Automation of business processes as a necessary condition for the efficiency of the company. Automation of business processes in CRM. Comparison of approaches Search for software tools for business process automation

constantly changing market conditions, high speeds in decision making, multitasking in asset management and the need to reduce risk require modern approaches to the organization economic activity. The way out in the face of increasingly complex internal and external environment enterprises is becoming a comprehensive automation of business processes. It allows you to free up precious resources for strategic planning and concentration of management on key areas of the company's work. We will talk about what automation and an ERP system are, why a process approach is needed, and what software is most popular in the world and in Russia.

Business and automation: yesterday, today, tomorrow

Business automation is partial or full translation stereotyped operations and business tasks under the control of a specialized information system, or software and hardware complex. As a result, the release of human and financial resources to increase labor productivity and the effectiveness of strategic management.

Automation is usually carried out in two directions:

* Automation of the main business processes: for example, sales or customer service management. In this case, it is carried out to directly increase sales, the number of products produced and increase the profitability of the entire business as a whole.
* Automation of supporting processes such as accounting, reporting, office work. Such automation does not directly affect the increase in income, but it helps to reduce the time and costs of doing routine work.

The main tasks of business automation are as follows:

* effective support operational activities enterprises, organization of accounting and control;
* preparation of any documents for partners, including waybills, invoices, reconciliation acts and business proposals;
* quick receipt of reports on the state of affairs in the company for any period of time;
* optimization of personnel costs, increasing the efficiency of the use of working time by freeing employees from routine work;
* minimization negative impact"human factor" critical business processes;
* secure storage of information;
* Improving the quality of customer service.

Automation of business processes can significantly improve the quality of management in a company and the quality of its product. For the enterprise as a whole, it provides a number of significant advantages.

* Increasing the speed of information processing and solving repetitive tasks.
* Increasing the transparency of business and its manufacturability.
* Growth of coordination of actions of the personnel and quality of its work.
* Ability to control large amounts of information.
* Automation manual labor.
* Reducing errors and improving control accuracy.
* Parallel solution of several tasks.
* Quick decision making in stereotypical situations.

As a result of automating business process management, the head of the enterprise receives more information for analyzing business processes in the form of detailed analytical reports and has the opportunity to manage the company qualitatively, taking into account external and internal indicators.

For example, when using the software "First Form" for the first six months of work key indicators the company's activities are increasing:

* planning accuracy - by 40%;
* overall efficiency - by 50%;
* Saving the manager's time - by 80%.

Most companies start automation with routine labor intensive processes, as well as from operations that significantly affect profits and revenues: finance and accounting, document management, production and inventory control. Automation of such areas of activity as enterprise management, marketing, quality management and external communications at most Russian enterprises is just beginning.

In conditions economic crisis priorities in the field of business process automation are changing somewhat. The main trends of the current season include the following:

1. Use of cloud technologies. The main difference of this automation method is that the company does not have its own server. Such systems are very popular with small businesses, as they cost significantly less than the traditional version.
2. Active automation of marketing tools: implementation of CRM-systems, automation systems contextual advertising and BI systems.
3. Development of machine-to-machine interaction technologies. The emerging trend of M2M - Machine to Machine - involves the minimum participation of a person in those processes where possible, since the complication of business processes and equipment does not always allow a person to adequately assess and respond to a changing situation.
4. Application of big data tools. Another trend in the development of business process automation is the attention to big data and related business intelligence. They are in demand by large companies, since specialized expensive equipment is required to process big data.
5. Real-time data analysis. Business automation systems will evolve towards real-time transaction processing, resulting in fully synchronized operations.

Key areas and business process automation software

One of the main conditions for business automation is the use of a process approach by an enterprise. This term is understood as an approach that defines the consideration of the company's activities as a network of business processes that are inextricably linked with its main goals, objectives and mission. Process approach, unlike the structural approach prevailing in many companies, is focused not on the existing organizational structure of the enterprise, but on real business processes, the end result of which is the creation of a service or product.

The process approach helps to increase the flexibility of the business, reduce the response time to market changes and improve the performance of the enterprise.

Each business process in a company consists of a set of individual operations with an order of execution determined by technology or instructions. The necessary characteristics of a business process are routes and rules, as well as inputs, outputs, consumed resources, participants and owners.

Before proceeding with the automation of business processes, it is necessary to carry out work on their isolation and description, and also to attribute them to the group of main or auxiliary processes. This is a rather lengthy procedure, in practice it requires the participation of all departments of the company in close cooperation.

The types and number of business processes are individual for each company. All differentiated business processes can then be integrated into several main areas, for each of which it is possible to automate both as a whole and as part of a separate process:

1. Management:

* strategic management;
* economic security;
* legal support;
* Management Accounting;
* budgeting;
* Information Security.

You can use the program system "1C: Enterprise", the control module of the SAP R / 3 system.

2. Marketing and sales:

* management marketing activities;
* PR;
* management promotional activities;
* sales management;
* customer relationship management (CRM).

