Basarov T., Eremin B.L. (Ed.) Personnel Management. Ed. Bazarova T.Y.L 1 Bazarov Tu

Based on domestic and foreign experience, the effective approaches to work with personnel in modern conditions are offered (team management, liability contract, anti-crisis management). The foundations of the management organization, personnel management concept, personnel management strategies, technologies and methods of personnel management are considered. Personnel management problems are considered taking into account the specifics of organizational culture, the phases of the organization of the organization.
For students of universities, students of institutes and advanced training courses, employees of personnel management services, managers of enterprises and organizations.

I. Fundamentals of organization and personnel management 3

Chapter 1. Personnel Management in the System of Modern Management 3
1.1 Personnel Management Paradigms in XX in 4
1.2. Evolution of forms of joint activity and the formation of personnel management 4
1.3. The main types of professional culture of personnel management 6
1.4. Personnel management: from personnel management to human resource management 8
1.5. Personnel management: Calls XXI at 13
1.6. The main professional roles of the personnel manager 17
1.7. Ethics of business relations in the work of the personnel manager 19

Chapter 2. Organizing Personnel Management Context 30
2.1. Elements of organization 30.
2.2. Life stages and cycles of the organization 40

II. Personnel Management Concepts 45

Chapter 3. Basic Approaches to Human Resources 46
3.1. Economic approach 46.
3.2. Organic approach 47.
3.3. Humanistic approach 50.
3.4. Organizational cultures as an object of management activity 52

Chapter 4. Concept of "Human Capital" 56
4.1. Theory of Human Capital 57
4.2. Concept "Human Resource Analysis" 58
4.3. Measurement of the individual value of the employee 61
4.4. Stochastic positional model 62
Workshop 66.

III. Personnel Management Strategies 68

Chapter 5. Personnel Policy 68
5.1. Pictures of personnel policy 69
5.2. Stages of constructing personnel policy 71
5.3. Personnel events and personnel strategy 73
5.4. Conditions for the development of personnel policy 75
Workshop 77.

Chapter 6. Personnel Management of the Developing Organization 78
6.1. Stage of formation of the organization 79
6.2. Stage of intensive growth of the organization 84
6.3. Stabilization stage 88.
6.4. Stage of recession (crisis situation) 92
Workshop 95.

IV. Personnel management technologies and methods 101

Chapter H. Methods for the formation of personnel composition 101
7.1. Design of the structure of the organization 101
7.2. Evaluation of staff need 110
7.3. Analysis of personnel situation in the region 112
7.4. Analysis of activity. Official instructions 113.
7.5. Attracting candidates for work in the organization 117
7.6. Evaluation of candidates when admission to work 122
7.7. Competitive recruitment to work 126
7.8. Personnel adaptation 133.
Workshop 137.

Chapter 8. Personnel Management Methods 140
8.1. Improving productivity and rationing of labor 141
8.2. Evaluation of labor 144.
8.3. Personnel certification 150.
8.4. Formation of personnel reserve 153
8.5. Career Planning 157.
8.6. Development of labor stimulating programs 162
8.7. Personnel training 167.
Workshop 172.

Chapter 9. Methods for optimizing personnel composition and reorganization of the structure 172
9.1. Formation of management teams 174
9.2. Personnel audit 183.
9.3. Nonlarmed Personnel Reduction Methods 188
9.4. Reforming organizations 191.
9.5. Management of the personnel of the crisis company 195
Workshop 199.

Chapter 10. Conflict as a Development Tool 202
10.1. Historical excursion to conflictology 203
10.2. What is the conflict? 204.
10.3. Basic concepts 207.
10.4. How to deal with destructive 212
10.5. When does the conflict begins? 212.
10.6. What to do with conflict? 214.
10.7. Conflict in Organization 216
10.8. Public Ryleshnz and Communication Management in Conflict 220
Workshop 224.

Dictionary of Concept 229

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Russian language

Organizational psychology. 2014. T. 4. No. 2. P. 92-95

Organizational psychology

Personnel Management of a Developing Organization

Lipatov Sergey Alekseevich

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russia

Book Review: Bazaov T.Yu. Personnel management psychology. Theory and Practice: Tutorial for bachelors. M.: Publishing House Yurait, 2014. 381 p. ISBN 978-5-9916-3302-4.

Keywords: organization, personnel management, personnel management, personnel management methods, personnel consulting, personnel assessment, intra-profit training, personnel psychodiagnostics.

The reforms of higher professional education conducted now in Russia radically change the forms of educational programs and the content of the entire educational process. For all the complexity and ambiguity of this reform process, one positive fact can be noted - the emergence of a sufficiently large variety of educational literature. Under these conditions, the university teacher is quite difficult to navigate in the stream of new editions and do not miss the desired textbook, which can be recommended to students for in-depth study as part of independent work outside the audience. Especially when it concerns those in demand in the field of psychologists and managers for manual management disciplines, such as "Personnel Management" and "Personnel Management". It should be noted that domestic textbooks and training manuals on personnel management are quite highly different from the set of those considered by the fact that the choice of which often remains unclear. In the English-language literature, the basis of the presentation of the material usually lies with a more or less divided by the professional community. An idea of \u200b\u200bthe set of functions for human resource management functions is usually liable.

