Marketing industries. Marketing management in industries. Portfolio Models and Product Planning

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Marketing in sectors and fields of activity. Ed. Nagapieta N.A.

M.: The university textbook, 2007. - 272 p.

The training manual reflects the specifics of marketing in the process of managing enterprises of various industries and fields of activity and consists of three sections: marketing in industry industries, marketing in the field of circulation and marketing services. The features of the commodity, price, distribution and communication policy of enterprises are given, marketing marketing strategies are presented.

Each section is completed with tests that allow you to better consolidate the theoretical course of the discipline.

For students, teachers of economic universities, as well as employees of marketing department and specialists of economic services.

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Introduction 3.
Section I. Marketing in industrial sectors 5
Chapter 1. Industrial Marketing 6
1.1. Industrial goods market features 9
1.2. Classification of industrial goods 11
1.3. Marketing Wednesday Industrial Enterprise 13
1.4. Marketing information system 15
1.5. Segmentation of the Industrial Product Market 18
1.5.1. Segmentation of the construction products market .... 21
Chapter 2. Features of the marketing complex at industries industry enterprises 25
2.1. Commodity Policy 26.
2.2. Distribution channels and product range 30
2.2.1. Nature Distribution Channels 30
2.2.2. Grade 35.
2.3. Pricing for industrial products 42
2.4. Communication policy 45.
Chapter 3. Marketing Strategies and Marketing Management at Industrial Enterprises 52
3.1. Marketing strategies in the enterprise 52
3.2. Marketing planning at an industrial enterprise 56
Chapter 4. Marketing of the agro-industrial complex 60
4.1. Product in the system of agromarketing 63
4.2. Planning agromarketing 65.
4.3. Pricing features 67.
4.4. Information in the system of agromarketing 70
Tests to Section I.: 73
References 76.
Section II. Marketing in the non-production sectors 77
Chapter 5. Marketing in the field of circulation 78
5.1. Concept and characteristics of marketing in the field of circulation 79
5.2. Marketing research in trading and mediation organizations 84
5.3. Marketing in wholesale and retail 92
5.3.1. Marketing in wholesale trade 95
5.3.2. Retail Marketing 96
5.3.3. Marketing in warehousing 100
5.4. Strategic marketing in the activities of wholesale and intermediary organizations 105
5.4.1. Strategic Marketing Concept 111
5.4.2. Marketing Strategies 116
5.5. Competitiveness of goods 118.
5.5.1. The main factors of the competitiveness of the goods ... 118
5.5.2. Competitive Intermediary Competitiveness System 127
5.6. Provision policy of trade and intermediary organizations 131
5.7. Segmentation of market of trade and mediation organizations 139
5.8. Selection of a trading intermediary 146
5.9. Marketing in the investment sector of trading and intermediary organizations 152
5.9.1. Investments in the construction of trade and intermediary organizations 156
5.9.2. Evaluation of economic efficiency investments 158
Tests to section II 160
List of references 163.
Section III. Marketing in the service sector 165
Chapter 6. Marketing Services 165
6.1. General characteristics of marketing in the service sector 166
6.2. Competition in the market of services 171
6.2.1. Communicative policy in the field of circulation and services 176
6.3. Commercial intermediary services 180
6.4. Marketing in the field of transport services 184
6.5. Marketing in the field of tourist services 188
6.6. Marketing in the field of insurance services 200
6.7. Banking Services Marketing 217
6.8. Marketing in the field of educational services 237
6.9. Marketing in the field of production services 244
6.10. Audit, consulting and service services 250
Tests to section III 255
Answers to tests (by sections I-III) 257
Economic and mathematical and statistical methods for solving applied tasks in Marketing 258
Dictionary of Basic Terms 263
References 269.

Slide 2.

Educational discipline "Marketing in industries and fields of activity" is an independent course, in which a modern approach to the organization of marketing activities is revealed in various industries and areas of activity. Training of discipline: - mastering theoretical and practical features of marketing in various sectors and fields of activity; - study of the experience of conducting analytical activities; - mastering the peculiarities of segmentation and positioning in various industries; - studying technologies for the development of a marketing complex in various fields of activity; - obtaining skills of organizing, planning and controlling marketing in enterprises of various industries.

Slide 3.

Our main problems of interest for marketers, we refer the following: - The role of strategic and operational marketing on the firm of any field of activity; - Determining the specific objectives of marketing research, based on the specifics of the company's activities; - Features of meeting the needs of potential customers; - market segmentation, The choice of the target segment and marketing strategy; - the ability to plan marketing activities of the company; - Problems of optimization of the company's org structure; - effective marketing activity by the company in various industries and fields of activity.

Slide 4.

The knowledge gained will provide students with assistance in future professional activities, and will contribute to more complete accounting of the peculiarities and specificities of the company in various markets and areas of activity in order to develop effective competitive strategies.

Slide 5.