To automate this area, software is often used: CRM systems - Megaplan, 1C: Bitrix24,, advertising management - EFSOL: AMS Advertising Management, SiZiF, site management (CMS) - Bitrix, UMI. CMS, NetCat, HostCMS, AMIRO.CMS, DataLife Engine (DLE), etc.

3. Production:

* management of production processes;
* enterprise inventory management;
* material supply management;
* management of production equipment;
* logistics system.

Software products: Kraft systems, USU, AVA ERP production module, VOGBIT, Sage, Super Warehouse, Warehouse and Sales.

4. Quality management:

* quality management system (QMS);
* quality control of products and production indicators;
* work with claims.

Software used: Indicators Administrator, FINEKS: Quality Management, Master: Quality Management, Wonderware MES Software/Quality, ProdX.

5. Personnel management:

* recruitment;
* training and development of personnel;
* personnel accounting;
* motivation and pay

Software products: E-Staff Recruiter from Datex Software, 1C: Payroll and HR Management, Oracle/HR Management, Pharaoh, BOSS-Kadrovik.

6. Finance:

* Accounting;
* tax accounting;
* financial planning;
* management of settlements with clients;
* payment wages enterprise employees.

Automation software: "1C: Accounting", "1C: Salary", "AuditExpert", "Master Finance Analysis", "Fingrand".

7. Organization of the company's activities:

* document flow;
* Secretariat.

Software products: "1C: Document Management", "E1 Euphrates" from Cognitive Technologies, "Master Doc" from Master Group, QPR 2014, Open Text.

ERP: a new stage in the evolution of automation systems

"Island" automation of individual business processes of the company sooner or later becomes ineffective, since attempts to combine several different automation systems into a single whole most often fail. When implementing the "island" approach, the goal of increasing the overall efficiency of the enterprise is usually not set.

In contrast, an integrated business automation system is a system for managing the financial and economic activities of the company and ensures the maintenance of operational, managerial and accounting generally.

The concept of an integrated enterprise management system - ERP - was developed in the late 80s of the last century. In the early 90s, it began to gain popularity as control systems began to appear that could implement this concept. The ERP system is based on the principle of creating a single information space that helps track all information about business processes in all departments of the company in real time.

ERP systems are built on a modular basis, and their structure implies the presence of separate blocks that are responsible for a specific process. Thanks to this principle of organization, it is possible to refine and expand the functionality of the entire system as new technologies appear, changes in legislation or customer needs.

Most ERP systems include the following groups of modules:

* logistic;
* production;
* marketing
* providing;
* marketing;
* other.

In Russia, ERP systems appeared only at the end of the last century and were originally used exclusively by large companies, but today they are being implemented at enterprises of any size.

After the implementation of an ERP system, a company can stop using numerous disparate programs for working with finance, warehouse, office, and logistics. This, in turn, will allow the business to significantly reduce the cost of IT support.

In 2016, according to the rating of the consulting company Panorama Consulting Solutions, the top three leaders in the global ERP systems market included SAP with a 20% share; Oracle -13.9% and Microsoft - 9.4%. Further, in descending order, the following companies are located: Infor, Epicor, Sage, NetSuite, IFS, IQMS, Syspro.

The leader in terms of implementation speed was Oracle, and in terms of payback period - SAP.

In Russia, according to the analytical center TAdviser, the most popular ERP system in 2016 was "1C: Enterprise" (see Fig.). Among the most demanded software, one can also note such products as Galaktika ERP, SAP ERP, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Rice. Diagram of applied software products for business automation in Russia

How to choose a software product

When choosing software business process automation systems can go in two ways:

* use of a typical product;
* development and implementation of individual software.

On a note

A standard (boxed) product will cost the company less and is also somewhat easier to implement. But we must not forget that not every standard software can be redesigned for the individual characteristics of the enterprise, since in a number of programs the possibilities advanced settings limited or even excluded. The same problem exists with cloud services.

In order to choose the right specific program, it is important to answer a number of very serious questions:

1. What business processes are planned to be automated?
2. Will the functionality of this or that program correspond to the tasks assigned to it?
3. Is it possible to customize for a specific business practice?
4. Is it possible to quickly change the system without discontinuing operation in case of changes in business processes or business conditions?
5. How easy is the system to use?
6. Is it possible to integrate the system with existing services or automation programs?
7. Who and how will provide technical support?
8. How much will the implementation cost and technical support(ownership)?

Since it is practically impossible to answer these questions independently and at the same time, it is advisable to get advice from vendor companies (software developers). In addition, you should talk to business colleagues, as their experience sometimes helps to make a choice. However, it is important to understand that opinions in the business community can be very subjective, due to the specifics of the industry, the size of the enterprise, limited experience with various ERP systems and, as a result, the inability to see the whole picture and compare all products in relation to yours. conditions.

As for whether to automate individual processes or install an ERP system, it all depends on the specifics of a particular enterprise.

Software cost and implementation costs

It is very difficult to answer unequivocally the question of how much business automation will cost for a particular company, since the cost of specific software depends on several factors, including:

* tasks, which the software is designed to solve;
* type of program: typical or custom;
* resources required for implementation;
* number of workstations connected to the system.

