Low-temperature lubricants. Low temperature lubricants Low temperature grease

Even the best bearing can only live up to its full performance if it is properly lubricated. At the same time, it is very important right choice lubricant, SKF, and lubrication intervals and methods. Realizing this, the specialists of SKF, the world leader in the production of rolling bearings, drew Special attention on the process of lubrication of bearings. SKF engineers consider grease to be the most important component of a bearing assembly, along with other components such as the shaft and housing.

SKF's extensive experience in rolling bearings has provided the basis for the development of a wide range of specialty lubricants, the highest quality of which has been the result of continuous testing and continuous study of material properties. Rigorous standards and test parameters developed at the SKF R&D Center have become the universally recognized standard for bearing lubricants. The wide range of SKF lubricants is the result of decades scientific research and development. Each type of grease is specially formulated for use in a specific application.

SKF high-temperature greases allow the unit to operate at temperatures up to 260 degrees.

"Green" biodegradable low-toxic bearing grease
Agricultural and forestry machines
Construction and road machines
Mining equipment
Irrigation and water supply equipment
Lawn care machines
Castles, locks and bridges
Pivots and rod heads
Amusement rides
Other applications where contamination is undesirable environment
SKF Anti-Seize Low Temperature Bearing Grease
Wind turbines
Screw conveyors

Thickener (soap)
A thickener (soap) is a component that holds the oil and / or additives together, thereby ensuring the performance of the grease. The thickener is made on the basis of soap or other substances. The type of thickener affects the properties of the lubricant.
Lithium, calcium, sodium, barium or aluminum soaps are used as thickeners. In addition, organic or inorganic substances are used - polyurea, silica gel and bentonite clay.

Note: SKF High Quality High Temperature Grease LGHP 2 is not a conventional polyurea grease. It is a diurea based grease that has been tested positively for compatibility with lithium and lithium complex greases.

Base oil
Base oil is the oil that is part of a grease and provides lubrication under operating conditions. The most commonly used base oil is mineral oil.
Synthetic oils are used only for very specific operating conditions, for example, for operation at very low or very high temperatures. Base oil typically accounts for more than 70% of the total grease volume.

Base oil viscosity
Base oil viscosity is the shear resistance of fluid layers, usually characterized by kinematic viscosity, which is defined as the time required for a given volume of fluid to flow through a standard orifice at a given temperature. The kinematic viscosity of lubricating oils is usually determined at +40 ° C (sometimes at +100 ° C) and is measured in 1mm 2 / s = cSt (Santistokes).

Additives are required to give the grease certain properties (e.g. antiwear, anti-corrosion, anti-friction and extreme pressure) that prevent bearing damage from boundary and mixed lubrication

Consistency / penetration
A measure of the “thickness” of a grease.
Grease consistency is classified according to NLGI (National Grease Institute) grades. The consistency is determined by the penetration (immersion depth) of a standard cone into the test grease at a temperature of +25 ° C in five seconds. Penetration is measured on a scale with a step of 0.1 mm; softer lubricants have a higher penetration rate. This method is regulated by DIN ISO 2137 standards.

Classification of greases according to the NLGI consistency class

Penetration (10 -1 mm)

Condition at room temperature

very liquid


very soft


very hard


Classification system DIN 51825
Roller bearing greases can be classified according to DIN 51825.
An explanation of the KP2G-20 code is given in the tables below.

Scope of DIN 51825

Bearing grease

Lubricant for closed assemblies

Grease for open assemblies

Grease for bearing / seal pair

Additional Information

EP additives

Solid lubricants

(see NLGI classification)

Upper working temperature and water resistance

(see next table)

Lower operating temperature

The third letter in the designation

Upper working temperature (° С)

Water resistance DIN 51807

0 - 40 to 1 - 40

2 - 40 to 3 - 40

0 - 40 to 1 - 40

2 - 40 to 3 - 40

0 - 90 to 1 -9 0

2 - 90 to 3 - 90

0 - 90 to 1 - 90

2 - 90 to 3 - 90

No requirement

No requirement

No requirement

No requirement

No requirement

No requirement

Dropping point
The dropping point is the temperature at which a grease begins to drip freely and forms droplets, measured according to DIN ISO 2176. The dropping point is not the permissible operating temperature of a grease.

