Gloria jeans brand history. Gloria Jeans is the success story of a denim brand. Advertising and marketing activities

  • 1988 The history of the leader of the Russian clothing market began in 1988, when the current owner of the company, Vladimir Melnikov, opened the Gloria cooperative, the first in the USSR, which was the first in the country to start producing jeans on legal grounds.
  • 1991 Opening of the first partner store of the company.
  • 1992 Produced 40 thousand items. Cooperative "Gloria-2" was transformed into a private production company - Mixed Partnership "Melnikov and Co" Gloria-2 ". Production base - head factory in Rostov. Capacity - 200 machines. Orders for state enterprises: at Bataiskaya, Novoshakhtinskaya and Gukovskaya sewing factories.
  • 1993 The number of products manufactured by the Company has increased almost 4 times - up to 150 thousand products.
  • 1994 Acquisition of a factory in Bataysk. Gloria Jeans begins to compete on equal terms with foreign brands of denim clothing. 50,000 items were exported to England. The total number of manufactured products increased more than 3 times - up to 500,000.
  • 1995 Acquisition of a factory in Novoshakhtinsk, formation of Gloria Jeans OJSC, supply of the Company's products to the USA. Gloria Jeans enters the Moscow market. The number of manufactured products approached a million.
  • 1996 Representative offices are opened in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and other large cities. Actively growing partner network... The number of products manufactured by the company has grown to 1,650,000 pieces.
  • 1997 The company was reorganized into CJSC Gloria Jeans Corporation. The founders were Gloria Jeans OJSC and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (20% of shares). Later Gloria Jeans bought out a block of shares in the EBRD.
  • 1998 Financial Times publishes material about the Company's products, giving the characteristic "lowest price for good quality"Since that time, the Corporation has been under close scrutiny of the federal and foreign media. Gloria Jeans was named the largest sewing enterprise in Russia in terms of production volumes, quality and quantity of products, as well as the number of employees. The number of products produced exceeded 2 million items. ...
  • 1999 According to Rosstat, Gloria Jeans continues to be the absolute leader in the production of children's clothing in the country. It owns 90% of the national children's clothing market in the country, 70% of all children's clothing and 20% of the entire manufacturing clothing market in Russia. The number of manufactured products is 4 million 300 thousand items.
  • 2000 Gloria Jeans was recognized as an emerging market leader at the International Economic Forum in Davos.
  • 2001

    Another crucial year for the Company. As part of the expansion of the trading network, Gloria Jeans is launching the Sales Representative project. In addition to the Russian retail network, a network of representatives is developing in Ukraine: in Kiev, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Lvov, Nikolaev, Kherson and Donetsk. The company is recognized as the “Brand of the Year” in the “Clothes” category. Comcon research shows that Gloria Jeans' share of Russian market is 27.92 percent. Over the year, the popularity and recognition of the brand has doubled. The 30 millionth Gloria Jeans product was produced.

    In 2001 Gloria Jeans was named Brand of the Year

  • 2002 The first own plant opens in Azov retail store Companies.
  • 2003 Founded Charitable foundation named after the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Patterner. Factories were opened and equipped in cities: Prokhladny, Millerovo, Ust-Donetsk, Zverevo, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.
  • 2004 The company's turnover amounted to more than $ 130 million.
  • 2005 Gloria Jeans is recognized as the No. 1 company in the Russian clothing market (according to the portal). According to a study by marketing agency Symbol-Marketing, Gloria Jeans is the most famous denim brand on the Russian market. The Company's clothing is worn by 52% of Russian children and adolescents, 32% of young people, and 11% of adults. More than 74% trust brands target audience.
  • 2006 The Stil factory in Ukraine was acquired. Gloria Jeans was awarded the national status - "Leader Russian economy».

    In 2006 the company received the main Russian prize in business: the leader of the Russian economy

  • 2007 Recognition of Gloria Jeans among the target audience in many cities of Russia is 99.9%. Also, for the first time in the history of the Russian fashion industry, Gloria Jeans became the “People's Brand No. 1” in the “Clothes” category.

    In 2007, the company received the title of People's Brand according to the results of a customer survey.

  • 2008 The beginning of cooperation with one of the world's largest management consulting companies and IT Capgemini. Also in 2008, Gloria Jeans began cooperation with JDA, the world leader in the market for supply chain management and business forecasting systems.
  • 2009 The company decides to abandon wholesale and franchising and begins to develop its own retail network. Also in 2009, together with the famous consulting company in the area of retail KSA (Kurt Salmon Associates) Gloria Jeans has developed and successfully implemented a strategy for the transition of Gloria Jeans from a wholesale clothing manufacturer in Russia and the CIS to a retail retailer. Gloria Jeans (according to TNS) is recognized as the most bought Russian brand in the Clothing category. In the second half of the year, 9.2% of Russians bought it. The company's 200th branded store opens.
  • 2010 In 2010, rapid growth continues. The company's sales increased to 9 billion rubles, the number of stores amounted to 330 in all regions of Russia and Ukraine. In August, a collection of clothes for babies 0-2 years old was launched. / In collaboration with Cap Gemini, Gloria Jeans has developed new standards for customer service.

