Basics of animal husbandry lecture. Basics of animal husbandry. Department of Private Zootechnia and Pig

Livestock business will be productive only, provided that the main hygienic standards for animal content are observed, they are properly powered and contained in the optimal climate. Knowing the main directions of production organization, the farmer will be able to get the maximum profit from the business and use useful products for personal purposes.

Livestock - on a par with crop, one of the two key industries of agriculture. According to various data on the products of animal farms, there are from 50 to 60 percent of goods produced in the agro-industrial complex of Russia. At the same time, the livestock industry has its unique specifics and the organization of production in it is subordinate to the influence of factors unusual for other types of production.

Entity and livestock industry

Livestock is a rather extensive industry consisting of a variety of sub-sectors united by a common manufacturing concept, namely breeding farm animals for the sake of meat, milk, wool, skins and other animal products. The most important extensions of animal husbandry in Russia are:

  • cattle breeding (breeding cattle for meat, milk and skins),
  • piggy
  • poultry
  • rabbit
  • fish farming, etc.

Methods for organizing the production process for each of these directions differ from each other. The difference in approaches and technologies is determined not only by the physiological and behavioral difference between different types of animals, but also by the type of products that must be obtained in the production process.

Obviously, a pig farm and fish farm will be organized completely differently due to the fact that pigs can live in ordinary sheds and fences, while the fish requires a water medium. Also unlike approaches can be used even during the breeding of the same animals for the sake of different products: for example, breeding chickens strictly on meat or strictly for eggs.

The main directions of production organization

From the point of view of organizing the production of livestock production, the main task of enterprises is to ensure maximum production efficiency. That is, per unit of production (liter of milk, a kilogram of meat, a dozen eggs) should be consumed as smaller feeds, spending working time staff and other resources. An alternative approach is to produce as much products as possible while maintaining the current number of personnel, the production and technical base and consumables.

It is noteworthy that such a task is not only before the leadership of individual livestock farms, but also before the state as a whole. The owners of enterprises are interested in constant improvement of efficiency because they thus increase their profits. In turn, for the state, the high efficiency of the entire livestock industry means increasing food security and in general the formation of a more dynamic economy, since the resources released on a large scale can be directed to the creation of additional material goods.

There are two main approaches to an increase in production efficiency:

  • the introduction of more progressive management methods and analysis of production results;
  • modernization of production by introducing more modern technologies and the use of the latest equipment.

As a rule, in practice, work on improving efficiency is carried out immediately in both areas, because it is possible to achieve the best results. Ultimately, the organization of animal production is reduced to the following actions:

  • drafting clear production plans and their operational adjustment depending on the market conditions;
  • equipment of the enterprise is the most modern and efficient equipment;
  • the introduction of the most progressive techniques and technologies based on the latest achievements of science;
  • the most rational use of labor resources, maximum possible mechanization of production processes;
  • use the most productive rocks and hybrids of animals.

Principles of production organization

Production of livestock production will be effective and highly profitable only when it is organized on key principles underlying any industries. If you ignore these principles, then in the medium term the economy will lose financial stability and simply cease to exist. When creating a new enterprise, or during the modernization and structural and organizational restructuring of the already existing economy, it is necessary to follow these principles:

  1. Spacery. All enterprise economic activities should obey a single strategy pursuing a specific goal expressed in numerical values. That is, there must be a strategic task (for example, produced 100 tons of milk per month, or bring a quarterly profit to 100 million rubles. Etc.) and a clear plan for its implementation. Based on forecasts and analytical reports on the current and expected prices for feed and finished products, operational, annual and promising plans are drawn up.
  2. Specialization. Management should clearly understand the role, place and objectives of their company in the existing economic system. Also, this principle implies that the enterprise producing several types of products must have a clear internal structure, where there is a private functional unit for each production type.
  3. Complexity. The organization of animal husbandry should take into account all factors that can affect the financial results of the enterprise. For example, mastering the breeding of the new animal species unusual for this region, the products of which have high demand, you should make sure that the company has the technical ability to create the necessary conditions for them.
  4. Optimality. Any organizational and technical changes in the production process must end up to generate more income than expenses. If, for example, the transition to new more expensive feeds did not lead to an increase in profits in the amount greater than the difference in price between new and old foods, it means that such an innovation is unacceptable.

One of the main factors determining the order and method of organizing the production of livestock production is the system of animal content adopted in the economy.

Depending on the degree of intensification of the production process and the natural and economic characteristics of the region for cattle, sheep, goats and some other hoofs, the following content systems can be applied:

  • pasture
  • stall-pasture,
  • stall-camp
  • stall.

The pasteure system involves year-round grazing animals on natural or cultural pastures. Due to climatic conditions in Russia does not apply.

The stall-pasture system assumes in the summer period of animal walks on pastures (usually natural), where they feed on fresh grass, and in winter, animals are contained in rooms and feed on feed. Currently in Russia is used only by small agricultural producers (small farms of family type and private householders).

The stall-camp system involves the placement of animals in the winter - indoors, and in the summer - in camps (large open-air champs). It is used in the regions where there are no natural pastures.

With a stall system, animals are indoors all year round. This technique uses large farms and livestock complexes with industrial production volumes.

In the pig breeding there are only two content systems - flowing and uncomfortable. It is not difficult to guess, the first system involves walking animals outdoors, and the second is not.

In the poultry system use such content systems:

  • Cell. It is used mainly for industrial herds of chickens of egg and meat areas.
  • Outdoor on the deep litter. So contain chickens of breeding herds, as well as indeek, ducks and geese.
  • Wollar. Widely used in the southern regions for all types of birds.

Food and animal hygiene

The general concepts of the organization of the livestock industry suggest that the conditions of the content and the power supply of animals are the most important elements of the production process. If this question is not an acute problem in natural pastures, then in artificially created conditions of content, all the concern for the status of animals falls on the shoulders of man.

Feed, which gets cattle in stalls, pens, enclosures and cells is customary to divide into such groups:

  • vegetable origin - green feed (grass, fruit, vegetables), silage, coarse feed (hay, straw, mealkin), root and edge, grain, residues of technical productions;
  • animal origin - milk and dairy products;
  • waste meat and fish farmers;
  • mineral feeding;
  • vitamin preparations, feed protein substitutes, antibiotics;
  • compound.

As you can see, partially the issue of hygiene is solved by feed, in which various medical staff are added. However, in a much greater degree of animal health depends on the conditions of content:

  • regular disinfection, cleaning and cleaning of premises from life waste;
  • temperatures, humidity and level of illumination of rooms;
  • safety of materials from which burners, pigsties, chicken windows and rabbits are built;
  • preventive vaccinations, if necessary for this type of animals;
  • purity of feed and drinking water.

Municipal General Education

Starovakovskaya Secondary School

Elective course

Teacher Technology, Master

production training

Explanatory note.

Livestock is one of the most important industries of agriculture. It is intended to satisfy the needs of the population in such valuable products as meat, oil, milk, as well as provide raw materials in various industries.

Livestock, affects the increase in plant yield, since it serves as a source of organic fertilizers. Thus, crop
And animal husbandry are closely related to the agricultural sectors.

In connection with the use of advanced technology, mechanization and electrification of production processes, the requirements for the preparation of livestock breeders increase. They must have good general education, polytechnic and special zootechnical training, to know the biological features of animals, a variety of machines and equipment, be able to manage them and rationally use them.

In classes on the basics of animal husbandry, as well as on the mechanization and automation of livestock farms and complexes, students will familiarize themselves with the modern methods of increasing animal productivity.

Relying also to the knowledge gained in biology, physics, chemistry, geography, mathematics, will learn how to properly implement the main production work on mechanized agricultural complexes.

Knowledge of this course will help students immediately after school to engage in publicly useful, productive work on animal husbandry, study at the university or technical school on the chosen profession and specialty.

