Trade Rules for IP Food and Non-Fares. Rules for sale of food products in the store Rules for trade changes

33. Goods before their filing in a trading room or a different place of sale should be released from containers, wrapping and linking materials, metal clips. Polluted surfaces or parts of goods must be removed. The seller must also verify the quality of goods (by external signs), the availability of necessary documentation and information on them, to reject and sort goods.

Food products of non-industrial manufacturing implemented in food markets are subject to sale after conducting veterinary and sanitary examination with the issuance of a established sample in the prescribed manner of the established manner, which should be brought to the buyer at its request.

Organizations that carry out the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, before applying alcoholic beverages, check the authenticity of federal grades and excise stamps visually, as well as using access to the information resources of the Federal Alcoholic Market Regulatory Service.

Change information:

Rules are complemented by clause 33.1 from July 1, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of January 28, 2019 N 50

33.1. In the trading hall or other place of sale, the placement (laying) of dairy, dairy composite and milk-containing products should be carried out in a way that allows you to visually separate these products from other food products, and accompanied by the information inscription "products without a milk fat substitute."

34. In the case of pre-sale facility and packaging of commodity goods produced by the seller, the volume of facable goods with short shelf life should not exceed the volume of their implementation within one day of trade.

On the packaged product it is indicated by its name, weight, price per kilogram, the cost of the plumb, the date of the packaging, the expiration date, the number or surname of the weigher.

When selling food products, packaged and packaged by the manufacturer with a weight indicating the packaging, their additional weighing is not made.

Non-fraud and unpaved food products are not subject to sale, with the exception of certain types of goods, the list of which is approved in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law.

35. Rail Food Products are transferred to the buyer in a packaged form without charging the packaging of additional fees.

For packaging uses materials that meet the mandatory requirements established by the legislation

36. The price of food products sold by the Vrazvosis is determined by the weight of the net.

37. At the request of the buyer, gastronomic goods can be sold to him in a sliced \u200b\u200bform.

Bread and bakery products weighing 0.4 kg and more (except for products in the manufacturer) can be cut into 2 or 4 equal parts and sold without weighing.

Bread and bakery products are sold in places of small trade only in packed form.

38. In places in food, food products can be sold related non-food products and catering catering. At the same time, the trade in the associated goods and the provision of catering services should not lead to a deterioration in the quality and safety of food products and the conditions for their sales established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

III. Features of the sale of textile, knitwear, sewing and fur goods and shoes

39. Textile products (fabrics and non-woven materials and products from them), knitwear, sewing goods (clothes, linen, hats), Fur products and shoes before serving in the shopping hall must pass pre-sale preparation, which includes: unpacking, sorting and inspection of the goods; verification of the quality of goods (by external signs) and the availability of the necessary information about the product and its manufacturer; If necessary, cleaning and rebuilding products and their small repair.

40. The goods offered for sale must be grouped by type, models, sizes, growth and exhibited in the trading room. Taking into account the peculiarities of trading in the trading hall, samples of the goods offered for sale, according to which the buyer is given the opportunity to choose and buy the goods you need.

Knitted, sewing, fur products and shoes for men, women and children should be placed in the trading room separately.

The fabrics are grouped by type and genus of the fiber, from which they are made, fur products - by types of fur.

Each sample of fabric should also be accompanied by information on the percentage of fibers, of which it is made, and mechanics from fur - information on the form of fur.

54. Before filing in the shopping room, perfume-cosmetic products are unpacked and inspected, the quality (by external signs) of each unit of goods is checked and the availability of the necessary information about it.

55. The Buyer must be given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the smell of spirits, colognes, toilet water using for this litmus paper, impregnated with fragrant liquid, dullness samples submitted by manufacturers of goods, as well as with other properties and characteristics of the goods offered for sale.

56. When transmitting goods in a package with a cellophane wrapper or branded tape, the buyer should be asked to check the contents of the packaging by removing cellophane or branded tape. The aerosol packaging of the goods is checked by the selling person on the functioning of the packaging in the presence of the buyer.

Vi. Features of the sale of cars, motorcycles, trailers and license plates

57. Cars, motorcycles and other types of motorcycles, trailers and license plates to them must pass pre-sale preparation, species and volumes of which are determined by manufacturers of products. In the service book for goods or otherly replacing its document, the Seller is obliged to make a mark on conducting such training.

58. When demonstrating the goods offered for sale, free access to the buyer has been provided.

VII. Features of sales of jewelry and other products made of precious metals and (or) gemstones

Change information:

61. Sale of jewelry and other products made from precious metals produced in the Russian Federation, imported into its territory to be branded in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is carried out only if there are impurities of state tubes on these products, as well as defensions of the names (for products domestic production).

It is allowed to sell jewelry and other products from silver domestic production weighing up to 3 grams inclusive (excluding insertions) without improving the state tube stigma.

The sale of felling diamonds made from natural diamonds and felling emeralds is carried out only if there is a certificate for each such stone or a kit (batch) of the precious stones sold.

Change information:

62. Information on the sale of jewelry and other products made of precious metals and (or) precious stones, felling emeralds and diamonds, in addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 and these Rules, should contain extractions from regulatory legal acts establishing the procedure for testing, analysis and Jewelry branding and other products made of precious metals and certification of precious stones.

Change information:

63. Jewelry and other products made of precious metals and (or) precious stones before filing to the trade hall must pass pre-sale preparation, which includes inspection and disorder of such products, checking the presence of impudit-stamps and names on them (for products of domestic production ), as well as preservation of seals and shortcuts, sorting sorting.

Change information:

64. Jewelry and other products made of precious metals and / or precious stones issued for sale should be grouped by their purpose and have partial labels with the name of the product and its manufacturer, the type of precious metal, the article, samples, mass, species, and Characteristics of inserts, including the processing method that has changed the quality-color and value characteristics of the gemstone, as well as the prices of the product (prices per 1 gram of the product without inserts).

When used as inserts of artificial origin materials with characteristics (properties) of precious stones, information on the labels should be indicated that this stone is not precious.

Change information:

65. Jewelry and other products made of precious metals and (or) precious stones, as well as faceted precious stones must have an individual packaging.

Change information:

66. When the purchased goods are transferred to the buyer who sells sales, checks the presence of a state tube writing on it and its quality, the presence of a name of the name (for products of domestic production), as well as a certificate for a fire-shaped gem.

Change information:

67. At the request of the buyer in its presence, weighing the acquired jewelry and other products from precious metals and (or) precious stones without a label weighing up to 1 kg on scales having a mass definition error of no more than 0.01 g, and weighing 1 kg to 10 kg - on scales having an error of determining not more than 0.1 g.

Change information:

68. In the case when in order to verify the correctness of the product marking, including the masses, a shortcut is removed, an act is drawn up with the subsequent indication of the act's number on the duplicate store. The manufacturer's label is preserved and placed on the product together with duplicate.

69. In the event that the cash check on the goods does not contain the name of the goods, the sample, the appearance and characteristics of the gems, the article, together with the goods, the buyer is transferred to the shop, which indicates this information, the name of the seller, the date of sale and the price of goods and the person, directly Sale of goods, the signature is affixed.

VIII. Features of the sale of drugs and medical devices

70. Sale of drugs (dosage drugs ready for use and intended for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human and animal diseases, preventing pregnancy, increase animal productivity) is carried out in accordance with the federal law "On the circulation of medicines" and taking into account the characteristics, defined by these rules.

71. Information on drugs In addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 of Article 46 of the Federal Law "On Drug Treatment", should contain information on the state registration of the drug with an indication of the number and the date of its state registration (with the exception of drugs manufactured by the seller (pharmacy institution) on the recipes of doctors).

72. Information on medical devices (tools, devices, devices, equipment, materials and other products used for medical purposes separately or in combination between themselves, as well as with other accessories necessary to apply the specified intended products, including special software and designed by the manufacturer for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and medical rehabilitation of diseases, monitoring the state of the human body, conducting medical research, restoration, substitution, changes in the anatomical structure or physiological functions of the body, preventing or interrupting pregnancy, the functional purpose of which is not implemented by pharmacological, immunological , genetic or metabolic impact on the human body) in addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 and these Rules, should contain information about the issue and date of the registration certificate for a medical product issued The Federal Health Supervision Service is in the prescribed manner, as well as taking into account the characteristics of a specific type of goods, information about its purpose, method and conditions of application, action and the effect, restrictions (contraindications) for use.

73. The seller must provide the buyer information about the rules of drug leave.

74. The seller must provide the sale of drugs of the minimum range needed to provide medical care, the list of which is established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

75. Medicinal preparations and medical products before filing to the trading room must pass pre-sale preparation, which includes unpacking, sorting and inspection of the goods; Check the quality of goods (on external signs) and the availability of the necessary information about the product and its manufacturer (supplier).

Pre-sale preparation of medical devices includes, if necessary, also remove the factory lubricant, check the completeness, assembly and commissioning.

76. The sale of drugs and medical devices is made on the basis of customers of recipes for doctors decorated in the prescribed manner, as well as without recipes in accordance with the instructions for the use of drugs and medical devices.

IX. Features of animal and plants

78. Information on animals and plants offered to sell, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules, should contain their species name, information about the features of content and breeding.

The seller should also provide information about:

the date and number of the technical testimony (for goods for which mandatory requirements for confirming their suitability for use in construction) are established;

storage conditions (for goods in respect of which required required requirements for storage conditions).

82. Household chemical goods before serving them in the trade hall (placement at the place of sale) must pass pre-sale preparation, which includes exemption from transport packaging, sorting goods, checking the integrity of the packaging (including the functioning of aerosol packaging) and the quality of goods (by external signs ), the availability of the necessary information about the product and its manufacturer, instructions for the use of goods, the correctness of the price.

83. Offered for sale, household chemical goods must be grouped by type depending on the purpose of products in order to ensure the convenience of their choice.

84. When transferring to the buyer of household chemicals in aerosol packaging, checking the functioning of packaging in the commercial premises is not performed.

Xi. Features of selling pesticides and agrochemicals

86. Information on pesticides and agrochemicals In addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 and these Rules, as well as provided for in Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Safety Control Pesticides and Agrochemicals", should contain information about the number of Pesticide or Agrochimicate state registration, the class of its danger, The concentration of the active substance, the mass of the net or volume, the date of manufacture, first aid for poisoning.

At the request of the buyer, the Seller is obliged to acquaint him with a copy of the certificate of state registration of a pesticide or agrochemical.

87. Pesticides and agrochemicals before filing to the trade hall must pass pre-sale preparation, which includes unpacking and checking the quality of packaging; sorting; checking availability of necessary information, instructions for use, price correctness.

88. In the commercial hall of pesticides and agrochemicals should be grouped by appointment (insecticides to protect plants, insecticides to protect animals, fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides, mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers, soil soils, meliorants, feed additives).

The seller must ensure compliance with the mandatory security requirements for storage, placement in the trading hall and selling pesticides and agrochemicals.

89. The sale of pesticides and agrochemicals is carried out only in the manufacturer's packaging.

XII. Features of selling copies of audiovisual works and phonograms, programs for electronic computing machines and databases

90. The sale of copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, programs for electronic computing machines and databases in the implementation of retail trays and tents are not allowed.

When selling copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, programs for electronic computing machines and databases, the Seller must provide the Buyer in addition to the information specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules, the following information about the goods proposed for the sale, the presence of which on each instance (package) is mandatory:

the name, location of the manufacturer of an instance of an audiovisual work, phonogram, programs for electronic computing machines and databases;

technical characteristics of the carrier, as well as records of audiovisual work, phonograms, programs for electronic computing machines and databases;

record number for electronic computing machines or databases if they have been registered.

Regarding copies of films, the seller must provide the buyer also the following information:

number and date of the rolling certificate issued in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

the names of the film, countries and studios, on which the film is filmed, the year of its release;

magmade filming data (genre, abstract, information about the author of the script, director, composer, performers of major roles, etc.);

the duration of the film (in minutes);

91. Copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, programs for electronic computing machines and databases before filing to a trading room (placement at the place of sale) must pass pre-sale preparation, including inspection and testing of packaging integrity of each product, as well as the availability of the necessary product information and Its manufacturer, the absence of which prevents the seller in full compliance with the requirements provided for in paragraph 90 of this Regulation.

92. When transferring paid goods to the Buyer, the seller checks the integrity of its packaging, and at the request of the buyer provides him with the opportunity to familiarize himself with the fragments of the audiovisual work, phonograms, programs for electronic computing machines and databases. The shopping chassions should be technically equipped in order to provide the buyer with the ability to check the quality of purchased copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, programs for electronic computing machines and databases.

93. Sale of copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, programs for electronic computing machines and databases are carried out only in the manufacturer's packaging.

XIII. Features of selling weapons and cartridges for it

94. Sale of civil arms intended for citizens use for self-defense, for sports and hunting, main parts (trunk, shutter, drum, frame, boron box) of civil and service (if their customers are citizens awarded service weapons) of firearms) (hereinafter referred to as the weapon), as well as cartridges to civil arms are carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Weapons", the rules of the turnover of civil and official weapons and cartridges for it in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814, as well as features defined by these Rules.

95. Each unit offered for sale of weapons (with the exception of mechanical sprayers, aerosol and other devices, equipped with tear or irritating substances) should have an individual number, weapons made from January 1, 1994, in addition, stigma, and each primary packing of cartridges - Compliance sign according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

96. Information on weapons In addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 and these Rules, taking into account the specifics of specific weapons contain information on the content of precious metals and precious stones in artistic arms models; Order of return to the seller to destroy technically faulty mechanical sprayers, aerosol and other devices, cartridges, equipped with tear or irritating substances, or indicated goods, the shelf life or storage of which has expired.

97. The pre-sale preparation of weapons and cartridges may include unpacking, decomposition, cleaning and lubrication of weapons; Opening of sealed cartridges; External examination of weapons and cartridges, checking the imaging of the manufacturer and individual number and their compliance with the established samples and passport data; Checking the availability of information on the implementation of the control shooting of firearms with a rifle barrel, about the form, sample and mass of precious metals, the form, the number and characteristic of inserts from precious stones used in artistic arms; verification of the completeness, technical condition of weapons, the availability of the necessary information about the product and its manufacturer, correct price; If necessary, assembling and adjusting weapons.

98. The weapons and cartridges proposed for sale should be placed in the trading room, have labels indicating the name, brand, models, price of goods, as well as brief annotations containing its main technical characteristics.

99. At the request of the buyer, it must be familiar with the device of the weapon mechanism, which should be demonstrated in the assembled and technically good condition.

100. The sale of weapons and cartridges is carried out when submitting the following documents by the Buyer:

passport or other document certifying the buyer's personality;

license to acquire a certain type and type of weapons;

license or permission for storage, storage and wearing weapons (for the acquisition of basic and spare parts and cartridges to weapons belonging to the buyer);

the document certifying the right of the buyer for hunting, and permission to store and carry weapons used for hunting (to acquire hunting cold weapons).

101. Together with the goods, a commercial check, signed by a person who directly sells the sale, which indicates the name of the goods and the seller, brand, type, individual arms number, date of sale and price of goods, information about precious metals and precious stones used in artistically decorated weapons, information about the control shooters made of firearms with rifle barrel (in the absence of such information in the passport on weapons); The supplies and documents installed by the manufacturer, as well as a license filled with the seller (permission) of the buyer for the purchase (wearing, wearing and storage) of weapons or a document certifying the buyer's right to hunt.

102. Upon receipt of the goods, the Buyer checks the correctness of the seller of the license (permission) of the buyer for the purchase (wearing, wearing and storage) of weapons or a document certifying the right of the buyer to hunt (against hunting cold clink weapons) is written in a license as well as in the book accounting of the seller.

103. Buyer when replacing weapons, the cartridges of improper quality or in case of returning during the termination of the contract, it is obliged to submit to the seller a document certifying his personality, as well as a license (permission) for the acquisition (wearing, wearing and storage) of weapons whose owner it is or Document certifying his right to hunt.

Replacing weapons, improper quality cartrons are made on the model corresponding to the type and type specified in the license (resolution) of the buyer for the purchase (wearing, wearing and storage) of the weapon, the owner of which it is, or in the document certifying its right to hunt.

Replacing weapons, random quality cartridges or their refund when terminating the contract is made to the act in the prescribed manner.

XIV. Features of the sale of building materials and products

104. Forest and lumber (Round timber, timber, boards, hill business and dr.), Wood and wood materials (parts Wooden, blocks of door and window, sets for the construction of garden houses, household buildings, etc.), construction Materials (brick, cement, crushed stone, sand, base and pavement blocks, reinforced concrete poles, roofing, hydro and thermal insulation materials, glass, etc.), metal products (pipes, fasteners, rolling recent materials, wire, metal mesh, etc. ), tools (manual tools for metal processing, wood, tools measuring, for painting works, etc.), construction products (sanitary equipment, lock-hardware, wallpapers, linoleum, artificial finishing materials, etc.) must pass pre-sale Preparation, which includes the inspection of the goods, its disorder and sorting, checking the completeness, availability of the necessary information about the product and its manufacturer.

105. Building materials and products are placed separately in size, brands, varieties and other characteristics that determine their scope and consumer properties.

106. Selection by the buyer of building materials and products can be carried out both in the trading room and directly in places of their storage.

107. Information on the sale of building materials and products, in addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 and these Rules, must contain information on the material, finishing, brand, type, amount, grade, and other main indicators characterizing this product, taking into account the characteristics of the specific product. .

When selling building materials in a specific completion (garden houses, economic buildings, etc.), the consumer must be provided with information containing information about the name and number of products included in the set, degree and methods of their processing (the presence and method of impregnation, humidity and drying method and etc.).

108. Glass sheet is sold with whole sheets or cuts in size specified by the buyer.

The remnants of glass up to 20 centimeters are incorporated by the buyer and are issued along with the main purchase.

109. Fixed fasteners implemented by weight, sold on a specially equipped, equipped with weight-measuring devices.

110. The seller must provide the buyer with the ability to check the correctness of the weight, measures and the types of purchased goods. For these purposes, information is available for the buyer, information is placed with the indication of the coefficients for the transfer of round forest and lumber into a dense Kuboomass, lumber cubs, the rules of their measurement. At the request of the buyer, the Seller is obliged to acquaint him with the procedure for measuring building materials and products established by standards.

111. Together with the goods, the Buyer transmits the manufacturer's documentation related to the goods. If the cash check does not contain the name of the goods, the main indicators characterizing this product, and the number of goods, the buyer is also transferred to the sales check, which indicates this information, the name of the seller, the date of sale and the price of goods and the person who directly sells the goods is affixed.

112. When transferring construction materials and products in a specific completeness, the transfer person checks in the presence of the buyer's presence of products included in the kit, as well as the availability of documentation supplied to this product, including the design of building materials and products, instructions for assembling.

113. The seller must provide conditions for the export of forest and building materials by the transport of the buyer.

XV Features of selling furniture

114. Information about furniture In addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11

about functional purpose;

about materials from which furniture and which are used during its finishing;

about methods, timing, conditions of delivery and transfer of goods to the buyer.

115. Furniture samples offered for sale must be exhibited in the trading room in such a way as to provide free access to buyers for inspection.

116. The seller is obliged to exercise the pre-sale preparation of furniture, which includes checking the completeness, the presence of the necessary parts for assembling, the furniture assembly schemes (if furniture is collapsible), as well as checking all objects included in the set (headset) of furniture.

XVI. Features of the sale of liquefied hydrocarbon gas

119. Sale is subject to filled with liquefied hydrocarbon gas (hereinafter referred to as gas) cylinders who have undergone technical examination and in good condition.

120. Information on gas and gas cylinders In addition to the information specified in paragraphs 11 and these Rules, it must contain information:

about the gas brand and its physicochemical indicators;

on the technical condition of the balloon (the balloon number, the mass of the empty cylinder, the date of its manufacture and the date of the next technical examination, working and test pressure, capacity), which are indicated on the surface of the cylinder or the plate attached to it.

121. Gas filled cylinders must pass pre-sale preparation, which includes an inspection of a cylinder, checking its technical condition for the tightness and presence of mechanical damage (by external signs), checking the level of gas filling in the weighing method or another method that ensures the indicated control, as well as availability of the necessary information about the product.

122. The buyer has the right to demand a control weighing of a gas cylinder.

123. The Seller is obliged to familiarize the buyer who independently transports the acquired gas cylinder, with the rules of security during its transportation, as well as when replacing the empty cylinder.

124. Together with a filled gas balloon, a shopping check is transmitted to the buyer, which indicates the name of the seller, the balloon number, the weight of the gas in the cylinder, the price of the goods, the date of sale, and the signature of the person directly sells the sale is also affixed.

Simultaneously with the goods, the Buyer passes the text of the rules for the safe use of gas in everyday life.

XVII. Features of the sale of non-periodic publications

125. Information on the non-periodic publications offered for sale (books, brochures, albums, cartographic and music editions, sheets, calendars, booklets, editions reproduced on technical information media) In addition to the information specified in paragraph 11 of this Regulation, must contain:

output in accordance with the requirements of standards;

information on the procedure for the implementation of a preliminary order for the acquisition of non-periodic publications, if such a form of trade is applied by the seller.

At the request of the buyer, the Seller provides its disposal reference bibliographic information on issued non-periodic publications.

126. Non-periodic editions before placement in places Sales must pass by pre-sale preparation, which includes an inspection of the goods in order to verify the external signs of the lack of defects (printing marriage, damage) and the availability of the necessary information about the publication, as well as a complete set of applications and the superstar. Editions reproduced on technical media information is additionally checked by the integrity of the packaging of each unit of goods and the presence of a publisher's branded sign (manufacturer).

127. Non-periodic editions commercially available in the commercial hall or entered into catalogs of publications available.

Instead of price tags, decorated in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 19 of these Rules, it is allowed to designate the price on each exhibited copy of the edition.

The buyer must be given the opportunity to unhindered familiarization with the content of the proposed non-periodic publications and verification of the quality of paid goods. For this purpose, the sales of publications reproduced on technical media, the seller must have the appropriate audio, video or computer equipment.

128. Sale on subscribing a multi-volume non-periodic publication emerging in the light of individual volumes is carried out on the basis of a written agreement, which should include a proprietary name (name), location (legal address) of the seller, surname, name, patronymic and place of residence of the buyer, The name of a multi-volume edition, the number of volumes included in the publication, the price of the publication, the final transfer period of the publication as a whole, the payment procedure, the procedure for notifying the buyer about the volume of volumes, the time of receiving the next volume after notice. The agreement may be included in the contract.

XVIII. Features of the sale of non-food goods, used

129. Information on the used goods in addition to the information specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules should contain information on the state of the goods existing in it by the disadvantages carried out in relation to the goods of sanitary-anti-epidemic activities, technical specifications (for technically complex goods), the appointment of goods and the possibility of using it for its intended or for other purposes.

The information characterizing the state of the used product, including its disadvantages, is indicated on the commodity label.

In case, a used product is offered for sale in respect of which information should be provided for confirming its compliance with the established requirements, shelf life or service life, but there is no such information, the seller when selling the specified goods is obliged to inform the buyer that the consistency of the goods The established requirements should be confirmed, the shelf life or service life must be installed on it, but there is no information about it.

130. Not subject to the sale of used medical products, drugs, personal care products, perfumery and cosmetic products, household chemicals, linen products sewing and knitted, hosiery, dishes of one-time use.

131. Former use of goods must pass pre-sale preparation, which includes inspection of goods, sorting them by type and degree of loss of consumer properties, quality check (for external signs), product performance, completeness, and the availability of necessary documentation.

If the goods are offered for sale, in respect of which, in accordance with the sanitary rules, sanitary and anti-epidemic measures should be carried out (cleaning, washing, disinfection, disinsection), but documents confirming their conduct are missing, the seller is obliged to conduct the specified activities. In the process of pre-sale preparation of goods.

132. The goods offered for sale should be grouped by type.

133. When transmitting technically complex household goods, used, the buyer is simultaneously transmitted (if the seller has) relevant technical documents (technical passport or other, replacing its document, instruction manual), as well as a warranty card for goods confirming the buyer's right to use the remaining warranty period.

134. The buyer who was sold by the used goods of improper quality, if its disadvantages were not specified by the seller, has the right to prevent the requirements provided for in paragraph 27 of these Rules in his choice.

The requirements specified in paragraphs of the second and fifth of paragraph 27 of these Rules may be charged by the Buyer, unless otherwise follows from the nature of the goods or the essence of the obligation.

1. Cars, motorcycles and other types of motorcycles, trailers and license plates to them, except for goods intended for the use of disabled people, walking courts and plaques

3. Electrical appliances used as toilet and medical supplies (electric shaver, electrophane, hair curling electric shirts, medical electricallylectrics, electric facilities, electrobints, electroopes, electric power, electrophane brushes, electro-cards, electric toothbrushes, hair clippers and hair cutting and hair Other devices that have contact with mucosa and skin intercourse)

4. Electrical appliances used for thermal processing of products and cooking (domestic furnaces of microwave, electric furnaces, toasters, electric jigsaws, electric kettles, electrical heaters and other goods)

5. Civil weapons, main parts of civil and service firearms.

non-food goods of proper quality, not refundable or exchange for similar goods of other size, forms, dimensions, style, coloring or configuration
(appliance. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55)

With changes and additions from:

1. Products for the prevention and treatment of diseases at home (Items of sanitation and hygiene made of metal, rubber, textiles and other materials, tools, instruments and equipment Medical, oral hygiene products, lenses Points, Child care products, Medicinal drugs)

2. Objects of personal hygiene (toothbrushes, comb, hairpins, hair curlers, wigs, shigns and other similar products)

3. Perfume and cosmetics

4. Textile goods (cotton, linen, silk, woolen and synthetic fabrics, products from non-woven materials like fabrics - ribbons, braid, lace and others); Cable products (wires, cords, cables); Construction and Finishing Materials (Linoleum, Film, Carpets and Others) and other products allowed for a Metrap

6. Products and materials, fully or partially made of polymeric materials and food and food and kitchenware and kitchenware, containers and packaging materials for storage and transportation of food products, including for one-time use)

11. Technically complex domestic goods that are installed warranty periods (machines metal-cutting and woodworking household; electrical machinery and instruments; household radio electronic equipment; household computing and multiplication; photo and film equipment; telephone sets and fax equipment; electrical tools; toys; Electronic; household gas equipment and devices; watches and pocket mechanical, electron-mechanical and electronic, with two or more functions)

12. Civic weapons, main parts of civil and service firearms, Cartridges for it

13. Animals and plants

14. non-periodic publications (books, brochures, albums, cartographic and music editions, sheets, calendars, booklets, publications reproduced on technical information carriers)

Today, the sphere of trade is one of the developed. It works on the basis of legally established norms. There are many types of business that should be performed competently and safely. The 2017 Trade Rules made some changes to this sphere. Each entrepreneur needs to know them that their work is legal.

Main norms

Sale of goods is considered in demand business. In each sphere (food and non-food products), there are features. The government is constantly produced by new rules that should respect business owners.

Rules for the sale of food products suggest training before implementing. The following requirements should be applied to trade institutions:

  • Retail pavilions must have a legally - legal form, address, name, sign with a profile of activity.
  • Before selling, goods are put on the shelves, sorting them by types, as well as comply with the storage modes. Mandatory rule is the availability of price tags and brief information about the goods.
  • Sellers can only work with the presence of a medical record, shape, headdress. Its appearance should be neat. Mandatory requirement is the presence of a plate with FULL NAME, position and organization.
  • The goods must have a corresponding price, shelf life, implementation standards.
  • In the 2017 Trade Rules there are the rules necessary to comply with the rights of buyers. For trade requires serviceable scales, cash regards, complaints and corners of buyers.

These are only the main rules that must be abide by the entrepreneur in the implementation of food products. Changes are associated with improving the quality of work.

How should the shopping pavilion work?

It is important to know the rules applied to the work of the trading pavilion. The sign must be information about the institution. If you take into account the internal organization, then you must specify the guidelines:

  • Location of goods.
  • Full name
  • Price price for services if they are implemented in this institution.

The buyer's corner should include information about the rules for the sale of goods, contacts. If raw meat is realized, for consumers it is necessary to place a poster with a split product on the varieties.

In 2017, there were changes regarding the price tags that the goods should be. The packaged products should have deposits with the title, weighing, price. The same rules are also packaged. Details of the organization marked on the price tag should be easily readable, as well as with printing and signature of a responsible person.

In stores necessarily the presence of good scales that have to be denominated by control bodies. If the goods have a flaw, it should be denoted by the information plate. This must be informed by customers. When fulfilling all rules of problems with Rospotrebnadzor will not be.

Sanitary norms

When selling food and non-food products, it is important to comply with sanitary standards. Adjusts this area of \u200b\u200bSanPin No. 2. 3. 5. 021-94. It has GOSTS and decisions on the basis of which the trading sphere is regulated. On them, Rospotrebnadzor performs checks.

It is impossible to place fish stores, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is more than 1 square meters. m., on the base and second floors. Goods are forbidden to lay out about windows and entrances to the house. It is not allowed to perform night unloading of goods if the store is in residential buildings.

If these conditions are not observed, the control body imposes a fine. Rospotrebnadzor has the right to suspend trade activities if repeated and gross violations were found. Implementation of all requirements depends on the experience and conscientiousness of the organization.

Selection of land

With the construction of a new pavilion, it is necessary to take into account the norms of Sanpina. When choosing a land plot for trade, you need to focus on the following rules:

  • The territory should not be marshy.
  • Nearby cannot be trash dumps.
  • It is forbidden to find a number of animal breeding enterprises, as well as for processing.

Food trade rules establish rules for the quality of the water supply. A new building must have this system. If the store is placed in a residential building, the sewage should not be combined with the general one. It must be separate because it has a stronger load on the drainage system. Maybe the norms will still be changed in the future, but these requirements are now operating. Therefore, they are mandatory for execution.


A contract is concluded between the buyer and the seller in the sale of goods. This is a commodity check. Since 2017, the buyer may make requirements without this payment document. The fact of purchase is confirmed by witnesses, video cameras. When selling goods on a loan about buying, a loan agreement is evidenced. Payment for products can be carried out in cash and through maps.

The check must be named, TIN, device number, check, date, time, price, fiscal print. There is also a commercial check, which also serves as a confirmation of the transaction. It refers to the article, variety, type of product. A commercial check is issued at the request of the buyer. It contains store details, printing and signature.

Cash registers and price tags

Organizations that paying UTIIs and IP working on the patent tax system can act without a cash register. Confirm the purchase can any document that serves for these purposes. Although there are no requirements for the acquisition of the cash register, all the same commodity checks should be issued for each purchase.

The law did not have changes about the price tags. If it does not comply with the rules, this is a violation. Such a phenomenon causes the imposition of a fine to the organization. The price tag should be product information. They are made in one style. The goods must be paid at the price that is listed on it.

Other rules

Not many requirements are presented to ventilation. The main thing is that it is autonomous. For lighting devices, there are also no strict requirements because they are manufactured based on modern norms. Equipment and finishing of trading establishments is important. Refrigerators and showcases must comply with fire standards and layout.

If the pavilion has a special discharge, then additional requirements are imposed. For example, when selling fresh food products, a warehouse with high-quality ventilation is required. It must comply with the mode and absent natural lighting.

Sale of alcohol

With the trading of beer in 2017, I also need to take into account some changes. The sale of these drinks in plastic bottles was limited. Implementation will be carried out within the framework of the EGAIS. The legislation was prohibited by selling goods in PET containers with a volume above 1.5 liters. Restrictions relate to all alcoholic beverages.

Due to violations of the norms on the management of the shopping institution, a fine is superimposed. If on the volume of the bottle will be higher approved norms, then you will have to pay within 300 - 500 thousand rubles. Officials will be required to pay 100 - 200 thousand rubles. This decision was made to improve the quality of goods. The production of beer drinks in such containers could allow violating technologies, which influenced consumer properties. This led to the threat of people's lives.

Principles of Egas

The rules of trading in beer are carried out on the basis of the standards of the EGAIS, which have been operating since 2017. This mechanism is necessary to track the movement and sale of alcoholic beverages, which allows to eliminate the shadow market. The alcohol sales store must have a special scanner recognizing information from each bottle and transmitting it to a single base. Also in each check is a two-dimensional barcode. Based on this information, the buyer can make sure that the goods are authenticated.

EGAIS improves quality quality control. Such a system reduces the sale of "shadow alcohol", which increases tax receipts. For many businessmen, it became difficult. Manufacturers increase the cost of transferring information. If the norms of the EGAIS will not be observed, then this leads to fines of 0.5 million rubles.

If any violations are revealed in the field of trade, then it is necessary to contact the authorities to protect the rights of consumers. It is necessary to write a statement on the fact of illegal act, after which experts will check. This can be associated with inspiring, poor-quality goods, overpriced price, etc. If specialists have identified violations, the store management is attracted to responsibility.

Organizations specializing in the sale of food products are the most complex in the field of trade. Conducted by various difficulties in organizing a business from the law, which makes high demands on retail stores. This area is actively developing and, according to experts, in the near future the most stable will be those stores that are focused on the middle and lower price segment.

Any trading activity is subordinated to the rules of trade, which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Qualified lawyers of our portal have the opportunity, free of charge, to provide a consultation and explain what trade rules exist and changes made in 2020.

The sale of goods is the most popular view of the business that entrepreneurs choose. Each category of goods (food, non-food) has its own rules and features. At the legislative level, the Government is accepted and the requirements that each seller must know and use in their work activity.

The rules for the implementation of food products for retail stores of 2020 imply the procedure for the preparatory process before implementation. The requirements of 2020 are listed below, which are obliged to be carried out throughout the process of implementing goods for retail stores:

  1. Retail pavilions are required to have a legal framework, have an address, name, signboard with a mode of operation and a profile of activity.
  2. Preparation. All products before selling must be laid on the counter. The goods are obliged to be sorted by type, view and department, observing the storage mode. The presence of price tags and a brief description of goods - be sure.
  3. Sellers. Requirements for the presence of honey jn, uniform clothing, neat appearance and the presence of a headdress are presented to employees of the food products. Each employee is obliged to wear a newspaper, indicating the organization, held by the post and name of the employee.
  4. Products. The basic requirements include - shelf life, storage conditions, implementation procedure, price, etc.
  5. Other requirements. These are mainly the conditions that are aimed at complying with consumer rights - scales, cash register, availability books of complaints and a consumer corner.

These are only the basic rules and requirements that are put forward to the sale of food products with retail stores. Next, sanitary rules, norms, standards and changes that have entered into force in 2020 will be considered.

Separately, it is necessary to note those rules and norms that apply to the organization of the work of the trading pavilion. Based on the foregoing, the store must have an external sign in which information about the organization should be specified. Regarding the rules of the domestic organization, the head of the store is obliged to place landmarks for the consumer, namely:

  • pointers about the location of sections or groups of goods;
  • FIO FIO Trading Department;
  • Price for services rendered in the store (if any).

Also in the corner of the consumer, it is necessary to provide customers with information on the rules of retail sales and contact details about organizations that regulate the activity of the store.

It is necessary to pay attention to that if the pavilion sells raw meat, then on a visible place for the buyer, you need to place an information poster about the destruction of meat in its varieties.

It is worth considering the design of price tags for products. So, in 2020, the following requirements apply to the design of the price tags:

  1. Products, packaged in the store should have a liner indicating the name, weight and prices. The same standards should contain packaging.
  2. Details of the Organizations specified on the price tag should be easily readable and to be certified by the seal of the company and the signed of the employee who is material responsibility.
  3. The presence of weights in the store is necessarily. Any measuring equipment must be regularly and have marks about checking the appropriate organ.
  4. This product, which has a defect or disadvantage, should be equipped with an information plate. The client when buying this product must also be informed about its defect in oral form.

Thus, observing all the standards for the sale of food products in 2020, it is possible to protect themselves from unscheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor, and always keep at a high level of the reputation of the organization.

Sanitary standards and requirements

The main act, which regulates the rules for facilities where goods are being implemented is Sanpin No. 2.3.5. 021-94 "Sanitary Rules for Food Trade Enterprises." It contains generalized rules of other legislative documents: SNIP-S, GUT, decrees, etc. These standards are valid in 2020. Rospotrebnadzor monitors the fulfillment of all the requirements of SanPiN-A.

There are norms extending to all firms employed in food trade: warehouses, sales bases, storage facilities, retail and wholesale stores, etc. In the case of designing a new object or reconstruction of old commercial premises, you need to stick to Sanpin-a. Only in agreement with the Rosprotonnadzor you can enter new objects into operation.

All standards, the above-mentioned document are divided into the "cut-off" and "compliance" standards. From the position of the law, the "cut-off norms" make it difficult to open retail stores. And the "standards of conformity" allow you to carry out proper refinement over the room to fulfill all the requirements and open a trading pavilion.


  1. Placing fish stores, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is higher than one thousand sq.m., in residential buildings of the basement or second floors.
  2. It is prohibited to upload and unload the goods near the windows or entrances to the house. It is necessary to carry out these actions only from the end of a residential building that do not have window openings, on the part of the road, if the store has special rooms equipped for this room.
  3. It is strictly prohibited to carry out the night-loading, loading-loading of goods in stores located in a residential building. If there are claims from tenants, it will be a reason for the visit of the verifier organ.

When identifying violations, the organization may impose penalties that range from five minimum wage and higher. In the event that serious violations were found or repeated, Rospotrebnadzor has the right to suspend the work of the retail point for three months or to close the store.

Most of the requirements and rules of SanPiN-A and SNIP-OS refer to "conformity standards". The fulfillment of them all depends on the knowledge, experience and conscientiousness of the organization.

You can get full information about all the rules for the implementation of food products operating in 2020, you can have qualified lawyers of our portal. Employees will answer all your questions around the clock online free of charge.

Norms and standards in the choice of land

When erecting a new retail pavilion, it is necessary to refer to SanPiN-Ohm in 2020, at the stage of the recruitment stage. The main requirements include:

  • the locality under the site is not chosen wetlable;
  • the absence of a number of garbage dumps;
  • the absence of a number of animal breeding organizations and processing enterprises, etc.

SNiP 2.04.01-85 regulates the premises of the pavilion of food products in the field of water supply system. Based on this act, the construction of a new building without an internal sewage system is prohibited. In the event that the store is located, for example, in a residential object, its sewerage should not be combined with the house sewage system. Thus, it is necessary to equip a separate branch. It is caused by the fact that food pavilions bear a major burden on the central system of drainage.

In addition, in the rules of this SNIP-A, other additional requirements are prescribed, which must be taken into account when selecting the room for a food store.

Additional requirements

Regarding the ventilation system when choosing an object under the product pavilion, Rospotrbadzor places not so much requirements. The autonomy of the system is mainly checked.

The norms of lighting devices at the moment are not a problem, because All modern lighting devices are manufactured on the basis of SNIP-A "Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards. "

It should also be familiar with the standards and standards that relate to the equipment and finishing of product pavilions. Sufficient attention is paid to the characteristics of the room. Thus, refrigeration equipment or showcases should fit into general layout and correspond to fire standards. Also, on the basis of SNIP-A №, standards and requirements for the arrangement of "Motovok" should be observed for employees. Often they are easily observed when the object is erected. In 2020, these rules and standards continue to act unchanged.

In the event that the store refers to a specific category, for example, trade in fresh food products, then the retail point provides for the availability of a warehouse equipped with ventilation, a temperature-wet mode and a lack of natural lighting.

Those leaders of organizations that do not find time for studying the requirements, norms and standards for the arrangement of trade pavilions, you can contact qualified lawyers on our website that can advise free and around the clock.

Rules Rules are regulated by non-food and food shops.

The implementation of any goods should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the law. On the seller in this case, a number of commitments are assigned. Its activities should not only comply with the requirements of current standards, but not to violate consumers' rights.

A separate basic law, which belongs to the retail trade, no. The activity of this nature is determined by the general standards:

  1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Law of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 "On the Protection of Consumer Rights.
  3. FZ dated January 2, 2000 No. 29 "On the quality and safety of food products".
  4. Federal Law "On the use of cash registers in the implementation of cash settlements and (or) settlements using electronic means of payment" of May 22, 2003 No. 54.
  5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55 "On Approval of the Rules for the sale of individual types of goods, a list of long-term goods, which does not apply to the buyer's requirement of free provision for the repair or replacement of similar goods, and the list of non-food goods of good quality, Not refundable or exchange for similar goods of other size, forms, dimensions, shapes, coloring or configuration. "
  6. State Standards: "Retail. Classification of enterprises, "" Retail Services, General Requirements, "Retail. Requirements for service personnel. "

Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates relations arising within the framework of the concluded agreement. The law "On the protection of consumer rights" concerns the sphere of direct sale of goods and the provision of services. FZ "On the quality of food products" regulates the issues of manufacturing and implementing such a category of goods. Federal Law No. 54 obliges sellers to have cash registers. The action of the Government Decree No. 55 applies to legal relations in the implementation of certain types of non-food products. Government standards negotiate various retail areas in more detail.

Trade Rules

The rules of implementation depends on the specifics of the goods sold. They are divided into two large categories: non-food and food. These types of goods have a prescription and have specific properties, so the procedure for their implementation is noticeably different.

Retail seats are divided into the following categories:

  1. Self-service enterprises. At such points, the buyer personally selects the products you need posted on racks in the trading room.
  2. Full service points. In this case, the buyer turns to the store department.
  3. Mixed type service points. At such enterprises has both a common trading room and departments.

Depending on the specifics of the products implemented, outlets can be divided into several types:

  1. Shop a narrow orientation. In such places, it is implemented a narrow circle of goods, such as household appliances or chemistry.
  2. Department store. There can be non-food products of a wider range - dishes, furniture, knitwear, bed linen.
  3. Supermarket. In such a trading point, both non-food products and food can be implemented.

In some stores, the list of products can be increased by medical drugs. In this case, it is necessary to equip an isolated department or pharmaceutical kiosk.


Rules for the sale of food products concern the sale of grocery products. Requirements for their sale are especially strict. This is due to the fact that food ensures the human body with the necessary substances by trace elements.

Both the manufacturer and the implementer are obliged to provide the Buyer information about the food of the following content:

  1. List of ingredients and substances, including additives included in the product.
  2. Calorie, the volume of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fats.
  3. Weight weight.
  4. Scope of application - general, children's, dietary, biologically active.
  5. Methods of cooking. This applies to semi-finished products and concentrates.
  6. Rules for safety.
  7. Contraindications for use.
  8. Registration information.

Food products before their deposition should be unpaved. There should be no wrapping materials on products. Dirt must be removed from the surface. The implementer is obliged to conduct an external examination of the products and their sorting. Products made directly in the outlet are subject to sale only after passing the sanitary control. Alcohol is exhibited on the showcases in the presence of excise labels.

If the goods were packaged by the realizer himself, there should be information about the product name, weight, price per kilogram or unit and final cost, as well as the date of the execution of this operation and information about the specialist who carried out it. The products weighted by the manufacturer are implemented without charge charges for the container.

