The company "LUKOIL" takes congratulations. Anniversary in working, laying the artery of life of the oil-producing region

Creation of the company: The company was created on November 25, 1991 by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR as a state oil concern. Thus, the Langepasneftegaz, Uraneftegaz and Kogalymneftegaz enterprises were united, the first letters of which were formed onions abbreviation in the title of LUKOIL OJSC. In 1993, the State Concern was transformed into an open joint stock company.

Field of activity: Intelligence, mining and refining of oil and natural gas, production of petroleum products with subsequent implementation.

Full title: Open Joint Stock Company "Oil Company LUKOIL".

The main office of LUKOIL is located in Moscow, there is headquarters in the suburbs of New York (USA), East Midou.

In 2007, the company entered the hundreds of the largest brands of the world. At the moment, LUKOIL takes part in 16 oil projects worldwide. In the sphere of interests, among other countries, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Venezuela.

The company provides substantial sponsorship support to the Russian Olympic Committee, financially supports sports teams.

LUKOIL in persons

The president of the company - Vagit Alekperov.

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Valery Greifer.

Contact Information

Russia, 101000, Moscow, Sretensky Boulevard, d.11
Tel.: (+7 495) 627 4444
Fax: (+7 495) 625 7016
Teleks: 612 553 LUK SU

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OJSC "Corporation" Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering "": Scientific and production for the defense complex of Russia Creation of the company: The Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering began with an airplane repair plant (1941). In 1945, the State Enterprise of the GCC-1 (Central Design Bureau) was formed, in 1946, on its basis, the Research Institute of Powered Jets.

Dear friends!
Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the creation of LUKOIL!
Over the past years, LUKOIL has made a significant contribution to the development of the domestic oil and gas complex, has taken serious competitive position in the global energy market.
The consistent introduction of new technologies, the rational and careful use of natural resources allow the company to steadily increase the volume of production and processing of raw materials, implement major investment projects.
Such significant achievements became possible thanks to the efforts and coordinated work of your team, whose professionalism and the ability to solve the most difficult tasks are the subject of the special pride of LUKOIL.
It is important that the company is distinguished by an impeccable business reputation, readiness for partnership, is a higher social responsibility. This is not only active charitable activities, but also large-scale programs aimed at preserving our historical, cultural heritage, support for education, health care, sports, physical culture.
I am convinced that competence and solid experience will allow you to continue to achieve the goals.
I wish you success and all the best! Happy holiday!

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

Dear colleagues, dear friends!
Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the company!
Lukoil meets his anniversary in the status of one of the largest energy companies in the world. We have significant explored hydrocarbon reserves, modern enterprises in Russia and abroad, we have a friendly hundredsmatic team of professionals. The company provides oil and gas production, the production and sale of petroleum products, electric and thermal energy.
LUKOIL is an integral part of the country, the locomotive of the national economy. It is extremely important that, representing Russia in the world, the company has earned a reputation as a reliable partner, a bona fide supplier and responsible taxpayer.
Experienced for a quarter of a century experience and long-term strategy allow companies to confidently look into the future. Together we have implemented major projects on the shelf of the Northern Caspian Sea, in Western Siberia, in the Komi Republic, as well as in other regions of Russia and abroad. LUKOIL performs all obligations to society and the state. The company confirms the reputation of socially responsible business.
Speaking of achieved, special thanks deserve veterans of the company - those who stood from her origins, who today generously shares their knowledge, experience and transfers the tradition of young workers. The continuity of generations is an important aspect in the LUKOIL value system and a guarantee of the responsibility of the younger generation on the way to new successes and achievements.
25 years of human standards are the age of flourishing and implementing promising plans. I wish you all employees of LUKOIL, our contracting and service organizations, good luck in all endeavors, well-being and inexhaustible energy!

President of PJSC "LUKOIL" Vagit Alekperov

With a significant date in the history of the Company and an important production result - the extraction of a two-billion ton of oil - a team of PJSC "LUKOIL" Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev congratulated. "Such a significant result was possible thanks to competent investment policy, expanding geography, the introduction of advanced exploration and drilling technologies. I am sure that you will continue to work with full self-dedication, to direct our knowledge, experience and professionalism on the development of the country's fuel and energy complex, strengthening its economic potential, "the letter of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation stated.