    In 2010, the company was named the most attractive employer according to one of the largest specialized portals super job

  • 2011 In 2011, 14 modern manufacturing enterprises were launched: nine of them in the Rostov region, and five in Ukraine, in the Luhansk region. The Gloria Jeans chain finished 2011 with 435 stores (411 in Russia, 24 in Ukraine), the total sales area of ​​which increased to 155,000 sq. M. At the end of 2011, Gloria Jeans took 38th place in the INFOLine & Retailer Russia TOP-100 rating of the largest retail chains in Russia, adding 20 points to the list.

    At the end of 2011, Gloria Jeans took 38th place in the INFOLine & Retailer Russia TOP-100 rating of the largest retail chains in Russia, adding 20 points to the list

  • 2012

    Gloria Jeans is recognized as an Attractive Employer 2012

  • 2013

    In 2013 Gloria Jeans:

    • entered the Forbes rating of "200 largest private companies in Russia",
    • recognized as the leader of the Russian clothing market according to the research company Euromonitor International and the newspaper Vedomosti,
    • topped the first lines of the Retailer index-2012 ranking in terms of revenue dynamics and the number of stores among 500 retail companies in the segment of companies with revenues of up to 30 billion rubles,
    • named by Expert magazine "Gazelle Company", that is, the fastest growing company, and "Leader of the Renewed Economy",
    • took first place in the rating " Successful companies"According to the newspaper Gorod N, the Gloria Jeans & Gee Jay brand was named" The Most Valuable "
  • 2014

    In 2014 Gloria Jeans:

    • entered the Forbes rating "200 largest private companies in Russia - 2014", taking 186th place.
    • The company retains its leading position, and according to the consulting company, Gloria Jeans Brand is known by 95% of Russians.

"My dream? Believe it or not, you will become a beggar, ”says the owner of the company, whose turnover will reach $ 1 billion this year. We talk with Vladimir Melnikov, CEO of Gloria Jeans, on the terrace of his house in a Kaluga village near the Optina Pustyn Monastery. Melnikov is a believer, but he does not mix faith and business, although he checks his deeds and intentions with Christian canons. For example, speaking of poverty, he means that you can be happy without property: when nothing burdens you, you are free. Melnikov built big business to feel free and do what he sees fit. Now he is looking for a strategic investor for Gloria Jeans to bring business management to a level where the company can live without a founder. He is in talks with ten specialized investors to sell 20-25% of Gloria Jeans. Among them are structures that own stakes in Inditex and H & M, as well as one of the largest European companies specializing in fashionable clothes, whose names Melnikov refuses to name. The deadline for the presentation of a mandatory offer from potential buyers has not yet expired and representatives of Gloria Jeans say that if the deal goes through, then not earlier than mid-December.

“I want to sell not only for money, although money is an important thing,” says the businessman, sitting comfortably in a wicker chair. He wears a plaid shirt over a white T-shirt and faded jeans, all from Gloria Jeans. - It is more important for a strong partner to come. Very strong. "

Melnikov is thinking about international expansion and subsequent IPO. He explains that if you compare the histories of all well-known companies, you can see that after the owners left, public businesses survived more often. “This is another reason why I am building a public company,” adds the man who created the most popular Russian clothing brand.

Crisis as a blessing

Over the past four years, the turnover of Gloria Jeans has been growing by an average of 55% per year. Results of 2012 - 23.3 billion rubles in revenue and 2.7 billion rubles in net profit. The company owns 48 factories in Russia and Ukraine and 550 stores throughout Russian Federation- from Kaliningrad to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and from Murmansk to Derbent. Just five years ago, Gloria Jeans had three times less own stores, and 55% of its sales came from wholesale and franchising. Retail margin, Melnikov regrets, went to the side.

The crisis prompted him to overnight and completely abandon wholesales and franchising. For 2009, this meant a loss of $ 15 million in net profit. Gloria Jeans focused on developing its own chain of stores and tightened its belt. They saved and optimized what was possible: part of the production from China and Bangladesh was transferred to Russia; 21 regional representation closed, leaving only seven key; many of the support staff were transferred to production in order not to lay off; developed and implemented a system of individual motivation. Already in 2009, the revenue of Gloria Jeans grew by 21%, to 6.3 billion rubles, and its EBITDA doubled - to 1.4 billion rubles. A year later, the company received 9 billion rubles and 2.3 billion rubles, respectively.

It seemed that the difficulties were over. And then tragedy struck. Melnikov's wife became fatally ill, he gave up all business for a year and a half in order to be by her side to the end. The company was left without general director but did not fall apart. When in the second half of 2012 sales of non-food retail began to fall (consumers began to save again), the revenue of Gloria Jeans increased by one and a half times at the end of the year.

In a crisis, something outstanding always happens to companies and people, only for this they first need to go through suffering and sacrifice. A crisis is always suffering, says the 65-year-old businessman.

