Proverbs about labor and laziness. Occupation "Man's work feeds, and Leng spoils" Proverbs about labor feeds and spoils

Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils.
Cm. Work - idleness

  • - human anatomy from fertilization to an adult individual ...

    Atlas of human anatomy

  • - Scientific justification of the laziness, reluctance to work ...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - cf. Paupertas Omnes Artes Perdocet, UBI QUEM Attigit. Plaut. Stich, 1, 3, 24. Wed Πενία αυτοδίδακτος. Trouble self-taught. Diogeniana. See man troubles teach wisdom. See the need jumps ...

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

  • - God teaches, and the happiness spoils. Cf. Paupertas Omnes Artes Perdocet, UBI QUEM Attigit. Plaut. Stich. 1, 3, 24. Wed Πενία αὐτοδίδακτος. Per. Bad self-taught. Diogeniana. See the troubles of a person learn wisdom ...

    The intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (Orig. ORF)

  • - See weakness -...
  • - Will and Good Wife spoils ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Will and Good Men spoils. See Will - Will's Will and Good Wife spoils ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See the will of Rubit, invalid ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See job -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - The supply bag is not damaged ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Due to a penny, yes ruble spoils ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See kissel tooths not damage ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Without damage and do not make things ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Plow feeds, and the bow spoils ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See from order not bend ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See the expense of friendship is not a hindrance ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

"Human labor feeds, but Leng spoils." in books

Labor created man


Labor created man

From the book life in the depths of centuries Author Trofimov Boris Aleksandrovich

Labor created a person Pictecanthropetto. The saying of the great Russian writer expresses a very deep and correct idea. A person is a higher, reasonable creature, sharply separated from the rest of the world. Making tools of labor allocated a person from an animal environment.

Labor engraves man

From the book one life - two worlds Author Alekseeva Nina Ivanovna

Labor engraves a person from here the train went on an old single road, and the construction of the second highway, the so-called Baikal Amur highway, was in full swing. New sleepers, new rails, on the sides of the neat embankment, crushed out

That's how God feeds!

From the book on the way with God (Collection) author Rudas Dad.

That's how God feeds! Sadhu went further until they got a village where they stopped for the night in the Maruuti Temple. As a rule, they were satisfied with one hot meal per day. In the evening, Ramcharadas, if you managed, I eaten some easy food. Almost all villages

Laziness and lazy! Who are your parents?

From the book the leadership of a novice lucky, or a vaccine against laziness Author Igolegina Inna Nikolaevna

Laziness and lazy! Who are your parents? We have already tried to seek the reason for the occurrence of laziness in the national character. As the previous chapter showed, the nationality is not connected with laziness, in any nation there are lazy and hardworking people, and we are not really leaders in the matter

Activities and work. Work as a work actually and work universal

From the book Marxist philosophy in the XIX century. The first book (from the emergence of Marxist philosophy to its development in the 50s - 60 years of the XIX century) author

Activities and work. Labor as a work of "work" and labor universal until the development of existence is still dominant of the further development of the person himself - until then in practical activity, which is the unity of opposites

Monkey turned laziness into man?

From the book Secrets of the origin of mankind Author Popov Alexander

Monkey turned laziness into man? But the most, perhaps, curious theory about the transformation of the monkey in a person is that it did not work, as the Friedrich Engels taught, but a scam and dishonest behavior. Not a Marxist point of view. Today it is proved that those

From the book a big book of wisdom Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

Lost, see also "Work - idleness", "Labor" Lazy: A person who does not look like that works. Alfons Alla * We are more willingly admitted to the lanterns than in our other shortcomings; We inspired themselves that she, without having a big damage to other merits, only dares them

Chapter 3. How did the work of a person in the ancient world regulated?

From the book how much is labor? Author Shapiro Sergey Aleksandrovich

Chapter 3. How did the work of a person in the ancient world regulated? The cradle of world civilization is considered the ancient East, it was there that the first state entities appeared and state forms of management of the slave economy were established. Main

From the book work and personality [workolism, perfectionism, laziness] Author Ilyin Evgeny Pavlovich

Chapter 1. Work and work in human life

Laziness - a sign of human intelligence

From the book of multi-section-3, or clean your ears: the first philosophical book for teenagers Author Maksimov Andrey Markovich

Lazy - a sign of the wisdom of man Lazy (Lazyka) - Perhaps the most common of all crosses that adults are addressed to children. I think the day does not pass so that anyone does not call you lazy (lazy). Sometimes it seems that, by

Labor - the main resource of man

From the book the key to the subconscious. Three Magic Words - Secret Secrets by Anderson Yuell.

