Technology of the process of transportation of goods. Watch Pages Where Mention The Term Technology Transportation Major Transportation Technologies

Under technology of the shipping process It is understood as the method of implementing people of a particular transportation process by dismembering it on a system of consecutive interrelated stages and operations that are performed more or less unequivocally and are intended to achieve high efficiency of transportation. Task technology - Clear the process of transporting goods from unnecessary operations, make it targeted. The essence of cargo transportation technology is detected through two basic concepts - stage and operation. Stage - This is a set of operations by which one or another process is carried out. Operation - Uniform, logically indivisible part of the transportation process, aimed at achieving a specific purpose performed by one or several performers.

The technology of any process of shipping is characterized by three features: dismemberment of the transportation process, coordination and staging, unambiguous action. The purpose of the dismemberment of the process of transporting goods into steps is to define the boundaries of the immanent requirements for the subject, which will work on this technology. Any operation should provide an approach of the management object to the target and ensure the transition from one operation to another. The last operation of the stage should be a kind of introduction to the first operation of the next stage. The more accurate description of the process of transportation of goods will correspond to its subjective logic, the greater the likelihood of achieving the highest effect of people engaged in it. Developed technologies should take into account the requirements of the main economic laws and, first of all, the law of improving the productivity of public labor.

Coordination and phase of actions aimed at achieving a specific goal should be based on the internal logic of the functioning and development of a certain transportation process. The technology is not created on "scratch", but has a connection with the technology of the past and the future. The technology acting today should be based on the principles that would easily remake it into the technology of the future.

Each technology should provide for the unambiguousness of the implementation of the stages and operations included in it. The deviation of the execution of one operation is reflected in the entire technological chain. The more significant the deviation of the parameters from the projected technology, the greater the danger of violating the entire shipping process and get a result that does not correspond to the project.

Initially, the technology of the entire transportation process is being developed, and then separate stages. After the development of the stages technology, they need to be considered from the position of technological unity.

There is a causal relationship between technology and technology, but the creation belongs to the technique.

The technological process is invented today. Just as, according to Moliere, people do not think about what they write and say prose and workers of motor transport enterprises using a certain technology, do not think over it. In the past, the technology of the process of transportation of goods was formed in most cases intuitively. Technological processes of cargo transportation were not targeted and deliberately developed systems of stages and operations. Therefore, there are currently very many shipping processes are not effective enough.

Technological schemes of the process of freight transport:

a - one type of transport; B - various types of transport.

Improving the efficiency of cargo traffic is associated with the technical improvement of rolling stock and loading and unloading means, the introduction of progressive technology, improving the organization of transportation of goods. Technical improvements make it possible to increase the speed of movement of rolling stock, reduce downtime under loading - unloading operations, increase the volume of the batch of cargo transported, etc. The task of technology is to reduce the duration and labor-intensity of shipping by reducing the number of operations performed and the steps of the transport process.

Under the technology of the shipping process is understood the method of implementing people of a particular transportation process by dismembering it to a system of consecutive interconnected stages and operations that are performed more or less uniquely and are intended to achieve high efficiency of transportation. The task of technology is to clear the process of transporting goods from unnecessary operations, make it targeted. The essence of cargo transportation technology is detected through two basic concepts - stage and operation.

Operation - Uniform, logically indivisible part of the transportation process, aimed at achieving a specific purpose performed by one or several performers.

Stage - This is a set of operations by which one or another process is carried out.

The technology of any process of shipping is characterized by three features: dismemberment of the transportation process, coordination and staging, unambiguous action. The purpose of the dismemberment of the process of transporting goods into steps is to define the boundaries of the immanent requirements for the subject, which will work on this technology. Any operation should ensure an approach of the management object to the target and ensure the transition from one operation to another. The last operation of the stage should be a kind of introduction to the first operation of the next stage. More precisely, the description of the process of transportation of goods will correspond to its subjective logic, the greater the likelihood of achieving the highest effect of people engaged in it. Developed technologies should take into account the requirements of the main economic laws and, first of all, the law of improving the productivity of public labor.

Coordination and phase of actions aimed at achieving a specific goal should be based on the internal logic of the functioning and development of a certain transportation process. The technology is not created on "scratch", but has a connection with the technology of the past and the future. The technology acting today should be based on the principles that would easily remake it into the technology of the future.

Each technology should provide for the unambiguousness of the implementation of the stages and operations included in it. The deviation from the execution of one operation is reflected in the entire technological chain. The more significant the deviation of the parameters from the projected technology, the greater the danger of violating the entire shipping process and get a result that does not correspond to the project.

Initially, the technology of the entire transportation process is being developed, and then - separate stages. After the development of the stages technology, they need to be considered from the position of technological unity.

There is a causal relationship between technology and technology, but it belongs to the technique.

In the past, the technology of the process of transportation of goods was formed in most cases intuitively. Technological processes of cargo transportation were not targeted and deliberately developed systems of stages and operations. Therefore, there are currently very many shipping processes are not effective enough.

The theory of systems states that any system consists of subsystems. Any system is a subsystem of some system. It is assumed that any system can be described in terms of system objects, properties and connections. The hierarchy and the number of subsystems depend only on the internal complexity of the system as a whole.

Consider the features of the main types of transportation.

YOUNIODAL (single) transportationit is carried out by one type of transport, such as automotive. It is usually applied when the initial and end items of the shipping chain are specified without intermediate operations of storage and cargo receptacle. The criteria for choosing a type of transport in such transportation are usually the type of cargo, the amount of shipment, the delivery time to the consumer, the cost of transportation.

Intermodal (integrated)it is customary to be called mixed transportation of goods "from the door to the door", carried out under the guidance of the operator on one transport document using a single (through) freight rate.

Mixed cargo transportation is usually carried out by two modes of transport, for example: Railway - automotive, river - automotive, marine - railway, etc. At the same time, the cargo is delivered by the first type of transport in the so-called transshipment point or cargo terminal without storage or short-term storage with subsequent overload on another type of transport. A typical example of mixed transportation is servicing railway stations or maritime (river) ports of the transport hub.

Signs mixed separate transportation is the presence of several transport documents, the absence of a single chart tariff rate, a consistent scheme for the interaction of the participants in the transport process. With direct mixed carriage, a cargo ship concludes an agreement with the first carrier operating both from his own name and on behalf of the next carrier representing another type of transport. By virtue of this, the carmaker is actually in contractual relations with both, and each of them makes calculations with a cargo owner and is carried out material responsibility for the safety of cargo only at the corresponding area of \u200b\u200bthe route.

Combined shippingit differs from the mixed presence of more than two types of transport. The use of mixed (combined) types of transportation is often due to the structure of distribution channels (or supply channels). For example, sending large batches of finished products from the plant - the manufacturer to the wholesale base is made by rail (in order to maximize cost reduction), and the delivery from the wholesale base to the retail items is automotive.

Multimodalit is such a carriage in which the person, its organizing, is responsible for it, on the entire path, regardless of the number of transport types of transport when designing a single transportation document.

In recent years, transportation technology, especially for multi-and intermodal transport, is associated with the use of cargo terminals and terminal complexes in chains and channels. Therefore, the corresponding transportation was called terminal . At the same time, in contrast to intermodal systems, where the enlarged cargo places are transported on uniform tariffs and transportation documents with equal rights of all participating types of transport, in multimodal transport, one of the types of transport acts as a carrier, and interacting transport - as customers paying His services.

When intermodal transportation, a cargo ship concludes an agreement for the entire path of following the following person (operator). The operator may be, for example, a forwarding company, which, using all the route of shipping by various types of transport, frees the cargo owner from the need to enter into contractual relations with other transport enterprises. The basic principles of the functioning of intermodal and multimodal transport systems are the following:

- uniform commercial - legal regime;

- an integrated approach to the decision of the financial and economic issues of transportation organization;

- maximum use of telecommunication networks and electronic document management systems;

- a single organizational and technological principle of transportation management and coordination of the actions of all intermediaries involved in transportation;

- cooperation intermediaries;

- Complex development of transport infrastructure by various types of transport.

Each of the above modes of transport has specific features in technology, organization and management, but they all have a common technological basis in the form of specific technological schemes for transportation and components of these schemes of links or elements. The transportation process at each stage (freely) can be represented as a specific subnet. The control and management policy in such a system is modeled by the synchronization of positions at each stage (in each link). In turn, the components of the transportation elements are characterized by certain, inherent in only them, laws. Operations from which the process of transportation process is inhomogeneous and very different in duration. Some operations, combine, create certain stages of this process, each of which fulfills its tasks. Both individual operations and the stages of the transport process are dependent on each other (before transporting the cargo, it must be immersed, etc.). Thus, this process is a multi-step and multipoint, with a large technological, operational and economic heterogeneity of operations.

Topic: Major technology transportation of goods. Lecture Plan: 1) Technologies for the transport of bulk, bulk, regime and dangerous goods. 2) Transportation technology of the main categories of general cargo, packaged cargo, containers. 3) the basic principles and features of the organization of intermodal and multimodal transportation.

Transportation technology is a sequence of technological operations when performing a transport process. From the moment when the goods are brought to transportation, it goes into a new state - becomes a load. When turning the goods to the category of cargo for transport, the value of a number of its product characteristics (consumer properties) is lost, but there is a need to study and accounting the transport characteristics of the cargo. The transport characteristics of the goods are a combination of cargo properties that determine the techniques and conditions for its transportation, loading and storage. The concept of the transport characteristics of the goods primarily includes volumetric characteristics, storage modes, physicochemical properties, packaging and packaging features, as well as some product properties.

For the unification of technological means, methods and terminology since 1975 in our country as a state standard there is a unified system of technological documentation (NSC). In accordance with GOST 3. 1109-82, the technological process is part of a production process containing targeted actions to change the subject of labor. When transporting, the technological process is usually presented in the form of a description of the transportation process, instructions for its implementation, rules and restrictions, special requirements, graphs, etc. The technological process of freight transportation usually contains the elements presented in Figure 1.

Development of the technological process of cargo transportation is carried out in the following sequence: the establishment of the normalized transport characteristics (estimated speed, the time of performing loading and unloading works, graph or intensity of the supply of rolling stock, daily or hourly volume of transportation, etc.); the choice of route and technology of transportation; development of technological documentation; Determination of methods for controlling the quality and safety of transportation; Analysis of the characteristics of the technological project, which must confirm the implementation of the normalized indicators, ensuring the safety and quality of transport; Approval of the technological project by the ATO governing staff. The basis for the development of the technological process of transportation is the application for transportation or contract (commercial offer) with a description of the requirements for the transport service of the customer of transportation. For each characteristics of the transport service.