Address: 125009, Moscow, ul. Mokhovaya, d. 11, p. 9

E-mail: [Email Protected]

Organizational psychology. 2014. T. 4. No. 2.

Theory and Practice "Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Tahir Yusupovich Bazarov is a famous Russian personnel management specialist who have tremendous practical experience, as well as a large number of publications in this area1. He took an active part in creating a popular educational publication "Personnel Management" 1 2. In the reviewed textbook, the author focuses readers on the psychological component of the management of human resources of a developing organization. This is reflected in the structure of the book, which includes four sections.

The first section "Fundamentals of the Organization and Management of Personnel" is devoted to the consideration of the organizational context of personnel management, the main approaches to personnel management, as well as the life stages and cycles of the organization's development. In the first chapter, the author briefly describes the implicit model of the internal environment of the organization, obtained by him during numerous surveys and group discussions with managers of various organizations, which includes the following elements: goal, structure, technology, finance, management and personnel. The metaphors of the organization are also described. However, the focus on this chapter is paid to the specialists of the personnel management service and the role of HR-departments in modern organizations. The second chapter discusses three main approaches to management - economic, organic and humanistic, - in which the basic concepts of personnel management were developed: 1) the use of labor resources; 2) personnel management; 3) human resource management; 4) managing man. The third chapter is devoted to the brief statement of the cycles and stages of the development of organizations3. It can be said that the author managed to be very extensive in essentially to lay in a fairly small amount using the table and drawings for this.

In the second section of "personnel management strategies" describes the features of personnel management at various stages of the organization, types and objectives of personnel policies, which defines the philosophy and principles of manuals against human resources, the process of forming personnel policy in the organization. This section includes two chapters. The fourth chapter is devoted to a fairly detailed description of the content of personnel management activities at various stages of the organization's life cycle: 1) the stage of formation of the organization; 2) stages of intensive growth; 3) stages of stabilization; 4) decline stage (crisis situation). The chapter ends with the training case. In the fifth chapter, it is sufficiently conducive to the ideas about the understanding of personnel policy, its types, stages of designing personnel policy.

The first two sections of the textbook, which are about a third of the book, are quite traditional to understand the essence of the organization as a social institution, as well as the basic concepts of personnel management, which reflects a generalized idea of \u200b\u200ban employee's place in the organization. The content of the following two sections is practical oriented. The third section "Personnel Management Methods" includes three chapters devoted to the description of those methods without which, according to the author, psychological work with personnel seems

1 See, for example, his books "Technology of evaluation centers for civil servants" (1995), "Department of the Developing Organization" (1996), "Socio-psychological methods and technology management of organizational staff" (2000), "Personnel Management "(2002)," Psychological verge of a changing organization "(2007)," Personnel Management. Workshop "(2009) and" Technology of staff assessment centers: processes and results (practical leadership) "(2011).

2 Personnel Management / Ed. That Bazarov and B.L. Eremin. M.: Uniti, 1998; 2002.

3 Emelyanov E.N., Povarnitsyna S.E. Business psychology. M.: Armada, 1998.

Organizational psychology. 2014. T. 4. №2.

impossible. According to the author, the methods are part of the psychologist-practice toolkit (personnel manager), which is invariant in relation to a specific situation. These are methods for the formation of personnel composition, maintaining the health and reform of the organization. Each group of methods is devoted to individual, rather voluminous chapters. Each of these chapters end with the training case. Students in the process of mastering the content of these chapters will receive a fairly clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe methods of designing the structure of the organization, planning the need for staff, search, selection and selection of employees to the organization, evaluations of jobs, assessing the quality of labor, personnel certification and many others.

In the fourth section of the "Human Resources Management Technologies", personnel management techniques are considered focused on solving two types of tasks: diagnostics, examination or evaluation of the human resource organization and maintain developing staff of processes in the organization. Unlike the methods considered in the previous section, technology, according to the author, are always oriented situationally, that is, the specific social context should take into account when they design and implement them. This section is equal to the previous one and contains five chapters, in which a brief description of some social and psychological staff management technologies: personnel consulting as a means of developing an organization, methods for assessing the activities and results of employees (including the score center technology), competition as technology Attracting staff, approaches to the training and development of employees. The final chapter summarizes the framework of personnel psychodiagnostics: the basic concepts of psychodiagnostics, the methodological foundations of testing, the requirements for psychodiagnostic techniques. In our opinion, this chapter could be supplemented with the requirements of the Ethical Code of Practice-Practice (or Psychologist-Diagnosticity), since strict compliance of testing rules is a critical condition for obtaining valid, reliable and ethically correct information about the personality of an employee of the organization.

According to the author, the methods and technologies for managing personnel are the most important part of the toolkit of a practical psychologist working in the organization. In general, the author explicitly addresses his textbook to students - psychologists, noting in the preface that the management of human resources management is one of the trends in which graduates of psychology faculties are most in demand and successful. Of course, for this, a graduate psychologist needs to master knowledge from the scope of technology and business processes, management and finance. However, the textbook material is set out that it is available for understanding not only to psychologists, and this is its strength. It is worth noting the fact that the language of the textbook combines simplicity, academicity and actual attractiveness. The text is saturated with drawings and tables that help the reader structure and better understand the material of the textbook. And the training cases help to work out those competences on the development of which the corresponding chapters are directed.