Labor - the main resource of a person to whatever field does not belong to your work - science, culture, education, industry, agriculture or trade, - your goal should be the development and well-being of society on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. Any

From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 974 (31 2012) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 401 (32 2001) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

The word about the fact that sin spreads throughout the essence of the man of the darkness, spoils his mind, the disgrace and spelled out of knowledge and predisposes a sinner to madness

From the book about sin and its consequences Author Religious science author unknown -

The word about the fact that sin spreads throughout the essence of a man to darkness, spoils his mind, the disgrace and spelled to know the knowledge and predisposes the sinner to madness will be going to the eagle taggers, the Sconce Sconce. 1,17 The most first of the seduction, which is the hellish zmium jacket in

Olga Sklenko
The abstract of educational activities "Labor feeds, and Leng spoil" in the preparatory group

The abstract of educational activities on the topic:

« Labor feed, but leng Portith» in preparatory group».


Continue to acquaint children with oral folk creativity: proverbs, sayings about labor, learning to use them in their speech;

enrich children's knowledge about professions about significance labor; expand the vocabulary and intensify the vocabulary of children; instill a sense of responsibility.


Doll Antoshka; Set of picture pictures topic: "Professions"; sheets of paper;

Colour pencils.

Preliminary work:

Explosion of proverbs, sayings about labor; conversations about professions; Reading fiction about hardworking and lazy heroes

("Morozko", "Havroshchka", "By whipping open» etc.)

1. Tell me guys why so speak: « Labor feed, but leng Portith» ?

(Children's responses).

For what people work? What words can be said about a person who loves and knows how work? (Hardworking, Clevero, master of his work, in his hands any work is burning).

2. What other proverbs and sayings about labor You know?

* The day is bored until the evening, if you have nothing to do.

* Do not postpone tomorrow what you can do today.

* The lazy emelet has seven resurrection in the week.

* Want to eat Kalachi - do not sit on the furnace.

* Case - time, fun - hour.

3. And how to become a skillful master of your case? Are there any easiest professions that do not require knowledge and skills?

About whom they say so: "Spear, sleep, and have no time to rest."? Is it possible to call a lazy craftsman?

And what fabulous sludges do you know?

(Children's responses).

4. A coup is coming to the children.


- Hello, Antoshka! Help the guys to remove toys, walkways on the plot.


- reluctant to me, work yourself. I will help you to eat porridge.


- Eh, Antoshka, is not good to be lazy. Want to look at yourself from?

5. Dynamic pause.

Fizkultminutka "Lazy person".

On Monday I woke up

And on Tuesday I yawned,

Wednesday stretched sweetly

And on Thursday again fell asleep.

I slept on Friday, on Saturday

I did not go to work,

But on Sunday

I slept all day without awaken.

6. Pedagogue:

- Antoshka, we will introduce you with different professions and you will definitely love work.

The game "Describe, not calling".

Children get illustrations topic: "Professions", invent riddles, short stories; Antoshka is trying to guess what he was talking about.


- And the guys will draw you, what items need people of different professions.

(Children draw attributes).

- Well, Antoshka, so you will be lazy?

(Doll responses).

- Remember, Antoshka, good deeds and labor decorate man.

Not in vain speak: « Labor feed, but leng Portith» .

- And what advice you guys give Antosha to he love work,

was neat and managed everything?

Class hour "Labor feeds, and linen spoils"

TARGET: Generalization of children's knowledge about proverbs and sayings.



expand the information base of students, acquaintance with the treasures of universal culture to clarify and expand the stock of specific submissions on this topic;

develop a dialogic speech, summarize the existing personal experience in the form of oral text;

learn to establish causal relationships;

stimulate and encourage creative manifestations of children;

promote the development of perception, attention, logical thinking of memory, using poems, proverbs, sayings.


instilling love for interpretation of folk creativity;

form a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, friendly attitude to guests and each other;

improve the ability to listen carefully to adult and their comrades.

rail interest in search activities and cooperate.


consolidate knowledge of language rules;

contribute to the development of connected speech;

develop memory, attention, logical thinking and imagination.

Preparatory work:

Tasks are given in advance: finding proverbs and sayings about labor, laziness and lazy people, self-classroom books are drawn up with proverbs.

Equipment:, cards with words from proverbs, proverbs on cards, pouch with objects: spoon, book, apple, stone, bee.

Event flow

Fingering gymnastics

Educator:Rich and mighty Russian! Proverbs and sayings are short, simple, but tale and instructive statements. They were formed a long time ago. In proverbs, the people transferred their cherished rules of life to children and grandchildren, taught them a mind. Proverbs decorate our speech, make it alive and witty, there are a lot of them, but today our club hour will devote proverbs about labor, it is also called "Labor feeds, but laziness - spoils."

So, let's start our lesson.

1 task.By the beginning of the proverb pick up the ending.

Want to eat Kalachi - ( don't sit on the furnace)

As soon as the least, ( yes to work)

To eat fish, ( need to get into the water)

Children make up, read and explain the meaning of proverbs.

- All these proverbs about what? ( About labor)

- And what other proverbs do you still know?

Children call the proverbs.

"There are not only proverbs about work, there are poems, listen to one of them.

Pooh about work

Everything to do not touch

Everywhere needs work.

In the morning only I wake up

And things are waiting.

Everyone knows, without difficulty

Do not endure the fish from the pond.

