Business plan for creating an integrated eco-farm. The country of green vitamins. HM: What is the target audience for the project

For many, two main questions are now relevant: where to live and how to make money? Moreover, where to live is not just a housing issue, solved by the presence of a certain amount of living space. It is also a question of ecology, environment, availability of jobs and much more.

The birth of children is also important: if a one-two-room apartment can be quite comfortable for a family of two, then with the birth of even one child, certain problems arise. The question is: where to get a "rubber" apartment, which will expand along with the increase in the family? Moreover, in order not to breathe the exhausts of the metropolis, and so that work is nearby?

How to make money is an even more difficult question. The number of highly paid jobs is limited, and there are a lot of applicants. And not everyone wants to work "for an uncle." Many people with active life position dream of their own enterprise.

But profitable market niches are not empty, and every day it becomes more difficult to break through the crowd of competitors. This requires significant financial investment and a win-win idea. Usually, the situation is as follows: there is a desire to earn money, there are strengths, but there are no opportunities - there are neither sufficient funds, nor, more importantly, an innovative idea that could interest potential sponsors. Question: what to do? Is there really only one way out: forget about independence?

Europe has long understood that life in a metropolis is not the most the best way... A metropolis is noise, increased gas pollution, increased criminal danger (especially important in the presence of children), increased cost of living.

Another thing - Vacation home... Environmental friendliness, silence, tranquility, lack of stress - all this is associated with suburban home ownership. In addition, if an apartment cannot be "rubber" in any way, and does not grow with the increase in the family, then the house may well "grow up" - if necessary, you can make an extension to any house, add a room or two to it.

Suburban home ownership has another plus: the cost of apartments decreases over time. The older the house, the lower the cost of apartments becomes. The only exceptions are houses located in the elite places of megacities.

But suburban private home ownership is the opposite: its value tends to increase over time. The thing is that there are fewer and fewer convenient sites for building in ecologically clean and beautiful places - they are simply sold out, and the number of offers decreases over time. The prices for the remaining plots are also growing accordingly. And if the site is developed, that is, there is a residential building, cultivated land, then the cost increases many times over.

An added bonus: organic food. Even a small suburban area is able to provide vegetables and fruits for a family of 3-4 people, but the area at the cottage even more so. Your own garden and / or vegetable garden is both a decoration of the territory, and healthy image life, and significant savings on food, and the absolute environmental friendliness of products.

But suburban real estate is not only a home for living or recreation. It is also the possibility of organizing independent production with minimal funds. Organic food is essential for everyone: those who can grow them and those who have never worked on the land. This is the market niche whose products are always in demand.

Acquisition of agricultural land is a simultaneous solution to both housing and financial problem... This is an opportunity to build a comfortable home and open own enterprise that brings good income. Ecologically clean vegetables and fruits, livestock products - all this is in high demand, which does not decrease over time, but only increases.

You can organize an eco-farm in retirement age... Moreover, it is not even necessary to grow vegetables and fruits or meat and dairy cattle. "Farm tourism" is coming into vogue - many townspeople want to relax on a "real" farm, breathe in ecologically clean air in combination with food "from the garden". Pensioners wishing to lead an active lifestyle can easily arrange a similar "tourist" farm, and even for all-season recreation.

What agricultural land is needed

A lot of agricultural land is offered. But before you rush to buy, you should carefully consider the offer. For all the initial chocolateiness, it may not be too benign. We can say that not all agricultural land is equally useful. Or: not all agricultural land is equally needed and important.

To begin with, it would be nice to check the very land itself: soil fertility, groundwater level, soil type, and so on. Something matters for building a house (no one likes to build on heaving soils - this means an expensive foundation even for a light house), something - for organizing a farm.

Especially carefully you should approach the issue precisely from the point of view of the organization of the farm, if you are going to open your own agricultural production. For example, a garden will require not only fertile soil suitable for the plants you plan to grow, but also a fair amount of water for irrigation. And what about the water in the area you have chosen? What quality is it? How large are the reserves in the various aquifers? Do you need a deep well as far as the artesian level, or can you get by with a well on the first aquifer? You cannot dismiss such questions, because these are all future expenses when organizing a farm.