The bulk cargo bulk goods are homogeneous cargoes that are placed in the body of a truck or in a special container, without a special (separate) packaging. Funny loads can also be divided into two main categories - this is actually bulk goods, and bulk goods. There is no such separation of such a separation, and those and others can be attributed to bulk cargoes, however, for the convenience of their classification, directly bulk goods are separated, i.e., loads that have free flowability and bulk goods. The latter require applications when loading or unloading, additional equipment (for example, excavators). Bulk goods differ from bulk uniformity and flowability. The main problem when they are transported is the risk of sprinkling part of the cargo on the roadway, as well as the need to protect against possible garbage and extraneous particles. Building materials (sand, gravel, crushed stone) When transporting are covered with a special tarpaulin, protecting the goods from entering small garbage and moisture, but food products (sugar, salt) are recommended to be transported in containers that guarantee the safety of the cargo throughout the path. The process of cargo transportation of bulk and bulk cargo requires maximum accuracy and caution when moving and maneuvering on the roads. Funny loads are transported quite often, and as any other types of road transport are subject to strictly defined, for each type of cargo, the rules. Also, bulk goods must be transported in compliance with some of the requirement for their movement. In particular, when transporting bulk cargo, the surface of such a cargo should not be over the upper edges of the rolling stock on the prevention of cargo rash when driving. Also, bulk cargo during transport should be seized by a canopy in order to prevent their waking up on the roadway while driving.

Self-leveling goods to bulk loads include fluids of various purposes with the most diverse properties and features. The delivery technology is defined both by the properties of the transported cargo and the technical characteristics of the selected vehicle. By volume of cargo turnover of liquids, the size of one-time parties and delivery range leads the maritime transport. Features of transportation of liquid cargo. Transportation of goods by tanks is carried out with mandatory observance of special precautions. Bulk loads transported in tanks are different. Petroleum products, liquefied gases, food liquid loads, liquid waste cannot be transported in the same tanks. Selection of capacity (tanks) during the transportation of chemicals, or food, must be carried out depending on the properties of the liquid cargo. For each type of cargo there is a special capacity adapted to its transportation. The conditions for transporting bulk cargo must meet the technological requirements. For example, liquid cargoes that are easily flammable or explosive should be transported in tanks: excellent fireproof; High strength. Some food cargoes need to be transported in the chilled form, for this it requires specially equipped containers with good thermal insulation. Also transportation of bulk cargo can be carried out in tanks equipped with a heating system. In such containers, it is advisable to transport those types of food cargoes whose temperature cannot be lowered below the specified level during transport. Transportation by tanks is carried out under strict control. Check is carried out at each stage of transportation of liquid cargo. Before concluding a contract with a client, the main points are negotiated: the route of cargo, the features of the execution of loading unloading works, forwarding and ocher

Dangerous goods to dangerous goods include any substances and materials that, by virtue of the properties and features inherent in them, can make a threat to the life and health of people, to impose irreparable harm to the surrounding nature and lead to damage or destroy material values. Classification of dangerous goods and their characteristics. Dangerous substances can be exploded, leaving huge in size of destruction. Moreover, the explosion can be triggered by detonation or friction. Their transport requires special packaging, accommodation, special transport; Suddenly ignite, exposing an imminent threat to the surrounding places of accumulation or residence of people. The flammable substances are very sensitive to storage temperature, since the bulk of them is gases liquefied with cooling and dissolved under pressure. If the temperature does not meet certain conditions and requirements, the situation may exit under control. A number of substances that themselves easily isolated oxygen and thereby support combustion, or when interacting with other substances can easily ignite; Cause premature corrosion, creating the possibility of penetrating the dangerous cargo outside. They threaten the condition of vehicles, structures and goods; They are the strongest poison, which is extremely dangerous to the health and life of others. Dangerous goods according to the requirements of GOST 19433 88 "Loads are dangerous. Classification and marking "and the European Agreement on the International Road Transport of Dangerous Goods" ADR "(Road Transportation of Dangerous Goods) are distributed to the following classes: Class 1 Explosive materials (VM); Class 2 gases, compressed, liquefied and dissolved under pressure; Class 3 flammable liquids (LVZ); Class 4 flammable solids (LWT), self-coating substances (SV); substances excreasing flammable gases when interacting with water; Class 5 oxidizing substances (OK) and organic peroxides (OP); Class 6 poisonous substances (JAV) and infectious substances (IV); Class 7 Radioactive materials (PM); Class 8 caustic and (or) corrosive substances (EC); Class 9 Other hazardous substances.

Dangerous goods are considered to be substances, materials and products that, due to their properties inherent during transport, can create a threat to the health and life of people, harm the environment, lead to damage to material values.

Legal aspects of the transportation of dangerous goods W / D carrying out the loading and transportation of dangerous goods, only a rolling stock is used, suitable for the saved and safe transportation of each particular cargo by its design, technical condition and purpose. This is a primary requirement for the movement of dangerous goods on railway transport. Loading, unloading of dangerous goods is carried out in constant compliance with the rules for the transport of dangerous goods, the requirements of the charter of railways and all other regulatory technical documentation, which confirms the classification of dangerous goods, the conditions for its safe transportation and "accident cards for dangerous goods".

For wagons with a dangerous cargo, it is obliged to stamped with red "Dangerous goods" in the upper right corner, "from the slides", information about the emergency card, is indicated in the column under the name of the cargo by the transport railway invoice and the mandatory application "AK" in Transportation documents. The SMGS invoice indicates the minimum standards of covering wagons with a dangerous cargo. Danger signs - the orange color sticker "UN Hazard Code. Applied on the door of the loaded car on both sides or in the immediate vicinity of the doorway. UN Series Room is the ordinal number of dangerous goods assigned to the United Nations Committee on the transport of dangerous goods.

Class 1 Explosives Subclass 1. 1 substances and products that are characterized by the risk of explosion in the mass. Subclass 1. 2 substances and products that are characterized by the risk of scattering, but do not create a risk of explosion in the mass. Subclass 1. 3 substances and products that are characterized by the danger of sunbathing, as well as either a minor danger of the explosion, or a minor danger of scattering, or the other, but do not create the risk of explosion in the mass.

Class 1 Explosives Subclass 1. 4 substances and products that do not represent any significant danger. Subclass 1. 5 substances are very sensitive, which are characterized by the risk of explosion in the mass. Subclass 1. 6 Extremely low sensitivity products that are not characterized by the risk of explosion in the mass.

Class 4 substances excreasing flammable gases when interacting with water. Subclass 4. 3. Substances that excrete flammable gases when interacting with water.

Class 9. Other hazardous substances and products. There are a large number of substances and products that are used in everywhere in everywhere, however, in accordance with the rules of transportation are hazardous (for example, matches, mercury thermometers, lakoing colorful products, etc.).

Regular load under the regimen is implied by shipping in refrigerators - special containers providing a constant temperature for a fast-airing product. This type of transportation today is a universal way to transport over long distances of perishable products. Regular loads require compliance with certain conditions of transportation - the presence of refrigerators, heating regulators, refrigeration, fans, equipment for maintaining certain temperature modes. Cargo transport characteristics are taken into account when choosing optimal delivery methods. In the process of transportation and storage in many cargoes under the action of various external factors - mechanical, climatic, biological - quantitative and qualitative changes occur, which must be considered. Regular loads are divided into several categories, depending on the type of heat treatment and the desired temperature mode: - fresh (not subjected to heat treatment); - chilled (- 6 to + 4 s °); - deep-frozen (- 18 s ° and below); - Heated (their temperature above ambient air) by regime loads are: - Fresh food of vegetable and animal origin (fruits, vegetables, berries, meat, fish seafood, eggs, etc.); - recycled food (semi-finished products, sausages, canned goods, etc.); - plants (cut flowers, seedlings, seeds, indoor plants in peat and soil); - Live material for fish breeding (live caviar, fry); - Medical preparations (vaccines, medicines); - biological material (canned blood, frozen embryos, human organs for transplantation). For transportation of regimens, special equipment are used: - Refrigerators; - Double-chamber refrigerators with the ability to maintain advantage and minus temperature modes; - Isothermal vans.

General Loads These are products transported by the piece in packed and unproken form, received for transportation on the account of freight places, including in size (ordinary, long) and oversized, also by weight lightweight and heavy: transport packages (on pallets, without Pallets, in the strapping, in the film, etc.), various types of packages (in drawers from various materials and sizes), edged barrels (barrels, drums of various designs with different loads, baskets), large and heavy loads, Big Bags, Loads on pallets, cargoes in boxes, cargo in bags, etc. Examples of general cargo transported by sea transport: metal products (rolling, sheet metal, metal in bars, packages, wire, ingots, billets, etc.), movable technical Means (on a tracked out and on wheels Construction and agricultural machinery, etc.), reinforced concrete products and structures (beams, sleepers, columns, plates, panels, pipes, rings, etc.), timber (plywood, wood Aya Plate), perishable goods, paper, machinery, equipment, oversized cargo, etc. Considering the transport characteristics, the transportation of general cargo, in contrast to those transported without packaging (grain, coal) or enlarged cargo units, requires special contact with the carrier with the load as during transportation and especially when transshipment and processing on terminals.

Packaged goods under the packaging of goods are understood as the formation and bonding of individual cargo units (places) into an integral cargo unit having standard parameters. Such an integral cargo unit is called a transport package. Various various means and packaging methods are known. According to GOST 21391 84 "Packing tools. Terms and definitions "These funds include pallets, cassettes, lining sheets, slings, ties, ligaments, package-forming and packagers, mechanisms and materials. Pallets are most often used for packaging tarbo piece goods. . The pallet is a cargo platform of standard sizes of wood, metal, plastics, reinforced cardboard, on which the transport package is formed and bonded. The package is moved using fork carts, loaders or other lifting transport equipment. The characteristic feature of the pallets is the presence of openings in their design to enter a forkit capture. By the location of such openings, two-day and four-hour pallets are distinguished. The first allow you to enter a fork capture only from two opposite sides of the pallet, and the second allows you to enter a fork grip from four sides of the pallet

Multimodal transportation Multimodal cargo transportation is domestic and international shipping by mixed transport, when shipping to the destination is carried out by two or more types of transport on the basis of a single agreement. Multimodal transportation is an effective combination of the possibilities of marine, rail, road and air transport. Such carriage allows you to quickly and economically deliver cargo worldwide. Multimodal transportation is particularly relevant on intercontinental directions, when access to remote points of the world is needed, where one type of transport is simply powerless.