Mechanical stability
The grease consistency of rolling bearings should not change significantly during operation. The test described below is used to evaluate the mechanical stability of a grease depending on operating conditions.

Long-term penetration
A grease sample is placed in a penetrometer and 100,000 dives are made to the cone. Then
the penetration of the grease is measured. The change in grease penetration after 60 dives and after 100,000 dives is measured in 10-1 mm.

Roll stability
The rolling consistency of greases should not change throughout the life of the bearings. Evaluation of consistency stability during rolling is carried out by placing a predetermined amount of lubricant in a cylindrical vessel, inside which a roller is placed in contact with the vessel wall. The roller cylinder rotates for 2 hours at room temperature. This method is specified in ASTM D 1403. SKF modified this method by modifying the test conditions to suit the operating conditions and increasing the test time to 72 or 100 hours at 80 or 100 ° C. After the end of the test, the grease is cooled to room temperature, then its penetration is assessed. The change in penetration before and after testing is measured in 10-1 mm.

Testing on the SKF V2F
The grease is tested for mechanical stability as follows:
The testing machine consists of a railway axle box, which is subjected to the shock load from a falling load. Falling frequency - 1 Hz, acceleration - 12-15 g. The tests are carried out at two speeds - 500 and 1000 rpm. The grease flows out of the axle box through the labyrinth seals and is collected in a special tray. If, after 72 hours of testing at 500 rpm, less than 50 grams of grease has flowed out, a further 72 hours of testing at 1000 rpm is carried out. If during the double test (72 hours at 500 rpm and 72 hours at 1000 rpm) no more than 150 g of grease has flowed out, the grade “M” is given. If the grease passed the first part of the test (72 hours at 500 rpm), but did not pass the second part, the mark “m” is given. If the leak is more than 50 grams after 72 hours at 500 rpm, the rating is “unsatisfactory”.

Corrosion protection
Greases must be able to protect metal surfaces from corrosion. The anti-corrosion properties of greases are determined by the SKF Emcor method specified in ISO 11007. In this method, the test grease is mixed with distilled water and placed in a bearing assembly. The bearing rotates in accordance with a cycle that alternates between stops and rotation at 80 rpm.
At the end of the test cycle, the degree of corrosion is visually assessed on a scale from 0 (no corrosion) to 5 (very severe corrosion). The test method for advanced conditions involves the use of salt water.
An additional test is the SKF grease washout test with distilled water during a bearing rotation cycle. The procedure in this case does not differ from the standard, but the test conditions are more severe, which places higher demands on the anti-corrosion properties of the grease.

Corrosion of copper
Greases must protect copper alloy parts used in bearings from corrosion. The protective properties of greases against copper are evaluated using standard methods in accordance with DIN 51811. The copper strip is immersed in the grease and together with it is placed in an oven. Then the strip is cleaned and the condition of its surface is assessed. The test results are evaluated with appropriate points.

Water resistance
The water resistance of greases is measured according to DIN 51 807 part 1. The test grease is applied to a glass plate placed in a test tube filled with distilled water. The test tube is placed in a water bath at a predetermined temperature for three hours. The change in the type of lubricant is assessed visually on a scale from 0 (no change) to 3 (strong change) at a given temperature.

Oil separation
Grease base oil tends to separate from the soap base when stored for a long time or when the temperature rises. The degree of oil separation depends on the type of thickener, the type of base oil and the method of making the grease. During the tests, a certain amount of grease is placed in a special vessel with a conical bottom with holes, under pressure with a mass of 100 g. The vessel is placed in a thermostat with a temperature of + 40 ° C for one week. Thereafter, the amount of oil separated is referred to in% of the original weight of the lubricant. The oil separation test is regulated by DIN 51 817.

The SKF R2F Testing Machine evaluates the high temperature performance and lubricity of greases by simulating the operating conditions of large bearings. The tests are carried out under two different conditions: test A at room temperature and test B at 120 ° C. A positive test result A means the grease provides lubrication for large bearings when normal temperature and low vibration. A positive B test at 120 ° C means the grease is capable of lubricating large bearings at elevated temperatures.