For example, the price of a license for the popular integrated program "1C: Enterprise" for 100 jobs is 432,000 rubles, for 50 jobs - 187,200 rubles, for 20 jobs - 41,400 rubles.

The cost of automation also consists of several components:

* the cost of the system itself, including the cost of the "box" or rental payments in the case of using the "cloud" version;
* the cost of setting up an automation system and staff training;
* the cost of regular technical support.

Indirect costs should also be added to the price of automating business processes, for example, the time spent by the manager and key users on participating in the project.

The main problem that enterprises in the real sector of the economy that are not burdened with a large debt load may or have already faced is a decline in demand, an outflow of customers. Therefore, probably, one of the key tasks of a business leader is customer retention. In this article, Aleksey Kudinov and Mikhail Sorokin dwell on one of the reasons for the appearance of dissatisfied customers - the lack of regulated business processes within the supplier of goods or services, or, in other words, clear rules for working with the client. The given examples from the Russian practice are described in the recently published book "CRM: Russian practice of effective business".

The cause of the problem: the lack of clear "rules of the game"

As the well-known saying says - "stability is a sign of mastery." The stability of the company should not depend on the habits or style of work of one of the employees. The company cannot afford to lose customers due to an unstable level of service. During periods of economic cataclysms, when demand objectively falls, the criticality of this problem for business, as a rule, increases.

Imagine a situation when during a football match each of the 22 players of both teams has their own rules of the game or their own ball, as was the case in L. Lagin's story "Old Man Hottabych". Will such a game please the fans and will the teams be able to complete the match at all? What is a judge to do? How can he deal with the situation?

Do you think that a similar situation in business is not possible even theoretically?

Unfortunately, experience in various Russian markets says the opposite. For example, when contacting the same company, the buyer can receive a level of service that differs significantly depending on the experience and responsibility of the employee with whom the buyer contacts.

Here is one typical example from Russian practice.

Russian example: a tool for putting things in order

Sergey Ivanovich runs a tailoring company and wholesale clothes price Saint Petersburg | Two years ago, he decided that the business needs development, but first it is necessary to put things in order in the company's internal processes.

Briefly, the situation was as follows: orders from customers were lost, orders for production were not fulfilled accurately, customer complaints were not always processed. And most importantly - each of the employees worked in his own way, as he considered it right. In such a situation, the level of service for the client, depending on the manager of the company, varied significantly.

Sergei Ivanovich turned to consulting company to remedy the situation.

Business consultants analyzing internal processes work of the company, indicated "thin" places and proposed the modernization of the business processes "order", "production", "exhibition", "analysis of the complaint".

The work was completed on time, and the report with the new business processes of the company lay on the table to Sergey Ivanovich. It seemed that the hardest part was over and now things were going uphill. All employees were immediately familiarized with the new business processes. Large and bright color printouts were made, which were hung in departments near the workplaces of employees. But the expected result did not follow: orders were still lost, complaints were processed through time, etc.

Sergey Ivanovich thought for a long time how to remedy the situation, and decided: "It is necessary to place the "paper" business processes directly into the automation system, make them "live", integrate them into the company's working environment. Let each employee see the business process on his monitor screen and work with him.

When implementing any CRM system, one of the first stages of work is a description of business processes. It is important to study the features of the company's work, take into account all the factors that affect a particular process, identify key points work and "thin places". As a result, we get a competent and detailed description of business processes that are subject to automation.

In addition, it is very important to set the environment for the execution of these processes by the employees of this company. This is called business process regulation.

Thus, when working on implementation of CRM I personally adhere to the following sequence of actions, which I also recommend to all colleagues, as having proved in practice its convenience and viability:

  1. Description of business processes. At this stage, the work is done on paper or in any convenient medium. The most important thing is to get some kind of scheme or algorithm that will be understandable to both the developer and the customer.
  2. Coordination. The resulting description of business processes is agreed with the company's management. At this stage, an experienced business consultant or developer can also offer optimization of certain processes and clarify all contentious issues.
  3. Choosing an environment for implementation. A detailed description of business processes can be considered a clear statement of the problem. And now that the algorithm future work is clear, the developer can independently or jointly with the customer choose the environment in which further work will be carried out, i.e. direct CRM system.
In many cases, the choice of a CRM system is made in advance, taking into account the cost of the software product and the skills of the employees of a particular company. In this case, the description of business processes can be made immediately, taking into account the features of the selected CRM system.

And now I want to talk about two different approaches to solving these issues, which are implemented to one degree or another in all popular CRMs.

  1. Business process programming.
  2. "Drawing" business processes.
The difference between these approaches is clear from their name. In the first case, developers use algorithmization and a certain sequence of commands, which are later implemented in the CRM environment as a set of commands. In the second, business processes are presented in the form of a graphical flowchart, in which commands are represented as objects and arrows. Let's take a closer look at each of these automation options.
I will not consider the use of BPMS systems to solve business process automation problems, those who are interested can read.

Business process programming

This method is used in such popular systems as ZOHO CRM or Saleforce CRM, and consists in implementing a business process using Step by Step technology, i.e. "step by step".