Valentina Matvienko, Chairman of the Federation Council, in his letter, calls LUKOIL one of the symbols of the economy of modern Russia, the pioneer of vertical integration in the organization and management of large companies. "You pay primary attention to the modernization of production, the introduction of new technologies, environmental protection," said congratulations.

The Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin in his congratulation notes that LUKOIL remains the leader of the oil and gas industry in difficult conditions of world competition. "Your company is distinguished by a steady adherence to the principles of social responsibility and the introduction of the most modern technologies," the appeal says.

Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak personally congratulated the team of PJSC LUKOIL at the presentation ceremony and departmental awards. "The company implements innovative technologies, is an active participant in the import substitution program, introduces modern mining methods. In the current year, two unique deposits were commissioned - the name of Vladimir Filanovsky on the Caspian Shelf and Pyazyinsky on Yamal. LUKOIL works not only in Russia, but also in many foreign countries, where he also has also established itself as a highly qualified company, "said Alexander Novak.

The chief executive officer of PJSC "NK Rosneft" Igor Sechin in congratulations to the team of LUKOIL notes that the current generation of Russian oil workers consistently and competently solves complex and responsible tasks facing the industry. "LUKOIL is known not only by its economic successes, but also by environmental and social programs, support for the indigenous peoples of the North. With your efforts, LUKOIL represents the interests of Russia in the world markets of hydrocarbon raw materials, is distinguished by a high business reputation, "emphasizes in the letter.

This year for the "LUKOIL" anniversary, in November he will be a quarter of a century. This was the subject of our conversation with a representative of the company's president in the regions of the Central and South federal districts, the Volga region by Semen Glosman.

Semen Moiseevich, by the standards of human life 25 years - the period of the heyday and the implementation of promising plans. And what in this sense can be said about the company?

Semen Glosman:In my opinion, about the same. His 25th anniversary of LUKOIL meets in the rank of one of the largest oil companies in the world. In its asset - huge explored stocks of hydrocarbons, powerful enterprises in Russia and abroad, a whole army of highly professional employees. The company provides the production and processing of oil and gas, the sale of petroleum products, production and sale of electricity and heat. It is extremely important that all over the world "LUKOIL" is deservedly considered a reliable partner and a conscientious taxpayer. You can not buy such a reputation for any money, you can only deserve it.

How is it planned to celebrate the anniversary of the company?

Semen Glosman:I would say in working order. The company's 25th anniversary of the company prepared a plan of events, designed for the entire 2016 year. The protocol or purely festive events in it is practically no, but there are many important production or socially significant cases.

Only a few events in the regions of my responsibility as a representative of the company's president. Just the other day in Budennovsk, the Stavropol Territory at the Stavroshen enterprise, a solemn start was commissioned with a high-performance installation with a processing volume of more than two billion cubic meters of gas per year. Here, in Budennovsk, at the end of the year we will put into operation a number of social facilities, whose construction is funded by LUKOIL under an agreement with the regional government: an apartment building, a sports and recreation complex, a kindergarten.

Semen Glosman: In the spirit and style of the company, the constant modernization and technical re-equipment of their structures.

Further development will receive the Saratov Plant "Orgsintez". A large event will be the commissioning of the rich oil field named after Filanovsky in Astrakhan. And in Borisoglebsk of the Voronezh region at the beginning of autumn, together with the Fund "Our Future", will open a well-designed and equipped kindergarten for 140 seats.

Already on these examples it can be seen that the jubilee year the company marks large-scale affairs and will hold in a tense working rhythm. As, however, and all of their quarter-time history.

What will make the anniversary of Volgograd enterprises of the LUKOIL group?

Semen Glosman: Here, first of all, I must say about our refineries. In June, it is planned to solemnly put into operation a complex of deep processing of vacuum gas oil. This will increase the release of high-elastic diesel fuel class 5 by almost two million tons per year. Thus, a large-scale project will be completed, which demanded multi-billion dollar investments.

In the spirit and style of the company - permanent modernization and technical re-equipment of their structures. This fully applies to such Volgograd enterprises as "LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt", which I led ten years, Lukoil-Volgogradenergo and a number of others. Only energy plans to conduct investment activities in the amount of about 200 million rubles. Investments, projects ...

But what about the crisis? It seems that negative phenomena in the Russian economy went around the company.

