Scenario of New Year's Eve for adults. New Year scenarios for adults. Dance - Game "French Kadril"

Good evening, dear guests! We are glad to meet you again in our hall. We see you once a year, and remember all 365 days a year. A year ago, we encountered a year of the horse together with you. And now we will spend it. Yes, everyone is tired, I didn't really complain about this year, but we worked, worked and worked again. But that this noble animal is offended by us, let's leave all the insults and sorrow in the past, and we will remember only good. This year was rumpled quickly as the pure blood buckle. Let us try on a competitive basis only good about the past year. Ready?

1. Who will remember the poem about the horse or line about him? ("I love my horse ...", "I look, rises slowly to the mountain of the horse ...", "And you know, it's not time to in the sledge of the Fallet ...").
2. And fairy tales do you know about horses? ("Squa Burk", "Konk-Gorbok").
3. Of all genres even remember songs. ("And he carries me to the ringing snowy distance three white horses December, January and February ...", "Only horsette in a clean field, horses, horses, horses", "bought
Mom Konika, and a horse without a leg "," on the Berlin Bridge Konya walked on the water ").
3. We completely forgot about the folk wisdom - proverbs and sayings. (Baba with WHO - mare is easier. Who is lucky, on that and go. Not in the horse feed. Wolf Konya is not a friend).
4. And now we will find out which of you is the best connoisseur of the rocks of the horses. List the breeds of horses. (Heavy truck, Budyovskaya, Don, Teresk, Polish, English, Oryol, Persheron, American, Russian).
I think that the year of the horse for such knowledge on us is not offended.

The presenter puts three chairs with a back.

Leading.I need three brave, dashing men, three brave Cossacks. I think did not transfer to Don steppe knights.

The lead seats men on the chairs.

Leading.How are you with imagination? In order? Perfectly! Turn the chairs back forward and sit down as a horse. №1 - you have a junction. № 2 - Voronev. № 3 - Kaurea. What should I say that the horse go?
(But). And to stop the horse? (Whoa). Well, then - we went. Who fastest jumps on his horse to the opposite edge? (Winners of all contests are awarded).

Leading.It's time to say goodbye to the old year. Toast!
Let's raise bottles
For the year outgoing, friends!
We raise your eyes, noble couples,
Smile giving each other.

Leading (about 10 minutes later).

Something Santa Claus is delayed. Let's call him, smoke together: "Grandfather Frost!"
Name. Little delicate Santa Claus comes out.

Santa Claus. Here I am!
Hi friends!
You did not accidentally see
Where is my Snow Maiden?

Leading. No, Grandfather Frost. But didn't you be together?

Santa Claus.What do you say?
Star I became a tight on the ear,
Where is my Snow Maiden?
Help me friends.
Smoking in a friendly choir,
She will appear.

All shout: "Snow Maiden!" Snow Maiden high growth and in a short fur coat, from under which the gum of stocking is visible. In the teeth - a cigarette. Suitable for Santa Claus and hes smoke.

Snow Maiden. Hi, old man! Go where?

Santa Claus (dishwashed from smoke).
Go where?

Snow Maiden.What are you, parrot?

Santa Claus.No, Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden.Yes, I don't care who you are. So to you or to me? Think faster, time is money!
(Shows on the clock).

Santa Claus.We go to the guests.

Snow Maiden.Do you know the price?
Santa Claus (Opening).

Snow Maiden.So much with me (lowers a gum stockhing, on the foot 500 $ an inscription), and with guests or the guests here so much (lowers the elastic band of another stocking, on the other leg a $ 1000).

Santa Claus (Cocks the back of the head).
And what company do you pay?

Snow Maiden."Winter Putana".

Santa Claus (Breasts).
Holy, holy.

Snow Maiden.So go?

Santa Claus.Hear, Snow Maiden, and you do not arrange me to your company? And then these (nods on the guests) per hour pay 300 rubles.

Snow Maiden.And you work for these grandmas?

Santa Claus.So help?

Snow Maiden.What for a relative will not do! We have a place in the male striptease. By the new year, they are just a prikid of Santa Claus. So you painfully suck. (Walks around Santa Claus). Okay, let's try.

Santa Claus.And what to do?

Snow Maiden.In, frame, seized? Understand slowly to the music. The slower and more sexier, the more babies of chicks in smelting lay.

Santa Claus.And why choel smelting, honey?

Snow Maiden.Do you have frozen brains, or what? This is you in melting for the work of the money to put. Maestro, music! Come on, dance and undress.
Santa Claus dances and removes the belt, bathrobe (under a bathrobe - Mike, tie, boots, socks, family panties). Music of the Frestail Group - "Ah, what a woman."

Snow Maiden(gives instructions).
More slowly! Focus on male strength! Movement is sexier. Santa Claus remains alone panties. He takes over the gum of panties, pulls out, shy, and slowly begins to lower the pants down, removes and throws. Under them one more panties. (The more panties, the more interesting).

Snow Maiden.In, give! Sexually very! We go, I will arrange you now. (Santa Claus collects things and leaves).

Leading.That's how Grandfather Frost! What to do? We have to call another. Competition. (Makes an order on cellular). While Grandfather Frost rides, you want to congratulate your kids. What are you talking about? Your kids in restaurants and bars celebrate New Year? But these kids are small - your extramarital, which were born after meeting the new year with us.
Adults come, disguised in kids. Ahead tutor carries a pot. He builds children. One "girl" comes up to the table and asks a candy from a sitting man.

Girl.Papulichka, give a candy!

Educator.Masha, we sing first a song, then dad will give a candy! (The girl sits on his knees and kisses him on the cheek, then it becomes in place).

Olga Pavlovna, I want a pot on a pot.

Educator.Go faster, Peter!

Boy.I was kidding!

Educator.This is how dad joked a year ago. In the end - you appeared.

Educator.Dear daddy these kids! For you there is a song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
Sing, someone picks up in the nose, someone pushes or pulls the hair. After the execution of the song "Children" run to different men with the cries of "Dad", "Papulichka", "Papika".

Educator.Children, it's time to group. Your daddy will come to us in a year, and you will have brothers and sisters after that new year. We will not have to miss. Your daddy frames will provide us. (They are going away).

Leading.Under the New Year, what miracles are not found. I am glad for you, dear men. What happiness is to find your children, the existence of which did not know. Now the Gypsy theater "Carmen" will be opposed. There is a gypsy song "The Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Gypsies come out, in long skirts, scarves on the hips, in the hands of the tambourine, and sing under the melody "Black".

Oh, in the forest, NE-NE,
Gave birth to a-ah erist
And on it, NE-NE,
One needle, NE-NE,
Oh, in the forest, NE-NE,
Born-ah-smt she
Yes, she is
All green.

Dance elements of gypsy dance.

Leading. Dear guests! In our city on tour arrived "Twice the Red-known Military Ensemble named after Alexandrov." The first speeches in our city in front of you.

The same group comes out. Skirts squeezed between legs and jackets pin at the belt - imitation of trousers, on the head - caps. Suitable build to the Christmas tree.

Commander.Company! There are two times in place, two! Take yourself! Namri! The soldiers' song is performed "a Christmas tree was born in the forest."
On the motive of the song "Soldiers, on the road."
Hello, cute Marusya,
I'm sorry for not writing.
I have for these two weeks
Paul-Europe walked.
Soldiers, on the road, on the road, on the road!
A tree was born in the forest,
On it one needle.
In the forest, she grew up
Green was.
Soldiers - in the forest behind the Christmas tree
And behind her needle.
Goodbye trumpet calls.
Soldiers, hike!
Go, we build under the command of the commander: "Soldiers, for the Christmas tree ahead!".