Educational and thematic plan

"Schools of the young farmer"

in the course "Basics of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine"

for 2008/2009 academic year

Topic Title





Agricultural condition and problemsproduction at the present stage

Legal fundamentals of farming, land laws

Environmentally sound agricultural production

Marketing: Research, Sales and Procproducts

Optimization of the structure of production and realization of investment projects

in Fer.merka farm

Business game: "Organization and activitiesmarketing Service "

Basics of Anatomy and Physiology of Agricultural Animals

Basics of agricultural breedinganimals

Basics of feeding agriculturalanimals

Status and prospects of development of scotchwater in the Russian Federation

Horse breeding

Basics of pig breeding

in farms

Sheep and goat breeding, their meaning

Poultry farming

Rabbit breeding - promising industryanimal husbandry


Basics of Zoogigen and Veterinary


Training program

at the rate "Basics of animal husbandry and veterinary

The program is designed for 68 hours. A good assimilation of the material will be facilitated by personal experience of schoolchildren, since living in the countryside, they have a circle of their permanent domestic duties for the care of agricultural animals and work on farms by the Object Corporation.


Ø Conditions and problems of agricultural production at the present stage (1 hour)

Ø Legal fundamentals of farming, land laws (1 hour)

Ø Environmentally sound agricultural production (1 hour)

Ø Marketing: Research, Sales and Product Promotion (1 hour)

Ø Optimization of the structure of production and implementation of investment projects in the farm (1 hour)

Ø Business game: "Organization and Marketing Service" (1 hour)

Chapter 1. Basics of Anatomy and Physiology

agricultural animals (3 hours)

It is characterized by the body as a whole. Position the structure and function of cells. The concept of fabric and its types. Organ system: arbitrary movement, blood and lympho - appeals. Blood composition. Small and big circulation circulation. Breath system system. System of digestive organs. The concept of metabolism and energy. Protein, carbohydrate, and fat exchange. Exchange of water and minerals. Vitamins. Thermoregulation. The characteristics of the selection organ systems is given. The system of breeding organs. Pregnancy, its deadlines in different animal species. Milk iron and breastworking process. Endocrine glands. Nervous system. Sense organs.

Chapter 2. Basics of farming animal breeding (3 hours)

Growth and development of animals. Medium data duration of the main periods of animal life. The concept of the constitution, exterior and interior of animals. Animal productivity. Dairy and meat productivity. Mass of animals. The concept of breed and breeding. Basics of tribal business. Principles of selection and selection. Animal breeding methods: purebred, related pairing, inbreeding, crossing (absorption, introductory, reproductive, variable), hybridization. Breeding technique. Sexual maturity, sex hunting. Organization of tribal case. Forms of breeding work. Zootechnical accounting. Animal boniration.

Chapter 3. Basics of feeding farm animals (2 hours)

Chemical composition of feed. The scheme of the chemical composition of plants is given. Water as an integral part of plants and animal. The organic part of the feed: nitrogenous and bezotic substances, fats and enzymes. Minerals, trace elements and vitamins. Factors affecting the chemical composition of feed.

The concept of digestness of feed; Factors affecting the digestibility of feed: age, size and composition of the diet. Preparation of feed for feeding. Evaluation of feed nutrition. "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 234 "height \u003d" 183 "\u003e Concentrated feed: Cereal feed and side products of grain processing and oilseeds ( OVES, barley, corn, bean grain; bran, linen cake).

Remains of technical productions (beet, molasses, bard, beer crushing, potato mezga). Feeding of animal origin: milk, reverse, patch, serum, fish and meat industry waste (meat, meat and oxidial, blood and fish flour). Vitamin feed. Antibiotics. Amino acids. Mineral feed (salt cook, triculic phosphate, chalk stern), protein-vitamin-mineral supplements (BVMD). Fundamentals of normalized feeding. Meghadzhoule (MJ). The structure of the diet and feeding type.

Chapter 4. Status and prospects for cattle breeding

in the Russian Federation / with video film / (5 hours)

The history of the development of cattle breeding in the USSR and Russia. Classification of breeds. Breed of milk direction of productivity. Dutch breed. Black and motley breed. Holstein breed. Holmogorsk breed. Yaroslavl breed. Breed of double productivity. Simmental breed. Sychevskaya breed. Shvitskaya breed. Kostroma breed.

The breed of the meat direction of productivity. Gerford breed. Kazakh White Breed. Aberdeen-Angus breed. Calmyts cattle.

Productivity of cattle. Milk productivity and connection of it with breed feeding and content, age, with age at the first end. Multiplicity and milking equipment; Factors affecting the fat content of milk. Meat productivity.

Structure of a herd of cattle. Cattle breeding technique. Puberty. Pregnancy. Preparation of cows to the hotel. Receiving a calf at the hotel. Tribal work in cattle breeding. Tribal work in the conditions of dairy industrial complexes.

Bonirating cattle. Planning tribal work. Tribal books. Feeding and retaining cattle. Feeding cows during the launch period. Feeding dairy cows. Winter feeding cows. Summer feeding of cows. Feeding and content of bulls manufacturers.

Cuts. Milk production on an industrial basis.

Growing young. Growing calves in dairy period. Growing young after 6 months of age. Intensive cultivation of young on meat.

Foot and fattening livestock. Industrial complexes for fattening cattle.

Chapter 5. Horse resolution (2 hours)

State, direction and objectives of development of horse breeding. Tribal horse breeding. Sports horse breeding. Productive and private horse breeding. Equestrian plants. State stations on tribal and artificial insemination. Hippodrome. Classification of horse breeds. High, pearly, harness. Productive horse breeding. Meat and dairy horse breeding. Horse performance. True force. Normal and maximum traction effort. Feeding mode, content and use of horses. Feed: coarse (hay, straw, mealkin), concentrated (oats, barley, bran, corn), juicy (carrots, beets, silo, etc.), green feed and vitamin-mineral feeding (premix). Horse feeding rates. Care of horses. Glaid floor. Temperature and humidity mode. Cleaning the skin. Clearing hoofs and forging horses.

Breed horses. Heights: Brabonsons; Peshrelona; Russian ardena; Vladimir horse. Horses Horseradish: Arabic; purebred horse Donskaya and others. TERSKY FACTORY OF ARARY HORSE. Akhal-Teking horse. TERRY Horse. Kabardian horse (for mountains).

Slip horses: Orlovsky Rysak. Russian Rysak - Machine of Orlovsky Rysak with American. Local breeds: Mongolian horse, Kazakh horse, Transbaikal horse, Altai horse, Adaev horse, steppe Bashkir horse.

The sexual and physiological maturity of the mare. Freaker season. Sex hunting mare. Introductural growth and development of the fetal is a nurse. Regular pattern of stallions. Diet: Wheat bran, peas, millet, raw eggs, milk and sugar, carrots. The main diseases of horses.

Chapter 6. Fundamentals of pig breeding in farms (4 hours)

The role and importance of pig breeding in providing the population with meat products. Biological features of pigs. Fruitness, period of pregnancy, indicators of growth and development. The quality and nutrition of the meat of pigs. Productive qualities of pigs and main breeds. The premises and the content of pigs. Development and reproduction of pigs. Getting and growing piglets. Fucking pigs. Feeding pigs.

Chapter 7. Sheep and goat breeding, their meaning (2 hours)

Economic and biological features of sheep. Waterproof products. Wool and its types. Thin wool. Halftone wool. Crossbred wool. Rough wool. Semigrupt wool. Mutton. Sheep milk. Sheepskin. Fur sheepskins. Fire sheepskins. Leather sheepskin. Scrush. Wool fibers. Pooh or undercoat. . Transition or intermediate hair. Dead hair. Technical properties of wool: crawling wool, length and thickness of wool. Fortress, extensibility, elasticity, elasticity, wool color. Out of clean wool. Wool defects and ways to improve its quality. Weed wool. Repenta wool. Defective wool. Wool vices. Shearing. Production classification of sheep breeds. Thinned rocks. Cerent meat breeds. Meat and wool breeds. Film breeds. Semi-graduate breeds. Coarse breed. Tribal work in the sheep. Selection and selection of sheep. Bonirating sheep. Feeding sheep. Feeding producers. Feeding sofhydrate. Feeding sumps. Feeding young. Dairy, coarse, dying, meat and mixed goats. Russian goat. Gorky goat. Narrow goat. Pouched goats (Dudonskaya and Orenburg). Feeding and the content of goats. Bracker goats. Kozdyatin.

Chapter 8.Poultry farming (4 hours)

Main breeds, lines and cross crosses used in poultry farming. Determination of concepts about breed, lines and cross chickens. List of major breeds, lines and crossings.