At the same time, business processes can be designed in any convenient form, just like when creating an algorithm before writing a program. But all processes are implemented as a step-by-step sequence of actions and conditions (each branch is almost always a new process).

The description of the processes in this case is made in text form using commands adopted in the environment of a particular CRM. Therefore, this approach can be called programming.

Let's take an example from ZOHO CRM. There are two main types of objects here:

  • Workflow allows you to set this or that action depending on various fields.
  • Approval process specifies certain approval processes. We can add several such processes and they will work as follows. For each process, we can specify when it works, who approves it. And, accordingly, the system will control the work of processes.

Approval process example

Workflow Example

Thus, business processes are defined by determining the sequence of actions that need to be performed with a particular object, as well as the conditions depending on which certain actions will be performed.

With this approach, there is no graphical notation, only a step-by-step transition from one action to another. And if you need to change something in the business process, you will need to enter a certain list of values ​​and commands, and not graphic blocks and arrows.

About this approach, we can say that the description of the algorithm is implemented in a text way. For example, if we take a certain Provel process in ZOHO CRM, then we will need to specify for it:

  1. Criteria when it works.
  2. Who should approve it.
  3. What action should be taken after approval, for example, create a task or send an alert within the system, send sms, etc.
  4. What should happen if the process has not been approved, for example, do nothing, return the task to the performer for revision with comments, etc.

In some systems, such programming is hardwired to certain objects, most often to a transaction. For example, this is how the possibility of describing a business process in Megaplan is implemented. Only through a transaction can you specify what happens in a particular case, and all actions of users and participants in the business process are necessarily tied to a specific transaction. In other systems, for example, in ZOHO CRM, we can bind actions both to a deal and to any other module in the system.

Drawing business processes

This approach is implemented, for example, in Bitrix24 CRM and 1C CRM. Here, all business processes need to be drawn in a certain internal format of these systems. So, Bitrix24 has its own concept of “Business Processes”, and inside this section there is a notation in which you need to draw business processes.

An example of a business process in Bitrix CRM

This notation was created by Bitrix24 programmers, and in order to implement business processes in this system, you need to draw them in this notation. At the same time, it is important to understand that in Bitrix24, through the notation, you can describe both the sequence of actions when working with the system as a whole, and separately the actions when working with a deal, since CRM is only one of the modules of the Bitrix24 system.

Similarly, 1C CRM implements its own notation, which differs from the one created by Bitrix24 programmers. Also, in other systems that adhere to a graphical approach, either completely in-house developments or graphical notations adapted to the needs of the system from third-party developers are used. And every time for correct work in the system, the notation will need to be studied in advance.

An example of a business process in 1C CRM

Practice shows that, despite the abundance of standard elements, the study of graphic notation takes more time than familiarity with the rules for describing business processes in text form (the first approach). Moreover, to create a particular sequence of actions in CRM systems, which use text algorithms, most often have a convenient constructor and many hints, thanks to which developers can program the desired processes with little or no preliminary study of the environment.

Pros and cons of approaches

The main advantage of the first approach was described above: it is very convenient for developers, does not require a deep study of the notation, and allows developers to algorithmize any business processes in the usual way for programmers.

The obvious disadvantage of this option is the lack of visibility for users. At the same time, no one prevents the developer from creating a graphical diagram of business processes for the customer (a flowchart in the form of blocks and arrows) in any convenient environment for approval, after which they perform programming and familiarize users with the result. Just like every developer does when creating and finalizing applications.

Moreover, a convenient and streamlined business process requires some changes in rare cases, usually associated with the introduction of changes in the scheme of work of the company itself. And therefore, the lack of visibility and the complexity of making edits for a non-specialist are not really a critical problem. Most likely, the customer ready system will work for years, and it will need changes when the very scheme of the company’s work changes, and here simple changes in business processes usually cannot be done, and in any case, the participation of a specialist in the development and implementation of the updated system is required.

In the second case, the notations invented by the creators of 1C and Bitrix24 CRM are used. On the one hand, this approach is very convenient for users, as it is clear and understandable. On the other hand, to use it, you will have to spend additional time learning the notation from 1C or Bitrix24, and there is not as much information on working with these systems as we would like.

Of course, each system provides documentation and some help sections, but they do not have a specific ideology. All information provided by the developer is documentation from the vendor. Those. to study the notation, users are offered not a solution from business analysts and experienced users of the system, but quick guide from a system developer's point of view. Therefore, for this method of work, it is very useful to have developed abilities for visualizing processes, as well as the ability to quickly adapt to unfamiliar notations.

Another disadvantage of the graphical approach is the significant limitations that the notation capabilities impose on the work in the system. When programming, the flexibility and list of possibilities is much higher.

As a result, I personally prefer to use a more flexible system, ie. programming business processes, and I provide visibility for the customer by creating graphics (flowcharts) at the stage of coordinating business processes, which I usually do in IDEF 3 or BPMN ... But in fact, you can even use a regular sheet of paper and a pencil . The main thing here is mutual understanding with the customer.

