Outdoor game "Kikimora". Scenario of the matinee "Kikimora visiting the guys" material (middle group) on the topic Evening event visiting the kikimora

Kikimora, or a beautiful maiden who drowned in the water - who are they, what abilities do they have and what secrets do they hide under their image?

Kikimora. Unidentified mystical creature

For centuries, people have been drawn to everything unidentified and eerie, enchanting and repulsive. The image of a kikimora is precisely the ideal of a mysterious creature. A character who chills the blood and makes unbelievers believe. A swamp, no matter where it is located, always evokes fear and a desire to bypass it or simply run away faster. Near mysterious overgrown places, a feeling of anxiety arises and the paranormal presence of unearthly creatures is felt, or a creepy character is seen before your eyes - a kikimora.

Why swamp, and not, say, forest or domestic? This is due to the fact that the image of a kikimora is tried on by innocent virgins who had to drown themselves in an unfortunate swamp, among muddy mud and sticky thickets. They say that whoever a swamp beast marries, she has to stay with him for the rest of her life. eternal life. The description of a kikimora has different interpretations and depends on its place of residence.

If a kikimore is lucky enough to marry a brownie, then she will remain to exist among ordinary earthly people. And if she is enchanted by the goblin, she will never see worldly happiness again, but is destined to rest forever in the swamp with her husband.

But not only drowned people can cause the appearance of kikimoras. For example, according to legend, babies who died unbaptized or were born dead, deformed, became those very terrible images. Children outside the family are also doomed to the same fate, as are those who were cursed by their parents or abducted by unclean otherworldly forces.

What does a kikimora look like? Photo

It is difficult to stop at one description of a swamp inhabitant. There are several most popular options. You can see what a kikimora looks like in books that tell ancient myths and legends. And if your nerves are strong enough, then, having gathered in the evening, you can go in search of her to the nearest swamp.

What does a real kikimora look like? Let's try to describe this creature in detail, without missing a single mystical element. Mythology presents us with a kikimora in the form of an old scary woman, she is hunched over, her hair is tousled in different directions, and she is dressed in rags. In the photo we can see what a kikimora looks like - wearing a kokoshnik on her head, very short in stature, with a thin figure. Because of her small weight, she was afraid to go outside, lest she be blown away by the wind. Another story says that kikimoras are naked girls with very long and magnificent braids. Of course, as mentioned above, there is no single idea of ​​what a kikimora looks like.

During the day they can be invisible and announce themselves through their voices. The kikimors living in the house can use their voice to kick out the residents and demand something. Most often, such requirements are not very favorable for the residents of the house.

Favorite habitats of kikimoras

In addition to a swamp or a cozy home, kikimoras can live in other places. Most often these are bathhouses, chicken coops, barns, or taverns, where a lot of negative energy is concentrated.

Kikimora can hide in a cluttered unnecessary things corner of the room or climb onto a cabinet from which dust has not been wiped off for a long time. She is looking for places where she will feel comfortable, and this is where there is a lot of dirt and old shabby things. A kikimora can be accidentally dragged into a house with a woman along with negative energy, and she will remain next to the owner.

Everyone who knows what a real kikimora looks like is afraid of accidentally meeting one. Some legends say that the kikimora lives in every house constantly, never leaving it.

Where does kikimora come from? Beliefs

The peasants follow one popular belief, which appeared quite a long time ago and remains in the consciousness. They say that kikimora can be launched into a house by dissatisfied workers who have been poorly paid by their owners for their work. But, most likely, this belief was invented by the workers themselves in order to teach them a good salary for their work.

How can you attract a kikimora into your home? To do this, the workers used a doll depicting a kikimora, which they hid well somewhere in the house or between the walls and recited a special spell.

What can a kikimora do?

It is believed that kikimora has a huge potential of negative energy, which it constantly directs towards the mistress of the house. For example, if she touches any work with her dirty hands, then this work will never be completed. The peculiarity of kikimoras is that when they weave, they constantly jump in one place, and in addition, they weave threads in reverse side(rather than doing this ordinary people). They tangle the threads, mess around and constantly tear everything they have tied.

What other names does kikimora have?

The ominous image of the kikimora chills the spirit of all household members who sensed its presence in their cozy home, seemingly closed to the other world.

Many have met kikimora, but they themselves did not suspect it. And all because she goes by several names, and each of them has its own special, terrifying meaning.

The Belarusians called this beast, the domestic monster, the little thing. Another popular nickname for her is igong or igon. And the home spirit of a kikimora is usually called a neighbor or shishimora, shishiga. Kikimora is also a well-known name for a swamp or domestic creature, the image of a drowned beautiful maiden, who, by the will of fate, had to marry a terrible goblin and forever remain with him under the quiet water of the swamp.

The word “kikimora” itself consists of two parts, namely “kiki” and “mora”. The first means "to scream, to make terrible, unpleasant moans, to summon the devil." And “mora” is death, this is how the second part of the name is translated, which ideally fits the description of kikimora.

It is not surprising that her image evokes terrible animal fear, because in direct translation her name speaks for itself - it screams about death.

Works in which the image of a kikimora appears

Many mystical writers or even classics mentioned in their works the image of a drowned maiden - a kikimora. How is she usually described and what role does she play in various works?

In ancient monuments of Russian manuscripts, especially later ones (17-18 centuries), there are descriptions of mystical spirits and characters.

The episode with the kikimora in the Moscow legend of the 1630s. says that the little thing, as Belarusians call it, is a kind of terrible provocateur and instigator of all sorts of troubles in the life of a family or individual person. It can cause trouble of any complexity, such as a minor quarrel in the family or an incurable fatal disease. Why is she doing this? It’s easy to explain: kikimora is the unfortunate spirit of a woman who, through her own or someone else’s fault, was drowned in a lake (swamp) or died tragically in the forest. That's why she takes revenge on everyone who gets in her way. Stories with a mention of kikimora are a kind of direct evidence that it has always existed, and even before the time they learned about it.