You need to feed birds,

On the window of flowers to pour,

Chain a kitten

Play with sister.

Everyone knows, without difficulty

Do not endure the fish from the pond.

And stacks embroider

Teach poems

And try jam.

Everyone knows, without difficulty

Do not endure the fish from the pond.

Spectator gymnastics

Educator: People respects workers, and lazy people condemn and ridicule.

2 taskabout laziness and lazy.

- See what happened to the proverbs - they crumbled, you need to collect them. ( Children make up proverbs and explain their meaning.)

I want to eat, yes do not want to climb

Bored day until the evening, if there is nothing to do

Educator:And now let's see the scene about the laziness. (Play children).

- Laziness, take the door!

- Give the chockerel, reversal.

- lazy! Take out, the house is burning!

- Sgoru, yes I do not reveal.

Educator: Another joke.

- Tit, go thigh!

- stomach hurts.

- Tit, go porridge.

- Run Run. Where is my big spoon? Do not start without me!

Children together : labor feeds, and Leng spoils.


3 Competition "Assorted"

In the magic bag there are different items, we get them, and you remember the proverbs and sayings about them.

    Book. ( With the book to live - the age does not rush)

    Apple ( The apple never falls far from the tree)

    A rock ( A rolling stone gathers no moss)

    Bee (Bee Mala, and that works)

Educator:So guys will summarize.

- What are you still knowing proverbs about labor and laziness?

- What do proverbs teach us?

Educator: Remember, guys, proverbs are a wise council, a subtle thought, good wish.

Our occupation is completed.

Made a business - ( children) Goulai boldly.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

Watch what such "man's work feeds, and Leng spoils." in other dictionaries:

    WORK - Husband. work, occupation, exercise, business; all that requires effort, steel and care; any tension of bodily or mental strength; All that tires. Man born on labor. There is no good without difficulty. Work feeds and dresses. Laziness shot down. What ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Daly

    WORK - In the concept of Saint Rus, the main godly business, one of the forms of mobility and moral act, leading to the salvation of the human soul. "The God of Works loves," "with a prayer in lips, with work in the hands," often repeats Russian. "God commanded from ... Russian history

    Work - idleness - It comes out, not sick, throws on foreign currents. Sunday with Lukoshko, and a little bit. Aminea Khashni do not be kneading; Create a prayer, and the flour of putting! God, help, and you are not lying on my side! God pray, and work myself! Do not sit back, so it will not be bored! With ... V.I. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

    Sleeves later - work; do; Referring to business carelessly, without diligence, not trying, something like. It is understood that the face, a group of persons (x) works, without applying efforts, inattentively belonging to its work (P). Speaks with disapproval, with condemnation. Speech ... ... Frazological Dictionary of the Russian Language

How the proverb sounds "... man feeds, and ... spoils"?

In this proverb, there are two completely opposing labor values \u200b\u200b(work) and laziness (idleness).

The proverb itself sounds like this:

Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils.

Labor natural occupation of a person who gives him a means of existence,

lazy makes human life boring and monotonous and even you can die from it -

in one of his report, the Italian well-being minister Maurizio Sakkoni reports that on the estimates of experts in the year 28 thousand Italians die from laziness.

With age, you are convinced that there is no experience of experience, and all many generations are folk proverbs and sayings. Proverb about labor when labor not only feeds, but without difficulty and fish will not get a lot of things similar in meaning, talks about the severity of labor, but also its need. As far as was not difficult work, but he causes a person to think, at least about how to improve working conditions. And the one who is lazy, then gradually, if you can put it, bages with moss. So then over time, even washed too lazy. Not to say that they are celebrating, but unpleasant in their laziness becomes. Therefore, laziness is ruined, and labor feeds.

Man's work feeds, and Leng spoils - although modern many people disagree with it.

This saying was very relevant during the time of the USSR, where labor was considered honorable duty and when he was pursued for the tuneshi, but they passed those times and changed the morals. Now the laws or the rules of the blame lazy people and the idlers from the state in principle are not. In the people, the truth is now called differently from homeless to Alphonse, but it did not change the essence. For all categories of people of idlers, it remains more relevant, acceptable and used, beautiful and wise proverb:

human labor feeds, and Leng portit. After this proverb, you begin to think about how spoiled, but unfortunately these thoughts leave a person too quickly, and he continues to increase the time spent in vain.

This proverb belongs to Russian people and sounds the following; human labor feeds, and Leng portit. This series of proverbs also include a proverb; without difficulty caught and fish from the pond the work of everything is head. These proverbs emphasize how important the work is for a person, that work and there is a person's life, they are simply not possible in roses. So to speak; Labor is a kind angel, but too lazy to the devil.

Two words are missed in this proverb: work and laziness. It is the work that is a man's breadwinner. Learning people earn themselves to existence. But Linen spoils and corrupts man. Therefore, in life a lot can be achieved thanks to work.

