Original letter veteran. "Letter veteran. Letter to my great-grandfather

Elena Dyachkova

Already quite soon the celebration of the Great Victory. On this day, I visit the rally dedicated to this holiday with the guys and parents of your group. There we will definitely give present veterans flowers and postcardsmade by the hands of children.

This time we decided to give veterans. postcard in the form of front triangle letters. We hope that they will like our creativity.

To work, us need:

1. Color paper

3. Scissors

4. Figured hole punch

5. Poverty letters

6. Piyetki.

First, we will make a George ribbon, which we decorate our front-line triangle. We cut off from orange paper with a length of 15 cm and 3 cm wide.

From black paper I cut 3 strips with a length of 15 cm and 0.5 cm wide. Then we glue the black stripes on the orange. Figure holes produce flowers from paper of different colors. In the middle of the flower we glue a sequence.

Then make directly letter - Triangle.

To do this, we turn it as follows - the leaf in front of them, it is turned horizontally. Raise the right corner of the sheet up (or left down, so that it turns out a rectangular triangle.

Then the upper corner of the triangle we fold with the bottom - we turn in half. As a result, we turn out a double triangle.

In the resulting figure, we fell up the corners up and refuel them into the resulting pocket of the upper triangle.

We had a triangular letter.

Now we need letter to decorate. For this, the previously prepared Georgievskaya tape is cut in half, and we stick to the edge of the envelope. We sign an envelope and decorate it with previously harvested colors.

Our greeting card is ready!

Internally, contains the text that I printed in advance on the computer.

Dear Veteran!

May the days of the war stretched very long,

Let the peaceful years raced quickly.

Victory near Moscow, under Kurk and on the Volga

The story will remember forever.

Let you now fathers and grandfathers,

Whiskey Surprised Sedna.

Western you do not forget the spring of Victory,

That day when the war ended.

Let many today do not in the ranks

We remember everything that was done then

And promise your homeland

Save for business, peace and labor!

Children, teachers, parents

MBDOU. "Kindergarten № 58"

Students of grade 4

Children write veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Years passed ... But still everyone remembers which price I got victory. The memory of an immortal feat, heroism and courage lives in our hearts, the hearts of our children.



Darnikina Ksenia Nikolaevna,

Student 4 A class of MOU-SOSH number 18, Nenungri

Cool leader: Larionova E. P.

Letter veterans.

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War I congratulate you on Victory Day! I wish you from all the soul of happiness, health, so that you are always cheerful, lived for a very long time and were for us a living example of masculinity, durability and courage!

When I look at the films about the war, then my heart freezes. I understand what horrors, which grief you experienced in those fatal war years.

Dear veterans, thank you so much for these peaceful days, for which you risked life. I know how it hurts you to look at the fact that we are not doing what you were waiting for us. Forgive us for everything. If not you, we would not have now on this light.

Veterans veterans

All you fought,

The country was protected.

Good and peace wanted everyone

Hearts of people defeated.

But sometimes you have

I see pain in the eyes.

As if we are now

Everyone forgot everything.

We remember! We know,

How then everything was.

Say thank you

What do we live peacefully!


MiGita Victoria Yuryevna,

Our grandfathers fought,

Our homeland saved.

Children on the machines stood

Childhood is deprived.

Pope, the brothers fought.

Moms, grandmothers suffered.

Four long year

Fought victory.

Because the spirit is stronger

The willpower most of all.

People believed that

Life and world in this light.


Stribul Anna Andreevna,

pupil 4 and class MOU-SOSH No. 18

Cool leader: Larionova Evdokia Prokopyevna

Letter to my dear great-grandfather Saveniya Andreevich

from the greatness of Stribul Anna.