Resource of rolling bearing greases
The SKF ROF Grease Testing Machine is used to determine the service life and upper temperature limit of greases. Ten deep groove ball bearings are installed in five housings and filled with grease. The tests are carried out at a given speed and temperature. The bearings are loaded with a combined (radial and axial) load and rotate until they fail. The Weibull distribution is plotted from the service life of each bearing and the service life of the grease at a given temperature is calculated. The test results are used to determine the relubrication intervals for bearings under specified operating conditions.

Anti-seize properties

Welding load on a 4-ball machine characterizes the extreme pressure (EP) properties of a grease. This test method is regulated by DIN 5151 350/4. Three steel balls are placed in a cup and lubricated with the test lubricant, and the fourth is placed on top; this ball rotates about three balls at a given speed. The load is increased in a certain step until the rotating ball is welded to three stationary balls. This test measures the pressure that characterizes the extreme pressure properties of a grease. The greases are EP class for welding loads exceeding 2600 N.

Wear test on a 4-ball machine
This test is carried out on the same equipment as the previous one. A load of 1400 N is applied to the fourth ball for 1 minute. The wear of the lower balls is then measured. The standard test assumes a load of 400 N. However, SKF decided to increase the load to 1400 N in order to bring the test conditions closer to the actual operating conditions of the bearing assemblies.

False brinneling
The anti-fretting properties of greases are essential for the efficient operation of bearing assemblies. SKF evaluates these properties using the FAFNIR test, standardized as ASTM D4170. The two thrust ball bearings are loaded and vibrated. Each bearing is then weighed in order to measure the wear. A grease is considered anti-fretting when the measured wear is less than 7 mg.

General application


Constant bearing temperature> 100 ° C

High temperature

Low ambient temperature (-50 ° C), bearing temperature< 50 °С

Low temperature

Shock, heavy load, vibration



Food industry

"Green" biodegradable, low toxicity requirements



For elevated ambient temperatures, it is recommended to use LGMT 3 grease instead of LGMT 2

For special conditions work

Quick selection of bearing grease



Primary requirements

Normal conditions, small to medium bearings

Normal conditions, large bearings (or high ambient temperatures)

Anti-seize and anti-wear properties, good corrosion protection

Compatible with food, water resistance

Excellent EP and antiwear properties (solid additives), high viscosity

Excellent EP and anti-wear properties (solid additives), especially high viscosity

Silent rotation, very low initial temperature, EP and anti-wear properties

Biodegradability, low toxicity, anti-seize and anti-wear properties

Anti-seize and anti-wear properties, good performance at low temperatures, anti-brenelling

Anti-seize and anti-wear properties, no leakage, water resistance, high temperature

Especially high anti-seize properties, anti-brenelling, water resistance, high temperature

Excellent corrosion protection, water resistance, long lubrication life, high temperature

Extreme temperatures (high temperature)

Wide temperature range, EP properties, high loads, water resistance

Dry lubricant, food grade, for filling conveyors


M = medium

H = high

L = low

from -30 to 110 ° С

from -20 to 130 ° С

from -50 to 80 ° С

Ball bearing speed

EH = extra high

VH = very high

H = high

M = medium

more than 700,000 p.dm

up to 700,000 p.dm

up to 500,000 p.dm

up to 300,000 p.dm

VH = very high

H = high

M = medium

L = low

Roller bearing speed

H = high

M = medium

L = low

VL = very low

more than 150,000 p.dm

up to 150,000 p.dm

up to 75,000 p.dm

below 30,000 p.dm

P.dm = speed, rpm x 0.5 (D +d), mm

Grease - an integral part of the bearing assembly. Altered properties of the oil or hydraulic fluid can lead to equipment damage, therefore it is important to monitor their suitability. Measurement methods are divided into two groups: absolute(analytical) and relative.


Analytical methods are based on direct measurement of various parameters.

Recently, they began to appear and are widely used meters viscosity. They are a good alternative to expensive and time-consuming laboratory tests. Although it does not provide a detailed report on the condition, chemical composition and changes in each physical parameter, as a rule, to monitor the condition of oil, grease or hydraulic fluids, it is enough to know how much the brittleness has changed. The measurement is carried out using a special rotor, according to the rotation of which the viscosity coefficient is determined. The rotating elements can be changed depending on the type of oil or to extend the measuring range.


Relative measurement methods are based on comparison of parameter values ​​for new and used oil.

