Transnational company Lukoil. Who owns Lukoil? Russian oil company PJSC Lukoil. Lukoil in faces

On November 25, 1991, Decree of the Government of the RSFSR No. 18 was issued on the creation of the LangepasUrayKogalymneft oil concern, which was subsequently transformed into Open joint-stock company"Oil company" Lukoil ".

The name LUKOIL is formed from the initial letters of the names of the cities of Langepas, Uray and Kogalym, where the main oil producing enterprises that are part of the Company are located. This name was proposed by Ravil Maganov, who at that time was the general director of the Langepasneftegaz enterprise.

About company

  • 1.0% of global oil reserves and 2.2% of global oil production
  • 17.8% of all-Russian oil production and 18.2% of all-Russian oil refining
  • No. 3 among the world's largest private oil companies in terms of proved hydrocarbon reserves
  • company No. 6 among the world's largest private oil companies in terms of hydrocarbon production
  • the largest Russian oil business group with over $100 billion in revenue and over $9 billion in net profit.
  • a company whose shares are the second-largest in terms of trading volume among shares foreign companies traded on the London Stock Exchange (IOB), according to the results of 2010.
  • leader among Russian companies on information openness and transparency. The first Russian company to receive a full listing on the London Stock Exchange
  • the only privately owned Russian oil company whose equity is dominated by minority shareholders
  • Russia's largest taxpayer. The total amount of taxes paid in 2010 is $30.2 billion.
  • Graifer Valery Isaakovich - Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Alekperov Vagit Yusufovich - Member of the Board of Directors, President of OAO "LUKOIL"
  • Blazheev Viktor Vladimirovich - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "LUKOIL", Rector of the Moscow State Law Academy
  • Gref German Oskarovich - Member of the Board of Directors of OAO LUKOIL, President, Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank of Russia
  • Ivanov Igor Sergeevich - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "LUKOIL", Professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations
  • Maganov Ravil Ulfatovich - Member of the Board of Directors, First Executive Vice President of OAO "LUKOIL"
  • Matzke Richard Herman - Member of the Board of Directors, Former Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chevron Corporation, ChevronTexaco Corporation
  • Mikhailov Sergey Anatolyevich - Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy General Director of LLC Management Company"Capital"
  • Mobius Mark - Member of the Board of Directors, Executive President of Templeton Emerging Markets Group
  • Moscato Guglielmo Antonio Claudio - Member of the Board of Directors, General Director of Gas Mediterraneo & Petrolio
  • Shokhin Alexander Nikolaevich - Member of the Board of Directors, President Russian Union industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers)

Governing body

  • Alekperov Vagit Yusufovich - President of the Company
  • Kukura Sergey Petrovich - First Vice President (Economics and Finance)
  • Maganov Ravil Ulfatovich - First Executive Vice President (Exploration and Production)
  • Nekrasov Vladimir Ivanovich - First Vice President (refining and marketing)
  • Barkov Anatoly Alexandrovich - Vice President, Head of the Main Directorate for General Affairs, Corporate Security and Communications
  • Vorobyov Vadim Nikolaevich - Vice-President - Head of the Main Directorate for Coordinating the Sales of Petroleum Products
  • Malyukov Sergey Nikolaevich - Head of the Main Department for Control, Internal Audit and Risk Management
  • Maslyaev Ivan Alekseevich - Head of the Main Department of Legal Support
  • Matytsyn Alexander Kuzmich - Vice President, Head of the Main Department of Treasury and Corporate Finance
  • Moskalenko Anatoly Alekseevich - Head of the Main Department for Personnel
  • Mulyak Vladimir Vitalievich - Vice-President, Head of the Main Directorate for Oil and Gas Production
  • Subbotin Valery Sergeevich - Vice President, Head of the Main Supply and Sales Department
  • Fedotov Gennady - Vice President - Head of the Main Department of Economics and Planning
  • Fedun Leonid Arnoldovich - Vice President, Head of the Main Directorate strategic development and investment analysis
  • Khavkin Evgeny Leonidovich - Secretary of the Board of Directors - Chief of Staff of the Board of Directors
  • Khoba Lyubov Nikolaevna - Chief Accountant


Oil and gas production

Oil and gas reserves

In terms of proved hydrocarbon reserves, the LUKOIL Group continues to be one of the leaders among Russian and international companies. The proven reserves of the current hydrocarbon production of the LUKOIL Group amount to almost 21 years. For oil, this figure is 19 years, for gas - 31.