Essence of sectoral marketing

Features of marketing development in various business branches, follow from a typical definition of its definition, in which, in marketing, all types of management activities of the enterprise aimed at conquering the market are understood. Since the market of any industry has its own characteristics due to the characteristics of market participants, are obvious and specific solutions that are used in the marketing complex when working in industry markets.

Slide 6.

Classic approach to marketing differentiation

Marketing Marketing Production Products Products Marketing Marketing Products of Public Consumption Industrial Marketing Consumer Marketing Criterion for Classification - Product View

Slide 7.

Production of production and technical purposes (PPTN) is purchased in large quantities for production consumption; participates in the production and technological process, which causes the need to assess the quality and its compliance with the requirements; Its cost is included in the cost of finished products; In making a decision on the purchase, several people participate, including executives; In the production of PPTN, the manufacturer focuses on a specific end user, which causes the need to establish immediate direct relationship with the buyer. Consumer goods (TNP) are purchased for personal use in limited quantities; do not participate in the manufacturing process and are not included in the cost of finished products; The decision to purchase the TNP is usually accepted alone. Services All services have 4 main characteristics: services are elusive, intangible and misunderstood; The process of production and consumption of services is inseparable; Services are heterogeneous, that is, they can change quality; Services are not capable of storage and quickly "deteriorate".

Slide 8.

In the production of PPTN, the manufacturer focuses on a specific end user. This causes the need to establish direct direct relationship with the buyer of products that are carried out through preliminary orders or in advance agreed deliveries. So, the PPTN on average is 70% implemented by the final consumer. The growth of direct sales of PPTN is due to an increase in the technical level and the complexity of the products manufactured to the market, especially machinery and equipment, an increase in the share of unique equipment, equipment of complete enterprises, large vessels, aircraft of the latest designs, etc. This causes the need to establish immediate contacts between the seller and the buyer, which begin long before the production of the product, namely, at the stage of its plan, design and develop technical and economic parameters in order to account for the requirements of the buyer.

Slide 9.

Separation of marketing in reproduction stages

Criterion for classification - availability of production, that is, the process of creating goods from its design and design to production marketing production marketing marketing wholesale trade marketing retail trade industrial marketing consumer marketing This classification distinguishes marketing in the stages of the reproduction cycle: production - appeal - consumption

Slide 10.

The present view is based on the fact that the marketing process at industrial enterprises is almost the same, it passes the same stages: market research, intent and design of goods, production of goods and the commercialization process, mass production, sales of the sales and after-sales service and feedback from consumer. In this case, the view of the goods produced does not matter.

Slide 11.

The manufacturer will produce exactly so much the goods as it was ordered, the order briefcase is formed in advance. The manufacturer tries to implement all its products to be implemented by large batches of large buyers - wholesale or finite. For this, there are special systems of large wholesale discounts. For almost all enterprises, it is true that 20% of buyers are shipped by 80% of manufactured products, that is, 80% of products are implemented in large wholesale. With the transition of goods from the manufacturer to the mediator, industrial marketing goes into wholesale marketing.

Slide 12.

Wholesale is the next link after the process of production and distribution and integrates to disparate the volumes offered to procurement into smaller. Trade does not have the ability to change the quality of the goods, because it does not produce it. Operation workers can only offer to the buyer services related to packaging of goods, delivery and other after-sales service. The purpose of marketing in the field of appeal is to bring goods to an intermediate wholesale buyer the goods of the required quality obtained during the production process, and provide it with additional services to facilitate the transportation and consumption process.

Slide 13.

At the last stage - the sale of goods to the final retail consumer - the principles and methods of consumer marketing are used. Thus, this classification distinguishes marketing in the stages of the reproduction cycle: production - appeal - consumption.

Slide 14.

Marketing division depending on the type of buyer (purchase goals)

Criteria for Classification - Types of Buyer Marketing Marketing Wholesale Trade Marketing Retail Trade Industrial Marketing Consumer Marketing

Slide 15.

The ultimate goal of marketing is to meet customer needs and preferences; All buyers are divided into wholesale and retail; If the buyer is retail and the purpose of the purchase is personal consumption, then consumer marketing takes place. If the buyer is wholesale and the purpose of the purchase is production consumption or resale, then there is an industrial marketing; Marketing comes down mainly to working with the consumer; The industrial marketing system includes relations between all companies in the market (industrial and trading firms, construction and transport organizations, etc.), if the purpose of establishing relations is the wholesale purchase of goods in order to further implement or for production use. Consumer marketing covers the relationship of sellers with specific private consumers who make a purchase for personal consumption, that is, the ratio of retail trade.

Slide 16.

Marketing services is the process of developing, promoting and implementing services focused on identifying specific customer needs.

"Murmansk State Technical University"

Faculty of absentee-socio-economic

    Department of Management, Comer,
    marketing and advertising
Course work on discipline:
    Marketing in sectors and fields of activity
    Topic: Services Marketing
Student 4 courses in absentia-accelerated form of training
    Specialty: Marketing
    No. student. Mar08zu-579 ticket
    Somkomakova Natalia Vladimirovna
Lecturer: Savin I.F.
Date of delivery in the dean: 10.26.2011

Murmansk 2011.