The textbook turned out to be capacious, rather balanced in the statement of theory and practical methods of personnel management. He reflects the author's experience of personnel and managerial counseling, on the one hand, and the richest experience in teaching this learning discipline to many generations of students, on the other. You can agree with the opinion of the official reviewer of the textbook of the doctor of psychological sciences, Professor A.G. Karaiani that today the book T.Yu. Bazarov is one of the most modern, full and scientifically based work in personnel management.

Organizational Psychology - Russia. 2014. Vol. 4. NO 2.

Personnel Management of Growing Organization

Sergey A. Lipatov.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Review of the textbook by t.yu. Bazarov "Psihologija Upravlenija Personalom. Teorija I Praktika: Uchebnik Dlja Bakalavrov. " MOSCOW: Urait, 2014. ISBN 978-5-9916-3302-4.

Keywords: Organization, Personnel Management, Personnel Management Practices, Human Resources Consulting, Performance Appraisal, Training and Developing Employees, Personnel Assessment.

Address: 11 Mokhovaya Str., Build. 9, 125009, MOSCOW, RUSSIA


Developing organization


Chapter 1. Organizing personnel management context

Chapter 2. Department of Presonal at the Stage of Formation of the Organization

Chapter 3. Personnel Management at the Stage of Intensive Growth of the Organization

Chapter 4. Personnel Management at the Stage Stage Stage

Chapter 5. Personnel Management at the recession stage (in the crisis situation)


I dedicate the bright memory of my mother

Each organization understands the events inside and around it only through the representations of the people, its components. And, despite the fact that these ideas are usually difficult to explain, they have a decisive effect on the actions that people are taking into different situations.

At the same time, a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe patterns of functioning of the organization is almost impossible to be folded, based on the knowledge of the individual characteristics of individuals and / or the analysis of the activities of individual members of this organization.

Perhaps this contradictions and explains the inexhaustible interest of researchers and practitioners to such a field of management as personnel management.

The purpose of this manual that does not apply to answer the question of the priority of the individual or group component of the organization's effectiveness, is an attempt to consider the features of personnel management at various stages of the organization's life cycle.

The proposed work is based on both colleagues with colleagues experience practical consulting activities and experience in conducting training activities with students of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University and listeners of the course "Personnel Management" of the IPC of the State Service.

The author expresses deep gratitude to the team of the Department of Social Psychology MSU and the Department of Personnel Management IPCs of the State Service for support and critical comments that helped when preparing this work.

Managing staff management. Bazarov Tahir Yusupovich |

^ Chapter 1. Organizing personnel management context

1. Main approaches to personnel management
2. Life cycle of organization

1. Main approaches to personnel management

Personnel management is one of the most important composite management activities - as a rule, it is based on some (optionally declared) representing the place of man in the organization. According to L.I. EVENKO, in theory and practice of managing the human side of the organization, you can allocate four concepts that have developed in the framework of the three main approaches (or paradigms) of management - economic, organizational and humanistic (see Evvenko L.I., 1996).

^ Economic approach The management of the "Labour Resources Use" has begun to management. Within the framework of this approach, the leading place occupies a technical (generally instrumental, i.e. aimed at mastering employment), and not managerial training of people in the enterprise. The organization here means the orderliness of the relationship between the clearly defined parts of a whole, which have a certain order. In essence, the organization is a set of mechanical relationships, and it should act like a mechanism: algorithmized, effectively, reliably and predictable.

Among the basic principles of the concept of "use of labor resources" are as follows:
1) Providing manual unity: subordinates receive orders only from one boss;
2) Compliance with the strict management vertical: the control circuit from the head to the subordinate is descended from top to bottom throughout the organization and is used as a channel for communication and decision making;
3) Fixing the necessary and sufficient amount of control: the number of people subordinate to the same boss must be such that it does not create problems for communication and coordination;
4) compliance with the clear separation of the staff and linear structures of the Organization: Staff staff, responsible for the content of activities, under no circumstances can carry out powerful powers, which are endowed with linear leaders;
5) achieving a balance between the authorities and responsibility: it is pointless to make someone responsible for any work if he is not given the relevant authority;
6) Ensuring discipline: submission, durability, energy and manifestation of external signs of respect must be carried out in accordance with the rules and customs adopted and customs;
7) achieving subordination of individual interests with a common cause with the help of hardness, personal example, honest agreements and continuous monitoring;
8) ensuring equality at each level of an organization based on benevolence and justice to inspire personnel to effectively fulfill their duties; Honored remuneration that increases the moral condition, but not leading to releasing or tap.

In tab. 1 represented a brief description of the economic approach to management.