Moreover, if you decide to organize livestock farm... For large cattle a place for grazing will be required - cows cannot spend their entire life in a barn, feeding exclusively on compound feed. You will also need a place for a watering place - and it can be chosen only in accordance with certain conditions stipulated by law. Etc. There are many conditions, and it is necessary to achieve maximum compliance with them for the selected site. Otherwise, you will subsequently have to face many very costly problems, not all of which may turn out to be solvable.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the infrastructure. It is not very successful if there are no good roads near the site - how in this case will you take out the products from your farm? Again, children need school. We also need such delights of civilization as hospitals, post office, pharmacy, telephone communication and even the Internet (many modern eco-farms have their own websites where they advertise and sell their products online).

To organize a tourist eco-farm, you also need good views- those wishing to relax on a real farm want not only the view of a cowshed, but also "real village romance" with the singing of birds, sparkling river or lake water under the sun, the soothing noise of the forest, and so on. But at the same time, tourists need health safety - you never know if a child suddenly falls ill or an adult catches a cold, sitting out in the beckoning river waves. Means availability nearby (available) medical institution necessarily.

Therefore, consider the proposals of agricultural land almost under a microscope: you then have to live and work on this land. Check everything from the availability of roads and the Internet to the range of the nearest pharmacy, from the type of soil to the color of ants in forest anthills. Find out from your neighbors what kind of animals are found in the neighboring forest and whether these animals come to feed in winter (hares can be a real fluffy disaster for the garden, and no one wants to see a wolf next to the house).

Ask if the site is flooded with spring floods, what are the living conditions in the area, how often the electricity is cut off, and whether there are interruptions in the supply of water in the centralized water supply system (if any).

Ask as many questions as possible and get as much information as possible. This will help to make a conscious and right choice... It is better to give up a dubious purchase than to suffer later on the wrong site. Moreover, there are not so few offers of agricultural land, and you can choose exactly what you need.


As an example of creating an eco-farm, watch the video about the Konovalovo eco-farm:

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The year 2000 was not only the beginning of a new century for me, but the beginning of great changes. Firstly my youngest daughter was born. And since the older children were already 18 and 16 years old, and I was 43, I had to re-learn to be a father. Secondly, we have moved to a newly built dacha. The house was not yet fully finished, there were no internal doors, but waking up after the first night from bright sun, the singing of birds and the smell of wood, we decided not to return to our Moscow apartment.

The plot disposed to the arrangement of a vegetable garden and a garden. And they, of course, should have become a copy of my grandfather's garden, which I still remember as the happiest place on earth. How big was your grandfather's garden? I think, at least 20 acres, although I could be mistaken, because it was a time when the trees were large.

Without the slightest doubt, I began to recreate the once lost paradise on bare 32 acres. A year later, we began to wake up from the crowing of a rooster, eat eggs from our chickens, eat a huge amount of greens right from the garden, the dining table often delighted our favorite rabbit and onions from childhood, but the homemade chicken noodles were simply breathtaking. Since that time, we have never had to buy strawberries, currants, gooseberries and cherries.

Sauerkraut, cucumbers and tomatoes are kept in barrels until spring in an earthen cellar, which rises up a small hill ten meters from the house. The temperature in the cellar is about 3-4 degrees, and when you take a pickled cucumber out of the ice brine, your hands feel cold. Beets, carrots, parsley, Jerusalem artichoke are stored in boxes with sand. Well, when, at last, the garden of ten apple trees became fruitful (this moment had to wait for 10 years), the harvest of apples began to be stored in boxes with straw.

Of course, all this self-assembled tablecloth would be impossible to organize only on the basis of memories from childhood. I had to ask how you can achieve the result without resorting to chemical fertilizers and chemical protection plants. In the twenty-first century, I no longer wanted to eat foods grown with the help of chemistry. In addition, the shops were already full of an abundance of food grown in a very dubious way. Simply skipping the addition of chemical fertilizers can quickly fall into your own trap. Because if nothing is added to the earth, then nothing will grow out of nothing. If you only take from the land, without returning anything to it, then soon there will be nothing to take. A squalid carrot clogged with weed is a common example of a so-called "organic" garden bed.