Introduction ................................................... .................. .3 p
Chapter 1
1.1. The area of \u200b\u200bmarketing services and its features ....4 page
1.2.Connet services and their distinctive features .................. .10 page
1.3. Communities in the marketing services: Advertising, PR ......... 14
Chapter 2.
2.1. Characteristics of the enterprise of OJSC "Electro" ............... ... ..21
2.2. The structure of the enterprise. Marketing Department ........................ 22
Chapter 3.
3.1. Analysis of marketing activities. Factors that reduce the efficiency of the marketing department .............................. .26 p
3.2. Putting marketing improvements in the enterprise ......... 29
Conclusion ............................................................................... ..32
List of references used ....................................... 3 35
Appendix ............................................. ......................36


The relevance of this problem is currently due to the fact that in Russia marketing services is poorly developed, but the service market is rapidly expanding and develops, which causes the prospects of this industry .. The introduction of more and more advanced technologies and upgraded service systems in the service processes, contribute to new sectoral and regional services markets.
In the service sector, marketing success depends on many aspects of business - and from a clear organization of production and from competent work with personnel.
Further, the service will be given the definition of services and marketing services, but it should be noted that the complexity of the search for the definition of "services" is that the services researcher deeperates with a flexible object, the borders of which are changing depending on the desires of the supplier and the consumer services.
The purpose of the study in this work is to study the features of marketing services.
The object of research in this paper is marketing in the service sector, i.e. We consider marketing from the point of view of its manifestations and significance in the service sector.
The subject of the study was taken features of the service sector and, as a result, the peculiarities of marketing in the service sector.
Research tasks:

    Analysis of scientific literature on research
    Explore the service marketing system at the experimental enterprise
    Develop recommendations for the application of marketing services in the enterprise
Chapter I.

1.1. The main provisions of marketing services and its features

Service Marketingunlike marketing in industry and trade, has its own distinctive features, which makes it possible to consider the scope of services as an independent direction in the commodity market. For the scope of services, certain methods of their formation, planning, development are characterized, which allows enterprises of services to solve their current and promising tasks, master new markets and create a new type of service in accordance with the growing market requirements.
To date, several service marketing centers have emerged, several monographs and collective work of domestic researchers have come out. Over the years of research, this issue has proposed various marketing models of services. These include:

