Tariff rationing and form of remuneration in construction. Technical regulation of labor in construction Technical regulation of labor in construction

To categoriarity: Organization of construction

Regulation of labor in the construction of the house

The main task of technical rationing is the development of technically sound rules of time and standards for the development corresponding to the modern level of technology and reflecting the advanced experience of workers. Technically reasonable norms allow us to correctly determine the cost of labor on the production of construction products and rationally organize the work of the builders. They are the basis for the introduction of the most efficient wage system creating the material interest of workers in the results of their labor. Technically reasonable rules of time and developmental standards are widely used to organize economic settlements and to determine the results of a socialist competition. They are established after a detailed study of building processes, thorough and comprehensive analysis of production capabilities and construction reserves, taking into account the use of modern construction equipment and advanced working methods.

The time of time is the amount of working time, established on the production of a unit of products (per 1 m3 of soil, per 1 m2 plaster, etc.). The time rate is expressed in man-hours.

The rate of production is called the number of units of measurement of the results of construction work, which must be developed by working relevant qualifications per unit of time (hour, day, shift). The output rate is set for shift at a certain duration of shift.

Study of working hours under different conditions of the workflow in order to develop production standards or to verify the current standards, as well as when studying advanced working methods, is carried out mainly by the method of timing observations. To determine the production norms for any type of work, timing observations are repeated several times under the same conditions. As a result of processing materials of observations, the average values \u200b\u200bof production standards for the type of work under study are derived.

We introduced from January 1, 1956. Unified norms and rates for construction and installation work (EN and P) in 1958-1959. Were revised in connection with the transition to a semi-hour working day and streamlining wages. EN and R are published in the form of separate brochures on various types of work: earthy, stone, etc.

Continuous growth of the mechanization of labor-intensive processes, the introduction of industrial methods and new progressive forms of labor organization, mastering the main mass of working methods and techniques for the work of the production of production, the growth of the cultural and technical level of the workshop - all this leads to the fact that the norm acting on a certain period of time begin to slow down The increase in labor productivity and lose its progressive value. Therefore, as the construction of new techniques and the introduction of new forms of labor organization, the current norms are reviewed and introduced new production regulations that meet modern work conditions.

Tariff rationing, together with the standardization of labor, is the basis for determining the wages of workers. Technical standards are used to establish the amount of labor spent, and tariff rationing - to assess the quality of labor, which is determined by differentiated payment.

When determining the amount of wages, the qualification of the employee, which determines the quality of labor is essential. The degree of qualifications is established by the discharge, and the ratio of wages for different discharges is governed by tariff coefficients. A tariff coefficient is called a number indicating how many times the rate of this discharge is above the rate of the first discharge.

The established salary size per unit of normalized working time of the corresponding discharge is called a tariff rate. Tariff rates are very important, since the basis of them is determined by piecework rates, i.e. the amount of remuneration for the unit of work.

Tariff rates are watch, daytime and monthly. Currently, hourly tariff rates approved for construction, for logging - daytime tariff rates, for vehicles - monthly.

The degree of working qualification is determined by the discharge. To establish discharges at the same time, a single tariff-qualification reference book of workers employed in construction was introduced. The tariff-qualifying directories for each discharge of the profession are the types of work, which the working discharge should be able to independently perform with the existing standards of development and compliance with product quality. In addition, a working high discharge should be able to perform all the work of the lower discharges of his profession, as well as to have the necessary minimum of technical knowledge to fulfill the discharge assigned to him. Definition of qualifications and the establishment of a discharge is made by passing the working appropriate exam for a special qualification commission. The establishment of a discharge is issued as an act of a qualifying commission and the construction order.

- Regulation of labor in the construction of the house

Structure of working time. Time Standards determine time costs for production processes, including in accordance with the structure of working time. Working hours develops from time and breaks; It happens productive normalized and unproductive . The normalized time of work consists of operational (basic T OSN, auxiliary T ), preparatory-concluding T PZ and regulated breaks T reg

Operational time- Time to perform a given work (operation). During the main time produced directly production process; during auxiliary time is the organization and maintenance of production processes, transitions, transportation work, preparation and repair of devices, safety measures.

Preparational time- time to prepare workers and means of production to fulfillment and delivery of work.

Regulated breaksincludes resting time and time for personal need, unreasonable technological and organizational breaks. Non-elected breaks associated with copotings, care, marriage fixes and other (according to organizational and technical reasons).