What kind of suffering did Gloria Jeans have in 2008, what did you go through?

I don't remember exactly. Suffering, they are not remembered, - replies Melnikov with a slight smile. - I got out of prison three times. An hour before leaving, you think that you will never leave here. Here the door opens, after 15–20 seconds you have already forgotten about everything.

Lessons from lack of freedom

Winter. Frost at 40 degrees. A steam locomotive did not come for the prisoners from the brigade that was paving the way through the taiga - the boiler burst. The men lit a fire and sat around - the prisoners along with the guards. An hour later, the fire began to burn out, and the silence was broken by someone's voice: "Shall we throw it up or move over?" No one stood behind the wood, all silently moved towards the fire. When the flame was still weakened, someone asked again: "Shall we throw it up or move it over?" Again, everyone moved ... In the morning, out of 17 people, eight did not wake up. Five were hospitalized and crippled. Among the four survivors was Vladimir Melnikov. The owner of Gloria Jeans calls the history of the taiga one of the most valuable lessons for himself: in order to survive, you need to "throw up" all the time. He even shared the case at Indiana University's Kelley School, where he lectured at the invitation.

The Rostovite Melnikov lost his parents early, at the age of 14 he got a job as a turner apprentice at the Rostselmash plant, never finishing his studies at school. But then he entered the university (which, however, dropped out after a year). How? To the question read in our eyes, he succinctly answers: "I bought a certificate." Melnikov already had money then. He does not deny the past: yes, he was a farmer, traded currency, there were interesting things, unusual people. I got the first term for blackmailing, the other two - for hard currency. In 1989, he was arrested while trying to take dollars abroad - Melnikov was going to buy equipment for his jeans-making cooperative. In total, he spent 10 years behind bars.

Prison is such a tough university that you can't wish for an enemy, ”the businessman recalls bitterly. - I have learned to humiliate, suppress, insult in word, deed, look, and this torments me to this day. It's so ingrained that it's almost impossible to get rid of it.

According to Melnikov's subordinates, current and former, the general director of Gloria Jeans has an explosive character. It starts up in a second, especially if employees don't understand the first time. “He smashed computers, threw chairs,” says one of them. - But despite this, they adore him. Because whoever can endure this school will be able to endure anything at all ”. Melnikov admits: he still flares up when it seems to him that people do not delve into the elementary.

Still, you can build a great career at Gloria Jeans. For example, COO Maria Ostrovskaya was hired by the company 19 years ago as an ordinary secretary. Now her income is over $ 1 million a year. Top managers of Gloria Jeans each year receive in the form of an option with exercise in two years from 200,000 to 500,000 shares - less than 0.12% authorized capital companies. Not so little, considering that its founder now estimates the entire Gloria Jeans at about $ 1.5-2 billion.

Unsolvable contradictions

Many members of the Forbes list started their business with the jeans trade - Mikhail Prokhorov, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Mikhail Gutseriev, Kirill Minovalov. When asked why he did not become an oil or financial tycoon, while remaining loyal to jeans, Vladimir Melnikov answers without hesitation: "Not jeans - freedom."

In 1988, when Melnikov registered his cooperative, he asked his wife what the best name for the future company was. Without waiting for an answer, I began to think out loud: “We came out of the darkness, from the basement where we were supposed to hide, - we came out into the light. This is freedom! Let's call it "Gloria Jeans" - because "gloria" is light, and jeans are freedom. " Melnikov did not privatize anything and still has no dealings with the state. He acquired his first factory in Novoshakhtinsk in 1995 for $ 500,000 from the director of the enterprise, who by that time had become its main owner. And in the future, he either bought and modernized unprofitable factories, or created production from scratch.

I have never worked with the authorities. I hate them “chemically”, - Melnikov hardly restrains himself when talking about politics. Apparently, the hostility is mutual: during the crisis, the government refused to add Gloria Jeans to the list of 1500 strategic enterprises that can count on government support... Although in the Rostov region, most of the company's factories are located in cities of depressed mining areas. In mid-June, Melnikov wrote on his Facebook page: "Russia is losing its attractiveness for investment in general, and retail, in particular, as it leaves the democratic path of development into an authoritarian one."

The country needs reforms, and the government knows about it, - the businessman nevertheless agrees to talk about an unpleasant topic. - Reforms are of two types: democratic, when people are told: "You are free, act!", And mobilization. The authoritarian regime prefers the latter. The fact is that in 1999 immigrants from the KGB came to power. The Secret Services always and everywhere consider themselves the smartest. And those who think so do not need anyone's advice.

What can unfold a country?

In my understanding, there is one way - freedom and independence. Our government has chosen a different path - the end justifies the means, which means mobilization. But I will do what I do.