One of the universal methods is the use of an instrument that evaluates the condition of the oil. by dielectric constant ... It directly depends on the degree of its degradation and pollution, therefore this method allows you to optimize oil drain intervals and minimize machine wear. The disadvantage of such devices is the need for correct interpretation of the measurement results. The instrument is often equipped with a scale with green and red divisions, which indicate the suitability of the oil. But sometimes it happens that particles that do not strongly affect the operation of the bearing can cause the segments to move in " red"the area, although the oil is quite suitable for further use. Or the combination of particles hazardous for reliable operation can lead to the fact that the oil will pass into" green"area.

Oil gauge
SKF OilCheck

Some rules when interpreting instrument readings:

  • Pollution water and antifreeze lead to the unusability of the oil, as evidenced by the movement of the segments to the red area;
  • Metal particles also make the oil unusable, with the segments on the device screen moving in jumps. This is due to the fact that metal particles settle on the surface of the sensor of the device;
  • Presence in oil fuel difficult to determine, because it is masked by the presence of other impurities. If the oil contains only fuel, then the indicator will be in the red area, but the content water or metal can turn the indicator green;
  • The change viscosity oil will lead to a decrease in the dielectric constant, which will complicate detection;
  • The change acidity usually reduces the dielectric constant.

Also, such a device is sensitive to humidity, increased temperature and dust falling into the oil when the measured quantity is transferred from the machine to the instrument. The device is not suitable for non-flammable liquids (water-oil solutions).

Packing of greases

Tubes, cartridges and cans
Packages: 35 g 200 g 420 g 0.5KG 1 kg 5 Kg 18 Kg 50 Kg 180 Kg SYSTEM 24
LGLT 2 180g 0.9kg 25 Kg 170 kg
LGFP 2 . . . .

It's hard to imagine life modern man without technical means, transport, production equipment. And although electronic devices are increasingly replacing mechanical ones, the latter cannot yet be dispensed with. This means that we need to manage friction. How to manage? Of course, with the help of lubricants with a wide variety of properties and characteristics.

For most everyday tasks, traditional LITOL type greases, made on the basis of mineral oils and lithium soap, are quite suitable. They work well in the range from -30 to + 120 ° C, are water-resistant, cheap and successfully used in a huge number of nodes. Such lubricants are most widely used.

However, in many cases, conventional lubricants cannot cope with the operating conditions. For example, in northern Russian latitudes in winter, the thermometer often drops to temperatures of -45 ° C and below. In terms of industry, many technological processes occur at negative temperatures. In the production of dumplings, the temperature is maintained at -40 ° C.

These conditions require greases with a wider temperature range. There are a large number of materials on the lubricant market, the characteristics of which allow them to be used at low and extremely low temperatures. Which one to choose?

Let's try to figure it out on the example of 4 materials.

One of the most popular frost-resistant greases in Russia is CIATIM-221. A prominent representative of imported frost-resistant materials is Dow Corning grease. New Russian market- frost-resistant greases, etc.

Their characteristics are shown in the following table 1.

Table 1. Main properties of frost-resistant greases.

Parameter name


Lower limit of operating temperatures, ° C -60 -60 -60 -55
Upper limit of operating temperatures, ° C +150 +130 +120 +150
Dropping point, ° C not less than +200 +195 >+180 >300
Color from light yellow to light brown White Ivory Brown
Base oil Organosilicon liquid Polyalphaolefin Polyalphaolefin Polyalphaolefin
Thickener complex soap lithium soap lithium soap Calcium Sulfonate Complex
Additives antioxidant additive solid lubricants there is no data EP additives
Speed ​​mode in rolling bearings of electric machines, control systems and instruments with a rotational speed of up to 10,000 min -1 there is no data Speed ​​factor 1,000,000 mm * rpm -1 There is no data
Mixed lubricant penetration 280-360 325 265-295 280-310
Consistency class, NLGI 1-2 0 2 1-2
Price RUB 620-1500 (depending on the manufacturer) for a can of 800 g. RUB 7,927 per 1 kg RUB 419 for 400 g RUB 630 for 400 g

Let's analyze the data given in the table

Temperature Range. At the upper end of the range, CIATIM and EFELE SG-321 are in the lead. In terms of the lower temperature, CIATIM, EFELE and Molykote greases can operate at -60 ° C.