Resource base characteristics

As of January 1, 2011, the Company's proven hydrocarbon reserves amounted to 17.255 billion barrels. n. e., including 13.319 billion barrels. oil and 23.615 trillion cubic feet of gas.

The bulk of the Company's proven oil reserves are located in Western Siberia, the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province and the Cis-Urals. The bulk of proven gas reserves are located in the Bolshekhetskaya depression, Uzbekistan and the Caspian region.

60% of the Company's proved reserves are classified as "developed" (including 66% of oil reserves and 38% of gas reserves). This reserve structure reflects the Company's high potential to increase production in the medium term, and in particular gas production.

The majority of the Company's proven reserves are conventional reserves. Only about 4% of the Group's proven hydrocarbon reserves are in high-viscosity oil and 4% in offshore fields. This structure allows the Company to effectively control the cost of developing reserves and quickly bring new fields into production.


Organizations of the LUKOIL Group in 11 countries of the world carry out geological exploration work, the main task of which is to replenish hydrocarbon production with reserves and prepare the raw material base for organizing production and ensuring its accelerated growth in promising regions both in Russia and abroad (Timano- Pechora, Northern Caspian, Bolshekhetskaya depression, Ghana). When carrying out geological exploration work, the Company pays Special attention the use of modern technologies, which can significantly increase the efficiency of geological exploration.

The main volumes of exploration work for oil and gas were concentrated in the regions of Western Siberia, the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province and on international projects. The largest prospecting projects are additional exploration of the Central Astrakhan gas condensate field, prospecting work in the Caspian Sea to assess the prospects for oil and gas potential of the Neocomian deposits of the Rakushechnoye field and the Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic deposits at the Ukatnaya structure.

In 2010, in order to identify and detail structures, as well as to prepare for the placement of prospecting and exploration wells at promising sites, the Company significantly increased the volume of 2D seismic surveys, which amounted to 6,178 km compared to 2,446 km in 2009. 17% of the work fell on international projects due to the expansion of the Company's activities abroad. The volume of 3D seismic surveys also increased and reached 5,840 km2, with 30% of the work accounted for by international projects. In recent years, the quality of such work, the speed of processing and interpreting data have grown. This is primarily due to the introduction of the latest information technologies. Due to the high quality of seismic exploration, the success rate of exploration drilling in the Group consistently exceeds 70%.

The volume of electrical exploration amounted to 793 km. Vertical seismic profiling, which allows detailing the geological structure around the already drilled well, was performed on 8 wells. Penetration in exploration drilling in 2010 amounted to 118.8 thousand m. The efficiency of exploration work amounted to 1,143 tce. tons per meter of penetration in drilling. In 2010, 32 exploration wells were completed, of which 22 were productive.

In 2010, 6 fields were discovered (Olginskoye in Tatarstan, Dulepovskoye in the Perm Territory, Southeast Kyzylbayrak and West Aralskoye in Uzbekistan, Arcadia in Egypt and Dzata in Ghana), as well as 25 new oil deposits at fields in Western Siberia and the Perm Territory .

Increase in proved reserves under SEC standards as a result of geological exploration and production additional information during production drilling amounted to 625 million barrels. n. e. The main organic increase in proved oil reserves was obtained in Western Siberia (68% of the total increase) and in the Komi Republic (12% of the total increase). In 2010, the LUKOIL Group spent $435 million on exploration work.

In 2010, exploration drilling in Russia amounted to 102,000 m, 2D seismic work – 5,076 km, 3D seismic work – 4,116 km2. Exploration costs amounted to $236 million.