Dear great-grandfather! I am writing you a letter for gratitude for what you fought and withstand all the trials of the Great Patriotic War. Thank you for noting your life, I got up to protect our homeland, defended the world on Earth! I know that then the whole Soviet people heroically fought against the fascists. It is terrible to think that it would be if they gave the birthplace of the Fascists. But you fought like everyone else, approaching the victory and drivening out enemies away from the native land. You have been injured several times, but still did not leave the front. Thanks to you, veterans of war, we exist and we live. Your victory is our current peaceful life. Cute great-grandfather, let me express words sincere thanks for your courage, for your feat, for everything you did for me and all of us. Low bow and many thanks to all veterans of war and rear for victory, for peace and peace in our country!


Skhipova Elvira Aleksandrovna,

pupil 4 and class MOU-SOSH No. 18

Cool leader: Larionova Evdokia Prokopyevna

Letter veterans.

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War! You write Shipova Elvira. I congratulate you on the great holiday in the afternoon of victory! With the words of deep appreciation, I thank you for saving the lives of many people, gave us peaceful happy childhood. I understand how it was hard for you, but you did not give up in difficult trials. You saved our country from fascism. You passed through the cold and hunger, shed your blood on the battlefield, many have not returned from that war. But thanks to you, we live and rejoice in every new day we. I admire you, your feat, your dedication homeland.

"3Dong, soldiers!

How many years have passed since your Great Victory! But the memory of you is alive. Perhaps you are heroically died by saving comrades. Or they were surprised by fascist scouts. Maybe you fell under fire machine guns. Or died of hunger, protecting blockade Leningrad. And perhaps you survived and returned home. In any case, you are a hero! For every soldier is a hero. Remember how you lived in the trenches, went to intelligence, most of all dreamed of winning and returning home. At these moments you had faithful friends. They divided with you and sorrows, and joy, supported you in those moments when there was no strength. Cohesion and friendship helped you go together to one goal - victory!

You are heroically fought with fascist invaders, protecting your homeland, your home, your family. Walking in the tag or going to the attack, you always thought about them. You thought about the meeting, about tears of happiness, about a new life - life without war. Your family helped you in battle, inspired to achieve this great feat. And when the machine guns were cleaned, you looked forward to the cherished letter. With what trepidation you opened it, drained a piece of yellowed paper and started reading. These words were for you music, warming your heart, a hymn of victory and the world!

I am also writing you a letter, because we are all - one big family. The family, which shoulder to the shoulder stood on the path of the enemy and crushed him. I hope that you will be joyful from this letter, because we, descendants of the winners of fascism, remember the great feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfather. And on May 9, when in 1945 the act on the unconditional surrender of the German Armed Forces was signed, we all go to the Victory Parade, where the dead soldiers marched in the ranks of the immortal regiment. We give them a tribute to honor, because it was the soldiers who retained the world, our homeland, they gave us life and peaceful sky above our heads.

Thank you, the soldier! Thanks for all!"

Let's on the eve of May 9, the holiday of the Great Victory, once again recall those who, heroically fight, has surrendered and did not give the enemy to capture our homeland. Let us and we will be worthy descendants of these heroes and, if necessary, without hesitation, stand up on the defense of our country, our beloved Russia !!!

Letter veteran

Hello, dear veteran! You write to you an ordinary semiclant from the small town of Tomsk. My name is Tanya, I live with a big friendly family, I study at school, I am happy about life, and all this thanks you! I want to say a big thank you for what you did! Thanks for the fact that you have always walked forward to victory, for ever lost faith and hope. Thank you for losing close toes, they did not lose and go further with proudly raised head, for not sorry for your life, you fought for our future!

From childhood, we were told about the war. War is a terrible time. This is the time of grief, deaths, hunger, destroying and fear. We can not even imagine how terrible it is. But even then you did not lose. Even then you had to love, have fun and enjoy life. I wonder how you raised the morale? Surely you inspired letters from your loved ones and relatives, in which there were so many love and warmth. Or a collection of wonderful poems that you have always worn with you. What song did you like to sing with comrades? Maybe it's "Katyusha"? Or "Blue handkerchiefs"? I think there is no such song about the war that you did not sing and would not love.