Color. If a very specific color is indicated in Molykote and EFELE greases, then for CIATIM the color may vary. This suggests that the manufacturing technology can change, which means that the stability and consistency of the characteristics of the grease from batch to batch or depending on the manufacturer is not guaranteed.

Compound. All three lubricants are synthetic. CIATIM is based on silicone, EFELE and Molykote are based on polyalphaolefin. Both oils have a lot of advantages, however, a silicone-based lubricant must be used with caution where staining is expected in the future - if there is even a thin film of silicone oil on the surface, the paint will not firmly lie down. Although data on load and antiwear properties for Russian lubricants are not given in open sources, EFELE SG-311 on polyalphaolefin will withstand a higher load than CIATIM-221 on silicone, but less than Molykote EM-60L (polyalphaolefin plus solid lubricants in the composition ).

Speed ​​factor shown for EFELE SG-311 grease only. This means that it is possible to accurately calculate whether the grease will work in a bearing of a particular brand and geometric dimensions at a given rotational speed.

For example, with the same speed factor, reducing the bearing diameter by 2 times increases the possible speed of its rotation also by 2 times.

For CIATIM grease, the speed indicator is shown very vaguely - it is not clear for which bearing dimensions the possible rotation speed is given.

Price. It is clear that prices are constantly changing. But today the imported Molykote grease is incomparably more expensive than the other two. EFELE and CIATIM-221 are comparable in cost.

Thus, all three greases listed in this article can be recommended for operation at low and extremely low temperatures. However, given their characteristics, the completeness of the presented properties, as well as the cost, the choice becomes obvious for the Russian user.

Plastic frost-resistant greases EFELE SG-311 and EFELE SG-321 have an optimal balance of price and performance properties and are capable of ensuring reliable operation of equipment and mechanisms at low temperatures and heavy loads in most cases.

Low temperature lubricants maintain consistency in the formulation - oil viscosity or grease consistency - even at extremely low temperatures.

Kluber Lubrication LLC offers lubricants for the winter period. Low-temperature lubricants sold by us have all accompanying documents and certificates. You can familiarize yourself with the product and make a purchase on the company's web resource or by making a call to the phones offered in the "Contacts" section.

Why Use Low Temperature Lubricants

The specific gravity and its density are influenced by the temperature of the working medium. Low viscosity coefficients are characteristic for products operated in severe frosts. The curing property is a defining criterion for evaluating behavior at low temperatures. For areas with constant frost conditions, it is very important to use arctic oils with an appropriate pour point.

The operation of various mechanical units does not stop even in the cold season. Many businesses require non-stop work. For normal operation under these conditions, the lubricant must be suitable for its characteristics, maintaining the required level of flow and viscosity (for oils) or consistency (for lubricants). Therefore, low-temperature oil differs in its properties from ordinary oil, whose viscosity increases significantly during crystallization of the components.

Properties of low temperature lubricants

The main characteristics of such lubricants include:

  • the presence of special additives that restrain thickening at subzero temperatures;
  • low content of paraffinic hydrocarbons;
  • the formation of a tear-resistant oil film that can withstand significant loads;
  • high viscosity index.

Of course, they also have all the performance characteristics of greases:

  • excellent stability - mechanical, colloidal and antioxidant;
  • extreme pressure and conservation properties;
  • heat and water resistance;
  • antiwear properties;
  • maintaining the uniformity of the composition (the viscosity of the oil or the consistency of the lubricant is maintained up to extremely low temperatures).

Low-temperature oils contain thickened polymer additives. The pour point, binding characteristics of such substances and density change under the influence of the operating temperature and shear rate. Standards that establish their certain density and pour point, in regulations and GOSTs are absent. The temperature for oil solidification should be 15 ... 20 ° C lower than the lowest operating temperature of a unit or part.


Low temperature lubricants are specially formulated for lubrication technical devices operating in subzero temperature conditions. These oils and greases have excellent protective characteristics for these conditions. The working temperature can be from -60 to -80 ° C. The protective properties of low-temperature lubricants are small. Under mechanical influence, the lubricant can be severely destroyed, and its strength and viscosity / consistency values ​​decrease. Therefore, it is impractical to use these lubricants at increased specific loads. They are used in rolling and sliding bearings, hinges and rubbing parts in equipment operating at low temperatures at low and medium powers. Often, such lubricants are used in instruments, radio engineering devices, in vehicle assemblies, etc. Low-temperature lubricants do not have a chemical effect on metal parts and hardly evaporate.