^ Table 1. Characteristics of the conditions of efficacy and special difficulties in the framework of the economic approach

^ Terms of efficiency

Special difficulties





When there is a clear task for execution

The complexity of adaptation to changing conditions


When the environment is stable enough

Nearby bureaucratic superstructure (strict specificity and hierarchy of the management structure, which makes it difficult to accept creative and independent solutions by performers when changing the situation)


When it is necessary to produce the same product

If the interests of the workers take the top of the organization's goals, unwanted consequences are possible (since the personnel motivation is reduced exclusively to external stimulation, even minor changes in




the scheme of stimulation is enough for unpredictable consequences)


When a person agrees to be a detail of the car and behaves as planned

Degumanizing impact on employees (the use of limited personnel opportunities can be effective with low-skilled labor)

Within organizational paradigm The concept of "Personnel Management" (Personnel Management) and the concept of "Human Resource Management" (Human Resources Management) have developed. It is an organizational approach that marked the new perspective of personnel management, to derive this type of management activities far beyond the traditional functions of organizing labor and salaries. The personnel function from the registration-control gradually became developing and spread to the search and selection of employees, the career planning for the organization of figures, an assessment of employees of the management apparatus, an increase in their qualifications.

Focusing on the human resource contributed to the birth of a new idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization. She began to be perceived as a live system that exists in the environment. In this connection, at least two analogies that contributed to the development of a new look at the organizational reality were used. The first, which emanated from the identification of an organization with a human person, introduced such key concepts to scientific circulation as goals, needs, motives, as well as birth, growing, aging and death or revival of the Organization. The second, adopting as a sample to describe the organizational reality, the functioning of the human brain ("Organization as a brain, processing information"), made it possible to look at the organization as a collection of parts connected by control lines, communications and control.

The illustration of the first opportunity is to use the provisions of the theory of Motivation by A. Mashloau as a basis for allocating areas and content of personnel management activities (see Table 2).

^ Table 2. Compliance of personnel management activities Dominant identity needs

^ Dominant need

Personnel Management Activities






Movement of employees to maximum involvement in the labor and management process. Express work to the main means of self-expression of employees



The work should be in the aspiration zone of the employee, providing its autonomy, responsibility and developing self-identity


Social needs

Work should allow communicating with colleagues and feel the need for people


Need security

The work should allow employees to feel their security, for which it is necessary to carry out programs for pension and social insurance, support for the disease, guarantees of employment, career prospects inside the organization, create safe working conditions


Physiological needs

The work should provide the possibility of restoring the energy-spent energy worker, wages and other types of material remuneration should be enough for at least restoration of performance

With regard to the consideration of organizational reality, by analogy with the activity of the brain of highly organized living beings, studies in the field of cybernetics, physiology of the brain and neuropsychology contributed to such an opportunity. It was in these studies that such concepts as "function", "Localization" and "Symptom", "Communication" and "Feedback" were revised, which are significant for the field of personnel management.

So, the "function" is traditionally understood as the administration of a particular organ. For example, bile isolation is a liver function. However, such an understanding, according to A.R. Luria (1973), it turns out to be clearly not enough to explain more complex processes, such as digestion and breathing. The founder of domestic neuropsychology notes: "It is easy to see that the initial problem (restoration of the homeostasis) and the final result (bringing the nutrients to the intestinal walls or oxygen to the alveol) remain in all cases the same. However, the method of performing this task can vary greatly. So, if the main group of breathing muscles of the muscles stops acting, intercostal muscles are included in the work, and if they suffer from some reason, the muscles of the larynx and the air will be swallowed ... ". As a result, the author formulates the most important postulate: "The presence of a permanent (invariant) problem carried out with the help of changing (variable) funds that allow you to bring the process to a permanent (invariant) result, is one of the main features of the work of each functional system" (A.R. Luria , 1973, p.71).

The question arises about how the bodies responsible for the activities of functional systems are localized. A.R.Luria answers: "... The highest mental" functions "as complex functional systems cannot be localized in narrow cerebral zones, and there should be complex systems of jointly working zones, each of which contributes to the implementation of complex mental processes and which can be located in completely different, sometimes far away from each other areas of the brain "(ibid., p. 74).

It seems that, on the one hand, the localization says, i.e. location, and on the other - not so easy to determine where this place is located. Moreover, "the defeat of each of these zones (refers to the brain bark zones) can lead to the decay of the entire functional system, and thus the" symptom "(violation or loss of one or another function) does not mean anything about its localization." (ibid., p.77).

Thus, an analogy with the brain, in contrast to an analogy with the mechanism, has made it quite otherwise to imagine both the organizational reality in general and personnel management in particular. If you use the hologram metaphor, in any part of which the image is as a whole, it is easy to see that the various parts of the brain specialize in different kinds of activity, but control over specific behavior is not localized. The main secret of the brain is not differentiation and narrow specialization, but systemic and complexity for which communication is important that at each moment are created in redundant amounts.

From here you can formulate the following principles of holographic structuring of the organization:
- Keep the whole organization in each part of it (in the division and up to each employee).
- Create multiple links between parts of the organization (excessive).
- Develop the personnel's specialization at the same time, and its universalization (not forgetting how everyone should know and be able to do everything).
- Create conditions for the self-organization of each employee and the team as a whole. The growth of the approach under consideration has become even obvious that the adoption of management decisions can never be completely rational, because in reality, employees of the management apparatus:
a) operate on the basis of incomplete information;
b) are able to explore only a limited set of variants of each solution;
c) are unable to accurately assess the results.