Leading. The new year is at the gate. It's time to call Santa Claus. (Name). Let's immediately and the Snow Maiden call, otherwise, how would anything happen again. (Name).

There are already new "normal" Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus.I am very glad that in this room
Frost still learned.
Not forgotten for a holiday
And the wonderful Christmas tree dressed up.

Snow Maiden. Yes, the tree is removed on Divo,
It is highly very beautiful.

Santa Claus. But I see disorder in it. Let's say a friendly: "Once, two, three - Christmas trees Gor!"
They burn the Christmas tree.

Leading. Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, the path you had no close. Relax a little, look at the performance of our guests from the Academic Bolshoi Theater. (Seats them). There is a pa-de-de from the ballet "Swan Lake" - the dance of small swans with black legs.
Full women are overlooking black pantyhose, ballet packs and dance dance fragment, then fall on the floor and "dying." Then raise the heads and say the chorus in the "window" from their hands: "Happy New Year!", Run.

Santa Claus.I just saw a miracle,
I will never forget you.
You have danced perfectly
Only poems did not read me.
Announced a contest of poems about Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, new year. For poem - sweetie. Horror in the Christmas tree with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden. Guests sang, danced and poems read, time and gifts to distribute.

Santa Claus. Rights, granddaughter, I'll go call a magic bag.
Well, the bag does not rush to us,
Maybe he sleeps under the Christmas tree?
It is better to go for him,
If he sleeps, then wake up.
Goes away. A bag appears. The legs are inserted into the slots, the head looks out. The bag is tied by the neck of a person.

Bag.I'm really waited
That went and walked.
You tell me, friends,
Maybe I don't need?
Snow Maiden.
We were waiting for you all holiday
And now that's just called.
You at the call did not come
For you, frost went.
I'll put you here
And for the grandfather I go.
Goes away. Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yag. BUT! The bag is already lying here.

Bag. You can not cope with the bag,
Santa Claus has found
So that no one took me.

Baba Yag. Do not give you to me, fuck!

Bag. Well, then I ran!

Baba Yag. Pave! Where to! Pave!

Father Santa Claus.

Santa Claus. And you are the old villain, why did you please here?

Baba Yaga (pulls out the mirror, looks into it).
And not at all old. Just a suspender to the holiday did, the nose has rooted, the teeth bleached. (Suitable for a sitting man, worshiped and coquetty asks). How do I look, Milok? Just say that bad, my teeth are sharp, nails are long. (Does not pay attention to Santa Claus, comes to the Christmas tree).
Oh, where did I get?
What is the wonderful hall here?
And the people sits around the people,
Yes, it looks at the tree.

Santa Claus. What is this miracle? And it came from?

Baba Yag.You yourself are a miracle! I'm beautiful!
What kind of mine you do not like?
You, grandfather dear,
Better used hollow with me.
Beacon with Santa Claus "Baryn". Baba Yaga does not withstand and runs away.

Santa Claus.Evil committed
It's time to distribute gifts. (Distribute).

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus! And we will spend auction?

Santa Claus. Of course, Snow Maiden! I also grabbed the second bag.

Auction Grandpa Frost
Santa Claus pulls out of the bag without showing the thing, the Snow Maiden describes this thing, calls
Initial price, consulting Santa Claus.

Things auction:
Erotic exciting means. (Button Stationery).
One bedroom apartment for lonely man. (Family panties).
Two-chamber refrigerator for the storage of milk. (Brassiere).
Dishwasher. (Mesh for washing, dishes).
Vacuum cleaner "Typhoon". (Broom).
Car "Mercedes". (Children's machine).
Cream for Agent 007, departing to the task in Africa. (Shoe cream).
The subject, at the form of which I want something. (Beanbag).
Summer version of Sneakers "Reebok". (Traces).
Cotton garbage collector. (Handkerchief).
Soap "Durry". (Laundry soap).
Means for lightening hair. (White).
Hair dryer "Rovent". (Hairbrush).
Food processor. (Knife).

Santa Claus. It's time to say goodbye to us.

Snow Maiden. Health, joy and happiness
We wish you in the New Year,
So that neither anxiety nor
Did not silent at the gate.
So that the sun is affectionately shone,
All the heart is waiting for.
And just that it was gone
All your life, as in the New Year.

Santa Claus. We will say "Goodbye" to each other
And again part for the whole year.
And a year later will win a blizzard
And Santa Claus will come in winter.

Snow Maiden. You just do not forget us at all,
You will wait for us, we will come with my grandfather.
And again we have songs and dances, meet,
And we bring you the best gifts.

Leading. Have a good trip! And we have a guest. Meet Animal New Year.
Included "Sheep".

Sheep. Happy New Year! I want to delight you. For all this new year will be successful. I will introduce you to this year's forecast. This forecast is musical. So that you have luck with you, each sign must be rid of your song. (The horoscope is read).

Horoscope for the year of sheep - musical.
This year will be successful for all people who have in the character of the signs of this animal, they:
Your qualities of character who do not like others will bring you confidence and happiness in the new year.

It will be supermarked at work and come close to career issues. Just do not bode your horns of the head and enhanced the service you are guaranteed. The motto of the year - the words of the song A. B. Pugacheva: Case - time, yes yes yes, and fun - an hour.

Will be involved in various love and adventurous situations. There is a risk of getting into illegal actions and then find out relations with law enforcement agencies. It is recommended not to get into this situation, remember the words from the song A. B. Pugacheva: Oh, what a man was!

This year does not have active actions in the career. So do it better by home affairs. Gemini motto for this year -
Grandma side with grandfather.
Oh, in vain, aunt, you drink medicine,
Your husband is a strong family man.

The best time to teach or advanced training. In this case, show not only the goat stubbornness, it is better even dony - and the career is provided to you. Cancer motto - lyrics:
We are blacksmiths,
And our spirit is young.
Here we are happily keys.

It is worth avoiding meaningless cash spending and scattering money to the right and left. But in the personal life of Lviv, new romantic meetings are waiting. The motto of the year:
The nodule will start
The nodule will unleash.

Many Virgin achieve success in matters. But treat new proposals carefully. Many are waiting for a salary. The motto of the year - the words from the song A. Buynova:
My finance sing romances.

It should be carefully related to your health. Be care about a little, and everything will go to the amendment. At the end of the year, luck herself sails to you. The motto of the year - words from the song:
Check if you want to be healthy.

Someone from scorpions at the beginning of the year will meet their love. And some better to go to the bottom. Do not make big contracts, for they can ruin. The motto of the year - words from the song:
The most important is the weather in the house.

What to achieve success in all matters, you need to act carefully, combining the will and perseverance with restraint and prudency. Control each of your step - and you will achieve success. The motto of the year:
Stove who goes?
Stove who goes?
And the enemy does not slip
And the enemy will not pass.

This year is favored by trips abroad and the establishment of contacts with representatives of other states. Personal life will have to move away for a while, for in this period you will not be loved. The motto of the year - words from the song:
Release me in Himalayas.

This is the time of paying for karmic debts and financial obligations. At the end of the year there will be relief - you will start paying financial debts, at the end of the year, go on a trip. The motto of the year - words from the song:
Tablecloth, tablecloth
Far path is stele.

In terms of partnership, the year promises to be very promising. Affairs of businessmen, doctors, teachers will especially be well to develop. But there will be new problems with finance, tie a nodule at most time until October, then you can relax. Affiliate relations can end the wedding, civil marriage. The motto of the year - words from the song A. Dervin:
Alien wedding, someone else's wedding.
Well, that's all, you are married now!

