliance with the conditions for offline events at the date of events and in the place specified in the provision of information about the event in accordance with paragraph 5.1 of the project, enterprise measures and Creation of conditions for ensuring compliance with the public order and security of citizens when conducting an offline event, as well as other obligations and other actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) usually committed in the organization of charitable shares or measures of a similar nature. It is designed that the deadline for the fulfillment of an offline event at the date of the event is essential. In the specified case, the organizer is not entitled to fulfill the obligations to conduct an offline event ahead of schedule without prior notice to the Fund in accordance with clause 4.3 of the project.
    3. The organizer organizes an event solely for the purpose of collecting funds for the implementation of projects and activities carried out under the program, and transmits all the funds collected by the Fund.
    4. The Fund disseminates the event information by publishing the specified information in information resources.
    5. The dissemination of information about the event by the Fund is not the basis for recognizing the Foundation by the Party of Legal, arising between the Organizer and participants of the event. The fund is not an intermediary, agent or representative of the organizer. The organizer independently and fully believes to the participants of the event and other persons responsible for non-performance or improper performance of the obligations and actions related to the event provided for in paragraph 3.2 of the project. The Fund is also not responsible for the unlawful actions of the organizer before the participants of the event and other persons in the event of a violation by the organizer of paragraph 3.3 of the project.

  4. The procedure for entering into the contract
    1. The contract is concluded by the Acceptance Office of the project by the organizer.
    2. The project of the project may be acceptable by the Organizer by providing information about the event in accordance with paragraph 5 of the project.
    3. The Foundation checks the compliance of the information provided on the event to the terms of the project's offer provided for in paragraph 4 of the project. In case of inconsistency of the information provided by this requirements, the Foundation has the right to require the organizer to eliminate the specified inconsistencies or refuse to place information about the event.
    4. The organizer of the action provided for in paragraph 4.2 of the project is considered an acceptance of the project's offer in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
    5. The acceptance date of the Acceptance of the project and, accordingly, the date of the conclusion of the contract is the date of posting the information about the event on the platform.
    6. In the case of a subsequent detection of the inconsistency of the information provided by the requirements provided for by paragraph 5.4 of the project's offer, the Foundation has the right to limit access to already posted information about the event or delete it without prior notice.
    7. In case of restricting access to information about an event or removal it in accordance with paragraph 4.5 of the project's offers, the Fund does not bear any responsibility, including responsibility in the form of damages, including any expenses arising from the organizer or other persons in connection with the refusal to accommodation This information, its removal or restricting access to it.

  5. The procedure for providing information about the event
    1. To conduct an event, the organizer fills the form offered on the platform and creates a web page on which the following event information indicates:
      (1) Event Organizer;
      (2) Event Name;
      (3) a brief description of the event;
      (4) Event type;
      (5) date of events and place of event;
      (6) a project or event, as part of the program, in support of which an event is organized; and
      (7) Other essential conditions for the event.
    2. The event organizer can establish the recommended minimum donation in favor of the project or the event as part of the program, in support of which an event is organized.
    3. The organizer can make add-ons and explanations about the order of the event.
    4. The organizer undertakes:

      (1) not to disseminate misleading fund, valid or potential participants in the event and other third parties information about the event, the conditions of its conduct and other circumstances relating to the event;
      (2) not to disseminate information aimed at promoting war, inciting national, racial or religious hatred and hostility, supporting political parties, movements, groups and campaigns and other organizations, with the exception of information in support of the Fund and Program, as well as other information violating the requirements of the law and other regulatory and legal acts, the foundations of law and order and morality;
      (3) Do not violate third-party rights in providing information and conducting an event, including intellectual rights of third parties through, in particular, the illegal use of the results of intellectual activity.

  6. Other conditions
    1. The donor confirms the actions under this offer, the donor confirms that it is familiar with the conditions and text of this offer, the objectives of the Foundation and the Regulations on the charitable program "I need", aware of the importance of its actions, has the full right to commit them and fully accepts the terms of this Offer
    2. This offer is regulated and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3. When filling out the proposed form on the platform, the organizer may be requested access to the following personal information stored on third-party postal services or social networks, if the provision of such access does not contradict the privacy policy of the relevant social network or service:

      Email address;
      - Address book;
      - List of subscribers, friends or contacts;
      - days of birthday subscribers, friends or contacts;

      When providing such access, the Foundation undertakes to store the above information on its servers, use the above information solely for the purpose of providing the technical ability to place information about the event on the platform. The transfer of personal information received to third parties is not allowed.