Registration of labor in construction. Labor rationing determination of labor costs (time standards) for work (Production of a unit of products) individual employees, collectives in specific organizational and technical conditions during normal labor intensity.

Labor rationing is intended to develop production tasks, preparation and provision of production tasks, the development of estimated norms, assessing the effectiveness of labor, designing labor processes, operational management of production, development of calendar schedules, calculating the needs of workers and feasibility planning.

Standards reflect a certain level of development of technology and organization of production, taking into account the experience of working advanced workers.

There are intersectoral, industry and local standards. Inter-sectoral standards are developed for laboring in a number of industries, for example, norms, uniform for CMR, repair, loading and unloading operations; in industry sectoral generalized production conditions at the enterprises of the industry are taken into account; local accepted at the enterprise.

Regulations are divided by element intended for labor rationing on individual elements of the employment process, and enlarged designed for the complex of organizational and technical related labor processes (techniques, operations) and for enlarged nodes.

System of norms and regulations in construction Includes two levels: industrial and sent .

Production rules hold the value of labor costs, machine time and consumption of materials on work movements, work techniques and operating operations. They are used for intra-reported accounting and control over the production process, the organization of workers and piecework wages, identifying financial costs and results in contracting organizations. Production standards are developed by methods of technical rationing based on observations in workplaces. Labor rationing is based on the determination of the necessary costs with the effective use of resources while observing labor and recreation modes.

Construction applies a certain system of labor standards.

The rate of time (H BP) is the costs of working time established for the production of products (works) under normal organizational and technical conditions of the working relevant professions and qualifications. It it is expressed in hours per unit of product measurement (works, operations) and is used in the preparation of piecework prices:

N BP \u003d N h / h p,

where n zt is the cost of labor costs - the number of labor costs established for the production of a unit of products (works) in the person-h under normal organizational and technical conditions (for the link); H p - the number of workers in the link involved in the process.

Output ratethe amount of products (works), which should perform (manufacture) the working appropriate profession and qualifications per unit of time with the effective use of production tools in normal organizational and technical conditions. It is calculated in the natural dimension fromaccounting for the number of workers:

H VYR \u003d T / N BP,

where T.- The duration of the period of time per hour, for which the runtime is determined.

The time rate of workers- Inverse proportional value of the norm of developing the same workers. An interest rate change is estimated depending on the production standards. With increasing production standards, a decrease in time standards is determined:

When decreasing production standards, it is determined to increase the rules of time:


where - indicators of change (increase, decline), respectively, the time and norms of working out workers (%).

The rate of time of machines is the amount of working time for the production of a unit of products in the efficient use of machines and a normal organization of production. The rate of time of workers, controlling machine and serving it is determined by multiplying the time of the machine time by the number of these workers.

Machine performance ratethe amount of products produced by the machine per unit of time with its rational use. These norms are calculated per hour or shift.

The construction of the production rate for mechanisms is applied. The replacement rate of production is determined as follows:

where T R.VR- the number of working hours in shift; N Mash - the value of the cost of machine time per unit of work.

Service rate (H ORD) This is the number of production facilities (jobs, equipment), which group of workers is obliged to serve per unit of working time. The rate of time for servicing (N BP OBL) is set by calculated and is determined by the regulations of the equipment (according to its operation):


where T cm -warm time replacement; N BPSL - It is used for the correct placement of employees in production with a complex definition of the rules of work.

The number of numbers (n h) is the established number of personnel for performing any amount of work or performance of the function:


where p -the number of equipment units (or work units) served for a certain time.

Control standards - the established number of employees obeying the superior leader.

Production rates of wageused in drawing up the costs of labor costs and wages per complex of work and when preparing the tasks of work. Based production rates of resource consumption designed estimated norms cost of labor, machine time and consumption of materials. They are calculated by calculating the cost of the estimate meter. Enlugging and averaging allows you to limit the number of estimated norms. Estrase rationing provides for the deviation of average values \u200b\u200bfrom the conditions of real production, which limits their use for the short planning of the brigades.

Working hours and time to use building machines. The design of production standards is carried out on the basis of a detailed study of working and machine time.