On the other hand, if the business processes in the company are relatively simple, and a user who is not a programmer intends to perform work on process automation, the graphical approach is more convenient. Even a user familiar with business analytics and IT can visually “draw” a process diagram and define a hierarchy in the notation, simply because the graphical version of business processes is much more understandable to users. That's what these tools are for. It is to draw, so that the processes are correctly executed, you still have to involve a programmer. It is believed that the user to study graphic notation easier than process programming. Here, everyone decides for himself what he likes best: flexibility and ease of programming or visibility for users and the ability to make changes to business processes without the participation of developers.

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Examples of successful enterprise automation are quite rare. Considering that the measures to establish it are very time-consuming and expensive, it’s worth first to figure out what business process automation is for, how it will help you in solving pressing problems.

From this article you will learn:

  1. What exactly is it
  2. Popular automation systems
  3. Where should automation start in a company?
  4. What to look for when choosing funds
  5. 4 tips to save money
  6. Pitfalls of Business Process Automation
  7. What to control during automation management

What does business process automation mean?

Business automation is usually understood as the process of transferring ordinary repetitive operations and tasks under control. software package or information system. As a result, the management of the enterprise gets the opportunity to release human and financial resources, improve productivity and more effectively manage the development strategy.

A typical example of managing an organization, when a clear sequence of actions is not followed, can be represented as the following diagram:

This method of management is accompanied by serious disadvantages:

  • managers and line managers experience a constant high workload, since the work process takes place exclusively with their direct participation;
  • in the process of performing tasks, in addition to the main performers, employees of related departments are involved;
  • no one knows at what stage the solution of the problem is;
  • areas of responsibility are not divided, many functions are duplicated;
  • the timing of decision-making is not subject to strict control;
  • employees participating in the process are not motivated to the end goal.

As a result of this approach, everyone is busy, and the solution of the tasks set leaves much to be desired.

The process approach is fundamentally different from this state of affairs, since it is based on the optimal order of actions and control of implementation at each stage.

The purpose of the process approach is the compliance of the enterprise's activities with certain regulations and the interconnectedness of internal business processes.

The process approach has the following advantages:

  • orderliness of business processes;
  • solving problems in the shortest way;
  • personal responsibility of employees for their area of ​​work;
  • control over the execution of tasks;
  • motivation of employees to achieve optimal results;
  • planning by the deadlines for the execution of tasks;
  • simplification of the internal hierarchy organizational structure enterprises.

What exactly is business process automation?

Automation systems allow you to simulate business processes of any complexity online. An accessible task manager is provided for users, combining convenience and versatility.

With its help, employees get the opportunity to assign those responsible for solving specific tasks, receive statistics on the time spent on individual processes, and make plans for optimizing activities. A reminder of deadlines will help you avoid violating the deadlines for completing individual tasks.

Customer information management

At the heart of every business process automation system is a database that combines all the information about the company's customers. If you use this information correctly, the work of the organization can be as efficient as possible.

The system arranges data and makes it possible to group them depending on specific tasks. The customer base includes the full amount of information necessary for optimal interaction with consumers.

All data is grouped into convenient blocks, the system provides a convenient opportunity to send a letter, make a call, remind the history of joint activities and even show profiles in social networks.

Automation of the sales process

The main functions of the business process automation system include helping managers in the effective management of sales. Thanks to the system, work on several transactions can take place simultaneously. Each step is accompanied by hints to help users plan the next step with the greatest efficiency.

Having before his eyes a history of cooperation with a particular client, the manager will easily offer him exactly the product that will satisfy his needs with the maximum degree of probability.

The sales funnel and other analytics methods make it easy to identify weak points in the sales process, paying attention to which employees will get the best result. Convenient visual tools of the system make it possible to make sure that the client profile contains all the necessary information, as well as transaction data is reflected as accurately as possible.

Lead management

Lead management is an equally important function of a business process automation system. Users can get an idea about the needs of customers, both within the company's database and potential ones.

Each new lead is subject to automatic registration in the system, after which it itself suggests to the manager the steps that will be most effective in a particular situation.

Customer service management

Long-term relationships with clients are impossible without well-functioning service. The business process automation system allows you to set up a high-quality multi-channel service. Customer and service requests are managed based on a reference process.

Information about clients, incoming and outgoing calls is focused in one window. The system is able to offer the necessary form of the contract, determine the skill group, calculate the time frame in which the application will be completed, and make a return call to the client.

Workflow automation

The automation system allows you to put the company's document flow in order in order to further improve the efficiency of managing contracts, invoices, protocols and incoming correspondence. The program offers to use ready-made templates for the formation of various documents.

It is possible to attach scanned copies for quick access to printed versions. The electronic storage contains the entire volume of the enterprise's documentation. Convenient search allows you to find desired document in a fraction of a second. There is the possibility of group work, as well as sighting in order to harmonize accounts.

Product Portfolio Management

In addition to the usual capabilities of a business process automation system, tools have been added to help structure the nomenclature and manage the product catalog. To facilitate the search procedure, you can set a convenient filter. Accounting for prices and discounts will become much easier, as well as the selection of products to order.