The basic principles of the functioning of the multimodal system are as follows: 1. Uniform Commercial Legal Mode; 2. A comprehensive solution to the financial economic aspects of the system; 3. Using electronic data exchange systems (EDO), providing tracking of cargo movement, information transmission and communication; 4. The unity of all transport chains in the organizational technological aspect, the uniform form of interaction and coordination of all transport chain links, providing this unity; 5. Cooperation of all participants in the transport system; 6. Complex development of transport infrastructure of various types of transport. Signs of multimodal transportation is: 1. The presence of the operator; 2. carrying out transportation from on the fair to the end point of the following path; 3. A single end-to-end shipping rate; 4. Single transport document; 5. Unified responsibility for the goods and execution of the contract of the pro Audit.

Intermodal shipping is transportation using several types of transport. This approach is required both in the delivery of goods in the region and during international transportation. The reasons for which contact intermodal transportation are: the need to quickly send to hard-to-reach places (in this case, the load is sent to a certain point by rail or by air, and then move by car), from a remote country or from another continent; desire to save; The need for distribution of goods in one of the regions, etc. However, there may be quite a lot of difficulties here, because the organization and coordination of delivery at once in several types of transport requires good connections, long hours of negotiations, serious costs and business grip. And anyway, transportation is able to easily break out of unexpected obstacles in the path, incorrectly selected route and poor control over the movement of cargo. Even logistics companies are far from being able to qualitatively carry out intermodal transport: someone has never encountered this, someone works not with all ways to deliver (for example, has no own fleet), someone does not have such an extensive affiliate network to ensure a quick replacement transport.

Technology- a set of processing methods, manufacturing, changes in the state, properties and forms of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products used in the production process.

Under transport technologyit is understood by the combination of techniques and methods that ensure the movement of goods and passengers, i.e. A certain technological process of creating transport products.

The technology of the manufacturing process on transport is different from other industries of material production - industry, construction, agriculture. As is known, the products of industry and other industries are produced in stationary conditions, "in the walls of the enterprise", while vehicles (cars, locomotives, sea, river and aircraft, cars, etc.), carrying out transportation, move throughout Network tracks sometimes at considerable distances. As a result dynamicity rolling stock in transport exists such an unknown industry phenomenon as empty runs Vehicles and transport equipment (for example, containers), since after carrying out transportation, they may be far from the item of the next loading.

Structural units and other objects of industrial enterprises are usually placed in a certain geographic paragraph, while transport enterprises are often spatially dispersed and are located on the territory of several territorial entities and even subjects of the federation, and their activities are comprehensive. Thus, for example, the enterprise "Canal named after Moscow" is the largest water transport and at the same time water facility. It consists of 240 hydraulic structures and 3842 km of waterways in 12 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Another example: one of the 17-railways of the country - Kuibyshevskaya, has an operational length of 4.7 thousand km, includes 336 stations and passes through the territory of ten regions and autonomous republics. Maritime commercial vessels perform freight transportation to any point of the World Ocean, being thousands of miles from the port of the registry.

These and other features of the organization of the production process in transport require other industries of technological methods and managerial impacts. So, on all types of transport are organized dispatch servicesThe main tasks of which are continuous control over the state of rolling stock, its technical readiness, compliance with the schedule of motion and schedule and as a whole - ensuring the agreed work of individual links of the transport enterprise or interacting enterprises of different types of transport. At the same time, the structure and organization of the dispatching service on transport are significantly different from the dispatching service at industrial enterprises. The peculiarization feature of transportation is a continuous change in the operational situation on railway lines and nodes, airports, sea and river ports. The dispatching service is based on modern methods of management and control using the latest means of communication, automation and computing equipment.

Special place in the management of the transport process is occupied by modern communication systems. In recent decades, information networks and networks and networks for the positioning of rolling stock and transport equipment of various types of transport are continuously improved and continuously improved: aircraft, train, sea and river vessels, containers, etc. The main goal of implementing these systems is to improve the efficiency and safety of the transport process, information support of the management process. An example is the "River Information Services (RIS) / River Information Services (RIS)", which are created on the inland waterways of the European Union and other countries, including the Russian Federation, for agreed control of the movement of ships and transportation in the internal shipping system, including docking with Coastal services and other types of transport. Figures have the following main objectives: ensuring the safety and efficiency of transportation, as well as reducing the harmful effects on the environment.

Depending on the type of transportation (internal, international, transit, etc.), transport enterprises in their activities are guided not only by industry regulatory documents, but also by the laws of the federal and regional level, as well as international conventions. In addition, the specificity of the production activities of transport is reflected in the general legislation of the general nature of such, for example, as the Tax Code, Water Code, and others. As a result, the legal support of the activities of transport enterprises is diverse and more difficult than, for example, in enterprises producing industrial Products.

For modern transport production, the differentiation of transport technologies on freightand passenger.For freight traffic, it is also possible to allocate technologies limited by the framework of one type of transport, and technology designed to use several types of transport.

The nomenclature of cargo transported has thousands of names. Each load has its own technical and economic characteristics, its requirements for the speed and safety of transportation, which predetermine the technology of its transportation. But all these features take into account practically impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to group the entire range of goods into a limited number of groups and then for each group to develop its technology.

Analysis of cargo traffic allowed, despite their diversity, group 3 large groups, namely transportation technology bulk cargotransportation technology terminal cargoand transport technology other goods.

Characteristics of transport technology bulk cargoconnected, on the one hand, with their comparative simplicity, and on the other - with the lack of containers. The peculiarity of technology in this case is the fact that the mass of the transported cargo in the vehicle is limited to its carrying capacity. Such cargo includes bulk, bulk and bulk. This category of cargo does not require high delivery speed, and therefore they can accumulate both at departure points and in arrival points.

When transporting goods of this category using several types of transport, it is necessary to have overloading complexes that provide overload from one type of transport to another in the transshipment points.

For their transportation, as a rule, high load vehicles use vehicles. Water transport for the transport of these goods, vessels or high-capacity compositions are used. In particular, on sea transport for oil transportation used tankers with a carrying capacity of up to 500 thousand tons and more, bulk cargoes - courts with a carrying capacity of up to 350 thousand tons. On the inland water transport for transporting bulk cargoes, most often used heavy trucks with a lifting capacity on the Siberia rivers to 15-18 thousand tons, in the United States on the Mississippi River with a lifting capacity of up to 20-25 thousand tons. The main economic effect obtained by using such technology is associated with a reduction in operating costs due to the reduction of the cost of the crew content, reducing energy costs, depreciation, etc. expenses per 1 tons of cargo transportation.

However, it is necessary to keep in mind that the use of large-tonnage vessels of high load capacity for the carriage of bulk goods is possible with significant concentrations of streams of these goods and a large range of transportation. Otherwise, the downtime of such vessels in departure and arrival points will require considerable costs that will exceed the benefits that are provided when using high loading vessels. In these cases, the use of smaller load capacity can be more effective.

The considered mass freight transport technologies are most of the transportation on all types of transport, but there are less means to transport them than to transport terminal goods. In category terminal (fine-pharty) cargoit turns on high-tech, high-rate, perishable products, which requires high shipping rates and a high degree of safety during the transportation process.

Special attention to this category of goods is given because in the production cycle, the production process itself takes about 5% of the time, and the remaining 95% cycle time this product is in the process of transportation and in warehouses.

It is possible to increase the efficiency of transportation of this category of goods by consolidating their sending and use for this purpose special means of consolidation: containers, trailers, removable bodies, pallets. These funds allow you to introduce modern uninterrupted transport technologies and carry out the transmission in the means of the joint of the modes of transport not the goods itself, and the cargo unit in which it is loaded.

Then the entire chain of technological operations on the delivery of the products under consideration from its manufacturer to the consumer can be divided into three phases:

  • 1) the formation of a cargo unit (container, trailer, etc.) and delivery to the transport terminal in the production area;
  • 2) transportation of a cargo unit from the transport terminal at the production site to the transport terminal at the place of its consumption;
  • 3) Disbanding the cargo unit and delivery of products to the consumer. The use of such technology allows:
  • 1) reduce simple vehicles under freight operations;
  • 2) reduce the cost of carrying out loading and unloading;
  • 3) reduce the cost of container and packaging of goods;
  • 4) Increase the safety of transported goods.

Federal Railway Agency

Ural State University of Communications

Department: Stations, nodes and

cargo work

Course project

On the topic : Freight transportation technology in international communication

Checked: Performed:

lecturer student c. ME-516.

Somatodanov K.E. Argennikova E.M.



The area of \u200b\u200bcargo transportation is actively developing around the world: the delivery and handling and handling technologies are constantly improved, the number of new proposals in the field of freight transportation is increasing, flexible approaches to the organization of transportation are being developed. Modern shipping trends are to strengthen competition in the market, the provision of a comprehensive approach in the transport of goods, the active growth of container transportation and development of transport and logistics services. The combination of various types of transport allows today to organize the delivery of cargo in almost any location, and also significantly reduce the cost of its transportation.

Modern shipping trends in relation to the Russian market are, above all, a significant increase in competition. Delivery services, large overseas transport companies, regional courier services are forced to constantly improve their services to achieve advantage of competitors in the freight market. Carriers companies pay attention to the development of special proposals that take into account the requirements of the Customer and providing a full range of transport and logistics services.

Modern shipping trends marked active development of the new direction - container transportation. Containers appeared in the international market with a significant increase in global cargo turnover as an effective way to unify and simplify traffic. Standard container dimensions allow much faster and easier to process cargoes than separate loads in a variety of packaging. Thus, the containers simplify the processing of goods and significantly accelerate the transport itself. The cost-effectiveness and universality of container traffic len their popularity in recent decades in the world market.

Tasks facing the railway and road transport at the present stage are reduced to an increase in the profitability of the industry on the basis of an increase in transportation volumes by improving the quality of service of senders and recipients of goods, expanding the range of services provided, reducing operating costs, as well as the preparation of highly qualified personnel in the field of commercial work which could lead the work of large freight stations, city commodity stations, etc. In a market economy.