Your life, of course, was nozzy. You have survived a lot: betrayal, friendship, love, quarrel. death. You, as anyone else, are known sincere feelings. You who fought for our lives for the peaceful sky above your head, did not just show courage, but also donated to everyone that you had: family, close people and, of course, life. But, despite all the difficulties and deprivation, the Russian people stood, did not break, did not give up, did not give the country into the hands of the enemy. Yes, everything was scary, and the unbearable anticipation of death often visited the soldiers and snapshots. But people stepped over themselves, struggled for the country, for the bright future of their children and grandchildren.

And I want our and all future generations to remember your exploits and knew how hard the veterans were given a victory over fascism. I am ashamed for some actions of young people, for the fact that they are so negligious about the past and are not interested in the history of our country. But many will always remember what you have done for Russia. Thanks for everything, dear veteran!

Letter to my great-grandfather

A letter to the soldier, Semenov Alexey Alexandrovich, my great-grandfather.

Hello, grandfather! Hello, Defender Motherland! I have never seen you, but in our family everyone remembers you and tell you a lot, how were you man. I know that before the war you were Lieutenant. And during the war, he fought in the Japanese direction. You deserve many awards that are stored in our family as a relic.

My letter is gratitude! Large to you, my great-grandfather, thanks for the fact that you, together with other soldiers, defended our homeland from the fascists. I can imagine how hard you were fighting. When every minute in the account, when each incorrect step, the wrong move could end with death. There were a lot of losses, but you, soldiers, did not give up and went on to win. That you were ready to give your life for the depression. We are we owe it for a peaceful sky over your head, for the bright sun, for the fact that we are alive, for our happy childhood, for a happy family, for what we love, for love. You saved us from the invaders. I am grateful to you, my great-grandfather! And remember you are alive in our hearts and always live. I am proud of you, you fought not in vain!

You have done a lot after the war for our country. I know that you were the main energy in the factory and all my life worked for the benefit of the Motherland. You were a good person! I know that you knew how to draw well, was a man merry and optimistic, possessed a sense of humor, so your cartoons were in every room of the factory newspaper. You loved fishing and hunting, so I spent a lot of time in nature. You quickly raised your children, including my beloved grandfather.

Many years have passed after the Great Patriotic War. But we, the younger generation, we know how hard you were at that time. After all, war is scary and hard. I really want never war!

Your greatness of Julia.

Letter veteran

Hello, dear veteran of the Great Patriotic War! Writes to you a student of grade 8. My name is Sasha, but I was born in the city of Tomsk under the civilian sky of our homeland! I did not hear the explosions of enemy bombs, the roar of shells, did not see the burned and destroyed cities and villages. We were told at school about the war. For four years she took millions of lives. Among them were children, old people, women, patients and, of course, bravely fought soldiers. But they wanted to live, enjoy the sun and peaceful sky above his head. War is pain, suffering and test for the resistance of the Spirit.

I do not understand fascism! I unpleasantly see today's followers of Hitler, Skinheads, neo-Nazis, who, apparently, did not read the history textbooks at all. Events in Ukraine plunged me in shock. As soon as our Slavs brothers, Ukrainians, to hide in themselves the followers of fascism, with whom you fought in the war! It is very scary when do not know people try to capture power, because it is unknown, what step will follow further. Now we are a completely different generation, but everyone should know how happiness was conquered!

I do not know how to describe your gratitude for that ... What I live, for seeing around my faces of loved ones, smiles passers-by, sun, parents, grandparents, cars, airplanes. And this is all thanks to you. After all, it is you who risking life, defended their homeland, because you saw how your comrades died from enemy bullets, and did not give up. Know that each of us, be it child or an adult, will always remember what you did for us. I am proud that I live in one country with you. Thanks for the victory, we all pride with you!

Dear veterans-winners!

