Evaluation of the quality of service and customer satisfaction. Determining the degree of customer satisfaction. Business value. Key Customer Satisfaction Models

A high level of customer satisfaction is one of the vital conditions for the success of any enterprise. How to objectively determine how high it is? How to track all changes in this indicator in a timely manner? How to find out which areas of the organization's activities are primarily in need of improvement in the opinion of the client?

In this article, only those ways of assessing customer satisfaction are considered, with which you can answer all of the above questions, that is, not only find out how consumers evaluate the company, but also find out what needs to be done to improve the satisfaction index and others. important indicators organization's activities. The widely used American and European consumer satisfaction indexes do not stand up to scrutiny in this respect. They are suitable for use in reports or as benchmarks, but not for identifying needed improvements in the way companies operate. Therefore, we will leave them aside.

In most consumer satisfaction surveys, respondents are asked to rate a company's products, services, and performance against a specific set of criteria, each of which must be assigned some score on a seven-level Likert scale 1 . Instead, a five-point rating scale can also be used. Next, the average score for each attribute is calculated. Improvements are assigned first of all in those areas of the enterprise, which meet the criteria that received the lowest ratings. This is a simple but rather unreliable approach, since it does not take into account the relative importance for consumers of the individual criteria by which the company is evaluated. Therefore, using this method, it is easy to make a mistake in determining which aspects of the company's work require priority improvements from the client's point of view.

The next level of consumer satisfaction research is discrepancy analysis. This approach already makes it possible to find out not only which areas of the company's activities most satisfy the client, but also which of them are of the greatest importance to him. At the same time, the significance of features is also evaluated on a Likert scale (the least important features for consumers receive a score of 1, and the most important score of 7). This method is based on the assumption that the significance of individual criteria corresponds to the client's expectations regarding the company's performance in each of the evaluated areas of its activity. The objects of improvement are primarily those in which there is the greatest discrepancy between the average satisfaction rating and the average significance rating. It would be more expedient to take into account the significance of the criteria. So, for example, a feature for which the significance score is 6.2, and satisfaction is 5.0 (the difference between them is 1.2), should be recognized as a higher priority for improvement than a feature whose significance was rated 4.5 with a satisfaction score of 3 ,3.

The method of analysis of inconsistencies is related to the model of significance satisfaction 2 . It is based on a graphical representation, in which the space for assessing the significance of features and customer satisfaction is divided into four quadrants (Fig. 1). The task is to identify the most important aspects of the company's activities, in which, according to consumers, it performs the worst.

On fig. 1 these criteria fall into quadrant 2 (requires improvement). If several criteria fall into this quadrant, but the company does not have the necessary resources to simultaneously improve the relevant aspects of its activities, you should first of all deal with the aspect of the enterprise's activities that corresponds to the criterion that received a higher significance level with a lower satisfaction rating.

The third method for assessing customer satisfaction is the method of weighted estimates. Unlike the first two, which are based on the assumption that the significance for the consumer of individual criteria for assessing an enterprise corresponds to his expectations regarding the company's performance in each of the evaluated areas of its activity, it is based on a different concept. First, the difference between the maximum possible satisfaction level assessment on the selected scale and the average assessments of the company's performance in each of the selected aspects of its activities obtained during the survey is calculated. So the level of dissatisfaction of consumers of each of these parties is calculated. Further, the dissatisfaction scores are weighted in accordance with the scores of the significance of individual features, and the resulting weighted scores are used to determine priorities for improvement. various directions company work. First of all, they are engaged in the improvement of those areas of the enterprise's activity that received the highest weighted ratings of consumer dissatisfaction. As in the previous cases, if the assessments of several areas coincide, the degree of their significance is also taken into account.

In order to compare the methods described above with each other and find out which of them provide managers with the most complete and reliable information, the authors of this article conducted a survey of users of banking products known as personal checking account 3 . To conduct the survey, 1,000 respondents were randomly selected from a list of mailing addresses of US citizens over 18 years of age. An additional 1,000 people were randomly selected from the customer database of a leading American check company.