Over the past year, 35 million pieces of clothing were sewn at the Gloria Jeans factories. The company has created 4,000 new jobs, including 2,500 in production, which seems to be a worthy contribution to the well-being of people and the development of the economy. "And the exploitation?" - Melnikov retorts. Every year he donates about $ 10 million to charity (helping prisoners, orphanages, cancer patients, homeless people). But on business travel and consultants can spend more. “Insoluble contradictions, right? - the owner of "Gloria" remarks a little embarrassedly. "I haven't found an answer for myself yet."

Dictate prices

The owner of a jeans empire spends $ 10-15 million annually on business consultants in order to get even more profit by making the right decisions. He also never spared money on expats. “And I don’t regret it! - exclaims Melnikov. - Because they have colossal experience behind them.

The CEO of Gloria Jeans was one of the first in Russia to invite foreigners to top managerial positions. Already in the mid-1990s, half a dozen expats were “adjusting the processes” for him. In 2000, Giorgio Bezzi from Benetton joined Gloria Jeans and is now responsible for production technology... In February 2008, Melnikov hired Jasper Zielenberg, retail director for Europe, Africa and the Middle East, from Adidas. He, however, stayed in the Rostov company for only four months. “But now he writes everywhere in his resume that he worked as president at Gloria,” laughs Melnikov.

The company's finances are now managed by Canadian Michael McDonald, a native of IKEA, Timothy Kasbe from Sears Holdings Corporation is in charge of IT, American Annette Schatz from BCBG MAXAZRIA Group is responsible for merchandising, and strategic planning- Paul Allen from Levi's. Are foreign "specialists" expensive? From $ 500,000 to several million dollars per year each. But in Gloria, Melnikov emphasizes, this money needs to be worked out.

Not skimping on one thing, he saves on the other and continues to cut operating costs - even where, it would seem, everything has already been cut. For example, Melnikov basically opens new factories in Ukraine: "The salaries there are half as low, and people work with greater pleasure than in Russia." In China and Southeast Asia, Gloria Jeans places orders for the lightest items. More items in a batch - less transportation costs per unit of goods. Minimizing costs makes it possible to keep low prices in retail. “And the price at Gloria comes first,” the businessman emphasizes.

Look: we have almost identical shirts, ”he tells the Forbes editor. - I have ours. Costs $ 20. Do you have Topman? That means he paid $ 50, no less.

Sellers of popular apparel brands tend to rely on marketing - for example, special thermal fabrics or updating collections every three weeks. Melnikov - on price management: the value for money principle. The life of any product under the Gloria Jeans brand is strictly regulated: the item is sold at the base price within eight weeks, then a discount follows, after four weeks - another markdown, and after another two or three weeks - “liquidation” of the product. Not every buyer is waiting for a sale at bargain prices. But everyone can track life cycle things in the window and thus make sure that Gloria Jeans is cheap. According to the plan, 70% of the manufactured products should be sold at basic prices. To do this, Melnikov bought a pricing management system for $ 5 million: “World experts say that it is not the worst in our country. I agree with them. "

Melnikov's spies

Gloria Jeans has been looking abroad for a long time. With its cheap but quality clothing she could well count on success in the Baltic countries and of Eastern Europe... If not for one "but" - copyright.

As they say former employees"Gloria", at least until 2008, the company actively copied patterns of the famous American brand Abercrombie & Fitch. “We regularly brought jeans from America and handed them over to our designers, who based them on creating new GJ collections,” says one of them. When asked whether the company's expansion abroad was really constrained by the love of copying, Melnikov replies with a metaphor - a story about two artists, Diego Rivera and Pablo Picasso. When Rivera lived in Paris, he once discovered that several canvases from his workshop had disappeared. The loss was not found, Rivera returned to Mexico. And two years later, Picasso made an exhibition in Paris, and the audience was perplexed: “This is Rivera. Did you steal from him? "

Great people get inspired, great people steal. They steal, but do not copy, - Melnikov gives out a paradoxical maxim. - Steve Jobs created absolutely nothing of his own. He saw earlier and offered the market what someone was also going to do. I do not compare myself to Jobs, he great person, but seeing in time what others have not seen, and delivering it to the market faster, is what is important. For the rest there are courts - go and prove.

Last year, his employees proposed to decorate jeans with a special kind of decor. A month later, Versace brought to the market clothes with exactly the same "chips". "Yes, we saw it at Versace - so what?" - the entrepreneur admits. It seems that the case never came to court.

To keep abreast of world trends, Melnikov goes on a round-the-world trip on a specially rented plane six times a year. Rimini, Bologna, Sao Paulo, Chicago, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Seoul - for each city a day, maximum two. “We have designers everywhere who study the markets. Or, one might say, they are spying, ”the businessman jokes.

The Rostov company has about a dozen such "intelligence centers" that track fashion trends around the world. They carefully prepare for the employer's arrival: sketches and sketches of especially popular clothing models, samples from competitors' collections that have not yet been published, pieces of expensive fashionable fabrics, exact replicas of which in two weeks will be made for Melnikov in China at half the price. The main design centers of the company are located in Rostov and Shanghai - all GJ collections are created there. Rostovchan Melnikov regularly sends to study in Italy - in Istituto Secoli and Istituto Maragoni, which are among the most reputable universities in the fashion industry.