Machine use timethe duration of its operation during the shift . The preparatory and final time of workers is taken into account (t PZ. ), time of operational work (t op ), time of regulated breaks (t Regul ). The preparatory-final time includes the costs of obtaining a task, briefing, obtaining materials and means of individual protection, the preparation of the workplace, the study of the drawings, and at the end of the shift - the delivery of products, the surrender of labor guns, cleaning the workplace (2-16% of all costs). The time of operational work is spent on the implementation of the task of production technology and auxiliary operations, it also includes time marking, calibration, transitions of work on the front of the work, the time of observation of technology and instruments (70-90% of all costs). The time of regulated breaks is spent on vacation and personal need for workers and non-resistant technological breaks (5-30%).

Labor cost rate Determined by the formula:


where H PZ. - standard of preparatory and final time workers,%; t otl - regulated breaks for rest and personal need,%; t TP. - Fine technological breaks,%.

Time rate for workersdetermined as follows:

H VRZ \u003d N h / h z,

where h 3 is the number of workers' level.

Melting Norm will be:

N z \u003d t cm · h z / n zt,

where t cm -duration of shift in hours.

Machine use time Determine based on calculated (technical) her performance and described elements of the time of use of the machine. For cyclic Action Machines Number of Machine Machines per unit of final products will be:


for \u003d Vn,

where IN - production (performance) per hour of cyclic work; t Repell, t n / cycle - design costs for regulated breaks and non-cyclical work in the percentage of machine time; V. scope of work for the work cycle; N. the number of cycles per hour.

For continuous time machine rate determined:


at B \u003d. V cp,

where P RVH - project costs of auxiliary and idle operation of the machine, as a percentage of normalized costs; V CP -the average volume of work in 1 hour.

The rate of the machine's use takes into account the time of operational work and regulated breaks in the work of the machine related to the preparation of the machine to work, technical departure for it, technology and the organization of the normized process.

Methods for measuring work time costs. Object rationing is production operation. When developing standards, the procedure for maintenance of the workplace, the degree of division of labor is determined.

TO working time measurement methods relate timber, photo of the working day, the method of torque observations.

The timing is a study of the operation by observing and measuring the cost of working time to perform individual elements in the manufacture of a unit of products. The timing is carried out in relation to the recurring elements of the main, auxiliary, preparatory-concluding time, as well as for short-term elements. Observation materials are summarized, and time standards are set.

Photo of a working daystudy and measurement of all the costs of working time over the shift or part of it; carried out by the performer or normalizer itself, the master. The method is used to normalize the time of workers serving, ITER.

There are individual, brigadier, group, route photographing a working day. In the process of photographing the working day, the results of the observations are entered into a special photo card with text, index, line on the chart. For self-photographic the performer himself records time measurements in special card, dimensions of working time loss indicating the reasons.

Method of torque observationsa statistical way to obtain average data of the actual workload of workers and equipment. It is used to study the cost of time and the degree of use of equipment in time. Similarly, time loss is studied by specialists and employees. Multiple observations are carried out during the tract. The observer, following the route, fixes the measurements in the observation sheet at the time of the visit. The volume of observations is recorded, the number of bypass, bypass time, the list of working time costs.

The existing production regulations should be regularly filled with the use of new technology, new materials, new types of work. Revise certain norms in accordance with the modern organizational and technical level, the new normal, clarifications are introduced to the content of collections, new coefficients in the technical part, turn on new types of construction and installation processes.

The main task of technical rationing is the development of technically reasonable rules of production, which would correspond to the modern level of technology and reflected best practices from the builders. The norms show how much time work, what expendable machine time mechanisms. How many and what materials are required to perform a particular work on construction. In order for the norms to be technically reasonable and progressive, i.e. The corresponding modern level of production, technical rationing is carried out by monitoring the implementation of construction work, in the conditions of the right organizations of production, the use of advanced work methods and the use of modern means of production. The norms serve to determine labor costs in the rational organization, identifying the need for construction machines and equipment, calculating the required number of workers and wage funds, the preparation of productive tasks (outfits) working, as well as graphs, work projects. Every year, these or other progressive changes occur in construction: construction works are more and more mechanisms and machines, all new building materials are being introduced, the technology of building processes is being improved, the technical level of workers is improved. The prerequisite for the right organization and systematic increase in wages is the leading increase in labor productivity compared to the growth of wages. The basis of the organization of wages in construction along with technical regulation is a tariff system and rational forms of wages. The tariff system is used to determine the amount of remuneration of workers in construction, depending on the complexity of the work performed, taking into account the difference between the difficulty and lungs. The main elements of the tariff system are: a tariff mesh, a tariff-qualification reference book and clock tariff rates. The tariff mesh is a scale of relationships (coefficients) of labor of workers of various discharges. The tariff-qualification directory determines the discharge of work in construction, as well as depending on this, qualifications, i.e. the works of the workers necessary to perform these works. The tariff-qualification guide is the main document for establishing the right remuneration of workers' wages of various professions and qualifications. Hourly tariff rates - in accordance with the six-digit tariff mesh, the following tariff rates are installed determining the amount of remuneration per unit of time (hour) at 8 hour working day.