Semen Glosman: LUKOIL is a composite and integral part of the country, and we divide all existing problems with it. However, the potential gained in a quarter of a century, the reserve of safety and the long-term strategy allows the company not only to confidently stand on the legs, but also to build plans for the future.

At the recent meeting of the Board of Directors, President Lukoil Vagit Alekperov summed up the results of 2015. With all problems, the company continues to evolve. Large projects on the shelf of the Northern Caspian Sea, in Western Siberia, the Komi Republic, as well as abroad, in Iraq were implemented. Hydrocarbon production has grown. The President emphasized that all obligations were fulfilled to society and the state, stability in labor collectives was ensured. So, LUKOIL has once again confirmed that is not only a highly efficient, but also a socially responsible company.

By the way, Vagit Yusufovich will take personal participation in most anniversary events. This year he has dozens of trips in the country and abroad, numerous meetings in our teams, lectures in Russian universities, speeches in regional parliaments and international forums. Anniversary celebrate in working order. However, the president is not accustomed to the president.

Direct speech

Alexey Makhnev, General Director LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt LLC:

It is obvious that the enterprises of petroleum products are largely determined by the company's face. Few people sees how oil or gas is mined, as they are processed, but each gas station under the LUKOIL logo takes thousands of drivers daily. The ratio of people to the company directly depends on the quality of fuel and service, from the assortment of stores and cafes during gas stations. The measure of our responsibility is always great, and in the year of the Lukoilovsky 25th anniversary - especially.

In my understanding of the anniversary - not only and not so much the topic for festive events, how much is the reason to evaluate the ones, think over the future and systematically move towards the intended goals. In this sense, LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt LLC has a clear vector of development for the period up to 2019. We are talking about the modernization program of the current and construction of new gas stations in our enterprise. She began not yesterday and continued to act even in 2015, despite the fall in oil prices and crisis phenomena in the economy. This year, in the Volgograd, Rostov and Astrakhan regions, eight will additionally be prepared and two new stations are built. On many gas stations in our regions, it is planned to replace individual elements in parallel, including informational steles and fuel dispensers. The total investment for 2016 will be hundreds of millions of rubles.

It is clear that the modernization of objects is not an end in itself. LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt enterprise gas station should meet drivers with maximum comfort and service, that's what's the matter. For this, we do not regret efforts and funds. And if the impeccable quality of Lukoil fuel has long been included in the saying, then in recent years a lot is also made to the customers in our stations, it is spacious, comfortable, cozy. Cafe with high-quality and delicious dishes, mini-markets with a good assortment of food and industrial goods - we achieve that customer service become truly complex.

Alexey Makhnev. General Director of LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt LLC.

It's nice that these efforts give fruit. With all the diversity of oil companies, most drivers stably choose "LUKOIL". This is evidenced by the data of numerous regional and federal surveys.

However, not one work is a vivid company. Along with the intense production program, LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt actively works in the social sphere. Yes, we provide about three thousand jobs and pay a timely salary and taxes in budgets all levels, but not only that. Together with the representative office of the President of the company in the Volgograd region, the company, despite the problems, continues to engage in charitable activities. In the coming year, our support has already been received by Volzhsky Children's shelter, the Volgograd Foundation "Children in Birth", the Kalmyk Center for Social Rehabilitation, the Rostov Department of the Company's Society and a number of other organizations. The social responsibility of the business is the main principle of "LUKOILA", and therefore the charitable program will continue to be fulfilled.

There are many tasks, and the key to their solution is the intense work of the team of the enterprise. About professionalism and conscientiousness of our employees can be said much. It is especially pleasant that among them a lot of truly gifted people. Most recently, the festival "Talents among us" was successfully successful, the corporate sports day in turn, the traditional contest "King and Queen of the benzokolontics" will be held - a peculiar look at professional and artistic skills, a number of other events. The company lives a full-fledged life in which there is a place and production, and public affairs.

Returning to the 25th anniversary of the company, I will say this: on the gas station "LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt" customers are always waiting. However, now they will be encouraged by more friendly. After all, everyone who this year will take advantage of our services, thereby dividing the joy of the Lukoil anniversary. Signed under the main photo: This year, eight will additionally be overhauled in Volgograd, Rostov and Astrakhan regions and two new stations were built.

The chief executive officer of Rosneft Igor Sechin on Tuesday, November 22, sent a letter with congratulations to LUKOIL team with the 25th anniversary of the company. It posted On the Lukoil page on Facebook.