This wise Russian proverb is relevant for all times, on which it was brought up not one generation of people, she was transferred to each other: the work of man feeds, and Lenza spoils but in modern life there is few people in modern life.

Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils. Old Russian proverb, but always relevant.

This proverb sounds like this: human labor feeds, and laziness, respectively, spoils. Or sometimes instead of the word work applies to its synonym for work. The proverb has always been popular as many other admitting people and fooling lazy people. It is clear that it was particularly relevant to rural residents, for whom labor in the field was the key to the good and satisfying winter. However, for the sake of fairness, it can be noted that, in the opinion of many researchers in the history of civilization, the progress of it is due not to so much intense labor, how much the efforts of a person just work from which all significant discoveries in the art and science are created.

Although it is believed that laziness, this is an engine of progress, but it does not always actually turn out that the lazy person is inventing something and in general - seeks success. Only work and acceleration can be guaranteed, and it is not always. And if you lazy, then you can even stay with anything. And the proverb sounds like this: the work of man feeds, and Leng spoils. Very truthful proverb.

Of course here in the first case, the word work, and in the second - Len. The proverb will sound like this:

Of course, this is the right proverb, because it says another proverb: Labor decorates man; And it is true, because a person is famous for his affairs, and not his idleness, a person who knows how to work and works will never remain unbelievable, he will always be able to get in the good sense of the word, that is, to earn a piece of bread, such an employee is always happy And nobody loves lazy people, and not for what they love. The lazy person is usually dissolved, does not fulfill requests, orders and does not hold back their promises, so the hopes for such little.

Man feeds work, and Leng spoils. I fully agree with this proverb, because it's easily not caught fish out of the pond. I think that every person can feed yourself or become rich, the main thing for this is something to do, and not to sit on the pope exactly and wait until a miracle happens, the food itself will feed itself, the money will fill your pockets themselves. Work and you will be with money. As they say, we will lay it too. Labor will help in the future, if something does not work, you need to work anyway, every work will be rewarded.

When I read your question, I immediately remembered this proverb: work is feeding a person, but too lazy - spoil . This is true, a hardworking person will never be born. He proacts not only himself, but also a family. All life benefits will achieve. And the one who is lazy, he can live for someone else's account or completely disappears in the literal and figurative meaning of this word.

man's work feeds, but Leng spoils! This proverb with meaning needs to be kept in life and everything will be ok

Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils.

This proverb was popular in the 18-19 century, when a person could only feed physical work. We knew this proverb, but she did not relate to them. But the peasants of the proverb became the motto for life.

Working for 16 hours daily in the fields, each peasant knew - it stands his day or two to be lazy, as it will hit the pocket right away, the barin will not pay, or in general the crop will lose if it is his field.

Children from the Small years chased, forcing the work on the house, saying the proverb the work of a person feeds, Lenza portit so that the children are not accustomed to the Lodarok, idle.

This proverb sounds like this - the work of a person feeds, but Leng portit And then it is impossible to disagree. Doing the proverb, I, for example, did not meet another person who would be lazy to decorate and fed, and the work spoil.

The meaning of this proverbsThrough the work, a person can earn a living. As they say on bread, and if you try hard, then on bread with butter.

Many Russian proverbs are labor. For example:

As well as about laziness:

That is, if you lie on the furnace, you will not feed my family and your family.

Work with old time has always been in price. Nobody loved lazy people.

This proverb is studied in the third grade of primary school. They even ask students to write an essay, as they understand.

Purpose: Teach children hardly worry so that they work with joy and complete dedication.

Man's work feeds, but Leng spoils! This proverb carries the meaning. So that people worked more. The fact that the man should fed with his own hands, the fact that Lena will not lead to anything good. It is necessary to work and then you will have what you want.

"Human labor feeds, and ... spoils" (proverb)

Alternative descriptions

Lethargy, apathy

Voluntary prison

Daughter of wealth and mother poverty

What spill in part neutralizes other vices?

Mother who was born first

Reluctance to work, mother of defects

One of the seven mortal sins

One of the ways of survival for the Russian man

She was born before us

A tendency to idlera

Character trait, human condition

Mother of defects

J. K. Jerome wrote that only he could only enjoy it, who had a bunch of completely urgent affairs

Panacea from all cases

If you believe Russian proverbs, she lies without salt, it will not bring to the good, the sinus jack, lying on the furnace froze

. "... a man does not feed" (proverb)

Habit rest before fatigue

Plok Tuneev

Template to Tunes

Sweet feeling easy fatigue before work


. "Mother" loaf

Oblomovsky Pokok.

Mother who was born before

. "... a man does not feed"


Engine progress

Sofa-bed feeling idleness

. "Mother" of all Leiebell

Main feature Leiseboki


Pulk Emelia


. "Everyone would like to know how to win ... without getting out of bed"

. "Mother" of any loaf

Reluctant mood

Tract for idlery

Labor disgust (by gale)

Plok loaf

A tendency to idlera

Lethargy, apathy, no desire to act, work

. "... a man does not feed"

. "... a man does not feed" (amb.)

. "... a man does not feed" (proverb)

. "Mother" loaf

. "Mother" of all leieboke

. "Mother" of any loaf

. "Human labor feeds, and ... spoils" (proverb)

J. reluctance to work, disgust from labor, from business, classes; Adjustment to idleness, to the tune. Narch. Property or quality is in action; I do not want to lie. Laziness (personification), Cancel the door, freeze! I'm lazy, lazy, reluctance. Laziness lying on the oven frozen. Lazy clothes protects without working, do not get away. If not too lazy, we all went to the velvet! Laziness will not stick to good. Laziness saves himself. Laziness was born before us. Laziness without salt hub. From laziness lowered (swollen). After bread, after salt, relax the chalk, so the sala of a piece of da lazhes bag will be wound. Sleep came from seven villages, came and laziness from seven villages. Lazy Len and for a spoon to take, and not lazy laziness dinner. Laziness, take the door, burn! Although in the burnt, yes, I do not reveal. Laziness is expelled from under the heal. Who is not too lazy, so listen to how they lie. Lenza is empty. Lazy zoom. His lazz takes. Horse with Lanta. Losty defeated them. The horse with the Lenza host protects, will not lead to and will not introduce it at a loss. Lazy, laxist. indulging in the ladies who lazy to work; non-cultivated, idle; negligent; Sloggy, brawl, non-rigid. Lazy is always a holiday. Lazy what's rich: everything walks. Who is lazy, that son. Lazy sitting sleeps, lying works. Good lazy to death send. Lazy does not hurt in the ridge. Lazy to dinner, the robust to work, his one lazy does not beat. Lazy always (break) holiday. Lazy will come, driving a drowned, and you will not die dead (and never dead. Lazy, I will come sid, drowned, and I will not untie the fool with a fool (I do not cake with a fool). Lazy step, slow. Lazy soup, fresh one-piece cabbage. Lenalty The property is lazy. Leno, prone to laziness, from her occurring. Light man, life. Lenalty w. Libracy, but in an abstruse meaning. Summary. Lenalty Wed laziness and lance, as a constant property; Celebration, ordinary tune. Lenaya, lazy, linous. Red day spinning. See to lift. Lens, lens to a lesser extent. Good guy, yes Lenovat. , Property, property, quality of knowledge. Patch. Lency, as a prank, may be random and temporary; Lenomy as storm, more constant. Lenivets m. -Vitsa. Lazy m. -Yaika. Lengas Arch. Lenchug Tver. Lazy man, idle, tunayad running from business and labor; Sloggy, bad worker. Lazy yes Shalapay two native brothers. Lenser, animal Vradipus, Tikhobod, Ai. Sleavitan Vologda. Laziva Perm. Wide board with climbs on the furnace; Vost. Wide shopping in the furnace, where the twigs are lying; She replaces the Golball; Lena; Sib. The defender, in the form of a firing chimney, crown surrounding the lowland. Leno (y) ha about. Vlad. resin. Lodge, shop in the oven. Lenivation about. Lazy to highly lazy. Lenushka. Tver. psk. Header Lenhing, Golball, Fish, for rest. Lien to whom. with before. From, about, to chant to laziness. Lazy, lazy, be lazy. Hall to send I'm afraid, and myself go sick. Not benazy, he would be a business. He launched, shifted and took up work. She backed away. Something I was born. I sled at all. He was peeled away. He burned chibs. Little laid a little. Like a little. All of you have shifted, passed all summer. Raskis launched. Lazhube, idle, shook, wander, worse without a business. Lentaging cf. Lenalty, ordinary idleness

M. Ural. Fish probably lin

She was born before

Neraduality of Emelia

. "... a man does not feed" (amb.)

Olga came
The occupation "man's work feeds, and Leng spoils."

Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils.

Purpose:help pupils to realize the significance of labor.

Would hunt - will be a job work. Do not sit back - there will be no boredom.

The teacher can offer children to remember how they help adults (help parents, participation in the cleaning of the apartment, care for their clothes, books, things), etc. It is important to help children feel the joy of what they know something and do themselves.

As a literary illustration to the topic, we use fairy tales known to children, in which the hardworking and lazy heroes are described (different options for the fairy tale "Morozko", etc.) When analyzing the fairy tale, the teacher draws the attention of children to the diligence and politeness of one sister and reluctance to work and the rudeness of the other. The same works are also analyzed, which will be offered by children. (Give task to children to think).

In a conversation with children, the teacher emphasizes that the attitude towards lazy people is always negative (they do not like them, and with children are looking for and formulates the answer to the question of why it happens. Children come to the conclusion that the lazy also wants to eat, drink, dress, but Do not like to mine all this with your work. So, others work for him. The teacher offers pupils to remember who in their family performs work on home and what. Then the teacher finds out what duties in the children in the family, how and what they facilitate the homemade parents of parents .

The main result of the classes is to help children realize that all the benefits surrounding us at school and houses are the results of the labor of many people. Preservation of them and the creation of new products - the care of everyone.

In conclusion, the teacher gives children a task to list their permanent duties on the leaflet, the cases that are fulfilled by them at the request of the parents, as well as to call the unloved and favorite type of work. In conclusion, children read the rules of a hard-working student and make drawings depicting different types of domestic work.

Helping adults

When the room is order and clean, the mood is good,

work is better aroused.

You must be able to make your bed beautifully and do

this is every morning.

Your books and toys must lie on the places after the Games

and classes. If you choose, collect trash, notice the floor,

swallow dust.

Your clothes, jacket, shoes should always be on one

Clever wrapping, handkerchief, your socks.

Clell to shake a small hole, sew a button,

do it, without waiting for reminders.

If you see that your parents are tired, be to them

especially attentive: help cover on the table; ask,

do I need to do something at home.

Didactic materials

Slogus for teacher

Labor is a type of social activity, the result of which is fixed in material and spiritual values.

Hardworking - diligent, working, worker.

Diligence - Love for work.

Diligence - moral quality, manifested in the desire for work, inability to live without affairs.



Seryozha is looking for a pencil.

Today in the house of Elash:

Seryozha is looking for a pencil.

I put it in the buffet,

Who trogged my pencil?

You have no order in the house! -

He said to Mom strictly.

Armed with Kochergoy

For sewage searches.

And first, he has a foot

The kitten bundled in the hallway.

I was looking for a closet, I got up for a chair,

Lit down on the floor,

He looked under the sofas

He crumpled from the shelf

And he scratched the table.

Rose in the house of a hurricane.

Fell from the cabinet suitcase

And swept under the ceiling

Pillows, Brema Thom,

Notebooks and newspapers

And other subjects.

How did Seryozha sought a pencil?

Who suffered from his actions?

Will there be an order with such behavior?

S. Bharudin.


Our mom at work,

At work, the elder brother.

How many care are you, -

I spoke neighbors.

I decided to take a job.

If your mom is not long,

Must try someone

Make me lunch.

Let it don't happen to us -

Bring more firewood

And dinner weld no worse

Real chefs.

Nano water in the pitch

And dishes to the pass.

All notebooks and toys

I will remove in place.

Mom with brother will say: "We know

No boyfriend - just treasure.

In this house there is a master,

Although the growth is small. "

Questions and tasks:

How did the boy decided to help mom and brother?

His attitude to home deals can be called the host?

Tell us how do you help at home?

Vl. Lifshitz


Tired, from work

Came to the evening mother

And sees that son

Bed is not caught,

What is the tea in a glass,

That the floor is not mistaken,

That, lying on the sofa,

Reads a book he ...

And his mother with offend

Said: "Son,

Someday you mom

Although he helped? "

And the son answered Khmuro,

As soon as looking at the mother:

You, Mom, about Timur

I am confident guys

What if I used Gaidar -

Planned writer

And brave commissioner -

Then this guy

That the mother meets so

(Rather, could say):

"In you, probably conscience

He fell asleep, boy!

You managed to read the story,

But to understand - I could not ... "

What was the conversation mom and son?

Why is my mother offended his son?

What kind of "important" business was the Son?

Who knows who Timur and his team?

What did they do?

What did not understand the son in the book?

B. Sadier

Whose basket is hard.

Two buddy walked

Walked on mushrooms.

We went yes walked, tired of walking.

In one went side

And porovna passed,

Yes, only here is not equally,

Not equally found.

In one basket - white,

And everything is like a selection!

To the other - one-single

Truchley flyer.

Said the second buddy:

Well, not lucky.

But my basket

Do not drag it hard! -

They go back

They go home, running the first bridge,

Behind him crawls the second.

Frams running first

With mining in hand,

The second barely woven

Although he is light.

Said the second first, saying goodbye at the door:

Empty basket,

It turns out hard!

Why guys with such different results collected mushrooms?

Why did it happen that the empty basket is heavier full?

What does it depend on?

Do you collect mushrooms?

What are your successes?

Folk wisdom.

Do not sit back - there will be no boredom.

Would hunt - will be a job work.

1. What do you call, what person do we call hardworking?

2. Check the "+" sign, the qualities that the hardworking person should be:

The ability to work.

Good mood.


The ability to make yourself bring the started thing to the end.

3. Take the task and analyze the results obtained: notes the signs of "+" in the table for those who are told about the qualities that talk about hard work, and the "-" quality interfering with becoming hardworking.

Numbers / qualities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Good luck

Discipline Labor

Ability to make yourself




Desire to help

3.1. We emphasize the red pencil of their permanent duties of the house, green that work that is performed at the request of the parents, and the yellow - the one you never do, the desired finish on the free line.

I go to the store for bread.

Walking with dog.

Cleaning the cat.

I feed animals.

Clean the cage of birds.

Watering flowers.

We swell the floor.


I leave garbage.

I remove in your corner (inject order).

I drag my bed.

Wash the dishes.

3.2. Stress the right answer.

It is difficult for me to force myself: sit for lessons, start cleaning, start any business in the house.

Publications on the topic:

"We are not too lazy to help us! March 8 - Mother's Day! " Soon March 8. Gradually erases the political shade of this holiday. But I must say.

Physical activity "Vegetables. Employment of adults in the fields and in the vegetable "(multi-time group) 5-7 years of tasks: 1. Exercise in equilibrium; In the jump in height through the rope, throwing the ball into the basketball ring with one and two hands confidently.

Integrated occupation (knowledge and manual labor) in the preparatory to school group "Doll-Obereg" Purpose: Formation of the ability to make a rag doll-charm "bell" tasks: expand the ideas of children about folk toys.

Integrated occupation "Increasedly spent labor" by the story (we ledged a snowman) Integration of regions: informative, communicative, speech, artistic aesthetic goal: learning to tell. Tasks: Cognitive.

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Purpose:education of positive personal qualities.


  • Help the children to realize the significance of labor.
  • Develop memory, thinking based on the analysis of proverbs.
  • Eat hard work.

Structure occupation

I Org. moment.

Guys, I am very pleased to see you all in class. You are all in a good mood. I hope that you will work at the lesson, you will be attentive, active.

II introductory conversation.

Carefully listen to the poem and tell me what it is?

The table you are sitting
The bed in which you sleep,
Notebook, shoes, couple skis,
Plate, fork, knife ...
And every nail, and every home,
And every slice of bread -
All this is designed by difficulty
And did not fall from the sky.
For everything that is created for us,
We are grateful to people.
It's time for an hour will come,
And we will work.

What is the poem? (about labor)

Who guessed, what will we talk about in class? (about labor)

III main part.

Slide number 1.

Let's read the subject of classes: "Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils"

How do you understand this proverb? (A person who works will make money, and the lazy man does nothing)

Slide number 2.

On our occupation will often sound the words:

Labor - type of activity whose result is enshrined in material and spiritual values.

Diligence - Love for work, moral quality, manifested in the desire for work.

Hardworking - Loving to work.

Laziness is the lack of desire to act, work, a tendency to idleness.

The story "Two Plows".

I want to start our conversation with a little story K.D. Shushinsky, which is called "Two Plows". Listen carefully, and then answer questions.

Two plows were made from the same piece of iron in the same workshop. One of them fell into the hands of the farmer and immediately went to work; And the other for a long time and completely uselessly launched in the merchant shop. It happened a few time that both fellow countryman met again. Plow, former farming, glitter, like silver, and was even better than, while he was only out of the workshop; Plow, having lacquered without any business in the shop, darkened and covered with rust.

Tell me, please, why do you shine so? - asked the rusted plow at his old acquaintance.

From labor, my dear, - answered the one. "And if you rusted and got worse than it was, then because all this time you lay on my side, doing nothing.

I think everyone understood well what this story has this story to the subject of classes.

Why a plow that got to the farmers, glitter like silver? (Because he worked)

What happened to the plow that lay out without a case? (He darkened and covered with rust)

What do you think about whom this story? Who involves Ushinsky, speaking of plows? (Worm and lazy)

What conclusion can be done by listening to the story? (Person's work colors, and the idleness of it urges. Only in labor you can show all your best quality. Without difficulty, a man rushes and sick)

2. Discussion of literary works.

Guys, you are all reading stories, fairy tales. Call me works in which the hardworking and lazy characters are told? (Fairy Tales "Morozko", "Cinderella", "Two Frost", E. Martyuk "Pichugin Bridge")

How do you relate to lazy people? ( They do not like them)

Why? (Lazy want to drink, eat, dress, but do not like to do it with their work. It means that others work on it.)

What does work give a person? (Labor gives joy, well-being, health. If you work well, then you will be well treated)

Nowadays, a person in society is valued by labor. Labor is a source of joy, pleasure. The well-being of man depends on labor. We know how happy people who know how to do their own hands, and how they are unhappy and the helpless those who have not learned anything.

3. Practical task for students.

Now I have each of you from the leaves, where the quality of a person is written. You need to note "+" the qualities that the hardworking person should be.

  • Diligence
  • Good luck
  • Envy
  • Ability to make yourself
  • Optional
  • Ability to work

4. Proverbs.

In the Russian people, children from early childhood were accustomed to work. Proverbs and sayings about labor appeared as the rules of labor behavior. Now we will check how you know the proverbs about labor you.

The game "Armaged Proverb."

  • Trees look in the fruits, and people ...... (see in matters)
  • Patience and work .... (everything is a little bit)
  • Under a lying stone ..... ( and water does not flow)
  • Small business .... (Better Large idleness)
  • Do not rush to the language .... (Hurry to do)
  • Love to ride - ..... (Love and Santochosa carry)
  • Case time .... (fun hour)
  • Look for a bride not in the dance ...... (and in the garden)
  • A man from Lays is sick, and .... (He is healthy)
  • Lazy Fedorka is always ..... (excuses)
  • The slacker, that fruitless ..... (wood)

Slide number 3.