Ultimately, the organizational approach, recognizing the principle of "limited rationality" (limited search for information and control of results with the help of goals and objectives, and not controlling behavior using rules and programs), focuses on the following key points:
1. It is necessary to make an emphasis on the environment in which the organization lives.
2. The organization must be understood in terms of interconnected - intra-and inter-organizational subsystems, allocating key subsystems and analyzing ways to manage their relations with the environment. A popular method of analysis is a definition of a set of key needs that an organization must satisfy for its own survival.
3. Between subsystems it is necessary to create equilibrium and eliminate dysfunctions.

In tab. 3 A brief description of the organizational approach is presented.

^ Table 3. Characteristics of the conditions of efficacy and special difficulties within the organizational approach

^ Terms of efficiency

Special difficulties


Subordination of the goals of organizing interaction with the environment

Will an invariat of the socialism of the organization as a product of views, ideas, norms and beliefs


Improving management through attention to the differentiated needs of people

Turning people to the resource to be developed, to the detriment of the right personality to choose


A look at the organization in terms of interaction of goals, strategies, structures and other measurements

The assumption of "functional unity" when all organs work for the benefit of the body as a whole


Allocation of various subsystems of the organization

The assumption that employees must satisfy all their needs through the organization


Accounting for natural opportunities in the innovation process

Danger to fall into social darvinism


Increased attention to "ecology" of internal and inter-organizational interactions

Responsibility can be shifted to external causes instead of changing the course

Overcoming the contradictions characteristic of the organizational approach to management made it possible to formulate the following recommendations, significant from the point of view of improving the efficiency of personnel management:
1. Recognizing mistakes allowed under action in a complex environment, inevitable, it is necessary to encourage such qualities such as openness and reflexivity.
2. Significantly encourage such analyzes methods that recognize the possibility of implementing different approaches to solving problems. At the same time, it is necessary to initiate constructive conflicts and discussions between representatives of different points of view. This often leads to rethinking the objectives of the organization and reforming the ways to achieve them.
3. It is important to avoid the structure of the activity directly determined the organizational structure. Goals and tasks should not be asked from above, but to appear in the process of work. The plans indicate more restrictions (what to avoid) than what exactly needs to be done.
4. It is necessary to select people, create organizational structures and support processes that contribute to the implementation of these principles.

Developing recently Humanistic paradigm It comes from the concept of "Managing Manage" and from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization as a cultural phenomenon. At the same time, the culture is considered through the prism of the relevant development standards reflected in the knowledge system, ideology, values, laws and everyday rituals of social communities.

The influence of the cultural context on personnel management today seems quite obvious. For example, in Japan, the organization is considered not as a workplace, uniting individual workers, but as a team. Such an organization is characterized by the spirit of cooperation, interdependence; Lifelong hiring turns the organization to continue the family; Patternist relations are established between the heads and subordinates.

According to the humanistic approach, the culture can be considered as the process of creating reality, which allows people to see and understand the events, actions, situations in a certain way and give meaning and meaning to their own behavior. It seems that the whole life of a person is determined by written and especially unsuistent rules. However, in fact, the rules are usually only a tool, and the main action unfolds only at the time of choice: which of the rules to apply in this case. Our understanding of the situation determines what kind of rules we use.

Often our understanding of the organization is based on those processes that generate meaning systems that share all members of the organization. At the same time, it is possible to ask the following issues: What are the general interpretation schemes that make the existence of this organization possible? How do they appear from? How are they created, are transmitted and saved?

Each aspect of the organization is loaded with symbolic meaning and helps to create reality. Especially "objective" organizational structures, rules, policies, goals, job descriptions, standardized activity procedures. So, weekly or annual meetings about which everyone knows that this is a waste of time, can be understood as a ritual that serves some hidden functions. Even in appearance of the empty meeting room (strict rows of chairs, parallel to the lying folders, glasses, etc. or friendly chaos) can be a lot about organizational culture. The humanistic approach is focused on the human side of the organization, which is not talking about other approaches.

From the point of view of this parameter, it is important how far the employees of the enterprise are integrated into the existing system of values \u200b\u200b(to what extent they unconditionally accept it as "their own") and how sensitive they are flexible and ready to change in the value sphere due to changes in living conditions and Activities. It is also important if the company lives as a whole according to the same rules and principles of decision making or at the enterprise, different groups live according to various rules and profess different principles (Bazarov T.Yu., Malinovsky P.V., 1996).

^ Table 4. The ratio of the regulatory and value aspects of the organization

^ Regulatory aspect
organizational culture

Characteristics of the value system (degree of their severity)

Characteristics of the regulatory system of the enterprise




norms alone for all

many norms for
various groups or layers



political conflict

strong and adaptive



OK, suitable for one strategy

caucasian conflict



organization on the verge of decay

organization exists like a set of autonomous groups



organizational conflict





conflict "Vacuum Power"

Organizational cultures

The modern level of management (80s - 90s) suggests that the "object" of management activities are organizational cultures of various types, and not processes, people, their activities, etc. Therefore, mastering the latest management technologies is impossible without mastering the foundations of the organizational and cultural approach, which gives an integrated understanding of the processes of evolution and the functioning of various organizations, taking into account the deep mechanisms of people's behavior in multifunctional, dynamically changing contexts.