Egg production technology. Cellular content. Standards for the cultivation of young egg chickens (square, front feeding, cell size, feeders, etc.). Temperature regime with the cultivation of young and other parameters of the microclimate of the premises. Technology production chickens - broilers. The main technological parameters in the production of meat - broilers. Parameters of the microclimate of premises when growing broilers. Approximate norms of live masses by age. Basics of meat production of ducks, indeek, geese. Veterinary and sanitary and preventive activities in the poultry farming.

Chapter 9. Rabbit House - promising industrylivestock (2 hours)

Rabbit. Strevious. Fertility. Features of the sexed cycle. Local rabbit. The foundations of the anatomy and the physiology of rabbits. Motion system system. Digestion system. Vascular system: blood and lymphatic. Respiratory system. Nervous system. Skin cover and its derivatives. The structure of the mammary glands.

Feeding rabbits. Characteristics of the main feed used in rabbit breeding. Concentrates. Details of technical production. Fur animal origin. Green feed. Juicy feed. Vitamin and mineral feed (additives). Types of feeding. Breed rabbits and genetics of their coloring. Characteristics of the main rabbits: Soviet chinchilla, white giant, gray giant, silver, black and brown, Vienna Blue, Soviet Merder. Shorthair rabbits (Rex). Angora Pooh. White fluff. Basics of tribal case in rabbit breeding. Selection and selection. Rabbit breeding technique. Okrol, leakage and feeding of young people. Rabbit content. Rabbit production. Skirts. Meat. Pooh.

Basics of zoogigine and veterinary prevention. Indictant diseases. Infectious diseases. Invasive diseases.

Chapter 10. Beekeeping(1 hour)

Bee products, properties and value.

Organization, accommodation and equipment of apiary. Bee family biology.

Technology of content and breeding bees. Tribal business. Feed base, pollination of agricultural bees.

Chapter 11. Basics of Zoogigen and Veterinary Organization (2 hours)

The concept of zoogigienne. Concept of veterinary medicine.

Independent, infectious and invasive animal diseases. Zoogigenic and veterinary and sanitary requirements for livestock breeding. Zoogigenic requirements for feed and water. Independent diseases of the stomach and guts of adults and young animals. Diseases of respiratory organs, metabolism. Diseases of the urogenital system. Mastitis. Infectious diseases: lush, leukemia, necrobacteriosis, calibratiosis calves. Zooanthroponomoses: rabies, tuberculosis, brucellosis, Siberian ulcers, salmonellosis, trico (ringing deprived). Invasive diseases: cysticercosis (finnos), echinococcosis, fasciolesis, dicroceliosis, ascaridosis.

Labor protection when handling animals. Prevention of unsuccessful and infectious diseases in people when working with animals.


one. . Cattle breeding. M., 1970.

2.. Dilution of farm animals, 4 edition, M., 1967

3.,. Environmental agriculture. Farmer, Issue 4. M., 1997

4., R. A, Haitdinov. Golishstinsky Cattle in Tatarstan "Href \u003d" / Text / Category / Tatarstan / "Rel \u003d" Bookmark "\u003e Tatarstan. Kazan, 1995

five. . The feed of the Tatar ASSR, their composition and nutritionality. Tatar book publishing house, 1975

6. et al. Farmer-animal farmer reference book. Kazan, 1993.

7., and others. Norms and diets for feeding farm animals. Moscow, Agropromizdat, 1985

eight. , . Directory of zootechnics. M., 1986.

9., and others. Epizootology and infectious diseases of farm animals. Moscow "Kolos", 1984

10. . Cattle breeding. Cattle, T.1, M., 1961

11. And others. Hygiene of farm animals. M., "Colos", 1977

12. , . The training book of the rabbit. M., 1985.

13. , . Diseases of young in industrial animal husbandry. M., "Colos", 1984

14. Veterinary encyclopedia, volume 1-6.m.,

Ministry of Education of the Saratov region

State autonomous professional educational institution

Saratov region

"Perelinbsky Agricultural Technical School"


Director of Hapow with Pat

_______________ / Koba M. A. /

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main professional educational program (OPOP) SPO


35.02.05 Agronomy

(Naturally Scientific Profile)


Graduate qualifications


Regulatory learning date

3 years 10 months

Form of study





State autonomous professional educational institution of the Saratov region "Problem Agricultural Technical Academy"

Specciplin teacher first category

Akhmetov Rustam Yusupovich

I. . Passport of the set of assessment funds

A set of assessment funds is designed to evaluate the results of the development of educational discipline

"Basics of animal husbandry and beekeeping"

As a result of the assessment, the following objects are checked.

Basics of animal breeding

Private animal husbandry

Evaluation of self-work

Basics of animal breeding

Observation and assessment of practical work;

Basics of animal breeding

Private animal husbandry


Oral (written) survey;

Programmed survey,

Evaluation of reports, messages;

Competitive analysis of abstracts

Private animal husbandry

Oral (written) survey;

Message rating, reports

Basics of animal feeding

Oral (written) survey;

Testing, oral poll

Basics of animal feeding

Private animal husbandry

fodder beekeeping base;

Oral (written) survey;

Feed base of beekeeping and pollination of entomophilic plants

Oral (written) survey;

Feed base of beekeeping and pollination of entomophilic plants

II.. Set of control and evaluation

2.1.Tecent certification



    The origin of the main types of agricultural animals, the concept of breed and factors of breeding. Breed factory, transitional and primitive.

    The role of natural and artificial selection in the formation of rocks. The most important factors determining the effectiveness of artificial selection.

    The structure and functions of the digestive organs in ruminants.

    Constitution and exterior of agricultural animals. Types of constitution.

    Growth and development of agricultural animals. Basic laws, growth in growth and development.


    Types of crossing, the purpose of their application. Industrial crossing. The meaning of heterosis.

    The structure and function of the breast.

    Concept of stern. Classification of feed.

    Normated feeding of farm animals. The concept of feed rate and feed diet.

    The concept of digestibility of feed. Factors affecting the digestibility of nutrients.



    The concept of a comprehensive feed assessment of feed. Biological value of protein and ways to increase protein nutrition.

    Silo cooking and storage technology. Optimal daily silage daches with young and adult animals, silo feeder.

    Vitamins, their characteristics, value in animal feeding.

    Macro- and microelements, their meaning in animal feeding. Mineral feed, mineral premises. The need of animals in calcium, phosphorus, sodium.

    The technology of preparing a benign hay and a haypt, nutritional, optimal daily giving animals.


    Green food (feederness, daily dacha animals of different types and age).

    Corneelectrics, Bakhchy cultures. Characteristic, meaning in animal feeding, daily giving animals of different types and age.

    Feed animal origin, characteristics of nutritional, daily giving animals.

    Use in the dating of animals of technical productions, their nutritional, daily giving animals.

    Concentrated feed, feed, their types, characteristics of their nutritionality, daily daches.



    Features of the production of milk on an industrial basis (intensive technologies of the flow-and-shop technology).

    Features of manufacturing beef on an industrial basis, intensive technologies in specialized farms.

    The meat and dairy productivity of cattle, indicators of cattle productivity, the factors of it are causing.

    Accounting for productivity, indicators of animal productivity of different breeds of advanced farms.

    Classification of cattle breeds in the direction of productivity. Planned breeds.


    Cattle breeding technique.

    Methods of growing young cattle and their economic efficiency.

    Feeding and maintenance of surface dry cows.

    Preparation of cows to the father, feeding and the content of cows after the sewed and at the divider.

    Feeding and content of bulls manufacturers. Organization of fattening and feeding cattle. Features feeding livestock on fattening.



    The technique of breeding pigs, the value of artificial insemination.

    Features of industrial pig breeding. Poto-shop system.

    Features of the content and feeding of boars, pregnant sowing sows.

    Growing piglets-sausages, the value of the early depression.

    Types of fattening, fastening techniques.


    Sheep breeding technique.

    Classification of sheep breeds.

    Feeding about the content of sheepat.

    Winter and spring kids, their advantages and disadvantages.

    Fattening and felling sheep.



    Classification of horse breeds.

    Feeding and content of fumes and sucking mares.

    Growing foals.

    Growing broiler chickens.


    Types of feeding birds. Benefits of dry type of feeding.

    Veterinary and sanitary requirements for feeds, water and pastures.

    The main unsuccessful diseases, their prevention.

    Basic infectious diseases, prevention measures.

    The concept of agricultural animal hygiene.



    Determination of the economically reasonable size of the medical and commodity apiary.

    Natural sources of carbohydrate and protein food bees.

    The need of bees in feed throughout the year.

    Fucking bees and the possibility of replacing parts of honey syrup.

    Types of hives and their design.


    Specialization of an apiary in the farm is the way to increase the profitability of the industry in and farms.

    Spring work at the apiary and their role in creating a strong family.

    Spring audit (inspection) of the bee family.

    Determine the strength of the bee family with a spring revision, if it was occupied by bees5.7 and 9 streets. Make a drawing of the streets (top view), give recommendations for assistance.

    The life of the bee family in summer.



    Summer work of the beekeeper and agronomes to ensure bees with all necessary

    Building bees in multi-circuable ule.

    Building bees in the hive bed.

    The life of a bee family in winter. Autumn work at the apiary.

    Breed bees.


    Creating proper conditions for wintering bees at the apiary. Winning methods.

    Methods for obtaining new families in the farm.

    Disgraceful bees diseases, measures warning them. The role of agronomist in preventing bee poisoning.

    Infectious diseases of bees, damage caused by beekeeping.

    Invasive diseases of bees, damage caused by the beekeeping. The devices and pests of bee, measures to combat them.

2.2. Intermediate certification

Test tasks

    What is the name of the method of breeding, if the animals are paired different breeds? a) purebred dilution b) hybridization c) crossing

2. What crossing is used to receive users?

A) introductory, b) absorbing c) industrial

3. Similarity features an adult organism with children's?

a) embryonicism b) infantilism c)

4. How many varieties of herbs eat sheep?

a) 56 b) 82 V) 520

5. What crops are distinguished by high protein content?

a) legume b) cereal c) oilseeds

6. How much concentrates are advisable to spend 1 kg for production. Poultry meat?

a) 1 - 1.5 kg b) 1.5 - 2 kg c) 2.5 - 3 kg.

7. What are the form of a selection that does not create new qualities in the offspring?

a) homogeneous b) heterogeneous c) group

8. What is the state of the external forms of the body due to the respancies?

a) Condition b) interior c) constitution

9. Egg in chickens is on average formed:

a) for 18-19 hours b) for 22-24 hours c) for 26-27 hours.

10. What is the suit: small or medium-sized black, brown or red spots are scattered on a white torso:

a) crook b) game

c) Chubaraya

11. What is the name of the allyur, when the movement of the horses limbs goes on one side of the case?

a) Interested in b) gallop c) Lynx 12. What is the complication of the structure of the body, qualitative changes?

a) philogenesis b) development c) growth

13. What temperature is considered optimal in dyatrian pigbirds during support?

a) 8 - 100 ° C b) 10 - 120s c) 16 - 180c

14. The greatest component of atmospheric air?

a) nitrogen b) oxygen c) carbon dioxide

15. What is the way it is advisable to apply for water disinfection? a) coagulation b) filtration c) chlorination

16. What temperature should be when storing food eggs?

a) 5 - 6 degrees b) 6 - 8 degrees c) 8 - 12 degrees

17. Name the body temperature of the bird?

a) 37 - 380С b) 38 - 390s c) 41 - 420c

18. What is the name of a group of animals originating from an outstanding generator?

a) family b) line c) Grudge

19. Call the breed of pigs of the meat productivity?

a) Landras b) large white c) Livenskaya

20. How many whole milk is falling out by calves according to the feeding scheme to 6 months of age:

a) 50-100 kg b) 350-450 kg

c) 120-140 kg.

Test tasks

1. Determine the average percentage of fat if the amount of 1% of the milk is 14230 kg, gross fish - 3600 kg

a) 3.9% b) 3.7% c) 4.1% 22. 2. Name the breed of cattle of the meat direction of productivity: a) simmental b) Kalmytskaya c) Shvitskaya

3. Duration of the development of bee uterus:

a) 21 days b) 24 days c) 16 days. 4. What are the events most often adopted in sheepship:

a) Spring b) winter

c) Autumn

5. Call the meat cross:

a) competitor b) Muscovite

c) Lomann Brown

6. High rocks do not include:

a) Donskaya b) Arabic

c) Akhalteinskaya

7. Name the fattest breed.

a) Jersey b) black and painted c) Shvitskaya

8. How is the period from the hotel before insemination?

a) dry period b) lactation c) service period

9. Using cows in which maximum milk productivity is observed?

a) 1 - 2 lactation b) 4 - 6 lactation B) 9 - 10 lactation

10. Name the breed of combined direction of productivity:

a) Schwitskaya b) Holstein-Frisian c) Gerford

11. What amounts of coarse feed should be included in the diet with milking cows per 100 kg. Live mass?

a) 1.5 - 2 kg b) 2 - 3 kg B) 3 - 4 kg

12. The suspension of external forms and signs of the body.

a) exterior b) interior c) constitution

13. What is the amount of colostrum should receive a calf in the first feeding?

a) 1 - 1.5 liters. b) 2.5 - 3 liters. c) 3.5 - 4 liters.

a) 1 - 3 days b) 7 - 14 days. c) 30 - 60 days.

15. Determine the duration of lactation if the cow stayed on March 1, insemined on April 20, the duration of the dry period is 60 days.

a) 275 days b) 300 days c) 306 days

16. What the number of roots are included in the diet of the dry cow per 100 kg. Live mass?

a) 0.5 - 1 kg b) 1.5 - 2 kg B) 4 - 5 kg

17. When the nests of bee families are assembled for the winter: a) in September b) in August c) in October

18. Determine the absolute increase in the live masses of the calf, if at birth he had a mass of 28 kg, and at a time age 52 kg.

a) 24 kg. b) 26 kg c) 28 kg

19.What organs and fabrics relate to sub-products:

a) head, limbs, tail, udder, stomach, liver, lungs, heart, kidney b) trachea, horns, genitals, diaphragm c) Option a) and b)

Test tasks

1. The presence of the milk of the highest grade should be:

a) 1.026 g / cm2 b) 1.027 g / cm2 c) 1.028 g / cm2.

2 Lifted assessment of the meat qualities of cattle is carried out according to the following indicators, except for one:

a) on the gross increase b) the coefficient of meat c) payment of feed

3. Milk protein substances consist of:

a) lysine, methionine, casein b) casein, albumin, globulin c) tryptophan, albumin, cystina

4. The following documents are drawn up for slaughter for slaughter: a) in except for one: a) inventory invoice; b) veterinary certificate; c) screed mass indicators;

5. Milk freezing temperature:

a) -0.8 ° C b) -0.54 ° C) -1.0O

6. The water-soluble vitamins do not include:

a) vitamin C b) vitamin B c) Vitamin A

7. Rinia is:

a) a group of animals inside the rock originating from an outstanding generator; b) a highly productive group of tribal animals inside the rock, originating from an outstanding generator and typed on it; c) A group of animals originating from one generator.

8. What is understood under the Constitution?

a) a combination of external and internal signs of the body; b) external signs of the body; c) the general physique of the body, due to anatomy physiological characteristics of the structure, hereditary factors and the nature of the animal productivity and its response to the influence of environmental factors.

9. What crossing is used to eliminate new breeds of animals?

a) introductory b) absorbing

c) reproductive

10. The body having the same alleles of this gene and does not give in the offspring of splitting, called:

a) heterozygous b) homozygous c) mono-librid

11. What splitting on the phenotype goes in the second law of Mendel? a) 3: 1 b) 1: 2: 1 V) 9: 3: 3: 1 51. Duration of the stallion of the mare?

a) 9 months b) 10 months c) 11 months

12. What is the taste of horses: torso, limb, mane, black tail, on the end of the muzzle, in paces brown breath?

a) Pegaya b) Karakova c) Voronaya

13 .. The production group of pigs do not include:

a) the main modules b) the internal module in) sideways.

14. Name the age of sexual maturity in horses? a) 5 - 6 months b) 6 - 7 months c) 12-20 months

15. At what age pigs are allowed to the first end?

a) 5 - 6 months b) 9 - 10 months c) 12 - 13 months

16. What is the day after the release of the first rooy comes out the second swarm?

a) on the third b) on the ninth c) to the fifth

17. Cost of feed on the production of 1 kg of milk in the breeds of the dairy direction of productivity are:

a) 3-4 k.ed. b) 1 - 1.1 k.ed. c) 2 - 2.3 to.

18. Name the egg cross:

a) flexible-6

b) change c) Rodonit

19. What are the duration of incubation of chicken eggs?

a) 18 days b) 21 days c) 28 days

20. The proportion of lamb in the country's meat balance is: a) 15-16% b) 25-30% c) 3.7-3.8%

Test tasks

1. Name the breed of pigs of rigorous direction of productivity? a) Livenskaya b) Landras

c) big white

2. Overlooking animals in relation to:

a) selection b) inbreeding c) selection

3. What waste is obtained when oil mining from oilseeds? a) bran b) grain sep c) cake and shrot

4. What period of lactation is the greatest fatness? a) start lactation b) end lactation c) mid-lactation

5. Period of complete cessation of the formation and removal of milk from the udder? a) dry period b) start c) service period

6. Using the onset of the economic maturity of a cathedral

a) 12 - 13 months b) 16 - 18 months c) 25 - 27 months

7. Litch, which is prohibited in dairy cattle breeding:

a) hand b) free c) artificial insemination.

8. What amounts of coarse feed should be fed to dry cows at the rate of 100 kg. Live mass?

a) 1.5 - 2 kg b) 2.5 - 3 kg B) 3 - 3.5 kg

9. What the amount of concentrates is advisable to feed cows at the rate of 1 kg. milk?

a) 25 - 50 g) 250 - 300 g) 500 - 600 g

10.Timal duration of the dry period

a) 20 - 40 days b) 45 - 60 days c) 60 - 80 days

11. Specialized dairy breeds of cattle do not include: a) Simmental b) Holsteino -Friza c) black - Pestry

72. What form udd from cows is considered the most desirable? a) bowl-like b) rounded

12. The ratio of fishing for lactation to the live weight of cows is characterized by: a) the coefficient of meat b) the milkness coefficient B) the amount of milk fat.

13. What is the fodder from the most rich in sugar? a) Senage b) carrots

c) feed beet

14. How is the period from the hotel before the launch?

a) service - period b) dry period

c) Lactation

15. What age can be included in the diet calves skimmed milk a) from 4 months. b) from 3 weeks c) from 2 months

16. What amount of digestive protein is required for a bull at a happening period for 1 stern unit?

a) 90- 100 g. b) 100 - 105 g) 120 - 140 g.

17. General physique of the body due to heredity and development conditions:

a) exterior b) interior

c) Constitution

18. What temperature should colostly have colostrum and milk before falling out the calf?

a) 30 degrees b) 32 degrees c) 37 degrees

19. The weight of the calf by the time of the first insemination should be: a) 200 - 220 kg b) 350 - 360 kg c) 270- 290 kg.

20.What is such a slaughter way?

a) the ratio of the slaughter mass to the predist, expressed as a percentage.

b) the ratio of the vibrant mass to clean meat expressed in percent;

c) the ratio of the precent mass to the slaughter mass expressed as a percentage;

Test tasks

1. The difference between the average productivity of the herd and its best part selected in the tribal kernel:

a) correlation b) selection differential c) regression

2. Question of the acidity of milk sample, if on the titration of 10 ml. Milk spent 1.7 ml. Alkali:

a) 18 0 t b) 17 0 t c) 20 0 t

3. Mix 450 liters of milk per kilogram:

a) 463.5 kg b) 440 kg c) 472 kg

4. What is the title of the parents over the parents?

a) inbreeding b) heterosis c) outbreeding

5. Technological selection of animals is:

a) animal selection by external and internal signs; b) the selection of animals adapted to the conditions of industrial technology; c) animal selection by the quality of offspring;

6. Before breeding animal husbandry, the following tasks cost, except one: a) further improvement of animal existing factory breeds; b) the removal of animal new breeds;

c) production of the maximum amount of products;

7. Direct homozygot for dominant sign:

a) AA b) AA B) AA.

8. When sinking a piece of cream or addition, the density of milk: a) decreases b) does not change in) rises

9.Fenotype is a combination of external and internal signs:

a) body b) all individuals of the population c) of all individuals of the species

10. Bonitization This: a) animal evaluation according to certain features; b) animal evaluation according to a set of features, on the basis of which they define their appointments; c) a comprehensive assessment of tribal and productive qualities

animals based on which their grades and production purposes are determined;

11. For this feature, when boning, the cow increases the assessment on the class above: a) for the duration of use b) for high-class parents c) for lactating lodges of the elite class and elite-record

22. How is the coat of coat, shot from the sheep in a holistic form and forming a solid reservoir?

a) Scrug b) fleece c) sheepskin

13. Determine which breed is a question: Peace-loving bees, honey printed "wet" seal, exclusively enterprising when finding sources of feed:

a) Middle Russian b) Carpathian c) gray mining Caucasian

14. Name the sheep of a fur coat direction. a) Askani b) Romanovskaya c) Precos

15. Name the Raying Breed of Bee:

a) Carpathian b) gray mining Caucasian c) Central Russian

16. Per 100 kg of live masses to working horses are required: a) 1.5-2 kg b) 0.5-1 kg c) 4-5 kg

17. What is the task of the horses: the body and the head have brown color, mane and tail, fines of black?

a) Glutaya b) Voronea

18. From what age are juicy feed piglets? a) from weekly

b) from a 20-day c) from a 2-month

19. This cattle breed was removed in the United States, Canada. Has high milk productivity:

a) Dutch b) Holsteino - Frisian c) Simmental

20. What suit from the pigs in the droke breed?

a) white b) redhead c) motley

21. Name the duration of incubation of goose eggs?

a) 26 days b) 28 days c) 30 days

Practical tasks

(in the shape of comparisons, analysis, situational tasks (tasks, cases), through tasks)

Task number 1

Rude part of the rock, well adapted by one or another zonal conditions for breeding.

The breed group is a group of tribal modules, originating from an outstanding generic team and characterized by the similarity of the Constitution and productivity.

The family is a large group of animals, which participates in the process of breeding, but still not having sustainable signs of characteristic breed.

Task number 2.

Set, which direction of productivity corresponds to the cattle breeds: Holstein-Frisian meat breeds, Dutch Shvitskaya, Simmental Kalmytskaya, Hermefood dairy

Combined breeds

Task number 3.

Set the definitions of breed groups:

Factory products are well adapted to certain climatic conditions, late transitional transitions possess highly productivity and the elderness of the aboriginal are created with a significant way of artificial selection, while improving feeding conditions and content

Task number 4.

Set the conformity of concepts:

Embryonalism Similarity The features of an adult organism with children's infantilism Combination of backwardness in the development of the body while maintaining normal ability to reproduce the reproduction of the similarity of the physique of adult animals with an embryo

Task number 5.

Set the conformity of concepts:

Growth high-quality changes, cell content, organ-formation

processes that take place every organism from the fertilized egg to an adult state development increase in the size of the body, its mass occurring due to the accumulation of reserve protein substances in it differentiation the process of occurrence of new, biochemical, functional and morphological features in the body or in separate parts

Task number 6.

Put in accordance with the type of crossing its characteristic:

Task number 7.

Set the conformity of concepts:

Country breeding pairing animals of different types


Pairing animals of the same breed

Hybridization pairing animals of different breeds

Absorbing crossing improvement of the breed, correcting individual deficiencies

Introductory crossing the removal of new animal breeds

Reproductive crossing of the replacement of local unproductive breed per high productive

Task number 8.

Set which genotype the following formulas correspond: Games:


Task number 9.

Gomosigot - genetically inhomogeneous part, resulting from the resulting merger of GaMets with different genes

Heterozygot - these are two forms of the same gene

Allel - a genetically homogeneous individual, obtained as a result of a merger of Games with the same genes

Task number 10.

Install the name of Mendel correspond to the name:

First Law Splitting Rule

Second Law The rule of independent inheritance of signs

Third Law Dominance Rule

Task number 11.

Set the conformity of the definitions:


Service - period

Supported period


Period from the hotel to fruitful


Period from launching to calves

Period from the hotel to launch

Period from seeding to hotel

Task number 12.

Install the sequence of technological operations when pumping honey: Printing honey cells Selection of honey cells

Placing a framework in a medogonka and pumping from them Honey draining honey to bidones or medical resistance Filming Honey

Task number 13.

Create a sequence of technological operations during machine milking of cows: putting on milking glasses on the nipples Machine dodging with a simultaneous massage of quarters of the udder wash and massage Udd connection of the device Monitoring the process of milking process. Disable the device and removal of glasses from nipples.

Task number 14.

Install the sequence of calculations when determining the average fatness of milk per day: We determine the gross one per day. Determine the number of single-survive milk the amount of one-thorough milk Delim on the gross fishing we find the amount of one-threaded milk

Task number 15.

Install the sequence of the feeding elements according to the feed structure: we find the feed units of each feed constitute the structure of the ration we find protein, sugar and other feed nutrients. We determine the balance determining the feed rate we find the feed kilograms. We define the total values \u200b\u200bin all indicators.

Task number 16.

Install the sequence of steps of work in the production of beef in meat cattle breeding: Furming and fattening of youngsters in the winter period The joint content of cows with calves in pastures Conducting seasonal hotels fattening of young people last year in pastures (felling)

Task number 17.

Install the feeding sequence of feed calves of dairy rocks, starting from an early age: concentrated feed of hay juicy feed (Cornefublodes) Silo

Task number 18.

Install the sequence of formation of technological groups with a flowing-deck technology of milk production: the workshop of the split and insemination


Task №19.

Install the sequence of operations in the technological process of production of drinking milk at the dairy plants: Milk normalization Thermal processing of milk Acceptance and sorting of milk Homogenization Cleaning from impurities Spill and packaging cooling Milk storage

Task number 20.

Install the sequence of care of bee families in 12 - and frameworks, starting from the exhibition of bee families from the wintering: expanding the socket insulation and abbreviations of the nest. Running inspection of bee families. Common spring inspection. Shopping

Practical task 1.

    Analyze the diet for cows in the farm. To write down the feed of the diet, calculate its feederness, to verify with the feeding rate of C.15-18. The data is recorded in the form of the following table, draw conclusions and suggestions on the balance of the diet.

    Analyze the diet for pigs in the farm; write down the feed of the diet, calculate nutritionalness, verify with the norm. Data write to the table, draw conclusions and suggestions on the balance of the diet.

Daily diet of pig (dairy cow) live weight ______ kg, fishing _______ kg

Balance (+ ;-)

Practical task 2.

    Give the characteristic of the breed of cattle of the economy by filling out the following table.




medium for the scene


food unit, c


at birth

at the age of first convert

Describe the method of content, means of mechanization of basic technological processes.

    Describe the planned rocks of the pigs of your zone by filling out the following table.



Breed origin

Living mass, kg

Fertility goal.

Skilled meat outlet in the carcass. %

The average daily increase in live weight

Cost costs per 1 kg of increment, feed. units.

growth at birth

fattening young man


repair young

young on fattening

okamm adults




Describe the method of content, means of mechanization of basic technological processes.

Compliance of assessment objects necessary evaluation criteria

Assessment objects (as part of which tasks are implemented)

Criteria for evaluating the result (in accordance with section 1 "Passport customize assessment kit)

Mark of execution

Professional competencies:

PC 1.1. Select agrotechnologies for various crops.

Drawing up the agrotechnical part of the technological map of the cultivation of field C / X cultures

PC 1.2. Prepare sowing and planting material.

Definition of seed sowing

PC 1.3. Care for sowing and planting crops.

Drawing up the agrotechnical part of the technological map of the cultivation of agricultural crops

PC 1.4. Determine the quality of crop production.

GOST, determining the quality of crop production

PC 1.5. Conduct the harvest and primary processing.

Definition of biological crop and analysis of its structure

PC 2.1. Increase soil fertility.

Drawing up agrochemical cartograms and passports of fields

Designing of soil processing systems in crop rotations, taking into account grown crops

Planning measures for the reproduction of soil fertility, taking into account the needs of crops in nutrients

PC 2.2. Conduct agrotechnical measures to protect soils from erosion and deflation.

Environmental requirements for reproduction of soil fertility

Development of anti-erosion complexes for specific zone conditions

PC 2.3. Control the state of reclamation systems.

Identification of the reasons for the deterioration of land

PC 4.1. Participate in the planning of the main indicators of production of crop production.

Physiological processes passing in plants when stored

PC 4.2. Plan the execution of work by performers.

Choosing the optimal timelines and storage modes of crop production

PC 4.3. Organize the work of the labor collective.

Determination of losses when storing and selling crop production

PC 4.4. Control the move and evaluate the results of the execution of works by the performers.

Determination of methods for canning and storage of products

PC 4.5. Move approved accounting and reporting documentation.

Determination of losses during transportation, storage and sale of crop production, substantiation of losses

General competencies:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show sustainable interest.

Observation of educational and extracurricular student activities

OK 2. Organize your own activities, identify methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their efficiency and quality.

Selection and application of methods and methods for solving professional tasks

OK Z. Solve problems, evaluate risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.

The ability to analyze the current situation, estimate the possible risks and based on them to adequate

OK 4. To search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for setting and solving professional tasks, professional and personal development.

Search for information from different sources in accordance with the tasks

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities.

Accompaniment of professional activity withinformation and Communication Technologies

OK 6. Work in the team and team, to ensure its cohesion, effectively communicate with colleagues, management, consumers.

Work in the team within the framework of the functions performed by a specific participant in collective execution of tasks

OK 7. Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with the adoption of responsibility for the result of the tasks.

Organization, motivation and control of subordinate to the team leader

OK 8. Independently identify the tasks of professional and personal development, to engage in self-education, consciously plan to plan advanced training.

Selection of sources of information (library, archives, Internet, regulatory acts); ways to improve the qualifications; Obtaining additional education

distinguish the types and breeds of farm animals, incl. bees;

Observation and assessment of practical work

Evaluation of self-work

Basics of animal breeding

Private animal husbandry

Breeding bees and tribal work at the apiary

evaluate the exterior of the main animal species;

Observation and assessment of practical work;

Analysis of the solution of production situations and practical tasks

Evaluation of self-work

Basics of animal breeding

determine the productivity of agricultural animals, incl. bees;

Observation and assessment of practical work;

Assessment of independent work;

Estimation of solving practical tasks

Basics of animal breeding

Private animal husbandry


basics of production technologies for animal husbandry and beekeeping;

Oral (written) survey;

Programmed survey,

Analysis and assessment of practical work;

Evaluation of reports, messages;

Competitive analysis of abstracts

Private animal husbandry

principles of providing animal husbandry with high-quality feeds and technologies of harvesting and storage of feed;

Oral (written) survey;

Analysis of technological schemes;

Message rating, reports

Basics of animal feeding

Topic 2.5. Feed base of beekeeping and pollination of entomophilic plants

rules for the preparation of rations for farm animals;

Oral (written) survey;

Analysis of solving practical tasks;

Testing, oral poll

Basics of animal feeding

Private animal husbandry

fodder beekeeping base;

Oral (written) survey;

Analysis and evaluation of solving practical settlement tasks;

Feed base of beekeeping and pollination of entomophilic plants

the role of bees in pollination of entomophilic plants and increasing the yield of agricultural crops

Oral (written) survey;

Comparative analysis of practical settlement tasks

Feed base of beekeeping and pollination of entomophilic plants

Terms of performance of tasks:

Lead time tasks Min. / hour. 25 minutes

Labor protection requirements: Instructing safety in the office "Basics of animal husbandry and beekeeper"


Seating in the number of students;

Komarov A.A. Beekeeping. - Tula, 2008.

Zelevsky N.V., Vasilyev A.P., L. L. L.K. Anatomy and physiology of animals. - M.: Academy, 2010.

Internet resource:

Lecture 9 Basics of Livestock

Lecture Plan:

1. Livestock management system

2. Biological bases of animal husbandry

2.2.Porod and its structure

2.4. Elements of tribal work in animal husbandry

3.Oncented feeding of farm animals

3.1. Chemical composition of food

3.2 Classification of feed

3.3. Principles of animal feeding

4. Main branches of animal husbandry

4.1. Cattle breeding

4.2 pig breeding

4.3.The Holemade and goatodservation


1. Livestock management system
Modern animal husbandry, like all agriculture, is distinguished by the growing degree of intensity, developing specialization and transition to industrial technologies. The system of animal husbandry consists of the following main components: the structure of the herd and the rock formation, reproduction of livestock products. All these elements are inherent in every livestock industry (dairy and meat cattle breeding, sheep, pig breeding, poultry farming, etc.). But they are different for different types of farms and objective conditions in which the latter are located. In the future, the presentation shows how the livestock system should be built in modern conditions in order to ensure the necessary economic effect.

2. Biological bases of animal husbandry

Livestock is one of the most important industries of agriculture. The level of production of animal husbandry is largely determined by the fullness of the population and its material well-being.

Livestock is designed to ensure the population of food, industry - raw materials, arable land - organic fertilizer.

Agricultural animals are grown on animal farms, which, depending on the destination, may be tribal and commodity. On tribal farms, work on the improvement of rocks and grown by highly valued animals. Commodity farms are designed to produce livestock products (milk, meat, eggs, leather, wool, etc.).

Livestock includes industry: cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep, goat breeding, horse breeding, poultry farming, rabbit breeding, beverement, reindeer herding, camels, beekeeping, fish farming, etc.

The theoretical basis of animal husbandry is Zootechnia - the science of the production of livestock products by dilution, feeding and rational use of animals. Zootechnia is divided into common and private. General Zootechnia studies common issues of breeding, feeding and animal content and combines such disciplines such as breeding, feeding animals and zoogigienne.

Private petition is developing the technology of conducting individual sectors of animal husbandry and combines such disciplines such as cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep, poultry farming, etc.

The nucleation of zootechnia refers to the ancient centuries. The first descriptions of breeds and instructions on the conduct of animal husbandry are found in the writings of Aristotle (IV century. BC).

Such scientists as A. F. Middendorf, N. P. Cervinsky, P. N. Kuleshov, E.A. Bogdanov, M.Ivanov, I.Spopov, A.Popov, A.Popov, A.P. . Ditro-Chenko and many others.

2.1. Biological properties of animals

Each type and breed of farm animals have characteristic biological properties that determine their productivity: genetic potential for the production of a certain type of product, exterior, interior, constitution, digestion features, fertility, strength, direction of productivity, etc.

Genetic potential characterizes the natural possibilities of the animal to the production of products. Its manifestation is determined by heredity in the transfer of properties and signs by the offspring and adaptation of the body to feeding conditions, containing and technology for obtaining products.

Dairy productivity It is moniturable and characteristic of all mammals. Milk - the secretion of the breast, natural food for newborns. For cows, goats part of the sheep and mares milk is both commodity products. The period of milk is was called lactation. All females it begins immediately after delivery. The duration of the lactation period is in the cows 260 - 310 days, pigs 90 - 120, usheep 120-150, rabbits 45 days. The cows are maximum annual

468 Ways are obtained for the third-fifth lactation. The potential capabilities of the milk productivity of cows are quite high.

Milkness of sows determine conditionally - by weight of the entire nests aged 21 days. Conditional dairy reaches 65 - 70 kg or more.

The milkness of sheep is characterized by the increase and development of the lambs to the departure at three to four months. Meat productivity Agricultural animals depends from species and rocks, as well as on gender, age and feeding conditions and content. The lifetime assessment of meat qualities is carried out by live weight and definition. When the meat productivity is slaughtered, the slaughter mass (mass of carcasses with fat, but without head, leather, indoor and feet to crew and drunk joints) and a slaughter yield (a slaughter mass, expressed as a percentage of the live weight in front of the taste). Slaughter you move Make up,%: Meat cattle 60 - 68, in the milk 45 - 55, in pigs 82 - 85, in the sheep of meat and wool direction - 50 - 55, coat - 40 - 50.

Waste productivity It is characterized by Nastrig with sheep wool and its quality. Thin homogeneous wool is obtained with a sheep of fine-mounted rocks, halftone homogeneous - with half-rigorous and coarse inhomogeneous - with coarse. Nastrig wool with fine-mate reaches 5 - 6 kg, and with rams 10 - 13 kg. The output of the pure fiber is in fine-dimensional breeds 40 - 45, half-rigorous 55 - 60 and coarse 70 - 75%.

Egg Productivity Agricultural bird is characterized by the number of eggs demolished for the year and their average mass. Egg stage of chickens varies depending on the breed and feeding conditions within 120-300 pcs. in year. Eggs of the eggs 50-65. Egg stagedness of ducks 90 - 120, Indeke 70 - 120, geese 12 - 30 pcs. in year.

Exterior - external forms, the physique of animals due to their biological features. It is estimated by the size of the body, the ratio of various parts (articles) of the body (head, neck, withers, chest, back, loin, limbs, etc.), the state of the skin, hair, suit, form and volume of udder, size and shape of nipples and Dr. The exterior is formed in the process of individual development of an animal under the influence of the genotype and environmental conditions.

In appearance, the advantages and disadvantages of individual animals, their health, the direction of productivity and affiliation to the breed are determined. EXTERIOR EXTERIOR EVERYTHING FOR ENVERY WITH MESSABLE INSTRUMENTS: dimensional stick, circula, tapes, and graphically and photographing. The most important industrials are height in the withers, the length of the body, the girth, the width and depth of the chest, the width in the icons, etc. At the ratio of two or more of the interrelated articles, the physique indexes calculate (in%) as an objective characteristic of the physique. More often use the following indexes:

index of stretching (format):

childness index (compactness):

massive index:

chest index:

In cattle breeding on the exterior, animals of milk, meat and combined types are distinguished. When evaluating the exterior, defects defects that reduce the viability and productivity of animals, for example: interception behind the blades, sabotability of the legs, the back of the back, the weakness of the hoofs, etc.

Interior - Features of the inner structure of individual organs, tissues, cells that determine physiological functions and biochemical processes in the body. The interior learning objects are blood, milk iron, the structure of the skin, hair, muscle and bone fabric, body temperature, respiratory rate, pulse rate, etc. According to these indicators, they characterize the direction and level of productivity, breed affiliation and individual features of the animal.

Constitution - A combination of the physiological and anatomical properties of the body that determine its reaction to the impact of the external environment, which have developed under the influence of heredity and conditions of individual development. According to the size of the body, the physique, strength, resolution, the life, nervous activity, productivity and other indicators, the animal can be attributed to a certain type of constitution. P. N. Kuleshov (1854-1936) allocated four types of animal constitution: rough, gentle, dense, loose.

Rough Constitution peculiar to animals primitive rocks. They have a heavy rude head, fat skin and thunderous muscles. Such animals are laterally, unproductive and consumed a lot of feed per unit of increment, but enduring. This type is characteristic of livestock working direction.

Gentle constitution It is characterized by a subtle bone, light head, elastic leather with a large number of folds on the neck and udder. This type is found among specialized dairy and "meat breeds of livestock.

Tight or Dry, constitution It is characterized by a compact physique, strong bones, muscles are well developed, the skin is elastic. The physique is harmonious, and animals are distinguished by intense metabolism. This type of constitution is characteristic of breeds of a dairy-meat direction.

Loose or raw, constitution It is characterized by commodity muscles, thick skin with a well-developed subcutaneous adipose tissue. Animals are well refined. This type is inherent in cultural meat breeds.

Academician M. F. Ivanov allocated the type Strong constitution. Animals of this type are deprived of signs of tenderness, looseness and rudeness. They have good health, high productivity.

Condition of animals. Condition is the physiological condition of the animal and its definition. There are factory, exhibition, working, feeding and training consumers.

Factory Condition Characteristic for tribal animals, when they are cheerful, healthy, but not unnecessarily bathed.

Exhibition Condition - Animals acquire an attractive view due to appropriate feeding and care.

Working condition corresponds to the average defense and high productivity.

Training Condition Infected with animals prepared for testing (mainly horses).

Perfect Condition They have animals designed for slaughter when a nutrient reserve has been accumulated in the body.

Fertility - The ability of animals to reproduction. The amount of the rating depends on the number of matured and fertilized eggs. Corks simultaneously ripen and ovulate 3 - 7 eggs, and only one or two is fertilized; For the calf, the cow usually brings one calf, less often two or more. Record - 7 calves.

In sowers ripen 20 - 40 eggs, of which 10-15 are fertilized, and only 8 - 12 piglets are born. Record - 32 piglets for one support.

The sheep simultaneously matures and ovulate 6-10 eggs, one or two are fertilized; One lamb is born, less often two; Record case - 13 lambs for one side.

Record cases of fertility indicate the potential biological possibilities for increasing animal productivity due to multiploiting

2.2 breed and its structure

The breed of animals appeared as a result of their domestication and breeding, therefore, human labor was spent on their creation. In the wild, animal breeds do not exist.