Also, A.K. Lyadov’s work “Kikimora” melodiously creates an atmosphere of presence when listening.

What does the photo look like?

The swamp species of kikimoras are special ones that live in swamps and are born in the form of drowned girls, but much older and more terrible - changed beyond recognition.

They describe in detail what a swamp kikimora looks like - the photo below shows a lower evil spirit that settles in a swamp and loves to dress up in all sorts of furs and weave swamp and forest plants into its braids.

The thing steals small children, causes trouble and makes babies cry constantly. She drags the kids into her dark, dirty home, and they never return to their parents.

Kikimora can relatively rarely appear among people; she prefers to announce herself with a voice - terrible, creaky and low, which chills the blood and tickles the nerves. In this she is like her sister - the homemade kikimora. Although they never meet, each has its own place and its own activities.

Transformation into a kikimora

If anyone is interested in the question of how to become a kikimora, then read on. Every myth has some truth, and the swamp creature is no exception. We will not know the truth, but ancient legends and modern interpretation can be discussed in more detail.

The first path to transformation is a forgotten muddy swamp. A young girl is doomed to become a kikimora if she drowns in this muddy mass.

As for boys, the legends say that you have to be a freak or cursed. There is no doubt that in the past centuries it was the damned boy who was considered the real embodiment of the old toothless kikimora.

In fact, anyone can become a kikimora Living being, once cursed or who chose the wrong path in life - the path of evil and sinful acts.

Favorite pastime of real kikimoras

True kikimores are never bored, although they are destined to forever wander among people and swamp inhabitants. The beasts love to weave, but they weave in a special way - on the contrary, not like ordinary women, and during this they jump in one place. It's not a pretty sight, but fortunately, it's quite rare to see it. Since kikimores prefer a solitary lifestyle and remain invisible most of the time, the chance of finding out what they look like is reduced to zero.

Another favorite pastime of the beasts is to joke with the residents of the house, and, of course, not in a kind way. Her jokes are so frightening that the family, sensing something is wrong, quickly tries to leave the ominous house with all its mystical manifestations of evil spirits. So what is the point of such jokes? A kikimora can appear to people in the form of a poor child abandoned by its parents, and good people, having picked up and warmed the baby, actually provide themselves with a painful life with the kikimora. You can protect yourself from this creature, and you need to do this through prayer, turning to the holy spirits and the Mother of God. For those who are aware of what a kikimora looks like, it is easy to avoid contact with it.

How to recognize a kikimora?

Usually kikimoras allow themselves to go out before great holidays, such as Christmas. The beast also feels the atmosphere of the family and comes precisely at the moment when something special happens - good or bad. At such moments, people are most vulnerable and succumb to the evil spell of home kikimora.

She appears in front of the house on the threshold. A shrill cry or loud, frequent knocking on the door can alert the owners. It would not be surprising if kikimora combines these two activities. You can ask her a question and hear a knock in response.

Those who are lucky enough to catch a kikimora in the act can, with the help of special rituals and spells, return it back to human form. To do this, you need to cut the hair on her crown with the image of a cross. But, despite the return, the kikimora will always have some peculiarity from the past - stuttering, a hump on the back, stupidity, and more.

And finally, a little advice. To rid your home of a possible mythological beast, you need to throw out all the trash and consecrate every corner. Now it’s no secret what a kikimora looks like. The photo will tell more about her than all the myths.

Kikimora visiting the guys

Komarova Irina Vyacheslavovna,
music director GBDOU
Kindergarten No. 93 Compensating type
Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg


Songs of the teacher's choice.

Dance compositions of the teacher's choice.

Boys dance

Girls dance

General dance


"Collect a bouquet"

"Notice the trash"


"Flowers for Mom" ​​magazine "Bell" number 3, 1997.p. 1. The roles are played by children.

To the music, children enter the hall and line up in a semicircle.

1st child

The kindergarten is bustling and noisy

It's about to start, where's my suit?

2nd child

What kind of holiday is being prepared here?

Apparently the guests of honor will come?

Maybe the generals will come?

All children. No!

3rd child. Maybe the admirals will come?

All children. No!

4th child. Maybe a hero who has flown all over the world?

All children. No! No! No!

Presenter Stop guessing in vain! Look, here they are guests. Honorable, important most...

All children. Hello moms!


There is such a day in March

With a number like a pretzel!

How many of you guys know

What does the number mean?

The children will tell us in chorus -

Children (in chorus).

This is our mothers' holiday!

1st child.

The drops are ringing merrily,

They call spring with them,

They want to congratulate me,

My mom!

2nd child

And the sparrows are chirping,

poems about grandma

And on this joyful holiday,

We congratulate you too!

3rd child

This is what our mothers are like!

We are always proud of you

Smart and cute

Kind and beautiful!

4th child

We will sing a song about mother now.

Dear mother loves us dearly!


Today is a holiday, today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers.

This is the best holiday

He comes to us in the spring!

This is a holiday of obedience,

Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration,

A holiday of the best words.

Drops of sunlight.

Splashes of sunny summer

We are bringing it into the house today,

We give to grandmother and mother,

Happy Women's Day!

We were preparing for the guests

We tried not in vain

Learned songs and dances

May our holiday be a success!

Sit on chairs

The boys come out

Mothers, grandmothers now,

We want to congratulate you!

We are also happy to congratulate all the kindergarten workers!

And girlfriends and sisters

And of course all the girls!

Please accept congratulations from us,

Watch our fun dance!




Women love flowers

Everyone knows about it

And spring flowers bloom in the field!


Look guys, this is the Biryusinka River

But the house is small

Marinka lives in it!

Marinka loves to grow flowers of unprecedented beauty!

Marinka leaves the house


These are the beautiful flowers Marinka has grown!