  7. Requisites Fund
    A charity fund of assistance to social and unprotected citizens "Need help"

    Address: 119270, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya Embankment, 2/4, p. 16, room 405
    Inn: 9710001171
    PPC: 770401001
    OGRN: 1157700014053
    Payroller account number Payment: 40703810238000002575
    Corr. Payment bank account payroll: 30101810400000000225
    Name of the Bank of the Payer's Recipient: OJSC Sberbank of Russia Moscow
    Beach: 044525225.
    Director Semenova A. A.

"Who makes good decent people, doing good to everyone" - these words belong to the public of Sira, they are in the best form reveal the issue of kindness and nobility. This word is familiar to us from early childhood, we were not good since birth, only an adult, we managed to divide the world for good and bad. But some knowledge is not enough, many of us forget about good actions and good contact to each other.

It is said that in the 21st century fashion for good remained in the past. Many believe that being a good person is not profitable and very flawed. I consider human egoism to be the main problem of this trend, it is he who pushes people to mercenary and evil deeds. People worries only their own well-being, so wanting to succeed, they are ready to go on their heads, leaving after themselves tears and disappointment.

Nowadays, the problem of good attracts a lot of attention to himself. The main reason is that people stopped sincerely love, help and give each other good and care. But every problem has a solution, I think that every person will perform at least one good act, it will be very soon in the hearts of every person.

What happens if a person will be needed to be needed to be seen on the examples of famous works of Russian writers. For them, it is one of the most important rockers of a person, so this problem has been raised in their works. One of the most vivid examples can be seen in the Roman-epic "War and Peace" L.N Tolstoy. The most favorite character of the writer was Natasha Rostov, which the author once mentioned in his records. He considered it with a model of a Russian woman, who managed not to succumb to the shortest century.

Natasha possessed the very valuable qualities of the person, possessed a sense of humor, the ability to love and worry, was always honest. The heroine can be called a sample of kindness, because in the novel, there were no examples proving this fact. In the final part of the novel, when Napoleon Bonaparte attacked Moscow and the residents of the capital rushed to flee, burning their homes, Natasha showed real mercy. Before leaving the house, she together with his family tried to take their valuable things. Seeing how many people are dying around, how many of them need help. Natalia gave the order to give people a submission that would save wounded, and after sincerely rejoiced their salvation.

"The fairy tale is a hint of a good young lesson in it" - these words belong to the writers known to all of us, the real Creator of Russian literature. And I have fun to agree with A.S. Pushkin, in fairy tales really rising very serious and vital problems. So the problem of good is the main theme of any fairy tale and that's why. The opposition of evil is the main thing in the life of a person, just so we can arrange your life correctly. The main characters of fairy tales are always unusual characters, whose main quality is kindness.

But not only the lack of kindness in humans is the main problem of our society. Many of the people cease to believe in its existence, and this is a very serious problem. In the world where pre-exchangeable relationships, thirst for benefits and selfishness are not surprising to obey faith in good. Immediate upbringing or society surrounding a person may immediately affect.

If people stop believing in good, then we just need to start doing it. Only in this way we can prove its existence and even improve your life. Good selflessly and this is its main value. Assistants in this difficult task can be children's fairy tales, where good always wins bad. Also, there are thousands of books where this problem is considered in all its angles. Let us help others, thereby having humanity to the right spiritual path.

Sections: Cool Guide

Purpose: to form a value orientation from students, the desire to make good actions, awaken good feelings.


  • learning to reflect on the moral essence of the act,
  • give children to feel that good is the joy for others and oneself,
  • relief kindness and mercy, respect for each other and others, the desire to help.

Kind of activity: Appreciable value.

Form of holding: conversation with elements of training.


  • multimedia equipment;
  • dictionary S.I. Yohegova,
  • exhibition of books
  • tape recorder with a record of the song "Dear Good",
  • distribution material (cards with proverbs, signal cards, cups of cups and colors, memo for children),
  • magnets, tape.

Classroom time

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys.

I am very glad to see your good faces, radiant eyes! Let's give a part of your good mood to each other! Smile!

2. Opening word.

Guys, I know that all the children love fairy tales. Listen to one of them.

He lived, was on earth a girl named love. It was boring to live in the world without girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray, who lived a hundred years, a wizard:

Help me, grandfather, choose a girlfriend so that I could be friends with her all my life let me.

Thought the wizard and said:

Come to me tomorrow morning.

In the morning, love came to the installed place and sees: 5 beautiful girls are standing with pines, one more beautiful.

Here, choose, "said Grandfather - Wizard. - One name is joy, the other is good luck, the third is beauty, the fourth - sadness, the fifth - kindness.