International projects

The main task of geological exploration work carried out abroad is the preparation of a resource base for the speedy organization of production. In 2010, exploratory drilling for projects in which the Group participates amounted to 17.3 thousand meters. The Company's share in 2D seismic surveys under international projects amounted to 1,102 km, 3D – 1,724 km2. Exploration costs amounted to $199 million.

As of the end of 2010, the LUKOIL Group was carrying out geological exploration work in 9 countries of the world outside of Russia - in Colombia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Egypt, Venezuela and was preparing for production in Iraq.

Oil production

Oil production by the LUKOIL group in Russia in 2010 amounted to 89,767 thousand tons, including 89,431 thousand tons produced by subsidiaries.

In 2010, subsidiaries and affiliates of OAO LUKOIL produced hydrocarbons in Russia at 355 fields. Development drilling volumes in Russia slightly decreased and amounted to 2,286 thousand meters. At the end of 2010, the operating well stock amounted to 28.61 thousand wells, including 24.42 thousand producing wells.

For the period January-December 2017, oil production in Russia:

  • Rosneft - 210.8 million tons (-0.3%),
  • Lukoil - 82.2 million tons (-1.6%),
  • Surgutneftegaz - 60.5 million tons (-2.1%),
  • Gazprom Neft - 59.9 million tons (+3.8%),
  • Tatneft - 28.9 million tons (+0.9%),
  • Novatek - 11.8 million tons (-5.5%),
  • Bashneft - 10.4 million tons (-3.4%),
  • RussNeft - 7.0 million tons (+0.2%),
  • Neftegazholding - 2.1 million tons (-7.5%).

International projects

Oil production under international projects in the share of the LUKOIL Group amounted to 6,225 thousand tons, which is 8.3% more than in 2009. The growth in production volumes was mainly provided by the Tengiz and Northern Buzachi projects in Kazakhstan, South-West Gissar in Uzbekistan and Shah Deniz in Azerbaijan.

Production drilling meterage under the Company's international projects increased by 25.6% compared to 2009 and amounted to 446,000 meters. oil wells increased by 14.2% and amounted to 1,738 wells, the stock of producing wells - 1,583. 279 new production wells were put into operation under international projects in which the Group participates.

Gas production

Commercial gas production in Russia in 2010 amounted to 13,635 million m3, which is 27.9% more than in 2009. Operating fund gas wells Companies in Russia at the end of 2010 amounted to 306 wells, the stock of wells producing products - 213.

The bulk of the booty natural gas in Russia (more than 90%) was provided by the Nakhodka field of the Bolshekhetskaya depression. In 2010, it produced 8.2 billion m3 of natural gas, which is 37.1% more than in 2009 as a result of increased gas purchases from OAO Gazprom.

The history of LUKOIL is just over a quarter of a century long - it is the 90s, it is the acquisitions of the 2000s, it is today's 1% of the world's proven oil reserves, 2% of the world's oil production and 2% of the world's oil refining.

reference Information

  • Company name: PJSC LUKOIL.
  • Legal form activities: Public Joint Stock Company.
  • Kind of activity: oil and natural gas exploration and production operations, production and sale of petroleum products.
  • Revenue for 2016: 4743.7 billion rubles.
  • Beneficiaries: 50% of the company is owned by foreign investors, according to Alekperov at the international economic forum in St. Petersburg.
  • Number of staff: 105.5 thousand people
  • The site of the company:
  • Pages in social networks:

Every day, millions of consumers from one hundred countries of the world use products, energy and heat produced by one of the largest public vertically integrated oil and gas companies in the world, PJSC LUKOIL. The enterprises of this oil and gas holding produce more than 2% of the world's oil. The company controls the entire production chain, from oil and gas production to the sale of petroleum products.

The history of LUKOIL is in many ways similar to how other domestic oil giants appeared and gained momentum.

through the pages of history

LUKOIL is almost a tenth of the oil industry Soviet Union. The structure of the industry was once determined by B. Yeltsin, who specifically for this purpose issued a corresponding decree in 1992, according to which Rosneft was assigned the role of the largest player, and private traders, such as Lukoil, Surnutneftegaz and Yukos, must compete .