However, the global economic crisis that began in 2008 had a significant impact on the international transport market. According to various forecasts, approximately the same data are given, which state that the situation will not be stabilized in this service market until the end until 2012. However, at the same time, the less damage will suffer rail transportation, as in most countries, and in Russia, in particular, most of the enterprise-monopolist belongs to the state that will subsidize the company.

The purpose of this work is to explore the technology of transportation of goods in international communication.

The main task is to compare various types of transport (and in particular, railway and road) and on the basis of available source data, choose the most effective of them to perform the specified transportation. Based on the data obtained, it should be concluded about the rational choice of the type of transport.

Initial data: Departure station - Sverdlovsk-Time, Russia, destination station - Tallinn, Estonia, It is necessary to carry the chocolate white, in a volume of 150 tons.

The relevance of this topic is, firstly, in modern trends in the development of all major types of transport in our country.

The project also addresses issues such as compilation of an international contract, the choice of the form of transport and expedition service, the preparation of documents of the exporter, the choice of rolling stock, the definition of the route and the cost of shipping delivery, taking into account translucent payments.

1. Cargo transport characteristics

Code on GNG - 17049051

Code of ETCN - 514008

Code of TN VED - 1704903000 Chocolate White

All goods transported by Russian Railways are divided into three tariff classes. The first class includes raw loads, the transport component in the price of which exceeds 15%: these are low-income, "socially significant" coal, iron ore, raw wood, cement and other building materials. Their transportation is made by low rates. The second class includes other goods with a share of a transport component from 10% to 15%, including grain and other food products, oil and main petroleum products, minudging. The second class of Russian Railways is transported at cost. The third class includes the finished products with a transport component of less than 10% - it is transported at an increased rate to compensate for the carriage of the first class. Consequently, chocolate belongs to the third tariff class.

For transportation we will use: chocolate in the form of tiles are packaged in drawers from corrugated cardboard according to GOST 13512-81 (size 380 380 228 with a capacity of 25 kg), with subsequent packaging in drawers Available according to GOST 13357-87 (size 457 380 310 with a capacity of 35 kg) . Accordingly, 6,000 boxes will be required for 150 tons.

Transport markings must contain manipulation marks, basic, additional and informational inscriptions.

Manipulation signs - images indicating ways to handle cargo.

Main inscriptions:

Contract number and (or) order number of a foreign buyer;

Order number - Outline;

The number of the cargo place is indicated by the fraction, in the numerator - the sequence number of the place in the party, in the denominator - the number of places in the party;

Complete name or conditional designation of the foreign consignee;

Name of destination with an indication of a station or an overload port;

Cargo destination country;

Station and railway shipping;

Trademarks and stamps of the shipper.

Additional lettering:

The name of the exporting organization is complete or conditional;

Point of shipment;

Station and railway departure.

Informational inscriptions:

Overall dimensions of the cargo-in centimeters;

Net mass and gross in kilograms;

Volume of cargo space in cubic meters;

Export inscriptions, "Country - manufacturer and (or) supplier." Do not indicate the overall dimensions and volume of the cargo space in length, width or diameter to 1 m.

Overall dimensions do not indicate if none of the overall dimensions do not exceed 1 m during the transportation of cargo by the open rolling stock, 1.2 m - in the indoor and 0.7 m during transportation by air transport.

When transporting goods by transport packages on each of them, basic, additional and informational inscriptions should be applied. At the same time, instead of the ordinal number of the place and the number of cargo places in the party they apply:

1. In the numerator - the total number of packages in the party;

2. In the denominator - the number of cargo places in the package, in brackets the sequence number of the package, for example.

Basic, additional and informational inscriptions (except for gross and net mass) are not applied to individual cargo places from which the package has been formed.

On packages formed from cargo transported without packaging, the need to apply the total number of packages in the batch, the number of freight locations in the package and the sequence number of the package are set in the regulatory document to specific types of products.

Place and method of applying transport marking

Transport markings (main, additional, informational inscriptions and manipulating signs) should be applied to paper, cardboard, plywood, metal and other labels, or directly to the container.

Main, additional and informational inscriptions have:

On drawers - on one of the lateral sides. For lattice boxes and drawers with external strips, the possibility of placing marking (attachment of slats, closing the lumen between the rolls, etc.). When transporting in open railway rolling stock, low-tonnage and minor shipments, which causes a sign that has the "top" value, transport marking (except for the name of the shipper and the point of departure) must be applied additionally on the upper side (lid) of the packaging;

On barrels and drums - on one of the bottoms. It is allowed to apply labeling on the housing;

On bags - in the upper part of the seam;

On bales - on one of the side surfaces;

On the kipa - on the end surface. It is allowed to apply labeling on the side surface;

On other types of containers and loads, not packed in the transport packaging - in the most comfortable places well-visible.

When applying marking directly to the container, if the size and construction of the container do not allow you to place the necessary labeling on the side wall, it is allowed to place the marking on the side, end walls and (or) on the lid.

It is allowed on unpacked products to apply marking directly on the product.

Manipulating signs (preventive inscriptions) are applied to each cargo place in the upper left corner on two neighboring walls of the container.

On barrels and drums, signs are placed on one of the bottoms or on the housings; On bags - on one of the parties.

In our case, we use the following manipulation signs - to take care of the sun, take care of moisture and the temperature range in which the load should be stored or manipulated.

Breathe from sun

Bear from moisture

The temperature range in which the load should be stored or manipulated them.

The labeling is applied by typographic, lithograph, electrolytic methods, painting by stencil, stamping, stamping, burning, melting, printing on a typewriter, marking machines.

The paint used for marking should not be sticky and washed, if necessary, paint should be waterproof, light-resistant, salinular and resistant to the effects of tropical climates, high and low temperatures.

Manipulation signs, inscriptions, ecological signs should be black.

It is allowed on the "Bear from moisture" sign, do not specify the symbol of raindrops.

It is allowed to apply manipulation signs with lumens.

Transport marking (main, additional and informational inscriptions and manipulation signs) must be applied to each cargo place.

It is allowed to apply basic, additional and informational inscriptions (except for the mass of gross and net) not on all cargo places, but not less than four during the transport of homogeneous cargo in direct railway reports by writing shipments.

It is allowed not to apply basic, additional and informational inscriptions (except for the mass of gross and net) during the carriage of goods by road and in universal containers, except cars and containers downloaded by small shipments.

Marking, signs, warning inscriptions must be resistant to the action of atmospheric precipitation (snow, innese, rain), solar radiation, salt fog, dust, water, aqueous solutions of acids and alkalis, oil, gasoline, etc. and placed in the field of view of the service personnel .

Marking, signs and warning inscriptions should be clear and unequivocal.

When choosing the most economical type of wagons, it should be processed from the condition that loads can be transported only in one type of carbon (indoor, half-haul, tank) or in different types (collure and platform).

The fleet of cargo cars consists of universal (indoor, platforms, gondola cars) and specialized. In universal cars, most goods can be transported, in specialized - loads for which they are intended. Specialized cars include cement arises, tanks, isothermal, mineral carriers, special tanks for the transport of cement, liquefied gases, etc.

By the loading method, the wagons are divided into closed and open. Open-type wagons have a number of advantages over the covered: wider the possibility of mechanization of loading and unloading works, below the simple wagons, as it is accelerated loading and unloading; Less expenses for building, repair, maintenance, wider range of cargo transported.

The design of cargo park cars has an impact on the safety of goods, the speed of freight operations, the safety of trains movement, the maximum use of lifting capacity and capacity, ensuring the integrated mechanization of loading and unloading and reduction of downtime under freight operations.

Construction schemes of Western European cars have a large number of solutions other than domestic, for example, some covered wagons have a sliding roofs, two-axis wagons predominate in the park; Wagons differ in dimensions, which is reflected in the overload process.

To ensure the safety of train traffic, all wagons transmitted to the adjacent railways must be equipped with automatic brakes that provide them with the brakes of other systems and connecting sleeves.

It is necessary to choose the indoor car, the container and the platform on which it will be transported, as well as a cargo car. As a result, we will get three types of transportation:

1. Putting out

2. Container shipment

3. Automotive transport

For comparison, we take two covered cars - 11-066 and 11-260, and two platforms - 13-9004 and 13-9007.

The choice of rolling stock is performed on the basis of the indicators shown in Table 1.

The technical coefficient of containers is calculated by the formula:

K T T \u003d Q T / P GP

Tara loading coefficient:

To p t \u003d q t / p

Coefficient of use of load capacity:

l \u003d P TEV / R GP

Table 1.

So, for the cooking shipment, we are focused on the CR 11-066.

Now we have cargo in the car and determine how much cargo is transported in one car. Then we can find the number of cars required for transportation.

Thus, the carriage can be downloaded 2480 drawers:

2480 * 25 \u003d 6.2 tons.

n VAG \u003d 150 / 6.2 \u003d 25 wagons.

150/25 \u003d 6000 packages / wagon.

We place the goods in the container and on the platform.

For transport we use a 20-foot container.

And platform 13-9007

Since 6,000 boxes are required to transport 150 tons of chocolate, then in one container it is possible to transport 882 drawers. And on one platform you can put 3 containers.

Thus, 7 containers and 3 platforms are needed for transportation of the entire cargo.

Rules for cargo receiving to transportation on railway transport.

Loading, accommodation and fastening of goods in cars, containers should ensure the safety of train movement, the possibility of mechanization of loading and unloading works, the safety of goods, cars, containers in accordance with the requirements of the guests.

Loads, during loading of which the preparation of cars, containers in compliance with the conditions set out in the rules for the transport of dangerous goods by railways approved in the prescribed manner, are indicated in the annex to this Regulation.

Loads, on the packaging of which there are manipulating signs and warning inscriptions, should be loaded into wagons in compliance with the requirements of these signs, inscriptions.

Accommodation and fastening of goods in wagons, containers are made in accordance with the technical conditions for the placement and fastening of goods in cars and containers, the rules for the carriage of goods in specialized containers on railway transport, cargo transportation rules in universal containers on railway transport.

In accordance with Article 30 of the Transport Charter, the equipment, materials, packaging and other devices are provided for loading, fastening and transportation of goods. The installation of such devices during loading is carried out by shippers or railway, depending on which loading is carried out.