(takes flowers and puts them on the floor)

Guys, now we will collect flowers for our women,

Let's see who can make the most beautiful bouquet!


Presenter These are the beautiful bouquets our children made!

Let's put them in a vase and admire them!

(The presenter puts flowers in a vase)

Music sounds - Kikimora enters the hall, dancing.


Hey guys! Didn't you recognize me?

I'm the forest Kikimora, uh! How groovy!

What, are you going to celebrate?

Have you combed your hair?............ Braided?....................

Congratulations to grandmothers?......Moms? ………………

I won’t let you celebrate the holiday! (stomps his foot)

I'm cunning and stubborn, I don't really like the holiday!

No fun for you! I'll disperse all your mothers!

Well, why are you sitting here, I’m angry - I’m driving you away! (stomps)

Well...they don't leave...


Hello Kikimora!

Why are you so noisy?

Are you scaring our guys?

Do you disperse mothers and guests?


Everyone forgot about me

They weren't even invited to the party!

That is OK,

I will take revenge…

I...I...(sees the bouquet) I'll steal your bouquet!

(goes and wants to take a bouquet)

The presenter stops Kikimora,

What are you, what are you, this is not possible,

(to the children) Am I speaking correctly, friends?

(Kikimora takes flowers)


Well, why did you take the flowers?

You're just ruining the holiday!


You didn’t invite me (bends fingers)

No congratulations on Women's Day

So I came to you myself

Disperse all your mothers!


But, Kikimora, wait, in fairy tales you can be evil!

And we all know about this

So we won’t let you in!


Try to let it go!

Maybe I want to be kind!

Will you like the concert (flirtatiously)

Maybe I’ll return the bouquet!


Do you promise not to be naughty?

(Kikimora nods)

Stay like that!

We continue our concert, we read poems about spring!

Children's poems.

Mom dear!

I love you!

I give you all the spring flowers.

The sun smiles, looking from above

Dear grandma,

Kind and gentle

I will give you fresh snowdrops.

I remember your warm hands

How the bell rolls

My sister's laughter -

Blue dress, light brown pigtails.

We play merrily and pick flowers in the field.

How great it is - I have you!

I have a girlfriend

The best is the best.

Together in the garden, together at home,

In general - inseparable.

I can’t live a day without you, my friend.

How great it is - I have you!

Happy spring holiday

We congratulate you!

We wish everyone happiness, laughter, joy and health!

May all your dreams come true today.

How great it is that we exist in the world!

After the poems there is a song.


Well, the poems and the penalty are good, but I still won’t give away the flowers... By the way, can you solve riddles?........................ (children’s answers) I have a couple of riddles here for you and your mothers... It’s Babka Yaga and I who tell each other riddles. We are entertaining ourselves, so to speak...

a few tricky riddles

Grandma Dasha has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? How many friends?

The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will these two thermometers show?

Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend?

My father's child is not my brother. Who is this?

There are 8 benches in the park. Three were painted. How many benches are there in the park?

Why does the duck swim? (from the shore)

Born in water and afraid of water?.salt.

These are such easy riddles!


Yes, Kikimora, your riddles are good,

Maybe you can give me a bouquet?


I told you no!

Better yet, tell me - do you like helping mothers and grandmothers?.............

Is this why you go to bed?......

Or maybe I should not sleep at night?......

Or maybe eat cookies in bed?

Or be capricious on Sundays?...................

To do this, throw a candy wrapper on the floor?........................

Should you put your feet on the table during lunch?......

Perhaps there is no need to take off your boots?......


Kikimora, come on, wait, wait!

You're saying everything wrong! To help mothers, we need to sweep or wash the dishes more often. Set the table... Go to bed on time! And our guys are not capricious at all! Right parents? Right guys?

Now we will teach you how to help! Let's hold a competition to see who can sweep up the trash the fastest!

Competition "Notice the trash"

Children are divided into 2 teams - they stand in columns, at the start - they take turns sweeping the “garbage” to the basket, sweeping it onto a dustpan and throwing it into the basket, they run and pass the mop to the next participant.


What a great sweep you did! I see that you are real helpers! And not at all tired? Then sing a song for me... just funny and cheerful!


Let's sing, do you want to listen to a funny song about......?


Wow, of course I want to!


Then a cheerful song sounds for all our guests!



Your song is glorious, your legs are bursting to dance!

Dancing at the end of the music

Can you do that? Like me?

No one in our forest can do it like me!


We definitely don’t know how to do it like you… WE do it better! And our girls prepared a gift for their grandmothers - poetry and dance!

Sit here (to the audience) Kikimora, and watch and listen carefully!

Poems for grandmothers

Don't forget that mom has

I have my own mother.

Why for me

is this my grandmother?

Grandma must lie down

drink coffee and don't know anything.

Well, my grandmother

time is not wasted:

She will wash the dishes

and polish the floors everywhere,

And what kind of pies does she have?

Well, just - wow!

(Extends his hand forward with his thumb raised.)

I'll tell you straight out, friends,

That her profession is a double mother!

Girls’ dance “………………………………………………………………………………..”


What a wonderful dance!

I liked it very much!

I can't say no anymore

Take this, here is your bouquet!


Thank you, Kikimora!

But the guys and I thought, you are also a woman - let this bouquet remain with you! The guys and I congratulate you on March 8th! (hands back the bouquet)


I am a woman? Oh, yes, I’m a woman, and in my swamp I’ve already forgotten that I’m a woman!

(sees spoons)

What is this? Are these spoons? I'll have some lunch! I really respect porridge!

Porridge, porridge - our joy! Is porridge a treat for moms? Where's the porridge? (goes to the children) do you have any porridge? And you? And you? (to moms) maybe you’ve already eaten the porridge?


Kikimora stop!

We don't have any porridge!

You got everything mixed up again!

These spoons are unique!

These are musical spoons!