The Great Patriotic War is a significant milestone in the history of our country, and every generation is grateful to you for a nice holiday - Victory Day! Your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are equal to you. The feat of the Russian soldier will forever remain in the hearts of many millions of people. This day is a symbol of pride for those who defended the freedom and independence of our country, a symbol of determination, the will of the Russian people, the symbol of the advantage of Russia. With a sense of deep appreciation, thank you for the perfect feat! In the significant anniversary of the Great Victory, take sincere congratulations on the grateful descendants and wishes of good health, well-being and peaceful sky above your head. Happy holiday, our native veterans!

With deep respect, the board of high school students


Dear, our own veteran!

I want to congratulate you on the celebration of the Great Victory! Victory all our people over fascist Germany!

Many films are viewed, many books are read about the Great Patriotic War, but I, a 13-year-old teenager, it is difficult to imagine those tests and that terrible grief that has suffered our people.

I am proud that in our country such a courageous and invincible people who brought up such heroes like you! I bow to your heroic feat and say: "Thank you for everything you did for us.

Osipov Ivan, student 7 "in" class school number 687 Moscow.

Dear veterans!

I am very grateful to you for the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War!

You did not do the way to evaluate orders and medals. Having mourning the death of his comrades, families, you fought to the end.

You are worthy of much more - thanks to millions of saved lives!.

The current generation will not forget your heroism. Your hearts will warm the joy of precious victory until the end of life. Each time, going into battle, you overcoming the fear of death, went with alkalis. Thanks to your dedication and courage, our generations live!

Thanks for the victory!

Kukhachenko Olga, student 7 "in" class school number 687 Moscow.

Letter veteran of the Great Patriotic War

Hello, dear veteran! On the eve of May 9, I thought about what we live today thanks to you. After all, if you are not you, your feats, no one knows how we would live. It is unlikely better. I, my friends, my family is infinitely grateful to you for what you fought, risked our lives, fought for our country. Already 69 years old from the day of victory, we always celebrate this holiday with you. After all, you are a real hero. I know for sure that you were very difficult, you lost our comrades, close people. Your compatriots killed in your eyes, but you did not surrender. You bravely went forward for my country.

I'm just in grade 8, but I realize what war is and how many grief it can bring. Our eyelid is also restless. There are so many military conflicts around. People do not live in the world. But if they had such heroes, like you, the wars would have become less or not at all. I was lucky that I see you, a real hero, celebrated on Victory Day! Thank you!

Student 8V GBOU SOSH No. 687 Moscow Ivanchuk Tatiana.

Letter veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

Dear veterans! Greetings and congratulate you on the great holiday on May 9! I wish you even long life, health and your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren you please! For me and, I hope for everyone else, you are real heroes! You are very bold, courageous people, so they did not surrender to the fascists, but they won them. My great-grandfather also fought, he had a lot of wounds, but he survived. He died in 2000, when I was just a year. I was told that when pomegranate broke around about my grandfather, then the third floor of the building was thrown into him. The grandfather told my dad that when he was wounded, he dreamed of a dream that two angels pull him in different directions: one in the dark side, the other - in Light. But then the angel of the bright side pulled him out, the grandfather woke up and began to recover. Doctors wanted to amputate her grandfather's foot, but at the last moment decided to leave. And well, because he returned home from the war on his feet and then until the end of his life, his leg almost did not disturb him. Although I did not see my grandfather, I know a lot about him, and in our family on May 9, they always talk about the grandfather, about his exploits, about the veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Dear veterans! I am happy that you defeated the fascists. This is due to you we live in a free country under clean sky. If the fascists won, they would make slaves from us. So, dear winners, I once again congratulate you on Victory Day!