In a letter, Sechin noted that the current generation of Russian oil workers consistently and competently solves complex and responsible tasks facing the industry. "LUKOIL is known not only by its economic successes, but also by environmental and social programs, support for the indigenous peoples of the North. With your efforts, LUKOIL represents the interests of Russia in the world markets of hydrocarbon raw materials, is distinguished by a high business reputation, "emphasizes in the letter.

The representative of Lukoil confirmed RBC that Schin's letter was received on November 22, when the anniversary of the company was celebrated. Representative Rosneft said that commetes the fact of sending the letter later.

In honor of LUKOIL's birthday on Tuesday, a concert was held in the Kremlin Palace, on which, including congratulations of state officials. In particular, the congratulatory telegram of Russian President Vladimir Putin from the scene was read by his assistant Andrei Belousov. In the telegram, the President noted that LUKOIL possesses an impeccable business reputation and high social responsibility. Congratulations also sent the head of the government Dmitry Medvedev. "LUKOIL is a famous Russian brand, which is well known not only in our country, but also far beyond. It is a symbol of excellent quality, reliability and stability, "he noted in the telegram.

Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko called LUKOIL one of the symbols of the economy of modern Russia, the pioneer in managing large companies. State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin noted that LUKOIL remains the leader of the oil and gas industry in difficult conditions of world competition. Minister of Energy of Russia Alexander Novak personally congratulated the LUKOIL team on November 21 at the ceremony of presenting state and departmental awards. The head of Transneft Nikolai Tokarev congratulated his colleague from Lukoil Vagita Alekperov personally, having arrived at the Kremlin Palace at the end of the concert.

LUKOIL is the largest private oil company in Russia. Continressed by the state Rosneft is its main competitor. Both companies claimed the purchase of state ownership in Bashneft, but as a result of Rosneft, an asset without trading for 329.69 billion rubles. The company is the only one of the applicants

This year for Lukoil is an anniversary: \u200b\u200bin November he will be a quarter of a century.

We are talking about this with a representative of the company's president in the regions of the Central and Southern Federal Districts, the Volga region Semyon Glosman.

Flaw period

Gleb Danilov, "AiF-Volgograd":Semyon Moiseevich, according to the standards of human life 25 years - the period of the heyday of the strength and implementation of promising plans. And what in this sense can be said about the company?

Semen Glosman:In my opinion, about the same. His 25th anniversary of LUKOIL meets in the rank of one of the largest oil companies in the world. In its asset - huge explored stocks of hydrocarbons, powerful enterprises in Russia and abroad, a whole army of highly professional employees. The company provides the production and processing of oil and gas, the sale of petroleum products, production and sale of electricity and heat. It is extremely important that in the whole world LUKOIL is deservedly considered a reliable partner and a conscientious taxpayer. You can't buy such a reputation for any money, you can only deserve it.

- How is it planned to celebrate the anniversary?

I would say in working order. The company's 25th anniversary of the company prepared a plan of events, designed for the entire 2016 year. I can say that there are practically no protocol or purely festive events. But important industrial or socially significant cases are a lot.

- For example?

Only a few events in the regions of my responsibility as a representative of the company's president. Just the other day in Budennovsk Stavropol Territory at the Stavroshenn company, a solemn start was commissioned with a high-performance installation with a processing volume of more than 2 billion cubic meters of gas per year. Here, in Budennovsk, at the end of the year, we put into operation a number of social facilities, whose construction is funded by LUKOIL under an agreement with the regional government: an apartment building, a sports and recreation complex, a kindergarten.

Further development will receive the Saratov Plant "Orgsintez". A large event will be the commissioning of the rich oil field named after Filanovsky in Astrakhan. And in Borisoglebsk of the Voronezh region at the beginning of autumn together with the Fund "Our Future" will open a well-designed and equipped kindergarten on
140 seats.

Spirit and company style

- What will make the anniversary of Volgograd enterprises of the LUKOIL group?

Here, first of all, I must say about our refinery. In June, the enterprise is planned to solemnly put into operation a complex of deep processing of vacuum gas oil. This will increase the release of high-elastic diesel fuel class 5 by almost 2 million tons per year. Thus, a large-scale project will be completed, which demanded multi-billion dollar investments.