Different cultures are distinguished by members of one group of people from another group. People create it as a mechanism for reproducing social experience that helps to live in their environment and maintain the unity and integrity of the community when interacting with other communities. Each organization as a certain combination of people, implementing certain goals and tasks for a rather long period of time, is forced to engage in reproduction and borrowed social experience.

The following main historical types of organizational crops were allocated in the literature:
organic (ook);
entrepreneurial (pro);
bureaucratic (side);
Participative (parmer).

A brief description of organizational crops through the main characteristics is presented in Table. five.

^ Table 5. Characteristics of the main types of organizational crops

Usually, the culture existing in organizations is the original mixture of the above historical types of organizational crops. Modern leaders and managers consider the culture of their organization as a powerful strategic tool, which allows to orient all units and individuals into common goals, mobilize the initiative of employees and facilitate productive communication between them. They seek to create their own culture for each organization so that all employees understand and adhere to it. Modern organizations, as a rule, are polycultural education. The determination of a value of one or another culture in the vital activity of this organization can be made taking into account the fact that each of these is characterized by specific management forms that perform the function of reproducing social experience in parallel with the function of regulating the activities of people in this organization. Management forms (or their combination) ensure the reproduction of the totality of norms, values, philosophical principles and psychological plants, predetermining the behavior of people in the organization.

In overseas literature on management issues, five types of managerial forms were allocated and the control levers and the area of \u200b\u200btargeting (see Table 6).

^ Table 6. Indicators of the types of organizational crops

Organizational culture

Management form

Control lever

Areas of purpose defense

organic (OK)

collectivist (Kouf)


group interests

entrepreneurial (GOB)

market (RUF)


maximum profit

bureaucratic (side)

bureaucratic (BUB)


will boss

participative (Park)

democratic (DUF)


the interests of the law-abiding majority with the obligatory observance of the minority rights

known (Zuf)


search for truth

In the polycultural organizations, the presence of these managerial forms allows you to find various solutions to emerging problems. In particular, in the event of conflicts, its participants can appeal to generally accepted behavioral standards (KUF), and for reasons of benefits (RUF), and to establish authorities (BUF), and to the legitimate opinion of most interested participants (DUF), and finally, resort to the deployed argument to convince their opponents (ZUF).

^ Table 7. Mechanisms and tools of the process of goal

Dominant UV

Task step


Technological instruments

Stage I.


Get a varied set of targets estimated by value scale



Stage II.


Select the goals consistent with the laws, standards


Normative base

Stage III


Select goals based on the interests of the organization, the team


Study of public opinion

Stage iv.


Get a set of strategies (possible action scenarios depending on the development of the situation)


Resource analysis, environment for developing a program

Stage V.


Provide strategy with the possibilities of performers

Realizability of tasks

Development of tasks

The positive contribution of the humanistic approach to understanding the organizational reality is at least as follows.
First, the cultural view of the organization supplies managers with a connected system of concepts with which they can make their daily experience with comprehensible. This allows us to consider certain types of actions as normal, legitimate, predictable and avoid problems determined by basic uncertainty and inconsistency facing many human values \u200b\u200band actions.
Secondly, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization as a cultural phenomenon makes it possible to understand how, through which symbols, the joint activities of people in the organizational environment are carried out. If the economic and organizational approaches emphasize the structural side of the organization, the organizational and cultural shows how to create an organizational reality and influence it through the language, norms, folklore, ceremony, etc. If earlier, many managers considered themselves primarily as people who create structures and job descriptions coordinating activities or creating schemes to motivate their employees, now they can look at themselves as people who carry out symbolic actions aimed at creating and developing certain meanings.
Thirdly, the humanistic approach also allows you to reinterpret the nature of the organization's relations with the environment in the direction that organizations are capable not only to adapt, but also to change their environment, based on their own idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves and its mission. The development of the organization's strategy may turn into an active construction and conversion of the surrounding reality.
Finally, fourthly, within the framework of this approach, an understanding arises that effective organizational development is not only a change in structures, technologies and skills, but also a change in values \u200b\u200bthat underlie the joint activities of people.

^ 2. Life cycle of organization

According to an organizational approach to the management of the functioning of the Organization on a time scale, it can be represented in terms of the "life cycle", meaning both the proceduralness of development and its statality.

As a rule, specialists, despite the ongoing discussions, agree that the full life cycle of the organization necessarily includes such stages as the formation of an organization, its growth or reproduction, stabilization and decline. Moreover, the last stage does not necessarily end the "death" or liquidation of the organization. It is quite possible to also be the option of its "revival" or "transformation" (see scheme 1).

^ Scheme 1. Life cycle of organization

A look at the organization through the prism of the life cycle allows you to more accurately identify its main target and strategic attitudes and orientations. Moreover, it is possible to determine to what extent they are adequate to the internal situation in the organization (see Table 8).