1. Objectives and objectives of technical rationing.

Under rationing labor is understood to establish a measure of labor costs for the manufacture of a unit of products (or product production is established per unit of time), to perform a given amount of work or maintenance of means of production in certain organizational and technical conditions

Technical standardization of labor in construction is the science, which is the content of labor costs and the time of workers and the machines used by them and mechanisms carried out with the aim of Enhance the effectiveness of their labor.

Main goals Technical rationing:

1. Design of production standards,

2. Analysis of loss of working time,

3. Study of advanced working methods.

The most important task is to design production costs of labor, time, and material resources. These norms serve as the basis for organizing the labor workers, calculating wages, determining the duration of the performance of production processes, are a regulatory framework in the development of planned and estimated norms, various feasibility of economic calculations. At the same time, the rules are used in operational management and organization of construction production.

Studies of the cost of working time and the time of use of machines and mechanisms, analysis of the results obtained allow you to establish the loss of working time, determine the causes and accordingly to develop measures to eliminate these losses.

With the help of technical rationing methods, it is studied by advanced methods and techniques for labor when performing the same production processes by various performers at different facilities. Processing and analysis of the data obtained allow you to identify the most rational methods and techniques of labor and recommend them to implementation.

ABOUT dISHERN ORGANIAGE OF LABORING - contribute to the steady increase in labor productivity with optimal intensity, uniform distribution of physical and neuro-emotional energy during the work shift without prejudice to the health of workers.

2 elegation of labor rationing

Design of labor standards is carried out analytical methodwhich is based on the study and critical analysis of the fulfillment of the normalized process, its organization and mechanization, the state of working conditions in the workplace. Based on such an analysis, a rational method and organizational and technical conditions for working, contributing to the growth of productivity, based on which labor standards are developing.

Exist two varieties of the analytical method: Analytical and research and analytical and calculated. The differences between them are to determine the source data for the design of the norms.

Analytical Research Method Based on obtaining source data by conducting special regulatory observations directly on construction sites. It is used in mass and large-scale production.

· Tronomeration - Study of time spending on the execution of cyclically repeated manual and machine-manual elements of the operation

· Photo and self-photograph of the working day - study of the labor process in order to determine the cost of working time during the period under study (p.94-95 Akimov example of photograph)

· Method of torque observations (?)

Analytically-settlement method is based on the application of previously established scientifically based standards, calculated formulas, standards of analogs, technical data, characteristics and passports of machinery and equipment, i.e. Provides for the use of previously developed regulatory and technical materials. Applied in single and small-sector production

Analytical and calculated and analytical research methods of design standards can be applied both separately and together. The selection of the design methods should be made, taking into account the most appropriate method for obtaining source data and reduce the complexity of the design. Preference should be given to an analytical and calculated method, as more economical. This method is used in construction mainly to develop enlarged norms.

Statistical method Labor rationing provides for the calculation of norms based on the analysis of statistical data for previous periods of work or other employees.

3 . Types of production standards in construction

The system of production standards in construction includes

Rounds of time working and using machines,

Labor costs

Development standards,

Machine performance standards

Material consumption standards.

The time rate of workers NVR - the amount of time required to perform the workers of the relevant profession and the qualifications of a unit of benign products under the right organizational and technical conditions

Labor cost rate N Z.T - the number of labor costs of the working relevant profession and qualifications necessary for the implementation of a unity of benign products under the right organizational and technical conditions, people. -H / un. Product measurements:

Output rate High - the number of benign products, which must be performed by the working relevant profession and qualifications per unit of time with the right organizational and technical conditions

Example. Two workers for 6 hours produced 4 m3 of benign products.

NVR \u003d 6/4 \u003d 1.5 h / m3; N z.t \u003d 6x2 / 4 \u003d 3 people-h / m3; High \u003d 4/6 \u003d 0.67 m3 / h.

Machine time rate NM.VR - the number of current use of the machine installed on the implementation of a unit of benign products with the right organizational and technical conditions of production and labor of workers managers. The time rate of the machine is measured in the clock machines on the product meter.