Respondents were sent by mail booklets with a questionnaire and instructions for filling it out, cover letters, stamped envelopes for sending completed questionnaires and a guarantee of confidentiality of the information received. Of the 2,000 questionnaires sent out, 216 questionnaires were returned completed and found fit for further analysis. The questionnaire included 41 criteria that covered a variety of aspects of the activities of companies producing checks: the quality and range of products and services, prices, service personnel.

Respondents were asked to indicate how (on the Likert scale) when choosing a company producing checks, each criterion specified in the questionnaire is important to them, and to assess how (on the same scale) they are satisfied with the manufacturer whose services they use. To illustrate the application of the above methods for assessing customer satisfaction, we will select 10 criteria.

As follows from Table. 1, most of the 10 selected criteria satisfy the respondents approximately equally, but some of them mean much more to consumers than others.

Table 1

Evaluation of the significance of criteria and customer satisfaction





Note. The criteria are arranged in descending order of their significance ratings.

Based on this table, consumers are least satisfied with the variety of check options available, and most satisfied with the ease of initial ordering. Focusing solely on assessing customer satisfaction with individual criteria, without taking into account the significance of the latter (i.e., using a simple method of assessing satisfaction), check companies should start improving their activities with the development of new types of checks and, as a last step, improve the procedure for issuing initial orders ( more detailed information in table. 2).

table 2

Areas of improvement identified by a simple satisfaction assessment method





Wide variety of checks
Availability of a free phone number for ordering / re-ordering products
Regular product upgrades
Competitive prices for the offered goods
Checks with clearly visible perforation
Availability of qualified service personnel
Acceptable lead time
Competitive prices for the services provided
Sufficient number of checks in the book
Ease of initial order

A completely different result is given by the analysis of inconsistencies, taking into account the significance of each feature for consumers. According to him, the last thing you need to worry about is the variety of checks. Based on the results of Table. 3, we come to the conclusion that, first of all, it is necessary to focus on ensuring competitive check prices and perforation clarity, as well as on the training of service personnel. With regard to criteria such as regular product upgrades and a large selection of various receipts, for which the difference between the assessments of significance and customer satisfaction is negative, the level of satisfaction with them exceeds their importance for customers. Therefore, it is not worth wasting time on improving the areas of activity of enterprises corresponding to them.

Table 3

Areas for improvement identified by the gap analysis method


Discrepancy in estimates

Significance assessment

Checks with clearly visible perforation
Availability of qualified service personnel
Competitive prices for the services provided
Acceptable lead time
Availability of a free phone number for ordering / re-ordering products
Ease of initial order
Sufficient number of checks in the book
Regular product upgrades
Wide variety of checks


The results of the analysis using the significance-satisfaction model are shown in fig. 2, which shows that check makers must first ensure competitive pricing and then clean perforation of checks. It is also necessary to maintain at the same level the assessments of significance and satisfaction for the criteria located in the upper right quadrant corresponding to excellent features, that is, to take care of the proper training of service personnel, the rapid execution of incoming orders and the ease of processing initial orders.

Based on the results of the analysis of the questionnaires obtained by the method of weighted estimates (Table 4), the priority areas for improving the surveyed companies are as follows: ensuring that customers always have access to a toll-free telephone number for ordering checkbooks, ensuring clear perforation of checks, as well as setting competitive prices for products and service. When using this method, there is a clear distinction between the two groups of characteristics, with the boundary passing between the sixth (regular modernization) and the seventh (qualification of maintenance personnel) characteristics. The sixth attribute corresponds to a weighted score of 8.17, a satisfaction score of 5.34, a dissatisfaction score of 1.66, and a significance score of 4.92. For the seventh feature, the corresponding estimates are: 7.28; 5.87; 1.13 and 6.44. Comparing these features as an example, it is easy to see that more complete information can be obtained using weighted estimates.

Table 4

Areas of improvement identified by weighted estimates





Availability of a free phone number for ordering / re-ordering products
Competitive prices for the goods provided
Checks with clearly visible perforation
Competitive prices for the services provided
Wide variety of checks
Regular product upgrades
Availability of qualified service personnel
Acceptable lead time
Sufficient number of checks in the book
Ease of initial order

Note. The criteria are arranged in descending order of their improvement.