Fourth phase

The house of Vladimir Melnikov is located 250 km from Moscow - a solid comfortable cottage is relatively small and even modest. The wealth of the owner is hinted at, perhaps, only by the luxurious carpets on the floor. An entrepreneur comes here to retire, reflect, pray in Optina Pustyn (the monastery is located a five-minute drive away), and consult with the elders. But he is always in touch with his managers.

Customs showdowns with Ukraine do not affect us in any way? - he says to someone on the phone. - Did you just stop one car? Check your own every day to make sure they tell the truth. I'll call you back, thanks. Goodbye.

Delegation of authority, Melnikov sighs, was hard for him: each transition to a new management phase requires colossal efforts and enormous internal sacrifices. He shares his theory: any company has five phases of development - "I", "we", delegated control, coordination and confederation. At each stage, the owner must give up some undeniable rights and powers. Figuratively speaking, you cannot build a chain of 500 stores based on the principles of managing 100 stores. For the last five years, Melnikov says, Gloria Jeans has entered the phase of coordination - independent interaction between the heads of departments and divisions.

What questions do you reserve for yourself?

As CEO, I am responsible for the budget, because it is my signature. Employees have the right to change something, but they must always coordinate the changes with me. rules corporate culture I also say. I am responsible for the vision and goals of the company. And be sure to watch the execution of the budget once a month.

Vladimir Melnikov remembers a lot of indicators and, in the course of a conversation, easily multiplies multi-digit numbers in his mind. Sometimes, to double-check, he picks up a calculator. The weak point of the company, he considers internal transparency, or rather, its insufficiency. “Transparency,” he explains, “is when we meet and I know that you own information as well as I do. It's about managing and using the right information. " Both the owner and the investors need transparency. Melnikov is currently working with consultants from McKinsey on the transparency and development strategy of Gloria Jeans. Until 2017, he plans using strategic partner to increase the number of stores to 1000, revenue - 2.5 times, to $ 2.5 billion, and enter the world markets. The export brand has already been invented - Light of Freedom. “True, my son doesn't like him,” the businessman confesses. He has two children - a son and a daughter, and they could well continue their father's work. The Rostov resident shakes his head in disagreement: his daughter is married, brings up children, his son, having received a psychology degree in the United States, works in the company's charitable foundation and does not really want to do business.

The current capacities of Gloria Jeans cover its needs in goods by 30–35%. The company does not have its own shoe enterprise, production of accessories; a significant part of knitwear and other clothing is sewn under the supervision of its specialists at third-party enterprises in Southeast Asia. When discussing the market position of the company, we call it the largest clothing manufacturer in Russia. Melnikov corrects: “Power is not our main concern now. We are a retail company. A vertically integrated retail brand ”.

When the company had revenues of just over $ 200 million, you said you wanted to run a billion-dollar business. By the end of the year, you will have a billion. What's it like to run a billion?

Melnikov pauses before answering.

Now I am thinking about how to manage a $ 10 billion company. I already understand everything about a billion, now it is interesting to manage $ 10 billion. I don’t know how it feels yet.

Photo: Artem Goloshchapov for Forbes


Russia, Rostov-on-Don

Key figures Net profit

$ 16 million (2008, IFRS)

Number of employees

About 18 thousand people (2012)


Gloria Jeans- a vertically integrated retailer, Russian company, specializing in the production and sale of clothing, footwear and accessories for all ages under the brands "Gloria Jeans" and "Gee Jay". The company was founded in 1988 by Vladimir Melnikov. As of spring 2012, the company operates more than 500 stores located in cities across Russia and Ukraine.

Gloria Jeans is the only clothing brand in the list of fifty Russian brands, whose sales exceed 5 billion rubles a year (according to Forbes). In 2001, Gee Jay was named Brand of the Year in the Clothing category.

The central office of the company is located in the city of Rostov-on-Don (Rostov region).


On September 29, 1988, Gloria, the first cooperative in the USSR, was opened, which began to produce jeans legally. Melnikov Vladimir Vladimirovich became its chairman. This date is officially considered the birthday of Gloria Jeans. Soon, Vladimir Melnikov acquired two factories - in the cities of Novoshakhtinsk and Bataysk (Rostov region). This allowed the company to significantly increase production and meet the growing demand.

In 1991 the first store of the company was opened in Rostov-on-Don.

In 1997, the company was reorganized into CJSC "Corporation" Gloria Jeans ", the founders were OJSC" Gloria Jeans "and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (20% of shares). Subsequently, the company bought out a block of shares in the EBRD. Over the past five years, the company's turnover has been growing by about 40% in year.

In 2003, the Charitable Foundation named after the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia Uzoreshitelnitsa was founded. Factories were opened and equipped in cities: Prokhladny, Millerovo, Ust-Donetsk, Zverevo, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

In 2004, the company's turnover amounted to more than $ 130 million.