A little later, in an interview, he spoke about his proposal at the beginning of 1990 to create his own company as a huge corporation on the basis of the USSR Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry, similar to the Gazprom concern created by Chernomyrdin.

Only now the "oil Gazprom" did not work out. Officials of different ministries failed to agree among themselves.

And then the oil concern "LANGEPASURAYKOGALYMNEFT" ("LUKOIL") was created, the Decree of the Government of the RSFSR No. 18 on the formation of which was issued on November 25, 1991, which united three oil producing enterprises from Kogalym, Langepas and Urai, as well as several oil refineries, including Perm and Volgograd.

The initial letters of the names of the cities Langepas, Uray and Kogalym gave the company the name that the whole world knows today. Once it was proposed by Ravil Maganov, general manager Langepasneftegaz.

It was not easy for Alekperov to create an independent oil structure, it was not without resistance.

“Then I was sharply criticized in various instances for “destroying the industry”. But we persevered." (V. Alekperov).

It must be said that the list of enterprises, from the blocks of shares of which authorized capital of a new joint-stock company, was also determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 1403 dated November 17, 1992).

A year of work - and LUKOIL, whose oil production level reached 1.14 million barrels per day, is already in the top three world leaders in oil production after Shell and British Petroleum.

According to a government document, it is now called the open joint-stock company Oil Company LUKOIL, and Vagit Alekperov is appointed its President and Chairman of the Board of Directors.

LUKOIL became the first domestic oil company to start developing a single share. It was 1995. The transition took place two years later.

The company is actively expanding the geography of its presence, including international expansion. This:

  • in 1995

    partnership with ARCO (USA);

    international projects Kumkol (Kazakhstan) and Meleya (Egypt);

  • in 1996

    international gas project Shah Deniz (Azerbaijan);

  • in 1997

    international projects in Kazakhstan: development of the Karachaganak gas and gas condensate field in the Tengiz project;

    the West Qurna-2 project (Iraq) (was frozen in 2002 and resumed in 2010);

  • in 1998

    Refinery "Petrotel" (Romania);

    the Romanian Petrotel refinery in Ploiesti;

  • in 1999

    Odessa Oil Refinery;

    petrochemical enterprises"Saratovorgsintez", "Stavrolen";

    Refinery "Neftohim" in Burgas (Bulgaria);

  • in 2000

    the beginning of the development of the Caspian - a Russian offshore project;

  • in 2002

    joint exploration and production of oil in the promising Condor block (Llanos basin, Colombia) with the Colombian national oil and gas company Ecopetrol;

    participation in the WEEM concession in Egypt;

  • in 2003

    the onshore Anaran project in Iran jointly with the Norwegian company Norsk Hydro;

  • in 2005

    Naryanmarneftegaz is a joint project between Lukoil and ConocoPhillips;

    LUKOIL (LSE: LKOD) and ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP) announce the creation of a large-scale strategic alliance, within which ConocoPhillips will become a strategic investor in the capital of LUKOIL (news from

  • in 2006

    participation in the exploration, development and production of hydrocarbons at an ultra-deepwater block near the recently discovered Baobab oil field, the largest in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire;

  • in 2008

    joint venture with the Italian company ERG S.p.A. for the management of a large oil refinery complex ISAB.

One of the first Russian companies, LUKOIL places on international market American Depository Receipts (ADRs), which have been traded on stock exchanges in Germany and on the US over-the-counter market since 1996. The Bank of New York acted as the depositary bank. At the very first placement in 1997 on the MICEX and RTS, the shares of AO LUKOIL were immediately included in the first-level quotation list; moreover, they are considered one of the oldest instruments on the Russian stock market. And with the implementation of the international audit of reserves, LUKOIL is resolutely promoting its shares on the world stock market.

At the turn of the century, an event takes place, which means the unconditional global recognition of the company - entry into the annual rating largest companies world Fortune Global 500.