^ Table 8. Calculation of the stages of the life cycle and types of the organization's strategy



Type of strategy

Short description







Formation of the organization

"Application" in the market of goods / services


attract attention to the product, find your consumer, to organize the sale and service, to become attractive to the client

"Reproduction of systems"

expansion of services and structures


Growing an organization

fast growth

dynamic growth

increasing growth and quality of services, and, accordingly, the number of structures



fastening its position


system maintenance in equilibrium



liquidation of part of production, decrease in volumes, search for optimization paths




entrepreneurial / liquidation

when liquidation - sale with maximum benefits of both financial and psychological

Thus, the formal approach allows the following main features of the target orientation of the organization at various stages of its development:
1) for the first stage in the conditions of market relations, the goal is made to be called a "application" on the market with its product orientation (more precisely product or service) and the search for "its" consumer;
2) For the second - fastening on the market with an orientation for the search and production of others (in addition to the most proven from the best side) of goods and services, the expansion of the circle of consumers, suppliers and partners, as well as the consolidation of their own unique image. And since the achievement of the goal is often associated with expansion by the organization, it is impossible to exclude the need to be prepared for what will oppose the competitors, and therefore, an important orientation is willingness to fight;
3) The third stage is represented at first glance the most cherished dream, to which the organization and sought from the very beginning. However, the main purpose pursued at this stage is the consolidation of the achieved - will require the organization of no smaller, if not much effort than the objectives of previous stages. First, this is due to the fact that the problems that need to be solved at this stage are predominantly internal character, i.e. associated with the organization itself. If a certain "passionarity of founding fathers" was characterized, meaning a well-known share of inspiration and excessive creativity, which determined the success of the enterprise, and for the second - excitement of struggle, then for the third stage, such a requirement, as following internal standards (and without any creativity) becomes decisive. Secondly, the success of the organization at this stage depends on its "authenticity" existing in the external environment of samples. Sometimes this can lead to the abandonment of the previous history of the organization, which is most often implemented in the form of creating a myth;
4) The fourth stage of the organization's life cycle looks like the most difficult point of its existence, since it is resistance to the crisis and search for ways to exit the critical state and finding alternatives. In each stage, the organization implements a specific development strategy (Ivantsovich J.M., Lobanov A.A. . - M., 1993) (see Table 9).

^ Table 9. Characteristics of personnel characteristics depending on the stage of the life cycle and the development strategy of the organization

^ Stage of the Life Cycle Organization

Type of strategy

Brief description of the strategy

Characteristics of personnel features





Formation of the organization

Entrepreneurial strategy

Projects are accepted with a high degree of financial risk, the minimum number of actions. Resources are insufficient to meet all customer requirements. The focus is the rapid implementation of the nearest measures.

Employees must be innovators, initiative, contact, with long-term orientation, ready to risk not fearing responsibility. Small replaceability of leading employees

Growing an organization

Strategy of dynamic growth

The degree of risk is smaller. Constant comparison of current goals and the creation of a foundation for the future. Written fixation of the policy of the company and the main procedures

Organizational consolidity, close interaction, flexibility in changing conditions, problematic orientation of personnel


Profitability strategy

The focus is to maintain an existing level of profitability. Minimizing costs, it is possible to stop hiring. Well developed management

Employees reaching maximum results (quantity and quality) at a low level of cost and low risk level





system. Created and operate various kinds of procedural rules


Liquidation strategy or

Sale of assets, elimination of possible losses, in the future - reduction of working. Further drop in profits is expected

Workers who are not committed to the firm, ready to work for a short time, narrowly oriented

Entrepreneurial and liquidation strategy

The main thing is to save the enterprise. Actions to reduce costs in order to survive in the near future and gain stability for a long term

Flexibility to changing conditions, orientation for long-term goals, dedication, willingness to transfer temporary discomfort in conditions and wages


The textbook discusses the current state, interdisciplinary bonds and promising areas of research developed in the new scientific and applied discipline - organizational psychology. Describes methodical approaches and comprehensive psychological technologies used in solving problems of organizational diagnosis, providing advice, assessing personnel, conducting training procedures and to support mental health of professionals. The content of the textbook was prepared on the basis of curricula developed in accordance with the requirements for the new generation of state educational standards of higher education in the Russian Federation, operating in the field of training psychologists in specializations "Organizational Psychology" and "Organizational Consulting". It is recommended for students, masters and graduate students studying in higher educational institutions of the psychological profile and related to specialties, as well as for managers, management specialists, personnel officers, personnel and professional retraining services at enterprises.


The textbook discusses the current state, interdisciplinary bonds and promising areas of research developed in the new scientific and applied discipline - organizational psychology. Describes methodical approaches and comprehensive psychological technologies used in solving problems of organizational diagnosis, providing advice, assessing personnel, conducting training procedures and to support mental health of professionals. The content of the textbook was prepared on the basis of curricula developed in accordance with the requirements for the new generation of state educational standards of higher education in the Russian Federation, operating in the field of training psychologists in specializations "Organizational Psychology" and "Organizational Consulting". It is recommended for students, masters and graduate students studying in higher educational institutions of the psychological profile and related to specialties, as well as for managers, management specialists, personnel officers, personnel and professional retraining services at enterprises.