It is forbidden to load into one car cargo, which in their properties can damage or spoil other goods.

The placement of tare and piece goods in the interdobral space of the car is made with a gap between the door and a load of at least 25 cm.

In accordance with Article 29 of the transport charter, loads should be loaded into wagons, containers, taking into account the technical norms of their downloads established by the MPS of Russia, but not higher than the loading capacity according to the stencil on the car, the container.

Loads that are not installed on which technical standards are not installed, loaded to the full capacity of wagons, containers, but not higher than the loading capacity according to the stencil on the car, container.

Loading loads with a length of over two meters in the covered wagons, the following in common areas, is not allowed, with the exception of goods subject to unloading in public areas by consignee.

General rules for fastening of goods in containers

First of all, it should be borne in mind that the container can be loaded to the admitted total mass of the container than its own mass. The permissible mass of gross must be no more than 50 kg.

Loads in containers should be laid so as to eliminate the possibility of moving them inside during transportation or transshipment. The load on the floor and the pressure on the walls should be distributed evenly, and the container doors are free to close, open, for which when laying the cargo, leave free space from 3 to 5 cm between cargo and door. It is forbidden to move the cargo or device for its attachment (rack, wedges, gaskets, etc.) with nails or brackets to the wall, floor and ceiling of the container. When loading goods without packaging or in a lightweight container, the sender should take measures to ensure the safety of cargo from damage, damage or decline for other reasons for its quality, as well as to protect the container from the harmful effects of goods (corrosion, etc.). For this purpose, you can, for example, set the walls with paper container with paper or similar materials, use a protective film, rubber gaskets, wrap the load with a soft insulating material. The sender is obliged to arrange and consolidate the load so as to eliminate the damage to the container both when loading and upon subsequent transportation.

For fastening the cargo in the container uses stubborn bars, chains, fender shields, a spacer framework from a cross section of at least 20x100 mm. The total amount of gaps between the stacks of cargo, as well as between the cargo and walls of the container, should not exceed 200 mm. Thus, the fastening of containers is very important in the logistics.

The gaps in the example: in length 165mm, in width of 100mm.

The uniform distribution of the load from it on the door, the end walls and the floor of the container is of great importance for the safety of the cargo. Proper placement of the container. To ensure that this condition is fulfilled, it is necessary to be guided by the following recommendations for the placement of the container:

- It is not allowed to put in a cargo container, which form significant loads on small areas of the floor surface and other internal elements of containers. Mounting loads should so that the load is evenly distributed from the maximum possible inner area of \u200b\u200bthe container surface;

- It is necessary to fill all the gaps between the cargo and the walls of the container with the help of improvised or special means, and in this case it is convenient to use, for example, empty pallets, which, as a rule, are on any warehouse, wooden bars, inflatable capacity, etc.: P .:

- if you need to place several units of cargo of different shape, each one should be fixed separately;

- It is forbidden to stack loads with different number of tiers.

In general, such a general rule should be guided: in one half of the container, more than 60% of the total goods should not be concentrated.

In addition, the loading should be carried out in such a way that in the process of overloading in any lifting and transport equipment (for example, by a container loader, a gantry crane, a crane, etc.), a steady horizontal position of the container was provided. Otherwise, it can be tamed, and the load, connecting, will break the locking device, squeeze the doors or the end walls of the container. It is also not allowed to ship in a container heavy items on the lungs and prohibits the distribution of cargo with an eccentricity. The above comments should not be forgotten when placing a container.

Loaded universal 20-foot containers are placed on a rolling stock without restrictions with a complete or incomplete set on 60-foot platforms or in the middle (one or two containers), or symmetrically along the edges (two containers). When transporting on Russian railways, they should be placed in the inside. In order to avoid movements along the platform, the containers are fixed with two transverse bars stacked close to the elder sides, and in the spacer between containers across the car, the timber is laid, to which spacer bars resting in fittings. The total mass of containers placed on the car should not exceed the screenwater carriage of the car.

Tar piece goods formed in stacks are close to the butt wall of the container with the installation in accordance with the requirements. From the door of the door, cargo places should be located long along the container, with the exception of particularly specified cases.

It is allowed as a fence to use bundles and packs of pipes, varietal metal, hardware, timber, cylindrical and other goods of sufficient strength laid with a long side across the container.

Fastening of goods in containers It is necessary to produce with the use of wooden stubborn and spacer bars, connecting slats and lining of wire stretch marks with a diameter of at least 6 mm in two or more threads for the lugs in the containers, brackets and rings. Stretch marks should be located at an angle to the floor and to the side walls of no more than 40 °.

Automobile transport


Car brand - Mercedes.


Length 13.5 M.

Width 2.45 M.

Height 2.45m

Body volume 82m 3

Load capacity 20 tons

Type of cargo compartment - Europlatform with an awning.

It turns out that, in one car will enter 800 boxes weighing 25 kg. And since, the load capacity of the machine is 20 tons, then 8 cars will need

Accommodation and fastening of goods on rolling stock.

When transporting different types of cargo, it is necessary to comply with the rules for loading and transporting them to ensure the effective use of vehicles and the safety of transported goods.

Laying cargoes in car bodies (trailers) should begin with a cabin to the entire height of loading. By weight, the cargo should be distributed symmetrically relative to the longitudinal axis of the car and evenly throughout the body floor of the body. An incomplete range is posted last.

In order to maximize the use of the body and capacity of cars, prevent the longitudinal or transverse movement in the body, as well as ensuring safety during the carriage of cargo in car bodies and trailers fit tightly. Wooden gaskets, struts, etc. are inserted into the voids between individual cargo places.

Tarn and packaging loads in soft containers (bags, kouli) with single-tier laying are placed with stakes (strings) up, with multi-tiered laying-horizontal rows-strokes (strings) inside.

Loads in boxes or in bales are stacked in bodies in one or more tiers, while the stack may be rectangular or pyramidal.

Loads in drawers (different in size and mass) are stacked most carefully in order to avoid their displacement in motion, as well as possible pressure (longitudinal, transverse) heavy boxes on the lungs.

When transporting on pallets, individual cargo places are stacked on them in such a way that it can be used to check the amount without a disturbance of their position on the pallet and attachment (with the exception of cellular closed pallets transported behind the fillings of the shipper).

DDP Delivery Conditions - Delivered Duty PAID

(... Named Place of Destination)

Delivery with payment duties

(... Name of destination)

The term "delivery with payment of fees" or DDP delivery conditions means that the seller will provide the past customs clearance and uncontrollable from the goods arrived by the buyer in the title destination specified in the DDP provider. The seller is obliged to carry all the costs and risks associated with the transportation of goods, including (where it will be required) (see the introduction of paragraph 14) any fees for importing into the country of destination (under the word "fees" here is meant the responsibility and risks for carrying out customs clearance, And also for paying customs formalities, customs duties, taxes and other fees) as required according to DDP conditions.

While the term ExW lay on the seller minimum responsibilities, the conditions of DDP deliveries involves the maximum responsibilities of the seller.

This term, DDP Terms of Delivery, cannot be applied if the seller directly or indirectly cannot provide an import license.

If the parties agreed to exception from the obligations of the seller of some of the costs that are configured when using DDP conditions to pay for imports (such as value added tax - VAT), this should be clearly defined in the sale contract.

This term, DDP delivery conditions, can be applied regardless of the type of transport.

Responsibilities of the seller

Duties of the buyer

A.1. Supply of goods in accordance with the contract

The seller is obliged in accordance with the contract of sale to provide the Buyer the goods, a commercial invoice or an equivalent e-mail, as well as any other evidence of conformity, which may be required under the terms of the contract of sale.

B.1. Payment prices

The buyer is obliged to pay the price-selling price of the goods.

A.2. Licenses, certificates and formalities

The seller must, at his own expense and risk, to obtain any export and import license or other official certificate or other documents, as well as, if necessary (see the introduction of paragraph 14), all customs formalities required for export and import Goods and for its transit transport through third countries.

B.2. Licenses, certificates and formalities

The buyer is obliged at the request of the seller to provide the last one at his expense and on his risk full assistance in obtaining, if necessary (see the introduction of paragraph 14), any import license or other official certificate required for importing goods.

A.3. Transport and insurance contracts

a) transportation contract

The seller must conclude a contract for the transportation of goods to the title destination. If a special item is not agreed or not defined by the practice of this kind of supply, the seller can choose the item most suitable for him in the title destination.

b) insurance contract

No obligations

B.3. Transport and insurance contracts

a) transportation contract

No obligations (see the introduction of clause 10).

b) insurance contract

No obligations


The seller is obliged to provide the goods to the buyer or another person specified by the Buyer, in a non-profitable form on any coming vehicle, in the title destination, in a consistent date or within the deadline agreed.

B.4. Delivery acceptance

The buyer is obliged to accept the delivery of goods when it is implemented in accordance with Article A.4.

A.5. Risk transition

The seller is obliged to deliver the goods taking into account the reservations of the article B.5. And carry all the risks of loss or damage to the goods until its delivery in accordance with Article A.4.

B.5. Risk transition

The buyer is obliged to carry all the risks of loss or damage to the goods from the moment of its delivery in accordance with Article A.4.Pochupator is obliged - with the failure to fulfill them in accordance with Article B.2. - carry all the additional risks of loss and damage caused in this way in this way. The buyer is obliged - if it is not fulfilled, the obligation to give a notice in accordance with Article B.7. - carry all risks of loss or damage to the goods since the expiration of the agreed date or end of the agreed delivery time. The condition, however, is the proper compliance of the goods to the contract. This means that the goods must be properly identified, that is, it is definitely isolated or otherwise indicated as a product that is the subject of this contract.

A.6. Distribution of expenses

The seller must taking into account the reservations of Article B.6.: - In addition to the costs arising from the article A3A), to carry all the costs associated with the goods before the moment when it is supplied in accordance with Article A.4., I- If this is required (see the introduction of paragraph 14) - pay all expenses related to the implementation of customs formalities for export and imports, like other duties, taxes and other fees payable when exporting and importing goods and its transit transport through third countries Before delivery in accordance with Article A.4.