In table. Figure 5 compares the results obtained from the analysis of the questionnaires by the four different methods described above. With such a visual comparison, significant differences in the results become even more obvious. For example, a criterion such as regular product upgrades receives 6 points in the analysis using the weighted rating method, 3 points in the simple method of assessing satisfaction, and 9 points in the analysis of inconsistencies.

Table 5

Comparison of criteria ranking by priority,
customer satisfaction analysis obtained in different ways


Ways to identify the order of referrals
in the improvement of enterprises

simple satisfaction rating

Gap analysis method

significance satisfaction

Weighted estimate method

Competitive product prices

One of the most important tasks of marketing research is to determine the factors that influence the consumer's decision to purchase a service. Especially if in your marketing strategy the company emphasizes the observance of quality standards for the provision of services, and when developing new products (services), it focuses on the motives of consumer behavior.

But what standards will allow you to have maximum revenue and break away from competitors? What in your standards will really work for customer satisfaction? On their desire to come to you again and again? On their willingness to recommend you to their good friends? There is no other way than to find out from the buyers themselves.

Consumer behavior modeling provides a starting point and conceptual framework for analyzing purchasing processes. It is of practical value to marketing managers as it allows the development of the basis of a marketing strategy and can also be used as a predictive tool.

Study of the need for products (services)

The first step in the study of consumer behavior is to identify the basic needs that can be satisfied by a certain set of products (services):

  • All services that meet a specific need
  • Services that are known to the consumer
  • Services that a consumer considers when considering a purchase
  • Service group on the basis of which the final purchase decision is made
  • A group of services that are not considered when purchasing, such as being unavailable, impossible, unsuitable, etc.

If the corporate consumer prefers a simple and relatively less risky approach by purchasing a familiar service, rather than spending time searching and analyzing all possible options, then the population as a whole does not adhere to a strict rational model for making a purchase decision.

It is necessary to investigate the expectation of consumers from the acquisition (product) of a service regarding its useful properties, quality criteria, service features, final economic and other socially significant benefits from the client's point of view. Compliance of the purchased product with the expectations of consumers is a key factor in its loyalty to the company and the desire to make new purchases.

Research of consumer expectations

  • Expected product quality and generally accepted service standards
  • Desire-stimulating product quality and progress in service standards
  • Attractive or exciting product quality

Expected product quality and service standards - the necessary conditions future satisfaction. The absence of these properties causes dissatisfaction, but their simple increase (growth) does not cause an increase in satisfaction. Desired quality of the product - if you improve the product, then satisfaction increases. For example, reducing the time customers spend in line causes a proportional increase in satisfaction. Attractive or exciting quality of goods - represents an unexpected level of service. In such cases, consumers are pleasantly surprised, delighted and even stunned.

The study of these properties of the quality of goods should begin with the expected quality of the goods. Immediate result even with a limited budget, you can get it if you do research among lost customers. To identify other properties of quality are used various methods extraction of information and selection of existing customers of the company.

When conducting marketing research of consumers, one should compare the levels of consumer expectations with the satisfaction of their desires. The level of expectations of the consumer is the level of feasibility of his ideas, while the level of desires is the level of ideal sensations, that is, the ideal guideline of the consumer.

Customer Satisfaction Analysis

The main benchmark of the marketing concept is the degree of consumer satisfaction - a general assessment of the experience of a company's customers in acquiring and using its products, services or services. Satisfying the needs of the client and meeting his expectations, thereby retaining him, is much cheaper than attracting new customers. As customer satisfaction increases, so does loyalty to the company.

In the logic of consumer satisfaction research, an exploratory qualitative research is first carried out, then a basic, quantitative one is carried out on its data. The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) is an overall score that consists of ratings of product or service quality, service quality, and product or service offering quality. Each of the three groups includes several parameters of satisfaction parameters, consisting of traditional marketing components, the well-known "five" P's: "product", "people", "process", "price", "promotion".