Between the time of time of the machine and the norm of labor costs workers employed by control or service, there is a dependence that expresses the following formula: NM.VR \u003d NVR X

Machine performance rate NPR - the number of benign products, which must be performed by the machine per unit of time with the right organizational and technical conditions for the production and labor of workers managers.

"Registration and payment of labor in construction", 2012, N 4

Construction is the process of consistent implementation of numerous construction and installation work, which requires material and labor resources.

The conditions of the global innovation economy activate the work of people, change the work and qualifications of workers. The limit of labor tension comes with perfect competition and during periods of economic crises. Competition in the labor market becomes very high. It can be said that the modern capitalist economy in pursuit of maximum profit (profitable) is characterized by an extremely high level of labor exploitation. All this increases interest in labor issues and especially its payment.

Remuneration in construction depends on the volume and complexity of work. The transition from the volume to consideration is carried out through the time norms (labor costs) per unit of measurement of work.

Here example Definitions of the amount of funds for labor workers in the cost of a construction complex (with extrabudgetary financing).

The regulatory complexity of the upcoming works is 20 thousand people.

The customer and the contractor agreed to adopt to calculate the cost of paying the work of workers as a minimum monthly tariff rate of the working first discharge of 13 thousand rubles, or 13,000: 165.6 \u003d 78.5 rubles / h,

where 165.6 is a regulatory average number of hours in 2010 at a 40-hour working week.

The average discharge of the upcoming works is the fourth, with a tariff coefficient of 1.34. Then the average employment of work workers at the facility in accordance with the contractual agreement was 78.5 x 1.34 \u003d 105.19 rubles.

The contractual amount of remuneration workers for fulfilling the upcoming work will be:

20 000 x 105,19 \u003d 2 103 800 rubles.

As you know, any production process proceeds at certain time frames. In this regard, it is necessary to determine labor standards.

Currently the main objects of labor rationing are:

  • labor or machine time labor costs for performing a unit of measurement of relevant work (time standards, labor costs in person-h or machine time standards in Mash.-h);
  • the number of products (works), which must be manufactured (completed) for a certain cost of labor costs (production standards);
  • the number of objects that are serviced by one or group of employees (maintenance rates);
  • the number of personnel necessary to fulfill a specific work program (norms of numbers);
  • the number of subordinates from one leader (manageability standards).

The norms are the basis for stimulating the growth of labor productivity (undeservedly forgotten indicator) and production efficiency. The norm indicates how to work. It is not by chance even in the last century our founder of the scientific organization of Labor A.K. Gastev wrote: "Regarding it means to look for the most profitable organization of labor."

As we see, for the organization of labor and, accordingly, its payment is needed by the norms of labor. They contribute to the best use of labor resources in construction organizations.

Especially important rules of production (inverse indicator of labor costs). They were always and should be calculated. Even Neram-Rabams on the plantations in South America established "rules of development", and the Indians - to mining gold, for the failure of which slaves were punished, and in such a way that injury applied during punishments did not reduce their performance to fulfill the rules of development.

The development of the norms is carried out by technical rationing methods based on an element approach to the construction and installation processes studied and regulatory observations.

When normalizing the frames are installed necessary labor costs. The validity of any norms is the most important condition for effective production activities, since all stimulation systems are ultimately based on comparison of the actual costs of resources with regulatory or planned.

Reliability of the norms plays a particularly important role in the organization brigade Contractwhich provides comprehensive stimulation of brigades for reducing the timing of work and saving all types of labor and material resources.

There are no modern construction, as before, collectors of single rules and rates (YeniR) for organizing a centralized wage system. However, in some organizations, in the absence of branded (individual) norms, it continues to use the cost of labor costs of 1984. This practice is incorrect, since these norms are artificially understood as a result of a planned revision in the direction of decline in order to increase the rate of production (labor productivity) in the conditions of scientific and technical Progress independently of the introduction of organizing farms on specific workplaces of construction production. Particularly unacceptable is the practice of using a piece of charges from the 1984 seals from the 1984 collections with the current period through the estimated indexes from the magazine "Pricing and Estimated rationing", which have nothing to do with the organization of remuneration in construction organizations. In extreme cases, in matters of rationing and remuneration, in the absence of branded standards, it is more correct to use the standards of collections of state elemental estimates (GESN) in the editions of 2001, 2008 and 2009, which corrected the socialist "inflection" of a planned reduction in labor costs and, accordingly, piece Rates.

for example, estimate rate of labor costs of construction workers per 1 cu. M of the brick masonry of the walls in GESN-2001-08-02-010-5 is 6.03 people, 4.49 people were equal to ESN-84, and in the collection of Yenir N 3 "Stone work" - and That is less.