World standard products

At the same time engine oils of the new generation, LUKOIL-Lux and LUKOIL-Synthetic received the API (American Petroleum Institute) mark for the first time, which means that they are recognized as products certified and licensed according to international standards.

At the beginning of the new century, LUKOIL was the first Russian oil company to start large-scale production of LUKOIL Euro-4 diesel fuel and put it on sale. After 10 years, in 2012, he stops it, because all LUKOIL refineries in Russia are switching to production motor gasoline, corresponding only to the Euro 5 class (AI-92, AI-95, AI-98). This became possible thanks to the implementation of a large-scale program for the modernization of oil refineries, which the company is actively implementing.

Energy assets of the company

With the acquisition of energy assets (95.53% stake in OAO YuGK TGK-8, with electric and thermal stations located in the Republic of Dagestan, Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, in the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Rostov Regions) from an oil and gas company, a financial and industrial group (FIG) LUKOIL is transforming into an energy holding.

Source: company website

LUKOIL today

The main activity of the holding is the search and development of oil fields. In addition, it includes refineries that produce a wide range of petroleum products. The concern also has its own energy assets


  • enterprises on four continents, in more than 30 countries and in more than 60 subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • exploration and production in 12 countries, mainly Russia, Central Asia and the Middle East;
  • refineries and petrochemical plants in Russia and four European countries;
  • production of high quality oils in six countries;
  • developed gas station network in 18 countries of the world;
  • ship bunkering infrastructure in four countries;
  • air refueling complexes at the airports of 30 Russian cities;
  • generating and distribution capacities in the south of Russia, in Bulgaria and Romania, gas-fired power plants and renewable energy facilities.

LUKOIL today is:

  • 1% of the world and 12% of all-Russian proven oil reserves;
  • 2% of world and 15% of all-Russian oil production;
  • 2% of the world and 15% of the all-Russian oil refining.

If we talk about the main activities of one of the largest domestic oil and gas holdings:

Exploration and production

Oil and gas production is carried out by the company in 6 countries of the world. But the main activity is concentrated in the Russian regions: Nenets, Yamal-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous regions, Republics of Komi, Tatarstan, Kalmykia, Astrakhan, Volgograd and Kaliningrad regions and Perm region.

Source: company website

Processing, marketing and trade

The company's refineries operate in Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and Ukhta, in European countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Romania) and in the Netherlands (45% share). Their total capacity is more than 80 million tons per month.

Rice. 2. Oil refineries of the LUKOIL group (map)

It produces high-quality petroleum products, petrochemicals and gas processing products, which are sold in 18 countries around the world.

Source: company website

PJSC LUKOIL is also the implementation of key projects in order to increase production volumes. As a rule, they are associated not only with the development of new fields, but also with more intensive production at the former ones with the introduction of new modern technologies. So, projects of strategic importance:

Other productions

For the third year since the commissioning of the GOK (130 km from Arkhangelsk) at the diamond deposit named after. V. Grib continues to be mined.

Ukrainian question

In April 2015, LUKOIL announced the closing of the transaction for the sale of Lukoil-Ukraine between subsidiary OAO Lukoil Europe Holdings BV in the Russian Federation and the Austrian AMIC Energy Management GmbH. It was about almost 240 filling stations and six oil depots in Ukraine. The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine gave its permission, and now Lukoil-Ukraine is officially called AMIC-Ukraine.

Social projects

  • since 2000, PJSC LUKOIL has been the general sponsor of one of the most popular Russian football clubs, Spartak-Moscow, whose board of directors includes Sergei Anatolyevich Mikhailov, a member of the board of directors of Lukoil;
  • from the 2011-2012 season - women's volleyball club "Dynamo", Krasnodar;
  • Since 2011, City of a Fairy Tale has been "opening" the city of Nizhny Novgorod for citizens and guests with the help of bright and positive drawings on the walls of houses;
  • Formula Student is an international project aimed at creating and developing the racing car industry;
  • “Your profession is your choice!”, aimed at introducing orphans to the basics of creative and media professions;
  • « Sea vessels be!" in Kaliningrad allowed the construction of an analogue of the old fishing sailing vessel kurenas, which was widely used in the 14th-15th centuries.