Pour point

The pour point is the indicator to which the lubricant does not lose its properties. The pour point of a lubricant is an indirect coefficient of loss of its fluid properties. Due to the fact that there are no other methods for assessing their mobility, the pour point remains the main coefficient of the qualitative composition.

Low temperature greases meet the NLGI GC-LB standard for bearing (GC) and chassis (LB) lubrication.

Special applications include:

  • centralized system in industrial equipment;
  • wheel bearings in racing vehicles;
  • forestry, construction and mining mobile equipment;
  • conveyors and cooling mechanisms;
  • wheel bearings and chassis of large vehicles;
  • any other equipment, machinery, mechanisms and units that operate in a wide range of very low temperatures, for example, in the Arctic.


Low temperature greases are used in cold winter weather due to their softer consistency. Their low temperature properties depend on chemical composition... The loss of mobility of lubricants occurs due to the crystallization of high-melting paraffinic hydrocarbons. The point of loss of mobility under standard conditions is called the pour point. This indicator is conditional, but it is used to roughly determine the low-temperature properties of the operating temperatures of the lubricant. The operating temperature should be 20 ° C higher than the pour point of the grease.

The low temperature greases offered on the site are effective and high quality means of servicing all points of friction in the equipment.

Bearings are widely used in modern machines and assemblies, in transport and electrical equipment, operating at both very low and high temperatures. Their service life and lubrication regime directly determine the continuity and durability of a separate mechanism and the entire aggregate complex as a whole. Correspondingly, high-quality and correctly selected bearing grease is the best solution to the issue of equipment maintenance and the opportunity to increase the profitability of production or transportation.

Features of bearing operation at low temperatures

The key function of bearings is to provide stable and uniform rotation. The use of low-grade or unsuitable for the specified operating temperature lubricants for rolling and plain bearings can:

  • provoke locking of rotating elements;
  • affect the observance of technology and the quality of the final product;
  • cause premature failure of equipment and individual units;
  • increase downtime and operating and production costs.

Considering that at low temperatures from the economic and from the technological side it is important to ensure the maximum lubrication interval, lubricants for bearings capable of ensuring their stable operation at temperatures down to -50˚С and below should be distinguished not only by a high antifriction ability and a significant service life, but and improved anticorrosive, antioxidant and extreme pressure properties, as well as high mechanical and colloidal stability.

The choice of bearing lubricants is not only influenced by the minimum permissible operating temperature. The design features of the friction unit and technical and operational conditions, such as speed, power, torque, static and dynamic loads, also regulate their physicochemical properties. Therefore, each bearing grease is carefully selected for the specific operating conditions.

Features of the composition of low-temperature greases for bearings

To provide the most effective work bearing range low temperatures and in medium to high speed conditions, it is advisable to use grease lubricants. This is due to the fact that they resist extrusion and centrifugal forces well, are resistant to increased loads and vibrations, and operate at low temperatures, while individual lubricants can be used in centralized systems.

State-of-the-art bearing greases and materials in a wide temperature range. They are manufactured from low-viscosity petroleum distillate oils (mineral oil) with a low operating temperature and frost-resistant synthetic oils. Also, polyethylsiloxanes and polymethylsiloxanes are used as a dispersed medium, which ensure the performance of lubricants at temperatures in the range of -60 ÷ + 200˚С. Polyhaloorganosiloxanes and polymethylphenylsiloscans with improved extreme pressure and antiwear characteristics are used for the manufacture of lubricants in a wider temperature range - from - 60 to 300 ˚С.

Ester lubricants can be used in the range of -60 ÷ + 150˚С. They are distinguished by excellent lubricity and adhesion to metal surfaces, but are characterized by low water resistance.

For thickening, conventional and complex soaps, solid hydrocarbons and various additive complexes can be added to the composition of greases. The most widespread today are lubricants in accordance with the type of thickener, classified into large groups:

  • with the addition of lithium soap, capable of ensuring the operation of the bearing at temperatures from -50 to +130 ˚С;
  • polymers that have a dropping point above + 300 ° C and are most effective for very high rotational speeds.
  • greases based on organic thickeners have such important properties as mechanical stability and good antifriction properties.