After reading special literature and talking with smart people, I learned the following six rules of organic farming: first, you need to work together with nature, and not against it; secondly, strive for diversity, since nature itself is diverse; thirdly, for all types of animal and plant life, it is necessary to create an environment as close as possible to the one for which they were created; fourthly, the soil must be returned no less than it was taken from it; fifth, you need to improve the soil, not the plant; and, sixth, nature must be seen in its entirety, and not just a fragment of it.

We do not have vegetarians in our family, so we quickly became convinced what a huge contribution our rabbits and chickens make to improving the fertility of the garden. It is even difficult to immediately answer why they are more important, as a source of dietary meat and eggs, or how necessary condition to increase fertility. And on our farm (as we lovingly call our site), rabbits also work as a lawn mower. In the summer, every day we move a mini-fence made of wire mesh on the lawn, where mainly clover grows, a couple of meters. And the corral is sheared and at the same time honored. All kitchen waste is fed to our chickens and rabbits, and the droppings go to the compost.

From our wonderful site, we cannot get only milk and bread. The plot is too small to keep the cow. The goat and the garden are incompatible. Apparently, Baba Anya from a neighboring village came to the same conclusion. For five years she sold us goat milk. From the moment when she decided in favor of the vegetable garden, we no longer saw milk from her. That's when I had to seriously think about construction. own farm... And although this is a completely different story, it began with our farm, which still makes us very happy and still feeds us.

Today more and more people are striving to return "to earth", to start their own business, to realize an old dream and finally start a harmonious life. Right now, more than ever, many dream of getting their own farm, and sometimes building their own eco-farm. However, before deciding on such a step, answer one question: "How do I see the result of this idea."

By answering just one question, you will define a lot. So, for example, it will depend on your answer whether it will be a family or collective eco-farm, universal or focused on one product, whether it will be open for visits or whether it will be a purely private territory.

Having sincerely answered this question, search the Internet and try to find a prototype of your future eco-farm that already exists in the world. Use the experience of already implemented projects - great idea... Find what you like and try to develop your own concept, taking into account the mistakes and "weaknesses" of existing farms.

If possible - visit "" and see everything with your own eyes, chat with its creators. If it works out, work there for a month to better understand how it works and functions.

Eco-farm planning process

When the image of the future farm begins to really form in your head - analyze your own potential and - human and financial, as well as the possibilities of attracting funding. It is worth remembering that such projects are implemented for a period of 3 to 10 years, depending on your ambitions and capabilities.

For convenience, create a kind of business plan, break down the proposed activities for creating an eco-farm into stages by year. For example, the first year: planning a site, installing a fence, obtaining building permits, laying a garden, pouring foundations, etc. Second year: laying an apiary, setting up engineering networks, drilling a well for water supply, etc.

We form a team
Here you should return to the first point. If you want to create a family eco-farm, then "working hands" are you and your family. Of course, you cannot do without the help of specialists, but not at all stages (for example, when building a house). This will save you time (but not money), and the result will be better than if you had done everything.
If the farm is the fruit of collective efforts, then it will be useful to form a team in advance, distribute the budget, responsibility, and effectively distribute responsibilities. Here they will come to our aid modern technologies and in particular - the Internet. Create a website for your project, tell, communicate, attract and very soon there will be no end to like-minded people. The most important thing in this business is the desire to bring the idea to life.

Choosing a place

Having formed in your head an idea of ​​what the future eco-farm should be like, feel free to start looking for the earth. In order to make it clearer, it is worth creating a presentation or illustrated layout - they can come in handy when searching for land. Our realities are such that obtaining land is often associated with communication with local authorities authorities. A project visualized by graphic means can play a decisive role in solving the land issue.

The location of the land is one of key points... It depends on it how often at the first stage of development you can go there, whether you can ensure its safety and how, after the implementation of the project, you can attract tourists, buyers to the eco-farm or sell surplus of your products on your own.