    Model Marketing Organization of Services Bury (Attachment 1)
In Take, the organization of services should be carried out and the third type of marketing - marketing of interaction or marketing relationships (interactive marketing). Such marketing must implement a service provider directly contacting the client. Thus, the organization's marketing model should include three types of marketing.
    Model D. Ratmela (Concept of marketing services D. Ratmela) (Appendix 2)
The Ratmale model shows that in the manufacturing sector it is possible to distinguish at least three, albeit related, but completely independent process: 1) the process of production of goods; 2) the marketing process of these goods; and 3) the process of consumption of these goods
    Triangular Marketing Model F. Kotler(Appendix 3)
    "Servakshn" -Model Marketing services P. Eigality and E. Langearda (Appendix 4)
The attention of the marketers on the consumer visible to the consumer to which the material environment includes maintenance, service personnel and other consumers of the same service. At the same time, the internal system of the organization remains without attention, which is a set of methods and technologies of service. According to the logic of this model, marketing manager In addition to traditional marketing strategies used in the production sector (goods, price, communications, distribution channels), should be thought out and plan three additional strategies.
    "4P" -Model D. McCarthy and "7P" -Model M. Bitner(Appendix 5)
In recent years, the scope of services in Russia has increased markedly, which is associated both with the complication of production, and with the saturation of the market in the goods of everyday demand.
However, services, as a rule, are lagging behind manufacturers in practical use of marketing. Some service firms are small in size (workshops on the repair of shoes, hairdressers), and marketing seems to be expensive and uncomfortable with their activities. There are also maintenance organizations (legal and accounting firms) who consider the use of marketing is unethical. Some of the services of services used in the past such great popularity that until recently did not have any needs in marketing.
Airlines among the first in the service sector began to explore their customers and competitors and take positive measures to make an air travel less burdensome and more enjoyable. Another area of \u200b\u200bactivity, where marketing has become distributed over a relatively short period of time, banks have become.
One of the conditions for the development of various kinds of services is the economic growth of the state, but it does not allow, to satisfy the full growing material needs of the population. Currently, new approaches to the creation of new types of services are formed.
The most common overseas and domestic services classifications:
    Classification of the World Trade Association
    International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC)
    Classification of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
    All-Russian Services Classifier
Actions that today according to statistics refer to the class class are quite varied. They are directed to different objects, have a different target audience, sensitivity to promotion, the elasticity of demand for the price, differ in the degree of tangibility, the possibility of transporting and storing. The execution of some services depends to a greater extent of the use of technological developments and inventions, others - from the talent and skill of the one who provides the service, etc. Existing classifications fix the services as they appear, but do not propose the possibilities of separating them by types.
The presence of various kinds of services in the field of production and circulation allows you to classify them by five groups:
    Production services - engineering, leasing, customer service for the repair of equipment and various techniques.
    Distribution services - in trade (for purchase and sales of vapors), transport service and communications;
    Consumer services (the most massive) - on tourism, utilities related to household;
    Public services - television, broadcasting, education, health care and culture;
    Professional services - Banking, insurance, financial, consulting, advertising, etc.
The services also have a classification in the field of material and intangible production.
Services are material Production associated with a change in the state of materials, industrial products that are implemented at the request of consumers. They are most often found in the sphere of circulation. It is to provide consumers for various kinds of metal cutting services cutting roll paper, bottling liquid chemicals and food oils, etc.
Intangible services they differ from the following signs: intangulation, continuity of the production of services from consumption, heterogeneity or change in quality and inability to storage services.
Marketing services benefits and benefit to the client, defines the target market and promoting services to this market. At the same time, it is quite difficult to benefit from the service. It can only define a client who used one type of service. the main objective Marketing services is to assist the client to evaluate certain services and make the right choice for yourself. To implement this purpose, it is necessary to determine the distinctive features of marketing services.
Distinctive characteristics of services in marketing theory:
1. Intangibility (the service can not be estimated through tangible channels, it makes it difficult to perceive the service, it is necessary to materialize and visualize)
In this regard, consumers of services react very sensitive to the presence in service products of tangible elements that help assess the potential quality of service. These elements can be attributed: the appearance of the company's office; interior design; the presence and types of technological equipment; the level of used office equipment and consumables; Communication systems; Exterior of the company's managers and its employees; Customer contingent, already using the services of this company. These and other tangible elements of service products can have a beneficial effect on new potential customers and thereby become instruments of marketing technologies aimed at obtaining additional competitive advantages.
In solving problems associated with informatization of services, also the tools of psychological impact on target markets, expressed in the ability of service organizations: to create a unique image of its company and provided by it service products; maintain a decent business reputation on the company and the authority of the trademark of the service product; To form channels for distributing positive information about the satisfaction of customer requests "from mouth to mouth" and through the leaders of public opinion, etc.
The use of both instrumental groups is ultimately aimed at improving consumer confidence services to a service organization that provides them.
2. Non-sourceproducing system (service can not be separated from the producing system, the service will not take place without a production system)
The consequence of this specific feature of the service is that the quality of service products is in direct dependence: from the nature and level of interaction of the staff of the service company and its clients, as well as various groups of employees among themselves; from other persons actively involved in the service process or passively observing it; From the abilities of staff at a fixed time, and sometimes immediately respond to customer requests in the process of their service, and if necessary, and make adjustments to this process.
3. Non-snack (It is impossible to store - problems in time, peak demand and idle capacity during small demand, solving the problem - prediction of demand)
4. Understanding quality (Depends on the level of preparation and condition of service personnel and consumption, difficulty maintenance in the stable level, the method of struggle - the formation of internal. Standards, motivation, staff training)
5. Lack of transfer of ownership
6. Inseparable, both from producing and from consuming system
7. Fluctuation services (demand fluctuations)
There are two main approaches to solving these problems that directly affect the state of competitiveness of service organizations. First, it is an increase in the flexibility of maintenance technologies, allowing them to "adjust" them to what changes in the demand for services provided. This approach requires an understanding of which principles are based on the basis of the selected technologies of work and that limits the possibilities of their effective application. Secondly, these are measures aimed at smoothing and adjusting the oscillations themselves in demand.
The development of a demand management strategy should be started with the study and analysis of factors affecting its oscillations. At the same time, the most important parts of this analysis are: determination of the nature of the drop in demand (random or predictable); detection of cyclicity in fluctuations in demand; The establishment of the reasons causing changes in the level of demand (natural-climatic, cultural and social, socio-economic, etc.).
Any of the elements of the marketing formula can play the role of the demand stimulator during periods when the technological capacities of the service organization are idle and, on the contrary, to be its brake during peak loads. The price is usually the first of these elements that allow you to balance the demand and supply. Theaters often give morning performances, on weekends, based on the presence of free time of potential spectators, and shopping centers during periods of low demand are increasingly proposing a number of purchases, such as washing machines and other household appliances, by phone, with subsequent delivery, installation, design and calculations at the location of the buyer. Demand leveling can be achieved through communication efforts. A similar task is also solved by the information of mailers about sending New Year's and other congratulations in advance or supply of car service firms on the operational regulations for unloaded periods.
8. Contract for the production of services, as a rule, direct
9. The client often participates in the production of services
10. It is impossible to demonstrate the service (see)
Knowledge of these features of marketing services allows you to develop a relevant marketing policy to promote the service and combat competitors.