The first question that occurs when organizing labor and establishing the norms is as follows: what time costs are necessary and should be included in the norm? Therefore, when developing production standards, the costs of working time and the time of use of building machines are divided, first of all, normated and nonormable.

Normated labor costs are made up of productive time and regulated breaks. The time of productive work includes the time of the main, auxiliary and preparatory-concluding work. Regulated breaks are time for rest and personal need, technological breaks associated with the specifics of the construction and installation process. Everything else is considered as loss of working time.

We also note that, since the elements of working time and the time of use of building machines have some specifically distinctive features, the time rules of construction workers and the time of the machinists are established and shown in the norms of norms and rates separately. Separately, these norms are given and in the GESN collections.

It should be emphasized again: the construction rate of the construction process includes only the necessary time spent (labor).

The runtime is considered as a derivative of time (labor costs), since these indicators are inversely proportional to what follows from their definitions.

In practice and in regulatory compilations are used (are given) not the norm of time in hours, and labor costs in the person-h, which are conventionally referred to as the norms of time.

Output rate - This is the amount of work that must be performed per unit of time by the working, link or team of working appropriate profession and qualifications with the right organization of the production process. The production rate is measured in physical (natural) meters (row meters, square or cubic meters, tons, etc.).

The rules of development in the climbers and rates are not given and, if necessary, can be calculated by the division of the established duration of the change to the norm of time (labor costs) and multiplication by the number of workers engaged in the implementation of the relevant work. It will be a replaceable working of workers.

Labor costs are not dependent and do not change from the number of workers in the link. They are installed on the meter of work in the person-b.

Example. Per 1 cu. m brick masonry performed by the masonry mason of 2 people, the rate of time is installed 4.6 people- Replaceable working of workers will be: 8 x 2: 4,6 \u003d 3.5 cubic meters. m.

Duration of execution of 1 cubic. m masonry in hours can be determined bicon. First, since the time rate of 4.6 people is set per 1 cu. m, and the work is performed by two workers, then the time to the meter will be two times less than the norm, i.e. 4.6: 2 \u003d 2.3 h. The second method is even easier. If there are 3.5 cubic meters for shift at 8 h. m, then 1 cubic meter. M is spent 8: 3.5 \u003d 2.3 hours. In the calculations, the clock cannot be divided into people. On the contrary, it is possible. Clock should be divided into hours or person-h on the person- These subtleties should be understood and know.

For complete clarity in these cases, we also give examples. Parquet flooring is performed by two workers. The rate of time by 10 square meters. m floor installed in 3.8 people-

The time of the link should be: 1 x 2: 3.8 x 10 \u003d 5.26 square meters. m, replaceable - 8 times more, i.e.: 8 x 2: 3.8 x 10 \u003d 42.10 kV. m.

Time norms and developmental standards, despite their inversely proportional dependence, are not changed in the same sizes. It is easy to prove on the following example. The rate of time per unit of production is installed in 40 minutes. Replaceable production will be 480: 40 \u003d 12 units.

With a decrease in the time rate of 20%, the exchange rate for shifting will be equal to

480: (40 - 40 x 0.2) \u003d 15 units.

The growth of production will be equal to:

(15: 12) x 100 \u003d 25%.

Special tables of interchangeability of these indicators are drawn up. for example, with a decrease in the standards of developing young workers for 20% of time, they increase by 25%. This means that the piece-up prices for them should be increased in 1.25 times.

Production standards serve as a basis for organizing labor workers, calculating wages, identifying the necessary number of workers, the duration of work, is a regulatory framework for the development of planned and estimated norms, used in various feasibility of economic calculations, including in optimizing the number of employees of the company.

In cases of reducing the number of employees of the company, growth
labor productivity (P) is determined by the formula:
P \u003d C: (h - c) x 100, (1)

where C is a reduction in the number of construction and production personnel, people;

H - the number of personnel designed for the scope of work on the development of the base period.

As noted above, the norms are the basis of stimulating the growth of labor productivity. Unfortunately, labor productivity remains a weak place in our economy. Thus, the week of the Russian worker in the construction of its American colleague performs in one day.

One of the most important prerequisites for the growth of labor productivity is the right organization of wages.