The addition of additives optimizes and significantly improves performance and properties low temperature lubricants, allows them to withstand high loads. The most widely used are antifriction, extreme pressure, antiwear, adhesion, protective, anticorrosive and antioxidant, as well as additives with multifunctional properties.

Parameters by which a low-temperature grease is selected

The use of multipurpose lubricants or the first frost-resistant lubricant that comes along is not always justified and in most cases is simply unacceptable. The choice of lubricants for bearings should be with an objective margin for the temperature range (especially important for rolling stock and special vehicles) and for:

  • bearing type and speed factor;
  • type of thickener and channeling;
  • the protective properties of the lubricant are important - it must protect against corrosion;
  • NLGI grade and base oil viscosity.

Low-temperature frost-resistant greases of the Polyus and IPF series from the Interauto Lubrication Company

The company's lineup includes a number of materials for low and cryogenic temperatures, for example, consider a universal grease "Polyus", which can be used for bearings and other highly loaded friction units, can be produced in a modified state - with the addition of molybdenum disulfide. She:

  • designed for harsh and extreme conditions;
  • guarantees an ultra-high lubrication interval;
  • characterized by increased performance indicators;
  • It has high rates chemical stability;
  • can be used instead of traditional lubricants for low temperatures CIATIM-203 and Zimol - in terms of service life, these lubricants are 4-5 times higher.

Polyus is an effective corrosion protection. The original complex of additives gives it excellent antioxidant and extreme pressure properties.

Our experience, intellectual and production potential allows us to develop and manufacture frost-resistant grease with various performance properties, including food grade lubricants and designed to work in a vacuum.

For the use of bearings operating at low temperatures, specialized lubricants are produced compared to lubricants operating at normal temperatures, they have a reduced viscosity and a special component composition, including a package of additives, which, by the way, combines frost-resistant lubricants with lubricants used on high-speed bearings - their base oil must have a sufficiently low viscosity: in the first case, so as not to freeze, in the second, to avoid self-heating (lubrication with low-viscosity oil for high-speed bearings is less prone to heating than oils with high viscosity).

It should also be remembered that the higher the bearing speed, the less material should be laid.

Universal grease for operation of friction units in a wide temperature range - grease "IPF-250"- it is also used at elevated temperatures from -55 to +250 degrees - an excellent solution for conveyor lines, cold storage bogies and other equipment subject to different temperature influences.

The IPF-250 grease based on synthetic polyalphaolefin oil (PAOM) provides a low coefficient of friction and reduces the noise level, while it is very resistant to thermal oxidation, steam and water, a carefully selected viscosity of the material allows the use of this grease at temperatures down to -55C.

IPF-250 - the grease ensures stable operation of equipment, is successfully used for the treatment of bearings, instrumentation, low-power electric motors, printing equipment, withstands shock loads, a wide range of operating temperatures.

On request, we are ready to develop a lubricant for cryogenic temperatures operating at temperatures up to -90 degrees, including for small-sized electric motors with high rotation speeds. Heavy superstable liquids are used as base oils, which are essential oils with unique thermostable characteristics.

Paste "Buran" is another product of our company that can operate in a wide temperature range. Due to the fact that it is made on synthetic oil with a pour point of -55 degrees, the paste can be used at ultra-low temperatures. The high content of molybdenum disulfide provides excellent load-carrying capacity and the lubricant can also be used in loaded friction units. When submitting it centralized systems Consideration should be given to the effect of solid particles on the precision parts of the delivery system.

Low-temperature grease production based on phosphorus and organofluorine compounds allows us to offer our partners unique products workable at temperatures up to minus 100 degrees, resistant to oxidation, to the effects of frictional forces, including centrifugal friction at ultrahigh speeds. The use of unique additive packages increases the service life of small-sized rolling bearings of micro-assemblies and, accordingly, the service life of devices and mechanisms in particularly critical units and equipment. Today the company Interauto produces a wide range of frost-resistant greases operating in a wide range of temperatures, including high speeds- such materials are in demand by the domestic civil and military industry for laying in cryogenic equipment, devices exposed to low temperatures and requiring a minimum start-up moment. We are ready to produce low-temperature greases for a specific technical task any customer.


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