The concept of an eco-farm can always be changed, but the location is almost impossible.
Try to find land plot located no more than 50 km from your current residence, major city or popular holiday destination.

Pay attention to the availability of communications and natural resources on the site or in its vicinity: access roads, electricity and its capacity, water sources (rivers, lakes, streams), sewers, forests, etc. Their presence or absence can have a serious impact on the budget of the eco-farm project.

Registration of the site is an important matter. Here you should not skimp on the services of competent specialists who can check everything and give practical advice.
Don't be afraid to implement your ideas! Start and everything will definitely work out!

The Rosselkhozbank will help eco-farmers not only get on their feet, but also create an effective agribusiness. For this purpose, Rosselkhozbank has created a loan product “Become a Farmer” ( The great thing is that it is a beginner farmer who is taking the first steps that can get a loan. You can get to a loan for the development of its business in the amount of up to 15 million rubles for a period of up to 10 years. And wherein start-up capital the farmer should account for only 10% of the cost of the business creation project. Both in cash and property form. There are many more all kinds of benefits and pleasant preferences on the Rosselkhozbank website, read carefully. The money will need to be returned to the bank, but you will return it from the income from the sale of organic products and tourist services... And you will have an Eco-farm that will bring stable profits!

A farmer is not necessarily a man. Moreover, he is an eco-farmer. By the way, an eco-farmer can work on his own, or he can be an organizer - that is, hire workers, create jobs.

Hence the algorithm of actions:

  1. You purchase a land plot in Ecopark "Suzdal" at a price of 2 thousand rubles per hundred square meters, business format (with a ready-made business plan investment project), Construction Materials etc. This is your "start-up capital".
  2. Register a peasant farm (peasant farm) in the Ecopark "Suzdal". To do this, you can have a residence permit anywhere, even in Moscow. The farmer is primarily the owner of the Eco-farm, the organizer of the production of bio-products. If you do not plan to permanently reside on the Eco-farm, then you can hire a family of managers or transfer the Eco-farm to the management of a cooperative.
  3. Conclude an Agreement for the sale (supply) of purchase and sale of products with agricultural marketing consumer cooperative"Eco-Farmer" (feasibility study for the bank).
  4. Become a member of the departmental target program Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation "Support for novice farmers for 2012-2014" to receive a grant as state support according to the program.
  5. Payback of Eco-farm with solar bio-vegetarian 4-5 years, credit for 10 years. This means that you can rebuild another Eco-farm from the profit. Place a family of managers there and your income will double.
  6. Apply for subsidies for a portion of the interest on the loan. This can reduce the loan burden by about 5% per annum.
  7. Build an Eco-farm and enjoy a useful and noble cause of the production of organic products and the organization of green rural tourism.

In the photo: a creative attitude to business in everything is the motto of a real eco-farmer.

What makes Eco-Farm with Solar Bio Vegetarian unique? Firstly, the first production is obtained within a week after its launch (forcing of onions and greens, vitgrass, sprouted grain, etc.). Secondly, it works 365 days a year, which means that the trickle of profit does not dry out. And this is several hundred thousand monthly. Thirdly, you produce bio-products, that is, the very best that can be offered to the consumer. Fourth, you are guaranteed sales (tourists, cooperative). Fifth, you are in the center of ecotourism, communicate with good people... Sixth, wonderful people live around you who will always come to your aid. Seventh, you are not standing in the bazaar, your goods are leaving the wheels. Eighth, you are taught the most modern methods production and consult the best specialists... Ninth, you own an agribusiness, the profit rate of which allows you to buy it out in short time... Tenth, you don't waste your precious time getting to work. Eleventh, every day your children receive lessons in labor, useful, constructive, creative ... Continue?

Many tourists just dream of returning to childhood, when it was easy to milk a cow and drink fresh milk ... Green rural tourism gives everyone this opportunity. And what wonderful photo shoots in the background rural life spoiled city tourists are waiting!

In the photo: now washing agricultural equipment is not what it used to be ... Environmentally friendly soap foam based on licorice (soap root) easily removes any dirt ...