And there are many such projects. A competition of social and cultural projects, annually organized by PJSC LUKOIL, became a laureate of the first National Program "Best social projects Russia".

Financial performance indicators of LUKOIL

The company continues to demonstrate effectiveness in the implementation of strategic important projects. At the same time, it maintains sufficiently high financial stability and demonstrates sufficient flexibility, while not losing control over operational and financial factors and risks of paramount importance in a difficult macroeconomic environment. This only confirms the correctness of the chosen business model and management system.

Modern technologies, standardization production processes and other initiatives have resulted in a containment of upstream operating costs and a reduction in refining operating costs. Reductions in capital costs have not prevented the full financing of the most important projects.

The implementation of a conservative oil price scenario and effective control over costs and working capital had a positive impact on financial stability companies.

Date of registration of the operator in the register: 09.06.2008

Grounds for entering the operator in the register (order number): 424

Operator location address: Sretensky boulevard, 11, Moscow, 101000

Start date of personal data processing: 01.12.2007

Subjects of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the processing of personal data takes place: Moscow

Purpose of personal data processing: - compliance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, fulfillment of contractual obligations, personnel office work- assessment of knowledge, education, training and development of personnel, - provision of social benefits and guarantees for employees of OAO "LUKOIL" and their families, - organization of non-state pension provision, - mobilization accounting, - calculation and calculation of wages under employment contracts, - operational resolving issues related to supporting the relationship of a foreign individual with OAO "LUKOIL" as a member of the Board of Directors of OAO "LUKOIL", - calculation and accrual of dividends, - conclusion and execution of employment contracts, civil law contracts with individuals and legal entities, - to calculate payments on non-convertible documentary exchange-traded bonds of OAO "LUKOIL", - to compile a list of persons included in the group of persons of OAO "LUKOIL", - to make payments under executive documents, - lump sum payments former employees, employees of subsidiaries, family members, - calculation of tax deductions, - preparation of reports or preparation of statements, notifications provided for by law, etc. to the Pension Fund Russian Federation, tax office other government bodies and service, responses to notaries, - compliance with antitrust laws, - protection of rights and legitimate interests Companies, organizations of the LUKOIL Group and their officials in courts, dispute resolution bodies, administrative bodies, - conducting legal due diligence of draft documents, - preparing powers of attorney issued to employees of LUKOIL Group entities, other organizations and individuals, - classifying transactions as major, related-party transactions and the procedure for concluding them , - confirmation of the powers of the governing bodies (constituent documents) and individuals signing contracts, - carrying out work on the selection of suppliers and contractors by subsidiaries, - studying market conditions- formation of marketing forecasts, - issuance of invitations to enter a foreign country for visa processing, hotel reservations, - participation in conferences, training activities and seminars, - conclusion and execution of export contracts for the supply of petroleum products, - control and audits organizations of the LUKOIL Group, - ensuring the rights and freedoms of employees of OAO "LUKOIL", third parties visiting the administrative buildings of OAO "LUKOIL", - ensuring the personal safety of employees of OAO "LUKOIL", as well as employees of other organizations, - ensuring the safety of property, - implementation of access and intra-object regimes in the administrative buildings of OAO "LUKOIL".

Description of the measures provided for by Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: A person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data (hereinafter also PD) was appointed, the consent of employees and other persons to the processing of their PD was collected, local acts on the processing of PD were issued, incl. Regulations on the processing of personal data, the employees involved in the processing of personal data are familiarized with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, employees are trained to ensure information security, a periodic audit of the compliance of the processing of personal data with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations, technical measures have been taken to ensure the security of information systems containing personal data, incl. protection against unauthorized physical access to information, password protection of computers and servers with personal data, use of a password system when working on the network.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, ID document number, date and place of issue, name of the issuing authority document. Place of registration and place of residence. Home and / or other contact phone number. Family composition. Working email. Image (photo) of a face. Information about labor activity. TIN. SNILS. Trade union ID number and date of entry/exit to/from the trade union. Degree of possession foreign languages. The presence of state, departmental awards and awards of OAO "LUKOIL", incentives. Membership status. Information about military registration. Information about the availability of access to information constituting a state secret. Information on bank accounts to which OAO "LUKOIL" transfers Money. Information about wages under employment contracts and the amount of accruals under civil law contracts. Information on income and expenses received/incurred in connection with the performance of the functions of members of the Board of Directors of OAO "LUKOIL". The amount of dividends of the shareholder (or his heir), the number of shares of the shareholder (or his heir). Information about membership in a self-regulatory organization of appraisers, information about appraiser's civil liability insurance. Information about preferences in choosing the number of accommodation and the language of the information materials of the seminar.