1.2. Competition in the field of marketing services

An important meaning in the study of marketing services plays the study of competition in the service sector, its types, features, influence on the activities of the enterprise.
In the field of production and services in the commodity market there are species, functional and marketing competition.
Species competition - It's when services are predominantly the same type or close to each other in quality characteristics or properties.
Functional competition this means that the need for services is satisfied in various ways. For example, the need forcommunication services can be satisfied with sufficient development of these types of communications. So, at present, various types of communication are competing on the market, each of which is aimed at making a profit.
Marketing competition it differs only by differences in the services of the service sector. It is widely used in various market structures and industries.
There are characteristic features of competition in services that distinguish it from competition in the commodity market:

    it does not require significant costs, so the level of competition in the service sector is quite high;
    it can be price and nonsense.
Based on price competition Prices for services and prices can be reduced or raised by the level of competition in the services market.
For Independent competition The basis of the quality indicator of the services provided. With the help of a quality indicator, you can conquer a competitive advantage in a competitive struggle. However, in case of non-price competition, it is not necessary without attracting additional costs that are mainly related to pay for a highly qualified specialist.
Competition in the service sector is aimed at Improving image Services of services that are among others in order to conquer consumer demand for services. The image of the service enterprise includes the quality of the services provided, their range, price, warranty, advertising and promotion methods. At the same time, the maintenance of the image requires constant monitoring of the quality of services, the introduction of culture for the provision of various kinds of services.
Like the goods market, the service market is also characterized by the wide penetration of new services offices. Success accompanies those enterprises of services that expand the range of services provided by developing their own competitive strategy.
In the competitive struggle of services enterprises succeeds with the one who has similar services while reducing costs. At the same time, leadership strategies, differentiation and service concentrations on one or more market segments are used:
    Strategy leadership it can be implemented at the expense of a reduction in the costs of the enterprise, which allows you to establish prices for services. This will be possible in the case when the company will occupy a significant share of services when using sufficiently cheap raw materials and energy resources. At the same time, it is guaranteed not to penetrate new competitors. The most effective leadership strategy may be for enterprises to provide transport services, communication services, as well as a wide list of production services provided at the enterprises of production and intermediary organizations.
    Service Differentiation Strategy, Excellent from services provided by other enterprises can be implemented in cases where the company has been pre-conducted broad marketing research, has sufficient fame in the service market and uses high quality raw materials and materials. Such enterprises are successful in consumers, therefore some increase in the price of services does not have significant influence. For example, it is possible to include the services of general education enterprises that achieve good results by attracting highly qualified professionals.
    The service market may also use concentration strategies. In this case, the services of services concentrate their activities on a separate or several market segments. They reach good results primarily by reducing the costs of providing services and a conquered image on a specific market segment.
Consider existing methods for assessing the competitiveness of services that are widely represented in domestic and foreign literature.
The most important factor in competitiveness is the consumption of goods. Meanwhile, the services for services do not have a decisive influence, with the exception of prices established by the provision of production services (repair of cars, household appliances, etc.). For Estimates of the competitiveness of services apply high-quality and quantitative assessment methods:
    For Quantitativeservice estimates are the most acceptable is a generalized indicator, which quantitatively characterizes any service. Such an estimated indicator can express, say, quantitative characteristics of the services, the index of providing services, the ratio of the score, share of services, etc.
    For Quality Services of services are used high-quality indicators, for example, a balleal comparison system of various kinds of services is taken. At the same time, an expert method is applied,which received widespread development in the practice of marketing research.
Quantitative and qualitative assessment equally, but from different points of view, they value the service, its characteristics. These methods are often used by marketers when analyzing the activities of the company.
To assess the competitiveness of a particular service, it is necessary to select the most characteristic indicators for any specific type of service. Then each of the indicators is given a scoring assessment. The highest amount of points will correspond to the most competitive service.More accurate methods for assessing the competitiveness of services can be attributed engineering forecasting method, which is carried out in several stages.
At the first stage, consumer requirements are formed to a specific service and indicators that are subject to evaluation are established. In the second stage, ranking indicators from the standpoint of consumers by the degree of their significance.
In the third stage, evaluates the selected indicators for each of the competing services or on a group of services provided by each of the main competitors. Estimated indicators are either in natural units, or in fractions, indices or in specific scales.
At the fourth stage, the option is selected for comparison. The base for the reference can serve as the choice of indicators for any of the compared services and enterprises.
In the fifth stage, there are consistent comparisons of each of the indicators of competitors with a similar indicator of the reference sample. As a result, it is revealed as each of the indicators differs from the same indicator of competitors. Next, indexes are calculated, which may be greater or less than 1 and are dimensionless.

No less important in the study of marketing in the service sector is occupied by communicative policies, which works directly with consumers, studying their desires and needs and forms a positive image of the enterprise.
Communicative services in the field of services - This is an integral part of the marketing communications system. Its main tool is advertising, stimulating sales, public relations, service policies, direct and personal sales. Communicative policy is aimed at the intensification of the sales process, the formation of demand for goods and services, improving efficiency in the field of trade and services. Effective communicative policies and marketing of any enterprise ensures successful work and survival in competition.
In the service sector, given their specificity and social orientation, you can allocate two aspects of communicative activities :
1) Socio-psychological features of communication in the market
Services, that is, how to form a communicative enterprise's communicative policy to more effectively influence the consumer.

2) The complexity of social processes in the market of services where can be attributed as consumers and competitors.
For a more complete understanding of possible communications in the service sector, it is more convenient to present all its elements in the form of a table.
Elements of the marketing communications system are represented
in Fig.1.

Lectures on the discipline "Managing Marketing by Industries"

Topic 1: "Essence and General Concepts"

Marketing management - This is a targeted activity of the company to regulate their products on the market, through planning, organization of accounting, control, taking into account the influence of the market and competition to achieve profit and efficiency of their activities.

Subject of Management - This is the activities of a specific campaign owner.

Object Speakers research, expert and analytical activities of the firm for the choice of competitive position in the market, where the company is performing with its product, advertising and pricing policies, etc., taking into account all external and internal environmental factors.

Marketing Management Technology - This is the entire set of expertise analytical and methodological tools for the analysis and detection of threats and complications by competitors. This also includes the adoption of marketing decisions on planning, identifying strategies, i.e. to promote the company on the market.

Purpose of marketing management - Getting the effective profit and efficiency of the subject in the market. Marketing management goals are implemented due to control functions.

Control functions - These are the injured types of management activities. Each function is implemented by a set of tasks.

Main functions:

1. Marketing planning

2. Organization, implementation of marketing strategies and marketing programs.

3. Accounting and monitoring marketing activities

4. Expert tracking and regulation of behavior of the company in the market.

Marketing Management Principles - these are rules arising from the objective economic laws of market development, its competition in conditions of risk and uncertainty.

Marketing Management Methods - These are methods for making marketing management. They include: research of marketing space; Management of marketing relationships, assessment of management decisions, etc. All this forms a single system.

Marketing Management Structure - fastens the forms of division of labor, sets the links between the elements of the entire system. Managers and employees of the company specializing in marketing activities are acting as elements.

Each element performs its function:

1 by market analysis

2 for the development of a strategy that determines the purpose of the product or by the territorial segment.

The marketing management process is a set of consecutive actions to achieve goals. It is characterized in terms of the organization of the process and technology of the process.

The process technology includes:

1. Collection and analysis of information on market behavior and competitors

2. Positioning dynamic processes in the market

3. Modeling psychological reactions of behavior. A feature of this process is its cyclicality, regardless of the decision-making level.

Basic Marketing Management Concepts

Features and types of management.

The peculiarities of management include the likely character of a large number of concrete moments of the company's activities that need to be measured and predicted. For this use special methods and especially they are treated. A feature is the presence of a risky situation. It requires evaluation and determination of ways to overcome it. Specifically, the program of preferences and forecast behavior is built. Balance passes between risk and profit. Also exist features of management associated with:

ü assessing the psychological reactions of the buyer

ü modeling psychological orientation and belief measures

ü Defining the boundaries of psychological protection

In management, depending on the behavior of the company distinguish the strategy and tactics of management.

Strategy - This is the choice and tracking of the general directions of the company's behavior in the market in the future, taking into account the specific values \u200b\u200bof the firm. Reflective behavior on the market is determined depending on the behavior of competitors, political events, economic situation, etc., allows you to adjust your own strategic management decisions to achieve large results.

Management strategy includes:

ü Development of forecasts of the company's behavior

ü Creating a Strategic Action Plan

Usually the development of strategies is quite expensive and requires high professionalism. The management strategy is closely related to the concept of a corporate strategy.

Corporate strategy - Developed on the basis of problems (threats), organization resources, organization purposes.

Scheme "Marketing Management Strategy"

Topic2: "Opportunities and threats of a market environment."

Each campaign must take into account the possibility of influencing the market of the following factors:

1. Demographic factor

2. Social and cultural values

3. Economic factors

4. Technological factors

5. Legislation and regulatory actions of the government

6. Competition

All these factors can create new opportunities or lead to updating mature markets. for example : The US population is olde, and the population in Asia is mostly young - this leads to an increase in the possibilities of such campaigns as McDonalds and Coca-Cola.

Marketing management tactics Includes specific receivers of marketing activities, providing for the specific accounting of the price capabilities of the market, its monetary abilities, the choice of the target segment, 4P, the budget, the implementation of events and control. Management tactics are related to the system of operations that are carried out in the foreseeable period of time. Depending on the level of solutions, there are:

1. Marketing management at the top management level

2. At the middle level of the manual.

Solutions of senior management provide the direction of various organizations for the long term, regarding markets and consumers, as well as products that will be produced, i.e. In which areas of business work and how to distribute resources between the industries.