Essay "Letter veteran"

Hello, dear veteran!
The student of 8 "in" class, ordinary secondary school No. 24 of Pavlodar, Sarsessina Laura, is written to you.
You do not know me, but I and all my friends, close and relatives are obliged to you. After all, it was you who gave us a peaceful sky, a calm way to school, the joy of communication with loved ones. And all that we now have. You fought to the last drop of blood, not retreating, even on a centimeter, afraid to give the enemy even the smallest part of our Earth. But, despite all the difficulties and deprivation, our people stood, did not break, did not give up, did not give his homeland in the hands of the enemy. People stepped over themselves, struggled for our country. For the bright future of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren ...
Listening to the stories of grandparents, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers about their best young years, which was horrified and fear for their lives. They exchanged everything for military uniforms, front and rear. They did not have a happy and carefree childhood, bright and rich youth.
We must not forget about how at the price you got this victory. After all, you were very young, and in those summer days of 1941, many of you, those young and young that went to the front, ended the school, preparing for the graduation ball, built plans for the worst, such a joyful, bright, promising ...
However, destiny was distributed over other. You had to see and survive what a person does not need to see and know. Hunger, cold, deprivation, captivity, death, the death of loved ones, physical suffering and injury ... Millions of you died on the fronts of the war, hundreds of thousands died of hunger, millions were tortured in fascist concentration camps. In addition, we all have learned more than recently that hundreds of thousands of ordinary soldiers, officers, partisans died after the war, already in Soviet concentration camps, recognized by the "enemies of the people" ... May 9 for our family a special day. On this day, we cover the rich Dastarkhan and remember my great-grandfather Hamit ...
My great-grandfather Sarsembin Hamit was a participant. Ruthless and merciless war. He was an ordinary soldier, fought under the city of Bryansk. In one of the battles, he was seriously injured, he lay in the hospital for a whole month, but the doctors could not put it on his feet. His last letter came from the hospital, soon sent a funeral triangle. My great-grandmother kept his last letter for a long time. This letter warmed her all life. My great-grandfather's name I read on plates among the names of other thousands of soldiers, and every time with a bouquet in my hands I mentally talk to him.
Leaving from the square, I look around and smile, because it seems to me that my great-grandfather waved me with my hand, and wished me good luck in life. And asked not to make mistakes of the past.
The memory of this war is moving further. Every year there are fewer people who do not just remember the war, but also participated in the fighting, or were in the rear, working in sweat and blood for the benefit of their people and the Fatherland. Now, thereby young participants who went to the front at 17.18 years already 90, and not everyone is given to live so much. It is less left alive and those strong spirit of people who accompanied the front of their loved ones, with a smile on his face and with tears in their eyes were waiting for triangular front letters, and did not wait for their victorious return home.
Unfortunately, every year the ranks of veterans are rare, your peers are becoming less and less ...
As you want, such people like you, a little longer forget the younger generation. They do not know what war is. And this is due to such courageous people like you.
Years and terrible way unfortunately the past war takes their own.
Therefore, in my opinion. It is so important now to express our gratitude, admiration, pride with veterans.
I think you will be especially important for you to hear these words from the mouth of my very young generation, which knows about the Great Patriotic War mostly from films and books. We have seen things for war years, triangular letters only in museums. But this does not mean that we are not able to appreciate what you did not only for each of us, not only for our homeland, but also for the entire planet as a whole.
I dedicate a verse of my own essay by my great-grandfather, you and all those who were at the front, all those who fought to the last drop of blood for the benefit of the motherland and their people.

My great-grandfather fought on the front,
And duty gave my homeland
And he was not afraid of battles,
And not afraid of grave torment.
He believed that the war would pass,
He will win, come home.
Let the salutes thunder then.
Remind about the past.
My great-grandfather went to victory
Although Berlin did not reach ...
He fought blood and did not regret
Not days, not their forces.
Saving land, fatherly house.
I'm pronounced my great-grandfather,
With the name of him, I always worship!

I am very happy and thanks that I can now tell you thanks for everything, thanks for our life and peaceful sky over our heads.
The world you, care, love and understanding of the people close and relatives to you. Live long and rejoice every day you live! You are in our hearts forever! Health to you and your loved ones!


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