Popular business process automation systems

Submit your application

Each company has its own business processes. Their totality can be grouped in several directions and subsequently automated both in general and within a single process:

Integrated business process automation

Automation of business processes, produced in an "island" way, without the relationship between individual systems, rarely brings tangible benefits. When it comes to optimizing individual areas of activity, the goal is not to increase the efficiency of the company as a whole.

A unified business process automation system, on the contrary, is a set of tools that allow you to manage the financial and economic activities of the enterprise as a whole, to keep operational, accounting and management records.

ERP - concept unified system for company management - began to be used in the late 80s, over the years becoming more and more popular due to the emergence of appropriate software.

The ERP system is based on the principle of a single information space, with which you can track and analyze data on business processes occurring in various departments of the organization.

ERP systems use a modular principle to build, have a structure consisting of independent blocks responsible for a separate process. This allows you to refine and expand the capabilities of the system along with the emergence of new technological or legislative aspects, as well as changing customer needs.

A typical ERP system consists of the following groups of modules:

  • logistic;
  • industrial;
  • marketing;
  • supply;
  • marketing, etc.

ERP systems in Russian business began to be used by the largest companies at the very end of the 20th century, today not a single enterprise can do without them, regardless of its size.

Having implemented an ERP system, the company no longer needs numerous programs that have a narrow focus - work with a warehouse, finance, logistics, office. Consequently, the cost of IT support is significantly reduced.

In 2017, the top three leaders in the global ERP systems market were SAP (20%), Oracle (13.9%) and Microsoft (9.4%). Behind them in descending order are the following companies: Infor, Epicor, Sage, NetSuite, IFS, IQMS, Syspro.

Oracle is recognized as the champion in terms of implementation speed, and SAP in terms of investment payback period.

The most popular Russian ERP system in 2017 was 1C: Enterprise. Slightly less popular are Galaxy ERP, SAP ERP, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

How to start automating business processes in a company

In the course of establishing business process automation, an enterprise goes through the following stages:

  1. Analysis of business processes, their adaptation or revision.
  2. Identify immediate needs for automation.
  3. Selection of software or development of individualized software.
  4. Implementation of the system at the enterprise and training of personnel in its use.

In this list, absolutely all stages are important.

First, let's define what we're talking about. A business process is a set of activities that are subordinate to common purpose occurring in a given sequence and proceeding within the established requirements.

As a result of such activities, the resources are transformed into a final product that is valuable to the consumer. Looking at the business process from the outside information technologies, it will look like a sequence of jobs related to production activities businesses whose goal is to create added value.

The structure of the business process includes the structure of several actions aimed at the implementation of goals in the information system, such as enterprise management, analysis of product quality, resource support for its release.

It is not uncommon to see how management hopes by automating business processes to establish interaction between the divisions of the company. Yes, Information Systems are an integral part of management, but they cannot fundamentally change an illiterate organization.

Many businesses work with huge volumes data, for the analysis and use of which modern systems are simply necessary, and automation will help the company reach a new level of development.

When it comes to the fact that there is no collection of information or its reliability is in great doubt, the divisions of the company do not interact with each other, it is necessary to first establish a management system.

That is why the first task for management is to assess the current state and determine whether automation will help in solving problems.

With the help of business process automation today, it is possible to provide the solution of the following tasks:

  • Increase the speed of information processing within the company(for example, instant receipt of an application from the sales department to the warehouse).
  • Achieve business transparency(for example, find out the amount of debt of counterparties).
  • Control the amount of information(for example, customers have the opportunity to leave applications through the site).
  • Increase communication between departments(for example, an item booked by a customer will not be sold to another).
  • Increase business manufacturability indicators(for example, the calculation of prices and taxes is carried out automatically), etc.

However, in order to solve such problems as attracting new customers, timely submission of tax reports and strategic planning, business process automation alone is clearly not enough.

As a rule, its implementation is required in the following cases:

  • reorientation of the enterprise to solve new problems(manufacturing of other products, entering new markets, equipping production with modern technological lines);
  • implementation of reforms or changes in management principles;
  • the inability of the previous automation system to meet the needs of the enterprise;
  • preparing the company for sale(as a result of automation, its market value will increase).

The next most important step is to decide which particular area of ​​the company's activity needs business process automation in the first place. The easiest way to do this is for small and medium-sized businesses. They only need to determine which employee is associated with the storage and processing of data, reporting and the like.

Accounting is the first thing that comes to mind trade departments, warehouses, etc. There are business processes that need to be automated without hesitation - personnel, accounting, inventory accounting.

Another way to determine which area of ​​the company's activity needs priority business process automation is to identify the weaknesses of the enterprise. Factors of dissatisfaction can be different - the timing of the process, its cost and quality.

For example, you can draw up a development plan without using software. Naturally, the calculations will not be accurate enough, and their implementation will take at least a week. A large number of errors cannot be avoided, and labor costs will be excessively high.

For small and medium-sized businesses, it is worthwhile to automate communication with customers and all its components in the first place:

  • taking orders;
  • feedback;
  • complaints, wishes, suggestions.

Work with clients should be built on the basis of a detailed algorithm, starting with an incoming call or email and ending with order fulfillment and warranty support.