In the spirit and style of the company - a permanent work on modernization, technical re-equipment of its structures. This fully refers to such Volgograd enterprises as LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt, which I led ten years, Lukoil-Volgograd-Energo, and a number of others. Modernization will be in full swing to go through the entire anniversary year. For example, energy planning to conduct investment activities in the amount of about 200 million rubles.

Investments, projects ... But what about the crisis? The impression that negative phenomena in the Russian economy bypassed the company side.

This, of course, is not so. LUKOIL is a composite and integral part of the country. We divide all existing problems with it. However, the potential accumulated for a quarter of a century, the reserve of safety and long-term strategy allow the company not only to confidently stand on their feet, but also to build plans for the future.

At the recent meeting of the Board of Directors, LUKOIL President Vagit Alekperov summed up the results of 2015. With all problems, the company continues to evolve. Large projects were implemented on the shelf of the Northern Caspian, in Western Siberia, the Komi Republic, as well as abroad - in Iraq. Hydrocarbon production has grown. The President emphasized that all obligations were fulfilled to society and the state, stability in labor collectives was ensured. So, Lukoil once again confirmed that it is not only a highly efficient, but also a socially responsible company.

Measure responsibility

Alexey Makhnev, General Director of LUKOIL-Nizhne-Vol-ZHS-K-Neb-Te-product LLC:

It is obvious that the enterprises of petroleum products are largely determined by the company's face. Few people sees how oil or gas is mined, as they are processed, but each gas station under the LUKOIL logo takes thousands of drivers daily. The ratio of people to the company directly depends on the quality of fuel and service, from the assortment of stores and cafes during gas stations. The measure of our responsibility is always great, and in the year of the Lukoilovsky 25th anniversary - especially.

In my understanding of the anniversary - not only and not so much the topic for festive events, how much is the reason to evaluate the work done, consider the prospect of development and move towards the intended goals through the system of planned measures. In this sense, LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt LLC has a clear development vector for the period until 2019. We are talking about the modernization program of the current and construction of new gas stations in our enterprise.

She began not yesterday and continued to act even in 2015, despite the fall in oil prices and crisis phenomena in the economy. This year, in the Volgograd, Rostov and Astrakhan regions, eight will be further reconstructed and two new stations are built. On many gas stations in our regions, it is planned to replace individual elements in parallel, including information steles and fuel and dispensing columns. The total volume of investments for 2016 will be hundreds of millions of rubles.

It is clear that the modernization of objects is not an end in itself. LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt enterprise gas station should meet drivers with maximum comfort and service, which is what the matter is. For this, we do not regret efforts and funds. And if the impeccable quality of Lukoil fuel has long been included in the saying, then in recent years a lot is also made to the customers in our stations, it is spacious, comfortable, cozy. Cafe with high-quality and tasty food, mini-markets with a good assortment of food and industrial goods - we achieve that customer service become truly complex.

It's nice that these efforts give fruit. With all the diversity of oil companies, drivers mostly choose "LUKOIL". This is evidenced by the data of numerous regional and federal surveys.

However, not one work is a vivid company. Along with the saturated manufacturing program, LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt is actively working in the social sphere. Yes, we provide about three thousand jobs and our temporarily pay salary and taxes to the budgets of all levels, but not only that. Together with the representation of the President of the company in the Volgograd region, the company continues to engage in charitable activities. In the coming year, our support was already received by Volzhsky Children's shelter, the Volgograd Foundation "Children in Birth", the Kalmyk Center for Social Rehabilitation, the Rostov Branch of the Company's Society and a number of other organizations. Social responsibility of business is the cornerstone of LUKOIL, and therefore a charitable program will continue to be carried out.

Tasks are much, and the key to their solution is the intensive work of the team of the enterprise. About professionalism and conscientiousness of our employees can be said much. It is especially nice that among them a lot of truly gifted people. Most recently, the festival "Talents among us" was successfully successful, the corporate sports day in turn, the traditional contest "King and Queen of the benzokolontics" will take place - a peculiar look at professional and artistic skills, a number of other events. The company lives a full-fledged life in which there is a place and production, and public affairs.

Returning to the 25th anniversary of the company, I will say this: on the gas station "LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsk-Petroleum products" are always waiting for customers. However, now they will be encouraged by more friendly. After all, everyone who this year will take advantage of our services, thereby dividing the joy of the Lukoil anniversary.


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