B.6. Distribution of expenses

The buyer is obliged in accordance with the provisions of the article by A.3A): - carry all expenses related to the product, from the moment of its delivery in accordance with Article A.4. - to carry all additional costs when they are not fulfilling their duties in accordance with Article B.2. Or give notice in accordance with Article B.7. The condition, however, is the proper compliance of the goods to the contract. This means that the goods must be properly identified, that is, it is definitely isolated or otherwise indicated as a product that is the subject of this contract.

A.7. Notification buyer

The seller must notify the supplied buyer about sending goods, as well as send other notices to the buyer who are required to implement it usually necessary for the delivery of goods.

B.7. Notification buyer

The buyer is obliged if he has the right to determine the time as part of the due date and / or the delivery point in the title destination, to properly notify the seller.

A.8. Delivery Proof, Transport Documents or Equivalent E-mails

The seller must provide the buyer at his own expevion-order and / or a regular transport document (for example, a revolving cavaria, a non-current maritime invoice, proof of transportation by inland water transport, an air invoice, an overhead of railway or road communication or an overhead of mixed transportation) that may be required Buyer to accept the delivery of goods in accordance with Articles A.4. / B.4. In the case, if the seller and the buyer agreed on the use of electronic communications, the documents mentioned above may be replaced by equivalent emails (EDI).

B.8. Delivery Proof, Transport Documents or Equivalent E-mails

The buyer is obliged to adopt the required Delivery Orders or transport document in accordance with Article A.8.

A.9. Check - Packaging - Marking

The seller is obliged to carry the costs associated with checking goods (for example, quality check, size, weight, quantity) necessary for the delivery of goods in accordance with Article A.4. Seller is obliged at his own account to provide packaging (except in cases where in this industry Commerce is usually made to supply goods conditioned by a contract without packing) necessary for the delivery of goods. Packaging should be labeled properly.

B.9. Inspection of goods

The buyer is obliged to carry the costs associated with the provisional inspection of the goods except when such an inspection is required by the authorities of the export country.

A.10. Other obligations

The seller is obliged to carry all expenses and pay for fees related to obtaining documents or equivalent to their electronic messages, as provided for in Article B.10., And also compensate all the costs of the buyer, incurred by the latter due to assistance. The seller is obliged to provide the buyer with all the information necessary for insurance.

B.10. Other obligations

The buyer is obliged at the request of the seller to provide the last at his expense and on his risk full assistance in obtaining any documents or equivalent to their email messages issued or transmitted in the country of imports that may be required to provide the seller to provide the goods thus at the disposal of the buyer.

Transportation of goods in an international message is usually preceded by the preparation of a contract. The contract of sale is a document indicating that one side of the transaction (Seller) undertakes to convey the goods specified in the contract to the ownership of the other party (Buyer), which, in turn, undertakes to accept it and pay for it the established price. In each particular case, the content of the terms of the contract depends on the type of transport, the nature of the goods, such as the transaction, the basic delivery condition, as well as the content of international treaties, agreements, customs of the country.

Obviously, on various types of transactions there are features of material conditions. If this is a sales contract, then you can pay attention to the following points.

Subject of contract. It is necessary as clearly and thoroughly describe the goods, its completeness, quality, attach the specification.

Price and total amount of this Contract. It should be specified not only by the total amount of the contract, but also the price of a separate product.

Delivery conditions. As a rule, inchoterms are regulated (the set of rules in which typical supply conditions are described). You should specify which edition of the Incoterms applied in the contract.

Conditions for receiving goods. This is a very serious question. A lot of disputes arise in connection with the claims of the buyer in quality. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to clearly register the mechanism for assessing product quality when receiving. The Commission of Experts - Representatives of Parties may also appreciate the expert units at the CCI of the Russian Federation (provided that the goods are accepted in Russia), or similar structures abroad (if the buyer is a foreign company). It is also necessary to remember that it is often, after signing an act of acceptance, the relations of the parties do not stop, there are also obligations under warranty service.

Terms of payment. You should specify the currency of the contract, the currency of payment and the currency reservation, which will avoid coursework losses. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the requirements of currency legislation.

Claims and penalties. It is necessary to harmonize with the right to contract. For example, if the provisional periods prescribed in the contract contradicts the imperative standards that are established in the relevant national law, this item can be partially invalid.

Force Majeure. As a liberation from liability for violation of the contract is emergency and unpredictable circumstances under these conditions (natural phenomena, military actions, etc.). Such are the fire, flood, earthquake, hurricane, epidemic, strike, military actions, prohibition of exports and imports of goods and other, allowed as force majeure applicable to a contract with the right (if the applicable Russian right, then it is enough to look into the proper wording of this item Civil Code, Article 401). Thus, the parties cannot submit force majeure circumstances that are not as those in the relevant right (for example, the initiation of a criminal case against one of the parties does not exempt it from the contractual obligations).

Other conditions. According to the Russian legislation, the right under the contract can be transmitted to third parties, but often the inadmissibility of the cessia is important, therefore it would be nice to make a item according to which none of the parties have the right to transfer their rights to the present contract with a third party without the written consent of the other party.

The TEO form is selected based on the basis of the supply conditions, taking into account the delivery time and transport costs for each option. When comparing the carriage options, various types of transport should take into account the degree of their development in the region, seasonality of work, the environmental impact of transport, overload and warehouse operations, the development of transport and technological schemes, safety and reliability of technical means on various types of transport, the quality of transport service and Other factors.

All transport and expeditioning services on the railways are classified in three categories: the place, the time of their implementation and the form of the work performed.

At the place of implementation, the services provided in the warehouse of the shipper (forwarder), at the station departure, on the route, at the destination station and in the consignee warehouse (forwarder).

By the time of execution, the services provided before receiving the goods to transportation, in the process (after) receiving cargo to transportation, in the process of transportation, before issuing a cargo, in the process of issuing a cargo, after issuing cargo.

According to the work performed, the following services can be allocated:

Filling and paperwork;

Conclusion of the contract of carriage;

Presentation of goods to transportation on places of general and not general use of departure stations;

Receiving cargo at the destination station;

Cargo deliverance to the field of public departure stations;

Export of cargo from the common areas of destination stations;

Feed - Cleaning cars;

Performing loading and unloading and warehouse work;

Informational services (information services);

Preparation for transportation and additional equipment of rolling stock;

Cargo insurance;

Payment of transportation payments, fees and fines (payment and financial);

Customs clearance of goods;

Other types of work.

Services for filling and paperwork include:

Filling out applications for shipping;

Filling overhead;

Registration of cargo redirection in the following way and at the initial station;

Learning of transportation documents;

Registration of the Claims for Transportation to the Railway.

Service related to the conclusion of the contract for the carriage of goods:

Providing applications for the transportation of goods on the railway;

Coordination with the railway application for the transportation of goods;

Obtaining an agreed application from the railway and the transfer of its shipper;

Presentation of the overhead railway to sight;

Obtaining from the railway curled invoicing and transferring it to the shipper;

presentation of the railway after the loading of the cargo to the car (container);

Getting a receipt for the reception of cargo to transportation from the railway and the transfer of its shipper.

Services related to the presentation of goods to transportation:

On public areas of departure stations - delivery of goods or container with a load of the railway receiving department; Installing shut-off-sealing devices to the container;

On the site of the options for the departure stations - the installation of shut-off-sealing devices to the car (container); Reception of empty and delivery of the loaded carriages of the recedener of the railway.

Services related to obtaining cargo at the destination station:

Transmission of the truck led overhead;

Getting a cargo railway (container) at the Field of Communication Places of Purpose;

Reception of loaded and delivery of the empty railways of the railway when unloading on the field of non-commodity;

Remaining worry-sealing devices installed on the car (container).

Services related to cargo ship to public areas include services for the delivery of goods by road from a warehouse of the shipper to a warehouse located on public areas of departure station.

Services related to the export of cargo from the common areas of stations include services for the delivery of goods by road from a warehouse located on public areas of destination, to the consignee warehouse.

Services related to the supply and cleaning of cars:

Feeding wagons on the access road of the shipper (consignee);

Cleaning cars from the driveway passage (consignee);

Arrangement of cars for freight fronts;

Selection of wagons for feeding on freight fronts.

Services related to the implementation of loading and unloading and warehouse works:

Loading and unloading of goods from cars, containers, cars in warehouses of shippers and consignees, as well as at departure and destination stations;

Determining the mass of cargo;

Storage of goods in the warehouse of the freight forwarder;

Recruitment and consolidation of freight units in warehouses of shippers and consignees;

Formation and disbanding transport packages;

Sender marking of goods;

Fastening of goods in cars and containers;

Packaging, linking, cargo lining;

Repair of transport packaging and packaging.

Information services include notifications and notifications:

Consignee to send to its shipment;

Consignee about the approach of cargo (car) to the destination station;

Shipper on the issuance of cargo to the consignee;

Shipper (consignee) about the intersection of the state border;

Shipper or consignee on the arrival of the cargo to the port;

Shipper (consignee) about loading cargo on board the vessel and arrival at the destination;

Shipper or consignee about the approach of loaded or empty vehicles;

Shipper (consignee) on the detection of commercial malfunctions in the following way;

The shipper (consignee) on the execution in the process of transporting the chart (term) delivery of cargo.

Services related to the preparation for transportation and additional equipment of rolling stock:

Cleaning wagons and containers from cargo residues;

Provision of shippers with packaging means;

Install removable equipment on a car;

Providing shipments necessary for loading and transportation by devices and materials.

Insurance services:

Preparation and conclusion of the insurance contract;

Payment of insurance premiums;

Registration of documents upon the occurrence of the insured event;

Obtaining insurance compensation.

Payment and Financial Services:

Registration and payment of translucent payments, fees and fines;

Conducting settlement operations for transportation and transshipment of goods with individual stations, ports and marins, for the production of loading and unloading, warehouse and other works performed during departure and arrival;

Calculation of the amount of the claim, carrying out the settlement operations related to the claim;

completion of payments related to customs fees and other customs formalities.

Services for customs clearance of goods and vehicles:

Carrying out cargo declaration;

Advising shippers and consignees on issues related to the declaration of goods or other property;

Registration of the freight customs declaration (GTD) and related documents for the shipped (arrived) cargo.

Other services:

Development and coordination of drawings, schemes and performing calculations on loading and fastening of goods not provided for by the technical conditions;

Development and coordination of local regulations for loading cars;

Monitoring compliance with complete equipment shipment;

Maintenance and repair of own cars and containers of shippers and consignees;

Maintenance of refrigerated containers;

Perform service, repair and control checks of weights.