Product (service) quality:

  • Completeness of the range
  • Stability of product quality
  • Required functional characteristics of the product
  • Package

Quality of service (service):

  • Convenience and speed of order acceptance (payment options, online shopping and etc.)
  • The friendly attitude of the staff
  • Informing about new products, improvements, etc.
  • Design of points of sale, availability of POS-materials, promotions
  • Prompt resolution of complex situations, settlement of claims

Offer quality:

  • Optimal price-quality ratio
  • System of discounts, bonuses, gifts
  • Payment terms (deferred, credit/cash, credit cards)
  • Possibility to return products

Satisfaction is a feeling experienced only after the purchase and / or use of the product. At the same time, consumers perceive the product or brand of the company not in isolation, but in comparison with real or imaginary products / services that can replace them. Exceeding the expectations of buyers in price and quality, you can expect that customers will return to the company.

Consumer Loyalty Research

Loyalty to the company/brand/product. The degree of loyalty can be characterized as the probability with which the consumer is ready to temporarily accept some unsatisfactory conditions of interaction with the company due to a positive attitude towards it, that is, to maintain commitment. Usually, loyalty is formed in the course of long-term cooperation with a particular company or the consumption of a certain product / service, when this experience becomes part of a person’s lifestyle and it is difficult for him to change the established foundations.

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Customer satisfaction score

Surveys are conducted to measure customer satisfaction. The tool is a questionnaire with questions in the form scoring company or its products according to certain criteria. Seven-point and five-point rating scales are used. This is the popular Likert scale.

This scale of ratings is named after its developer, Rancis Likert (or Likert in some sources). If a company wishes to measure a customer's attitude or opinion towards an issue, then questions based on scales are used.

Respondents are asked to indicate the degree to which they agree or disagree with the statements listed. They give an assessment in the form of a score from 0 to 5, where “0” is completely dissatisfied or disagree, “5” is completely satisfied or completely agree. "3" is the average value, which usually means - "difficult to answer."

Consumer-respondents put down ratings. Next, the average score is determined. This is a simple but unreliable method, as it does not take into account the relative importance of individual criteria. In addition, consumer assessments can be subjective and inaccurate. In any case, it is not necessary to write off this technique, but to apply it in combination with other methods for assessing customer satisfaction.

Assessment based on a multi-attribute product model

A multi-attribute satisfaction assessment model is built on the basis of measuring the importance of each attribute on the one hand and the degree of perceived presence of the attribute in the evaluated product. An attribute or factor of satisfaction is a necessary, inalienable property of a product.

Remark 1

Satisfaction analysis is carried out on the basis of a weighted average assessment of the performance or availability of product features and their significance for the consumer. Evaluation is carried out in points. Consumers evaluate on a 5- or 10-point scale, then determine the significance of each attribute.

The formula for assessing satisfaction according to the multi-attribute model:

$Y = I × B$, where:

$Y$ is customer satisfaction;

$AND$ is the average performance of the attributes that are included in the questionnaire;

$B$ is the average value of the significance or degree of compliance with the consumer's expectations of the same product properties.

Remark 2

The main condition for using this technique is the ability to describe the product under study using a set of attributes. The only thing is that this model is not applicable for fashion products. The main thing is to identify the necessary set of attributes so that some of them are perceived by consumers as independent. The value of one attribute or satisfaction factor did not depend on the value of another.

In addition to fashion goods this technique not used for new products. Consumers should be familiar with the products under study, and the attributes should have a specific real meaning. This is necessary for their subsequent improvement based on the results of the assessment.

Evaluation based on the calculation of the consumer satisfaction index

Definition 1

Customer satisfaction index (CSI, CSI - Customer satisfaction index,) is an indicator that shows the degree of perception by the client of the quality of a product or service. Companies use it as a non-financial indicator financial efficiency for the long term. This is due to the fact that it is based on the belief that the more satisfied consumers are, the more likely they are to remain loyal, and this is hello to the success of the company in the market.

The calculation of the IPI is based on the ratings that the consumers have made in relation to a certain set of quality indicators. Further, the results obtained are weighted by means of weight coefficients. The sum of this weighting is the value of the CSI index.

The tool for implementing the method for assessing the satisfaction index is a survey of consumers who have made certain actions in relation to a company, product or brand. The survey is conducted in outlets after making a purchase, by phone, e-mail or in other ways.