Don't you eat with these spoons?


These spoons are listening!

Kikimora you are so funny!

Wooden spoons are a musical instrument!

(knocks spoons, Kiki repeats)

Well, guys, come out, take your tools in your hands.

Let's show our talents - what kind of musicians we are!

Playing instruments


Real talents

(to parents)

You have singers, dancers and musicians!

But I have to leave

It was a pleasure to visit!

It was nice for me to be with you

I'm leaving you with flowers!

Congratulations to your moms!

I've already corrected myself

She headed straight into her swamp! Bye!

(goes to the music)


Mom is the most important word!

Mom is the closest and dearest!

Every child on Earth should have a mother!

Both birds and animals also have a mother!

All mothers love their children!

And you, children!

Love your mothers

Love the beautiful and kind,

And just relatives without any fuss,

Love those who are strict and harsh.

Love them just like that

Without any excuse

Without a mother, life is nothing,

And mother is the universe for us!

The song “Mama” from the film is playing. children perform a dance and give gifts to their mothers.

After the presenter announces the end of the holiday, the children go to the group.

Snow Maiden

Oh, how beautiful the Christmas tree is!
And the kids are like pictures!
Well, hello guys-
Snowflakes, Pinocchio!
Oh, smart kids!
Here's another question:
Now come to all of us for a holiday

Who's going to come?

Children Santa Claus!!

Something is not visible, you can’t hear the magic sleigh of Santa Claus. How could he not get lost! Children, let's call him: "Grandfather Frost, ah!"

(Grandfather is not coming)

Oh, guys, look, there’s a letter hanging on the Christmas tree. I wonder who it's from?
(I take the envelope from the tree and read the letter).

"Look under the tree,
Find the bell there
Don't twist, don't twist,
And shake it quietly.
The bell will sing
And he will invite guests to you!
I'm loading a cartload of gifts!
I'll be there soon! Father Frost"
Where is the magic bell? (Children help find him).

We find the bell. Let's call and invite grandfather!!

Santa Claus comes out

Aw! Aww! I'm coming! I'm coming!
I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
Your New Year's guest!
Don't hide your nose from me,
I'm good today!
I remember exactly a year ago
I saw these guys!
The year has flown by like an hour,
I didn't even notice!
Here I am again among you,
Dear children!
Hello kids,
Girls and boys!

Let's sing a song with Grandfather

To the melody of the song "Tell the Snow Maiden" from the film "Well, Just Wait"

Hello, hello, grandfather, Santa Claus!
You live among fir trees and birches!
Please come in, darling,
Let's have fun with you now!

Oh, come on, let's start a friendly dance!

Father Frost
I'm very glad to see you!

Father Frost : Hello everyone! Hello everyone!
I'm very glad to see you!

Kikimora breaks in

I am the forest Kikimora,
I am a business witch!
I love to do dirty tricks;
And the frog and the snake
I'll put it in for lunch
Instead of buns and sweets for you.
I'm glad to ruin the holiday -
Nothing better is needed!

Kikimora runs, shakes her robes, runs up to the children.

Kikim. Finally I have arrived! Finally I found you!


Grandfather. What kind of miracle is this? Sorry, where are you from?

Snow. I’m looking at you for something, but I don’t recognize it!

Kikim. Why am I correcting everything and performing ditties!

I am a forest kikimora,

I love scaring everyone!

But don't be afraid of me, kids,

I won't offend you! Wow!

I dressed up today

I came to your party for the holiday!

I dance and laugh

I want to be the Snow Maiden!

Grandfather . Wait, Kikimora, we already have a Snow Maiden at the holiday. The real one! And we really like it! Really, kids?

Kikim. Is this the Snow Maiden? (Looks around) Well, we were surprised! She is no Snow Maiden! Just think, elegant, shiny...

And what about my outfit? Why is it worse? A? Besides, I can still do magic! Here! Don't believe me? I'll prove it now! .

I will enchant your Christmas tree and blow on its lights!

(Kikimora runs around the tree, blows on it, the tree goes out).

Snegur. What have you done, Kikimora! Why did you enchant the lights?

(He walks around the tree, rubbing his hands, goes behind the tree and lingers there.)

Snegur . Guys! We need to cheer up the kikimora. Then her witchcraft will disappear, true Santa Claus

Grandfather. And we know a funny dance. Let's invite Kikimora to dance with us. Where is she?

All. Kikimora!

Kikim. What's happened? What's happened?(running out from behind the tree).

Snegur. And you can dance a fun dance with the guys, whoever is better and more fun.

Kikim. Oh, it’s as easy as shelling pears, one, two and you’re done!

Snegur . Hey guys, circle wider, let's start three, four

Lavat dance

We dance together, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!
Our cheerful dance is lavata!
Father Frost.
My hands are good, but the kids’ are better.
All the children join hands, walk in a circle again and sing.
Father Frost.
My shoulders are good, but the guys’ are better.
Children grab their neighbors' shoulders and continue walking in a circle.
Father Frost.
My elbows are good, but the guys’ are better.
Children grab their neighbors' elbows and walk in a circle.
Father Frost.
My legs are good, but the kids’ legs are better.
Children put their hands on their neighbors' legs and, bending over, walk in a circle.
Father Frost.
My knees are good, but the boys’ are better.
Children put their hands on their neighbors' knees and move in a circle at a side step.
Father Frost.
My heels are good, but the guys’ heels are better.
Each child tries to grab the neighbors’ heels, but more often than not the circle falls apart.

Kikim. Well, you dance smoothly!
I'll tell you riddles about Frost and Snow Maiden

Answer “yes” or “no”!

Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? (Yes!)
Do you like jokes and gags? (Yes!)
Knows songs and riddles? (Yes!)
Will he eat all your chocolates? (No!)
Will he light the children's Christmas tree? (Yes!)
Wearing shorts and a T-shirt? (No!)
Doesn't his soul age? (Yes!)
Will it warm us up outside? (No!)
Santa Claus is Frost's brother? (Yes!)
Is our birch good? (No!)
New Year getting closer? (Yes!)
Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris? (No!)
Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? (Yes!)
Does he drive a foreign car? (No!)
Wears a cane and a hat? (No!)
Sometimes he looks like his dad? (Yes!)

Snow. The children said everything correctly and danced a round dance. Kikimora, our dear... return the lights to the Christmas tree.

Kikim. I can't!

Grandfather. Why? You cast the spell yourself, cast the spell yourself!

Kikimora. The spell is so complex. To remove it, the guys need to tell her a poem or sing a song.

Children recite poems and sing songs

Snow. Kikimora again you deceived us, the tree did not light up, although the poems were very good!

Kikimora. I can’t cope on my own, I need the kids to helpLet's say together: “One! Two! Three!”
Our Christmas tree, shine!"

We repeat with the children the words the tree does not light up...

Kiki. But everything is clear to me. How can the tree light up if the children don’t know the colors?

Grandfather. How do they not know this?? Our children are already big, everyone knows everything!!

Sn. And you Kikimora check us, we will prove to you that we know all the colors.

Game "Rainbow"

For younger colors Main

Kick. They know all the colors correctly... well, I don’t know then... apparently I’ve lost all my witchcraft power

Sn. I came up with it!! Grandfather Frost, you are our magician, wave your ice staff and the Christmas tree will immediately light up with bright lights.

Grandfather. Well done granddaughter!! Good idea! But I don’t know where he is? Forgot? Got really old!!

Sn. And the kids will help us find him!! Really kids..?

Kik: And I know where he is!! I hid it!

Grandfather: Well, give it back quickly!!

Kik: When was I famous for my good deeds?? I don’t want to ruin my reputation…..but…since it’s New Year…. And I liked the children... I'll tell you (whisper). We will follow the tracks of the animals. Listen to the riddle and run to the answer.

Game "Animal Trail"

(animal toys are placed in the room)

For younger children

A ball of fluff, a long ear, jumps deftly, loves carrots. Come on, guess who it is? (bunny)
Striped babies
I teach how to catch mice.
Of you, little kitten,
It will grow big... (Cat)
Clubbed feet, Sleeps in a den during the winter. Guess, answer, Who is this? (bear)
On a branch there is not a bird, but a small animal, a fur coat as warm as a hot water bottle. Who is this? (squirrel)
Cunning cheat, Red head, Fluffy tail - beauty! Who is this? (fox)
Who walks in the cold forest angry and hungry? (Wolf)

For seniors

Who lives in the deep forest,

Clumsy, clubfooted?

In summer he eats raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)

Taller than a cat,

Lives in a hole in the forest,

Fluffy red tail -

We all know... (Lisa)

What kind of animal is cold in winter?

Walking through the forest hungry?

He looks like a dog

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)

Rushes without looking back

Only the heels sparkle.

He rushes with all his might,

The tail is shorter than the ear./ . (Hare)

The master sewed himself a fur coat,

I forgot to take out the needles. (Hedgehog)

We find the staff

Snow . Hurray, now we can light our Christmas tree!

Grandfather; We'll clap and stomp

Light up our Christmas tree

Clap, clap, say our Christmas tree is burning!! (d. clap)

And the heels will stomp and the lights will turn on (they stomp)

Together! 1 2 3 burn 1 2 3 burn 12 3 burn!!

The Christmas tree lights up. Hurray hurray let's clap and rejoice!

Kikim: Well, here’s a beautiful Christmas tree for you (whining)... and Santa Claus.. and Snow Maiden.. and as always, I’m only good for mischief, now I have nothing to do here (crying)

Sn. Kikimurushka, why are you crying!! (calms). We cast a spell on the Christmas tree, look at the guys who have gathered, we are going to play now, but it will be boring without you, come with us!

Game "Ice figures". (Grandfather presenter)

“The north wind will fly to me, the north wind will spin the snow, I will freeze everyone three by one, the snow figures will freeze in place!”

Grandfather. Well done!! Now fly up like snowflakes

Light fluff

Dance at the Christmas tree

Shine in the lights

Game near the Christmas tree “If you have fun, do this”

Round dance “in the forest there is a kind of Christmas tree” (3 steps in ave. 3 to the left to the center,

Back in a circle.)

Grandfather. Well, it's time for me to get ready,
Let's hit the road!
Sn. All that remains is to give gifts to all the children.
Grandfather. I, cheerful Santa Claus,
I brought gifts for everyone!

Give gifts

Say goodbye


Character (says) Here, put some smart felt boots on your hands

And quickly walk along the path in felt boots

And then don’t yawn and pass it on to someone else.

The character offers to play. The children form into two teams and compete: who is faster, putting felt boots on their hands, and walking them across the floor, running around the Christmas tree.


Children stand in a circle in the center of D.M.

D.M., I am Frost, Frost, Frost, don’t show me your nose.

I’ll dance, I’ll dance, I’ll clap, I’ll stomp, I’ll catch up.

Santa Claus dances and then catches up with the children


D.M. Handles need to be shown how to remove them instantly.

Movements according to the text.

D.M. The ears need to be shown how to close them.

Well, those who didn’t have time sat down on a chair, frozen.

Movements according to the text.

D.M. You need to show your legs, how to blow, run away

Well, those who didn’t have time sat down on a chair, frozen.

Movements according to the text.


Kikimora. I'm Kikimora, I'm a beauty.

I want to play so you will like it.

Look at the frog

To the beauty, my friend

The kikimora walks inside the circle, the children stand in a circle. He stops between two children and pulls out a frog.

Who runs to her first?

He gets the candy.

Don't stand there, hurry up

And then come back here!

Those children between whom the frog runs around the circle and must take the frog.

Whoever took it won.


Children stand in a circle, Baba Yaga walks inside the circle and chooses a friend for herself.

B.Ya. I am Granny, I am Yagusya, and today I am cheerful.

I want to play with you and find a friend.

B.Ya. approaches the child she has chosen.

B.Ya, Will you be friends with me?

Child. Yes!

B.Ya. I will love you (hugs the child),

Now don’t yawn, run away from me!

Baba Yaga catches up with the child. The child runs around the circle and stands in his place if he has time, B. I goes to look again.

If the child answered question B. I do so.

Child. No!

B.Ya. Well then you should drive.


Snowman. A lot of snow fell, it suddenly became white,

The snowflakes flew and landed on the ground.

Children run and squat.

Snowman. I’ll take a broom now and sweep the snow into the snowdrifts.

Scatters the children, they run away.


Children hold a snowball in their palm and show it.

Look at the snowball in your palm, yes, yes, yes.

We'll play a little yes-yes-yes.

Be careful not to be late, I throw, you throw.

They throw at each other.

GAME “Dress up the Christmas tree”

Presenter (speaking)Here are the undecorated Christmas trees standing in the hall today,

They urgently need to be decorated, but we weren’t told what to do.

You will take the pictures and immediately understand everything.

You need to recognize the heroes and dress them up at the signal.

(pictures with characters from the fairy tales “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”.

You can just have heroes: Carlson, Pinocchio, Malvina, etc.

Christmas tree toys are in a common box - turnips, koloboks, honey, candies,

Coins, letters.

You need to take the appropriate character or fairy tale and decorate the Christmas tree.


Children. We will play snowballs, we need to hit the target.

We will compete, who lost, don’t be offended.

The children have snowballs in their hands, the children stand in two columns, the 2 leading children stand facing their team, they catch the snowballs in a bag (a hoop with stretched fabric). Whoever has the most snowballs in the bag wins.

GAME "GNOME" (with an element of creativity)

Children stand in a circle, in the center is a gnome, in his hands is a button. Children holding hands walk in a circle and sing.

Children The gnome came to visit us, the gnome found a button.

Whoever he gives the button will dance for all of us!

The gnome walks to the music inside the circle, choosing who to give the button to. Finds and gives, he himself takes his place. The chosen child comes out and dances, the children clap their hands.

Holiday scenario

"Kikimora's New Year's Tricks"

senior group

To the music, children enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.

Presenter: Tell me guys

What kind of holiday awaits us all?

Answer amicably, loudly:

We are meeting…

Children: New Year!

And again, as nature tells us,

The past year is leaving the planet.

The New Year is in a hurry to replace it.

And the New Year holiday opens!

The cheerful hall shines today,

Sparkles with many lights.

On a noisy New Year's holiday

Welcomes guests!

Christmas tree, we've been waiting for you

Many, many days and nights!

We counted the minutes

To see you soon!

How the needles sparkle

Winter miracle - silver,

How I wrapped your branches

Santa Claus with a snowball!

Like an invisible hand

Someone decorated the Christmas tree

And like Cinderella from a fairy tale

Turned me into a queen!

Happy New Year!

With a song, with a Christmas tree, with a round dance,

With beads, firecrackers,

With new toys!

Presenter: Oh yes tree! Simply amazing!

So elegant and beautiful!

And what is this Christmas tree worth?

Doesn't it light up?

Come on, let's say: “One, two, three, our Christmas tree, burn!”

/repeated several times, lights do not light up/

Presenter: Yes, these are miracles! The beautiful Christmas tree asks us to light its lights differently.

Well, guys, let's fulfill the request of the beautiful Christmas tree!

They pulled their ears down - come on, Christmas tree, light up!

1,2,3,4,5 - we begin to conjure,

They pulled the nose down - come on, Christmas tree, light up!

/repeat with parents, lights come on/

Children perform the round dance song “Beauty Christmas Tree”

After the round dance they sit down in their places.

Presenter: Our children were really looking forward to this holiday, because New Year is the most favorite holiday of all the children.

And now it’s time to listen to the poems they have prepared.


Presenter: Now hurry up and sit down.

On this good New Year

Of course you will be surprised -

A fairy tale will come to visit us.

Child: Imagine, guys, that we are now in the forest.

Here is a winter meadow, here is a Christmas tree in the snow,

Yes, this is it, guys.

The Christmas tree is sad.

Scene "Christmas tree"

Yolochka comes out and sighs.

Christmas tree: I want to tell you

How boring it is to stand here.

All my girlfriends

In Christmas tree toys.

Children are dancing nearby...

And I'm standing alone in the forest. ( Crying)

Presenter. What should we do, what should we do, how should we cheer up the Christmas tree?

The boy hedgehog runs, stops near the Christmas tree and strokes it, calming it down.

Hedgehog: How can that be, this is bad.

We need to come up with something.

Take a quick look:

I'm prickly, just like you.

And my needles

Just like a Christmas tree.

We'll sing and dance,

Celebrate the New Year together!

Presenter. It seems the snowball is creaking,

Is anyone still in a hurry to join us?

A girl squirrel runs and stops near them

Squirrel: Skok-skok-skok,

From branch to branch,

Yes, on a little white snow.

Hello, hedgehog, my friend!

Hedgehog: Hello, neighbor squirrel,

Jump to us quickly from the branch,

You see: a forest Christmas tree

It's boring to stand here alone.

Let's gather the forest people,

Let's celebrate the New Year together.

Presenter. The snow is creaking again

Is anyone still in a hurry to join us?

A bear boy appears

Presenter. Little bear, wow!

I don't understand anything!

Little bear. Even though our rules are strict,

Mom and dad are sleeping in the den,

I won't bother them

I'm going to celebrate the holiday.

I'm rushing to the hedgehog now,

I'll take a little break here.

How can I not make a mistake,

I really want to sleep

(stretches, yawns, squats, hands under cheek)

Presenter. What should we do, what should we do?

How can we wake up Mishka?

(wakes up Mishka)

Misha, look at Misha,

The bunny is jumping ahead!

The hare comes out

Hare: Hello, Misha, it’s just

I was in a hurry to see you now.

On a visit to the forest Christmas tree

We gathered in a crowd.

Little bear. Well, then I won't sleep,

Let's decorate the Christmas tree.

Where can we get toys?

The fox runs out with a basket

Fox. Right here.

I brought them now.

(shows toys)

There are firecrackers, confetti,

Beads, rain and balls.

The Christmas tree will be amazing

And elegant and beautiful.

The fox gives the Christmas tree a basket of toys.

Fox. Let's get together, friends, we're together

The celebration will last until the morning.

Let's sing and have fun,

Don't be bored, kids!

Hare. Play leapfrog and hide and seek,

Cat and mouse, catch up.

We'll have fireworks

This holiday is the best!

Christmas tree. Thank you, my friends! Now I will be dressed up!

Presenter. Our fairy tale has ended and now from all sides

There was applause, everyone came out to bow.

The animals walk around the Christmas tree in a round dance, then bow and sit on the chairs

Presenter: Guys, we have a beautiful, elegant Christmas tree, but the Snow Maiden has been missing for a long time.

She probably can't get through to ours. kindergarten, so much snow!

And I know who can help us, I know snowmen.

Hey, snowmen, hurry up, come out here boldly!

Take your shovels and shovel the snow from the paths!

Boys perform the “Snowmen” dance (with shovels)

Presenter: Guys, it seemed to me that the tree was swaying,

Someone is coming here to celebrate the New Year with us

Music sounds and the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Presenter: Hello, dear Snow Maiden, we are so glad to see you visiting us.

SNOW MAIDEN: Hello children! (children answer)

Hello, guests! (guests answer)

I came to you from a winter fairy tale,

And the blizzard sewed me an outfit.

My friends are blizzard and frost,

And the snowy wind is the big brother.

Happy New Year to everyone,

I wish you health and joy!

Children come out:

Hello. Snow Maiden, dear shy girl!
You brought us the New Year again.
Let only the good in it be remembered,
Let the evil certainly go away.

2. Hello, Snow Maiden, bright sun!
I came to the holiday at the Christmas tree again,
Blue eyes and a beautiful smile
She brought it to us along with gifts.

3. It became noisy and fun at the Christmas tree,
Together we dance around,
We are a bright New Year's song
Here we will sing together with the Snow Maiden.

Children stand in a semicircle in front of the Christmas tree and sing the song “At the Snow Maiden’s, at ours.”

Presenter: We are very glad to see you, Snow Maiden, look how beautiful our Christmas tree is.

Child: A Christmas tree grew in the forest on the mountain,

She has silver needles in winter,

The pieces of ice are knocking on her cones,

A snow coat lies on your shoulders!

They invited me to visit you,

The children decorated the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Your Christmas tree is amazing and elegant and beautiful to everyone,

Well, the beads on it danced more merrily!

Girls perform the dance “Beautiful Beads”

Presenter: Snow Maiden, why is Grandfather Frost still missing?

it's time for us to call him.

Snow Maiden: And that's true. Grandfather Frost, hey, can you hear me calling you!

Music sounds, Kikimora appears in the hall and dances.

Stops near the Christmas tree.

Kikimora: What else is that sticking out here?!

/grabs a twig/

Oh oh oh! Feisty, prickly, harmful! Like me!

Presenter: This is what happened, on New Year's Day we were waiting for Santa Claus, and for some reason Kikimora came to us.

Kikimora, first we should say hello! See, we have an audience here!

/points to children and guests/

Kikimora: I don't see any bagel!

Snow Maiden: Not the bagel, but the audience!

Kikimora: I would have said so right away! Well, hello, girls are spinners and boys are stumps. Why did you sit near the tree?

Snow Maiden: We have gathered here to celebrate the New Year - the best, most desired, most joyful holiday!

Kikimora (enthusiastically): Holiday! New Year! With songs?

Snow Maiden: With songs!

Kikimora. With dancing?

Snow Maiden: Happy dancing!

Kikimora. With gifts?

Snow Maiden: With gifts!

Kikimora. I want gifts too!

Snow Maiden: And our guys also want to receive gifts from Santa Claus. What's a holiday without it?

Kikimora(grabs his heart): For me it's just a thorn in the heart,

Why are you all just waiting for Santa Claus!

So you're not waiting for me? (children: No!)

/runs around the tree/

Ahh, do you want New Year? Gifts? Are you waiting for Santa Claus?


But in vain! After all, you, the kind and good Kikimora, don’t invite me every year?... That’s right, you kick me out!... And what gifts do you give me?... That’s right, you don’t give me! Do you think I will tolerate this?! Nope! / wags a finger/ I'll conjure this for you!/ scratches his head, thinks) Wow! I can’t even wait to show you what I can conjure / rubs his hands/.

Presenter: Don't believe Kikimore, children!

Don't listen to these fairy tales!

We will continue the holiday

Celebrate the New Year with you.

Kikimora: Quietly, quietly, I screamed!

Let me sleep, even just a little.

I - Kikimora - longing, I’ll sit here for now!

/sits down on the music director’s chair,

freely tucking one leg under himself, spinning on it/

Presenter (perplexed): Are we having a holiday or what?

We can't live without music!

Kikimora: Well, what do I care?

I turned the one that was sitting here into a rattle,

/takes out and shakes his finger at a large maracas, which is decorated to resemble the face of the music director /

Don't make any noise!

/gets up and shows everyone/

Presenter (takes the maracas from Kikimora, looks at it herself, shows everyone).

What is this? It's scary!

This is our Albina Rustamovna!

Kikimora: She's a beauty! She!

And I’m no longer afraid!

/takes the maracas from the hands of the Host/

Until the cheerful music starts playing, I, Kikimore - Tosca, have nothing to fear! And everything will be quiet! And everything will be calm, like in my swamp! And Santa Claus will not come to you! He won't bring you any gifts!

/yawns, plops down on a chair, puts his hands and head on the keys, “falls asleep”, snores/

Presenter (indignantly): Well, I do not! This should not happen! Now we'll have such fun that Kikimore never dreamed of! /lowering his voice and addressing the children/

We just have to, guys, outwit her! Because Kikimora guards the music center and the piano, and without them there will be no music... And we will not be able to disenchant our “Albina Rustamovna”. Let's try to outsmart Kikimora? (Yes!) Only you help me!

/deliberately addresses Kikimora/

Hey Kikimora! Go put our guys to sleep, otherwise they are really tired, worn out, poor things!

Kikimora (enthusiastically).

That's right! What a deal! And then they started singing and dancing!

/walks around the hall, makes passes with his hands/

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word! Don't lie on the edge! Sleep! Sleep! /to parents/ Why aren’t you sleeping?! Everyone go to sleep! / the children “fall asleep”, resting their heads on the neighbor’s shoulder, Kikimora rejoices, rubs his palms, sits on a chair near the Christmas tree and also “falls asleep.” The presenter carefully approaches the piano and plays

Music Supervisor: Thank you, friends! You have disenchanted me!

Let's continue the holiday, have fun, dance!

Kikimora (covers ears).

Well, I'll show you! Well, I'll take revenge on you! I'll steal gifts from Santa Claus for you!

Runs away from the hall

Presenter: Well, Kikimora, well, scared us. Grandfather Frost was here, he didn’t let her do such mischief! Snow Maiden, let's call grandpa again.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is a prankster

Come soon to the holiday!

You guys, help, call Grandfather Frost with me!

The children call Santa Claus.

Music sounds and Santa Claus comes in.

Father Frost: Hello guys! Hello, guests!

I wish you success, health and strength!

I was in a hurry to get to you guys!

Even on the way I fell into a ravine.

But it seems that he came to visit on time!

Snow Maiden: We've been waiting for you, Grandfather Frost! Kikimora came to us and wanted to ruin our holiday, but we were able to outwit her!

Father Frost: Kikimora, if only I could catch her!

Don't be afraid of anything, children, but rather join in the round dance,

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

ROUND DANCE “Oh, the best!”

Father Frost: And now, my friends, I will transform you!

Help me with the staff, and the guys will have fun!

Game at the Christmas tree with Santa Claus “Magic Staff”

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, and our guys can also do transformations.

Children: One-two, turn around (Santa Claus turns around)

And turn into a dancer!

Father Frost: I can’t resist, my legs are asking to dance! Come on, Snow Maiden, let's dance!

Dance of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. After the dance they sit on chairs.

Father Frost: Oh, and I danced! Tired!

Presenter: Let's sit down and relax!

And we’ll read poetry to you!

Reading poems for Santa Claus

Presenter: Grandfather, you liked our poems. (Yes!)

And look, our guests are bored,

Their legs haven't danced for a long time.

Child: Come on, guests, come out and dance with us!

Children perform the “Heel and Toe” dance with the audience.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden praise children and parents.

The presenter /asks the children/:

Did Santa Claus play with the children?

Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

Did you sing songs?

Did you make the kids laugh?

What did Grandfather forget?

Children. Present!

Father Frost: Santa Claus walked through the forest,

I brought you gifts, friends.

The blizzard howled, the snow swirled,

I dropped the gifts...

Ice flakes, snowflakes,

Icicles, snowball!

Come back to this room

My magic bag!

/Sack enters to the music/

Presenter: Look, kids,

The bag is coming to us here!

Snow Maiden: And under the bright fabric there are gifts for children!

/Santa Claus opens the bag - there is Kikimora chewing candy/

Presenter: Look, guys, Kikimora ate all the candies!

Kikimora: Yes! Ate it!

Santa Claus (surprised): Something is wrong here... She couldn't eat all the candy!

Kikimora: But I could, it was very tasty!

Father Frost: /menacingly Kikimore/ And I’ll take my staff, and right away I’ll knock!

I’ll freeze you, tell me, where are the gifts?

Kikimora: Oh, don’t freeze me, Grandpa Morozulechka!

I understand everything, I understand everything!

I behaved badly.

I'll stop being cunning.

And please forgive me!

After all, today is New Year!

He brings good things with him!

Father Frost: I'm angry with you! /to children/ It's up to you to decide: we're sorry, friends!

/children answer: Sorry/

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, we will forgive Kikimora, we will forgive her, just let her return the gifts for the guys!

Kikimora: Well, you see, I forgot where I hid it!

Presenter: How did you forget?

Kikimora: Grandfather Frost, perhaps

Will music help us?

If it sounds loud -

Your bag is nearby!

Father Frost: Well, I'll try to search,

And you will help me!

/ New Year's music begins to play quietly, gradually increasing the sound. Santa Claus and Kikimora approach the children, then the parents and, finally, the Christmas tree/

Kikimora: Santa Claus! Hooray!

I found your bag!

The music sounds loud

Your bag is nearby!

/they take out a bag from under the Christmas tree/

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, help me untie the bag!

Snow Maiden: That's the knot... Uh-huh!

I can't untie it!

Presenter: Come on, let's all clap together!

Let's stomp our feet!

The knots were all untied and we got the gifts!

/Father Frost gives out gifts, Snow Maiden gives him gifts/

Father Frost: We haven’t forgotten anyone, have we received all the gifts?

Now it's time to go, goodbye kids!

Snow Maiden, Father Frost and Kikimora once again wish everyone a Happy New Year,

they say goodbye and leave.

The presenter says that the holiday is over, the children leave the hall

The children leave the hall to the music.


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