Transport and Expeditionary Service Agreement is given in Appendix2

Calculation of the delivery time of cargo by rail

The cargo should be in a timely manner and in full preservation was delivered to the recipient. This condition acquires particular importance, because Delivery times are negotiated in foreign trade contracts.

According to Article 14 SMGS, shipping can be carried out by two types of speeds: large and small. Selected by the sender, the species affects the delivery time and the size of the transportation boards.

Delivery time is determined by the entire path of the cargo, based on the following norms.

For high speed:

Small shipments - 1 day for every 200 km started (within each national road participating in transportation)

Copying and containers - 320 km / day.

For low speed:

Deadline - 1 day

Small shipments - 150 km / day

Vagon shipments and containers - 200 km / day.

The calculation of the delivery time of the cargo begins with 24 hours to receive the cargo for the carriage specified in the original and duplicate the international invoice, as well as in the road statement in the calendar stamp of the railway station of the departure.

The cargo is considered to be delivered on time if it is unloaded at the railway station of the destination, or if the car, the cargo container is filed for unloading the means of consignee at the expiration of the established delivery time.

The date of notification of the recipient and the customs authorities on the arrival of the cargo under customs control, at the destination railway station is the date of the actual shipping date for the purpose, or the railway is not responsible for delaying the cargo at the destination railway station associated with the customs clearance.

In case of arrival of the cargo outside the work of the customs authorities, the delivery time is lengthened for the period from the time of arrival of the cargo at the destination railway station before the time of operation of this body.

Cargoes are also considered to be delivered in time by arriving at the destination railway station to the established delivery time and delay of cargo filing, containers with such cargo due to the fact that the unloading front is occupied, the cost of cargo transportation and other due railway payments, or as a result of other dependent From the consignee of the reasons, about which the shared act is drawn up.

Delivery time, in accordance with SMGS, is:

T \u003d. t. op + L. Tar / V. + t. dop ,

where t. op - time for initial finite operations,

L. Tar - Tariff distance,

V. - shipping rate, km / day.

On operations related to the departure and arrival of the cargo, two days are given: Some for the departure railway, and one for the destination railway.

The delivery time of cargo increases for two days when cargo overload at border stations with different rut widths and with ferry crossing of the wagons.

Delivery time is also extended:

1 day in the case of the exercise at border points of passing the Russian Federation of border, customs, sanitary and epidemiological, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of state control.

1 day when permuting cars on wheeled pairs of another rut width

1 day on operations related to the redirection of cargo.

Delivery time increases for all time delays in cases:

Delays of goods by customs and other state control authorities in the following way more than per day

Delays of goods in the way to correct loading, elimination of cargo overload made by the fault of the shipper

Delays wagons, containers in the path of reinforcement related to the correction of the technical and commercial state, which occurred on the reasons independent of the railway

Delays of cars, containers in the way of the circumstances of force majeure, military operations, blockades, epidemics or other circumstances that prevent cargo transportation

Delay as a result of changing the contract of carriage.

In our case, to calculate the delivery time pohn ship We take the following data:

Tariff distance - 2448 km

Shipping speed - 200 km / day

T \u003d 2 + 212/200 + 2236/200 + 1 \u003d 17 days

In the Russian Federation, the cargo follows 12 days, in Estonia - 2 days. 2 days is added to the initial-finite operations, 1 day - on customs inspection at border stations. Because Railway widths in Estonia are also 1520 mm, the overload is not performed.

Calculation of the delivery time of container shipment

Container shipment in our case is carried out as mixed transportation.

Thus, the delivery time will be:

T \u003d 2 + 2 + 2448/200 + 1 \u003d 17 days.

Of these, 2 days on the loading and overload, 12 days - the load on the route by rail, 2 days - to the initial-finite operations, 1 day - on customs inspection at the border station.

Calculation of the delivery time by road by road

The tariff distance between Yekaterinburg and Tallinn is 2668 km.

Time on the way is about 53 hours. Then:

T \u003d 1 + 2 + 2.5 + 1 \u003d 6.5 days,

Of these, 1 day - in motion, 2 days - on the initial and final operations, 1 day - on customs inspection at the border point, 1 day - to parking.

Let's make a consolidated table.

The most disturbing type of transport in terms of delivery is automobile transport, delivery time is minimal.

The procedure for calculating translucent payments on railway transport

Transaction payments under which the shipping fee is understood, the passage of the conductor, additional fees and other expenses arising from the reception of cargo to transportation to its issuance to the recipient are calculated on the following tariffs operating on the day of the contract of transportation:

1) in the report between the stations of railways of neighboring countries for transportation by railways of the country of departure and destination countries - on tariffs applied by railways of these countries for such transportations or at the direct rate, if these railways are installed direct tariff;

2) in the report through transit roads for the transportation of the country of departure and destination countries - on tariffs used by the railways of these countries for such transportations, and for transportation on transit railways - according to the transit tariff used for this international transportation.

The shipping fee is calculated by the shortest distance defined by the tariff applied, in the direction through the border stations that are listed in the sender's invoice.

If the load was transported through other border stations on a shorter path, which indicated the sender in the invoice, the fee is calculated in the shortest distance. Determined by the tariff applied, in the direction through these border stations.

Transaction payments and fines for transportation on the roads of the country of departure and destination countries are calculated in local currency, and payments and fines for transportation on transit railways - in the currency of the transit tariff applied by interested railways for this international transport.

Railways should be reimbursed by the costs of transportation costs that are not provided for by the tariffs used, as, for example, the costs of repairing loading, overload costs associated with the correction of loading, the costs of correction of containers and packaging required for the safety of cargo, the cost of cargo shelter Wear and for the use of tarpaulin themselves in the case when such a shelter does not lie on the duties of the railway. These costs must be installed separately for each shipment and confirmed by the relevant documents.

These expenses fit into the railway to the invoice and accumulate from the sender if the costs arose on the departure railway, or from the recipient if they arose on the destination railway. If these costs arose on the transit railway, they are accumulated from the sender or the recipient, depending on which of them pays for transportation payments for transportation on this transit road. In cases where the transport payments for transit railways pays for the sender or recipient through a payer (forwarding organization, freight agent, etc.), which has a contract with a transit railway to pay for transport payments, these costs are accumulated from the payer (forwarding organization, freight agent and Dr.) According to the internal rules acting on transit railways.

If in the path of the following, it is necessary to overload the cargo from one to one or more wagons of the same rut width, then the transport fee is calculated, as for one shipment by the car, in which the cargo was immersed at the departure station and which was indicated originally in the invoice. If such an overload in the path is caused by the reasons that do not depend on the sender, the charge for the overload of the cargo is not accumulated.

For overloading of goods into a car other width of the rut or permutation of carriages of cars at border stations, additional fees (including expenses associated with the provision of railway devices and materials for fastening the overloaded cargo: racks, wire, nails, gaskets, etc.) are calculated:

1) if the overload of goods or the permutation of cars on the carts of another rut width produces the destination railway - in accordance with the internal tariff in force on this road;

2) in other cases - in accordance with the transit tariff applied to this international transportation.

Tariff policy rates on foreign trade transportation are established on the basis of the International Rail Transit Tariff (MTT) in Swiss Franks. Tariff policy rates are not included in VAT and additional fees. Increasing the level of rates and additional fees is possible no more than two times during the freight year.

Special rates are accordant tariff rates that are established by the railway administration for specific correspondence and certain names of goods. According to the CIS TP, the specialties can be installed on the carriage of goods through several countries of the participants of the tariff agreement. Such specialties are called through. Specialties are expressed in US dollars per ton or container. They may include VAT.

Payment of foreign trade in Russian railways can be carried out both Swiss francs and in US dollars.

The Russian Railways TP received MTT rates to which a series of coefficients are applied, which are established in order to approximate the level and form of the construction of the European Type MTT to the conditions of export-import transportation on domestic railways. On domestic railways, a higher loading of wagons and a large range.

With the carriage of cargo by the CIS countries from the CIS (from) third countries, as well as between the stations of railways of the CIS countries, the base rate for a particular transportation distance is calculated at the MTT rates by the formula:

T bases \u003d t mtt * k l * k n * k a, where

T MTT - MTT rate for the corresponding MTT weight category at specific transportation distances, and when loading the car over 25 tons, the MTT rate for the weight category - 25 tons, Swiss francs in one ton of cargo;

k l - coefficient, taking into account the range of transportation;

k p - correction coefficient when loading over 25 tons;

k a - coefficient, taking into account the affiliation of cargo to mass loads, equal to 0.9.

When transporting goods in containers from (c) CIS member states in (from) third, as well as between the stations of the railways of the CIS member states, the base rate is determined for the universal freight containers of 20-foot:

T bases (20) \u003d T MTT (20) * kl, where

TBAZ (20) - the base TP rate for a 20-foot container, Swiss francs per container;

TMTT (20) - MTT rate for a 20-foot container;

k l - coefficient, taking into account the range of transportation.

Cars are added to the transportation for additional operations. These fees are defined by the MTT rate, and in their absence - at an external tariff.

Additional fees include car cleaning costs, visiting documents and accounting cards, fee for using wagons and containers, tracking tracking, insurance, overload at the border station, forwarding services, customs clearance, etc.

Putting shipments :

T bases \u003d t mtt * k l * k n * k a

T RZD \u003d CX.116 * K 1 * K 2 * K 3 * K 4

T database \u003d 23.8 * 150 * 1 \u003d 3570 * 31,1954 (Swiss franc rate at 20.11) \u003d

T RZD \u003d 853.1 * 150 * K 1 * K 2 * K 3 * K 4

T РЖД \u003d 127965

Total transportation will be:

T \u003d 111367,578 + 127965 * 0.5 (coefficient direction) \u003d 239332,578

C \u003d (T total + from add.) * C Expext, where

T total - Common payments

C Expert - forwarding collection, 5% of the total transportation fee.

With extra \u003d with GTD + with SMGS + with a stan + C. there + With fear + with PRR + with seals + with suspending + with collection

With additional charges;

With GTD - fee for registration of GTD (4500 rubles.);

With SMGS - fee for registration of SMGS (3500 rubles);

From the store - charges for storing the cargo (25 rubles. TN / day);

C there - customs fee (100,000 rubles);

With fear - a charge for cargo insurance;

With PRR - fee for loading and unloading operations (140 rubles. TN / operas.);

With seals - installation of seals;

With a suspend - a charge for weighing cargo;

C fees - one-time collection at customs (7.5 Swiss. FR. \u003d 234 rub.)