Customer satisfaction assessment is carried out in four stages:

  • determination of parameters important for the company (based on expert opinion, preliminary research target audience or arbitrarily);
  • conducting a survey of consumers using questions that are basic on a five-point scale (1 point - dissatisfaction, 5 points - satisfaction);
  • identifying the importance of parameters for the consumer on a five-point scale;
  • analysis of the obtained results.

According to the results of calculations, it was determined that with an increase in the satisfaction index by 1-2%, revenue can grow by 20%. The allowable CSI value is not more than 95%.

Analysis based on complaints received from consumers

It is also possible to assess the degree of customer satisfaction on the basis of an analysis of complaints received from them.

Definition 2

Satisfaction is calculated according to the following formula:

$U = (P_(total) - 0.5P_r - 0.5P_(ns) + 0.1PP) / P_(total)$ 100%

$P_(total)$ is the number of goods shipped to the consumer / completed repair work in the reporting period;

$П_р$ - the number of goods for which complaints were received, recognized by the company (manufacturing or factory marriage, or a defect, the reason for the refusal has not been established);

$P_(ns)$ - the number of shipped goods / performed repair and reclamation work with violation of deadlines;

$PP$ is the number of goods for which the client sent letters with a request to reissue documents, extend the storage period, confirm the fact of manufacture, and these requests were satisfied.

Customer Satisfaction Assessment– requirement of standards, quality specifications ( ISO 9001 , ST RK ISO 9001, API Q1, ISO TC 29001, ISO IEC 17025 etc.), which are known to be focused on improving customer satisfaction. The above standards, specifications require that the organization has an effective system for tracking consumer perception of the organization's processes, products, services.

It is quite obvious - if consumers are satisfied, then the profit of the organization will grow. Dissatisfied consumers will sooner or later go to competitors. In addition, dissatisfied consumers have a negative impact on other consumers. On the contrary, satisfied customers the most loyal. As you know, retaining customers is cheaper than attracting new ones. In addition, satisfied customers attract new customers by making recommendations to friends and acquaintances.

Unbiased, well-sampled customer satisfaction statistics are a great way to predict a business. And evaluation of customer satisfaction should be carried out systematically (at least once a year, preferably more often), and not when half of the regular customers have already been lost.

Thus, the need to conduct a customer satisfaction assessment, as a rule, does not raise doubts among organizations. In practice, questions arise about how to conduct such an assessment, how to obtain objective data in a timely manner. ISO 9001 , ST RK ISO 9001, API Q1, ISO TC 29001, ISO IEC 17025 and other standards for quality management systems do not provide answers, they contain only general requirements.

It should also be noted that the need to demonstrate the assessment of customer satisfaction during external audits often forces organizations to look for "easy" ways. Collection and analysis of information is carried out "anyhow" to pass the audit, often immediately before the audit. As a result, the results obtained do not bring much benefit to the organization, and the assessment becomes a mere formality.

In fact, there are many ways to measure customer satisfaction. They differ in the methods of collecting information and processing the received data. Various statistical methods are generally used to process customer satisfaction data.

One of the most common methods for collecting information on customer satisfaction is a customer survey. As a rule, the survey is conducted using specially designed questionnaires/questionnaires. I wrote in detail about this method and its application in the article "". The undoubted advantages of this method are the ease of data collection. But this method has certain disadvantages. As practice shows, no more than 25% of consumers respond to such questionnaires. And often the reliability of the answers is low, the information is subjective.

can be related to more than just surveys. It can be carried out on the basis of the company's own data. Information can also be obtained from alternative sources. O this method and the order of its application, I wrote in detail in the article "". This method is more time consuming, but when applied correctly, it is possible to build a holistic and objective picture of customer satisfaction.

Customer Satisfaction Assessment- which method is better to choose? In the course of consulting activities, I often have to help organizations of various types of activity in conducting consumer surveys, processing and analyzing the information received. I find the indirect method of assessing customer satisfaction to be more effective than using a questionnaire. However, I recommend that organizations use both of these methods at the same time whenever possible.


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