In construction, as in other industries of material production, the organization of remuneration is carried out on the basis of three interrelated and interdependent elements: labor rationing, a tariff or configuration system, forms and wage systems.

With the help of a tariff system, which is a set of regulatory materials, the quality of work of workers is estimated and the wage differentiation is produced, regulation of its dependence on quality, complexity, conditions and significance of labor.

In modern construction, many contracting organizations have forgotten about labor and the tariff system. Everything is adjusted under a certain contractual salary. Working concepts do not have about tariff discharges, coefficients, tariff rates, they are never trained anywhere, they do not increase their qualifications, since in order to imaginary savings, many educational plant has ceased to exist. As a result, we obtain low quality of work, especially when the work is performed by immigrants, the so-called migrant workers.

It should be noted that in construction, where the tariff system is preserved, as well as in the estimated pricing still use the tariff net 1986, developed by labor in the construction of the USSR state building and adopted by the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU, see the USSR, VSSPS from 09/17/1986 N 1115 "On improving the organization of wages and introducing new tariff rates and official salary" (Table 1).

Table 1

Tariff set of construction workers since 1986

Discharge 1 2 3 4 5 6
Tariff coefficients 1 1,08 1,19 1,34 1,54 1,80

In construction, the main form of wages is still a piecework, the accrual of which is made by piece of rates or by contracts in general for the complex of work.

Schedule rates (denominator in the collections of norms and rates)
determined by the time of time (H) and the tariff rate on the category
work performed (T):
P \u003d H x T (2)

By piecework, the amount of piecework salary is calculated (s):

S \u003d o x p, (3)

where o is the volume of work performed in a natural dimension.

The work of workers' and builders in the composition of direct costs in Fer and Ter collections is the size of a piece price for a meter of work.

The question arises: as defined by the estimated regulatory framework of 2001 and in subsequent editions, hourly tariff rates in Fer and is similar to the terrain? To answer this question, do a small calculation.

In the estimated-regulatory framework 2001, 2008 and 2009. The average discharge of workers accepted the fourth, and their average wages for 01.01.2000 in the Fer was 1600 rubles. per month (with an average number of working hours of 166.25). Then the hourly tariff rate of the 1st discharge workers (T) for the Fer is:

T \u003d 1600: (1.34 x 166.25) \u003d 7.18 rubles.

Let's make Table. 2.

table 2

Tariff mesh and clock rates of construction workers in Fer

Now we will try to determine the amount of remuneration of workers and builders in Fer-2001 (collection N 8 - structures of brick and blocks) as part of a single rates for 100 square meters. m masonry partitions from brick (less outlook) on table 08-02-002-01 (thick in% of bricks at the height of the floor up to 4 m).

Labor body and average discharge for this work in the GESN table 08-02-002-1 are as follows:

  • work and construction workers' costs: 146.32 people;
  • medium discharge of work: 3.

Calculation: 146.32 x 8,53 \u003d 1248.11 rub. (see far-08-2001, p. 8).

Thus, the method of determining the elements of direct costs (single rates) on the standards and prices of resources is quite simple. The task of reforming the estimated regulatory framework of 2001 is to bring the norms and rates in compliance with real resources, modern technology for the production of works and the conditions of the market economy.

In the context of the development of market relations and the provision of complete independence in wages, various methods and wage systems of workers are applied. As practice shows, in modern construction the greatest use still has contract labor payment. This contributes to the absence of a market regulatory framework for the organization of real wages, providing purchasing power to reproduction of labor. Essentially, the contractual salary in construction is marketplace, since the fee per unit of measurement of work, depending on the price of labor in the labor market, is also known to the employee, and the employer. Hence the temporary (hour, day, monthly) partly contractual wage. Under these conditions, official tariff discharges and rates remain unclaimed. However, workers always know the price of their workforce at any time of the market situation.

Consider examples of management of remuneration workers from real market practice.

Payment Agreement salary for the construction site in private house-building (on the example of wall cladding in 1/2 brick).

Initial data.

  1. Period of work: August - November 2009
  2. Market contractual remuneration between the customer and the contractor for 1 square meters. m lining of walls with high-quality hollow bricks is 1500 rubles.
  3. The contractor highlights the construction site of 1200 rubles. For 1 square. m cladding.
  4. The head of the site (the manufacturer of works) distributes 1200 rubles. in the following way:
  • 900 rub. per quarter. m wall cladding - working-bricklayers for the implementation of all major and auxiliary works;
  • 300 rub. - on the remuneration of the manufacturer of works on the organization of the construction process.
  1. The number of brigade of masonry - 7 people. Work is performed by two links. The composition of the link:
  • masonicians - 2 people;
  • silver - 1 person.