The board presents the names of the girls.

They are all beautiful, "love said. - I do not know who and choose ...

Your truth, "the wizard replied," they are all good. And you will meet in your life with them, and maybe you will be friends, but choose one of them. She will be your girlfriend for life.

Love thought. Then came to one of them and stretched out his hand. The girl took her hand and led along the road going beyond the horizon.

But on what road they went, try to determine by listening to a verse from the song.

What road went on the road?

- What do you think like a cloak?

3. Definition of the theme of the class hour and goals through the audition song.

Everyone wants to be happy and for this tries to choose the right road. Today we will also go on the road on such a road.

It will be the road of good.

The topic of our class hour is: "To believe in good, you have to start doing it."

These are the words of the Great Russian Writer - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, who tried to do all his life to do goodies.

Our goal:

  • recall that includes the concept of "kindness";
  • reflect what it means to be kind;
  • learn to see people with them, especially in need of kindness;
  • we will try to determine if you need to wait for a request for help or do good. And for this we will execute several tasks.

I ask you to be attentive, active, help me at work.

4. Analytical conversation.

How do you understand what denotes the word "kindness"?

In Russian, many different dictionaries.

Let's check your understanding of this word with how Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegova explains to the "Dictionary of the Russian Language".

A kindness is a responsive, mental arrangement to people, the desire to do good to others.

What does "do good others" mean?

Do you know that in the old Slavonic alphabet of the letter "D" - was called "good."

People have long been sought to good and hated evil and this thought they reflected in proverbs that are transmitted from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation.

I offer you a task that will show your knowledge of proverbs about kindness.

Work in pairs.

You need to connect the lanes the beginning of the proverb with its end. ( 2 minutes)

So let's check which proverbs you made up. I will start the proverb, and you finish.

- What do these proverbs teach?

- Do you follow these proverbs in life? Tell us what kind of good deeds have you already done?

5. Problem test.

Now you need to answer my questions only "yes" or "no" using the signal cards. Red circles denote the answer "no", green - "yes."

Is it possible to call a good man who:

  • does something useful for people;
  • makes homework for someone;
  • waiting for him to help him;
  • translates the old woman across the road;

Is it possible to make a person be kind?

Is it possible to become good for a while? Why?

Let's always be sincere and give good from the heart.

6. Exercise with a "cup of good".

Imagine that each of you now in your hands was the most favorite cup. (A teacher shows a model of a cup of paper and offers everyone to take his "cup" in hand.)

Fill it up to the edges with your favorite drink. Take a pencil and mark the limit of the boundaries of this drink.

And now take a cup in your hands and stand in the circle.

Mold! Do not spare!

And now look again in your cup.

ABOUT! It is still full to the edges.

What happened why did it happen? ...

And because your cup is special, magic! We can cast out of it, and it will always be complete!

This cup is a soul and it is filled with your kindness. The more you give good to others, the more kindness you get back.

Self and confidently say: « It's me! I have such a cup! "

Let's say it together!

7. Working with the picture.

Guys, do you always notice around those people who especially need human kindness?

Look at this portrait. This reproduction from Alexander Shilova's painting "one".

What thoughts do you have when you peer into the face of this elderly woman?

What kind of doctors could you make for her?

Did you ever be lucky to help such people?

I did not accidentally use the word "lucky", because The one who does good is more happy than the one who gets it!

The teacher is drawn by the exhibition of books.

Heroes of art works, which are presented at the book exhibition - your peers. And they also make good deeds.

Want to know what? Read these books.

8. Summing up.

Today we talked a lot about kindness, good deeds, realized that there are people who need support in good word next to us.

On the tables you are lying paper flowers. Write on one of the sides, what good deed you assume to do in the near future.

Children perform work.

Let's see what we did .

The teacher reads a few answers.

Everyone will make one good cause, and together we will have a whitewalk of good deeds.

Look, what a wonderful glade we succeed!

From good deeds, people always get warm in the soul and want to sing.

Let's continue the song together "Dear good."

The words of the song are in front of each student.

At the end of our conversation, I would like to leave you a memo in which the advice of kindness shared you.

I think today's class must remember you and be sure to remember me.

Thank you and all are good!

My attempts to explain the unconsciousness of volunteers in his free from work and the time cut off from the family seems to be a large mother did not convince. Therefore, I shared with her phones girls, and I myself asked for a meeting with them. At the meeting, I received information that my opponent after the female conversation from the prosecutor and the staff itself was thinking over to replenish the detachment of gratuitous assistance. And since I am familiar with the head of the "Life Center" in the name of Mikhail Muromsky "Elena Olegovna Kryukov, and saw a huge number of boxes and bags with things designed to help those who need the Seine of her house, so it was not surprised by piles of clothes, shoes, packages, Bags and boxes in the mixture on May Day.