In 2005 the company decided to separate production and sales.

In 2006, the Stil factory in Ukraine was acquired.

In 2008, Gloria Jeans began cooperation with the consulting company Capgemini.

Also in 2008, Gloria Jeans began cooperation with JDA.

In August 2009, the company decided to completely abandon wholesale and franchising and focus on developing its own retail network... ... Also in 2009, together with the renowned retail consulting company KSA (Kurt Salmon Associates), Gloria Jeans developed and successfully implemented a strategy for the transition of Gloria Jeans from a wholesale clothing manufacturer in Russia and the CIS countries to a retail retailer.

In 2011, 14 production enterprises were launched, of which nine in the Rostov region and five enterprises in Ukraine, in the Luhansk region. The Gloria Jeans chain finished 2011 with 435 stores (411 in Russia, 24 in Ukraine), the total sales area of ​​which increased to 155,000 sq. M. m.

Owners and management

The main owner and chairman of the board of directors is Vladimir Melnikov.


The company's stores are open in all federal districts Russia, as well as in Ukraine. The first store in Ukraine was opened on April 14, 2003 in Odessa. The number of stores in Ukraine as of May 2012 was 24.

Company enterprises

The corporation owns 33 factories, most of which are located in the Rostov region (Shakhty, Novoshakhtinsk, Gukovo, Zverevo, Millerovo, Salsk, Ust-Donetsk, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Krasny Sulin, Donetsk, Proletarsk, Egorlykskaya, Sholokhovskaya, Peschanokopskoye, Belaya Kalitva, Morozov , Oblivskaya, Zimovniki, Kashary, Chertkovo, Celina, Zernograd). An enterprise was also launched in the Volgograd region (Surovikino, Kamyshin, Mikhailovka, Kotovo and Serafimovich). Another factory is located in the city of Prokhladny (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic). Production in Ukraine is actively developing: eight enterprises in the Luhansk region (Luhansk, Belokurakino, Krasny Luch, Rubizhne, Starobelsk, Pervomaisk, Belovodsk, Chervonopartizansk) and one factory in the Donetsk region (Snezhnoe). The main distribution warehouse of the Company is located in Shakhty.

In addition to factories, Gloria Jeans owns its own design and merchandising centers in Istanbul, Shanghai, Sao Paulo, Chicago, Vietnam, Los Angeles, Seoul, Tokyo, Rostov-on-Don and Shakhty.

Advertising and marketing activities

At various times, many famous stars collaborated with Gloria Jeans, including Valeria, Dima Bilan, MakSim, Alexa. In 2005, Valeria became the face of the company, in 2008 - Dima Bilan. The campaign with Dima Bilan helped to raise the image of Gloria Jeans as a manufacturer of fashionable clothes not only for children and adolescents, but also for young people.

Product categories

Since the summer of 2010, for a better understanding of the customer, Gloria Jeans has decided to divide the assortment by age: 0-2 years old, 2-7 years old, 8-13 years old, 13+. This division was also reflected in the arrangement of goods in the company stores. Starting with the Spring 2010 collection, the company began to actively develop a line of accessories, underwear, swimwear and footwear.

Since the beginning of 2011, the division by age has changed: 0-2 years old, 2-9 years old, 9-14, 13+. As part of the 2011 collections, the range of products doubled: store visitors were offered previously unreleased models of evening dresses, jeans, jackets, shoes and accessories.

Performance indicators

The sales network's revenue in 2011 amounted to 15.5 billion rubles, and compared to the previous year, the company's sales increased by 73%, and in comparable stores - by 22.5%. Gross profit increased by 61.2% in 2011 and amounted to 8.9 billion rubles, and the company's net profit increased by 77%, amounting to 2.5 billion rubles. The company employs about 18 thousand people.


In 2003, the company founded the foundation named after the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Patterner. The Foundation's activities are aimed at charitable, social, cultural and other socially useful purposes. The Foundation helps orphanages and boarding schools, prisons, homeless people, orphans, widows and single mothers, old people, disabled people, needy, terminally ill people.

Awards and ratings

On November 4, 2002, the team of Gloria Jeans, represented by General Director Vladimir Melnikov, received an award - the Medal of St. Sergius of Radonezh, II degree (with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, it was presented by Archbishop of Rostov and Novocherkassk Vladyka Panteleimon).

In 2005, Gloria Jeans was recognized as the No. 1 company in the Russian clothing market (according to the portal). According to the research carried out by the marketing agency Symbol-Marketing (autumn 2005), Gloria Jeans is the most famous denim brand on the Russian market. She is known without prompting by 40% of the polled Russians; Gee Jay is in fourth place in recognition. She is known by 27.3% of respondents. Both brands, Gloria Jeans and Gee Jay, are leaders in the Russian market. Clothes of these brands are worn by 52 percent of Russian children and adolescents, 32 percent of young people, and 11 percent of adults. More than 74 percent of the target audience trust brands.

In 2006, Gloria Jeans Corporation was awarded the national status - “Leader of the Russian Economy in 2006”.