Categories of subjects whose personal data are processed: employees who are members of OAO "LUKOIL" in labor relations, subjects that are the second party to civil law contracts, subjects whose personal data processing is related to the fulfillment of the terms of concluded contracts, potential counterparties, candidates considered for concluding employment contracts, subjects who have submitted requests, letters, persons performing the functions of sole proprietors executive bodies companies included in the group of persons of OAO "LUKOIL", relatives of employees of OAO "LUKOIL", shareholders and relatives of these shareholders, lawyers, notaries, members of the Board of Directors of OAO "LUKOIL" and their relatives, entities that have entered into employment contracts or civil law contracts in subsidiaries of OAO "LUKOIL".

List of actions with personal data: by collecting, systematizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, changing), using, distributing (in terms of transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction. The processing of personal data in accordance with paragraph 1 of the Regulations on the features of the processing of personal data carried out without the use of automation tools, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2008 No. 687, is carried out without the use of automation tools.

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, art. 86-90 Labor Code Russian Federation, federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data". Federal Law No. 208-FZ of December 26, 1995 "On Joint-Stock Companies", Federal Law No. 307-FZ of December 30, 2008 "On Auditing Activities", Federal Law No. 39-FZ of April 22, 1996 "On the Market valuable papers", Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ "On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation", Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ "On Protection of Competition", Federal Law of April 1, 1996 No. 27-FZ "On Individual (personalized) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance", Federal Law No. 56-FZ dated April 30, 2008 "On additional insurance premiums for the funded part of the labor pension and state support formation of pension savings", Federal Law No. 212-FZ dated July 24, 2009 "On insurance contributions to Pension Fund Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Compulsory Fund health insurance", Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ "On Accounting", Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ "On Mandatory social insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases", by the Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 No. 5485-1 "On state secrets", by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2012 No. 1119 "On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in information systems personal data", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2008 No. 687 "On approval of the regulation on the specifics of the processing of personal data carried out without the use of automation tools", Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated November 20, 2006 No. 293 "On approval of the form for submitting a list of persons included in one group", the Charter of OAO "LUKOIL".

Availability of cross-border transmission: Yes

Database location details: Russia

Company formation: the company was established on November 25, 1991 by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR as a state oil concern. Thus, the Langepasneftegaz, Urayneftegaz and Kogalymneftegaz enterprises merged, the first letters of which formed the abbreviation LUK in the name of OAO LUKoil. In 1993, the state concern was transformed into an open joint stock company.

Field of activity: exploration, production and processing of oil and natural gas, production of petroleum products with subsequent sale.

Full title: Open Joint Stock Company "Oil Company Lukoil".

The main office of LUKoil is located in Moscow, there is a headquarters in the suburbs of New York (USA), East Meadow.

In 2007, the company entered the top 100 trademarks peace. Currently, LUKoil is involved in 16 oil projects around the world. In the sphere of interests, among other countries, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Venezuela are listed.

The company provides significant sponsorship Russian Olympic Committee, financially supports sports teams.

Lukoil in faces

The President of the company is Vagit Alekperov.

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Valery Graifer.

Contact Information

Russia, 101000, Moscow, Sretensky boulevard, 11
Tel.: (+7 495) 627 4444
Fax: (+7 495) 625 7016
Telex: 612 553 LUK SU


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