In the cold mixer met several women sorting piles in size and types of shoes with clothing. Some of them shared information on family compositions, activities, but no one has opened her name. And such assistants are easy to understand. Not everyone will like close attention to his person. Especially on the part of those who show him not from the desire to get into the ranks of volunteers, and from curiosity to find the stern in someone else's eye, without noticing logs in his own. Yes, and there is something to fear. About the volunteers concerned about the fate of animals, did not meet any negative replica. Even the collection of signatures under the petition about the introduction of authority on the rights of animals does not cause critics. And only the president at the press conference of journalists on December 23, responding to this question, expressed doubt about the need to introduce such a post. In volunteers, helping children and old men, they are looking for only a criminal component. And they do it, as a rule, people with a wormworm in the shower. And disinterested donors who opened their names can be found in the newspaper "Everything for you. Region "and on the pages of reports in the photo albums of the" Hand Hand ", which are published after each past action. But the bulk of donors prefers to remain nameless.

Have, but, not owning, we must learn
Like the sun, the wind, the stars: mine and not mine!
we are happy, free and happily live,
when generous impact, generous and reception!
Marina Maslova - Bulgakov

These rows with full right can be attributed to my interlocuts. Not the generosity of the wallet, and the generosity of the soul makes these women once a week to go to the semi-oiled house of one of the ten active participants. And before the new year, daily, on sorting and packing gifts, in the apartment there is another active participant, because in the mixture it is impossible to store food. Well, and wallets with cars will be in demand, when the time comes to deliver gifts on apartments. Now in the detachment of about one and a half thousand assistants and donors. The most active people ten and headquarters of three mothers: Wolve love, Kostina Svetlana, Mitachane Elena.

The Sleepy Mom is Love Gennadevna Volkov. She has a daughter almost adult. Schoolgirl. Elena Alexandrovna Mitakova over time more complicated. Son, though big, he has already had a whole year and 10 months, but the daughter is only two months old. The benefit is with whom to leave for a couple of hours, and with the crossing to different ends of the city helps the husband of Zhenya. Svetlana Alexandrovna Kostina this year is forced to skip part in the New Year's action, because two weeks ago, I became my mom for the third time. I place this information not for discussion, but to limit volunteers from attacks doubting their sincerity and decency. Yes, and to limit the time of appeal to their mobile phones.

This squad is not a state institution providing material assistance within the law. Initially, they began to assist their familiar each in their own. Then Elena and Svetlana met and decided to combine efforts to assist children. Then the love for them joined them, volunteers appeared, including from the editorial office "Everything for you. Region". And for the second year of the village, the division of gifts to children from large-mentioned low-income families, spreading this appeal:

"In each of us there is a wizard, it's time to wake him up! Before the new year, quite a bit of time left. Each child is waiting for this holiday as a miracle, each kid believes in the magical strength of this holiday, in the grandfather Frost and his beautiful granddaughter Snow Maiden.

But not every kid can get a present for this holiday. And we want to correct the situation a little, and with your help to give a holiday for many more dozens of kids from large and low-income families.

Any your contribution is important. Box of juice, chocolate, candy, toys, books ... Yes, everything that can serve as a gift and bring joy to children. All photoclaims will be provided in our group and posted in the album "Give the New Year". Thank you in advance !!! "

My first question is a wicked love of Gennadievna.

- What made you in the frost, from a warm apartment, go to the river in the ice mixture to sort things?

Children The most vulnerable part of the population, cannot ask for themselves. Girls and I got acquainted through social. Networks and help primarily children. But people carry and adults. We help both adults and elderly, but our main concern is children. Someone to wear, and someone and products help.

- Now you collect hotels for New Year's gifts. But is it possible to store food in such a room?

So it is impossible. Here we have a warehouse of things, and present gifts in the apartment of another non-indifferent family.

- Help and parents - alcoholics, which children are not needed, and gifts for a bottle can drive?

I disagree that children do not need parents, even alcoholics. It's one thing when the parent or parents drink, walk in apartments issued by the state, and children are sent in the orphanage. This is a sad category of parents who look at children, as a source of income or ballast, and children pay. But we began to live in another reality. Previously, children were engaged in the trade union committees, and partners with Komsomol and Pioneer organizations.