2007 year. According to Romir Monitoring (April 2007), the recognition of Gloria Jeans on the list among the target audience of the brand in many cities of Russia is 99.9%. Also on October 1, 2007, for the first time in the history of the Russian fashion industry, Gloria Jeans became the “People's Brand No. 1” in the “Clothes” category, according to Russian consumers.

Gloria Jeans is a fairly popular Russian brand that has been producing trousers from high-quality jeans for 25 years.

The owner of the company is Vladimir Melnikov, who opened the enterprise in 1988 -m year and thus became the first legitimate entrepreneur involved in the production and sale of jeans. It was originally a cooperative called Gloria.

For 4 years of its existence, he managed to produce 40 thousand products, open his own factory in Rostov and conclude contracts with several sewing enterprises.

As of 1993 -th year, the volume of production increased by 4 times, reaching the figure of 150 thousand items.

V 1994 -m year, the first order for the export of jeans to England was completed.

And finally in 1995 -m year was formed an open joint-stock company under the name already familiar to us "Gloria Jeans".

V 1997 -m year, thanks to the successful influence of investments, the jeans brand gets a chance for a more global development and opens for itself several more new cities.

Thanks to this, in 1998 -m "Gloria" attracts the attention of foreign media, which immediately call it one of the largest Russian enterprises, both in terms of production volumes and the number of employees.

V 2004 -and the year the annual turnover of the brand, which produces high-quality jeans, exceeded the figure of 130 million dollars.

Since the target audience of the company is children and youth, already in 2005 -m "Gloria" becomes the leader in the children's denim clothing market and not only.

Such an incredible success of the brand is quite understandable for those who are well acquainted with the methods of its work and development. Indeed, in order to always stay ahead, the brand management always uses only the most profitable methods.

So every year "Gloria" regularly releases eight full-fledged collections of jeans and other clothes, as any company belonging to the group does. As you know, constant updating of goods is something that always gives positive results, allowing you to make products relevant and fashionable. In addition, jeans in itself are in high demand in all years.

In addition, Gloria jeans are often advertised by famous faces of Russian show business. A kind of record in this field was advertising campaign featuring Dima Bilan. Thanks to him, the brand's items have gained even more popularity, especially among young people. Regarding that case, Vladimir Melnikov decided not to make any secrets and boldly told the whole world that they paid the singer 1 million dollars for such a work, which is the largest known fee in advertising of this level. Although, on the other hand, Dima honestly worked out this money, as he increased the demand for the product several times.

V August 2010 The Gloria label has a new line of clothing for the little ones (from knitwear, cotton, jeans and others) from 0 to 2 years old. It starts quite successfully and allows you to get another category of new customers.

September 20, 2013 a new collection of clothes "Gloria" for the fall-winter 2013-2014 season was released, so now you can safely go for new clothes. It is especially pleasant that not long ago their first discount store was opened in Moscow, which promises its customers a lot interesting offers and a flexible system of discounts.

On the official website, you can always familiarize yourself with the full range of the company, find products for children of different age categories and also read current promotions, new products and discounts.

Today the Gloria Jeans retail chain owns about 500 stores (both in Russia and Ukraine) and is a permanent member of the ratings of the largest retail chains in Russia. Moreover, her personal merchandising and design centers are located in Tokyo, Istanbul, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Vietnam, Chicago and Seoul.

So the next time you pick out a pair of jeans labeled "Gloria", you will know that you are not wasting money on purchasing them.

Russia : Moscow

Gloria Jeans- Soviet and Russian company specializing in the production and sale of clothing, footwear and accessories for children under 14 years old and young people (up to about 35 years old), under the brands "Gloria Jeans" and "Gee Jay". The company was founded in 1988 by Vladimir Melnikov. As of the end of 2015, the company operates more than 500 stores located in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus. Gloria Jeans is the only clothing brand in the list of fifty Russian brands, whose sales exceed 5 billion rubles a year (according to Forbes). In 2001, Gee Jay was named Brand of the Year in the Clothing category.

The central office of the company has been located in Moscow since February 2016. Previously, the location of the central office was the city of Rostov-on-Don (Rostov region).


On September 29, 1988, the first cooperative in the USSR "Gloria" was opened, which began to produce jeans legally. Melnikov Vladimir Vladimirovich became its chairman. This date is officially considered the birthday of Gloria Jeans. Soon, Vladimir Melnikov acquired two factories - in the cities of Novoshakhtinsk and Shakhty (Rostov region). This allowed the company to significantly increase production and meet the growing demand.

In 1991 the first store of the company was opened in Rostov-on-Don.

In 1997 the company was reorganized into CJSC "Corporation" Gloria Jeans ", the founders were OJSC" Gloria Jeans "and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (20% of shares). Subsequently, the company bought out a block of shares in the EBRD. Over the past five years, the company's turnover has been growing by about 40% per year.