The goal of automating business processes should be the flow of information from receipt to implementation without the slightest delay and additional effort on the part of the customer. We must not forget that the company's customers are the source of its well-being, it is from them that the money comes that can be used for subsequent optimization.

Concerning large companies, then they should primarily automate production and warehouse operations, which will allow them to process the maximum number of orders.

Some Russian companies traditionally regulate their business processes in accordance with job descriptions, therefore, work in them is established on the basis of achieving the specified indicators.

This means that several divisions can be involved in sales at once, as a result, a conflict of interest arises that negatively affects the overall situation with sales and the final profit.

By automating relationships with customers, you can begin to transfer to the information basis of other business processes - warehousing, procurement, production, etc.

The next step should be the introduction of automation in payroll, the formation statistical forms, accounting for precious metals.

But that's in theory. Practice shows that at first there is an automation of financial and material flows i.e. accounting warehouse accounting, cash desks. Then proceed to marketing, purchasing, production and quality control.

The final stage is the automation of personnel activities. The total duration of the project implementation can take from one and a half to three years.

What to look for when choosing business process automation tools

When thinking about purchasing business process automation software, there are two options to consider:

  • create a system based on a standard product;
  • develop and implement software tailored to the individual needs of the company.

A standard product will be more cost effective and easier to implement. Its disadvantage can be considered limited opportunities for adaptation to the needs of the company, provided by the developer. This also applies to cloud services.

To select the optimal software, you need to answer several questions:

  1. What business processes are subject to automation?
  2. Do the functionality of the chosen program correspond to the tasks that it has to solve?
  3. Can it be customized to fit your process?
  4. Is it possible to quickly make changes to the system without stopping its use, if such a need arises?
  5. Is the system user friendly?
  6. Is it possible to integrate the system with already installed services or automation programs?
  7. By whom and under what conditions will technical support be provided?
  8. What will it cost to implement and own the system?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the help of professionals, so you should seek advice from vendor companies that develop specialized software. It would be useful to analyze the experience of partners and competitors.

Based on all the information received, taking into account the specifics of your own industry, you can start choosing a specific product. Deciding whether business process automation will be complex or can be dispensed with ERP system depends on the nature of the enterprise.

How much will it cost to automate business processes of an enterprise

It is rather difficult to give a definite answer, since the cost of automating business processes specific company is directly dependent on several conditions that must be taken into account:

  • what tasks should the software be designed to solve;
  • the system must be typical or custom;
  • what resources are required for its implementation;
  • how many workplaces should be connected to the system.

For example, the purchase of the most popular 1C: Enterprise program in Russia will cost from 40 thousand rubles for 20 jobs to 400 thousand rubles for 100.

Several factors also affect the cost of automation:

  • the price of the system itself, including the "box" or rental payments, if the "cloud" version is used;
  • the cost of services for setting up an automation system and training employees to work with it;
  • payment for technical support.

It is necessary to include indirect costs in this item of expenditure, for example, work time key users and management spent on participating in the project.

Council number 1. Keep your business process description up to date.

Draw up regulations for maintaining and coding NSI analytics (reference information). Regularly review management and staff for knowledge of the company's business processes and quality control systems. This guarantees IT project budget savings of up to 30-40%.

Employees of the enterprise should have a clear idea of ​​what exactly is subject to automation and why it is necessary. With an understanding of the essence of the processes, developing a program or adapting a “boxed” version will not be difficult for an IT director.

You can implement the project both independently and using the services of specialized companies.

There are implementation examples integrated automation business processes by large corporations with a turnover of billions of dollars in just two months. Such a result can be considered impossible, but it should be borne in mind that this was the final stage preliminary work according to NSI and reporting forms, which lasted more than two years.

Council number 2. Apply free programs to automate repetitive computer operations.

The distribution of responsibilities will help get rid of the routine.

Council number 3. Use automation services provided by IT companies who have already completed projects in your industry.

They understand the specifics of your business, which will significantly reduce costs.

Council number 4. Deal with IT companies that sell and install various automation systems, that is, with multi-vendors.

The qualifications of the personnel of such firms allow them to look at the problems of implementing systems more broadly, they can compare different software products, highlight their pros and cons. Hence, there is a high probability that the optimal solution will be selected for your business.

Pitfalls of business process automation

Don't strive for perfection

The first stage of preparation for the implementation of automation systems is research, accompanied by voluminous reports on the company's business processes. At the same time, many are faced with such a characteristic problem as the delay in the procedure for agreeing on the details of future implementation and the repeated transfer of documentation from the customer to the contractor.

Excessive thoroughness and the desire to bring the project to the ideal in this case should be avoided, since all this drags out time and increases costs, without giving a tangible positive result.

To prevent this very common mistake, an indication in the contract of the terms for the preparation of documentation, the number of necessary approvals and strict adherence to them will help.

Decide on a choice

When developing a system design, a common problem is the choice of an option that will implement the gap between the description of business processes and standard view installed system.