Depending on the marketing scope, there are:

ü Commodity Portfolio Management

ü Service Process Management

ü goods promotion management

Commodity portfolio management Gives answers to questions: what products to offer the market, and which markets to serve.



Control levels

Posts performers

Executive Director

Chief Accountant

Vice President for Marketing

Other Vice Presidents

Marketing Managers

Product Manager

Sales managers

Customer Service Managers

Types of accepted decisions

Selection of target markets

Selection of grocery strategies

Selection of goals for each product

Resource distribution strategy

Product Development

Product promotion

Sales and distribution

Customer service

Portfolio Models and Product Planning

From the marketing position of marketing, portfolio models help managers to plan resource allocation, adjust the expectations and objectives of the production line.

Types of portfolio models:

Tasks: Strengthen positions using the product brand name or supplier loyalty. This market is attractive and there are many new competitors on it. "stars"

2. Call leader.

Objective: Increase market share. "Hard children"

3. Generator of funds.

Purpose: income management with small or minimal investment back. This is a characteristic goal for "milking cows."

4. Search Niche - When the market is attractive, but the goods have few ability to achieve greater market share.

Purpose: Search for profitable niche in the market. The company concentrates efforts on a small segment, where buyers have similar needs.

5. "Harvesting" or removal - here include the goods attributed to the category "Dogs", which cannot find profitable segments, but still require certain resources and are candidates for removal. Removal means that the firm leaves the market immediately.

6. Application and restriction - portfolio models can provide a company to the right approach to the distribution of resources and setting, goals for goods, products. In accordance with them, the categories of "Stars" and "difficult children" correspond to the purpose of obtaining the relevant market share, and "milking cows" and "dogs" are focused on receiving profit.

In any portfolio, the balance of funds must be achieved, i.e. It should have enough "milking cows" and "dogs". To finance "Stars" and "difficult children", the company may also generate funds with a loan. Portfolio models suggest that all means from "milking cows" can be used completely due to their solid market position. Portfolio models indicate that resources must be invested in the products and goods of the category "Stars" and "difficult children" to expand the market share.

7. Product development - provides for the development and supply of new products for existing markets in order to:

ü Satisfy the needs and desires of the client

ü Comply with new competitive proposals

ü Use the benefits of a new technology

ü Satisfy the needs of specific market segments.

8 Vertical integration - is performed when the company becomes its own supplier (integration back) or its own mediator (integration forward).

Topic 3: "Growth Strategies for New Markets."

Exploring environmental strengths and sales trends can draw conclusions that growth, sales stability and the profitability of current markets will be not satisfied in the future. This conclusion is leading a company to find new markets with new features. For entry into new marketing marketing management provides:

1. Market development

2. Expansion of the market

3. Diversification

4. Strategic alliances

Growth strategies for new markets.

Geographic new

New areas products


3 New features

1 2


1 - Strategic Alliance

2 - market expansion strategy

3 - diversification strategy

4 - Market Development Strategy

Market development.

This strategy is efforts to introduce existing products into new markets. It is used when it is difficult to achieve an increase in market share, as it is already high, or the competitors are very strong. It is implemented by searching for new ways to use the product.

Expansion of the market.

This strategy implies the promotion of the company to new geographic regions. First, the firm becomes a regional competitor, and then goes to another territory of the country. The company's business world will most likely expand the markets internationally. This can be done on three levels, each of which obeys its strategy:

ü regional

ü transnational

ü global

For regional Strategy The campaign controls its resources and efforts on one or two territories. For example: Fiat was originally concentrated in Europe and Latin America.

With a transnational strategy It is assumed to enter a number of transnational markets, including the markets of Europe, Asia and America.

Global strategy It is used when the organization operates on a large number of markets, but with a single set of strategic principles. The whole world market it considers as a whole.

Diversification - This is a strategy that operates with new products and new markets. It is chosen when one or more of the conditions exist:

1. It is impossible to find other growth opportunities in existing markets for existing products.

2. The company has no stable sales and income due to the fact that it works in markets, which are characterized by the instability of an external economic environment.

3. The firm wants to extract the maximum benefit from its strengths.

Strategic alliances

ü Access to the sales network and distribution

ü new product technology

ü Production facilities and technologies.

Topic 4: "Consolidation Strategies".

Starting from the 80s, many large firms began to abandon the growth strategy and adhere to the consolidation strategy.

Consolidation Types:

1. Recreation of the market.

2. Reducing the product line.

3. Divalment (counterfeit).

Recreation of the market - Strategy, which is the opposite of the market development strategy: The company reduces the presence of existing products by recalling them from weak markets.

Use this strategy when buyers of the firm in various markets fluctuate. For example: many retail firms decide to concentrate their efforts only in several regions of the country.

Reducing the product line - It is to reduce the product of the product of the proposed market, is the opposite of product development strategy and is used when the firm decides that certain market segments are small or require high costs and continue to maintain it is not real.

Divalment - When the company sells part of his business of another organization. This usually means that the firm leaves a certain market and reduces the production line of the product.