By definition E.Ya. Borisenko, breed is a holistic group of animals of one species, common origin, characterized by specific morphological and economic useful properties transmitted by inheritance.

The number of animals in the breed should be sufficient to seclude the forced related pairing or crossing with other rocks. P. N. Kuleshov believed that at least 405 thousand individuals should be in the breed.

The breeds of farm animals have their own structure under which it is customary to understand the morning of its structure "Rude, type, line, family.

Grudge - Part of the breed well adapted to dilution under certain climatic conditions. So, in the black-and-motley rock, the Middle Russian, Ural and Siberian Grudges are distinguished. Along with good fitness to specific attitudes, the bias differ in productivity.

A type - Part of the breed having features in the physique and direction of productivity. Thus, among the simmental breed of cattle, milk and meat and meat bands are distinguished, among the pigs of a large white breed there are animals of meat and coarse and meat areas of productivity (intra-stented types).

Line - This is a peculiar highly productive group of tribal animals inside the rock, originating from an outstanding manufacturer (line generator) and having similarities with the exterior and nature of productivity. The line is given name for the nickname manufacturer. As a rule, the lines exist three to five generations, and then new, even more highly productive lines are created. Breeding clean lines and obtaining crosses when crossing them - important methods of improving the breed.

Family - a highly productive group of tribal belly, originating from an outstanding generator and a similar exterior and productivity with it. Families less than numerous flax and less durable than the line.

2.3. Strevious and animal use deadlines

Estimacy is the ability of animals to rapidly mature. There are physiological and economic and economic and economic. The physiological is determined by age in which the belly reaches puberty, and the economic - age "in which you can most rationally use animals to obtain certain products from them. Maximum "Productivity is observed in a mature age, and then it drops, so animals do not contain natural death.

Table 22.

Strevious and animal use deadlines



The duration of the embryonic period, days

The age of the onset of puberty, month

Age of first coating, month

Age of achieving full maturity, years

Average duration, years


economic use



















. 3-4











From 28 to 36




3, rare 5
















and implement on meat as soon as they are. Use becomes unprofitable. In tab. 22 shows the data on the boom and life expectancy of different types of animals and birds.
2.4. Basic elements of breeding in animal husbandry

The main elements of breeding and tribal work are selection and selection in optimal feeding and content conditions and directional cultivation of young people. Selection and selection are the main techniques of high-quality animal improvement.

Selection distinguish natural and artificial.

Natural selection There was under the influence of the natural conditions in which the body existed, and was directed to the best survival rate of certain forms. The greatest action. In animals, the natural selection provided in the first stages of domestication, as well as the content of them in conditions close to natural.

Artificial selection Unlike naturally implemented by a person and aims to improve the productive and tribal qualities of animals. Artificial selection in the skillful hands of a person is a mighty means of exposure: in which direction the selection is made, in this and evolve the breeds of domestic animals. The type of animals, the nature of their productivity, strength and other economic and biological qualities are under the unusual attention of artificial selection.

Artificial selection is divided into unconscious and methodical.

Unconscious selection Man carried out from the moment of the origin of animal husbandry. Leaving for the reproduction of the best animals, he sought to preserve their valuable properties in the offspring. The breed quality of animals with an unconscious selection improved very slowly.

Methodical selection It differs from the unconscious of its purposefulness. Using knowledge and practical experience in the field of tribal case, through the methodological selection of the respondent selection, breeders create rocks of animals with pre-planned qualities.

Selection, or purposeful compilation of the parent to obtain the offspring of the desired quality - one of the methods of improving the breed. Selection and selection belongs to a decisive role in tribal business. Thanks to it, modern factory breeds of all types of farm animals have been created. Selection and selection are closely related to each other. Depending on the type of farming and features of bombing animals, various types of selection are used. If the pairs are selected to correct the shortcomings or enhance the positive qualities of one of the parents at the expense of another parent, then such a selection is called heterogeneous.

Selection of parents with relative similarity is called Uniform.

If the manufacturer's bull is selected separately for each cow, such a selection will be individual And if the group of cows, similar by origin, productive quality, etc., - Group. With any type of quality selection, the manufacturer on the class should be above the females, since "the best with the best gives a better", and "similar with this gives such a thing."

Finding into new environmental conditions, animals adapt to them and undergo a number of changes. This process is called acclimatization. The nature of the changes in animals in the acclimatization process depends on the extent to which the new environment conditions differ from the previous ones. If these differences are not very high, then animals and in new conditions are capable of multiplying normally and give high productivity. With very significant differences between the former and new conditions for the existence, the acclimatization process covers several generations. It should be borne in mind that for successful acclimatization of rocks, the creation of favorable conditions for feeding and content for animals is crucial. Young animals are easier acclimatized than adults. Animals mixed from the hungry climate into hot, the work of it is acclimatized than when moving from a hot climate in the cold. Mountain cattle is better acclimatized on lowlands than low-caliped cattle in mountain conditions

If new environmental factors do not correspond to the biological features of the acclimatizable rock, then it degenerates.

Economic importance and biological features of cattle

Cattle breeding is the leading branch of animal husbandry, which is engaged in the cultivation of cattle. In Ukraine, thanks to the functioning of this sector of the national economy, 99% of milk and 40% of meat are obtained from the total production of these products.

Cattle is obtained by valuable and indispensable food - milk and beef.

Milk contains all the necessary nutrients and in a favorable ratio. Beef and veal are distinguished by high taste and enjoy in high demand in the population. In the human diet, these products should accounterably 50% of the common need for an animal protein.

From cattle breeding is obtained valuable leather raw materials, as well as side products of slaughter (blood, guts, bones, horns, hair, etc.).

The biological properties of cattle allow up to 15-18 months of age to reach a mass of 450-500 kg.

The slaughter yield of meat, which is defined as the ratio of the mass of foods after a slaughter of the animal to the total mass of the animal in front of the taste, expressed as a percentage, for cattle is 50-70%.

Record indicators of the milk of milk reach 20-25 thousand kg of milk per year and up to 100 kg per day. The lactation (DINIING) period lasts 300-305 days, dry - 60-65 days.

Animals achieve economic maturity in 16-19 months of age and are usually used, as a rule, up to 10-12 years of age. Pregnancy period 280-285 days. The calf is born one, less often two or more.

In animals of specialized dairy breeds, physiological sexual maturity occurs earlier than meat. Chicks of dairy breeds under normal feeding conditions for the first time come to hunting in a 6-9-month age, and in bugs, spermatogenesis begins with 7-8 months of age. Economic sexual maturity occurs later and is associated with the ability of animals to reproduce without harm for their health and development. For early animals (Jersey, Dutch, Holstein breed), this age ranges from 15-17, and for Serednylih (Simmental, Shvitskaya and their milfness) - 16-18 months.

cattle is characterized by a relatively long life (35-40 years), which makes it possible to effectively use high-productive animal enhancers. In production conditions, cows contain up to 10-12 years. Normal duration of the use of cows with the productivity of more than 8000 kg of milk under favorable conditions is considered 18-20 years, that is, 15-17 hotels. Bykov-producers in production conditions use up to 8-10 years of age.

Due to the biological characteristics, cattle is able to consume and well absorb cheap herbal food containing a lot of fiber. The presence of a chothicaric stomach has the opportunity to digest fiber to 55-65%.

Microflora in the cattle scar gives it the opportunity to use nitrogenous compounds of non-green nature. Up to 25% of protein in cattle rations can be replaced with synthetic nitrogen compounds, such as urea, ammonium salts, etc. Bacteria scar use nitrogen of these compounds to build their body and they are digested, and their proteins are used by the organism of animals. On the unit of feed cow produce more products than other agricultural animals.

Biological features of cattle make it possible to widely use mechanization in cattle breeding, which makes it possible to organize the production of milk and meat based on industrial technology.

The transition to the industrial basis for the production of livestock production requires improving the quality of animals, increasing their productivity, the adaptation of animals to industrial conditions for the production of livestock production.

Cattle breeding is in close connection with agriculture, providing it with organic fertilizers and getting the necessary feeders that processes into more nutrient foods. Creation in the farms of a durable feed base, conducting cattle breeding at the level of modern scientific knowledge and the expirational mechanization of production will contribute to the further development and intensification of this industry.


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