In 2003, the Charitable Foundation named after the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Patterner was founded. Factories were opened and equipped in cities: Prokhladny, Millerovo, Ust-Donetsk, Zverevo, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

In 2004, the company's turnover amounted to more than $ 130 million.

In 2006, the Stil factory in Ukraine was acquired. [ ]

In August 2009, the company decided to completely abandon wholesale and franchising and focus on developing its own retail network.

In 2011, 14 manufacturing enterprises, of which nine are in the Rostov region and five enterprises in Ukraine, in the Luhansk region. The Gloria Jeans chain finished 2011 with 435 stores (411 in Russia, 24 in Ukraine), the total sales area of ​​which increased to 155,000 m². [ ]

In 2014, the approach to building a business was radically revised. All production facilities in Ukraine were closed and significantly reduced in Russia. 80% of production is in Asian countries. Until some time, it was planned to move the headquarters to Hong Kong in 2015.

In February 2016, the central office moved to Moscow, which marked new stage in the development of the company.

Owners and management

The main owner and chairman of the board of directors is Vladimir Melnikov.


The company's stores are open in all federal districts of Russia, as well as in Ukraine. The first store in Ukraine was opened on April 14, 2003 in Odessa. The number of stores in Ukraine as of March 2013 was 30. [ ]

Company enterprises

The corporation owns factories, most of which are located in the Rostov region:

  • Mines, Novoshakhtinsk, Gukovo, Zverevo, Millerovo, Salsk, Ust-Donetsk, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Krasny Sulin, Donetsk, Proletarsk, Egorlykskaya, Sholokhovsky, Peschanokopskoye, Belaya Kalitva, Morozovsk, Oblivskaya, Zimovniki, Kashary, Chertkovo, Zernkovo. The main distribution warehouse of the company and a large logistics center are located in Novoshakhtinsk.
  • Surovikino, Kamyshin, Mikhailovka, Kotovo and Serafimovich.

Another factory is located in the city of Prokhladny (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic).

In addition to factories, Gloria Jeans owns its own design and merchandising centers in Istanbul, Shanghai, Sao Paulo, Chicago, Vietnam, Los Angeles, Seoul, Tokyo, Rostov-on-Don and Shakhty.

Product categories

Since the summer of 2010, for a better understanding of the customer, Gloria Jeans has decided to divide the assortment by age: 0-2 years old, 2-7 years old, 8-13 years old, 13+. This division was also reflected in the arrangement of goods in the company stores. Starting with the Spring 2010 collection, the company began to actively develop a line of accessories, underwear, swimwear and footwear.

Since the beginning of 2011, the division by age has changed: 0-1 years old, 0-5 years old, 5-12, 13+. As part of the 2011 collections, the range of products doubled: store visitors were offered previously unreleased models of evening dresses, jeans, jackets, shoes and accessories. Since the beginning of 2018, the division by age has changed: 0-2 years old, 2-8 years old, 7-14, 13+.

Performance indicators

The sales network's revenue in 2011 amounted to 15.5 billion rubles, and compared to the previous year, the company's sales increased by 73%, and in comparable stores - by 22.5%. Gross profit increased by 61.2% in 2011 and amounted to 8.9 billion rubles, and the company's net profit increased by 77%, amounting to 2.5 billion rubles. The company employs about 18 thousand people.


In 2003, the company founded the foundation named after the holy great martyr Anastasia the pattern-maker. The Foundation's activities are aimed at charitable, social, cultural and other socially useful purposes. The Foundation helps orphanages and boarding schools, prisons, homeless people, orphans, widows and single mothers, old people, disabled people, needy, terminally ill people.

Awards and ratings

On November 4, 2002, the team of Gloria Jeans, represented by General Director Vladimir Melnikov, received an award - the Medal of St. Sergius of Radonezh, II degree (with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, it was presented by Archbishop of Rostov and Novocherkassk Vladyka Panteleimon).

In 2005, Gloria Jeans was recognized as the No. 1 company in the Russian clothing market (according to the portal). According to the research carried out by the marketing agency Symbol-Marketing (autumn 2005), Gloria Jeans is the most famous denim brand on the Russian market. She is known without prompting by 40% of the polled Russians; Gee Jay is in fourth place in recognition. She is known by 27.3% of respondents. Both brands, Gloria Jeans and Gee Jay, are leaders in the Russian market. These brands are worn by 52 percent of Russian children and adolescents, 32 percent of young people, and 11 percent of adults. More than 74 percent of the target audience trust brands.

In 2006, Gloria Jeans Corporation was awarded the national status - “Leader of the Russian Economy in 2006”.

2007 year. According to Romir Monitoring (April 2007), the recognition of Gloria Jeans on the list among the target audience of the brand in many cities of Russia is 99.9%. Also on October 1, 2007, for the first time in the history of the Russian fashion industry, Gloria Jeans became the "People's Brand No. 1" in the "Clothes" category, according to Russian consumers.

In 2009, according to TNS, Gloria Jeans was recognized as the most bought Russian brand (category “Clothes”). In the second half of the year, 9.2% of Russians bought it.


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