One desk runs down on the preparation of the solution, feeding the materials upstairs.

  1. The development of the brigade is an average of 10 square meters. m for shifting.

Calculation of day and monthly salary.

Time rate (labor cost) per quarter. m lining of walls with bricks we define through the runtime of the formula:

H \u003d T X N: H, (4)
BP cm vyra
where T is the duration of shift in hours; n - the number of workers in
brigade; N - Replacement development of a brigade in a square. m cladding walls.
H \u003d 8 x 7: 10 \u003d 5.6 people / sq. m.
A piece of charge per unit of measurement of work Determine by the formula:
P \u003d H x C, (5)
where C - hours of labor in the brigade, defined as
(900 x 10): (8 x 7) \u003d 160.71 rubles.
P \u003d 5.6 x 160.71 \u003d 900 rubles.
Day wages for workers:
S \u003d p x o \u003d 900 x 10 \u003d 9000 rubles.

Day salary of one worker (for 1 person-day) is 9000: 7 \u003d 1285.71 rubles.

The monthly salary of one worker one weekess in the afternoon will be equal to 1285.71 x 26 \u003d 33,428,46 rubles, where 26 is the number of working days taken in the brigade for the month.

The monthly salary of the manufacturer of works is 300 x 10 x 26 \u003d 78,000 rubles.

The hour and day-time salary of the manufacturer of work is equal accordingly:

78 000: 8 x 26 \u003d 375 rub. and

78 000: 26 \u003d 3000 rubles.

You can bring more examples all from the same market practice.

The private customer came out on the manufacturer of work with a request to allocate his workers to the construction of a fence within the borders of the site under an individual residential building. The fence length was determined in the 76 p. The parties came to an agreement on the payment of the workforce for 1 p. M of the fence of 1000 rubles. And they concluded the corresponding contract.

The manufacturer of the work sent three migrant workers to perform this work with the promise to pay them for each person-day of work 1000 rubles. The duration of work work was determined in 10 working days. Workers carried out work on time and received 30 thousand rubles from Probala. Difference of 46 thousand rubles. The foreman enrolled in its balance.

So often solve issues of wages in free market elements.

Definite interests are also issues of remuneration of workers in the building materials industry, especially since this industry refers to the construction sector with a common professional union. There is also a lot of violations of the general principles of wages. On conveyor lines for the manufacture of prefabricated structures, for example, the use of tariff discharges for the timing differentiation in the brigades of modulers in many enterprises is formal. Time norms for the manufacture of products are practically not developed. Rates are calculated by the actual daytime development of the brigade.

In the distribution of collective wages by the brigadiers and the leadership of the workshop, there are quite a few self-identity and subjectivism so that the average wages of workers did not exceed a certain level. for example, craners of bridge cranes - 23 000 rubles. per month, forms of products - 25 000 rubles, smooth rails of structures - 20 000 rubles.

Economic reform during the crisis economy requires a fundamental change in wage policies as labor prices in the labor market. It is not for sale, but only the ability to it - labor force.

In developed countries, the workforce price is issued labor contract in the shape of written contract. In all cases, the amount of payment per unit of time for the use of labor potential is established before work.

In modern construction, especially in the context of the economic crisis, there are numerous violations of the work of workers. Fear of losing job causes workers, especially visitors, take any wage employer. Moreover, workers sometimes do not even know the origin of the outcome amounts on wages against the background of low legal awareness and weak trade union bodies. At the same time, such a wage system is quite satisfied with the management of enterprises, since it allows you to keep everything under control to the detriment of the development and modernization of production. At the same time, the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Sectoral Agreement, collective agreements are violated.

In other sectors of the national economy, no less problems. The main problem on wages is a huge break in the income of citizens.

In conclusion, we emphasize that the costs of labor are equally important than investing in fixed assets, since it is the living labor of workers as a result that determines the profitability of the enterprise and its final success in the market. In other words, personnel, labor is more important than the capital of the owner.


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  2. Asaul A.N., Asaul M.A., Erofeev P.Yu., Erofeev M.P. Organization culture: problems of formation and management. St. Petersburg: Humanist, 2006.
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VD Ardzinov


departments "Economics


St. Petersburg

state University

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D.V. Gradzinov

Engineer economist


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