When creating the Green-PIK Eco-farm business format, our team was faced with the task of finding an answer to one of the most important questions: can a novice farmer work efficiently, compete in the market for the consumer?

It is clear that an ordinary farmer will not be able to compete for the market with large agro-industrial holdings that produce products in gigantic volumes using high-performance equipment. It is not for nothing that most farmers call their main problem - the sale of their products. Network shops prefer giants, and the farmer simply does not have time to stand in the market. So you have to give the products for a pittance to dealers.

And yet, the agro-industrial monsters have a weak link, because of which they have no real prospect. They will never be able to produce natural, organic food. Their destiny is chemistry, monoculture, GMOs and ton-kilometers. And in society, the trend towards ecological products and ecological recreation is becoming more and more evident. It is also important that holdings use hired labor, which is not able to bring moral satisfaction and real material goods... Rural workers live from paycheck to paycheck, with an exorbitant burden of consumer loans.

Based on this, it is easy to determine how to create competitive advantages farmer, where is his market niche. Farmers should become the complete opposite of agricultural holdings. Their niche is ecological farming based on vermiculture (biohumus production), permaculture (polycultural cultivation), an absolute ban on GMOs, chemistry ( mineral fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, etc.).

Eco-farmer sees the main goal in obtaining ecologically clean, author's food products. Moreover, the result of labor is closest to the one who created it. An eco-farmer does not live on a salary, he receives an entrepreneurial income. Eco-Farmer produces the very best that Nature can give - products of exceptional quality. The most honest business brings the highest moral satisfaction. So let's leverage our strengths to build on our success.

It is very profitable to grow organic products for the townspeople. But we still have many other ways to improve the efficiency of an eco-farm. Of agricultural producers, only an eco-farmer is able to use the power of the economic law of tourist rent by organizing “green” rural tourism. And as you know, a tourist is the most grateful buyer. A tourist purchases goods and services at an eco-farm at a retail price, i.e. the most profitable for the eco-farmer. This is one of the reasons that the hospitality system significantly increases the efficiency of the eco-farm.

People living in cities appreciate outdoor recreation. This means that it is necessary to create such conditions so that the rest on the territory of the eco-farm would be interesting, comfortable and useful for them. Therefore, the eco-farm creates conditions for a comfortable stay of tourists. Nature itself is the most valuable recreational and health-improving resource for good rest. Eco-farm "Green-PIK" is able to offer an interesting and popular tourist product - "Travel to the country of" green vitamins ".

The business format "Eco-farm" Green-PIK "combines the business processes of growing organic products and" green "rural tourism. Thus, the Green-PIK eco-farm combines all the best that has been created by science and the experience of all mankind in ecological agriculture and green rural tourism.

"Green technologies" Green-PIK "provide high standards of food quality, hospitality and health improvement.

Eco-farm "Green-PIK" covers an area of ​​1.5 - 2 hectares and combines:

Terraced landscape, edible forest, 1200 sqm solar bio-vegetarian, perfect vegetable garden, pharmaceutical garden, orchards different types(rock garden, scent garden, etc.), pond natural type, permaculture, vermiculture, an eco-farmer's house, guest houses for tourists, a bathhouse, a sports and children's playground. An eco-farmer's house can combine a private (owner's half) and 4-6 hotel rooms for a comfortable stay.

The business format "Eco-farm" Green-PIK "is the most perfect eco-farm project. He is self-sufficient, i.e. can be considered as an independent business unit, or can be combined into clusters. At the same time, the eco-farmer is not left to himself, he is provided with continuous support from the cooperative.

Now we can answer the question that was posed to us: can a novice farmer be successful. Here is our answer: maybe if it works on the basis of the Green-PIK eco-farm business format or on the basis of the Green-PIK franchise.

Eco-farm "Green-PIK" allows a novice farmer who has no experience to create a highly efficient and successful business... To do this, a novice farmer must “only” follow the quality and management standards of the Eco-farm “Green-PIK” business format.

Eco-farmers are trained both in full-time and in correspondence form.

If you want to become an eco-farmer or co-owner of one or several Green-PIK Eco-Farms, we are pleased to invite you to our team. Register on our website and ...


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