Cargo insurance:

Povagona Sending: With fear \u003d 60000000 × 0.03 \u003d 1800000 rub.

On the car you need 2 seals, the cost of one seal \u003d 400 rubles.

Number of wagons \u003d 25.

With seals \u003d 400 × 2 × 25 \u003d 20,000 rubles.

With PR \u003d 150 × 140 × 2 \u003d 42000 rub.

Thus, the extra will be equal:

for brand shipments.

With extra \u003d 4500 + 3500 + 3750 + 100000 + 1800000 + 42000 + 20000 + 37500 + 234 \u003d 2011484

TOTAL The total amount of translucent payment on the sconged shipments will be:

C \u003d (T total + from add.) * C Expext \u003d 2237707,81 (in rubles)

Container shipping

T Bases \u003d T MTT × k d × k n

T Base \u003d 394 * 150 * 0.35 \u003d 20685 * 31,1954 (Swiss franc rate at 20.11) \u003d 645276,849

T RF \u003d CX.130 × k 1 × k 2 × k 3 × k ind

T RF \u003d 16761,4 * 0.7 \u003d 11732.98

Selfish cargo

Container shipment: with fear \u003d 60000000 × 0.03 \u003d 1800000 rub.

The container requires 1 seal, the cost of one seal \u003d 250 rubles. The number of containers \u003d 7.

With seals \u003d 250 × 7 \u003d 1750 rub.

Cargo storage: with a storage \u003d 150 × 25 \u003d 3750 rub / day.

Since the load comes on DDP terms, the seller carries out both loading and unloading operations

With PR \u003d 150 × 140 × 2 \u003d 42000 rub.

Weighing: With Weigh \u003d 250 × 150 \u003d 37500 rub.

With extra \u003d 4500 + 3500 + 3750 + 100000 + 1800000 + 42000 + 1750 + 37500 + 234 \u003d 1993234

Total total amount of translucent payment on container shipments will be:

C \u003d (T total + from add.) * C Expext \u003d 2782756.02 (in rubles)

Calculation of the cost of automotive transport

In our case, 8 cars are involved. Tariff distance 2668km.

The fare for shipping in the tilt Eurofur is 27 rubles / km taking into account VAT.

The cost of loading and unloading works - 140 rubles / t

Storage of a truck with a cargo placed in St.x - 1200 rubles / day + 0.05% of the cost of cargo.

Sealing cargo - 100 rubles. per unit of equipment.

Registration of documents into customs and keeping accounting for goods in St.x - 900 rubles.

Customs fees - 100 000 rubles. (According to the Government Decree "On the rates of customs registrations for the customs clearance of goods" for goods, the customs value of which more than 30 million rubles)

Consequently, the cost of transportation is:

C \u003d 27 * 2668 * 8 + 140 * 150 + 1200 * 18 + 100 * 8 + 900 + 100000 \u003d

576288 + 21000 + 9600 + 800 + 900 + 100000 + 10200000 \u003d 10908588 rub.

The results of the calculations we reduce the table.


Cost, ruble




Border stations are designed to transfer passengers, cargo and transportation devices between adjacent railways. There are transmissions (uninterrupted) and overload border stations. The first are located at the junctions of the railways are the same, and the second - at the joints of the roads of different width of the rut.

Currently, Russian Railways acts a significant amount of export, import and transit traffic.

Large traffic volumes cause the need to continuously improve the technology of passing cargo traffic and technology of interaction with customs authorities and other foreign roads.

In the transport strategy of 2030, there is a program for the development of border railways, within which a set of measures to strengthen the infrastructure of border crossings is being implemented.

The creation of the necessary conditions for accelerating technical and commercial processing of trains contributes to the introduction of logistics technologies based on logistics centers, electronic document management systems, improving planning system, etc.

In the work of border stations, the balance of all services is particularly important: railway, customs, border.

The comprehensive solution of this issue is possible when implementing the following technical technologies:

Automated systems ENT, ASCOPB

Use at industrial television stations, modern means of communication

Preliminary declaration of cargo

Significant time savings in the design of cars and trains were obtained when introducing electronic transport invoice / SMGS. This invoice unified the requirements of Eastern and Western right.

The introduction of modern automated control systems allows without delays to organize the works of the railway, customs and border services and other participants in the carriage.

Much attention is paid to the intensification of trains pass through border points due to reducing the time of their processing at the station.

Before the arrival of the cargo train at the station on the station, or the operator, introduces employees of the station, employees of regulatory bodies and workers of the WCCR with the initial train transfer by the arriving train and notifies the arrival time.

PVV is a document containing the information of the carriage of the Vedomosti, the transfer statement on the goods, goods and containers, as well as the transfer inventory on the transport equipment.

After stopping the cargo train, fixing and fencing the composition is made with a locomotive and turns off the voltage in the contact network on this path.

Border Control, the Inspector of the Customs Authority and the VCW Division perform control of the train composition.

Transportation and freight documents are delivered to the station technological center (STC), where documents are reconciled and the adjustment of the TGNL (telegram in full-scale sheet).

After processing, shipping documents together with the PPV are transmitted to the customs border control bodies.

In the PPV, the official of the customs authority stamped stamps in the form "Documents adopted by the customs in ____ hours ___ minutes, returned to the railway station in ___ hours ___ minutes," puts his signature, also put the signature of the railway station.

Employees of customs authorities determine which cars and containers need to be revealed to an inspection. There is a stamp "Issue is allowed" on the transportation documents. Documents are returned to the station. The customs remains 1 copy of the PPV and copies or other instances of other documents.

The customs inspector is an application for an inspection of detained cars.

Simultaneously with the documentary, customs officers in the presence of station workers and workers of the WHWC carry out customs inspection.

On the fact of the autopsy, the act of opening the wagons, after checking, new shut-off-sealing devices are superimposed. Station workers perform control checks and stamping documents and presented the PPV to control the border agency.

Transportation documents are packaged in the presence of customs workers.

On the path of departure, a group of representatives from the customs authority, station workers and the WHC carry out wagons on departure. After the inspection, the current is served in the contact network, trains a train locomotive, the machine package is given.

Main transportation documents

The conclusion of the contract of international shipping is confirmed by the compilation of the invoice. The SMGS invoice consists of five sheets: the original of the invoice and sheet notification of the consignee (is issued to the consignee), road statement, the cargo issuing sheet (remains on the destination road), the duplicate of the invoice (is issued to the sender), as well as additional copies of road vendors for the shipment and transit iron roads Roads. Only the first sheet - the original invoice has the strength of a legal document.

The sender is obliged simultaneously with the presentation of the cargo to the transportation to submit to each sending a correctly completed and signed invoice. The invoice must be filled in strict accordance with the explanations to fill the SMGS invoice. The filling of the invoice is made in the language of the country of departure with the translation to one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof SMGS - Chinese (when transporting to China) or Russian (in all other cases).

The cargo must be named in the invoice or on the nomenclature of the transit tariff (if there is a carriage in the territory of at least one transit country), or on the nomenclature of the internal tariffs of the railway railways of the country of departure (in other cases). The mass of cargo, as well as methods of its definition, are indicated in the invoice according to the rules of the country of shipment.

The SMGS invoice is drawn up for every shipment, that is, a batch of cargo, the following from one sender from one station of departure to one recipient to one destination station. Sender and recipients can be both legal and individuals.

The transportation contract is considered concluded from the moment of admission to the station departure and invoice for transportation. Reception for transportation is certified by applying a departure station in the invoice calendar stamp.

The sender must attach the required additional documents to the invoice: quality certificate, invoice, cargo customs declaration, veterinary certificate, etc., which should be made in column 23 "Documents attached by the Sender".

On each loaded wagon make up the wagon leaf on the blanks and according to the rules of the country of the country of departure.

On the transmitted cargo, the passing road is a transfer statement in six copies: three for renting roads and three for the receiving; One copy each of the roads transfers to its customs authorities; The second - remains in the receipt of the border stations; And the third - sent to the management of the road.

The transfer of cars is issued by the carriage of the statement, which is drawn by the passing side in four copies, two - for the passing side and two - for the receiving.

The time of signing the transfer, and carriage statement by the receiving road representative is considered the time of transfer of goods and wagons.

Filled invoice for our presentation in the application.

In the process of this work, work was done to study theoretical studies and studying the technology of shipping in international communication. From this we can conclude that the organization of the international transport link is a very difficult process, for the successful implementation of which a wide range of knowledge in the field of state legislation, the main technical characteristics of goods and vehicles, geography, economy, customs control, and so on are necessary.

In this course work, such parties of this process were considered as

Description of cargo, its features during transportation, loading-unloading;

The choice of the most suitable transport unit for reliable, cheap and fast transportation;

The optimal form of freight forwarding services is considered;

Delivery time, route and fees taking into account tariff rates, additional payments and forwarding fees;

The technology of the work of the border station, the control of trains, interaction with the customs authorities was studied.

Drawing up the necessary documentation, namely the contract for the sale and purchase of goods prior to the transportation of goods (cargo), the contract of freight forwarding service, filling the railway invoice of SMGS.

Based on the data obtained and the materials studied, the most optimal choice is a blank dispatch, since it is more acceptable for the price, however, if you make a choice on the duration of transportation, it is worth choosing a road. For transportation of chocolate, 25 cars are needed, which is certainly more compared to container shipments for which 7 containers are necessary. Time on the way is the same 14 days. Despite the fact that the indicators in the number of rolling stock and in time on the way are better when using road transport, transportation by road is much more expensive. The shipping fee for the transportation of additional fees will be $ 2237707,81 rub., Which is also significantly lower than the cost of transportation by container and automotive shipments.

Bibliographic list

1. Cargo railway tracks 1520 mm: reference book. - M.: Transport, 1989.

2. Rules for the carriage of goods by rail

3. Incoterms- 2000. International rules for the interpretation of trade terms. - M.: Roskonzult, 2000

4. International Rail Transit Tariff (MTT). Tariff 8100- M.: 1996.- 137 p.

5. Office instructions for an international cargo traffic agreement (SMG) .- M.: Transport, 1992.-335 p.

6. Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation.





Perhaps it will be useful to read: