How to save a positive attitude in any situation. How to maintain a positive attitude. Replacing negative thoughts on positive

03.07.2015 7 811 4 Reading time: 21 min.

Today I want to continue the conversation about, and separately consider one of the most important, in my opinion, the success criteria - positive thinking and positive setting. In this article, let's talk about why it is so important to think positively as positive mood It helps to achieve the goal, as well as separately consider how to develop positive thinking. I am sure that this is a very important topic, I think that you will be useful and interesting.

Why is it so important to have a positive mood?

Multiple very different scientists argued that a positive attitude and a positive attitude towards life make a person healthier, happier and more successful. I am sure that if you look around and watch people, notice themselves that those who think positively go through life easier, faster and easier to achieve their goals, are always in good mood and look wonderful. They have a bright life saturated with a variety of affairs and events, they have a lot of hobbies and have time to pay time to them. Positive people are smart and well-well-well, it is interesting and easy to communicate with them, you can learn a lot of new and useful information from them, get a good advice or even just pleasant words from which it becomes easier in a difficult situation. "Life is beautiful and amazing!", "Take everything from life!", "Rejoice in everybody's stay!" - Here are the vital principles of a positively configured person.

And now look at the opposite people who think is pessimistic and always all unhappy. Their life proceeds according to the scheme of the house-work-house, weekends and evenings they are conducted, loaded by homemade, and rest, lying on the sofa to the TV and swearing politicians showed there. They go poultry and terribly look, they are angry and irritable, they hate their work, and sometimes even their lives! "For what I all?", "Someday it will end?", "There are no more forces" - these are typical expressions that can be heard from these sullen people.

Both those and other people live in the same environment, in the same conditions, initially have completely equal opportunities. But their life is completely different! Why? The reason for all this is positive thinking of some and negative others.

To be successful and happy - it is necessary to develop a positive attitude, a positive attitude to life, learn to think positively. This is one of the most important foundations of life position, which, along with, activity and constant can lead a person to great success, gives him the opportunity to achieve all life goals, to become who he dreams, and have what he wants. And I do not exaggerate here!

How is human thinking? Based on its upbringing, its own experience, developed years of attitude to life, as well as by adopting views from people who are authoriters for him.

Have you heard the expression "Similar attracts like"? It suggests that as a person will perceive his life that he will think about her - she will be like that. If a person constantly thinks that he is unhappy that he cannot achieve anything that he is all bad - everything will be folded, and it will only even more think so. Vicious circle! And it is possible to escape from it only developing positive thinking.

In order for positive thinking to have some positive effect - it should prevail in humans. That is, if a person makes himself 10 minutes to glanly, and then again for a whole day will plunge into his dark thoughts - it will not give anything.

By the way, a positive mood is incognitious. A positively configured person as if radiates positive and transmits some part of his positive attitude to others. Thus, possessing positive thinking, a person benefits not only to himself, but also to other people who are near him.

What is positive thinking?

So, let's say, I managed to convince you that positive thinking and a positive attitude is just vital things. Then let's figure it out, what is it at all how to understand these concepts? I will not write something awesome, but I will say in a simple and understandable language:

Positive thinking is a person's ability to see in the environment, in the environment, in the surrounding people, in the events and processes occurring in his life, positive parties and focus on them, while not focusing on the negative sides.

Positive thinking does not mean that a person must constantly wear "pink glasses" and not to notice all the bad things happen around. It also does not mean that he should call Black White, should not respond at all to the negative and pretend that it does not exist, especially if it concerns him.

Positive thinking means that a person must change your attitude To negative events. He must perceive them as an inevitable component of his life, absolutely normal and familiar phenomenon, the same as it is, to sleep, breathe. Negative things should not take it out of equilibrium and should not occupy most of his mental processes. A person should think not that he is still bad, but that he will be fine, and concentrate his thinking precisely on such thoughts. This is a positive attitude.

How to learn to think positively?

Well, now we go to the most important thing: how to develop positive thinking in yourself, how to learn to think positively? I will immediately say: Faced daily with a huge number of negativity (as it happens to us), it is very difficult to do it. But probably! To learn how to think positively, you need to adhere to a number of rules and recommendations that will simplify this process and gradually come to the desired effect. Let's look at them.

1. Make your speech positive. Namely - try to exclude not only frankly negative words and expressions from it, but all that is associated with denials, doubts, uncertainty, regret, sadness, etc. At the same time, as often as possible, use optimistic, asserting, positive phrases, especially in relation to yourself, their actions, to your future.

For example, instead of "I will try to do this" - "I will definitely do it," instead "I don't know what it comes out of this" - "I will succeed," instead, "I lived in vain so many years and lost so much" - "I" He received an invaluable experience that will help me in a new, successful life. "

2. Visualize your success and positive. To learn to think positively, as often as possible, draw yourself a detailed picture of your successful future, your goal achieved. As you know, thoughts are material (but for this they should be supported by actions!). You will see - after visualization, you will always have a positive mood.

3. Read, look, listen to positive works. Motivating books, motivating films, motivating sites on the Internet - that's all that will help you develop positive thinking and positive attitude.

4. Burn with time emours. That is, on the contrary, do not read, do not look, do not listen to everything that does not bring any benefit, and simply kills time, so it is called. Especially trying to exclude the receipt of information that mainly carries a negative, for example, news. Do not read news sites, do not see the news on TV, or at least reduce the time allotted to the news, to a minimum. Extract from there something useful can be extremely rare, but the negative is there - even eliminate!

5. Choose yourself a positive circle of communication. As I already wrote, a positive attitude is transmitted from one person to another. Therefore, it is necessary to surround yourself as much as possible positive people who will give you particles of their positive mood, and, on the contrary, limit their communication with dissatisfied and gloomy people, as they will pick up your positive.

6. Make people pleasant, just like that. Get yourself a useful habit of talking compliments and make "pleasant little things" to other people. Do it when you want to do it, sincerely, from the soul, feel free to keep your noble gusts (many people refrain, because they are afraid that they will be misunderstood or something else). It is always very well charged by positive, and both sides: and the one who makes pleasant and the one who makes pleasant.

7. Take positive examples. If you do not know how to learn to think positively - take examples with those who have it happened. Adjinate those of their qualities that you like, what you would like to develop in yourself. Associate yourself with those people in which you would like to be similar in different life spheres.

8. Watch out for your positive posture. To develop positive thinking, it is necessary not only to speak correctly, but also to keep your body correctly. Look at the positive people: they always have a straight back, scattered shoulders, highly raised head, look forward. And on the sullen - they are drooping, wrinkled, look down. Follow your posture - it also affects a positive attitude.

9. Make a positive, loved business. Very important moment! In most cases, the reason for the lack of positive is unloved work. I strongly recommend changing it on what will give you to you, and you will see how a positive attitude will appear yourself. No need to be afraid of this - inevitable, and the one who does not expect the greatest success, when they come to him themselves, but stimulates them.

10. Make your appearance positive. First of all, it concerns girls and women, but also men - too. Representatives of the fine floor has a positive mood to a great extent depends on how they look, whether they are satisfied with their appearance. And, on the contrary, the girls with a positive attitude towards life always look more beautiful, brighter and more attractive than their frowning "competitors". Therefore, watch your appearance, and a positive attitude will not make yourself wait, and with him you will become even more interesting and attractive. Isn't it worth it?

11. Do not show your experiences. We are all people, and everyone in life may have unpleasant or even tragic events. Try to survive them so that others do not know about it, with the exception of the closest people with whom you share all your joy and grief. In no case, do not tell everyone in a row as you feel bad and hard, do not complain about life - in fact, to be honest, most absolutely anyway, what problems you have, but in their eyes you will immediately become a pathetic and sullen person. And this can not be allowed, despite the fact that you inside, they should see your positive attitude.

12. Dress up positively. A positive mood also depends a lot on how you are dressed, it is again especially concerning representatives of the beautiful half. Bright, juicy and even moderate clothes will always give you a positive attitude. Moreover, not only in humans, but at home. Even if your work and environment requires a certain rigor in the style of clothing - you can always decorate it with a small bright and positive detail.

13. Thank you all for everything. More often thank you like familiar and unfamiliar people, and not only right, but also mentally. Thank you everybest day for gave you, my friends and loved ones for what they have, and even our enemies and enviousness for what they make you stronger and give you an incentive to. All this contributes to the formation of a positive attitude and positive thinking.

14. Enter a healthy lifestyle. The mood and thinking of man very much depends on this. Eat useful products, exercise, get rid of bad habits, walk more on foot, and you will see how positive thinking will be formed. By the way, it really affects the state of personal finances.

15. Do not mind what others think about you. Dependence on other people's opinions is one of the main enemies of positive thinking and positive mood. Try to finally and irrevocably get rid of yourself from this dependency. The more man reached, than he is more interesting as a personality - the more rumors and negative thoughts will be dissolved about him. Therefore, perceive it as its advantage. It would be much worse if you were not interested in anyone.

16. Smile! And finally, remember that the main and constant positive symbol is a smile! So smile as often as possible, even unfamiliar people. And then, a positive attitude will always come from you, people will focus it, and "infect" the same you. A smile is generally invincible weapons in many life situations, learn how to use it correctly, and you will definitely achieve great success.

I gave you as much as 16 tips on how to learn to think positively, you just have to start applying them in life, developing your positive thinking.

In conclusion, I want to emphasize once again that a positive attitude to life is the quality that is very difficult to achieve, but also very important. For example, it is still not always possible to keep a positive attitude, my positive thinking is not developed to such an extent as I would like it. But I have already definitely achieved in this considerable success, and continue to develop in this direction, following the recommendations that I give you. I think that according to my articles I can not be attributed to people with negative thinking, or am I wrong?

As always, I will be happy to hear any opinions, comments and wishes in the comments. To new meetings on! Learn to think positively - it will definitely help you in life!



To maintain a positive attitude, start every day with a smile. Smile to your reflection. This will charge you positive for the whole day. If you are sad, you feel tired or exhausted, angry and irritated, try just to smile. Through external changes may come internal.

Your mood directly depends on your thoughts. If you are immersed in sad reflections, scold yourself or think about some kind of situation in a negative key, naturally, you can not have a good arrangement of the Spirit. Follow the flow of your consciousness. There is a lot of practitioners to control your thoughts. Slide a few of them and maintain a positive attitude with the correct DUM.

To maintain a positive attitude, indulge yourself every day. Make a pleasant shopping, attend beauty salons, see interesting films and read fascinating books. Any trifle can affect your mood. Therefore, try to make it so that at the end of the day it was much more than minuses.

Do not hurry after one difficult case immediately take on another. Let's take time to relax. For example, coming home from work, you should not immediately do household. Pay a quarter of an hour of relaxation. Turn on pleasant music, relax, make a small stretching or drink a cup of tea.

To maintain a positive attitude, tell people nice things, make compliments. If you are friendly in relation to others, your mood will be at the height. Call your loved ones, communicate with friends. Check out the positive from others.

If we can create a positive attitude for every dayWe will achieve astounding results! Let's figure it out, a positive attitude - what it is, how to be on a positive and configure yourself to it. A positive attitude must be created by himself, unlike the pessimistic, which has a habit of forming in our consciousness automatically.

Positive attitude - what is it and how is it formed?

Our team gives our thoughts, and then our body act in a certain way. Thanks to them, we perceive the world around the world from a certain point of view. As a result - all our success in life depends on what point of view to choose to look at this world.

A positive attitude is a state when a person is confident in the positive outcome of any business or an event occurs.

Our beliefs were so rooted in consciousness that their change is quite a long and painstaking process of working on themselves, unlike the change of our mood. If you are convinced of something, then you will act in accordance with your conviction. If you are convinced that the goal is real for you, that you deserve it, then you are guaranteed to achieve it.

How to be on a positive every day?

Many of you are interested in how to be on a positive. Let's figure it out how to do it.

A daily positive attitude will help us to create and deeply capture positive beliefs, will give us faith in our forces, to achievability of plans and intentions. That negative, which was laid in our consciousness as a child due to pain or negative experience, can be replaced with a positive. For this you need every day to force yourself to believe that All your plans you shoulder!

Faith in their own strength, in their capabilities and ability to achieve the desired meaning to achieve success much more than luck, circumstances, consultations with coaching together. Positive faith in the fact that in any situation there is a way out, makes you look for options, addresses the subconscious, intuition, memory, thereby activating your nervous system, withdrawing it from the comfort zone to a new level.

Remember: "For your faith, you will be!"?

Believe yourself! Be positive!

If you want to become a successful person, think positively, believe in your strength. What you see yourself as you rate yourself as you rate your talents, human qualities, knowledge and experience, yours - all this defines your behavior, and therefore the results of your work, which means your success in life. Confidence and frequent repetition of thought, for example, "I am a good seller", "I am an excellent organizer", have a strongest impact on our subconscious, then on actions, and in the end - to the results.

There is a very good example of the influence of our beliefs per person. Imagine an iceberg that sails in the ocean. The top of the iceberg is our behavior, and its underwater, the hidden part is our beliefs that are not visible and the load of which carries us in a certain direction. Moreover, there is a direct dependence: the deeper our conviction was rooted, the stronger it affects our subconscious.

How to be a positive day from day? We instill positive thoughts, faith in your strength or let everything on samonek - is to solve you. Just do not forget that convictions have a habit of suddenly come true. Therefore, it will be better if convictions will be directed at the right direction, in the direction we need, helping to achieve goals in a short time and without much effort.

People tend to seek confirmation of their convictions. Just think if you think about yourself bad, then you yourself will create situations where you manifest yourself with a bad side !!! And the more we will have sensual experience confirming the belief, the more strongly becoming the belief.

How to sort out yourself?

To understand in which direction you move and what you want to change, follow these steps:

  • Clearly identify basic beliefs.
  • Analyze beliefs one after another. How do your beliefs help you to achieve goals?
  • Analyze what characteristics of behavior entail the selected beliefs.
  • If convictions seemed negative, replace them with the positive, most relevant goals.

So, to identify your own negative beliefs and create a positive attitude for every day, you need to record all actions on a piece of paper that you have done during the day. After that, think about what you would like to commit these actions and remember what you thought at that moment - which internal dialogue you heard. Write down everything on paper.

The next day, write down your actions again. Make them analysis. Repeat a few more days.

After a while you will notice that your beliefs are repeated and cause similar actions. Beliefs may be different, for example here:

  • "I am not comfortable in companies where many people"
  • "I suffer from my loneliness."
  • "I have a bad memory"
  • "I concentrate with great difficulty"
  • "I will never rise in the service"
  • "I do not understand mathematics because I am humanitarian"
  • "I do everything slowly"
  • "I will never succeed like my parents"
  • "I'm lying all the time."

And now ask yourself whether your beliefs meet your life goals? If not, then you need to urgently change the mood to positive, otherwise your beliefs will be more and more and more effectively on your will and relax her day after day.

Now we transform a weakening will negative approval in a positive help of the next exercise.

Exercise replacement of belief

  1. We begin with what we are determined on what conviction we will work and what exactly it prevents you from going to your goal.
  2. Come up with a new positive belief instead of the previous one. Ask your inner voice Do you really want it? Word approval in dynamic form, i.e. In the form of actions (I study, I sell, I become slimmer ...), and not approval.
  3. Take 6 sheets of paper A4 paper and write on each line on one line: 1 - the current belief, 2 is ready for criticism, 3- Museum of obsolete beliefs, 4- desirable beliefs (which beliefs need), 5- ready to accept new beliefs (Life lessons), 6-holy (high significance).
  4. Spread sheets on the floor towards a clockwise direction.
  5. Stepping for each of the paper sheets, try to remember your experiences in each of these situations.
  6. Going to the "current belief" sheet, think about what exactly this belief weakens your will.
  7. Go to the sheet "Ready for Critic" and find at least 3 condemning comments about the current belief.
  8. Go to the "Museum of obsolete beliefs" and imagine how your belief is transferred to the museum. Now it is in the past.
  9. Go to the "desirable beliefs" sheet. Think about the belief how it should be. Now imagine that you have this belief.
  10. Now go to the sheet "ready for the adoption of a new belief" and imagine yourself ready to change in life due to a change of belief.
  11. Then go to the "Holy" sheet and think about how important and significantly for you is a new belief.
  12. And now, move again to the "current belief" sheet and mark the changes that happened to you.

This exercise is particularly effective if you could feel strong experiences. It is possible to use it to change any beliefs both individually and in groups.

Everyone, probably, is known to the phrase that the thoughts of a person are material. Than a person, the easier it is his life, the better it is possible to deal with the affairs and cope with the problems. Today there are techniques, how to configure themselves to positive and subsequently improve their lives and attitude towards it.

Thoughts in the right key

For the mood to the positive, the main thing to start on what is happening to react with a smile. It should be stopped with discontent to dig in yourself, looking for disadvantages. For a qualitative change in your life, it is important to start believing in yourself, in your strength and opportunities. You should never compare ourselves and your successes with the achievements of other people, it will not lead to anything good. And the personal drawbacks need to be learned to turn in advantage, while working on his person in parallel.

Taking up how to configure yourself to positive, you need to learn to appreciate everything that is in life: from the finest things to truly important details and events. There is always a person who is much worse, so one should never be imposed on fate and complain about life to the highest forces.

Technique "Diary of Success"

In addition to the overall spiritual attitude to a positive, you can also take advantage of the techniques for establishing the correct life position that many psychologists of our time practice. One of these psychic equipment is the maintenance of a kind of diary, which will fix the entire positive occurring in life. To do this, you just need to start a notebook, in which you need to record everything every day, what is happening for the day, as well as all the good deeds made throughout the day. There you can also enter the statuses about positive, they will be very useful for the correct mood. At first, this occupation may be in a burden, but for some time daily forcing herself to record good moments, you can get used to the diary without much voltage. A very big assistant such a diary will be at moments or depression, it will be much easier to tune in to a positive, remembering all the good moments that have previously happened in life.

Methods "Purple Bracelet"

Another effective technique, how to set up yourself to the positive - the method of priest Will Bowen "Violet Bracelet". Its essence is that for three weeks you need to abandon negative thoughts and statements to any person, creatures, subject. The bracelet is needed simply as a reminder. It can be any decoration or bane, favorite clock or ring, but this item must be worn on one hand as much time as a person lasted on a note of positive, until 21 days. If a person fell down and nahamil someone, the bracelet dressed on another hand, the period of abstinence from negative starts the countdown of Nanoovo. According to statistics, many people who actively used this technique mood to positive changed for the better, helping subsequently change their relatives and relatives. Among other things, the "purple bracelet" also teaches to control his thoughts and negative emotions and helps even better explore, and if necessary, and re-educate itself.

All methods, how to configure yourself to positive, are good in their own way. They can be used both in the complex and separately. But the main thing is to understand a simple thing: positive is a life position, which over time can become an excellent satellite in life.

We all periodically fall in spirit, losing hope, thinking that everything will never change for the better, and we begin to seem to seem that we can no longer live the life of which they always dreamed of.

But it is not. Do not let yourself live in prison of your own experiences and depression due to sad events, other people, everyday problems or external factors.

You can save a positive attitude all year roundAnd when such attitude to life, you will become much more satisfied with yourself and how everything works. You will smile, you will concentrate on good things in your life, and it will make you much more satisfied and related.

Here are a few right beliefs that will remind you of how good life really is:

1. All you do not like in yourself and.

2. Happiness is right now, in present.

3. You are born to be happy / oh.

4. Your actions inspire people.

5. Each you encounter makes you stronger.

6. Your mistakes are your experience, and now you know how not to do the next time. What puts you a few steps ahead of others.

7. At any time you can meet a person who will change your life.

8. It doesn't matter how bad you feel and at what stage are now, always remember two things: - it could be worse; - It is temporary.

9. Success does not depend on age, nationality, gender, appearance, ties, capital, education and religion. These are just external, minor factors. If you have a goal, stay focused and consistent, believe in yourself and in your dreams, in your power to embody them into reality.

10. It's just a bad day, and this does not mean that your life sucks. Just wait for tomorrow.

11. After each shower comes rainbow. And after each sunset - sunrise.

12. Many people are trying to appreciate you, not even knowing you.

13. No good deed is wasting. Continue to help, give and provide support. It's worth it.

14. What would you do not think you attract it. So keep positive and live a happy life.

15. Let the result of your efforts to motivate you to continue to go.

16. Only when you build yours - start loving, listen, take and appreciate yourself as you are - only then you can also begin to build a wonderful relationship with other people.

17. The future is vague (this is the only definite fact about the future). But you can think about it positively and be confident that, whatever happens, it will be correct. And at the same time, enjoy life in present.

18. You can still have the body you want - proper nutrition + training + constancy is the only formula that always works. This is your choice.

19. Bad things from the past there is no place in the present. Remove the lesson from what has already happened, release it and free the place for new amazing memories.

20. Focus on things that are already in your life. You will soon realize how rich you are and begin to appreciate the wealth in which you live.

21. At the moment, everything is as it should be. Trust the natural flow of life and do not hinder his flow. The next moment everything will be different, but still as it should be.

22. All diseases come from stress and unhealthy lifestyle. Change your habits, and you can live a healthy life.

23. You are unique. And this one does not take you.

24. Life is full of opportunities. You just need to take them and give yourself a chance.

25. You can turn your hobby in your career and find a way to receive income from this. Then you never have to work for a single day in your life, because all your time will be devoted to your passion - the case you like to do the most.

26. You have enough time. Reset turns. But do not waste it invested.

27. You do not need to work at work that you hate. You yourself master yourself, and you can just throw it and find something better.

28. You do not have to live on other Standards. Play according to your own rules and do what you want.

29. If you can't do something correctly, you can always try again tomorrow.

All these things are simple and obvious, and we all know them. But we tend to forget them, because we are surrounded by distracting factors. So it's never too late to remind yourself of all thirty, (may even add even more), and look at the life through the eyes of a positive person.

And what thoughts help you save a positive attitude? Please share in the comments, do not greading 😉


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