Congratulations Sheep
Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness with all my heart!
To live you this year
Without sadness and worries.
So that you have to work with success,
And on holiday have fun,
And good luck in affairs
And smiles on the mouth.

For the new year!

1. Gifts Santa Claus.
Call 5-6 people. They must illustrate the movement of the word lead. One who better shows all movements.
Santa Claus brought gifts to the family.
Dad he gave a comb.
Show one hand as it is combed.
He gave his son skiing.
Show how it goes on skis.
Mom he gave a meat grinder.
Show how it turns meat.
Daughter he gave a doll.
It slams with eyelashes and says "Mom".
And he gave a chinese china, which shakes his head.
All movements are performed simultaneously.
2. Long hand.
Put wine glasses with a drink on the floor with your legs on the side and step as far as possible. And then get your glass, without getting off the place and not touching the floor with your hands and knees.
3. Baryna.
Guests are divided into 3 groups. They sing phrases:
"In the bath of brooms uroes" (low voice).
"Veteen is not pushed" (high).
"And the urine is not dried" (low).
All: "Baryna, Baryn, Wortham Baryna".
4. Whose ball is more?
Who is inflated the biggest ball, and he will not burst, he wins.
5. Apple.
Each dancing couple holds an apple between his foreheads, a small ball. The musician changes the melodies from slow to fast. The task of dancing is to keep an apple. The latter sounds "apple", it is proposed to be pleading.
6. Rushnik.
Four bold women go out the door. 6 bottles of champagne or other beverages are put on a long towel. Invite the first woman. They explain that it must pass without knocking down a single bottle, blindfolded. Teams give viewers:
Above the legs!
Leeper! Straight!
Skirt above raise, otherwise you beat.
To the right!
Above, above the leg.
Then the bottles are quickly cleaned, and a man is stacked on the towel. A woman is unleashing eyes and show, through whom she crossed.

Corporate stands have long been turned out of a fun event in boring forcedilovka. Often the bosses charges to organize anyone at the last moment. New Year's sketches for adults, the more interesting, it is quite difficult to invent yourself.

Take advantage of ready-made scenarios by adding them to the flavor inherent only to your team.

Do not do as we

In the New Year's holiday, adults may feel like small fishing children and laugh at their shortcomings. We propose to make psychological unloading and ridiculously unacceptable actions of colleagues, so that they did not repeat them.

Two leading guards dialogue:

1: Dear friends, now I will tell you how to make a new year correctly.

2: why not me?

1: Yes, you do not know how to celebrate Ideally!

2: Oh! And that says the one who under the Christmas tree every year alone and the same boxes folds! Also empty! As if everyone loves him so much and so much just pressed!

1: And you always as a gift to the secretary of the head of the box of stupid "bird milk" bring!

2: And you will stick to the last on December 31 at work until the last and then you go to visit, so as not to cook at home!

1: And you eat all night with Olivia at the table, and you dance sitting under the "New Year's light"!

2: And you never bought fireworks! Only on other people's all night from the window stying!

1: And you are the anthem of the country under the karaoke! Words to learn and could not!

2: And you for all holidays to all friends send other people's councils, and then you get them back with your signature!

1: And every time you build legendary plans to spend the night in Morocco, and then snoring in the salad before midnight!

2: And you will burn a piece of paper under the battle of the chimes and then you chew with a moonshine instead of champagne and believe that your grandmother will finally ripen and leave you a palace in the Cote d'Azur!

1: And for the whole year you have all the stupid handles with the logo of our company and then give them to colleagues at work!

2: And you visiting you live from the new year by Christmas! So far, the owners do not end in the refrigerator!

1: And you watch all New Year's weekends "one house" forty times in a row!

2: And every year you catch champagne every year and with a cry "I'll show you now." I will pour the whole table, and you get sick in your eyes!

1: Well, okay, we are both good ...

2: Therefore, your favorite friends so that New Year's Eve passed with you safely ...

Together: Never do as we!

Excusted on Christmas tree

A wonderful version of the scene - setting the children's fairy tale "Three Piglets" for an adult way.

We offer another scene for adults who want to sow a fool and remember childhood. It is desirable that the company is already enough "warm". The point is to beat a song about the Christmas tree in the roles and most fun. The most artistic and funny will receive a prize - candy.

From among the participants of the corporate party, you need to choose the 9 most fun. In advance, you need to print the text of the song "The Christmas tree was born in the forest ..." in 10 copies.

  • christmas tree;
  • blizzard;
  • frost;
  • bunny panting;
  • angry wolf;
  • a horsepower of a crimson;
  • peasant;
  • warning;
  • leading.

It is advisable to determine the roles by drawing, so that no one is offended. The task will be as funny as possible and emotionally to beat the song, listening to the words of the lead. The participant begins to play his role when he hears the name of the desired hero.
Under the chorus, you can start a dance around the Christmas tree.

Old year vs new

For the organization of the New Year's scene, 6 people need a sign with the words "2018" and a sign with the inscription "2019", 2 suits D.M., one of them should be noticeably shaped.

  • 2018 - Old Year in the suit of the battered D.M. with a name sign;
  • 2019 - in the new Santa costume and with a sign;
  • leading;
  • officer 1 - C1;
  • officer 2 - C2;
  • officer 3 - C3.

Host: In the New Year holiday, when one year replaces the other, it is customary to remember the old one and meet a new one. And if it were possible to choose, who would you leave?

Art. G. "Looks with urcoriznaya to employees": That's how you thanked me! And we were so good together! I did everything for you! And you drive me out! Traitors!

C1: What did you do we do? Did you even love a little bit? Every day the products will go, things were lost, the girls were denied and nothing worked at all!

C2: You promised the fulfillment of desires, and what happened?

Art. G.: Why did you make a dollar for 8 rubles? Do I give you National Bank?

C3: And what did you feel sorry for? We why the paper is burned, and the ashes of champagne spoiled?

Art. G.: And why did you decide what the written should be executed? Then can I start executing out of the entrance? There are very good desires come across.

C1: Do not need to leave the topic, it is better to leave himself.

Art. G.: Yes, no question, since you want it so much. Yes, that's just with whom will you stay, if not with me? WITH THIS? You at least everyone knows everything well, nothing unpredictable, and the same year in the bag! I, on the contrary, can give you a guarantee that gasoline is no longer in price in price, oil will not cheaper, the president will always be the same, the retirement age will not last until 80, the taxes on the venture will not be introduced, it will not be more expensive, the ROC will not be permanent !

C2: Well, that the national team will not win with him, and the president will not change with it and this can guarantee "points the NG finger".

Do you want to celebrate this new year so?


Art. G.: Well, I do not understand what he bribed you? Five holidays per week you will be? And you clarified your liver, it fits it? So you remember "appeals to C1", I gave you a meeting with the second half! But you, "turns to C2" the apartment in the mortgage took. Three-room between other things! So that mother-in-law could move to you!

C2: Thank you, my dear! Before the coffin, I will not forget you!

Art. G.: But you have "turning to C3" didn't exactly have anything positive? Well you went to China!

C3: I went! They fed mouse tails, then a month for something other than the water was afraid to look!

Art. G.: Oh so! Well, I'm leaving you! But you will also cry for me! Recall what I was good for you really! And only by photos you can remember these unforgettable moments. And when you leave, then, after you, the stones are thrown: I spoiled, it did not work, not ... why do I all?!

Employees are suitable for the old year, hug it.

C1: Do not be offended, you really were wonderful "begin to remember that an important thing happened in the company, what important events were from employees."

C2: We did not want to offend you.

Art. G.: Thank you, my dear! For goodbye, I will leave from you, and you live with him "indicates N. G.". Must a year from the year somehow different "slowly and sad leaves."

NG: Of course, I must! And let's start with utility rates! "Delightened to employees of the receipt."

C1: Is this a joke?! 75 percent?

All run for the old year and begin to shout: "Stand! Do not go! Return! We will all forgive you! We changed my mind! "

Flower-seven flowers

For improvised scenes, it is better to invite people artistic and expressive people, this is the success of the event.

For a short funny scene, it is necessary to prepare a flower with a multitude of petals on which the most bold absurd, but funny predictions.

For example:

  • i repaint my hair into purple;
  • i will be interpreted and go hippay;
  • i will buy myself a pony;
  • i will find a treasure, etc.

Each participant of the corporate party blindly pulls out the petal with a prediction and fantasies how written is written.

Staged and costume story about grandfather and Snow Maiden

In a small miniature, it is advisable to make only colleagues who can quickly improvise.

Active persons and props:

  • Snow Maiden - Hat with braids;
  • Santa Claus - hat and beard;
  • Grandfather Mustafa - Chalma and Beard;
  • Akyn - Tubette and Tuben.

The master reads the text, the actors need to invent and utter a replica at the right moment after its pause, in addition to perform actions from the script. Unused guests support participants.

Q: Outside the frost and cold window, so to begin with, we organize a spring mood. Who knows how to whistle - let him whistle, the remaining loudly knock for forks along wine glasses and glasses.

"Summer. Heat.

With a dirty empty bag, D. Frost has a hangover.

Behind, holding a grandfather and Noah that she is hot, barely woven disheveled snow maiden.

To meet them actively, the fun, scraping, whistling and with a huge bag of alcohol presents, walked grandfather Mustafa, he hurried to Navruz.

Noticing the unfortunate travelers, he stopped, sat down on the ground and shouted ...

A dancing Akyn appeared on the horizon, he immediately tightened the mental song about everything that saw on the sides.

He really liked the Snow Maiden, and he decided to fight her beauty.

D. Mustafa was crying, handed his hands to the sky and sank ... "come up with a phrase"

D. Moroz fell to the ground, reached out and struggled to the beard D. Mustafa, clicked him on the nose and with an unbearable bitterness in his voice said "..."

Granddaughter-Snow Maiden flopped by the Grandfather Frost on his knees and Sarcasm said "..."

Akyn was confused, dropped his tool and could not sing anything. Nothing at all.

D. Moroz brave tried to get up.

He did not succeed.

D. Moroz finally proudly got up and said "..."

D. Mustafa reached for the Snow Maiden and shouted "..."

D. Moroz looked around, determined where the north lies, and with full confidence hands his hand, saying "..."

Then he left left and "..."

Snow Maiden kissed in Lob D. Mustafa and chasing himself behind D. Moroz.

Mustafa was not particularly and surprised, thoughtfully scratched the head and said "..."

Akyn conceived was to sing a new song, but we will not let him, otherwise you have to listen to this chaos until the morning.

The end! And I look for morality! "

Roles are best printed on leaves. Distribute the role by pulling out of the hat, or the lead itself will assign.

Corporate Scenario for Lazy Organizers

  • cleaner;
  • Santa Claus;
  • Snow Maiden;
  • leading.


  • bag with small gifts;
  • pieces of paper;
  • snowflake with multiple corners - Under each corner, the task number is specified;
  • hat.

Scene 1.

Lead-Q: Greetings, my dear!

A little more and a new year will come - a holiday when miracles happen and all dreams and wishes come true!

And for a start, I have to fulfill some desires that failed to fulfill on time, and all because of our mail - gifts on time were not presented. Now we will fix this awkward situation.

Stretches hand in a small bag with gifts.

Suitable to the supervisor.

Q: Are you, boy, as a child, asked for a car from Santa Claus?

Leader: Yes!

Host: Here and your present "stretches the toy machine."

The lead is heading for the rest of the little guests and gives them the presents too!

Host: That's how children's dreams are fulfilled! Let's drink for it and drink!

Scene 2.

Q: Not everything is probably aware, but Santa Claus has a spouse! And her name is winter! She prepared you tasks!

Put a snowflake with tasks:

  • on the 1st corner - the poem about NG;
  • on the 2nd corner - a dance with a colleague;
  • on the 3rd corner - the riddle about the holiday, etc.

Scene 3.

Next for the leading cleaner is a cleaner, waving a mop and scolds it.

UB.: Just look! How well got it! Do I have to clean everything behind him? Confetti, garlands everywhere spread, and then I will clean the clock on the clock!

Host: Well, Klava Ivanovna, and why do you pierce me, did I do something bad for you? But you look at others to "poke guests."

(At the appointed hour, all guests go to the hall, they are sitting at the tables.)

The phonogram number 1 sounds a three-time chime of chimes.

Comes out leading.

Leading. Good evening friends! All - Good New Year's Eve! So one another year flew-apage of the windows of our house. Soon we spend it - someone with sadness, and someone with relief: it was different for different people. And life goes on. So there will be new joys, new sadness, everything will be in our lives. But what is more - it depends on us. But I lived in an old belief: with what mood you will meet the new year, so it will be. So let him be happy for all of us! More often smile! And then in your house will be good, love will come to you and happiness will settle! Happy New Year to all of you! Let's open our hearts to the future and smile good radiant smile!

Before reading the full version of the script, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the services of a wedding manager - the organization of the wedding

I invite fun to our cozy hall,
And we declare in many ways:
We will toast start the ball!
Pronounces toast:

Magic holiday on the threshold -
With frost, Christmas tree, Mishur
With gorgeous lights
Cheerful, noisy, mischievous!
He will knock now in the door,
And the new year will break the house!
Let him be a little kinder,
Without unnecessary fuss,
Let him give us health
And will bring success in everything,
Fill the life of the breath new
Warms with trembling warmth!
Leave behind anxiety,
Insults, pain, fatigue, sadness,
Sigh pure soul
And in the heart of the world will instill!

I suggest raising wine glasses and have a drink for everything said.
For the fulfillment of desires!

Phonogram number 2 - Light music.

Pause Pause 5-7 minutes.

Leading: Our evening instructed to lead me. I thought I thought, yes so nothing is possible and did not come up with. Forgive me, please! You just do not talk about it about it, otherwise I do not know what will happen to me ... Yes, you do not be discouraged: we will dance, you will hang out, and we will disperse. Anyway, after all, there is no trip. After all, I foresaw your reaction and prudently closed the doors to the goal. So ... you have to suffer! Today we will have to spin together - I and the sound operator. Neither Santa Claus, neither the Snow Maiden today will be. I do not know at all that it will be today. Although ... before the beginning of the evening, I was given a magic wand, though not explaining how to use it. This is the only tool that I can take advantage. So ... you need to read the instructions.
(Pulls out the instructions from the box, reads:

"Wand. Magic. High quality. Lifecycle - New Year's Eve. Instructions for use: To make a desire, wave with a wand, say: "Magic wand, cut out, turn the word in the case!"
If the magic strength of the sticks will weaken and the miracle will not happen, then choose Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden through the games, contests from those guests who come to the evening ... "

Well, what will try? (Pulls out the "magic" wand, spell pronounces).
Magic wand, cut out! Turn the word in the case!

(Nothing happens.)

Eh, nothing happened. Anyway! I want to remind you that it is very soon when the clock arrows meet together, and the battle of the Kurats with the last, the 12th strike will be demolished about the coming New Year's Eve, do not forget (to the merchant, bitching, etc.), for you know that the year has come (called year on the eastern calendar). Year of people born in _____________ years.
I suggest to fill the glasses and raise them for the year out and for the year coming. And also for the future heroes of the year, those who were born a year _________________!

Phonogram number 3 - Light music,

Leading. Now, when our soul, with every minute, it becomes more and happy, it will not be necessary to announce the charter of the New Year's Eve.

Paragraph first here reads:
What the New Year's ball is open!

Paragraph second:
Today it is forbidden to be sad -
We will withdraw all sad!

Paragraph Treft:
Play, sing in this room,
For this they called you!

Paragraph fourth:
Do not whip!
Less sit, more dancing!

Not sad to have faces
In the circle dance I invite you!
Let's, friends, all having fun
In the wonderful this New Year hour!

While you will participate in the dance marathon, I will try to come up with something interesting.

In a circle, friends! In a circle, friends!
Music is calling! All friends all girlfriends
In a noisy dance!

Phonogram number 4 - 4-5 dance compositions.
Guests of the evening are dancing.

Phonogram number 5 - "Kankan".
Baba Yaga flies in the hall. Music is mixed.

Baba Yag. FAQ, doves, did not wait? And I myself, myself came. Not dusted. Ku, goat! Fly are fed? All-all on clean water to bring! I live, this is, I am in a personal hut. And with me still live Ali-Baba and forty robbers. Forty tenants - and all the robbers! First of all, Vasilisa is beautiful ... no she is not beautiful! Frog She, Bolotnaya! Tokmo overnight the ball by bigwiths, wipes the key water, and in the morning - beautiful ... ugh, infection! Now, aladdin is currently. He has a magic lamp ...

Tokmo scoco, the lamp is neither burning - the counter stands on the spot as the inspected. And cat in boots?! Why is he in boots? Yes, because it drags home everything that lies badly. Oh, yes cho talking there! Ivan with Marya in the lightweight is established. Sunmota in broad daylight! Ali Old Man Boyan is a whole day on the harmonica. No rest from him. Again, the volume of rings is violated ... And Ivanushka-fool? No he is a fool! He himself on his mind! Gathered, it was, I cried it, the furnace molded, cooked a shovel ... And he: "I do not know how, they say, Granny! I would show yes taught! " Here I am an old fool on a shovel, it pumped up, and he, Herod, in the oven me, having fluttered the damper. Slightly, it was, the Spirit did not let. I got out with grief in half, I gotten the manneumo ... And his fool, and the next washed ... So I am evil on the whole white light. And you have a backup.
Evil the eyelids worried
Evil over the thrones reigned
And where people were not lucky -
The evil celebrated there!
What kind of fashion, what about the age?
The person changed:
Either for holidays nor to visit
Does not take off her anger.
Ethi jokes you throw me!
Invite urgently to visit!
And not that ... I missed you such a boredom! (Looks short.)
Oh, yes you and so as lemons are sour sit. And RTO on the eve of the New Year! And you are nonsense? Do you have any snowmalls, no frost see?
H-yes ... Skuroty! And where is the order? The microphone must be! And the microphone has some papers lying around ... take a look at what is needed in them in them.
(Raises and reads the instructions about the magic wand, which the leader read before.)
Ta-ak ... everything is clear. It will be necessary to take a job!

(Leaves the presenter.)

Leading. Sorry, but what am I?
Baba Yag. And that is the phenomenon of nature, everything is frozen?
Leading. I am a presenter, only I am - alone, and I do not work alone ...
Baba Yag. Clearly, one, it became weak?
Okay, let's tear through the tea together. I hear, I suggest that I suggest: and not to arrange the New Year KVN? BUT? Agree?
Leading. So you need teams ...
Baba Yag. Will! All ladies are credited to the "Snow Maiden" team ...
Leading. For sure! And all men are in the team "Grandfall Morozia".
Baba Yag. We offer you games, contests, entertainment ...
Leading. And the end of the evening, with the help of tortons, which you will earn, participating in contests, we can choose Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
Baba Yag. Is there? Then…
You don't want to sit and miss you
Invitation gives you all
Club cheerful and resourceful -

Phonogram number 6 - Musical Screensaver "We start KVN ..."

Baba Yag. Well, the mission of the leading and competent jury will fall on our fragile female shoulders. We will be familiar - Babette Yaginichna, his own person!
(to the leading) And what to call you?
Leading. Your name is just ...
Baba Yag. Simply Maria?
Leading. Well, why immediately Maria? My name is __________.
Baba Yag. So I got acquainted, here and the ladies ... Well, for a start, I propose to fill your charmings, the glasses will mean, and have a drink for alternative elections! Favoric eye eye pupset?
Leading. (straightens Baba Yagu) Alternative!
Baba Yag. Pushy will be like yours. For alternative elections of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!

Phonogram number 7 - Easy music.
Small drinking pause. 5-7 minutes.

Leading. So, we start our first contest -
"New Year's problems"!
We will take questions to ask questions. And you answer.
Representatives of the teams, quickly and correctly giving a response, receive 1 token equal to one point.

Baba Yag. Go!

New Year's nice holiday,
Without her will not be happy
And how not to be lazy to the owner,
You will buy it for
Otherwise in the new year,
No one will come to visit!

Answer: Vodka.

Knife adults and children
What sober on a banquet
It remains only
Festive ...

In the snow, he from the legs to the head,
Standing in the courtyard in the Christmas tree.
His eyes black-black
And in the hands of a tip.

That on the festive banquet
Jumped, jumping,
And under the might of the clock,
Under the Christmas tree fell!

Santa Claus

If slapping clappers,
Looking for you animals,
If the Christmas tree is a good gnomic,
Looky to your glorious house,
Next is quite possible
Will be in the house ...


New year is coming,
All bottles open
Rest, having fun
Together clap, frolic!
Only he, only he -
He is one per million.
That night he does not walk,
And the money enlarges.
Because new year
It feeds it all year.
Who has no nose freezing?
It …

Santa Claus

In fairy tales wrote:
"Mila, good."
We called her -
Oh God! Came.
Wig - two pigtails,
Make-up - Alya Vamp.
Oh, give the driver!
Not children, and us!
Nightmare, what kind of fool?
So this is ...

Snow Mary

You chose it for a long time
We went and all extinct.
Home brought, unleashed
From horror quietly fell.
It happens like that, Lydnova.
Stay it with white cotton.
Garland boil, balls,
And rejoice with friends.
After all, the case is not in needles,
It is important, standing in the house ...

But only a minute remained,
The new year is about to come.
Urgently need to open
Spread on the glasses.
And it called the Labor,
Right loose is the case.
And shake it, and beat
Guests are waiting for wallet.
I'm dance with him Shamansky,
Discover us ...


Multicolored rain goes!
Guest soul sings!
Only the owners of sadness
And in the side of the way -
Long to them still revenge
Running - ...


Finally, the chimes are hit!
We launch salute!
The first immediately ground
And the second to arsogue is deaf,
The third flew to the neighbors,
And the fourth - as well as bears.
That's so miracle - technique
China ...


The main guest on the whole table!
In each Russian he family!
Are you tired of Monsieur?
Relax in ....

This guest is also important,
With him the contact is already adjacent.
Timid - courage attached
And the courage will ask everyone.
In the new year, the password is
All laid ...


If you are for the new year
Depicted the plane
Or even a helicopter,
Or just so flight.
Started just take off
And then forward-forward
Not fit in turn
The door flew into the forehead -
Apply urgently ...

How do we not have fun,
Have fun and dance!
Smile and laugh
Pour and drink!
In the new year, everyone is resting
And about tomorrow they forget.
To blame for all the potion -
In the morning torments ...


Leading. So, our first competition has been completed. The team leads in it ........................................
By tradition, the people meet the new year "champagne".
I suggest a toast for the fact that your life in the new year was like "champagne" - light, exciting, beautiful and beating over the edge!

Phonogram number 8 - Easy music.
Pause Pause - 5-7 minutes.

Baba Yag. If you are in "your plate",
And came to us not an hour
I propose disco-jack
Conduct here, now!
Have fun, do not sit!
Get out and dancing!

Phonogram number 9 - dance pause 15-20 minutes.
Guests of the evening are dancing.

Baba Yag. Well, FAQ, CALA, sink? So, ready for the next competition, which is called "New Year's Total".
Leading. And the task is unique - New Year-dance.
Milicia I ask for our Shalash. 3 representatives from each team.
(Representatives of commands come out.)
Leading. Each dance group will have time to change and submit to the universal review, those dances that are indicated in these cards.

(Team "Snow Maiden" - "Lezginka", team "Santa Morozia" - "Dance of the Little Swan")

You can go to prepare!
(Participants in both teams go to prepare.)

Leading. And in the meantime, we declare the next contest ...

Baba Yag. It is called "Tamada, sabils to the heat!", Or "I will say!"
Each team will need to come up with, and then one representative from the team to pronounce the original toast so that the mystery was present in it, festive piquancy and the call to raise glasses. Volunteers are there? And remember that you have a chance to become Santa Claus or Snow Maiden.
(Waning to prepare for the competition toasts.)

Leading. In the meantime, our creators will compose New Year Tirada, music will sound. And if someone has a desire to dance or drink - please! This impulse of the soul is not rebored!

Phonogram number 10 - dance block 15-20 minutes.

Those who wish are dancing.

Baba Yag. Well, Terecheric was the time to shine to the participants of the "New Year's Topotun" contest. He starts his team "Grandfall Moroza".

Phonogram number 11 - "Dance of small swans"

Competitors of the team "Grandfall Morozia" perform dance.

Leading. The struggle joins the dance three "Snow Maiden" teams.

Phonogram number 12 - "Lezginka"

Competitors of the "Snow Maiden" team perform the dance.

Leading. Bravo! You can get well-deserved tokens, as well as transform and go through holiday tables ...

Competition participants go changed.

(A competition is held. The leading and Baba Yaga is evaluated, offering guests to support speakers, and raise glasses for all they have been said. The winner of the competition is aware of the contest.)

Leading. Games love old and young
Who is not happy to play?
We call us to break down: play, have fun!

(Leading and Baba Yaga spend a game block.)

Game block are assumed in the game:
"Symbol of the Year" (teams of 5 people participate)
You need: 2 chairs, 2 dressings on the eyes, 2 markers, 2 watman sheet A3 format)
Task: running to the watman sheet alternately, draw in parts, which will indicate the leading, symbol of the year, pre-toning the eyes of the bandage.)
"Witth" (2 teams are involved with the same number of participants in each.)
You need: 2 kits Клегл, 2 layers.
Task: Each player of the team alternately by the broomstick, should run a rich distance placed on the floor of the bow, and returning to the command to transmit a broom as a relay wand. Who is faster and better.)
"Ball Ball" (any number of couples participates - (man + woman)
Need: balloons by number of pairs.
Task: Pulling the ball between Popami, dance to a quick sounding melody, trying to burst your ball.
The couple wins, whose ball burst the last.)

Baba Yag. Have long had time to drink
KVNA- "Hurray!"
So that happiness was full of you -
Glasses dry up to the bottom!
I propose a toast for Azart Kvnevskaya Game!

Phonogram number 13. - Light music.

Small drinking pause.

Leading. Us, friends, fun now not hurt
We are waiting for you in the circle rather - go dancing!

Phonogram number 14 is a dance unit for 25 minutes.

Baba Yag. Hey, people, meet! Russian Intricators for the nickname boxes!

Leading. To the holiday be more fun -
The drawing of the New Year Lottery begins.
Hurry! Hurry to play the lottery
Because in the lottery you can happiness to win!

(Beginning the "New Year Lottery" draw. Watch the app.)

Baba Yag. New Year's KVN continues
A new competition for teams is announced!
And the contest is not simple - song-naughty! "Vote on
All Lada "
Leading. Let each team will put forward their delegates to participate in it.
Baba Yag. 3 people from the fiction team.

(Candidates for fate are published.)

Go with just Maria, that is, with just ____________, I will explain everything to you.
(Go beyond the hall.)
Oh, I will tell you a secret: you are waiting for you, oh! But it is a mystery for seven seals. And I didn't run the Cobes, I will tell you what awaits you in the very near future.
Waiting for you all "Gypsy", -
Dance from the soul!
Come out of the table,
Yes, the doubles!
I declare a competition for the best execution of "gypsy". Do not forget that the winners are waiting for tokens and the prospect of the titles of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!
Everybody dance!

Phonogram number 15 - "Gypsy".

Those interested to take part in the competition for the best Gypsy Cross. The winners are aware of the tokens.

Baba Yag. Feet-chickpeas, tree sticks,
In the hall there is a fortune teller!
Everything about all she will tell
Many and destiny will predict.

Phonogram No. 16 - "Fashion changes annually ...". The phonogram is mixed.

In the hall appears fortune teller. There is a comic divination.

Baba Yag. Choys, I wanted to help me please my hearing a good song. Batyushki, I forgot about the contestants! But they announced a competition "We vote on all the frets!"
I will reveal your secret: to you on the pirushka profit ...
In some other way, listen to my riddles. And in them - the New Year wishes from famous people.

Wishing happiness to you big
Leading Galkin and Singer Pugacheva!

Phonogram number 17 - Song "This Love" performed by M. Galkin and Al. Pugacheva.

Performed number-parody.

Bright colors like spring mimosa
Serdyuchka, and, of course, glucoza!

Phonogram No. 18 - the song "Groom wanted" performed by the Verka Serdyuchka and Glukoza.

Performed number-parody.

Live in the new year without offensive and contention
Wishing Rasputin and Phil Kirkorov.

Phonogram number 19 - Song "Rose Tea" performed by M. Rasputina and F. Kirkorov.

Performed number-parody.

Leading. I suggest you fill the glasses and drink the stars of the stage more often with the people, pleased with our art, well, and today their wishes would certainly be fulfilled in the new year.
Phonogram number 20 - Easy music. 3 minutes.

Small packaging pause

Baba Yag. We are having fun, laugh, rest,
Entertain the squeak of guests.
And now we invite you with a smile
You are on the disco as soon as possible!

Phonogram number 21 - dance pause 20 minutes.

Leading. After dance on the cheeks of the blush,
He was laughed, the dance disceded you.
It's not time to rest:
Waiting for the dance, of course, the game!

Game block - 2-3 games.

10-15 minutes before the new year.

Leading. Dear friends! Time is so quickly ... Here are already the arrows of the clock inexorably seek to go together, entifies the onset of the new, ____-year. Fill the glasses "champagne".

Phonogram number 22 - "Song about five minutes"

Exactly 24-00 sounds phonogram No. 23 "Fight of Kurantov". The phonogram is slightly mixed, so that the text is heard.

Leading. Beat chimes. Instant
Measure your jog.
How to cut time
Year is composed of the age.
So runner in the relay
With a shiver waiting for my core.
So time is divided:
Summer heat, winter ice.
Beat chimes and stars
Whispering wisdom from heaven:
Step earth - He's short,
Earth trail - he is per century.
Beat the chimes, piercing
Sound the air of the country.
We wish the earth
All friends and relatives!
To fly time
Quickly, as in the bridge,
To the song of River
In every good soul!

Baba Yag. Happy new happiness, tavern!
Leading. Now we will part with you smoothly ......
And we will meet here in ...... .. hour, ....... Minutes to spend alternative elections of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden and continue New Year's fun.

(Guests can go outside, arrange fireworks who want to dance, chat with friends, congratulate them on the New Year, perhaps someone will want to watch the New Year's appeal to the citizens of Russia of the President of Russia.
Again guests of the holiday are collected in the hall in the leading time.)

Leading. Attention! Attention! Do not miss! It comes an important point - the election of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Let's calculate who how many tokens could earn, and what team can be called the winner. Although today at the evening it is not the main thing. The main thing is that you have a good New Year's mood.
So, Honorary Santa Claus is recognized ... Applause!
And his charming companion, Snow Maiden, recognized ...
We ask you to take the appropriate look and be prepared.
Pronounce toast and organize a dance near the beauty-tree.

(Choons on the role of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden tend to change clothes.)
Baba Yag. Well, FAQ, CALA, was it fun? That's something ... It's time for me to celebrate the new year in my hut. I, even though, sometimes on my robbing, and they were waiting, appeal, my guests are.
Happy New Year! Poek, doves!

(Baba Yaga "Falls" from the hall.)

Leading. Friends! On this beautiful evening, I want to pronounce another toast. I ask you to raise the glasses for tomorrow's economic paradise, contrary to today's price, for the coming genius of your children, for your favorite wives, contrary to television contests of beauty, for your husbands. Contrary to the fact that they are not very similar to Schwarzenegger and Alena Delon. Contrary to adversity, despite the alarms - smile! Not to survive, but to live! Just live! Just believe! Just to love!

(Guests drink for the proposed toast.)

Leading. The snow is spinning, the snow flies, blows a light breeze,
On the clock already 12, on the planet - the new year.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Let it be cleaned now you
This kind, this gentle
New Year's snow waltz!

Phonogram number 24 _ - "Waltz" G. Sviridova
Those who wish are dancing.

Leading. Here Yaga taught me a little wisdom. I'll try.

Sorcerers, babe, sorcerers, grandfather,
Three side, not yours.
Ace Bubnov, coffin pine,
Appear with granddaughter grandfather!

(Makes up the magic wand).

Magic wand, cut out: Turn the word in the case!

Phonogram number 25 - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

The hall includes Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, pronounce the text of congratulations (pre-harvested and beautifully decorated scrolls).

Through the tongs, blizzards and blizzards
My granddaughter flew to the holiday,
So that there were lighter paths in the world,
So that everyone found what I would like to find.

Snow Maiden.
New meetings already on the threshold,
New adventures await you,
Joy, peace, wealth, health,
Good we wish in the new year!
Let a happy life always be
You decorate her smiles ...

Snow Maiden.
Let the familiar words sound:

Together: Happy New Year! WITH NEW HAPPINESS!

Leading. Miscelled, honest people,
Sadness - well, neither Skolechko!
Eatery - Ka Horovo
"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"!

Phonogram number 26 - the song "Christmas tree was born in the forest."

All evening participants dance around the tree.

SANTA CLAUS. Oh or sorry, but it's time for us to say goodbye ...
Snow Maiden. We go to meet again.
Leading. Finally, we raise the glasses
For hope, faith, love!

We say goodbye to you, and our evening continues the rhythms of the New Year's disco!

(Leading, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden leave. Disco continues until the end of the evening.)

Playing interesting scenarios and cheerful scenes - a guaranteed way to make any festive event with fascinating, interesting and memorable. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more of our fellow citizens are planning for the new year instead of a banal feast of a cheerful thematic party with games, contests and scenes. Moreover, funny and modern scenes for the new year 2019 for a funny company or for a corporate party can be found on the network, and come up with independently, changing and playing a scenario from any popular fairy tale, a film or book. And for guests to have fun and interesting, each participant of the game can improvise, making their own changes in the game. By the way, the most cool and favorite New Year's sketches for adults are scenes with jokes and well-known fairy tales with comic changes in the plot. And here we will share the ideas and video of New Year's scenes for every taste - below our guests can find short, funny and fabulous scenes for corporate party or friendly party.

  • Funny and Modern Scenes for New Year 2019 Pigs
  • Scenes for the new year 2019 for corporate party: fairy tales with jokes
  • Short Scenes for New Year for adults
  • Funny New Year Scenes for Corporate
  • The most cool scenes on the new 2019 year of pig for a fun company

Funny and modern scenes for the new year 2019 for adults

Come up with funny and modern scenes for the new year 2019 for an adult company of friends are actually very simple. As a basis for the script, you can take any topic from life, as well as a great idea will be a scene based on your favorite comedy film or performing Stand Up comedians. But still the most relevant at the party will be the scenes about the new year, in which you can beat funny, cool or comical cases that happened or could happen in this fabulous night.

An exemplary scenario of a funny scene "How not to behave in the New Year"

An excellent idea of \u200b\u200ba funny modern scene will be a scene "How to behave in the New Year." To play this scene, 2 people need to have a dialogue among themselves, forcing all those present to fall with laughter. Below is an exemplary scenario of such a scene, but, at will, it can be changed and adding it, inventing his cool examples of how it is impossible to behave in the New Year's Eve.

Scenario Scenes "How not to behave in the New Year"

Lead 1: Dear guests, I'm so glad to see all of you on this holiday. Now I will tell you how to meet the new year 2019!

Lead 2: And why do you tell us how to get a new year? I know better!

Lead 1: Are you? Yes, where do you know how to make New Year's holidays? You are the same on December 31st shops and supermarkets until 11 pm run, as you have to buy sweets and gifts to you, apparently, Santa Claus forbids!

Leading 2: And it tells me the person who has empty-bored boxes on her Christmas tree under the Christmas tree, photographs it and lays out in classmates with a signature "Watch everything, how many gifts of Santa Claus brought"!

Lead 1: I, at least, I do not give new year to all friends on the Bird Milk box, purchased in the nearest supermarket on the action.

Leading 2: And you are very fun celebrating the New Year - at 10 pm, you turn on the TV and see the repetitions of the show with Petrosyan until 4 am!

Lead 1: And you, of course, spend the old year and meet a new much more fun! You go to the half on the street, come to all the oncoming companies, congratulate them, and wait for you to pour champagne!

Leading 2: And you never buy fireworks and slappers! Why, it is possible to see others.

Lead 1: And you all friends and relatives are the same congratulations found on the Internet, send. And women, and men! And it does not matter that there are words in it "so that the husband loved you and flowers to you."

Leading 2: And you write a wish to "win the lottery $ 100,000,000" for the battle, burn it, pour off the ashes in a glass and drink this borde. But something for 10 years Santa Claus never fulfilled your desire!

Lead 1: And it tells me a person who has never heard the battle of the Kraist, since at that time he is already tightly asleep as a face in a salad plate.

Leading 2: I don't even know what is better to sleep in a salad or call on New Year's Eve to all the former and drunk voice to tell them that they are bitch and immediately confess in love.

Lead 1: And you do not call anyone in the New Year - you are busy at this time, tell the hostess, how best to cook Olivier and herring under a fur coat, as she had to decorate the New Year tree and what dress it should be put on.

Leading 2: And you never know the new year at home - always 31 try on a visit to someone and sit there until January 3 or even longer, until all of the refrigerator eat and you will not drink from the bar.

Lead 1: And you wake up on January 1 at 8 am and you wake up everyone with the words: "Let's go to the street to play snowballs, and then this year we have not been in the fresh air."

Leading 2: And you always pick up a bottle of champagne from the owner of the house "Yes, you can't open it right," and in the end, someone will fall into the eye, then there will be a chandelier.