This strategy is the opposite of the diversification strategy. It is used when they learn that a certain type of business does not meet the requirements of the company and its goals. It also uses it when the diversification strategy suffered collapse. In other cases, companies use this strategy to better use their resources. For example: CompanyShell. I decided to sell my coal mines in order to concentrate their efforts in oil and gas. The reason for this is that activities in this area requires huge investments, while the management of the company is convinced that such funds can be more efficiently used in other areas.

Depending on the assessment of competitiveness and market attractiveness distinguish:

· Strong,

· Moderate,

· Weak competitors.

Their commodity policy is based on various indicators of market attractiveness. The top manager must assess the level of competitiveness of its goods in relation to competitors and assess the attractiveness of the markets for them. It is necessary to identify the competitive advantages and disadvantages of their products to develop relevant marketing management programs.

The main indicators of competitiveness may be represented by the information received from the analysis of the answers to questions:

1. Does our market share offer an extensive customer database?

2. Do we have sufficient professionalism to compete?

3. Are our equipment and production facilities with modern and efficient?

4. Do we have technology in order to maintain a competitive level of innovation and ensure product development?

5. Did customers have a positive image of our products?

6. Does the structure of our costs keep competitiveness at prices when maintaining profitability?

7. Is our distribution network distributed well?

8. Do we have a necessary staff for qualified personnel on sales and customer service?

9. Do we have reliable and stable suppliers?

The indicators of the attractiveness of the market are estimated on the answers to the following questions:

1. Is the growth rate of this product high?

2. Is the market sufficient in magnitude to support many competitors?

3. Are industrial sales are subject to cyclic, seasonal or other types of oscillations?

4. Is the aging coefficient of the product high?

5. Does government regulation restores entrepreneurial actions, or generates the situations of unstable business?

6. Is the demand for industrial goods very low relative to production facilities?

7. Is there a risk of lack of raw materials or components?

8. Is the number of financially strong competitors operating in the market?

9. Does not make a relatively small number of buyers a disproportionally greater percentage of purchases, which can lead to our dependence on them?

10. Does the sphere of our activities generally have a good potential for profit?

Topic 5: "System of Marketing Management Principles"

The modern market and market relations require an increase in the efficiency of the company's management. The application of the principles of management makes it possible to realize the goals and objectives in optimal mode. In addition, the internal links and interaction of structural units and departments of the company are optimized, since these principles act as a general unifying basis. They function on universal rules, which follow and personnel and leader.

Matrix principles

Management risk

Delegation of authority

Professionalism of management

Information sufficiency

Self-assessment and self-regulation

Organizational behavior

Organizational rationing


Compliance of the management of the level of development of the team

Reflective behavior

Tooling guidelines

Restructuring analysis

Uniagnosed and collegiality

Information sufficiency expert tracking

Equal partnership

Entrepreneurial risk

Organizational design

Centralization and decentralization

Coordination of the objectives of the organization

Competitive advantage

Consumer preferences formation

Reflective behavior in management communications

Profitability and efficiency

Material and moral incentive

Free entrepreneurship

Topic 6: "Basics of building a system of marketing management principles."

The manifold of species of environments and features of the manifestation of marketing efforts of the company are forced to consider the system of principles on the 3rd grounds related to the decision-making class in the field of marketing management.

The entire system can be divided into 3 groups:

1. Valid-oriented:

2. Conceptual-regulating:

4.1 information sufficiency

4.2 Compliance of the management level of the team

4.3 expert tracking information sufficiency

4.4 Coordination for the purposes of the organization's activities

4.5Material and moral stimulation

3. Tactical analysis and design:

2.1 Delegation of authority

2.2 Organizational rationing

2.3 Restructuring analysis

2.4 Organizational design

2.5 Reflective behavior in management communications

3.1 Professionalism of management

3.2 monitoring

3.3 uniance and collegiality

3.4 centralization and decentralization

3.5 profitability and efficiency

The first two groups of principles serve the class of conceptually strategic decisions, such as market segmentation, the formation of commodity portfolios.

The third group provides for the adjustment of the behavior of the firm, depending on the real situation, an increase in market share, etc.

Each group is divided into subgroups. So value-oriented includes the rules that define situational activities of the company in the market plus the principles of clarifying strategy and goals of behavior.

The Kprinciples determining and situationally regulating the activities of the company in the market include:

1.1 Management RISK

1.2 Organizational behavior

1.3 instrumentation manual

1.4 business risks

1.5 Consumer Preferences

The principles specifying the strategies and objectives of the behavior include:

5.1 self-assessment and self-regulation

5.2 Reflective behavior

5.3 Equal partnership

5.4 Competitive advantage

A feature of these two subgroups is the possibility of the pre-determination of the principles that assess the situation and regulating it in a particular market environment. Cheating of strategic goals and development of programs for the development of companies through the comparison of the data obtained by the studies of the internal and external environment, the fixation of changes, the data comparison.


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