Now read the proverb and explain its meaning.

Do not sit, folded hands - there will be no boredom. (If we are going to do some things, then the time will pass quickly and we will not be bored)

Would hunt - will be a job work. (For any job you need to take with a desire and then everything will turn out)

5. Staging "Tale about Lena"

(actors: Lodi, pharmacist)

Lodii: Give us a remedy for us, from I can, but I do not want.


There are fragrant lifting from mosquito bites,
There is a medicine from Chihana, swallowed - and be healthy
There are medicine from migraine, and there are no medications from laziness.

It would be nice to have invented the remedy
To all lazyness from childhood to take it
The medicine appears, I would buy two packages.
No two, but three needed three, that do not say.


Who knows how to live on the clock and appreciate every hour,
Togo does not need to wake ten times in the morning.
And he will not say that he is lazy to get up,
Charging to do, wash your hands and stagned bed.
I will have time to get dressed on time, wash and eat,
And earlier than the call rings, to sit down at school.

Guys, what do you think, do you need a cure for laziness? (No, it depends on the person himself)

Look at the picture.

Slide number 4. (Illustration of lazy)

What do you think who is it? What does a lazy look like?


Let's not be lazy, let's be cheerful and fun. We relieve a little.

What is physical education? Training and game.
What is physical education? Phys. and Kul, and that and ra
Hands up, hands down - this is a physical.
You turn the neck, as if the steering wheel is a cult.
Lucky jump in height is that.
Run half an hour in the morning is RA.
Do this case
We will become strong, clever, bold.
Plus good figure
That's what physical education means.

Slide number 5.

6. Guess the crossword.

Let's try to guess the crossword and learn where the lazy was drunk from under the stick.

  • What scares the lazy thing more when morning should be washed? (Shower)
  • Which estimates most often in the diary at the Lododar? (Two)
  • What condition loves the lazy most? (Sleep)
  • What is the main feature of the lazy character? (Laziness)
  • What replaces the bed in the lesson? (Desk)
  • Where are the lazy from under the stick? (To school)

Lazy schoolchildren bored in classrooms, do not learn badly. They do not want to perform any orders, do not like to write purely in notebooks, read books. They do not educate the habit to work, help those surrounding in affairs. Lazy children want to live as one student dreamed of this from the poem B. Zhodel "Petya dreams."

If the soap came
In the mornings to me in bed
And my soap would be
It would be good!
If books and notebooks
Learned to be in order
Knew all their places -
That would be beauty!
That's life then came!
Know, walk, but rest!
Here and mom b stopped
Say that I'm lazy!

Tell me if the dreams of Petit come true? (Not) - Why? (A person needs to do it all: wash, work and then everything will be fine)

Listen to another poem.
If you have fallen into bed for a long time,
If you learn lessons did not have time,
If your mother is helpful, you refused
So laziness you seriously fell ill.
Love can be infected from each other,
Laziness of adhesive, like glue or resin,
And one medicine is - work,
To be lazy to you did not find the road.

What faith there is from laziness? (Work)

What does the expression "house have a master of the owner"? (Always judge by people who live in it. If the house is clean, it means that chopped, leaning, hardworking, diligent people live here)

Slide number 6.

Show pictures with room where everything is lying on.

What people live here? (Lazy, dirty)

Carefully listen to the poem of G.Mamlin "Seryozha is looking for a pencil."

Today in the house of Elash:
Seryozha is looking for a pencil.
I put it in the buffet,
Who trogged my pencil?
We have no order in the house! -
He said to mom strictly
Armed with Kochergoy
For searches for Sergei
And first, he has a foot
Kitten kicked in the hallway
I searched in the closet, got up on the chair
Lit down on the floor,
He looked under the sofas
He crumpled from the shelf
And he scratched the table.
Rose in the house hurricane
Fell from the cabinet suitcase
And rushed under the ceiling
Pillows, Brema Thom,
Notebooks and newspapers and other subjects.

How did Seryozha sought a pencil? (He scattered everything)

Who suffered from his actions?

Will there be an order in the house with such a boy behavior?

Slide number 7.

Show pictures with room where everything neatly caught.

What people live here? (Neat, hardworking)

Good hosts have a warm, hospitable, cozy house. In such a house, I always want to come, because the benevolent atmosphere reigns in it. Probably, anyone seeks to ensure that he had such a house. Everyone can achieve this, but bricks must be laid out now. Who learned a lot to do it myself, he will never be in favor of others and will not be helpless.

Slide number 8.

7. Rules of a hardworking schoolboy.

And now let's make the rules of the hardworking schoolboy.

1. Beautifully stall your bed and do it every morning.

2. After classes, remove the books and other educational supplies on your place.

3. If you have called - collect trash, swallow dust.

4. Watch your own things, cleanliness of shoes.

What week did we have in the group last week? (Labor Week)

Who in the group can be called the most hardworking?

Who in the group can be called lazy?


Perhaps it will be useful to read: