Presentation on the topic History of the creation of a computer. Presentation on the topic "History of Development EUM". Calculations in the Dielectronic Epoch

The first in the history of the attempt to create a software and managed computing machine belonged to Charles Babbij. He never managed to build his "analytical machine" using the technical base of the middle of the 1 x century.

Works on the manufacture of the "Analytical Machine" were interrupted by the death of Ch. Babbij. Fully "difference machine" Ch. Babbija was completed only in our time in 1991. Two engineers R. Scream and B. Holovye in the London Scientific Museum to the 200th anniversary of her author.

Perfocards for the "analytical machine" end of the XIX century. Herman Holelet. The invention of countable perforation machines. Founding the firm for the production of machines, it is currently called IBM.

30s of the 20th century. ECM predecessors - relay-computing machines. The electromechanical relay is based on. 1947 - relay machine "Mark-2" (13000 relays). 1956 - RVM-1 (N.I. Bessonov). Low speed.

The first half of the XIX century. The basis for computers - electron-vacuum lamps. 1945 - the first computer (USA) is a universal machine on electronic lamps. ENIAC (electronic digital integrator and calculator). ENIAC designers were J. Mochli and J. Ecker. The main ideas for which many years have developed computing, were developed by the largest American mathematician John von Neuman.

Electronic lamps of the 40s

In 1946, the article J. von Neumanna, Goldstayna and A. Berse "Pre-consideration of the logical design of an electronic computing device was published in the magazine" Nature ". The principles of the device and operation of the computer (PR invention stored in the program's memory) are the architecture of J. Background Neymanan.

1949 - the first computer with the Nimanan architecture - the English EDSAC machine. 1950 - American EDVAC computer. 1951 - MESM - Small Electronic Counting Machine (Designer MESM Sergey Alekseevich Lebedev). 50s - BESM-1, BESM-2, M-20 - lamp 60s - BESM-3M, BESM-4, M-220, M-222, BESM-6 - semiconductor

Signs that distinguish one generation from another: element base; speed; RAM; input / output devices; software.

The first generation of computers (50s) - lamp machines. Account speed - up to 20 thousand operations per second (computer M-20). Perflectors and perfocards were used to enter programs and data. These are pretty bulky structures, contained thousands of lamps, occupied hundreds of square meters, consumed electricity in hundreds of kilowatt.

1949 - the first semiconductor device replacing the electronic lamp (transistor). In the 60s, transistors became an element base for the second generation computer.

The speed has reached tens and hundreds of thousands of operations per second. The volume of internal memory has increased hundreds of times. Foreign memory devices. High-level programming languages \u200b\u200b(FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL) began to develop. The preparation of the program has ceased to depend on the model of the machine, it became easier, clearer, more affordable.

External memory devices

The second half of the 60s is the third email generation. It was created on a new element database - integrated circuits.

Elemental base of the 3rd generation machines

By the fourth generation, computers include microevm. They differ from their predecessors in that they have small dimensions. The most popular type of computers are personal computers. There is another line of development of the EUM of the fourth generation. This is super email. Machines of this class have very high speed.

And finally, the computer of the fifth generation is the cars of the near future. Their main quality should be a high intellectual level. The fifth generation machines are a realized artificial intelligence.

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The history of the development of Abak is one of the first devices (V-IV century BC), facilitating the calculations was aback. The calculations on it were carried out by moving bones and pebbles in longitudinal recesses.

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The history of development in ancient Russia was used by the device similar to the abacus and it was called "Russian Chry". In the XVII century, this device has already had a type of usual Russian accounts.

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Development history at the beginning of the XVII century, when mathematics began to play a key role in science, young French mathematician and physicist Blaze Pascal created the first counting machine called Pascalina, which performed and subtract.

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Development history in the 1670-1680 German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz constructed a counting machine that performed all four arithmetic action

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Development History In 1878, the Russian scientist P. Chebyshev designed the counting machine that completed the addition and subtraction of multivalued numbers

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Development History An important event of the XIX century was the invention of the English Mathematics of Charles Bebadja, who entered the story as the inventor of the first computing machine - the prototype of modern computers. By 1822, he built a valid model of a difference machine, which performed a specific program, and calculated the square table on it. He could operate with 18-bit numbers

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The history of development Improving the difference machine, Bibbage in 1833 built an analytical machine

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Development History The need to automate the calculations when census in the United States pushed Herry Hollyrite to create a device called a tabulator in 1888. In 1924, Holelert founded IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) for serial release of tabulants.

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Before the appearance of the first personal computers, the acquisition and use of computing machines were very expensive. Few of ordinary people could afford to have at home such a miracle of technology! Computers were installed in large corporations, universities, research centers and government agencies. On August 12, 1981, the American company IBM Corporation (International Business Machines) presented the first model of a personal computer - IBM 5150, which set the beginning of the era of modern computers. History of development

Presentation Interactive computer science manual is designed for 1 course students. The presentation presents a review of the history of the development of computing means, generations of computer, development prospects, as well as a test to verify the mastering of the material on this topic. The presentation is performed in the MS POWER POINT program in the form of an interactive poster. NAVIGATION is carried out using the menu buttons and the slide icons.

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  1. The teacher in the informatics lessons on the topic "History of Development of EMM" as a demonstration material and to secure the material passed.
  2. With the individual or group work of students to independently receive and consolidate knowledge in the lessons (using computers).
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"The history of the development of computing equipment"

the account of all nations ... from even with the help of items ... Abacus and scores ... Pascaline ... "Arithmetic device" Babbja machine with Olossus Mark 1 What is a computer? 1 generation 2 generation 3 generation 4 generation 5 generation test prospect of development

A finger account is rooted in deep antiquity, meeting in one form of all nations and today. Famous medieval mathematics recommended that the auxiliary means exactly the finger account allowing quite effective account systems. "The score of all nations"

To make the account process more convenient, a primitive man began to use other devices instead of fingers. For example, the peoples of Decolumbovy America had a nodule account. Moreover, the system of the nodules also performed the role of a kind of chronicles and chronicles, having a rather complicated structure. "Account with subjects"

An account with the help of grouping and translating objects was the predecessor of the account on Abaca, the difference from the previous calculation methods was the fulfillment of calculations on discharges. Well adapted to perform addition and subtraction operations, the aback was not enough effective to perform multiplication and division operations. "Abak and scores"

Pascaline In 1623, the German scientist Wilhelm Shikkard offered its decision on the basis of a six-digit decimal, which also consisted of gear wheels designed to perform addition, subtraction, as well as table multiplication and division. 1642 "Pascaline" appeared, created by the French scientist Tea Pascal. It was a six-or-eight-bit device on gear wheels capable of summing and subtract decimal numbers.

1673 30 years after "Pascalina" appeared "arithmetic device" Gotfried Wilhelm Leibnia - a twelve-digit decimal device for performing arithmetic operations, including multiplication and division. "Arithmetic device"

"Babyja Machine" 1830-1846 Charles Bebbage develops a draft analytical machine - a mechanical universal digital computing machine with software control. The brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bBebadja was carried out by Howard Aiken created in 1944 the first in the United States with a relay-mechanical computing machine. Its main blocks - arithmetic and memory were performed on gears.

"COLOSSUS and MARK 1" 1942-1943 In England, with the participation of Alan Tyurring, a computing machine "COLOSSUS" was created. It has already been 2000 electronic lamps. The car was intended to decipher the Radiograms of the German Wehrmacht. 1943 Under the leadership of American Howard Aikena created MARK-1 - the first software and managed computer. It was built on electromechanical relays, and the data processing program was introduced with punctuents.

Computer is a device or system capable of performing a predetermined, a clearly defined sequence of operations. This is most often the operation of numerical calculations and data manipulation, but this includes I / O operations. The description of the sequence of operations is called the program. "What is a computer?" Computer device

"Computer device

"1 generation" 1946-1958 The main element is an electronic lamp. Machines were huge sizes. Everyone 7-8 min. One of the lamps failed, and since there were 15 - 20,000 in their computer, then a lot of time was required to search and replace the damaged lamp. Entry of numbers in the car was performed using performance, and software control was carried out using plugs and set fields. When all the lamps worked, the engineering personnel could configure ENIAC to some task, manually changing the connection of 6,000 wires. Machines of the first generation

"Machines of the first generation" of this generation: "BESM", "ENIAC", "MESM", "IBM -701", "Strela", "M-2", "M-3", "Ural", "Ural- 2 "," Minsk-1 "," Minsk-12 "," M-20 ". These machines occupied a large area and used a lot of electricity.

The main element is semiconductor transistors. The first transistor was able to replace 40 electronic lamps and works at high speed. Magnetic ribbons and magnetic cores were used as media, high-performance devices for working with magnetic ribbons, magnetic drums and first magnetic discs appeared. "2 generation" 1959-1967 Second generation machines

"The second-generation machines in the USSR in 1967 entered into operation the most powerful EUM of the second generation" BESM-6 "(high-speed electronic counting machine 6) entered into operation. Also at the same time were created "Minsk-2", "Ural -14". The appearance of semiconductor elements in electronic circuits has significantly increased the capacity of the RAM, the reliability and speed of the computer. Sizes, weight and power consumption decreased.

The main element is an integrated circuit. In 1958, Robert Neuss invented a small silicon integral scheme, in which dozens of transistors could be placed on a small area. In the late 1960s, semiconductor memory appears, which to this day is used in personal computers as an operational. In 1964, IBM announced the creation of six models of the IBM 360 family (System360), which became the first third generation computers. "3 generation" 1968-1974 Third generation machines

"Third generation machines" of the third generation machine have developed operating systems. They have multiprogramming capabilities, i.e. Simultaneous execution of several programs. Examples of third-generation machines - family of IBM-360, IBM-370, EU computer (single computer system), cm computer (small computer family), etc. The speed of cars inside the family varies from several tens of thousands to millions of operations per second.

The main element is a large integrated circuit. Since the beginning of the 80s, due to the appearance of personal computers, the computing equipment becomes a massive and publicly available. From the point of view of the structure of the machine of this generation, there are multiprocessor and multimerary complexes working for shared memory and the general field of external devices. The capacity of the RAM is about 1 - 64 MB. "4 generation" 1968-1974 Fourth-generation machines

"Fourth-generation machines" Modern personal computers are compact and have thousands of times greater performance compared to the first personal computers (can perform several billion operations per second). Every year in the world, almost 200 million computers are available at a mass consumer price. Large computers and supercomputers continue to develop. But now they no longer dominate, as it was before.

"5 generation" Development of the following generations of computers is made on the basis of large integrated increasing integration, use of optoelectronic principles (lasers, holography). The architecture of the future generation computers will contain two main blocks. One of them is a traditional computer, but now it is devoid of communication with the user. This connection is carried out by a block, the so-called intelligent interface. His task is to understand the text written in the natural language and containing the condition of the task, and translate it to the computer program.

"Perspective of EUM development" One of these probabilistic alternatives to the replacement of modern computers is the creation of optical computers, the carrier of information in which there will be light bunch. The penetration of optical methods into computing techniques is carried out in three fronts: the second direction is based on the use of analog interference optical calculations. The second direction is connected with the creation of purely optical or hybrid compounds with greater reliability than the electric third direction - creating a computer that is fully consisting of optical information processing devices. .

The next question → "Check yourself!" Question number 1. The score of all nations is considered to be aback and scores. Nodric account. Finger bill.

The next question → "Check yourself!" Question number 2. The first execution of calculations using discharges was performed using: a finger account. Abacus. COMPUTER. Calculator  Previous question

The next question → "Check yourself!" Question number 3. Six-or-eight-bit device on gear wheels capable of summing and subtract decimal numbers: Pascaline. Calculator. Device Leibnitsa.  Previous question

The next question → "Check yourself!" Question number 4. Arithmetic device Gotfried Wilhelm Leibnitsa appeared in: 1746. 1673. 1637.  Previous question

The next question → "Check yourself!" Question number 5. 1943 under the leadership of American Howard Aikena was created: Colossus. MARK-1. Analytical Machine of Bebadja.  Previous question

The next question → "Check yourself!" Question number 6. The main element of the computer in the first generation was: Plate with gears. Electric lamp. Motherboard.  Previous question

The next question → "Check yourself!" Question number 7. In the second generation of computer as media used: magnetic tapes. Transistors. Disks.  Previous question

The next question → "Check yourself!" Question number 8. Third-generation machines include: M-3 Minsk-2 IBM 360  Previous question

The next question → "Check yourself!" Question number 9. In what generation computer is the main element of the integrated circuit? In the second Fifth. In the fourth.  Previous question

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Pages of history 30 thousand years BC Detected in the excavations the so-called "Westonitsky bone" with scubons. Allows historians to assume that even then our ancestors were familiar with the incarnations of the account. VI - V century BC The history of digital devices should be started with accounts. Such a tool has been known for all nations. The ancient Greek abacus was thrown by sea sand. There were grooves on the sand, on which the pebbles were denoted by numbers. The Chinese at the heart of the account was not a dozen, and the five, the frame of Chinese accounts Suan-Pan has a more complex shape. It is divided into two parts: in the upper part on each row are located 5 bones, at the bottom - two. In the Japanese, the same device was called Sulobyan. In Russia, approximately from the 15th century got the distribution of "Middle Account." Middle Account "almost did not differ from ordinary accounts and was a frame with fortified horizontal ropes, which were driven by drilled plum or cherry bones.

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19th century 1820. Charles Xavier Thomas (1785-1870) created the first mechanical calculator that could not only be folded and multiplied, but also deduct and divide. 1847 year. English Mathematician George Boule (1815-1864) published the work "Mathematical Analysis of Logic". So a new section of mathematics appeared. He was called Boulev algebra. Each value in it can take only one of two values: truth or lies, 1 or 0. This algebra was very useful for the creators of modern computers. After all, the computer understands only two symbols: 0 and 1. He is considered the founder of modern mathematical logic. In 1867, the American publisher and politician Christopher Showles (1819-1890), together with his friend Carl Glidden, invented a countable typewriter, which was then transformed into a writer. Chalz created about 30 cars and developed a keyboard similar to modern.

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The first generation of computer (USSR) in November 1950 was made by the first test launch of the layout of a small electronic counting machine MESM (Small Electronic Counting Machine) under the direction of S.A. Lebedeva. The speed of more than 100 operations per second. Initially, the car was 16-bit, but then the discharge was increased to 20. 1953 - the release of the first in the USSR of industrial samples of the "Strela" (project managers of Yu.ja Bazilevsky and B.I. Rameev). Speed \u200b\u200b2000 operations per second.

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The first personal computers are 1976. Young Americans Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak organized an enterprise for the manufacture of personal computers "Apple" ("Apple"), intended for a large circle of non-professional users. Apple-1: From this clumsy drawer, the path to the stars began. Apple-1 was sold at a very interesting price. - 666.66 dollars. For ten months, it was possible to realize about two hundred sets. In 1977, three personal computer were launched into mass production: Apple-2, TRS-80 and PET. Apple-2 was quite expensive (1300 $ without a monitor and Cassette tape recorder) Computer, but was performed on the unprecedented Dotola technical level. This was a machine for users. It contained the processor 6502 and the minimum number of microcircuits (located on the same printed circuit board), stitched into the ROM Software - Limited Operating System and Basic, 4 Kb RAM, two game electronic remote, interface for connecting to a cassette tape recorder and color graphics system for work with a color monitor or ordinary TV.

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Summary of presentations


Slides: 35 words: 1257 Sounds: 0 Effects: 73

How the score began. Particular account. Invention account. Calculations with small stones. Ancient Greek abacus. The Romans have improved the design. In China, the scores were called "Suan-Pan". The Chinese at the heart of the account lay no ten, but five. Whole corn cobs. Russian scores. The invention of the mechanical calculator. The history of the origin of the counting machines. Summing machine. Pascal. First counting machine. Manuscript Leonardo da Vinci. Counting machines. The invention of the KKM. Cash machine. Employees. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a device. The device fixed each trading operation. James brainchild. - Accounts .ppt.

Computer invention

Slides: 25 words: 1177 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

History of computers. Brief description of the concept of a computer. The first "counting machine". Calculator. Caller Sir Samuel Morland. Wilhelm Godfrid von Leibniz. Giovanni Freedy. Charles Babbage. Dorr Felt. Corporation. Alan Thuring. Konrad Tsuze. Howard Eiken. First electronic computer. John Taki. Commercial computers. New processor. Mass computers. First computer. Personal Computer. The first generation of computer. The second generation of computer. The third generation of computer. The fourth generation of computer. Fifth email generation. - invention of computer.pptx

Stages of computer development

Slides: 51 words: 1199 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

The history of the development of information technology. From the manual account to the computer. Handmade account. Calculations in the Dielectronic Epoch. The score on the fingers. Ancient accounts. Abak and his descendants. Sorobane. The first mechanical machines. The first draft counting machine. Logarithmic ruler. Circular logarithmic ruler. Shikard machine. Accounting machine Pascal. Arithmometer Leibnitsa. Jacquard weaving machine. Punch cards. Mechanical calculator. Charles Babbage. The difference machine Charles Babbja. Analytical machine Charles Babbja. Hell Lovelace. Mechanical technology. Chebyshev apparatus. - Stages of computer development.pptx

History of development of computer equipment

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Software history

Slides: 44 words: 2309 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Computer software. System software. History of operating systems. Operating system. Classic (carnation) OS. Operating systems are tied to processors. Interaction of software and technical support. Monolithic core. Puff system Technishe HOGESCHOOL Eindhoven (The). Easy virtual machine. Multi-core OS structure. Programming. Hell Lovelace (1815-1852). The history of algorithmic languages. John Bacus and Peter Naur. Cobol language. Concept of structural programming. The Pascal programming language (Pascal) is created by the Swiss N.Virt. - History of software.PPT

History of the creation of EUM.

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Electronic computing machines. Works of Atanasov. The first computer ENIAC. EUM ENIAC. ENIAC project executives. Project von Neumanan and its contribution to the architecture of the computer. Fragments Articles Background Neymanan with co-authors (Russian translation). The main features of the classic background of the Nymanovsk architecture of the computer. Implementation of the project von Nimanan in the United States. Super secret cryptanalytic laboratory. Specialized electronic computing machine. American computer with stored EDVAC program. The first generations of computer. Formation of the computer industry. EUM WHIRLWIND - "Whirlwind". In 1953, IBM firm was connected to the production of general purpose computer. - History of creation computer.ppt

History of Development Evm.

Slides: 12 words: 413 Sounds: 0 Effects: 46

The history of the development of computing machines. Domechanical stage of development of computing equipment. The simplest countable devices. Set of wooden bars. Mechanical stage of development. German philosopher. Accounting devices of the 19th century. Joseph Marry Jacquar. Analytical car Charles Bebadja. Analog computing machines. Electronic computing machines. Generation of computers. - History of development computer.ppsx

History of creation and development of computer

Slides: 18 Words: 916 Sounds: 0 Effects: 48

HISTORY OF CREATING AUM. Table of contents. Dieelectron period. Pascaline. Machine Leibnitsa. Pafnutius Lvovich Chebyshev constructed a counting machine. Analytical Machine of Bebadja. Tabulator. The first generation of computer. The first computer is ENMAC. The second generation of computer. In the 60s, transistors have become an elemental database for computer. Third generation. In 1958, John Kilby first created an experienced integral scheme. Fourth generation. The American company Intel announced the creation of a microprocessor. Fifth generation. Thanks for attention. - History of creation and development of computer.ppt

Stages of development of the EUM.

Slides: 22 words: 1368 Sounds: 0 Effects: 120

Computer equipment and man. He is faster than man. Route. Period. Mechanical period. Mechanical period. Electronic computing stage. Fascist regime. COLOSSUS machine. Howard Eiken. The first electronic computing machine. Created a computer. Years of use. Stage. Electronic computing stage. Electronic computing stage. Electronic computing stage. Informatics in faces. Progress of science and cars. Information sources. Http:// - T.V. Slide 18. - Stages of Development ECM.PPTX

History of computing technology

Slides: 17 words: 2502 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

History of computing equipment. Past. Start an account. Type of instrumental account. Roman abacus. Computing machines. Blaze Pascal. Digital computing devices. Konrad Tsuze. Howard Aiken. The first generation of computer. The contribution of Russian scientists. Laboratory staff. Era personal computers. Generation computers. Characteristics of email generations. Journey. - history of computing technology.ppt

History of computing equipment

Slides: 41 words: 3146 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

History of development of computing equipment. Plan. Domechanical stage. Manual stage. Abacus. Chinese scores. Scores. The appearance of devices. Opening logarithms. Mechanical stage. Blaze Pascal. German scientist leibunits. Counting machine. Warehouse. Analytical machine. Electromechanical stage. Alan Turing. Characteristics. Machines were built on electrovacuum lamps. COMPUTER. Eniac. Academician Sergey Alekseevich Lebedev. The founder of computer equipment in the USSR. I generation computer. Speed. Built on transistors. Semiconductor machines on transistors. Large electronic counting machine. - History of computing equipment.ppt

History of development of computing equipment

Slides: 84 words: 6782 Sounds: 0 Effects: 108

History. Romulus times. So considered the time of Romulus and even earlier. Hand. The simplest and first artificial countable device is the tag. Accounts tags. Account using ropes. Accounting nodules from different nations were considered inviolable. Growth and expansion of trade required new funds for computing. Little episode from the history of the Russian account. Account on tables. Direction of the development of counting instruments. Perform multiplication. We got a sign. The table can be transferred to the plank. Logarithmic tables. Mechanical countable devices. Sketch of a mechanical thirteen diffidation of a summing device. - History of development of computing equipment .PPT

Stages of development of computing

Slides: 27 Words: 375 Sounds: 0 Effects: 6

Virtual Museum of Computer Engineering. Manual stage of development of computing equipment. 50 thousand years before our era. Ancient Egypt. Russia. Mechanical stage of development of computing equipment. France XVII century. The first programmable device. England XIX century. The first programmer is ADA Lovelace. Electromechanical stage of development of computing equipment. Herman Holelert created a tab for statistical calculations. A. Turing and the post proved that the car can solve any task. Electronic stage of development of computing equipment. Stages of development of computing equipment. - stages of development of computing technology.ppt

Trends in the development of computing

Slides: 30 Words: 1325 Sounds: 0 Effects: 120

History of development of computing equipment. A computer. Ancient people. First accounts. Abacus. Scores. The first projects of counting machines. Shikard machine. Pascaline. Logarithmic ruler. Arithmometer Leibnitsa. Advanced arithmometer. Mechanical calculator. Analytical machine Babbja. First programmer. Enigma. World War II time. Konrad Tsuze. Mark-I. Storage of data on paper tape. Eniac. First computers. Small electronic counting machine. Large electronic counting machine. Generation of computers. The first generation of computer. OS. - Trends in the development of computing technology.pptx

The main stages of the development of computing equipment

Slides: 25 words: 1240 Sounds: 0 Effects: 121

History of development of computing equipment. Characteristics of an email generation. The first computing machines in the twentieth century. Digital computer. Many analog computing machines. Development of more efficient counting machines. Colossus. Eniac. First computers. Computers S.A. Lebedev. Large electronic counting machine. Lamp computing machine. Generation of computers. The first generation of computer. Speed. Magnetic tape. OS. Computers on large and super-high integrated circuits. Characteristics of various generations of computer. Supercomputers. Cray-2. - The main stages of the development of computing technology.ppt

History of development of generations of computing

Slides: 51 words: 2964 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The history of the creation and development of computing equipment. History of development of generations of computing equipment. Main dates. The first serial computer. Westonitsky bone. Tool. Chinese scores. Boom account. Greeks and Egyptians. Indian scientists. Arabic scientist. Blaze Pascal. Mechanical device. Leonardo da Vinci. Rods. Blueprints. History of development of generations of computing technology. Automatic computing device. English mathematician. November. The first programmer of the world. Ad August Byron. First computer. Bulgarian. The first universal computer. Revolution in the world of computers. -


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