Gastronomy products, such as sausage, at the request of the buyer can cut into separate parts. The weight of the product in this case defines the consumer.

In places of food sales may also be non-food products. At the same time, the latter should be placed in such a way as not to have a negative impact on the quality of the food.

There should be a certain temperature regime in the store to ensure the safety of products. For this reason, the outlets are equipped with air conditioners and refrigerated installations.

Non-grocery goods

Buying non-food products has its own characteristics. As in the case of food products, the consumer provides information on industrial products of the following content:

  1. The name of the goods is completely.
  2. Technical characteristics and direction of use.
  3. Manufacturer data.
  4. Operating procedure.
  5. Safety regulations.
  6. Duration of service life.
  7. Product safety rules.

Industrial products are placed on racks in the trading floor, depending on their type. Insulated departments can be organized in the store. This approach creates convenience for customers. Racks for goods must comply with the requirements of technical norms. It is necessary that each shelf withstand the weight of the product, excluding its fall. Goods must be located in a distance from sources of increased danger, for example, an electrical transformer. In the trading hall it is necessary to have entry and exit points, the dimensions of which do not interfere with the transportation of products, that is, the dimensions of the doorways will be sufficient to move products.

Requirements for the seller

To avoid responsibility for violating trade rules, each implementer must fulfill a number of conditions.

These include:

  1. The presence of the necessary technical means to fulfill cash-calculating operations with the buyer's money.
  2. The information booth on which information should be located and data for buyers.
  3. On the package of each product, a display case or rack, you must place information about the cost of products.
  4. All products must be certified, that is, the compliance of their quality to the requirements of the norms must be confirmed in the official authorized instance.
  5. The implementer is obliged to observe the installed routine of work.

In case of non-compliance, at least one of these conditions for the seller may apply to the impact of various nature.

The presence of the cash register

You can trade only if there are special equipment for the production of calculations with the client. This rule applies to any trading point, that is, both on a specialized store and at the supermarket.

The technique of this species imposes certain requirements:

  1. The device must have a holistic case with a marking number applied to its surface, as well as a new fiscal drive.
  2. It is necessary that the technique there is a clock and a panel, which reflects all information about the operation being carried out - the amount made and passing the buyer.
  3. The device must be equipped with a paper tape for printing checks.

Such requirements apply to the terminal intended for calculations using a plastic card. To this end, it will be necessary to conclude a service agreement with the banking instance. The check device must be connected to the terminal.

Informing the buyer

Another of the duties of the implementer is the notification of consumers, that is, providing information to people and data on what and how they can buy in the store.

For these purposes, special stands are equipped in retail outlets.

In such angle, the following content should be posted:

  1. Full name of the implementer.
  2. Schedule of the trading point.
  3. Types and range of products offered.
  4. Copy of certificate of state budget registration. This applies to individual entrepreneurs.
  5. License to the right to retail.
  6. Contact details of official authorized instances engaged in monitoring the activities of the implementer.
  7. The location of the book of proposals and complaints, as well as information about the official person responsible for its maintenance.
  8. Extracts from the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", related to the sale of products and opportunities for buyers.
  9. Data on the procedure for implementing and returning goods.
  10. Responsibilities of the seller.
  11. Phone numbers for emergency contacts.
  12. Information about categories of buyers who are provided with discounts and benefits.

The corner of the consumer should be located in an affordable place, as a rule, when entering the store. The seller's specified information is also obliged to inform verbally, on the first request of the buyer.

Value design

The packaging of each product should contain information about its value. If the goods are implemented for weight, the price tag should be located on the rack or showcase, opposite each product. Information is placed on paper or plastic tags, an electronic version is also allowed. The price tag should be indicated the name of the product, the manufacturer, the cost per kilogram or one unit. If an exit trade is carried out by the implementer, the information must be certified by the head or by the official authorized by it.

Documents on the quality of goods

The sale of products will be impossible without appropriate securities confirming the compliance of the product with quality requirements.

First of all, the implementer must have a declaration in stock. Such a document confirms not only the quality of the product, but also a guarantee of the safety of its use. It reflects information about products and a list of confirmation information. The declaration is approved by government agencies of the standard.

Also, the seller must have a certificate of compliance with product standards. Such a document is issued both in voluntary and obligatory, depending on the type of product.

Compliance with the mode of work

The implementer is obliged to observe the mode of operation. Such a routine is established by the seller himself, taking into account the requirements of the law. It depends on the types of goods that are implemented in the outlet. For example, alcohol can not be sold, starting twenty-three hours to eight next day.

The store should open at the set time, weekends are installed, and work in general holidays. As a rule, outlets that implement food products function without lunch. Personnel breaks during the day or shift are established by local regulatory acts. In the general schedule of work this is not reflected.

Responsibility for violation

The nature of the impact measures that can be applied to the seller depends on the type of violation and severity of the consequences. Responsibility in this case may be disciplinary, material, civil, administrative and criminal.

Conditions of attraction

The conditions for attracting the Seller to justice is the violation of the rights of buyers and requirements for retail trade. The fact of misconduct can be detected by the head of the implementer, the buyer himself, as well as during the inspection conducted by authorized state budget instances. That is, the basis for the punishment of the Seller is a memorandum of note, consumer appeal, prescription or protocol compiled by an official of the auditory organization.

In compulsory, the realizer must be taken a written explanation on the fact of violation.

After that, the act is made, and another documentation is collected related to the offense. The assembled material is transmitted to the authorized official for decision making. The organizations that have the right to punish the store are related to Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office and the court. Also, the seller's head can attract the latter to disciplinary responsibility.

Punishment measures

Impact measures that are applied to sales points depend on the type of responsibility:

  • Disciplinary penalties are expressed in the announcement of the guilty remarks, sprawling or dismissing the realizer from work.
  • Material responsibility is the holding of the seller's earnings of the amount of damage caused.
  • Civil law is characterized by the payment of a penalty or compensation for the harm caused to the buyer.
  • Administrative responsibility is expressed in the form of monetary fines with the seizure of the goods or without any.
  • The criminal is characterized by the fact that the guilty person, in addition to the fine, can be attracted to the implementation of public or correctional work, is limited in freedom or isolated from society. At the same time, the withdrawal of products is applied as an additional measure.

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