When solving any task, a different degree of automation can be applied. Thus, the need to replenish the withdrawal zone from the reserve is implemented in several ways:

  • manual formation by the user of a task for replenishment of the selection zone as necessary;
  • automatic formation of a task when a certain parameter reaches a certain critical level;
  • automatic task generation, taking into account all potential orders;
  • automatic task generation based on taking into account all potential orders, deliveries, etc., as well as taking into account the increasing complexity of execution.

The biggest problem in this case is the choice of the optimal solution. For maximum speed, the goals of the project and the timing of its implementation should be determined. The points of view of all interested parties must be taken into account.

One task may look different for IT professionals and warehouse workers. It should be solved in such a way that the system does not cause difficulties for its main users.

Fear of innovation

The stage of introducing automation systems often causes the dismissal of personnel who refuse to learn how to work in a new way. Cases where half of the warehouse employees preferred to change jobs instead of mastering new technologies for accounting for goods are quite common.

Management can take some preventive measures, namely to provide training, while addressing Special attention on its accessibility for the majority of employees, to explain the benefits that the enterprise and the employees themselves will receive as a result of the introduction of an automation system.

However, if the resistance of the staff is too great, it may be worth betting on the recruitment of new employees who are ready to master new forms of work. This solution to the problem of adaptation is quite common. Newly hired workers are not bound by the framework of “as it was before”, therefore they easily accept new conditions.

Features of automation systems, which minimize the need to remember huge amounts of information, allow a person to get used to the workplace in a few days.

What to control when managing business process automation

The introduction of business process automation systems requires constant monitoring of the main areas of work, both by the customer and by the performers. The most important points include the cost of the project, the timing of the individual stages, the activities of the staff, the quality of the intermediate work.

Prevention of deviations from the planned indicators stipulated by the contract, timely adoption of measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings constitute the bulk of the tasks facing the management on both sides.


The increase in the project implementation time, which implies additional costs, can be called a classic problem with any introduction of new technologies. As a rule, it occurs as a result of side factors. Special management mechanisms will help to minimize the likelihood of delays.

The main one is the project schedule. It regulates all the work that needs to be done, in interconnection. The schedule is necessary to monitor the passage of milestones for the implementation of the project stages and control the deadlines set for each of them.

In this document, it is necessary to provide for time reserves in case of unforeseen circumstances, as well as the dates of control meetings. Successful implementation project depends on how well the teams will interact.

Maximum accuracy and detail in the preparation of the schedule increases the likelihood of its compliance during the execution of work.

Increase in value

The cost of the project, as a rule, increases due to a change in the range of tasks compared to previously established ones and an extension of the deadlines. The increase in cost itself can be a factor that provokes new problems.

Particular care must be taken when considering the issue of increasing the functionality of the implemented system. Yes, often the need to add new features appears only during the installation process, it was extremely difficult to foresee it in advance.

But for the most part, project participants insist on expanding the functionality in an attempt to realize their creative ideas. This striving for perfection can cause delays, so initiatives to improve the system are best included in the next work plan.

In the foreground should be the timely implementation of a project to automate business processes and achieve the goals set for this stage. This is justified both from an organizational and economic point of view. The desire for endless improvement of the system can lead to the loss of its relevance.

Personnel issue

This is one of the key factors influencing the success of a project. Personnel in the IT field, as in other industries, where the result of the activity to a greater extent depends not on the equipment, but on the person, plays an important role.

Therefore, the absence of problems in the implementation of the project and the minimization of risks are guaranteed when the performers are highly professional, responsible and striving to achieve the best results.

Often, the introduction of new projects is accompanied by a negative attitude on the part of employees, obvious opposition, and the division of spheres of influence.

Another common personnel-related problem is the customer's lack of employees with the necessary qualifications to participate in the project.

There are several ways out of this situation:

  • replenish the staff with a new employee who has a sufficient level of knowledge to carry out project activities;
  • temporarily hire an employee of the executing company who will represent the interests of the customer in the framework of the project (this option is not suitable for everyone, but it is found in the practice of some companies);
  • transfer to an independent IT company the functions of project control by the customer.

When implementing a business process automation project, constant monitoring of the achievement of intermediate results recorded in the schedule is required. The purpose of such monitoring is to monitor how the steps taken correspond to the final goal.

To do this, there is a mechanism of control points - certain parameters that must be achieved by the appointed time. An analysis of the completeness of solving problems at a specific moment helps to understand whether the implementation of the automation system deviates from the planned one.

At meetings of project managers on both sides, indicators are compared and the following tasks are set.

In conclusion, I would like to say that business process automation is a complex but exciting process in which several parties are involved at once. It is distinguished by its multitasking and will be successful only if several important conditions are met:

  • experience of a company that implements an automation system;
  • the level of skill and reliability of the team working on the implementation of the project;
  • selected implementation technology.

Particular importance should be attached to the legitimacy of the procedures carried out: use licensed software, contact specialists who have been certified to perform the relevant services.

After making sure that the IT company that you are going to entrust with automating the business processes of your enterprise has been working in this area for a long time, has a lot of successfully implemented projects behind it, and works exclusively with licensed programs, you can count on the implementation of the system to be the starting point for development companies.


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