Lead 1: And you decided to show drunk, how to do it right, and in the end, the Christmas tree dumped!

Lead 2: Yes, both are good.

Lead 1: In general, dear friends, if you want to know a great new year ...

Leading 2: I remember that as this we do, you can not do!

Modern scenes about the new year on video

You can see a funny and bold modern scene for the new year for adults "talent contest. In order for all guests to have fun, you can use the idea of \u200b\u200bthis scene, but to give all the participants the opportunity to show fantasy and demonstrate their talents and ideas.

Scene idea for New Year 2019 for corporate party: old fairy tales with jokes on modern way

We all love fairy tales since childhood, and even adult people in New Year's Eve believe in miracles and are ready to plunge into the atmosphere of the fairy tale. Therefore, an excellent scene idea for the new year 2019 for a corporate party - a fairy tale with jokes to a new way. You can play a funny scene on the basis of any well-known fairy tale, and to make guests even more fun, you need to prepare the appropriate props in advance, with which the participants will be able to transform in fabulous characters.

New Year's Scene "Grandmates Yellow"

Badki Yellow in the New Year Scene - Funny Positive Characters, who will have their own dialogue all guests. In the scene there are 5 grandmas, they can be both girls and women, and men, and the second option will be even more funnier. An exemplary scenario of this scene is lower.

5 grand best goes and dialogue:

The first grandmother turns to its companions: We have not chosen anywhere for a long time, they have not hurt anywhere. It's time to shine old. Oh, look! What are everyone here gathered here (looks around for guests)? Surely, something is celebrated.

Second: one hundred percent. If everything is assembled, then we go to idle to the party. (pulls out the phone from the pocket and dials the number). Hello, shipping! All is ready? Then we rush to you. We fly on all pairs (apply to grandmas). Well, what did you go?!

Third: What do we find out what is celebrated here?

Fourth: And let's just ask (addresses guests). Hellow, tell me what's going on here? What about which gathered?

Guests: celebrate New Year!

Fifth grandma: Oh, so here the holiday is planned? Maybe then stay, and then it is far to go far, and my back hurts, I can not overcome this distant path.

All grandmas, except the second respond to the choir: Come on, come on!

The first grandma draws to the second: and you?

Second: What am I?

Third: Well, you and Great! You would have tested the lore and ears!

Second: My Electric Spacer failed, so I don't fly to the hospital!

The first: Sui, I have already bought a Merce for a long time and cutting on it everywhere. So what? We stay at the celebration of the New Year?

Second: Of course! Let's show how we can burn?

The first turns to the DJ: Well, turn on something to us?

Plays the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Grandmas begin to make noise and indignant.

Third grandma: DJ, what did you turn on? Come on our favorite.

Song sounds about grand besties, and actors demonstrate an incendiary dance, and after bow and go.

New Year's scene "Repka to a new way" - idea on video

On the video below shows another option of a festival scene with a fantastic "Rack" with jokes. This idea is perfect for a corporate party, which contains colleagues of mature and elderly, as well as love, preferring calm seating entertainment.

Funny short sketches for New Year for adults

Short scenes for the new year for adults - a great way to make New Year's Eve to Cheerful and make a variety of traditional feast. Moreover, the main advantage of short scenes from long thought-out scenarios is the possibility of improvisation and attracting all those present to merry. And below we share ideas, how to cheer guests a funny short scene at a New Year's party for 1-5 minutes.

Scenario with a fun short scene "Rain for happiness" for the new year

This scene is called "Rain for Happiness." For its conduct you need two opaque containers (for example, jugs, vases or pans). One container should be filled with water, and the other is confetti, and the container with water lead should put near himself on the table, and the jug with confetti is hidden so that it is easy and quick to get to the right moment.

When the scene time comes, the lead rises from its place, says toast and says that in countries with a wet climate there is a belief that rain on New Year's Eve is fortunately and wealth. During his story, he must be the case to dip his hand in a jug with water so that the guests see the water. When all those present are convinced that in the jug water, it must be imperceptibly replaced by a container with confetti.

At the end of his story, the lead expresses regret that there is no rain on the street, which means that everyone present will have to look for another way to become happy and rich in the coming 2019. But then he pretends, as if he was overtaking insight and loudly say "and however, it should replace the rain", take a jug with confetti and splash out its contents on guests. Since everyone thinks that in the jug water, they will scatter because of the table, and when they will understand that rain from confetti - laugh at the joke of the lead.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba very fun short New Year's scene "Italian for the New Year"

The idea and exemplary scenario of a funny mini-scene "Italian for the New Year" is shown in the video. At the New Year's party, you can spend such a scenario on a video scenario, and you can come up with your small scenario based on it, for example, "Chinese for the New Year."

Cool and funny New Year scenes for corporate party

Corporate parties are often no less interesting and fun than the meeting of the New Year in the circle of relatives and loved ones. Leading corporate holidays, as a rule, think over the topics and scenario of the parties and are looking for cool New Year's scenes for the corporate party, in which all guests can participate.

The company's employees themselves also have the on the eve of the meeting of the New Year may come up with and to proper a scene, which they want to cheer colleagues on the corporate party. Such scenes will be allowed not only to have fun at the holiday, but also get close to colleagues and show themselves on the one hand.

Video with cool scenes at corporate New Year parties

On video from New Year's corporaters of Russian companies, you can learn interesting and funny ideas of scenes for the New Year. And the video with the funny and funny New Year's scenes for the corporate party we published below.

The most cool scenes for the new year 2019 for a friendly cheerful company

To select the most cool scenes for the new year 2019 for a funny company, you need to focus on the preferences of all guests. If most of those present are acting talents and the ability to improvisation, you can come up with and play scenes based on fairy tales and movies, and if the guests love to laugh, the excellent idea will be short scenes jokes with riddling of funny desires.

Since 2019 will be the year of the yellow earthen pig, the scene based on the fairy tale "Three Piglets" will be very relevant on New Year's Eve. The approximate scenario of the scene is:

The king comes to the scene.

The presenter says: lived, was in the world of the king. He owned with huge lands. There was a mighty and silent, all neighbors treated him with respect. And he had a beauty daughter.

A beautiful girl comes to the scene and performs graceful dance.

(At this time, the girl loudly and slide laughs.)

Because of this, no one wanted to marry the queen. All Tsarevichi and Koroleichi went around her face, and the royal daughter really wanted to marry.

Daughter appeals to the king: I will go, father, look for your happiness!

The king blesses the daughter who goes into the forest.

As soon as she enters the forest, three pigs come out towards her. (Each of them you need to come up with a pre-first name and an interesting story. For example, one lead can tell that he is a fan of the acorns. It is better to choose a touch of a man on the role of this pig . You can independently come up with other stories depending on the audience).

The king's daughter is in turn dancing with each piglet, but suddenly a gray wolf runs off on stage. He scares pigs.

The queen hides on the sidelines, since the wolf was frightened.

But the piglets were brave. They attack the threesome on the wolf and hit it comicively.

The wolf begins to ask for a mercy and asks to let him go, but the piglets continue their actions, while the wolf will bring them to them.

And here the queen enters the game. She was very sorry for the wolf, and she asks piglets to stop. Before her pliers they retreat.

The king's daughter comes up to him, starts to iron and helps rise. The queen falls in love with the wolf. They decide to play a wedding. Of course, three piglets are invited to this celebration.

On the video below, you can see another idea of \u200b\u200ba very cool scene for the new year for adults. This scene is perfect for a company of close friends.

Play Scenes for the New Year - a great way to cheer guests

New Year's Scenario for Adults

The lyrical melody sounds, the presenter reads.

Vedas: snow is spinning outside the window,






































