But at that time, people worked, and in stores there was a shortage of goods. Moral pressure levers disappeared. Now any product can deliver home, there would be money. We can't take a decision of social problems, but I will identify the needy children and provide them with all the assistance, we are engaged in this. Someone on the announcement, someone on rumors learn about us. Even judging by New Year's gifts, the number of applicants is growing. Last year we have handed 97 gifts, and this year the list of children is already approaching 150.

Questions to Mitachane Elena Alexandrovna

- How do you determine who to help?

We try to help everyone who turns. But, sorry, if the renovation in the apartment, dear car in the garage, photos from the resorts - to help, of course, we will not. Fans of freebies we have already learned to loosen. But we are not psychics and can not know who, and what help is needed, so we appeal to the braids. In the field of view of Kosov, not all needy families fall, therefore the pipes in all pipes on the Internet, newspapers, on television, flyers with their phones we turn out that we are and ready to help,.

The problem of our society is constraint, fear of condemnation, woven. Sometimes the problems are given. Sometimes it seems that you yourself can not cope, from here depression, nervous breakdowns. And share with someone, then the problem turns into temporary trouble. Often, people are confused, who have come down to despair come to us. But let's talk, share our troubles, you will be appreciated, and people understand that they are not alone. The shine appears in the eyes. We carry out a weekly distribution and our wards sometimes run to just chat, relax from family problems, laugh. And we are glad to such a relationship.

We do not physically find out about all families. It happens that people who addressed us for help are also included in the search for needing. And help. It's nice that absolutely different people merge and live with a common idea. Our detachment come from janitors to directors, but no one has arrogance, in our squad all the same. We combined the desire to help. We were not even familiar with each other, but survived so much that they became almost relatives. We can compare with a snowball. Right, in mind new acquaintances with new no-indulgered people. It is very pleased that young people who barely come to come, which were almost 20. Such young, with burning eyes and sensitive hearts. They want to make this world kinder. And more persistent it turns out! They already know that the volunteering is not only a gingerbread grocery, but also a bounce doubt our cleanliness.

- And how do your families react to your passion?

Our families are our support, support and wall, which we hide when we are tired. When the strength ends or hands fall from the next disappointments. Yes, it happens. It happens that we try to help people, and then it turns out that lovers of the freebies simply use us. At such moments, despair comes, and we hurt in our families. Our household is the same vest, in which we come to pay. Our husbands always support us, give advice and remind you that we are strong, we will cope. What we cannot throw this thing for one simple reason - our wards believe in us, we need them.
Our husbands help us. They do not consider themselves volunteers. They just silently get wallets when they need help with the regular family, are going and going to addresses to pick up the things of donors or take packages in need. They are just near.

When we discovered the action, it was not hoped that our call would cause such an excitement. We were born sweets, they translated money, gave way to hand. Teachers, entrepreneurs, moms on maternity leave, office workers, needlewomen, athletes ... everyone joined one desire to one. Thank you very much !!! Special thanks to the newspaper's editorial office "Everything for you. Region "and personally Tatiana Dorosevich for participation and information support. From December 24, we begin to congratulate the kids. We will try to do it in the shortest possible time, but just in case take the time until January 13th. Pictures of the presentation will be placed in our group.

On December 22, the girls reported that 135 New Year gifts were packaged. The editorial office of the newspaper "Everything is for you. The region "closed the share of gifts and thanked the donors. Aid Aid activists decided to extend the promotion of gifts, because calls continue to indicate addresses of needy families. Part of the gifts will be awarded at the Charitable Tree on December 24 in the Children's City Library on Kuibyshev Street, and the remaining Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden will be delivered at home until January 13. And if your child or your children stayed without a New Year's gift, which means there was no signal about your problems in neither the cosos of the city, nor calls from you with your neighbors.

I think that I answered a question that manifests curiosity: "Where are they" hiding "the collected gifts?" Murom-Mom published phones, and the editorial office of the newspaper and volunteers were explained where to look for a report about each candy and every penny. But not everyone read newspapers, and the rumors are not always reliable. The volunteer squad "Help Hand" is not a state organization that provides material assistance to poorly on the basis of laws, but simply not indifferent people. Addresses for which they can be found: Street Serov, 39. Tel: 89209307208 - Luba, Karacharovskoye highway, 10. Tel: 89209066910-Lena. Ul. Moscow 62 "A", office 6, the editorial office of the newspaper "All for you. Region »3-24-15.

This is an emptying about the end of last year's action. Go to Kos. Maybe you will be able to get into the list of people on the New Year's share of next year. And walking throughout the city in search of those who need the girls and their husbands neither forces nor the time is not enough.

Photo from editorial archives and personal volunteers archives.
Ivan Vasilyevich Kostin


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