2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M..: 2002. - 560 p.

Based on domestic and foreign experience, effective approaches to working with personnel in modern conditions are offered (team management, liability contract, anti-crisis management). The foundations of the management organization, personnel management concept, personnel management strategies, technologies and methods of personnel management are considered. Personnel management problems are considered taking into account the specifics of organizational culture, the phases of the organization of the organization.

The second edition (1st ed. - UNITY, 1998) is complemented by conflict funds of personnel management and corporate PR.

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Table of contents
I personnel management as a profession
Chapter 1. Genesis Professional Culture of Personnel Management
1.1. Three Professional Revolutions and HR Manager Mission
1.2. Evolution of forms of joint activity and the formation of personnel management
1.3. The main types of professional culture of personnel management
Chapter 2. Evolution of Personnel Management
2.1. Models and personnel management features
2.2. Personnel management: Calls of the XXI century.
Chapter 3. Professional Profile of Human Resources: Ethical Measurement
3.1. The main professional roles of personnel manager
3.2. Ethics of business relations in the work of the personnel manager
Chapter 4. Business Ethics - Architectonics of Personnel Management
4.1. Corporate Ethics Code
4.2. Informal levels of moral regulation of employee behavior
II organizing personnel management context
Chapter 5. Organization as a phenomenon
5.1. Organization as a "implicit" model
5.2. Elements of the Interior Environment
Chapter 6. Life Stages and Cycles of the Organization
6.1. Life cycle organization
6.2. Stages and development cycles
III Personnel Management Concept
Chapter 7. Basic Approaches to Human Resources
7.1. Economic approach
7.2. Organic approach
7.3. Humanistic approach
7.4. Organizational cultures as an object of management activities
Chapter 8. Concept of "Human Capital"
8.1. Theory of human capital
8.2. Concept of "Human Resource Analysis"
8.3. Model measurement of the individual value of the employee
IV Personnel Management Strategies
Chapter 9. Personnel Policy
9.1. Types of personnel politics
9.2. Personal Policy Design Stages
9.3. Personnel events and personnel strategy
9.4. Currency Policy Development Terms
Chapter 10. Personnel management at different stages of organization development
10.1. Historical excursion to conflictology
10.2. Stage of intensive growth
10.3. Stabilization stage
10.4. Stage of recession (crisis situation)
V Personnel Management Methods
Chapter 11. Methods for the formation of personnel composition
11.1. Historical excursion to conflictology
11.2. Personnel need planning
11.3. Analysis of personnel situation in the region
11.4. Analysis of activity. Official instructions
11.5. Attracting candidates for work in the organization
11.6. Evaluation of candidates when admission to work
11.7. Adaptation staff
Chapter 12. Personnel Management Methods
12.1. Improving productivity and laboring
12.2. Evaluation of jobs
12.3. Providing quality of labor
12.4. Labor Assessment: Levels, Approaches, Methods
12.5. Personal certification
12.6. Formation of personnel reserve
12.7. Career planning
12.7. Development of labor stimulation programs
Chapter 13. Methods of reforming the organization
13.1. Reorganization processes
13.2. Organizational and personnel audit
13.3. Nonlarmed Personnel Reduction Methods
VI Human Resource Management Technologies
Chapter 14. Personnel Counseling
14.1. Personnel counseling concept as a means of development of the organization
14.2. Personnel consultant toolkit
Chapter 15. Evaluation Center as a staff of personnel work
15.1. Preparation of the assessment center program
15.2. Implementation of the assessment center program
Chapter 16. Competition as staff attracting staff
16.1. Organization and Conduct Competition
16.2. Stages of the competition
Chapter 17. Intercommunicative training as a technology for the development of personnel potential of the organization
17.1. Intrafirm learning as a process of continuous education and its features
17.2. Requirements for personnel support of curricula and features of students
Chapter 18. Community of Education as a technology for the formation of management capacity of the organization
18.1. Team as organizational form of collective management
18.2. Telecommunication Stages and team formation methods
Chapter 19. Personnel Psychodiagnostics
19.1. Personnel psychodiagnostics: stages and methodological bases of test
19.2. Requirements for psychodiagnostic techniques
19.3. Requirements for personnel psychodiagnoste
VII Conflict Fundamentals of Personnel Management
Chapter 20. Conflict as a Development Tool
20.1. Historical excursion to conflictology
20.2. What is the conflict?
20.3. Formal logical conflict models
20.4. Basic concepts
20.5. How to deal with destructiveness?
20.6. When does the conflict begins?
20.7. What to do with conflict?
Chapter 21. Conflict in Organization
21.1. Conflict of organizational structure
21.2. Intergroup conflicts
21.3. Interpersonal conflicts
VIII Corporate PR
Chapter 22. PR - Communication Management in Conflict: (Methodological foundations)
22.1. PR: The problem of determining the world of delusions
22.2. PR, Propaganda and Mathematical Justles
22.3. PR and Marketing: the evolution of the development of the conflict between the consumer and the manufacturer
Chapter 23. PR-Management: Technological Basics
23.1. PR: Technological work on the formation of adequate image
23.2. PR: and project
Dictionary of Concept


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